EMHPA Handbook 2022-2024

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Theoretical and Academic competences:

• Starting from the critical reading of literature, identify best practice knowledge to develop

novel solutions and protocols of motor intervention.


The exam schedules will be defined by the university hosting the internship (see the following


Exam Format:

The exam consists of an individual written essay and/or individual oral presentation on one

practical aspect covered during the internship, and will be organised and evaluated by the

faculty of the university hosting the internship.

Study Abroad

Essential information to help students prepare for their internship period will be provided

before starting the 4th Module of the first year.

The University of Rome Foro Italico grants a scholarship of € 200,00 to all students attending at

least 15 ECTS in a different country from the one of his/her own nationality, given that

his/her have not benefited of any scholarship, grant or reimbursement (either

from national, European Union or home institution funds) for the above mentioned mobility

periods. The scholarship will be assigned on June 2022 (1st year mobility) and on February 2023

(2nd year mobility), after formal registration of the relevant academic activity.

Students, in addition to the possibility of participating to Erasmus+ Calls (Study and/or

Traineeship), benefit of additional funding issued by the Italian Ministry of Education to support

their curricular internship/s abroad, whose amount (up to € 500/month) is determined on the

basis of the student’s ISEE/family income and assigned upon formal registration of the relevant

academic activity.


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