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is dead—yet acted as if they were at His funeral every

Sunday. Dozens of names flashed through my mind—sick

friends, ministers, fellow Christians, skeptics, loved ones.

How I wished they could have shared this experience with


My life will never be the same.

Jamie Buckingham

1The phenomenon of persons crumpling when Miss

Kuhlman lays hands on them or prays for them has

characterized her ministry since its inception. She

readily admits she has no explanation for it except to

say that it is the power of the Holy Spirit. To back

this up, she quotes Scripture: Acts 9 tells of Saul

having a face-to-face encounter with the Spirit of

Christ and falling to the ground on the Damascus

Road; Matthew 17 relates the story of the three

apostles on the Mount of Transfiguration who could

not stand to their feet in the presence of God. Further

investigation shows that this same phenomenon

accompanied many of the great evangelists in history

such as Charles G. Finney, Peter Cartwright, and

Dwight L. Moody. “Falling under the power” was

also quite prevalent in some of the world’s great

revivals and at the Great Awakening (1740–55) with

George Whitefield and the Welsh Revival (1904) with

Evan Roberts.Back

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