Graham Cooke Prophesy from GOD on 11-15-2019

Transcript of Graham Cooke Prophesy from GOD released at Bethel Church Cleveland on 11-15-2019 titled Practicing the Presence of GOD.

Transcript of Graham Cooke Prophesy from GOD released at Bethel Church Cleveland on 11-15-2019 titled Practicing the Presence of GOD.


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Fullness Games

(Calling all Solutionaries!)

A medium size gift of promise & provision is attached to small problems.

A large gift of promise & provision is attached to medium problems.

A giant gift of promise & provision is attached to large problems.

- Graham Cooke

Solving A Big Problem with GOD

= Giant Gift of Promise & Provision

from GOD

GOD has every solution.

Ask Him for it!

If you can’t go over it;

If you can’t go through it;

If you can’t go around it;

Choose humility & go under it.

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s

possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

- Francis of Assisi


Graham Cooke Prophesy From GOD (on our 11-15-2019)

Bethel Church Cleveland - Practicing the Presence of GOD



to do


Beloved, I am determined to build a house in the Earth. A temple of goodness so tall its light will be seen in the highest and the

lowest of places. Goodness shall be the antidote to greed and self-preservation. The building blocks of trust and faith shall make a

way for untold millions to find their way into the Kingdom.

Beloved, real growth comes from the questions you ask Me not from circumstances that question you. Fullness is the only certainty

in life. I speak these words over you so My joy will be in you in full. I am commissioning you to cultivate goodness in your life, in

your city, in your region. In these days of chaos, it shall be the evidence of being in Christ of living in the new man.

I am banishing measure from your midst. Measure cannot handle the chaos that has been released upon the Earth. Only a life

focused on fullness and abundance and inheritance can inherit all that the Earth needs to rise up. Only the beloved will grasp

the good pleasure of My will. Do not disown My glory. You’re not the same as everyone else. You’re being changed from glory to

glory so that the Bride will begin to be revealed in and through astonishment. The stories of glories must be recorded and sent

around the World. In goodness, shall there become a union between the Head and Body and the mindset of the Bride shall speak

from a new realm of anointing. Behold, I give you more promises than you will ever need and We will create a new economy built

on strategic extravagance. I tell you, the power of the Kingdom will overwhelm the World!

This promise is personal for My people and therefore carries My guarantee. My Word of honor will not return to Me empty. It will

accomplish My purpose. If you let go of it, others will pick it up. So that the promise will succeed in the matter for which I sent

it. Let the promise impregnate your secret place so that it comes to fruition in you. It is vital that you allow these promises to put

you ahead of worldly matters. You will become the bandwagon that people will want to jump on. Blessings, favor, miracles, and

resources will flow into the places that connect with the Kingdom; and as world events darken the landscape your light of goodness

will open up the heavens and the Church will no longer be in recovery. It will be the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:4 that you will

rebuild the ancient ruins. You will raise up the former devastations. You will repair the ruined cities and the desolation of many


I make this promise of your inheritance in Me in the midst of the chaos of your own circumstances that you may stand and not be

moved away from a hope that I am bestowing upon you even this evening. This is your time to rise up and do exploits with Me, so

that wherever you go water will be in your footprints. Everyone you touch will see and hear something and feel something of My

presence. I AM is with you. I AM is with all those you connect with. This is your Word of inheritance for yourself, for your family, for

your friendships, for your places of work. This is your inheritance. You carry an inheritance for the community around about you.

And now it’s time to look Me in the face and smile! Because this is your day. This is the day when you rise up out of your circumstances

into a whole new place of relationship with Me! You will no longer be traumatized by events. You will not live under the

tyranny of your circumstances. Instead, you will live in the fullness of My Heart towards you.

Beloved, this is your time. The Bride is rising up in the Earth and I have allocated untold billions of dollars to the Bride that she

may grow and be seen and become beautiful. Even as Esther had twelve months of beautifying treatments, so I am beautifying

the Bride. I’m doing it through goodness. I’m doing it through an inheritance. I’m doing it by resourcing everything that is in your

heart. This is time for you to step into a new oneness with Me; A new partnership with Me! For the upgrade of your own life and

your own family, for the upgrade of your wider family and friends, and your community, and your workplace, and your city, this is

your moment. Beloved, it starts right here, right now, right here, right now! ‘Cuz I’m not waiting anymore!

When I grant you something, please have the kindness to take Me for granted so that we flow together in a oneness, in a provision,

in a power, in a grace, in a love that changes people and situations. This is your inheritance and I freely give it to you this

evening out of joy and out of a sense of wonder about who you will become as you take hold of it and partner with Me for the

sake of goodness. Amen.

Father, the truth is Jesus deserves this to happen. He deserves that. He deserves to see us powerful. He deserves to see us

resourced. He deserves to see us on top of our gift in our calling. He deserves to see us living in Your love and in Your kindness

and in Your goodness. He deserves us to be successful in the World. He deserves it. He paid a price for that to happen and it is

important for us that He is honored by our trust, by our faith, and by our response to all that You are and all that You want to do.

So when we say, “Father, we ask it in Jesus’ Name” we’re saying we ask it because He deserves it! He deserves it! He deserves it! He

deserves it! He deserves it! So, we’re asking for His sake, not for ours; For His sake in Jesus’ Name, amen.

- GOD with Graham Cooke


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