EMHPA Handbook 2022-2024

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Exam Format:

- Test: up to 10 multiple choice and /or open questions on the entire module program (Available

time: 20’-45’, depending upon the question type);

- Individually written short essay (3-5 pages, 1.000-1.800 words) on a topic assigned to the

student among the Module’s topics. Essay general guidelines are available in the Moodle

Learning Platform. Available time: 62 hrs.

18 out of 30 points is the minimum threshold for both test and essay. The final mark will result

from the following formula:

[(Essay's points x 2.2) + Test's points]/3


The programme adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the teaching units, with

1 ECTS = 25 hr student workload. As a rule, 1 contact hr will be held to correspond to ~3 hr of

student’s individual work, accounting for intensity of teaching, amount of study materials,

essays to write, exams, etc. For the evaluation of academic progress, the ECTS grading scale will

be adopted within the consortium.

Student’s Work Loads (Total 375 hour)

Lectures and seminars: 75

Practical teaching and online learning: 45

Individual study: 229

Exam: 26

Module Responsible

Professor Arnaldo Zelli.


Michel Audiffren (Poitiers), Alfredo Brancucci (Rome), Anne Kær Gejl (Odense), Siv Gjesdal

(Oslo), Francesca Romana Lenzi (Rome), Karen Petry (Cologne), Nadja Schott (Stuttgart),

Thomas Skovgaard (Odense), Giuseppe Vannozzi (Rome), Otmar Weiss (Vienna), Arnaldo Zelli


Practical teaching

Andrea Brunelli (Rome), Francesca Morino (Rome), Roberto Ricci (Rome), Yuri Russo (Rome)


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