Dr Meher Thej AIIMS - Quadriplegia what is it, symptoms and treatment

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Tetraplegia is another name for quadriplegia; it

refers to paralysis from the neck down, including

the trunk, legs and arms. This condition is usually

caused by an injury to the spinal cord, which

contains nerves that carry movement and

sensation messages from the brain to different

parts of the body. Quadriparesis is different from

quadriplegia. According to Dr. Boorgula Meher

Thej, A person with quadriparesis can still move

and feel portions of their limbs. A person with

quadriplegia is incapable of moving any of their

limbs at all.

Causes of Quadriplegia by Dr Boorgula Meher Thej

The two main causes of quadriplegia are spinal cord

injury and brain damage (which has many additional

unforeseen outcomes, including changes in persons

consciousness, memory, thinking and mood).

The majority of spinal cord injuries are caused by

accidents, including car accidents, motorcycle

accidents, falls, gunshot wounds, surgical

complications, pedestrian accidents, being struck by

flying objects, sports injuries, and diving mishaps.

Classification of severity is:

• Complete spinal cord injury A: It is a most serious type of

spinal cord injury. Such a patient has no sensation or motor

function below the injury.

• Incomplete spinal cord injury B: This type of patient has

some sensation, , but the motor function is limited below the


• Type C: more than 50% muscles are weak, with inability to

move against gravity

• Type D: less than 50% of the muscles are weak.

• Incomplete spinal cord injury E: It is a minor type of spinal

cord injury. Such a patient has almost normal sensation and


Quadriplegia can also be caused:

• Multiple sclerosis: This is a potentially disabling disease of

the brain and spinal cord, where the immune system attacks

the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and

causes communication problems between your brain and the

rest of your body.

• Lou Gehrig's disease, commonly known as amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis: Lou Gehrig's disease, commonly known as

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: , It is a progressive nervous

system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal

cord, causing loss of muscle control.

• Transverse myelitis: Transverse myelitis is irritation of

both sides of a segment of the spinal cord. This

neurological problem regularly damages the insulating

material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin). Transverse

myelitis interferes with the messages that the spinal

nerves send throughout the body. This can cause pain,

paralysis, sensory problems, muscle weakness, or bladder

and bowel dysfunction.

• Guillain-Barré disease: Guillain-Barré syndrome occurs

when your body's immune system attacks your nerves.

Initial side symptoms are often weakness and tingling in

your range. These feelings can happen immediately. And

eventually paralyzes your whole body.

Symptoms of Quadriplegia:

The basic symptoms of Quadriplegia:

• Numbness throughout body including all the 4 limbs.

• Urinary retention or incontinence with bowel dysfunction

due to lack of smooth muscle control.

• Breathing Problems

Medical Tests for Quadriplegia:

According to Dr Meher Thej AIIMS. Doctors will evaluate patients'

complaints, look into the medical background, examine the

patient's motor and sensory abilities.

Apart from that, various medical tests are done:


Treatment of Quadriplegia:

Treatment depends on the cause of the Quadriplegia, extent of injury

and the condition of patient. You need to consult a

neurosurgeon. Patients with quadriplegia are unable to control their

bodies or senses. For moving around, eating, using the bathroom,

and for each other's daily needs, they are always dependent on


Treatment for Quadriplegic Patients include:

•Respiratory care

•Skin management and skin care

•Exercises to improve movement and strength

•Occupational therapy

•Bowel and bladder control programmes

•Prevention of Deep vein thrombosis

•Prevention of bed sore

About the Dr Meher Thej AIIMS

Dr. Boorgula Meher Thej is a great neurosurgeon. He is

a neuro-onco surgeon, pediatric neurosurgeon, spine

surgeon, and neurotrauma. He operated approximately

150 cases of neuro-oncology, neuro-trauma, CSFdiversion,

and intracranial hemorrhage as primary

surgeon. Boorgula Meher Thej's mission in life is to

have a successful neurosurgical career involving all the

aspects of neurosurgery, serve people, and grow


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