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of God.

I was watching the expression on the face of a young

ophthalmologist from UCLA, a guest on the platform as an

observer. He had told me earlier that he was thrilled by the

genuine healings he had witnessed in another meeting,

but was still confused by this falling under the power. He

glanced at me across the platform and our eyes met. He

shook his head and shrugged his shoulders in dismay. (In

less than twenty minutes, that same young doctor would

be stretched full length on the floor having gone under

the power when Miss Kuhlman prayed for him.)

Again, Miss Kuhlman addressed the audience. “Let

me tell you what happened several weeks ago in

Pittsburgh. I wish you could meet my new friend, Gordon

Wilson.” He was in the miracle service that day and had

driven all the way from a tiny little town eighty miles west

of Ottawa in Canada. And not only that, he had brought

four women with him, all of them crippled and one of them

in a wheel chair.

“Not only was this man healed of bleeding ulcers, but

everyone in that car received a healing blessing—and one

of the ladies was the wife of one of the two doctors in that

little Canadian village.”

There was a stirring in the congregation and I could

hear people saying, “Praise God” and “Hallelujah.”

“But wait,” Miss Kuhlman continued, her voice more

intense but still quiet. “That is not the most amazing thing.

The amazing thing is that Mr. Wilson went back to

Ontario, chartered a bus and brought the whole bus load

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