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Chapter 16

Mr. Toño arrived the very next morning. He was an older gentleman, a

little on the heavy side, and very cheerful. He had a tendency to speak

loudly, as if one were def. I’ve grown accustomed to his tone though. He

woke me up that morning with his thunder mouth. When I went outside I

immediately recognized him as one the people in Nereida’s picture. He

began by saying: “Look sonny you don’t know who I am…” I instantly

started to like this guy; he was so joyful. Though I always wake up in a bad

mood, after talking to him for a few minutes my mood changed. He said:

“Wake up sonny I’m talking to you”. Mr. Toño is also from Cabo Rojo. He

told me he had gone to the Tamarindo before all this started and that when

he passed by he always felt strange. He said he always got the feeling he

knew me.

Since he believed in reincarnation he thought he probably knew me from

another life. He me told that morning he was headed to Guaniquilla (a

neighborhood in Cabo Rojo) and when he saw my car parked outside he

decided to stop. He said he had always wanted to talk to me about the

whole UFO phenomenon but since he had read in the article that I didn’t

want to talk to people who were just curious he didn’t want to bother me.

However, somehow that morning he mustered up the courage to stop right

in front of my house and call me out. I told him to wait while I grabbed the

key to the gate. He said no to bother since he would only be there a few

minutes to just satisfy his curiosity. I told him that was no problem.

- So tell me, was that flying saucer really big? – He asked.

- Don’t you remember? – I replied smiling.

- Yes I remember, from the pictures shown on the television and in

the magazine…


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