Race, Faith and Community in Contemporary Britain Essays on Black, African, and African Caribbean Muslims in the UK PROUDLY MUSLIM & BLACK REPORT 2022

Black British Muslims play an important role in British society but are poorly represented in public discourse, policy, and indeed across a range of sectors. To overcome structural disadvantages and racism in society and in Muslim communities, we aim to create a platform for interventions in discourse and representation as well as in power relations. Our effort is collaborative and aimed at exploring the diversity, contributions, heritage, as well as the history of Black British Muslims. Our objective in this report is to create a platform to review and consider the current state of race and power relations, while creating networks and partnerships. In short, bringing Black British Muslim voices to the forefront is to work towards inclusion and belonging in British society and importantly, in British Muslim communities.

Black British Muslims play an important role in British society but are poorly represented in public discourse, policy, and indeed across a range of sectors. To overcome structural disadvantages and racism in society and in Muslim communities, we aim to create a platform for interventions in discourse and representation as well as in power relations. Our effort is collaborative and aimed at exploring the diversity, contributions, heritage, as well as the history of Black British Muslims. Our objective in this report is to create a platform to review and consider the current state of race and power relations, while creating networks and partnerships.
In short, bringing Black British Muslim voices to the forefront is to work towards inclusion and belonging in British society and importantly, in British Muslim communities.


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i. Introduction

Save Our Boys is an organisation based in London that was set up to help support Black boys

who are close to permanent exclusion from school or a life in crime. Save Our Boys is working

to change that one boy at a time.

There are many issues that are affecting Black boys negatively. First, racism in broader society.

Stop and search, for example, is disproportionately used on Black people. As research shows,

racism in education particularly in classrooms is another factor. Second, exclusion from school.

A number of studies have shown how exclusion disproportionately affects Black and minority

youth. Third, a generational divide between parents and youth. A fourth factor that shapes the

life chances of Black boys is a lack of positive role models.

At a time when knife crime is at record levels (Benthem, 2020), Save our Boys’ goal is to save

their lives. The work is urgent, and responsive to the challenges young Black boys face today.

Save Our Boys:

A youth work intervention

By Rakin fetuga

ii. A Teacher’s Perspective

My perspective comes from being a youth worker, a Learning Mentor, a teacher, and experience

as a rapper. I grew up in Ladbroke Grove in the 1980s where crime was rife and gangs were

active. I witnessed first-hand what the streets can do. The streets are more dangerous than they

used to be. We used to settle problems with our fists but now they’re settled with weapons.

Knives were at one point about making marks on your face; now they are for stabbing.

My saving grace was music. It kept me busy, writing, gathering lyrics. I was a rapper with Cash

Crew, and later with Mecca 2 Medina. Thereafter I became a teacher, and started Save our

Boys in 2015.

iii. What the research shows

Black boys are permanently excluded in high numbers from schools and put into Pupil Referral

Units (PRUs). The revelation comes as the Department for Education published new national

data on exclusions, which shows Black pupils from a Caribbean background had almost twice

the England average rate of short term exclusions at 10.37% in 2018-19 (DfE, 2020).

Exclusion in education is a serious issue; once a child goes to a PRU their education is damaged

for life. The child will never be able to access the same level of education they received in a

mainstream school. Also there are many other issues as Haroon Siddique explains. “Young

Black Caribbean boys are nearly four times more likely to receive a permanent school exclusion

and twice as likely to receive a fixed-period exclusion than the school population as a whole,

making them the most excluded group apart from Gypsy and Traveller children (Siddique,


There is evidence that exclusions lead to incarceration in the form of a “PRU-to-prison” pipeline.

The IRR report (Perera 2020) notes that 89% of children in detention in 2017-18 reported to have



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