Freshers Handbook 2022

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Edition: 2022

The Master’s Introduction

Welcome to Trinity.

Well done on making it through the difficult times

of Covid to here. You are at the start of an incredible

journey. You would not be normal if you do

not feel both excited and nervous as you take your

first steps on the voyage. You will be surrounded

by, and immersed in, new thoughts, high hopes, and aspirations. You will make new

friends, meet colleagues, and tutors. With all this going on, I want you to stop. Just

for a moment. I want you to reflect on your surroundings.

Trinity is extraordinary in very many ways: we bring together some of the world’s

brightest minds as students and Fellows. You are joining this historic institution,

this academic family, this special network. You will make friendships that will last

your whole life and may even meet your partner here.

There will be times where the journey is rough and uncertain – essays, exams and

timetables can feel stressful. If though, you approach your time here with an open

mind, make friends, join College and University societies, treat your studies with

the importance they deserve, and have fun, you will find balance. Open the door to

new opportunities, adventures, and self-discovery. Trinity is, and will be, here to

support you – academically, socially and financially.

As the former Chief Medical Officer, it would be amiss if I did not highlight that

we care about your health, physical, mental and social and we, at Trinity, put a

high premium on support. To get you started, please read this TCSU Fresher’s

handbook. You can also find more formal information in the White Book and the

Accommodation Handbook.

I hope you are as excited to be here as we all are to have you here. I look forward to

meeting you all.

Seize the moment, be brave and have fun.

Dame Sally

Master, Trinity College

Tayla’s Introduction

Congratulations! Your journey so far has probably been

hard at times and you deserve to celebrate yourself and

all your achievements. Whilst many of you may feel

as if you “didn’t work hard enough” or “don’t deserve

your place”, I promise you that you are here because

someone saw a spark of potential inside you and that

you are worthy. Don’t be afraid to throw yourself into

everything, when I was in your shoes I already knew

I wanted to join the uni dance society but didn’t think

I would have time to do much else. Yet I’m here now

writing this letter to you two years later, having had so so many amazing experiences.

Please don’t be like me in my first week when I was too shy to attend all the many

Freshers Week events on offer and missed out on some of the experiences that my

friends still talk of today. Equally, don’t spend the whole day meeting new people

and socialising though, making sure you force yourself to take breaks to recharge

and reset is one of the most important skills you will need here! One minute you’ll

have ticked the final thing off on your to-do list for the day, the next there’ll be three

essays due in the next two days. The Cambridge 8-week term is intense and it can

get stressful sometimes. However, in the words of Zac and Vanessa, we really are

all in this together and I promise you aren’t alone. Equally, there will be times when

someone needs a shoulder to cry on and I hope you will all be able to enlighten each

other’s lives in turn.

Remember there are many support networks throughout Trinity and the wider university,

there’s the TCSU officers and your tutor amongst many other people listed

in sections 4.3 and 4.8. Cambridge can feel like a parallel universe, there is slang for

just about everything from the local supermarkets to certain dates on the calendar.

As the length of terms and distance between most colleges are so short, time and

distance seem to work entirely on their terms. But this should not scare you, the

separation between uni and home life is needed to embrace both the intense workload

and rest and self-care needed to look after yourself. As TCSU we are here to

welcome you with open arms and many fun events to be found later on in this book.

Please do come to us with any questions or concerns - our job is to help you!

Enjoy your time here and be kind to yourselves and one another


President, Trinity College Students’ Union


1 Your First Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.1 Your First Hour 11

1.2 Additional Information 11

1.3 Freshers’ Week Timetable 12

2 College Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.1 Weeks begin on Thursday? 19

2.2 Michaelmas? Lent? Easter? 19

2.3 Fellow, Director of Studies, Tutor, Supervisor... 19

2.4 Money 20

2.4.1 College Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.4.2 Everyday Spending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.5 Food 22

2.5.1 Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.5.2 Trinity College Bar & Coffee Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.5.3 Cooking for yourself and eating out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.5.4 Formal Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.6 Chaplains’ Introduction 24

2.7 Laundry 25

2.8 Bedmakers 25

2.9 Sports and Societies 26

2.9.1 Trinity Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.9.2 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


2.9.3 Rowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.9.4 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.10 University Societies 30

2.10.1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.10.2 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.10.3 Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.10.4 Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.11 The JCR 32

2.12 Computing 33

2.12.1 MyTrin, The Student Hub and Trinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.12.2 CamSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.12.3 Moodle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.12.4 CamCORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.12.5 Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.12.6 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.13 Smart Clothes 34

2.13.1 Formal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.13.2 Black Tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.14 Transport 35

3 Useful Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.1 Getting Organised 37

3.2 What to bring (and what not to) 38

3.3 Students’ Maps 40

3.4 Cambridge Glossary 42

4 TCSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 What is TCSU? 45

4.2 TCSU Executive Committee 45

4.3 Welfare 51

4.4 Mental Health 52

4.5 Green Living 53

4.6 International Students 53

4.6.1 Arriving to the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.6.2 What to bring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


4.7 Finally... 55

4.8 Credits 55

4.9 Welfare Contacts 56

1. Your First Week

1.1 Your First Hour

Your arrival location at Trinity will depend on whether you are moving into Angel

Court, Blue Boar or Wolfson. If you’re moving into Angel Court, then you will

arrive through the Backs into New Court; if you are moving into Blue Boar or

Wolfson, you will arrive at the cobbles outside Great Gate. Either way, you’ll meet

student helpers who will help you find the way to your accommodation block. There

are trolleys that you can borrow to help speed things up if your luggage is heavy.

Once you’ve unpacked and settled into your room, you should read this booklet

to see what events will be happening throughout the day and the week. If there

is nothing on, try to make friends with the rest of your household, or go out and

purchase stationery and other items you might need to make your room into a home.

1.2 Additional Information

Currently the college is operating under "normal conditions" with regards to COVID,

meaning there are no longer rules about social distancing or face coverings. Of

course, this may changes as case numbers and government advice changes (touch

wood it won’t!) but you are able to continue wearing a mask or social distancing if

you would like.

If you ever have any questions, no matter how simple or complicated they may

seem, please do come and ask one of the Committee (see section 4.2) or any member

of TCSU+ (recognisable by their bright red t-shirts) you see.

Make sure to check out our website (www.tcsu.net/freshers) where you will find

videos on a range of things, from using the laundry rooms to finding your way

around College!

12 Chapter 1. Your First Week

1.3 Freshers’ Week Timetable

On the next few pages is a handy guide to the things that Trinity, TCSU and Trinity

societies are putting on for Freshers’ Week 2022. Many of the events will require

some form of online sign up, details of which will be emailed to you. Other

things like signing up to the GP are also very important; information will come

in Freshers’ Week. For further explanation of what some of the events are, there’s

a big list after the timetable (starting p13).

You can subscribe to the online TCSU Freshers’ Week Calendar to get the latest

changes to the schedule and details of all the events pushed to your phone: all the

information you’ll need can be found at www.tcsu.net/freshers.

Events in bold are compulsory and attendance is expected from everyone. If

you would not like to attend, please contact a TCSU Committee member (see

www.tcsu.net for contact details).




Wednesday 28th September

iTCSU Helpdesk 09:00–18:30 Great Gate

Information Session 14:00–15:00 JCR

Tour of Town 15:00–16:00 Departing from Great Gate

Afternoon Snacks 16:00–18:00 College Bar

International Freshers Welcome


20:00–22:00 College Bar

Thursday 29th September

iTCSU Helpdesk 09:00–18:30 Great Gate

Information Session 10:30–11:30 JCR

Tour of Town 11:30–12:30 Departing from Great Gate

Afternoon Tea 15:00–17:00 College Bar

International Freshers Welcome 20:00–22:00 College Bar

Night Punting 20:30–23:00 Backs

1.3 Freshers’ Week Timetable 13

Friday 30th September

iTCSU Helpdesk 09:00–18:30 Great Gate

Information Session 10:30–11:30 JCR

Tour of Town 11:30–12:30 Departing from Great Gate

Punting 13:30–14:30 Backs

Welfare Tea 16:00–18:00 College Bar

International Freshers Welcome 20:00–22:00 College Bar

Movie Night 20:30–23:30 JCR

Saturday 1st October

Welcome Refreshments All day Marquee in Nevile’s Court

TCSU Helpdesk 08:00–18:00 Great Gate

Tutorial Meet and Greet 08:30-18:00 Old College Office

Gown Sale and Refreshments 10:00–17:00 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Senior Tutor’s Welcome to Parents 16:00-16:30 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

College Family Introductions (p19) 18:00–19:50 College Parents’ Rooms

Welcome Reception 19:00–22:30 College Bar

Sunday 2nd October

Outdoor Yoga 10:00-11:30 Adrian House Seminar Room

Fresher’s Service 11:00-12:00 The Chapel

Respect Workshop 13:30–17:30 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Final Gown Sale 14:00–15:00 College Bar

Tour of College and University 14:00–16:30 Meet on the Backs

College Family Introductions (p19) 18:00–19:50 College Parents’ Rooms

Freshers’ Formal 20:00–21:00 Hall

Chaplains Squash 21:15–22:15 The Cloisters

Movie Night 22:30 Lower JCR

Monday 3rd October

Signing of the Admissions Book 11:00-16:45 Wren Library

Tutorial Harangues 09:00–10:00 Various

College Introductions 10:00-11:00 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Matriculation Photograph 11:00-11:30 Nevile’s Court

Welcome Talks 11:30-13:00 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Life Skills Sessions 13:00-15:00 JCR

Garden Party 15:00-17:30 Fellows’ Bowling Green

Pub Tour 18:30-22:00 Meet in College Bar

Quiz Night 20:00-21:30 College Bar

Music Society Welcome 21:30-22:30 Junior Parlour

14 Chapter 1. Your First Week

Tuesday 4th October

DoS Meetings All day Various

Signing of the Admissions Book 09:00-16:45 Wren Library

Library Inductions


advertised in Library


Consent Workshops 09:00–14:00 Junior Parlour

Chill Games 14:00-16:00 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Green Workshops 17:00-18:30 Winstanley Lecture Theatre

BBQ 18:00-20:30 Cloisters

FaT Boat Club Welcome 19:00-20:30 Bar

Night Punting 20:00-22:00 The Backs

LGBTQ+ Welcome Reception 20:30-22:00 College Bar

Wednesday 5th October

DoS Meetings All day Various

Library Inductions


advertised in Library


Trinity Oriental Society Welcome 11:30-12:30 Junior Parlour

Trinity French Society Welcome 14:00-17:00 JCR

Trinity Maths Society Welcome 14:00-17:00 College Bar

Welfare Tea 15:00–16:00 Blue Boar Common Room

Trinity Science Society Welcome 16:00-18:00 Junior Parlour

Trinity Christian Union 18:00-20:00 JCR

BME Welcome Reception 18:30-20:30 JCR

Swap with Jesus 19:00-22:30 Meet at Great Gate

Thursday 6th October

College Family Check-in 16:00–18:00 JCR

Dinner with Johns 19:00-20:30 Meet at Great Gate

Bowling 19:00-22:30 Meet at Great Gate

FemSoc x PolSoc 20:30-22:00 College Bar

Magpie and Stump 21:00-22:00 College Bar

Friday 7th October

Cake with the President 14:00–16:30 President’s Room (Great Court M4)

Nevile’s Ent 21:00–23:15 Marquee in Nevile’s Court

Saturday 8th October

Freshers’ Sports Day 13:00–16:00 Old Field

TEGA 16:00–18:00 Blue Boar Common Room

Sunday 9th October

College Family Dinner Up to parents Up to parents

1.3 Freshers’ Week Timetable 15


Afternoon Tea/Snacks


BME Welcome Reception

Cake with the President

Chaplains’ Squash

Chill Games

College Family Checkin/Dinner

College Family Introductions

Consent Workshops

Dinner with Johns

DoS Meetings

FaT Boat Club Welcome


Drink tea, eat snacks, and seize this opportunity to get

to know the TCSU and some more of your cohort a bit

better through this informal and pleasant event in the

College Bar.

Enjoy a barbecue in the cloisters underneath the Wren


A place to celebrate the growing diversity of students

at Trinity.

An opportunity to seeing the inside of a Great Court

room - and its occupant Tayla. Come along for cake,

tea and a casual chit-chat

Like a Freshers Fair but only Trinity specific societies

will be present. Sign up to lots—get involved.

A quiet afternoon session of board games to relax a

little in the middle of a busy week.

A chance to catch up with your College Family after

Freshers’ Week.

Time to meet your College Family in the flesh; they’ll

be there to answer any immediate questions you have

about Trinity, Cambridge and university life.

Possibly the most important and informative event of

Freshers’ Week: make sure you attend.

A lovely evening meal with some of our neighbours

and long term rivals.

A time and a place for these will be sent to you by

your Director of Studies.

An opportunity to sign up to and learn about Cambridge’s

most popular sport.

16 Chapter 1. Your First Week


FemSoc x PolSoc

Freshers’ Formal Hall

Freshers’ Service

Freshers’ Sports Day

(International) Freshers

Welcome (Reception)

Freshers’ Yoga

Garden Party

Gown Sale

Green Workshops


Information Session


A joint welcome event co-hosted by Trinity’s own

Feminist Society and Politics Society

An introduction to Cambridge’s famous Formal Dinners.

The Chaplains hold an introductory service for freshers,

students of all faiths welcome.

Your first opportunity to try out a sport or two at Trinity

and to meet your new teammates.

After you have moved in and unpacked, help us kick

off Freshers’ week in style.

A session of yoga to take your mind off the stress

of having to cook your own meals and do your own


A Garden Party in the delightful surroundings of the

Fellows’ Bowling Green.

This is where you’ll buy your gown, T-shirts and club

tickets. Various people will also be on hand to help

you with the admin tasks of signing up to a GP or

registering to vote.

Run by the TCSU Environmental and Domestic Officer,

this workshop will help you learn more about

the climate crisis, and discuss with other students how

you can live more green as a student in Cambridge.

The TCSU Committee will be on hand to greet you

and point you in the right direction.

An information session for International Students run

by the Overseas Welfare Officer.




An introduction to the LGBTQ+ community at Trinity

Library Induction

You need to be inducted to the ways of the Trinity

Library, where you may get books from. This won’t

take long and there are lots of time slots.

1.3 Freshers’ Week Timetable 17


Life Skills Session

Magpie and Stump



Music Society Welcome

Nevile’s Ent

Pub Tour

(Night) Punting

Respect Workshops

Senior Tutor’s Welcome

to Parents

Signing of the

Admissions Book

TEGA Plant Sale

Tour of Town / College

Trinity Christian Union



A drop in session ran by the TCSU Access Officer

offering advice on money management and academic


An introduction to Trinity’s comedy society - time to

see if nerds can actually be funny

You will need your gown. Also, remember that you

will see this photo for years to come, so choose your

outfit at the start of the day wisely!

Trinity College Music Society will offer an introduction

to their events and activities.

TCSU’s flagship Freshers’ week event. Come along

for an evening of music and drinks to remember.

Go on a tour of some of the excellent pubs in Cambridge.

Try out one of the most quintessential Cambridge experiences

by having a go at punting on the river Cam.

Important and informative workshop exploring the

various differences that inevitably exist in the diverse

student population

The Senior Tutor will welcome your parents to the

College community.

You will sign the admissions book to confirm your

Matriculation to Trinity. This has been happening for

hundreds of years; you’ll even be able to see Isaac

Newton’s name from when he did it.

Decorate your new room with some greenery.

A tour of the most vital places you’ll want to know in

the College and in Cambridge - there’ll be multiple

groups going.

Get to know the Christian Union better and learn about

what the society has in store for the year.

18 Chapter 1. Your First Week


Trinity French Society


Trinity Maths Society


Trinity Oriental Society


Trinity Science Society


Tutorial Harangues

Tutorial and Accommodation

Meet and Greet

Walk to Grantchester

Welcome Refreshments

Welcome Talks

Welfare Tea


Learn more about the College’s very own French Society.

A chance to learn about the oldest existing subject

society in the UK. Meet the committee, find out

about upcoming events and maybe sign up for lifetime

membership for just £2.50.

A warm welcome from Trinity College Oriental Society.

Learn more about the College’s very own Science Society.

Time for you to meet your Tutor! Details will be

emailed to you.

Time for you to meet the various college staff who

have been emailing you over the past month.

Enjoy a walk down to one of Cambridgeshire’s most

picturesque villages.

Opportunity for you (and anyone who came to drop

you off) to put your feet up and enjoy a cuppa after

lugging a heavy suitcase and half a dozen plants up

and down various staircases.

A proper welcome from important people (like us!)

and staff around Trinity.

Take an hour to enjoy tea and donuts with our Welfare


2. College Life

2.1 Weeks begin on Thursday?

Yep. This largely makes no difference, but your timetable will start on Thursday and

end on Wednesday, and if you have different lectures on odd- and even-numbered

weeks, you may need to be a bit more careful than usual! Weeks are generally

referred to by numbers with Week 1 being the first week of ‘Full Term’ (the part of

Term when lectures occur). For example, Week 1 of Michaelmas Term 2022 starts

on 6th of October.

2.2 Michaelmas? Lent? Easter?

The year at Cambridge is split up into three terms, each lasting eight weeks. The first

of these terms is Michaelmas Term (sometimes referred to as Mich—pronounced

‘mick’) which starts at the beginning of October and runs until the start of December

(or end of November, depending on the year). Lent Term runs from mid-January

until mid-March, and Easter Term is between the end of April and the middle of


2.3 Fellow, Director of Studies, Tutor, Supervisor...

When you arrive there will be a few people you’re introduced to with strange titles.

Let’s clear that up now, because we’ll use these words a lot throughout.

A Fellow is an academic who works for the College and sometimes the University

as well. There are many different kinds of Fellow, some not much older than PhD

students and some that are very senior. They are full-time academics and many

give lectures, or have important roles within the College or University. The act of

Fellows passing their knowledge down to current students, some of whom become

Fellows themselves, has been a fundamental part of Cambridge University since it

was founded. Some Fellows have made significant contributions to their field, and

all Fellows should be treated with the highest level of respect (e.g., all emails to

20 Chapter 2. College Life

them should come from your @cam.ac.uk address and begin ‘Dear Dr. <surname>’

or ‘Dear Prof. <surname>’ rather than ‘Hi Sally’). Once you get to know a Fellow

better this might relax, but it’s always better to be too polite than not polite enough.

Supervisors give you supervisions. Learning is primarily done through Supervisions

in Cambridge: you go to your lecture, you study, you do an assignment on

it for your supervisor and then they tell you if and where you’ve misunderstood it

in a supervision and ask you follow-up questions. Supervisors are PhD students,

Fellows, or other active researchers. They will often be based at Trinity, but not

always. Some supervisors may encourage you to email them during the week if you

don’t understand a topic and studying isn’t helping.

Each Term, your Director of Studies, or DoS (pronounced ‘doss’), organises

who your supervisors will be. If you have any problems with your supervisions or

your course, you should talk to them about it. They will probably be a senior Fellow

in the subject you’re taking.

Your Tutor or Personal Tutor is the Fellow in College that is responsible for

your life as a student in every respect that isn’t directly related to your course—in

fact, they will normally not be an academic in your subject. With the help of the

Tutorial Secretary, your Tutor will try and make your life as easy as possible

while you are at Trinity by advising you in any communication with the University,

discussing with you any issues that you’re experiencing and exploring all possible

options to minimise any problems. They are not counsellors, but they will always

listen to whatever it is you’d like to say, and no question is ever too silly to ask.

Think of your Tutor like a teacher you got on really well with at school. The more

your Tutor knows about what your current thoughts, hopes, fears and plans are, the

more they can help you out when it counts.

2.4 Money

2.4.1 College Bill

All of your financial dealings with the College will be done through your College

Bill, issued at the beginning of every term. Lots of detail about this can be found in

the White Book, but the key thing to remember is that it will have your food from

the previous Term and your rent for the coming Term (there’s something a bit more

complicated when you graduate but you don’t need to worry about that yet).

The College Bill is very versatile and it can include many things such as credits

to your account if you win a prize or claim sporting expenses (or similar). Prizes,

bursaries, awards and expenses are frequent throughout the year, and you should

check the section on The Student Hub regularly to see whether you are eligible for

any. For example you can claim £75 annually for any books that you buy which are

related to your course, and there is a similar fund for sporting related expenses.

2.4 Money 21

Your College Bill will vary a lot depending on how often you eat meals in Hall,

which room you are in and how familiar you make yourself with the Bar. A typical

student who eats at least one of lunch and dinner in Hall every day, has a

bedsit room and is frequently in the Bar might expect to pay £1250 in rent and

£500–£600 on their Kitchen Account (combined Hall, Bar and Formals) each term.

You’ll also have to pay about £190 a term up front on the Kitchen Fixed Charge

(unless you are exempt—more details on this can be found in the White Book or

by contacting Will, our Environmental and Domestic Officer, if you have specific

dietary requirements that mean you can’t eat in Hall). Heating, electricity and water

are included in the rent too, though you should limit usage for environmental reasons.

Everyone is different, and you can check how much you’re spending on your

Kitchen Account at any time using Upay (more details will be given to you by the

Catering Department when they set up your account).

2.4.2 Everyday Spending

Most UK high street banks have a branch in Cambridge and almost all of them

have a current account specifically designed for students. If possible, it’s best to

organise things like this before you arrive. Most banks offer freebies to try and

attract students into opening an account with them like a free railcard. While these

can certainly be valuable you should look beyond the offer and see whether the

account suits you. Bear in mind that in the UK you can use most cash machines

without charge, so it doesn’t make much difference to your everyday life.

Since the terms are so short and intense it’s unlikely that you’ll have the time

to balance work, societies, relaxing and having a job. It is for this reason that the

University discourages students from taking up paid positions during term time.

However, as there are lengthy vacation periods, many students do get a job during

the vacations to supplement their student loans. There are also opportunities to

take part in outreach events within Trinity as a Student Ambassadors which usually

means £20 and a free lunch! Do make sure, though, that you have plenty of rest

during the holidays and leave time to revise too. Both the University and Trinity

offer many forms of financial support (such as the Trinity Maintenance Grant

or the Cambridge Bursary) to ensure that you don’t need to get a job to keep studying.

Many people find budgeting to be a good idea; working out how much you can

afford to spend per week and trying to stick to it is really useful, especially at the end

of term. Each person’s budget will be different, but if at any point you experience

financial difficulty while here, speak to your Tutor about it ASAP. They are there

to help you, and have the power to give you more time to pay your bills and to help

find suitable funds and support for you. Trinity is all about stripping away as many

barriers as possible between you and your subject, and helping you stress less over

money is just one of the ways they can do that.

More information on everything in this section can be found in the White Book.

22 Chapter 2. College Life

2.5 Food

2.5.1 Hall

Meal Timings Days

Breakfast 08:00–09:30 Mon–Sat

Brunch 11:00–14:00 Sun

Lunch 11:30–14:00 Mon–Sat

Dinner 17:30–19:15 Mon–Sat

18:15–19:30 Sun

Formal Hall 20:00–21:00 Check on Upay

At Trinity we have Hall that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday (apart from

Sunday when we have brunch and dinner). All meals can be taken in Hall which

is the magnificent building right next to the Master’s Lodge. Many students eat

most of their meals here. A meal in Hall will generally cost about £3.50, and this

is charged to your Kitchen Account (see section 2.4.1) when you scan your card.

You can check Hall menus online in advance (http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/menu);

they’re also posted in the Bar and outside Hall. Note that meal times may vary due

to Formals and feasts, so keep an eye on the Servery notice boards or the Upay


2.5.2 Trinity College Bar & Coffee Shop

The Trinity College Bar & Coffee Shop (usually ‘The Bar’) is in Great Court I

staircase (which links Great Court to Angel Court). Unlike some other Colleges’

bars, ours is run by Trinity staff rather than students. You can buy sandwiches and

snacks, as well as a variety of cold, hot and soft drinks. Anything in the Bar can

be charged to your Kitchen Account using your University card. You shouldn’t

consume things in the Bar that aren’t bought in the Bar; in general, you should treat

it as a normal coffee shop in the day and a pub in the evening—but a little bit cheaper.

2.5 Food 23

2.5.3 Cooking for yourself and eating out

Learning to make some basic everyday meals (eg. toast, pasta, couscous or salad)

will save you a lot of money in exchange for a bit of time and forward planning.

Facilities are available at Trinity for those that wish to cook for themselves: wherever

your room is, your staircase will have a communal mini-kitchen, called a gyp. This

room will contain cupboards, a sink, a fridge, a kettle, a toaster and a microwave.

If you’re in Wolfson or Blue Boar Staircase I, your gyp will also have an oven and

hobs. Note: don’t start cooking and then leave the room, as you will set off fire


The Trinity College Bar & Coffee Shop

You can also eat out. Cambridge has many cafés and restaurants that cater to all

sorts of diets. Bear in mind that it will (almost always) be more expensive than Hall

or cooking, but it can be good for a treat. Many places have a student discount, so

make sure to ask if you do eat out!

2.5.4 Formal Hall

Formal Hall dinners (‘Formals’) are a unique feature of Cambridge; every College

has them although they all do them slightly differently. They are a great way to

celebrate something and you are encouraged (by tradition, and by us) to be sociable

and to talk to the people you’re sat next to, whoever that may be.

For Formals at Trinity, you have to dress up and

wear a gown (see more in section 2.13.1). At

each you get a three course meal with wine (+

coffee/tea) served to you at your table. You are

also allowed a guest ticket, which are slightly

more expensive. You buy tickets for Formals using

Upay at around £13. TCSU also run various

themed Formals throughout the year, including

Welfare Formals, Green Formals, Halloween

Formal and others, so keep your eyes peeled.

24 Chapter 2. College Life

Formals will probably be quite different to what you may be used to, and are

when the College feels most like Hogwarts. As long as you start with the cutlery on

the outside and work inwards (and most importantly smile), you’ll have a great time.

2.6 Chaplains’ Introduction

Welcome to Trinity! The Chaplains have two main tasks in college: taking services

in the ancient and famous chapel and also looking out for the welfare and good

humour of all students.

To deal with the latter aspect first, the Chaplains are available to help any member

of college, regardless of religious belief, who has a personal problem or needs some

other kind of support. We respect confidentiality and are well plugged in to the other

welfare help available in college. We particularly hope to help those suffering from

feelings of isolation, stress, homesickness or depression, but we regularly see people

who just fancy a chat, who want to share a concern they have about another person,

or who want a friendly perspective on a personal issue. In all these encounters, we

don’t talk about religion unless you want us to. We are pretty much unshockable

and we will never judge you.

We also organise a wealth of social events around college at which all students are

welcome: events in previous years included a tour of King’s College roof, a trip to

an exhibition at the British Museum, ice skating, ten pin bowling, walks and pub

lunches, cheese tasting and much more. Please look out for details of events this

coming year in our regular emails.

The chapel is open to all students, both for its services and generally as a place of

quiet reflection. The beautiful building that you see now is about 500 years old.

The choir which sings at services (mostly made up of Trinity students) is famous

around the world. Do drop in to listen to them sing during your time in Cambridge.

Evensong is sung every week during term, and a very popular sung compline (with

2.7 Laundry 25

port afterwards) takes place on Wednesday evenings. Please look out for information

about service times etc in our regular emails.

We really look forward to meeting you in person.

John Summers and Anne Strauss, Chaplains

2.7 Laundry

Trinity has multiple laundry rooms that are located around the College. Freshers are

most likely to use the laundry rooms in Whewell’s Court (in the gap between the

two courtyards by the Wolfson Building) or Angel Court (by the Accommodation

Office) which are underground laundry rooms. In order to use the washing machines

and tumble dryers, you need to get a free laundry card from the Porters. Magnetic

fields will screw laundry cards up, so its best not to keep them next to your bank

cards or your University card. Each card has fifteen credits; a wash cycle is two

credits, and a drying cycle is one. The cards tend to be rather temperamental and

stop working if they get wet, torn or too bent, so make sure to look after them well!

You need to provide your own washing powder/detergent, fabric conditioner if

you’re feeling fancy, and laundry basket (or bag). If you prefer not to use a dryer,

bringing a clothes horse would be worthwhile (see section 3.2). All the laundry

rooms have ironing boards and irons provided.

A top tip is to leave your laundry bag or basket by the machine you are using,

so that if someone needs to use the machine before you make it back, they can leave

it in your basket rather than on the floor.

2.8 Bedmakers

Bedmakers (or ‘Bedders’) are the College cleaners. They work on weekdays and

come in twice a week to empty your bins, clean, hoover your room and change your

bedsheets (the College-issued ones: they won’t clean any that you bring from home)

once a week. They will also clean the gyp rooms, but they definitely won’t do your

dishes. If for whatever reason, you don’t want the Bedder to come in that day, you

can leave your bin outside the door and this is a standard non-verbal international

symbol for having a lie-in.

It is worth mentioning that Bedders are not your own personal cleaners! You should

always clear up after yourself and keep your room as tidy as possible as it makes their

job much easier. More information is available in the Accommodation Handbook.

26 Chapter 2. College Life

2.9 Sports and Societies

2.9.1 Trinity Societies

As one of the bigger colleges, it is no surprise that Trinity has a society for you,

whatever you like. Better still, all the societies will be in one place at the Chaplain’s

Squash and eager to take on new members. With little to no commitment, there’s no

reason not to get involved, so go wild and signup for anything and everything that

takes your fancy! Societies will be happy to take on members later in the year as

well, so there’s always room to join in.

If you feel there’s a society missing from Trinity, that you would love to see, you

can start it yourself with financial assistance from the ACC. It’s far from difficult

and several new societies spring up each year. To get the process started, contact the

TCSU’s Junior Steward, Saksham at junior-steward@tcsu.net.

2.9.2 Sports (by Clodagh Bottomley, Field Club President)

Hello and a massive welcome to Trinity! I’m

the Field Club President for this year, which

basically means I help make sure all of the

best sports at Trinity (sorry rowers. . . ) run


Whilst the enormity of Trinity might feel overwhelming

during your first week, it does come

with some major advantages when it comes

to sport. Firstly, we’re able to field a

wide range of sports teams which hopefully

means there’s something out there for everyone,

whether it’s climbing or football. However,

if there’s a sport that you think we’re

missing - possibly one which hasn’t been restarted

post COVID - let me know and I

would love to help you start/restart it yourself!

Trinity’s most successful

sports team still smiling,

despite being robbed of a

Cupper’s victory

Secondly, a large student body has a large range

of sporting abilities and consequently our sports teams have a mix of both extremely

talented and somewhat less talented individuals taking part. Please don’t be put off

signing up if you’re brand new to the sport or less experienced! For most of our

teams, playing is fairly low commitment and it’s completely up to you how seriously

you want to take it. Having said that, it’s definitely worth remembering that as the

workload picks up, exercising, especially with your friends, is a really beneficial

way to take a break and help you relax and/or refocus.

Finally, included in the large expanse of land owned by Trinity are several great

sports facilities including Old Fields, a short walk through college to Adams Road,

2.9 Sports and Societies 27

and a pitch on Cranmer Road for us to use. At Old Fields, the field is used for rugby,

football and tennis, whereas the six tennis courts at Old Fields - three hard courts

and three grass - are used for netball and hockey, as well as tennis (unsurprisingly).

There is also a gym with cardio equipment on the top floor, and weight-training

beneath, as well as indoor courts used for badminton, squash, volleyball, table tennis

and other indoor sports.

If you’re not sold yet, we’re hoping that this year will bring the return of the

highlight of the Field Club calendar, the Christchurch swap. This ‘swap’, or exchange,

is (or was, before COVID) an annual multi-sport competition against our

sister college in Ox*ford. Whilst this hasn’t happened for years, the rivalry is still

fierce, and the promise of its return one weekend in Lent 2023 should definitely be

an incentive to get involved in college sports!

How to get involved with the Field Club?

1. Come to Chaplains squash and sign up to mailing lists and WhatsApp groups for

all the different sports teams. Remember, you can always unsubscribe from mailing

lists and signing up isn’t a commitment to anything, so go crazy

2. Check out the Field Club website and Instagram for updates

3. Come along to the Fresher’s sports day at Old Fields and try out some of the

many sports we have on offer

4. If you miss the chance to sign up to a sport at Chaplain’s squash, or want to chat

about starting a new sport, get in touch with the captain of the team, or with me!

I really hope you guys make the most of all these opportunities, whether sport

is your entire personality or if you are just looking for a way to meet people, take

a break from studying, and stay fit. Many of my closest friendships and happiest

memories at Trinity have been made on a sports pitch, and I can’t wait to get to

know Trinity’s newest athletes this year.

Please get in touch at any point throughout the year if you have any questions,

requests or suggestions! My CRSID is ccb44, or send me a message on Facebook.

Summer term touch rugby is mixed in

gender, skill and having any idea what

the rules are

W1 on the water.

28 Chapter 2. College Life

2.9.3 Rowing (by George Mears, First and Third Trinity Boat Club Overall


Hello there. I’m George, current captain of First and Third, the rowing club here at

Trinity College. Why should I care about learning to row you ask yourself. Here’s a

few reasons:

1) Community. The largest society in Trinity and that’s not a coincidence. Through

on and off water training sessions, on and off-cam races, training camps (this year

with one in Seville), crew dinners, club socials, swaps with other college boat clubs,

termly boat club dinners and more, you’ll soon find yourself forming long and

lasting friendships with your fellow rowers which can last a lifetime.

2) The sport itself: Besides the socials, we do try to row a bit as well. If you

arrive without much sporting prowess or motivation for exercise, then you’re in

the right place. Many rowers started the same way and are now some of the club’s

most dedicated athletes, being the fittest they’ve ever been and learning to enjoy it

(most of the time). If you have previously done lots of sports and want a competitive

environment to push yourself, you will find others with a similar drive and push

yourself to the next level, training hard up to 7 times a week. Many also try rowing

and decide that the training isn’t for them, in which case there are also lower commitment

boats for those who just want to go out and enjoy being outdoors on the

water once or twice a week.

Coxes: Maybe you don’t think it’s for you, or perhaps you try it and it isn’t quite

your thing. There’s also the opportunity to learn to cox: Every boat needs a driver,

and you could get the chance to learn how to steer, command, and drive the crew of

8 rowers to make the boat go fast and feel the rush of the water under your seat. If it

doesn’t sound appealing, just know that many rowers go on to cox instead and wish

they had started sooner.

3) History: The history of rowing at Cambridge and Trinity is a long and rich

one (as evidenced by the mysterious name “First and Third”) going back almost 200

years. Even May Balls at Trinity were invented by First and Third. This is a chance

to take part in one of the big aspects of Cambridge life and become a part of this

ever growing legacy. You’ll also get to compete in the historic Cambridge bumps

races which have been going on since 1827: A traditional, yet very seriously taken,

set of races where the goal is to row into a boat from another college in front of you,

while avoiding the boat behind.

4) College support: There is lots of funding, so we can row, maintain equipment,

get first class coaching and more absolutely free. This is done through both

funding from the college, and through generous donations from alumni giving back

to the club. For things we do ask you to buy yourself like kit or training camp

expenses, there are other funds such as the sports kit fund or the Dunlevie fund

which will cover most/all of it. In short, there is no barrier to entry becoming a part

of First and Third.

2.9 Sports and Societies 29

If any of this sounds interesting to you, look out for sign up events during freshers

week such as Chaplains Squash where you’ll see me and many others in the club.

There, you’ll can sign up for your first tubbing session (like rowing with stabilisers)

and get started.You can also email the novice captains at lbcs@firstandthird.org to

sign up or if you have any questions.

If you have rowed or coxed before, then get in touch with either me (George Mears,

menscaptain@firstandthird.org) or the women’s captain (Matilda Watts, womenscaptain@firstandthird.org)

and we can bring you into the senior squad straight away.

2.9.4 Music (by Sophie Williams, Trinity College Music Society President)

Hi there! I’m Sophie and I’m the President for TCMS this coming year, one of

the most active music societies in Cambridge. We consist of a large committee of

people ready and raring to handle all things musical throughout the college, putting

on multiple concerts a week in our wonderful chapel, slightly more intimate recitals

around the college, and the ultimate weekly downtime activity of Jazz in the Bar

every Sunday evening in termtime.

The society’s focus is to provide high quality music for all, especially students,

and to open the doors to those who may otherwise have not had opportunities to

perform in spaces such as the ones the college has to offer. Some highlights from

last year’s concerts include our Organ Recital Series which ran over Lent and Easter,

and the Composers Concert showcasing pieces written by students. We also put

on larger scale projects, such as the 2021 production of Figaro in the Chapel, and

the Under the Wren collaboration concert which brought together multiple music

societies from across Cambridge, finishing with Tallis’ 40-part Spem in Alium,

directly under the Wren Library. We also have a very active YouTube channel,

https://www.youtube.com/c/TrinityCollegeMusicSociety/videos if you want to see

some of the concerts which have taken place over the past few years.

As well as putting on concerts within termtime, we have a student-run College

orchestra and choir. Trinity Orchestra, which was revitalised last year with a performance

of Brahms and Beethoven, doesn’t have a regular rehearsal slot, but is

instead on a ‘rehearse pre-project’ basis, so if you might be interested in auditioning,

get in touch at president@tcms.org.uk. Trinity Singers is our non-auditioned

choir which is open to all who would like to get involved in some slightly more

informal choral singing. The rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings at 7:45pm

in termtime, usually with a concert at the end of each term as well. If you would be

interested in joining, get in touch with singersdirector@tcms.org.uk.

The TCMS membership puts college music right on your doorstep with free admission

to all of the concerts that we put on, including the Wren library concert and

May Week Concert that we host in the Easter term. The cost is £20 for a lifetime

membership, or £11 for the duration of your time as a student here in Cambridge.

Please do get in touch with membership@tcms.org.uk if you are interested in becoming

a member.

30 Chapter 2. College Life

Rehearsal for the May Week Operetta

One of my favourite things about TCMS is that there always seems to be

something going on, so if you just need a bit of a break from work, or fancy

venturing into the world of unknown music for 40 minutes, then you can. We are

also very much a student society, so if you want to perform or have ideas about other

events we could put on, then we would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate

to get in touch at president@tcms.org.uk or look on our website tcms.org.uk for

more details. Looking forward to meeting many of you this term!

2.10 University Societies

Sometimes there are not enough people interested in something in a single College to

justify having a College society, which is where University societies take over. The

list of all the University societies is huge, encompassing everything from amateur

radio to gymnastics to tiddlywinks.

These societies will have a stall at the University Freshers’ Fair where you will be

able to sign up. Keep an eye out for the Domino’s Pizza Stand which gives out free

pizza and vouchers!

2.10.1 Sports

If you are interested in doing a sport more often or at a higher level than available

in College, University-level sport may be for you. There are 52 official University

sports clubs ranging from tennis to yachting to korfball.

University sport is of a more competitive level and usually requires training more

often. Some teams also require trials to see what team would suit you. If you’d like

2.10.2 Music

2.10.3 Art

2.10 University Societies 31

to get in contact sooner, for example to find out about pre-season training, or generally

want to find out more have a look at: https://www.sport.cam.ac.uk/studentsport/university-sports-clubs/,

or check out individual sports club’s websites.

Cambridge University Musical Society (CUMS) is one of the oldest and most

distinguished university music societies in the world. It offers a world-class musical

education for members of the University and local residents, nurturing the great

musicians of the future and providing performance opportunities for over 500

students each year.

Founded in 1843, the Society has played a pivotal role in British musical life

for over 170 years. It has educated Sir Andrew Davis, Sir Mark Elder, Sir John

Eliot Gardiner, Edward Gardner, Christopher Hogwood and Robin Ticciati, has

premièred works by Brahms, Holloway, Lutoslawski, Rutter, Saxton and Vaughan

Williams, and has given generations of Cambridge musicians the experience of

performing alongside visiting conductors and soloists including Britten, Dvořák,

Kodaly, Menuhin and Tchaikovsky.

Today, CUMS is made up of eight high-quality ensembles which offer a wide

variety of musical experiences to Cambridge students. For orchestral musicians,

the Society offers two outstanding orchestras: the flagship Cambridge University

Orchestra, who perform a variety of symphonic and chamber repertoire with

professional conductors and soloists, and the Cambridge University Sinfonia,

which is conducted by visiting professionals and the finest student conductors

throughout the year. Additionally, the Cambridge University Wind Orchestra

provides opportunities for wind, brass and percussion players to tackle a challenging

and musically diverse repertoire in a sociable environment. For singers, CUMS

includes a Symphony Chorus and a Chamber Choir, which provide opportunities

for singers to perform outside of the Cambridge chapel choir environment.

Details of rehearsal schedules and the concert programmes lined up for 2022–2023

can be found on our website (www.cums.org.uk); you can also receive regular

updates about the Society’s activities on Facebook and Twitter (@CamUniMusSoc).

Each of the CUMS ensembles holds auditions at the start of the academic year.

To find out more or sign up for an audition, head over to the website.

Trinity is home to hundreds of works of art, so there’s lots to see around the College,

from the Library to the walls of Great Hall. Trinity Fine Arts Society hosts life

drawing classes and Trinity Arts society runs the Picture Lending Scheme, as well as

hosting guest speakers throughout the year. Neither of these require an application

process or prior knowledge—just an interest in art!

32 Chapter 2. College Life

The Fitzwilliam Gallery, Kettle’s Yard and the Heong Gallery offer lots of free talks

and workshops. There are many life drawing classes (including Life Lines and

ArcSoc) throughout the term and Varsity Magazine welcomes student writing on

art. There are also many student-run zines, including CSU’s Get Real and Gender

Agenda, which feature illustration, writing and art in all its forms. PhoCUS is a

great place to meet other student photographers and Cambridge Shorts is great for


2.10.4 Drama

The main hubs for University Drama are the ADC Theatre and the Corpus Playroom.

At least four shows (ADC Main Show, Corpus Main Show, ADC Late Show and

Corpus Late Show) are put on each week, as well as in other venues such as the

Pembroke Cellars and Fitzpatrick Hall at Queen’s College. Productions at the ADC

and Corpus Playroom are entirely put together by students, amateurs and volunteers,

and all the information on how to get involved in any way is found at camdram.net.

The main funding body for shows and the social hub is the Cambridge University

Amateur Dramatics Club who run regular events.

There are hundreds of opportunities to act every year, and productions always require

dedicated production and technical teams. Whether you’re interested in acting,

directing, producing, designing, stage managing, building, lighting or crewing a

show, new faces are always welcome, regardless of experience.

2.11 The JCR

The JCR (Junior Combination Room) is a space owned and operated by the TCSU.

It has just been refurbished so please look after it. It has two floors: the downstairs

boasts a large TV with Sky, BT Sport, Netflix (and so on) and a Blu Ray player, and

loads of comfy things to sit on so you can enjoy watching whatever you want with

your friends. The upstairs JCR has coffee tables, board games, a PS5, a foosball

table and a pool table. There are a few rules: no glasses are allowed to be brought

up from the Bar, and all rubbish must be put into the right bins. It is a shared space

with shared facilities and when things like Playstation controllers or pool cues break

or go missing it’s a pain for everyone, so have a bit of common sense. We haven’t

always had a JCR and we don’t want this to be the year that we lose it.

2.12 Computing 33

2.12 Computing

2.12.1 MyTrin, The Student Hub and Trinity

mytrin.trin.cam.ac.uk and students.trin.cam.ac.uk

MyTrin and The Student Hub have a huge amount of Trinity-specific resources:

explore them as soon as possible. Trinity has various computer rooms for student

use which can be found in the Library, next to the JCR, in Blue Boar Court and in

Burrell’s Field. These all contain computers and printers. There are also scanners in

some of these rooms. Everyone starts with £3 credit for the printers, and this credit

can be topped up online at https://www.ds.cam.ac.uk/mydsprint/. Your starting

credit will get you 100 black and white pages. A lot of people bring their own

laptops and printers to university, some rely on the computer rooms, and others very

rarely need a computer at all—it depends a lot on your course and style of working.

2.12.2 CamSIS


This is the University’s central ‘hub’ of student information. If you ever need to

change your details, for example if you move house or get a new phone number,

simply log onto CamSIS and update your info through here! You’ll also be able to

enrol for exams and see your results here. You’ll be emailed when/how to do this

later on in the year.

2.12.3 Moodle


Throughout your course, you’ll probably find this website super useful! Depending

on your course/department, this is where most handouts, reading lists, lecture notes

and past papers will be available online. Many courses may even require you to

submit assignments through Moodle. Some departments, however, have their own

intranet so it’s best to check with your DoS when you arrive.

2.12.4 CamCORS


This is where you’ll find supervision reports, which are typically released termly.

2.12.5 Phones

https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/service/email https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/service/wi-fi

These pages will give you all the information you need to set up WiFi and your

University email on your phone. Setting this up as soon as you arrive is highly

recommended, as you’ll likely be receiving information you won’t want to miss.

2.12.6 Maps


Here you can find a nice zoomable map of the University to help you find your

lecture theatres and university buildings.

34 Chapter 2. College Life

2.13 Smart Clothes

Typically, events that require you to dress a certain way in Cambridge will come in

two flavours: ‘Formal’ and ‘Black Tie’.

2.13.1 Formal

The standard for Formals in most Cambridge Colleges. You’ll also need to be

wearing this for the Matriculation photograph in Freshers’ Week.

Option 1: A dark suit and tie, smart shoes and your gown.

Option 2: This is definitely ‘smart’, but not ‘posh’. Think jumpsuit/playsuit or

smart dress or shirt and trousers/skirt and your gown. You can go for heels, but a

nice pair of flats that you can actually walk over the cobbles in are generally a great

investment for life anyway.

Some examples of formal attire at the

Bridgemas Formal 2021 (paper crowns

not compulsory)

Black tie being worn at Trin May Ball


2.13.2 Black Tie

You’d wear Black Tie for any balls and some very smart occasions. Balls are mainly

at the end of Easter Term in May Week but some societies (like The Union) put

them on throughout the year.

In addition, some of the bigger evening events in College will also be appropriate for

Black Tie and in these cases you’ll need to wear a gown too; Black Tie is optional for

Matriculation Dinner, and not expected for Formals, but other special dinners might

ask for it. Events that expect you to wear Black Tie will often be indicated on invites

or notices by ‘evening dress’, ‘dinner jackets’, ‘dinner suits’ or helpfully ‘Black Tie’.

It’s easily possible to go through Cambridge without wearing Black Tie, and you

can always ask your friends to borrow something for one-offs, but investing in it

2.14 Transport 35

early on might give a bit more flexibility (you can find very reasonable prices for

dinner jackets online and in charity shops).

Option 1: A dinner jacket and a black bow tie. A dress shirt. Smart black shoes.

Option 2: A floor length dress for a ball, but the same as ‘Formal’ for most

other events.

2.14 Transport

We’re very lucky at Trinity in that nothing is very far away, so in day-to-day life,

you’ll probably walk or cycle everywhere: you will rarely need the bus or taxis.

Trinity has bike racks all around it and a few underground bike stores. (More info

can be found in the White Book and the Accommodation Handbook; e.g. regarding

the sticker you’ll require if you want to leave your bike on Trinity’s racks.)

You can normally get a decent deal on a new bike in the University Freshers’

Fair (details to be sent out)—be aware that most retailers will sell out of the cheap

bikes early on, and only the most expensive ones will be left by the end of Freshers’

Week. Be sure to invest in a quality bike lock as Cambridge is unfortunately a

hotspot for bike theft. Despite cycling in Cambridge being generally safer than it is

in larger cities, there aren’t many cycle lanes: it’s mainly one-way roads. If you’ve

never cycled on a road before, it’s probably a good idea to familiarise yourself with

the traffic laws in the UK and practice for a bit (Jesus Green is a good place to do

this) before you hit the streets.

Cambridge’s main train station is roughly a 25 minute walk away whilst Cambridge

North is about an hours walk (or 20min taxi ride). It takes 45mins-1hr to

travel into London on the train, and just over half an hour to get to Stansted Airport.

If you intend to be getting the train a lot or for long distances, it might be worth

investing in a railcard, which will get you discounts on some journeys.

36 Chapter 2. College Life

Nevile’s Court and the Wren Library

3. Useful Info

3.1 Getting Organised

It’s no secret that Cambridge can be an overwhelming place. What is much less

well-known, however, is that a lot of stress can be avoided by setting up some

organisational systems to keep everything together when you’re under pressure.

Here are some top tips:

• Before you come to Cambridge, set up some kind of calendar (either virtual

or paper) so that you can keep track of when and where you need to be

for various things. You can check your lecture timetable at https://2022-

23.timetable.cam.ac.uk from September and even upload it directly onto

your chosen online calendar. Even though it might seem annoying at first,

getting into the habit of noting down supervisions, classes, DoS meetings,

social events and more will really help you in the long run.

• Speaking of timetables, it might also be helpful for you to make a weekly

schedule for recurring events to stick up above your desk. Depending on how

your subject works, you might want to make one for ‘even weeks’ and one for

‘odd weeks’, as sometimes classes or supervisions will rotate on this basis. If

you find you have lots of different places to be on a daily basis, it might be a

good idea to get an ‘appointments’ diary too.

• In Cambridge, almost everything is communicated by email (think essay

titles, deadlines, marked work etc). As such, it’s really useful to set up some

folders in your Outlook account to store emails that are important and you

need to keep. Also, make sure to check your account regularly to keep up-todate

with everything.

• If you’ll be doing lots of your work on your laptop, it’s a good idea to back

up your files regularly, either to the Cloud or an external hard-drive.

38 Chapter 3. Useful Info

• For any work that you’re not doing on the computer, you are going to need

some stationery. Our recommendation would be to not buy too much until

you’ve been here for a little while and have a sense of what you need for

your course. Once you do know what you need, it’s often helpful to have a

ring-binder per subject for keeping hard copies of handouts or essays in one


• Save the number of the Porters’ Lodge and a Cambridge taxi company into

your phone (Uber have also launched in Cambridge). You never know when

you might need them...

Half the battle in Cambridge is just knowing when/where to hand things in and turn

up! Hopefully, armed with these useful tips, you’ll be empowered to have a smooth

transition to Cambridge life.

3.2 What to bring (and what not to)

The standard rental periods for rooms don’t cover the vacations: this means most

people will need to either completely clear out their room at the end of every Term,

or pay for Non-Residential Occupancy, where you are allowed to keep your belongings

in your room. However, this option is only available over the Christmas and

Easter holidays, so everything you bring will have to go home eventually. Students

from overseas are allowed some in-College storage space. With this in mind, it’s

important to figure out in advance what you actually need...

What to bring:

• Decorations: Bring posters, photos and anything that will make your room

feel like your very own. College have a strict no ‘blu-tac’ policy, so invest in

plenty of pins for your pinboard in your room and you can hang up posters

with these too (but if you make holes in the walls, the Works Department

will be on to you). Avoid windows too, as College doesn’t allow anything on

the windows. Don’t worry though: your room will have plenty of space for


• Smart clothes: See section 2.10 for more detail.

• Mugs: These are the most versatile objects a student can own.

• Crockery: It’s good to have a plate, bowl and some cutlery spare in case you

ever fancy cooking for yourself or having a snack in your room/gyp.

• Warm clothes: Cambridge gets extremely cold in winter, so bring cosy

clothes to wrap up warm. Also bring lighter clothes to wear inside as all the

College rooms are very well heated.

• Umbrella/raincoat/shoes that will withstand downpours: Even though

Cambridge is one of the driest places in the UK, we still have some pretty

spectacular downpours (it is, after all, still the UK). A rucksack or bag that

withstands a shower or two may also be a good shout, as it may be a little

disappointing to have your lecture notes or even your laptop ruined by some

bad weather.

3.2 What to bring (and what not to) 39

• Computer Accessories: If you like working with an external monitor or

keyboard make sure to bring it. As WiFi isn’t very good in some places in

College, particularly in the older buildings, it’s probably worth bringing an

Ethernet adapter if your computer doesn’t have an Ethernet port. The College

usually provides ethernet cables in the welcome packs though the TCSU have

a small collection too.

• Clothes horse: The Trinity tumble dryers aren’t terrific, so if you’re serious

about your washing you might want to leave your clothes out to dry in the

laundry room. Just make sure it’s portable as you don’t want to be lugging a

monster down lots of stairs.

• Laundry bag (or big reusable shopping bag): You’ll need some vessel to

take your laundry back and forth from the laundry room. This will also help

to keep your room tidy and organised.

• Extension leads: Often sockets are not conveniently placed in your bedroom;

i.e., there may be loads near the desk and none close to your bed. Investing

in one four-way extension lead will make life more convenient, but you can

also buy one in Sainsbury’s once you get here.

• Hangers: Trinity wardrobes tend to have limited drawer space and plenty of

hanging space.

What not to bring:

• Gown: You will buy your gown when you get here.

• Bedding: Unless not having certain bedding will affect your quality of sleep

significantly, the Trinity-provided stuff is fine. Limit it to bringing your

favourite pillow or cushion.

• Lots of books: Cambridge has excellent libraries, which will more than

provide for your literary needs. The University Library Catalogue (iDiscover)

lets you know where to find a book you might want through its search

function, and many of these are available online. Any books that you do want

to purchase can be done so with your book allowance (£75 per student per

year), which can be claimed after you fill in a form and hand in the receipts.

• Excessive kitchen equipment: Storage space in gyp rooms isn’t exactly

abundant, so bring enough that means you can survive on not having to wash

up constantly, but also not taking up all of the space for everyone else. If

you’re living in a block without hobs, you’re not going to need pots and pans.

• Giant food shop: With Sainsbury’s right next door, Trinity students are

very lucky. Don’t waste your precious car/luggage space with a huge food

shop. Use it for other essentials like that extra coat (it gets really cold here in

winter). However if your parents are moving you in, feel free to do a big shop

with them once you’re here to really make the most of the Bank of Mum and


• Things you’re not allowed: Refer to the Accommodation Handbook.

40 Chapter 3. Useful Info

3.3 Students’ Maps

Map data: Google.

3.3 Students’ Maps 41

Map data: Google.

42 Cambridge Glossary

3.4 Cambridge Glossary


ASNC: Anglo Saxon, Norse and Celtic degree.


Colloquial form of bedmaker—see section 2.7.


Pronounced ‘comp-ski’, somebody who studies computer science.


Your CRSid (or Common Registration Scheme identifier, in full) is a unique code

given to each university member. It generally consists of your initials, followed by

a random number and will also form part of your email address.


The Dean of College is in charge of discipline..


See section 2.3.


Emmanuel College.


An academic post in a College—see section 2.3.

First and Third

Trinity’s rowing society—see section 2.8.3.

Formal Hall or ‘Formal’

See section 2.5.4.


Somebody in their first year at university.


Academic dress, usually worn at Formals.

Great Court Run

Students attempt to run around Great Court, during the time the clock takes to strike

twelve noon on the day of Matriculation Dinner.


Slang for the small cooking areas in most accommodation buildings.


Human, social and political sciences degree.


See section 2.10.


Somebody who studies Maths (see also Trinmo).


New students matriculate when they enrol or register at their College. Can also

refer to Matriculation Dinner: a very nice meal that occurs after Freshers’ Week.

May Ball

A huge party run overnight during May Week. Many Colleges have them (or parties

like them). Your ticket price typically includes free food and drinks, as well as

Cambridge Glossary 43

varied entertainments throughout the night. Information regarding Trinity’s May

Ball is sent round in Lent Term.

May Week

The week after the end of Full Easter Term, in which various May Balls are held.


Murray Edwards College.


Pronounced ‘nat-ski’, somebody who studies Natural Sciences, or sometimes the

subject of Natural Sciences as well. Natscis are sometimes split into bio-natscis

(studying biological options) and phys-natscis (studying physical options).


A stage of Tripos examination, normally Part I or Part II.

Pigeonhole or Pidge

Each student’s personal mailbox, in the Mailroom.


The Porters’ Lodge, where the Porters are based.

Senior Tutor

The academic member of the College responsible for the academic and pastoral

welfare of all students.


A Tutorial held by a Supervisor.


A person chosen by the College to teach students. Could be a Fellow, or a graduate

student, and not necessarily from Trinity.

Tit Hall

Trinity Hall (another, different, College—not part of Trinity College).


A mathematician at Trinity.


The degree programme you are on—usually divided into Parts. Specifically used to

refer to the exams themselves.


A member of the College’s academic staff who does not teach you, but is responsible

for your general welfare, as the first port of call for help.


The University Library.


University Messenger Service.

Union Society or Cambridge Union or The Union

Essentially a debating society. Not to be confused with CUSU.

Vacation or Vac

The parts of the year that are not Term; i.e., the holidays. The Long Vacation is the

summer break between years.

44 Cambridge Glossary

Fireworks display at the 2022 Trinity May Ball


4.1 What is TCSU?

Good question. The Trinity College Students’ Union is a society, and by reading

this sentence you just became a member of it. That was easy.

Our constitution says this:

1.2 Aims and Objectives

1. To advance the education of its members

2. To promote the general welfare of its members

3. To encourage student societies, sports and social activities

4. To act as a channel of communication between its members and the Fellows

of Trinity College and other bodies

5. To ensure that its members are not discriminated against on the grounds of

race, religion, nationality, social background, sex, disability, sexual orientation,

or other irrelevant ground.

4.2 TCSU Executive Committee

Making Trinity to be a good place to live, work and play takes the efforts of everyone

in TCSU’s community. But to make sure that we maximise the goodness, and work

towards everyone having as good a time as everyone else, TCSU elects the Executive

Committee once a year.

We’re 15 students who are so passionate about making life at Trinity the best

it can be that we wrote manifestos and answered questions to get the chance to

make a bigger contribution than most on how good Trinity is. We bring the TCSU

community together, and we represent our members’ interests at a College and

University level.

46 Chapter 4. TCSU

Name: Tayla (she/they)

Role: President

Subject: PBS

Year: 3rd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Watching overly confident punters

fall in the Cam.

Fun fact: I still don’t know how to ride a bike.

Name: Callum (he/him)

Role: Vice-President

Subject: History and Politics

Year: 3rd

Favourite Trinity pastime: The wide variety of sports

teams on offer, which I try to take part in as much as possible.

Fun fact: Trinity is rumoured to have the only college bar to

serve alcohol all day.

Name: Henry (he/him)

Role: Treasurer

Subject: Economics

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: I’ve loved getting involved in Trinity

clubs and societies, especially the Rugby club.

Fun fact: On my first day at Trinity, I ended up being walked

back to my room at 8pm after starting to see double. . . .

Name: Saksham (he/him)

Role: Junior Steward

Subject: Bio Natsci

Year: 3rd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Relaxing on the backs and listening

to dubious claims from punt guides

Fun fact: I once lost a nail when a game of Kahoot got out of


4.2 TCSU Executive Committee 47

Name: Will (he/him)

Role: Environmental and Domestic Officer

Subject: History and Politics

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Probably hanging around with

friends or wandering down to Jacks Gelato

Fun fact: I am the best Mario Kart player you have ever met in

your life

Name: Hatty (she/her)

Role: Ents Officer

Subject: Linguistics

Year: 3rd

Favourite Trinity pastime: something I enjoy doing in Cambridge

is running comedy society

Fun fact: I know the location of Montezuma’s treasure but I’m

not telling.

Name: Molly (she/her)

Role: Mental Health and Disabled Students’ Welfare Officer

Subject: Linguistics

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: taking a walk around the colleges

at dusk and enjoying the atmosphere

Fun fact: I spent the summer teaching English around


Name: Phoebe (she/her)

Role: Women’s Officer

Subject: History

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: A toss up between Sunday brunch

and chatting to Clyde outside Plodge

Fun fact: Wild swimming by Grantchester is highly underrated.

48 Chapter 4. TCSU

Name: George (he/him)

Role: Male Welfare Officer

Subject: Law

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Any college sport (even if I am

shockingly bad at it)

Fun fact: I once dislocated my shoulder attempting a cartwheel!

Name: Naomi (she/her)

Role: Female Welfare Officer

Subject: Law

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Going to Sainsbury’s at any given

opportunity to avoid doing my work.

Fun fact: Every time I locked myself out of my room in First

Year, instead of getting a spare key from the porters, I climbed in through the window

(benefit of a ground floor room).

Name: Aprajit (he/him)

Role: BME Officer

Subject: PhysNatsci

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Go to a pub with friends

Fun fact: I have actually figured out how to be decent at Punting

Name: Kassandra (they/them)

Role: LGBT+ Officer

Subject: Law

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: listening to indie music and cooking

in my Wolfson gyp

Fun fact: I am a black belt in karate!

4.2 TCSU Executive Committee 49

Name: Harry (he/him)

Role: Access Officer

Subject: English

Year: 3rd

Favourite Trinity pastime: Knocking everyone over in "touch


Fun fact: I’ve a family connection to the family of Mountbatten.

Name: Bao (he/him)

Role: Overseas Welfare Officer

Subject: HSPS

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: sitting on the (not so) secret hiding

spot on the backs and watching tourists fall into the river while


Fun fact: I love Bao buns, but my name is completely unrelated

to the dish

Name: Jakob (he/him)

Role: Computing and Publicity Officer

Subject: CompSci

Year: 2nd

Favourite Trinity pastime: hanging out with my friends in the

college bar

Fun fact: lost my room key within 5 minutes of receiving it the

first day

50 Chapter 4. TCSU

Committee members left to right:

Top row: Kass, Aprajit, Jakob, Henry

Middle row: Saksham, Tayla, Callum, Will

Sitting down: Hatty, Bao, Naomi, Phoebe

4.3 Welfare 51

4.3 Welfare

We all know from personal experience how

daunting Trinity and Cambridge can be - we’ve

been through it too! Welfare in a Cambridge/College

context covers everything from

struggling with workload and homesickness

to sexual assault, eating disorders and mental

health issues. Whether it’s sex, sexuality, loneliness

or simply not feeling yourself, Welfare covers

the lot.

The first point of contact if you’re having

problems with anything is usually your tutor

as they are often in the best position to help

by pointing you in the right direction – often

you will find the support needed is available

without leaving Trinity. There is a College Mental

Health Wellbeing Advisor and a College

Counsellor, as well as the College Nurse and an

Advisor to Women Students. There are also The Welfare Officers, George

Fellows for BME Students and LGBT+ Students

and the College Chaplains are the loveliest

and Naomi

people, excellent listeners and offer support to students of all faiths and none.

If you don’t want to talk to a member of staff, you can also talk to any of the Welfare

Team to help you out – we are always happy to help! All of us have been elected

because we want to help you guys out in any way we can.

The Welfare Team includes the Male and Female Welfare Officers – whose job is

literally to be available to chat and offer support for any problems you might have

– as well as the BME Officer, Mental Health and Disabled Students’ Officer,

LGBT+ Officer, Womens’ Officer, Access Officer and Overseas Officer.

TCSU’s Welfare Team are there to talk when you need a non-judgmental ear. We

can help problem solve, talk things through and offer our own experiences, or just

listen if you need to vent (we also provide chocolate). We’ve all been Freshers; we

know how hard it can be and there is no problem too big or small. You will never be

bothering us and you can use email, Facebook or the contact forms on the TCSU

website to reach us. We can point you in the direction of more qualified help and

are, of course, confidential.

The Male and Female Welfare Officers can give out free sexual health items: condoms

(of all shapes, sizes and colours), femidoms, dams and more. You can contact

either the Female Welfare Officer or Womens’ Officer to get free menstruation items

52 Chapter 4. TCSU

like pads, pantyliners and tampons. There will also usually be menstruation items

available in the toilets in the Bar and library. You can request any of these from us

by email, in person, or if you prefer, through the anonymous contact form on the

TCSU website. We can also supply pregnancy tests.

The entire Welfare Team all have access to the Welfare Room which is a lovely and

cosy room where you can arrange to meet with any of us, any time you need to talk.

When the Welfare Officers run drop-in sessions, they will be in here. The Welfare

Officers run weekly Welfare Teas where you can grab a free tea/coffee and doughnut,

as well as chat to us. There is also a multi-faith prayer room in B3b Whewell’s Court.

The main message is: you are never on your own. No matter what, there are so

many people who care and want to make sure you are happy here. Happiness at

university doesn’t always come straight away – it might take a while, but we are

here to help.

Love, the Welfare Team:

George, Naomi, Aprajit, Molly, Kass, Phoebe, Harry and Bao.

4.4 Mental Health

Hi - I’m Molly and I’m the Mental Health and Disabled Students’ Officer this

year. This section of the Handbook is here to provide you with an overview of the

support available in college and throughout the university. More information can be

found at tcsu.net/support-centre and https://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/tutorial/living-attrinity/student-welfare/

1. I am here for informal support, and am always available via my two TCSU

emails - mental-health@tcsu.net and disabilities@tcsu.net. I can provide advice

about further steps to take and help you to access support on a more formal level,

but am also around to talk to more casually.

2. Your tutor is in charge of all of your pastoral needs in college, and can help with

general welfare concerns.

3. The College Chaplains, John Summers and Anne Strauss are also happy to chat

to students regardless of faith, and provide pastoral support.

In college, there are two more formal mental health support services:

1. The Mental Health Advisor (mha@trin.cam.ac.uk) offers general mental health

and welfare support and advice, can refer students to college counselling services,

and can help with getting adjustments and other referrals, working with your tutor.

She can also offer confidential support sessions on short notice.

2. The college counsellors and CBT therapists provide confidential counselling to

students who have been referred from the Mental Health Advisor.

4.5 Green Living 53

At the University level:

1. The University Counselling Service is available through self-referral at https://www.counselling.cam.ac.uk.

2. The Student Advice Service, run by the Student Union, can offer practical support

in academic and personal matters. https://www.cambridgesu.co.uk/support/advice/

3. The Disability Resource Centre helps students to access specialised support and

adjustments once you have disclosed your disability to the University, either on your

UCAS form or otherwise (such as on this page https:/www.disability.admin.cam.ac.uk/studentinformation-form)

- or if you don’t have an official diagnosis, you can begin the process

of finding support by contacting disability@admin.cam.ac.uk). Our college Disability

Advisor is Eleanor Girt-Izod, contactable at eleanor.girt-isod@admin.cam.ac.uk.

There is also a wide range of resources available at the ‘Where to go: accessing

support’ page (https://www.studentwellbeing.admin.cam.ac.uk).

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns, if you have trouble accessing

support, or if there is anything College can do to make your time here easier and

more accessible - I am here to help.

4.5 Green Living

Trinity is making meaningful progress to become as sustainable as possible, but

we’re always interested to improve. That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook though!

There is plenty you can do as a student here to help save the planet:

• Turn lights and taps off and heating down when not using them; it all adds


• Consider switching to a more environmentally aware bank. Nationwide is a

particularly viable choice, especially considering their student options.

• Opt for the low carbon meals in hall. The Saffron system, which should be

running by October, offers information on the carbon footprint of each item.

• Buy meat and dairy substitutes for cooking.

• Get a reusable bottle! Trinity has some lovely ones.

• Change your default search engine to Ecosia! They use the ad revenue to

plant trees.

If all this isn’t enough for you, get involved with the Trinity Ethical and Green

Affairs Society (TEGA), the Uni-wide green weeks, or one of the many other

environment-focused societies. If you have any questions (or even better – ideas!),

let us know at environmental@tcsu.net.

4.6 International Students

Most of you will be home students meaning you pay home fees, don’t have to get a

visa and plane ticket to get here and generally have a slightly less complicated move

54 Chapter 4. TCSU

to university. However, Trinity is a very international college and here is a section

dedicated to that fact full of information specifically for you!

Please also refer to the International section of the freshers website (freshers.trin.cam.ac.uk)

and the iTCSU Handbook written by Bao for more information but this is just a

brief summary of things you may need to consider.

4.6.1 Arriving to the UK

First things first, you need to ensure you have permission to enter the UK. For most

of you this will require a Student Visa (previously known as a Tier 4 Visa). There are

various responsibilities you have under this visa, dependent on your home country,

thus please ensure you check on the University website the obligations you must


You can also arrive in college from the 28th of September, provided the Accommodation

Office in notified a week in advance.

Please check travel arrangements, Cambridge is fairly close to multiple major

Airports and is easily travelled to from London but ensure you have a plan and know

roughly where you need to be at what times. Also, the earlier you book your tickets,

the cheaper they should be so get on it!!

4.6.2 What to bring

You will need all the stuff mentioned in section 3.2, plus some extra stuff listed


• Plug adapters - if you want to be able to charge your devices then you’ll need

to ensure you have the right plug for our three pronged sockets

• Important documents - What you will need will vary on your situation so be

sure to go through the freshers’ and university websites and make a list of

everything you need.

• Access to money - the UK banking system can be somewhat complex for

international students so we would recommend bring some cash with you

(although bear in mind that a significant number of shops are card only - but

self service checkouts still take cash). There is a wealth of information for

this online and in the International Handbook.

• Layers - the UK has possibly the most random weather on the planet so one

morning it could be blazing sunshine but by midday its pouring and then it’s a

warm breezy evening. Therefore it is important to bring clothing suitable for

all types of weather, from thirty degree heat to freezing snow - also remember

we use Celsius.

This is whittled down to the very basics but remember Bao is always contactable at

overseas@tcsu.net if you have any questions at all. There is such a large community

of internationals at Trinity so please don’t be worried and know that you will be

okay :).

4.7 Finally... 55

4.7 Finally...

We hope you have enjoyed reading this handbook. Much much more information

about all of these topics can be found online and in the College-provided documents.

If you’re looking for clarification on something in particular, feel free to message or

email the TCSU team and we will try our best to find out.

Don’t forget to join the Trinity College Freshers 2022 group on Facebook. We will

also keep you up to date on everything Freshers’ Week related via email as well.

From all of us at TCSU, have a lovely rest of your summer! We can’t wait to

welcome you into the Trinity community.

4.8 Credits

This handbook wouldn’t have been possible without so many special people. Every

section is the result of a large team of students (more than simply the TCSU

Committee) volunteering their time, collaborating, contributing, remembering,

creating, editing and researching together.

The TCSU Committee would also like to thank and give credit to:

• The Master for her introduction

• Tayla Hardy for compiling/editing this handbook

• Farzana Huysman for making the Students’ Maps

• Everyone that contributed photos, whether or not they were used

• Past TCSU Committees for giving us inspiration for what to include.

56 Chapter 4. TCSU

4.9 Welfare Contacts


Contact Info

TCSU Welfare Female female-welfare@tcsu.net











Mental Health




Senior Tutor

College Nurse

College Counsellor

College Mental Health Advisor



01223 338471



01223 747505

Porters’ Lodge 01223 338400

Chaplains John john.summers@trin.cam.ac.uk

01223 766327



07715 104065

Others Nightline email@cambridge.nightline.ac.uk

01223 744444

The Samaritans 116 123

NHS First Response Service 111 then select option 2

Addenbrooke’s Hospital 01223 245151

Students’ Unions’ Advice Service


01223 746999

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