Trinity Societies Prospectus 2022

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Trinity Societies’

Prospectus 2022

This booklet was made using the typesetting language LATEX. It is adapted from a

template made by Toby Henley Smith which built on a template made by Andrea

Hidalgo for an internship report. All copyrights remain with the original authors.

Edition: Michaelmas 2022


1 Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

AMR Action Group 8

Boardgaming Society 9

Christian Union 10

Economics Society 11

Entente Cordiale (French Society) 12

Ethical and Green Affairs (TEGA) 13

Feminism Society 14

Green Thumbs (Gardening Society) 15

Italian Society 16

Law Society 17

Magpie and Stump 18

Mathematical Society 19

Medical Society 20

Music Society 21

Oriental Society 22

Philosophy Society 23

Photography Society 24

Politics Society 25

Psychology Society 26

Responsible Investment Society (TRIS) 27

Science Society 28

Serbian Society 29

Travisty 30

Yoga Society 31

BA Society 32


2 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

First and Third Trinity Boat Club 36

Badminton 37

Basketball 38

Climbing 39

Cricket 40

Football (Men’s) 41

Football (Women’s) 42

Hockey (Mixed) 43

Lacrosse 44

Netball (Mixed) 45

Netball (Women’s) 46

Rugby Union 47

Squash 48

Swimming and Water Polo 49

Tennis 50

Ultimate Frisbee 51

Volleyball 52


Hi everyone!

This booklet has been made to help you learn more about the wide variety of

societies which Trinity has to offer. Joining societies here at Trinity is a great way

to relax and make new friends, as well as to get involved with something you are

really passionate about. There are so many to choose between, from all the sports to

the Music Society and the Oriental Society.

At the beginning of Michaelmas term, there will be a societies fair called Chaplains’

Squash, where you can speak to the current captains/committee members, get to

know a bit more about what they do and sign up to their mailing lists. You can also

find a full list of Trinity societies on the TCSU website.

There is also the University Freshers’ Fair where you will find more societies that

may interest you. If you think there is a society missing, you can start one from

scratch and apply for funding from Trinity. For more information on this, email

Saksham, the TCSU Junior Steward (junior-steward@tcsu.net), or check the

TCSU website.

So go ahead, sign up for as many societies as you want and don’t forget to enjoy

your time here at Trinity!

1. Societies

This chapter contains a summary of all of the non-sporting societies available in

Trinity College. The best way to join a society is to sign up for its mailing list at

Chaplains’ Squash. However, you’re welcome to join any society at any point in the

year, so don’t stop yourself from getting involved just because you heard about

something too late!

If you feel like there’s a hole in the list of societies that you’d like to help fill,

contact junior-steward@tcsu.net to learn how to set one up!


AMR Action Group

The Trinity AMR Action Group was founded during the peak of the Covid

Pandemic back in 2020 by our very own Master, Dame Sally Davies, who is a

passionate public figure regarding the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

We aim to promote AMR awareness amongst the student population in Cambridge

by using a variety of different means including: talks from significant individuals

within industry, policy and science; and informal socials such as formals and film

screenings. We also run an assortment of different activities during World AMR

Awareness Week, which happens annually in November, including our annual AMR

conference, hosting a variety of different guest speakers and topics.

Finally, for those who are interested in writing, design and research, we are

currently writing and disseminating the TrinAMR Student Guide on AMR

Awareness as well as undertaking research on AMR-themed projects.

If any of the above sounds interesting and you’re keen to learn more about what we

do and how to get involved, then please check out our Facebook and Instagram

(https://linktr.ee/trinityamractiongroup) to keep up-to-date with our latest activities!

Contact: Martin Tam (mgzt2@cam.ac.uk)


Boardgaming Society

We host boardgaming sessions every Saturday in Burrell’s Field Common Room,

starting at 7.30pm and going on late into the night. Grab a few friends and come

along for an evening of problem solving and strategising, whether you’re a

boardgaming pro or a complete novice. We have a large variety of games on offer –

there is more to board games than just Monopoly!

Feel free to bring along your own games as well. Snacks and drinks are provided.

Hope to see you there!

Contact: Glen Lim (gwal2@cam.ac.uk)


Christian Union

Trinity College Christian Union (TCCU) exists to make Jesus known in college.

We’re a group of Christians who meet together each week to look at the Bible

together, chat about a passage and pray together, most often with some form of food

involved! We also run events in college to help people understand what we believe

and explore Christianity for themselves. We would love to hear from you!

Contact: Daniel Read (dr558@cam.ac.uk) or Rachel Yang (rjcy2@cam.ac.uk)


Economics Society

The Trinity Economics Society is open to students from any subject. We hold social

events a few times a term ranging from bowling to speakers’ events so if you enjoy

free food, fun or general talk on economics, TES has got you covered! We also

organise economics-themed seminars/workshops that help develop professional

skills and provide peer-to-peer career advice for applications. You can find us on

Facebook or join our mailing list to hear more about upcoming events.

Contact: Sunny Chung (sc2184@cam.ac.uk)


Entente Cordiale (French Society)

Bienvenue à Trinity!

Entente Cordiale, Trinity College French Society, is looking for new recruits! Be

sure to sign up at Chaplain’s Squash for updates on all of Entente Cordiale’s

fabulous upcoming events. Open to all with an interest in Francophone culture,

regardless of French level, if any.

Previous events have included free trips to London to explore French culture (e.g.,

trips to the National Gallery to see French exhibitions), a fortnightly Cinéclub with

a fantastically varied film programme (in all genres from the Nouvelle Vague to

recent releases) regularly accompanied by French nibbles (such as homemade

crêpes!). Other highlights are the French breakfast mornings for those wanting to

practise some conversational French over a glorious selection of French patisseries,

as well as cheese and wine evenings and opportunities to get involved with the

Cambridge Annual French Play (last time was an avant-garde adaptation of

Molière’s Le Misanthrope!).

Contact: Lidija Beric (lb775@cam.ac.uk)


Ethical and Green Affairs (TEGA)

Trinity Ethical and Green Affairs (TEGA) is a society for anyone at Trinity who is

interested in the environment, sustainability and other ethical causes. We look for

ways to improve both our own, and Trinity’s, environmental and social impact. We

host speaker events, including speakers who have assumed positions as Members of

Parliament, a UN special rapporteur, government advisors, and who work in various

areas from policy making to research to journalism.

We also initiate causes such as Trinity Green Tuesday to make the College a greener

place. Apart from speakers and social events, we also host plant sales every year,

offering an economical, convenient way to dress up your room with a shade of


We would love to see you at some of our meetings and events! You can find us on

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/trinityethicalgreenaffairs) or Instagram


Contact: Xingjian Hou (xh314@cam.ac.uk)


Feminism Society

Trinity College Feminism Society exists to promote gender equality and challenge

the patriarchy in Trinity College, Cambridge and beyond. Our society is strictly

inter-sectional and welcomes people from all gender orientations and none. All we

ask is that you are interested and engaged in gender issues and those who want to

learn more!

This year we’re going to be hosting loads of exciting events including panels,

discussions, movie nights, social mixers and more so there are lots of ways to get

involved Although we want to have discussions about gender equality, it’s also

really important to us that we can create a fun and supportive community of people

in Trinity who share a common cause— gender equality.

Follow our Facebook (Trinity College Feminism Society) and Instagram

(@trinfemsoc) to keep updated with information for our upcoming events!

Contact: Kapri Bentelepe (kmb77@cam.ac.uk)


Green Thumbs (Gardening Society)

If you’re interested in trying out gardening in the Pearce Hostel raised garden beds

this year to unwind from stressful weekly essays while growing some delicious fruit

and veg, join our relaxed gardening sessions. All levels of experience are welcome

so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re interested.

Contact: Julia Frieberger (jf688@cam.ac.uk)


Italian Society

Benvenuti al Trinity College!

Rightful heirs of the Roman Empire and Italy enthusiasts, Trinity’s new-born

society is calling you to live this year in a full Italian fashion: art, nature and food

are only a glimpse of the beauty that the richest Mediterranean culture has to offer.

Trinity’s Italian Society makes experience and exchange of ideas its defining

features: whether you are learning the Italian language or are just curious about the

secrets of our kitchen, you will have a chance to try them out yourself. In our

cooking sessions, for example, we explore the delicacies of every region of the

peninsula, ranging from the fancy north to the pure south.

Italians are often depicted abroad as loud and as having no filters and in our society

we always try to keep the better part of that verve and openness, which often result,

after our events, in heated but honest discussions about the broadest kind of topics.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Contact: Luca Muscarella (lm857@cam.ac.uk)


Law Society

The Trinity College Law Society (TCLS) is open to students from all years and

subjects with an interest in learning more about law (both as a subject and as a

career). We organise panel events on a wide range of legal topics, career events, and

moots. We’re a very welcoming society and also have many socials spread

throughout the year such as our popular Welfare Pizza Night and Cheese and Chill


All students studying Law are automatically members of our society. However, if

you’re a non-law student interested in joining, be sure to find us at Chaplains’

Squash or contact us and we’ll add you to our mailing list. We look forward to

meeting you soon!

Contact: Georgina Turner (grt29@cam.ac.uk)


Magpie and Stump

Surprisingly enough, going by the reputation of its students, Trinity’s oldest society

is not the Trinity Mathematical Society but its comedy society. Magpie and Stump

was founded in 1866 as a debating society, with the son of Charles Darwin as a

founding member.

It seems clear to us that the Trinity student body is on a trajectory of becoming

funnier each year, as demonstrated by Magpie’s evolution from debating society to

‘humorous debating society’ (by the early 20th century) to the hub of comedians and

performers it is today, putting on comedy shows and funding up-and-coming

comedians and writers at the ADC and in Cambridge. This is a view that sits very

well with current members. Although the society is no longer the pipe-smoking

men’s club it was back when Bertrand Russell and King George VI were members,

it remains an active society that puts on monthly writing groups and welcomes any

member of College who is interested in writing, performing or watching comedy.

Contact: Hatty Innes (hi257@cam.ac.uk)


Mathematical Society

Are you excited to discuss new ideas at the cutting edge of mathematical research?

Ever wondered why (almost) every mathmo loves brown bread ice cream?

The Trinity Mathematical Society was founded in 1919 by Hardy with an aim to

"promote the discussion of subjects of mathematical interest". More than a century

later, we are (we believe) the oldest surviving subject society at any British

university. We host talks every Monday, where we invite mathematicians from

across the world to discuss their research. In the past, we have hosted Hardy,

Conway, Bollobás, Atiyah, Davenport, Wittgenstein, Susskind and many more. We

also organise a range of social events, most famously our Annual Dinner and our

annual cricket match against the Adams Society at John’s.

As one of the oldest societies, we also hold a certain degree of fascination for our

traditions of dropping apples, "Call My Bluff" and Trinity’s famous brown bread ice


Contact: Somsubhro Bagchi (sb2459@cam.ac.uk)


Medical Society

The Trinity College Medical Society is open to students of all years from any

courses. No matter whether you’re an aspiring doctor or simply want to fuel your

curiosity about the world of medicine, we welcome you to join in and get involved

with the events we organise. Maybe you want to expand your knowledge with talks

from insightful speakers, including the Master herself, on a range of topics from

current research to personal experiences of work in the field. Perhaps you want to

destress after a hard day of studies with our different socials such as punting trips

and garden parties where you can socialise and get to know other members of the

society. Sign up to be sure you get notified about our events and opportunities!

Contact: Justin Ho (jkmh2@cam.ac.uk)


Music Society

Trinity College Music Society is Cambridge’s largest and busiest college music

society. We put on several events every week during term-time (often in the chapel)

ranging from solo recitals and chamber music to operas and an annual comic

operetta (the cast and band of last year’s are in the picture). We also put on jazz

nights in the bar. You can check out our YouTube channel to see nearly all of the

concerts from last year.

Our biggest regular group is the Trinity Singers, one of Cambridge’s best

non-audition choirs. They would usually perform several concerts a year. The choir

is open to anyone, whether or not they are a member of the university. If you enjoy

singing definitely give it a go.

Whatever your instrument and level, we’re keen to get you involved. Perhaps the

best way to get the ball rolling is to say hello during the Chaplains’ squash. We can

add you to our records of college musicians and send you an email if there’s a

concert or group we think you might enjoy participating in.

Contact: Sophie Williams (sw905@cam.ac.uk)


Oriental Society

Hello Freshers! Sushi. Dumplings. Anime films. If you like any of those things,

only one society delivers: The Trinity Oriental Society!

TOS (for short) gives Trinity students the opportunity to take a break from their

studies and offers a taste of East Asian culture (quite literally!). From delicious

snacks to captivating films, the society does not hold back when it comes to giving

the students fun activities, great food and awesome events.

Hundreds of dumplings are made for Chinese New Year by the committee, bringing

the whole College together. Our annual Fire Ramen challenge separates the ra-men

from other ra-men with somewhat higher spice. It is guaranteed to make people cry:

whether from the spice itself or from laughing at the person next to you making a

bold attempt. We also have Pepero Day, film nights and more (all accompanied with

tasty snacks to tempt your appetite).

Check out as many of our events as possible and we hope you enjoy your first year

at Trinity!

Contact: Jonathan Loke (jchl6@cam.ac.uk)


Philosophy Society

Trinity philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was known for turning up at Bertrand

Russell’s room at midnight and pacing about as he thought about philosophy,

refusing to say anything. Trinity Philosophy Society aims to continue this tradition,

but with two minor additions: wine, and chat.

There is, indeed, not a single place in Trinity where you will find more searching

and vigorous debate. With previous topics ranging from the bowels of metaphysics

to the peaks of applied ethics, through the far reaches of philosophy of mathematics

and political philosophy, there’s bound to be something for you. We even serve

non-alcoholic alternatives to our wine. To top it all off, our graphic design is famed

throughout the college.

Find us in the Junior Parlour every Friday of full term from 8:15pm – and make sure

to like and follow our Facebook page for exciting updates.

Contact: Arun Prabhakar (ap2077@cam.ac.uk)


Photography Society

Own a phone? Great— join us and start learning the art of photography! No matter

your experience, everyone is welcome. While at Trinity, we have unique access to

quality equipment. We have a darkroom for those interested in Film, expertise in

editing for those interested in Digital, and a committed community for those who

just want a chance to socialise and find out more about photography.

We will be holding regular photo-walks around Cambridge. It’s a great way to

de-stress as well as getting to know people and the city around you. Lessons are

flexible and open to all, helping you improve the quality of your images and

discover new techniques for taking them. Competitions will be held throughout the

year; they will vary in theme, may be internal or against other colleges and will

naturally involve prizes.

Contact: Misha Medvedev (mom27@cam.ac.uk) or Ali Ahmed



Politics Society

Trinity Politics Society is a non-partisan political society that hosts a variety of

events with leading politicians, journalists, academics, and activists each term.

Some of our recent events include talks and panels on Black Lives Matter,

environmental protest, the Refugee Crisis, and a discussion with the now

Ambassador to Afghanistan (and Trinity alumnus) Sir Laurie Bristow.

We strive to be a platform for engaging, nuanced, and thought-provoking political

debate and discussion on topics of local and global importance. Getting involved

with Trinity Politics Society is an amazing way to plan events with figures you

admire on topics of interest to you. Students of all subjects (politics or otherwise)

are very welcome to join!

Check out our Facebook and Instagram (@trinpolsoc) for more information on what

we’ve been up to and what we have planned for the year ahead!

Contact: Evie Morgan (eem54@cam.ac.uk) or Matthew Gursky



Psychology Society

The Trinity Psychology Society is a group of students who are interested in

psychology and neuroscience. We are open to Trinity students from any subject,

and many of our events are also open to all University students - so it’s a great

opportunity to meet like-minded people! Just like the Psychological and

Behavioural Sciences course, the Society is relatively new, but we’re planning on

putting on some interesting talks and events, so stay tuned! Previous speakers

include Robert Plomin, Adrian Raine and Lise Eliot.

We’re also planning on hosting social events this year, so make sure to check out

our Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/trinpsychsoc) and Instagram

(@trinpsychsoc) pages to stay tuned!!

Contact: Alessa Weiler (akcw3@cam.ac.uk)


Responsible Investment Society (TRIS)

Are you worried about the state of the world? Ever wondered what you could do

with £1.8 billion?

Since our founding in 2018, TRIS has lobbied the College to manage its substantial

endowment in line with its values and reputation as a world leader in education and

research. In 2019, the College divested from coal, weapons and tobacco. In 2021,

the College announced its decision to divest from fossil fuel companies and to set a

2050 target of net-zero carbon emissions across the entire endowment. Currently,

TRIS hopes to focus on crafting shareholder coalitions to persuade banks (in which

the College holds shares) to exercise greater caution in and eventually stop funding

new fossil fuel ventures. We also hope to persuade the College not only to guide its

investments away from negative and damaging industries but towards positive ones

that will actively improve all our futures.

TRIS meets fortnightly and frequently liaises with the Bursary. We represent the

College at AGMs of major energy, finance and pharmaceutical companies, most

recently HSBC and Barclays. We also host an Annual Forum to foster discussion

between the College and leaders in academia and industry so as to more effectively

harness the College’s wealth.

If you’re keen to have a positive impact on moving us towards a more socially and

environmentally responsible world while you are still at university, please consider

signing up to our mailing list and visiting us at Chaplain’s Squash!

Contact: Somsubhro Bagchi (sb2459@cam.ac.uk)


Science Society

The Trinity College Science Society organizes science-related talks every Tuesday

evening along with film nights, career events, scientific socials, formal swaps and

various other events throughout the year. We pride ourselves on having a diverse

lineup for our talks, with a record of speakers ranging from Nobel Laureates to

Members of Parliament.

Most of our talks this year will be held in-person at the Winstanley Lecture Theatre.

To keep updated with talks and other news, please sign up to the mailing list at

https://lists.cam.ac.uk/sympa/info/trin-tcss or visit us at https://tcss.soc.srcf.net/.

You can also find us on Facebook or Instagram @trinsoc.

If you would like to know more, please reach out to us either via email or come and

meet us at the Freshers’ Fair or Chaplain’s Squash. We have an exciting year of

talks and events ahead of us - don’t miss out!

Contact: Max Wong or Aprajit Mahajan (tcsspresident@gmail.com)


Serbian Society

Saint Sava Celebration 2017

We are a group of Trinity students interested in promoting Serbia and Serbian

culture, food, drinks and music. We host a number of food events, national

celebrations, film nights, and more, each year.

One of the main events is the Saint Sava day celebration in Lent Term,

commemorated traditionally with a feast with Serbian food, roast, cold platter, and

so on. There are a number of other big events, so if you are interested in good food,

friendly atmosphere and don’t mind learning a little about Serbia, you are more than

welcome to join us.

Contact: Andjela Sarkovic (as2572@cam.ac.uk)



Travisty: Trinity’s own Varsity. The magazine of the true intellectual. Other lesser

publications will argue our work is just satire, we say they limit themselves to the


Every two weeks students flock to hall for their Sunday Brunch to stack

syrup-soaked pancakes and chocolate-drenched waffles, but we all know they’re

really there for the Travisty. What better way to distract yourself from your

overcooked eggs than with amusing headlines, spooky horoscopes and diabolical


So beady-eyed fresher, I propose a deal:

• You get to join a team of witty and experienced writers, can claim you are a

‘published author’ on LinkedIn and get some bonus pizza + KrisP-kremes as

a bribe.

• We get to publish your big funny.

Meetings are held on every other Monday at Lower JCR 8pm; now you have a

50/50 chance of guessing the correct week.

If you are an extra eager green bean, then check out our previous issues:

https://issuu.com/travistytrinity or our Facebook page.

Contact: Hayden Raymond Ramm (hrr32@cam.ac.uk)

(Smoke signal also acceptable - Editors Note: the TCSU do not endorse starting

fires within college grounds)


Yoga Society

The Trinity College Yoga Society offers three classes per week for students. They

are suited to all levels, and are spread throughout the day - from early morning to

late afternoon - and week, to ensure that everyone can take part. Our prices are also

heavily subsidised, at less than half the average cost of a studio class!

Our principal teacher, Shaili Shafai, is one of the most senior and sought-after

teachers in Cambridge, with a growing national reputation. She has been practicing

for over twenty years and teaching since 2007. Meanwhile, our Friday morning

class is taught by Jane Durkin, herself a teacher with long experience, whose style

is particularly suited to those looking for a gentler way to start the day.

Our form of yoga (’Iyengar Yoga’) is named after its founder and well-known for its

simultaneously careful and demanding ethos. Unlike ’flow’ forms of yoga, Iyengar

Yoga spends more time on each pose and focuses on correct alignment and stamina,

building muscle flexibility and strength. This focus also makes Iyengar Yoga an

excellent way to practice mindfulness and attention. It is also the safest form of

yoga, due to its use of props.

So whether you’re looking for an all-body workout or freer mind, or just want to be

able to touch your toes - our classes are for you. Keep an eye out for our

Michaelmas term card for further details or come along to our open class on

Freshers’ week!

Contact: Adva Mond (trinitycollegeyogasociety@gmail.com).


BA Society

The BA Society exists to represent the interests of postgraduate and fourth-year

undergraduate students at Trinity College and has over 400 members. We organise

lots of fun events; last year this included brunches, food nights, theatre trips, ice

skating, escape rooms and climbing. In addition to this, our formal BA Dinners

(every Friday during term) are the perfect way to relax after a long week with

excellent food, drink and company!

The BA Society also acts to support the welfare of its members. Please do not

hesitate to reach out to the BA Committee if you have any concerns or problems

that we can help you with. We are happy to answer any questions you may have or

liaise with College authorities to assist you.

Contact: Jess Fleming (ba.president@trin.cam.ac.uk)



Trinity College Students’ Union (TCSU) is the largest of Trinity’s societies. Every

undergraduate at Trinity is a member (unless they opt-out) and any postgraduate can

opt-in too. TCSU is governed by the Executive Committee (15 elected students) and

hold Open Meetings, where everyone is welcome.

We have 5 aims:

1. To advance the education of our members

2. To promote the general welfare of our members

3. To encourage student societies, sports and social activities

4. To act as a channel of communication between our members and the Fellows

of Trinity College and other bodies

5. To ensure that our members are not discriminated against on the grounds of

race, religion, nationality, social background, sex, disability, sexual

orientation, or other irrelevant ground.

We organise events every Term, ranging from large bops (parties) to more relaxed

karaoke nights in the bar, as well as weekly welfare events.

Contact: Tayla Hardy (president@tcsu.net)

2. Sports

This section contains entries for all the sports clubs, which together make up the

Field Club. The only exception to this is the Boat Club which is its own separate

club just for rowers. Signing up to any of the sports will also automatically put you

on the mailing list for the Field Club.

For more information, check out the websites of the Field Club and the First and

Third Trinity Boat Club. These are accessible from the TCSU website.




First and Third Trinity Boat Club

Want to try a new sport, make loads of new friends and be a part of one of the

biggest and most famous Cambridge traditions? Then rowing at First and Third

Trinity Boat Club is perfect for you.

There is a place in the boat club community for everyone, whether you want to just

enjoy a session or two a week on the beautiful River Cam and take part in the social

aspect of the club, or whether you’re a super serious athlete and want to make it to

the Olympics (and it can be done! Our very own Imogen Grant recently competed at

Tokyo 2020 in the lightweight double scull, having learned to row with us in 2014).

The busy boat club social scene provides plenty of opportunity to meet people,

including other freshers from various backgrounds, people from other years as well

as other colleges. We put on all sorts of social events including BBQs, formals,

games nights, pub nights. . .

Each term we compete in several races in Cambridge and one of the highlights of

rowing has to be Bumps. Bumps is a style of racing exclusive to Cambridge and

Oxford, and the gist of it is you must try and catch the crew ahead of you and

“bump” their boat, without yourself being “bumped”. The atmosphere is great, with

hundreds of students and alumni flooding to the river to watch and support. The

week culminates in a fancy dinner known as Boat Club Dinner, where you can

celebrate with your friends and crew while enjoying great food and great chat.

Come and find us at Chaplains’ Squash and at our Freshers’ Week event to find out

more and book a try-out session! We look forward to meeting you soon.

Contact: George Mears (captain@firstandthird.org)



What reaches a top speed of 493 km/h? A Bugatti Veyron? A Peregrine Falcon? A

North Korean Missile? It’s none of these. It is, in fact, the fastest badminton smash

ever as of August 2017, recorded by the Malaysian Tan Boon Heong. Badminton is

truly the most exhilarating sport there is.

Trinity is one of the few Colleges with its own court (only a 10 minute walk from

most Freshers’ accommodation) which makes it one of the most popular sports at

the College. With three men’s teams and one women’s team, we cater to all levels

of players, and if you don’t want to play competitively, you can always book the

court with a friend for a more leisurely game. Badminton is also one of the most

successful sports at Trinity with both the men’s and women’s team highly ranked in

the College league, and finalists in both Open and Mixed Cuppers!

We are a super sociable group and get together often for dinners, Formals and swaps

with other Colleges, making Badminton a fantastic way to meet other Freshers. We

also do trips—this year we went to Birmingham to watch the All England

Badminton Championships, the oldest badminton tournament in the world. In the

summer we will be travelling to Hong Kong for pre-season training and sightseeing.

We are looking for both undergraduate and graduate shuttlers! If you are a skilled

graduate player and are interested in playing competitively, drop us an email.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact: Youjing Yu (badminton@trinityfieldclub.net)



The 2021/22 season is set to be a very competitive and exciting year for Trinity

Basketball. We are starting from Division 3 of the College league which means that

we have just enough of a challenge ahead of us.

We are on a lookout for all of you Currys and LeBrons, Jordans and Jokers out there

to support our upcoming season and bring the Trinity Basketball back to the top


Practices are twice a week (10-11 PM Tuesdays and 8-9 PM on Thursdays) and we

play College league matches over the weekend. All players are welcome regardless

of experience or commitment.

Contact: Jihan Zaki (basketball@trinityfieldclub.net)



If combining exercise, problem-solving, and socialising sounds fun, climbing will

be the perfect fit for you!

As a society, our main activity is organising group bouldering sessions at Kelsey

Kerridge and Rainbow Rocket climbing gyms. Bouldering just means that we climb

shorter walls without using harnesses or any other equipment. The gyms feature a

wide array of routes varying in difficulty, so everyone is sure to find a fitting

challenge for themselves. Even if you’ve never climbed before, we are eager to help

you learn the ropes, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll be up climbing! Sooner or

later, though, you will want to take a break between your climbs, and what better

way to spend it than chatting with some of your fellow college climbers. The mood

at the gyms is very relaxed, and it’s easy to make lots of new friends.

Apart from the weekly sessions, we are also planning other termly or one-off events.

If you’d like to try out competitive bouldering, there’s Cuppers, where you can

show off your skills against other college clubs. We also organise termly trips to

London, where there are much bigger venues with tons of routes you can try out.

In other words, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! Bouldering is a really fun

and challenging experience that you won’t regret trying out. We hope to see you at

the freshers’ sports day and on the wall!

Contact: Hayden Raymond Ramm (climbing@trinityfieldclub.net)



Cricket at Trinity enjoys a rich history full of both long-standing friendly fixtures

and more competitive inter-collegiate tournaments. We typically train for one hour

once every two weeks during the Michaelmas and Lent terms so the commitment is

really low - regardless of your ability there will definitely be a place for you!

If you’ve never played the game before, the Freshers’ Sports Day is a great

opportunity to come try it out, and if you do take a liking to it you are more than

welcome to attend our training sessions throughout the first two terms. Ultimately

college sport is more of a social activity than a serious exercise and you will

undoubtedly make friends, be it at training, at our socials or even in years above or

below yours at Trinity.

After two terms of light net training, in Easter term we then have Cuppers matches

versus other colleges consisting of two to three T20 games in the group stage, with

the chance of reaching the semi-final and then final. We were unfortunate to have

our last season cancelled due to the pandemic, however, the season previous to this

resulted in our Trinity team reaching the semi-final and narrowly losing out to a

strong Emmanuel college. We hope to build on the recent rise in performance level

over the last 5 years and progress well into the competition and therefore welcome

any players to join our sides, we are always in need!

It should be also noted that there is no separate womens’ team and all women who

want to try the game or have experience playing cricket are extremely welcome to

join and participate.

If you have any questions at all about cricket at Cambridge, be it College level or

University level, feel free to contact us via email or Facebook!

Contact: Roly Peel and Joseph Cuthbert (cricket@trinityfieldclub.net)


Football (Men’s)

In a little over a month, Gareth Southgate will finalise his squad to fly to the Qatar

World Cup. While we at TCAFC (Trinity College Association Football Club) can’t

promise that playing for us will help your chances of getting in at the last minute, it

probably can’t hurt them either.

The men’s football club at Trinity spans three teams across Divisions 2, 4 and 5 of

the University league. This breadth means that, regardless of ability or time

commitment, everyone has an opportunity to play here. Following the departure

(graduation) of some key figures at the club over the summer, we’re keen to get as

many freshers involved as possible, to maintain and build upon the high standard of

football the previous captains cultivated last year. All three teams are looking to

gain promotion.

We train at Trinity Old Fields on Tuesdays and Thursdays and compete in the

league and cup on weekends. We run most of our own training sessions, which

usually involve some drills of our own choosing, shooting practice, and small-sided

games. While we expect first- and second-team players to turn up to training, the

third team – Trinity Bruces – has no such expectation, and really only hopes that its

starting 11 isn’t too hungover to make kick-off most weekends.

Off the pitch, our social secretaries have been hard at work to ensure a full slate of

events for you over the course of Michaelmas, starting with our freshers’ social at

Cambridge Brew House on October 8th. Among other things also planned this term,

are a football-themed pub quiz, a swap with the women’s team, and a joint social

with the rugby team.

If any of this has piqued your interest, please follow the club on Instagram

(@trinitycollegeafc) and come find us at Chaplain’s Squash! If you have any

questions, you can contact the captains either on Facebook – we’re pretty easy to

find – or by email at any time.

Contact: Charlie Butler (Captain, cb2136@cam.ac.uk) or Tom Fisher

(Vice-Captain, tf369@cam.ac.uk)


Football (Women’s)

Whether you’re a star on the pitch, or a newbie inspired by the recent Euros,

TCWAFC needs you!

Looking for fun outings and refreshing study breaks? Enthusiastic team players

looking for a hassle-free sport are perfect for TCWAFC. Friendly and low

commitment, our weekly training sessions and League or Cuppers matches are a

fantastic way to stay active in your time at Trinity, all while meeting new people

from across the year groups! Games against other colleges also expand your

horizons, with away days meaning trips to various playing fields across Cambridge,

and the chance to make cross-college friendships. Our matches get competitive, but

remain light-hearted. Win or lose, everyone is made to feel proud of their

performance. Once again, all abilities are welcome.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our captain. We hope to see

you soon!

Contact: Alice Weatherly (kaw951@cam.ac.uk)


Hockey (Mixed)

Joining the Trinity Hockey Team is a truly great way to improve your hockey skills

and fitness while not having to invest a lot of time, which is probably the most

precious resource here in Cambridge. While playing at college can help you get into

one of the university teams, we encourage players of all levels to join whether you

picked up the stick for the first time or played for ten years. Come along to our

training and see how much fun Hockey is!

In Michaelmas Term, there will be league matches every Sunday where we play

against other college teams. College Hockey is all about having a good time on the

pitch and everybody will get the opportunity to find their place in the squad. Going

together as a team and developing good chemistry, we will enter the Lent Term

‘Cuppers’ competition later in the year which is a champions-league-style

tournament. Matches can get a bit more intense in this term but we have a good

track record, winning the competition two times over the previous three years.

There are few feelings like walking off the pitch just having defeated one of the big

hockey colleges (St John’s, Jesus, Kings) to progress to the next round. Join us and

see for yourself what this is like!

There will be a training session before our first match where everyone still

undecided can drop in and try - all are welcome! If you do not have a Hockey stick

yet, don’t worry, just drop me a message and we can organise one for you. If you

have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via

menshockey@trinityfieldclub.net or text me on Messenger. We are really looking

forward to meeting you at Chaplain’s Squash!

Contact: Tristan Spreng (ts795@cam.ac.uk)



Are you looking to try a brand new sport? Or are you a lacrosse legend already?

Either way Trinity Mixed Lacrosse would love to have you join our ranks for the

new season!

If you’ve never heard of lacrosse before, it’s a bit like hockey played in the air. Most

of our team only start playing at Cambridge and quickly learn to love the sport and

the squad. As well as weekend matches, we often organise very informal training

sessions, often on the backs for a quick throw around in the evening. These are a

great way of getting used to playing lacrosse, breaking up the workload and getting

to know people from other years.

Trinity lacrosse is fairly low-commitment, but this doesn’t stop us being highly

competitive against other college teams. Last year’s season was our best one yet.

Our end of season victory over St John’s made us the team to beat, and, with your

help, we hope to dominate the league again this year! If you’re not sold yet, we also

have some new and exciting stash you might be able to get your hands on if you

stick around.

Contact: Katie Watson and George Hargreaves



Netball (Mixed)

If you’re looking for a fun, inclusive team sport to try at Trinity: look no further!

Whether you’ve played netball before, or have no experience at all, you’d be very

welcome to come along and join the mixed netball team. The team is very relaxed

and friendly, and is low-commitment. We have one match and around one training

session per week, although there could be more if there is enthusiasm for it! Mixed

netball is perfect if you want to get involved with Trinity sport but are worried about

having to give up hours of your time! It’s also a great way to get to know people in

other years, through team socials and a Sunday brunch after a morning match.

Even though we place having a good time at the heart of what we do, we are still a

highly successful team. We’ve won the league multiple times in recent years

(including last year!), and we’ve won the Mixed Netball Cuppers many times as

well. Whilst last year Oxford’s Christ Church College were too fearful of the

mighty TCMNC to put out a side against us, we are hopeful that this year they will

step up for our annual match.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing you

on the court!

Contact: Henry Wayt and Eloise Ramsden



Netball (Women’s)

Hi! I’m Caitlin, this year’s captain for Women’s Netball :) I’m super excited to

create an inclusive space for people to come play netball, regardless of previous

experience or skill!

The whole idea is to come and have fun, meet new people and make memories. It

also happens to be a great excuse to take a break and get outside!

There’s one match a week, and potential for training sessions too! The team is super

chill and not much commitment is required, but be prepared to play to some

banging tunes on court. Hopefully this year we’ll play our way to success!

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch!

Contact: Caitlin Manchester (cnm35@cam.ac.uk)


Rugby Union

If you want to both avoid 6am wake-ups and win something, then its rugby rather

than rowing that you might be interested in. The Trinity-Christ’s rugby team finds

itself riding the high of 2 years of growth and success, playing some high-quality

rugby whilst also facilitating the development of many players for whom the

college league was their first experience of this beautiful game. Like all college

sports we’re always looking for new members, and the rugby community at the

college is only growing.

The mighty TCCCRUFC plays every weekend in Michaelmas and Lent, competing

in both the college league and in cuppers. We train two times a week under our very

own ex-Northampton Academy and Army XVs coach Alex Skingley, with timings

organised to facilitate maximum turnout. Summer term sees the widely loved

Trinity Summer Touch season (see ‘Trinity Summer Touch Rugby’ Facebook page).

In other words, there is always some joué à jouer. Despite this, the club isn’t one

that requires a huge time commitment (although strong emotional support for the

club is strongly encouraged).

College rugby is not the toxic, initiation-heavy, drinking-culture centred atmosphere

that people seem to perceive it as. We love a social, we love to get together in the

bar or JCR post games or for team selections and even more so we love to get

together to watch the Prem, the Six Nations or Autumn Nations series, but the

atmosphere is welcoming and the culture inclusive. If you’re interested in playing,

training, trying out or even just watching some rugby this is the family for you.

Contact: Henry King (mensrugby@trinityfieldclub.net)



Squash is one of the world’s all-time most popular sports. It’s very fun, is not a

huge commitment (one match a week if you’re on the team), and is a great way to

meet people.

We run an intra-college competition during the year and have a group chat so you

can find people to play with whenever you feel like it. Any standard is welcome,

whether you’ve ever played before or are a veteran of the sport. If you want to come

along, please sign up at Chaplain’s Squash or contact the captain.

All in all, squash is a very welcoming and low-commitment sport – even if you have

never played it but just fancy running around, letting some steam off, or making a

few new mates, come and give it a try!

Contact: Issac Flanagan squash@trinityfieldclub.net


Swimming and Water Polo

Swimming is a brilliant sport to do during term time. It’s a great stress reliever and

fun to mess around in the pool with friends after a long week. This year we are also

hoping to do Water Polo depending on interest. Swimming works out the full body

and is diverse enough to tailor to everyone.

For casual swimmers, it’s a great way to keep fit and have fun. For the advanced

swimmers/athletes, it’s an excellent way to improve cardio, strength and lung

capacity which can help your other sports as well, not just swimming. Whatever

your ability and whatever sport you do, Trinity Swimming is the place to go!

Sessions will take place weekly at Parkside Pools which is a 15 min walk from

college or around 5 min cycle.

At the end of the year, we have Swimming Cuppers where you can put your training

and speed to the test, as well as that it’s a good laugh and really fun to race your


Contact: Pratyush Mishra (pm722@cam.ac.uk)



Whether you’re a complete beginner or a university team hopeful, playing with

Trinity Tennis is a great way to spend your time at the college.

We run dedicated coached sessions for team members during the week, which are

perfect for honing your skills, as well as a more mixed ability social practice session

at the weekend. Of course, as members of Trinity, you can also book online and use

one of the courts anytime for free (three astro-turf and two hard) for your own

knockabout or match. But one thing is common to all – everyone is really friendly,

and we pride ourselves on maintaining a nice atmosphere.

Competitively, we field three mixed teams. The 1sts are entering our fifth

consecutive season in division 1 and the 2nds are rising up the divisions fast, so we

really are at the highest level of college tennis. Leagues run both in the Michaelmas

and Lent terms, with matches usually taking place on a weekend.

On top of these, we also have some special tennis events during the year. We

challenge our O*ford sister college, Christ Church, during the Field Club’s annual

varsity match (which will take place in O*ford next year), but we also have an

annual match against a group of Trinity Alumni under the guise of the Bar Lawn

Tennis Society Team.

We look forward to meeting you, and please do come along at the fresher’s sports

day for some tennis!

Contact: Isaac Flanagan (tennis@trinityfieldclub.net)


Ultimate Frisbee

The question is. . . what is Ultimate Frisbee? Ultimate is a fast-paced, non-contact

sport played with a flying disc. The team in control of the disc advances up the

pitch by throwing the disc to their teammates while the defensive side tries to make

an interception. Goals are scored when the attacking team scores in the opposition

end zone.

Frisbee is a super fun sport and a wonderful way to get fit. Don’t worry if you’ve

never played before - almost no one has when they arrive in Cambridge and many

players play for the university after just one or two years. The best way to learn is to

join us at one of our practices which we’ll run twice a week on Trinity’s backs. On

weekends, we play matches against other college teams in the college league and we

also participate in a couple of inter-college tournaments every year.

We welcome everyone, regardless of ability, at all of our training sessions and

matches. If you show up, you’ll always be guaranteed pitch time.

Contact: Dan Church (djc204@cam.ac.uk)



Volleyball at Trinity is a blast! We have a really welcoming group, so whatever your

level we look forward to meeting you. Most people have never played before

coming, but they always seem to pick it up really quickly so don’t let that put you


That being said, our plucky squad went undefeated in the college league last year,

so we really do play at a good level (and you will too of course)! The key to our

success is the chemistry that holds the team together, so playing volleyball is a great

way to make friends and to meet people outside the college, since the team is joint

with Queens’ College.

We train once a week indoor at the Trinity gym on Sundays, though if you want you

can of course book the court for free anytime during the week if you fancy playing

more. Just message in the Facebook group and there will definitely be people

willing to play with you. The net and balls are already there at the court so it’s really


The highlight of the year is the Cuppers league in Lent term. We get to play at the

nearby Leys School on an amazing court and test our skills against other colleges.

The picture above is of us winning our first match last year!

If you have any other questions, please do get in touch. See you on the court!

Contact: Ashid Amarsanaa (volleyball@trinityfieldclub.net)

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