Rajah News - October 2022

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Rajah News

Vol. 80 October - November 2022 No. 6


Autumn is a Second Spring When every Leaf is a flower

In this issue”: Highlights of: MASA, Pote’s Picnic, Shrine Night at the Fightin Phils

History of Shriners Hospitals II, Meet the 2022 Pretzel Bowl King & Queen

Nobles and Ladies

The Potentate’s Aides

Cordially invite you to the



Illustrious Sir Joseph J. Hagan, Sr.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Rajah Shrine Banquet Hall

$25.00 per person

Social Hour: 2:00 – 3:00 PM Dinner: 3:00 PM

Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship

To Toast or Roast Illustrious Sir Joe

Reservation Deadline is November 11, 2022


Please complete this reservation form and return with a check, payable to:

Mike Quinn, 46 East Cedar St, Fleetwood, PA 19522, 484-256-0562

Noble___________________________ Lady _____________________

Noble __________________________ Lady _____________________

Club or Unit Name__________________________________

Total # _______________ @ $25.00 = $ ________________Enclosed


The Potentate’s Message

Es Selamu Aleikum

Es Selamu Aleikum

Nobles, The Pote’s Ladies Picnic and Friends: was a great day. Thanks to all the Ladies and Nobles who helped

make it the success it was. Again, the folks on the clam detail worked hard and kept

them coming. I saw where there were two or three Nobles who had eaten themselves

into a light coma.

I believe everyone had a great time at MASA. Thanks to Nobles John Grumbein

and Teddy Werkheiser for getting everything for the Hospitality Room to the hotel,

setting it up and keeping it well stocked. Thanks to the Ladies and Nobles from the

various Clubs and Units who worked each evening to make sure things went well, and

they did. All the Clubs and Units that participated in the parade on Saturday looked


I don’t know if we won any prizes for the parade. The only prize I’m aware of is the

Legion of Honor winning 1st Place in the In-Line Inspection on Friday. Congratulations

to them.

The Sportsmen’s Raffle will be in the past when this comes out and I hope we did as

well as last year. The second Pote’s Trip will be leaving on Thursday, September 29th, and returning on

Sunday, October 2nd. It should be great to be in New England that time of year.

Membership is still a major project. Ask your Masonic Brothers to come visit Rajah Shrine and see

where the fun is in Masonry.

Yours in the Faith,

Illustrious Sir, Joseph J, Hagan, Sr., Potentate


Attest: Les A. Werley, Recorder






Director’s Staff................................................................4

History of Children’s Hospital........................................5

Lehigh Shrine Club.........................................................7

Golf Club........................................................................7

Pretzel Bowl King and Queen.........................................8

Pote’s Picnic..................................................................10

Legion ALIEKUM of Honor............................................................11




Joe Hagan

Provost RecorderGuard...............................................................14

Forks Of The Delaware Tin Lizzies .............................15

String Band...................................................................16

Caravaners ....................................................................16

In This Issue

Christmas in July..........................................................17

Lebanon Shrine Club ...................................................18

Oriental Band................................................................18

Holiday Raffle...............................................................19


Concert Band................................................................22

Worthy of Mention........................................................23

Hospital Services......................................................... 23

Hospital Ambassadors...................................................24

Shrine Night at Fightin’ Phils.......................................25

The Chaplain’s Study....................................................26






Shriners International

Published February, April, June,

Shriners International

August, October, December

Published February, April, June,

P.O. August, Box 40, October, Blandon, December PA 19510

Telephone: 610-916-9000

P.O. Box Fax: 40, 610-916-9100

Blandon, PA 19510

Telephone: www.rajahshrine.org 610-916-9000

Fax: 610-916-9100



Sam Ellis

2409 Treeline EDITORDrive

Easton, Sam PA 18040-7925 Ellis

Phone: 2409 Treeline 610-390-6188 Drive

E-mail: Email: Easton, magazine@rajahshrine.org


PA 18040-7925



Email: Carl Frey, sellis4947@aol.com

William Quinn,

Barry Weisser and Sam Ellis


Sharon Grumbein





Maximum article size is 450


Copy deadline for the next

issue of the Rajah News is

Maximum article size is 450


Copy deadline for the next

issue of the Rajah News is


E-mail or Mail your article

to Sam Ellis (Address Above)

NOVEMBER 10, 2022


E-mail or Mail your article

to Sam Ellis (Address Above)




















Every Thursday Evening at the Rajah Shrine Complex

Every Doors Open Thursday at 5:00 - Bingo Evening Starts at 6:30 at the

Every Thursday • Open Evening To The at Public the Rajah • Smoke Shrine Free Complex

Rajah Shrine Complex

Doors • Refreshments Open at 5:00 Available - Bingo Starts

Doors Open at 5:00 - Bingo for Starts Purchase at 6:30

at 6:30 •

• Open Proceeds To The benefit Public Rajah • Smoke Shrine Free and •

Open To The Public • Smoke Free • Refreshments Available for Purchase

• Refreshments are not deductible Available as charitable for Purchase donations. •

Proceeds benefit Rajah Shrine and are not deductible as charitable donations.

Carl Solarek,


Proceeds benefit Rajah Shrine and

are not deductible as charitable donations.

Fall is finally here bringing cooler weather, parade season and

outside meetings.

Thanks to our nobles Ed, Barry, Lee, and Mick who set up and

sold our jewelry at the Pote’s Picnic. This is a very important fund

raiser for the unit because it gives us funding to keep our vehicles

running. Special thanks to our Treasurer Mick Frey who buys the

jewelry and keeps the inventory updated and stocked.

This year's Pote’s Picnic unfortunately didn’t include the fun

and entertaining second section. A ruling by the International

Shrine Directors Association will not permit Temples to have the

hot or cold sands at the ceremonials because of potential lawsuits

for what might be considered harassment to the candidates?

It’s unfortunate that new candidates will not be able to look back and smile as we do,

remembering our experience going thru the second section. We as Shriners work hard

to support our Temples and should be

able to have some fun that will always be

remembered. It’s sad that a few can ruin

everything for the majority.

We didn’t have a meeting in August or

September because these dates conflicted

with the Pote’s Picnic and MASA.

The Parade schedule for October thru

December is being finalized and will be

available at the meetings which will be

the first Wednesday of the month starting

in October. Nobles, please come to our

meetings and bring some fresh help and

ideas to improve our Shrine. CEREMONIALS

In closing, Mini-Ceremonials I ask that we please shall shall pray be be at the at the discretion

for the Nobles Potentate. of our unit To To schedule, and Temple please that please contact contact the the recorder recorder at at

are going thru some difficult times with

their health. Remember our unit “holds

the rope for others who can’t.”



'Selling Jewelry' Sitting - Ed

Austin, standing L-R Barry

Reed, Lee Brisan, Mic Frey



The History of Shriners Hospitals for Children, Part 2

Ill. Sir

Greg Lewis, PP

The year of 2022 is very significant

in the history of Shriners International,

Shriners Children’s Hospitals and

Rajah Shrine. This is the fourth article

in a series published this year in an

effort to bring you a history of one

of the greatest fraternal organizations

that exists today.

In the articles published in previous

editions we looked at the history of

Shriners International and the history of

Rajah Shrine. A third article was the first of two parts dedicated

to the founding of the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Now

we present Part 2, which addresses the history of the Shriners

Children’s Network of Health Facilities.

Breaking New Ground When Shriners Children’s was

established in 1922, it was among the first specialized orthopedic

hospitals in North

In 1966 Shriners open first Burn

Institute in Galveston, TX

We Are All In This Together Every one of the more than one-half million

Shriners from around the globe are all committed to the preservation and

growth of this, “The World’s Greatest Philanthropy.” Each year, through their

hospital dues assessment and the hundreds of fund-raising events, full support

of this great cause is on display, exhibiting that “No man ever stands so tall as

when he stoops to help a child in need.”

Shriner's hospitals were pioneers in child

orthopedic care

America. Its pioneering effort in this field soon established them as authoritative figures

in the medical world. Many orthopedic surgeons had part of their training at a Shriners

Hospital and the same educational opportunity is still available to this day. As general

orthopedic medicine advanced and infections and polio were virtually eliminated,

Shriners Hospitals found themselves treating the more complicated, specialized cases

that could not be adequately treated by many local hospital facilities.

In the early 1960’s, Shriners entered two new fields. The collating of all Shrine

medical records, enabling the beginning of an orthopedic research program, additionally

the Shrine moved into the almost unexplored field of severe burn treatment for children,

by establishing their own Shriners Burns Institutes.

Today, Shriners Children’s continues its work on the causes and cures of crippling

diseases and the cause of and cures for scarring with their extensive burn research.

A New Name – A New Strategy Our Great Philanthropy finds itself in

an ever-changing landscape of healthcare. True to our aim of serving more

kids in more places, last year we saw more children than ever before, but

the majority did not receive in-patient care. As a result of the changing care

patterns in pediatric health care,

five of our facilities no longer

offer inpatient services, although the care they provide is still transformative in the lives

of these children and their families. We anticipate even more joining that number in the

near future. As a result, many states’ regulatory bodies will no longer allow us to use

our corporate name, Shriners Hospitals for Children, to describe the care we provide in

an outpatient setting. Shriners Hospitals for Children has traditionally had a very strong


“master brand” strategy with all of our facilities holding the same name. Recent evolutions in health care have changed that.

Our five outpatient facilities each have different names such as Shriners for Children Medical Center — Pasadena or The Erie

Shriners Medical Center. The goal of any brand is to create consistency to increase brand equity.

The recent announcement of our new brand, Shriners Children’s, is a step toward unifying

all our locations, regardless of the means of providing care, under one brand. This is not a name

change, but a change in our brand strategy to compete in the constantly evolving world of health


Imperial Sir Kenneth

Graven is Chairman of

the Board of Shriners


Currently, Shriners Children’s encompasses twenty hospitals and eight outpatient facilities.

The responsibility for oversite of this large enterprise falls on the boards of directors of all the

hospitals and facilities within the system.

Governance Shriners Children’s are governed by a Twelve-member Board of Directors,

whose members are the elected line of Imperial Officers and the Chairman of the Board of

Hospital Directors.

Shriners Children’s Board of Trustees is a separate body that oversees the entire hospital

system on a daily basis and consists of a chairman and eleven other members that are elected

on a rotating three-year basis, with the Chairman of the Hospital Board also serving as the

President of the overall Governing Board.

On the local hospital level, each hospital operating under the Shriners Hospitals for Children

Network System has a Board of Directors that tends to each hospital’s needs and concerns and

in turn report to the Imperial Shriners Children’s Board of Trustees.

Each of the hospitals/medical centers have a Board of Governors with a chairman and members selected from the Shrine

Temples affiliated in a geographical area related

to each hospital. The B. O. G. members are

nominated by the sitting Potentate of each Shrine

Temple as necessitate when vacancies occur. A

nominating committee for each hospital interviews

and evaluates each nominee’s skills, mindset and

commitment to serve and makes recommendations

to the B. O. G. for approval, which is then submitted

to the Imperial Board for final approval.

Rajah Shrine is playing a part in the management

of the Shriners Healthcare System. Noble Jon

Swartz is a recent Chairman of the Board of

Governors-Philadelphia and Noble Jim Atkins,

also of Rajah Shrine, is a current voting member of

the Board of Governors-Philadelphia.

Looking Ahead The system is in responsible

hands. Our hands. The future of Shriners Children’s

is bright and assured by the Nobles of the World’s

Greatest Philanthropy.

Jon Swartz, Esq,

Past Chairman of Board

of Directors, Shriners

Children's Philadelphia

Jim Atkins, Voting member,

Board of Directors,

Shriners Children's



Nobles: The Rajah Shrine Membership numbers listed below are the Nobles who still owe 2022 dues per our Temple records. If by chance you have misplaced your

dues notice or you didn’t receive a notice due to a recent address change, please contact the Recorder at 610-916-9000, to assist you in taking care of this matter. If you

have paid your 2022 dues within the past month, thank you for your payment! Les A. Werley, Recorder

21144 21351 21369 22252 22563 24495 24537 24934 24966 24999 25635 25762 25941 26000 26244

26257 26277 26441 26501 26836 27673 27755 27910 27993 28040 28085 28117 28129 28146 28193

28230 28368 28379 28397 28405 28422 28481 28488 28572 28603 28608 28643 28662 28680 28762

28808 28838 28848 28878 28895 28928 28953 28986 29010 29021 29026 29028


Roger C. Reis

Welcome to September and some (allegedly) cooler weather. I

am writing this article in the midst of packing for MASA. I hope

to see a lot of my Shrine Brothers there.

The Lehigh Shrine Club was “dark” in July, although our

Board of Directors met on the 20th. In August, on Wednesday the

17th, we had our Annual Inter-Club Nite at the Masonic Lodge

on Route 100 in Trexlertown. We had 38 members and guests,

including seven Past Potentates. There were Shriners present

from eight different Clubs and several others from Units.

The meal was All You Can Eat consisting of fruit cocktail, salad

with hot Dutch dressing, tomatoes, corn on the cob, fried potatoes, fried eggs, ham, and pie

and ice cream for dessert. Of course, beer and soda was included. If you left hungry, then

you were just not trying. This was, and always is, a fun and very social evening.

The LSC 2nd Annual Noble Ron Neimeyer Memorial Golf Outing at the Twin Lakes

Golf Course will be

held on Wednesday,

October 12. When

you read this article,

there will still be

time for you to sign

up to play. Contact

any LSC Officer for


Nobles, remember

to support and

attend your Clubs

and Units. Without

active membership,

we WILL cease to

exist! As always,

it’s GREAT to be a



Lehigh SC Board. Sitting L-R Dave Evans, PP,

Don Hoffman, Ray Ballard, Ron Stoudt, Standing

L-R Bill Remo, PP, Bill Glose, Roger Reiss, Jared

Kichline, PP, Paul Lizun, Dennis Guignet

President Dennis Guignet

welcomes the nobles to

Interclub Night

John Grumbein gives a report at

during the Interclub Night meeting

Frank Einsel,



Rajah Shrine Golf Club is continuing to seek new members who are willing to participate in our

functions. We encourage the participation of any Mason or Shriner to join us for fun and fellowship.

So far this year, the Club has hosted outings at Berkleigh Golf Course, Lebanon Valley Golf Club,

Green Acres Golf Course, Rich Maiden Golf Course and Mountain Valley Golf Course. Each and every

one of our golfers had an enjoyable day at all of those courses. Our sixth outing will be held once again at

Berkleigh Golf Club, and, as in the case of each one of our previous outings, the price per person will be

$45.00 and will include a $10.00 food voucher. In previous years we only scheduled six outings, but due

to popular demand, we are seriously considering the addition of a seventh outing tentatively scheduled for

Rich Maiden Golf Course in early October 2022.

We, the Officers of Rajah Shrine Golf Club, encourage any person interested in joining us for an enjoyable

day on the golf course to contact any one of the following and we will be more than happy to include you on our email list or our

phone list. You may contact Gilbert F. Darlak at home #620-678-4963, Frank L. Einsel at cell #610-223-4709, Arlan J. Werst at cell

#484-333-5316 or Lamar G. Hartline at cell #610-468-2749. We look forward to hearing from YOU!




Kaydnce Sheppard

Kaydnce Sheppard was born in Zephyrhills, Florida.

At birth, her left leg was shorter than the other. It is a condition called P.F.F.D, which stands for Peferal Femur

Focal Deficiency. Kaydnce was 2 months old when she was first seen at the Tampa Shriners Hospital. The

doctors there thought that amputation was the best solution. They felt she would never walk or crawl.

Then her mother’s uncle, Curtis Beam, a Rajah Shriner and 32 degree Mason of Lodge 152 in Easton, PA,

referred the family to Shriners Children’s - Philadelphia for a second opinion. The doctors there offered a ray

of hope that the leg could be saved. So, with that more favorable outlook, the family moved to Pennsylvania

and Kaydnce began treatment. She has been a patient of Shriners Philadelphia ever since. Kaydnce has had

multiple leg-lengthening surgeries over the years and has benefited from new surgery techniques that have

been developed at the hospital and within the Shriners Hospital System.

Today, Kaydnce is an active teenager. She is in the eighth grade at Nazareth in the Nazareth school district

and loves basketball and art. She has an older half-sister named Michaela who lives in Zephyrhills, Florida,

and a stepsister named Chloe.

Her mother, Raylene, is thankful for the loving care that her daughter has received in the Shriners Hospitals.

She said “It’s a miracle, really, what the doctors have accomplished with Kaydnce. From that first heart-breaking

diagnosis when she was just 2 months old, to a young person with a bright future. Thank you, Shriners!”




Nathan Snyder

Nathan, age 11, son of Patrick and Jennifer Snyder, is in sixth grade. Nathan was born with a 1-in-100,000

rare condition called Larsen Syndrome. The hospital in which Nathan was born in did not have a Pediatric

Orthopedist to care for Nathan’s hip dysplasia and his vertical talus of both feet.

He was referred to Shriner’s Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina. There, Nathan was thoroughly evaluated

and placed in a Pavlik harness to allow the hips to get into their sockets. Nathan’s next experience with

Shriners Hospitals was at Texas Shriners in Houston. The Texas team focused on correcting Nathan’s feet and

molded him for his first pair of SMOs, which are special foot and ankle braces.

As Nathan began to grow bigger, more problems were discovered. Patrick and Jennifer sought a second

opinion for their son at the Springfield, Massachusetts Shriners, and from there, Nathan’s orthopedic care was

transferred to Shriners Children’s Philadelphia where he underwent bilateral foot surgery.

“How wonderful it is to see your son go from wearing braces since a newborn to just molded inserts for his

sneakers,” said Jennifer. “Nathan likes to play video games, build with Legos, and ride his bicycle in his free

time. The providers and staff at Shriners Philadelphia are top notch. We are blessed beyond measure for the

excellent care Nathan has received both, outpatient and inpatient. An extra thank you to our Shrine drivers,

who volunteer their time to get us to our appointments.”



Picnic &


A sunny warm day was the

background for another gathering of

Nobles at the Rajah Complex to enjoy

great food, fellowship, good music and,

of course, clams!

The traditional ceremonial was held

at noon with 17 new Nobles brought

into the fraternity.

The steaming of the clams was

supervised by Pote’s Picnic cochairman

Joel Franco with help from

a host of Nobles. Shucking the clams

began at 8:00 a.m.

Besides clams, the ladies were

serving corn on the cob, hot dogs,

burgers, sausage, and beer baloney. The

picnic wouldn’t be complete without

ice cream, which went fairly quickly

given the warm temperatures.

Everyone agreed, it was great event!

Photography by Bill Quinn, 'Mic'

Frey & Sam Ellis

Lazlo Toth, PP,

leading Novices to the Ceremonial

Novices taking their oath

Lee Brisan places a fez on David Kodash.

Pote's Picnic co-chairman Joel Franco checks out

a new batch of clams along with Cliff Andrews.

Recorder Les Werley bringing

clams to the ladies serving food

Bruce Rohrbach playing the trombone with

the Rajah Concert Band’s German Band

Bethlehem SC members Garrett Newhartz

and Gary Bruch in the clam line

Lady Joyce enjoying ice cream


Serving corn on the cob, L-R Susie Lesher,

Beth Frey, Linda Reinert

No wonder the ice cream went so fast!

L-R Carol Stoudt, Gail Remo, Tess Shank, Carol Heimbecker, Karen Guignet

New members brought in at the Pote’s Picnic on

August 3 with the Potentate

1st row sitting L-R: Steven Madenford, Douglas Madenford, John Rodrigues, George Burke, Richard Hoffman, David Kodash,

Benjamin Robitzer, Austin Kolesnik

2nd row standing: Godstime Emonena, Scott Keller, Darrin Harvan, Thomas Bolton, Ill. Sir Joe Hagan, Keary Bortz, Michael Garman,

Hans Klotzbach, Evan Swoyer

Jere Lesher,



First off, the Legion of Honor took the 1st place trophy for the In-Line Inspection competition at

Virginia Beach. Those

representing our Legion

in that event were, left to


3rd V. Cmdr. Rich

Abdu, Terry Swingholm,

P. Cmdr. Clint Starkey,

Glenn Wolfe, Finance

Officer Andy Moyer, P.

Cmdr. Scott Miller. Be sure

to congratulate these Legion

Nobles. They looked real


From the Legion's point of view, things were a

wee bit disorganized since our trailer was not with

us. No one was given any info on where they were to

ride, so it was every man for himself. P-Cmdr. Bob

DeWalt and I were able to get seats on the String Band float. We thank them sincerely for that, although we were each given a

tambourine to play. I think we added another touch of quality to their music. Of course, I was better than Bob.

Two upcoming Legion events are the Past Commanders Night on October 11 when our Ladies will serve the traditional pork

& sauerkraut dinner and the Legion Christmas Party on December 18.

Once again, I’d like to remind everyone regarding our bus trip to attend the 2023 Virginia International Tattoo in Norfolk,

Virginia. Dates of that trip are April 21 & 22, 2023. You should have already received a flyer with the trip information. An initial

deposit is due by December 1. This trip is limited to 50 people and, simply by word-of-mouth, we already have some reservations.



September 8-11

Parade Marshal

Mike Quinn

Photography by Bill Quinn, Mic Frey, Reggie Peoples, Sam Ellis

Showing their support R - L Gail Remo,

Ferne Engle, Bill Remo - PP, Ed Engle - PP

Kraig Leiby - PP and Motor Corp President

leading a line of tractors

Bud Kohl on his 1948 Alis Chalmers tractor

Robert Prettyman driving a 1954 Case Tractor

Ill. Sir Joe Hagan and the Divan ride in the Hospital Services float

Shane Paisley, Pres. of the

Noble Riders

Jeremy Smith on

his Indian MC

Kevin Leiby driving a Motor Corp car Representatives of the Provost Guard riding in Jared Kichline’s Buick


It’s always good to see the String Band

Float in the MASA parade

Terry Hulsizer in the center smiles

as the String Band float passes by

Legion of Honor Officers

in Butch Koehler’s convertible

Garrett Newhartz leading the Tin Lizzies

Tin Lizzie Dale Reinert

Mike Zerbe PP, during a parade stop

Rajah and Syria Chanters sang

together at the Convention Center on Saturday

Ill. Sir Joe Hagan presented the trophy to the winning LOH In-Line Inspection

team. See the LOH article on page 11

Bob Shank PP sings along to

“Friends in Low Places”

Bruce Rohrbach and

the Chanters in the Hospitality Room







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Discover the benefits of working

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The Concert Band, German Band and Swing Band

gave performances in the Hospitality Room

• Blandon • Boyertown • Fleetwood • Kutztown

• Lyons • Oley • Shoemakersville • Wyomissing


Ill. Sir

Greg Lewis, PP


It’s OK if you missed the June Provost Guard Spaghetti Dinner. We know we caught a lot of people off

guard because you are used to attending the Fall Spaghetti Dinner, so you are excused….but there is NO

excuse for you to miss the next one….this is your final notice or else you’ll have to wait until next year.

Right on schedule we will be hosting our Annual Fall Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, October 8th at

the Rajah Complex when we will once again be serving more of that lip-smacking goodness of pasta,

meatballs, delicious sauce, fresh baked bread, crisp salad and soft drinks from 3 until 7 p.m., all for the

amazing price of just $9.00 per person. You can eat-in or take-outs will be available.

Don’t delay, it’s just a short time away! AND don’t forget the


Our President, Jon Schneider would like to thank the Provost

members who helped to park cars at the Sportsman’s Raffle in

September and at the Pretzel Bowl at Albright College. We may be small in number, but

our hearts are big and we love doing what we do for Rajah Shrine.

President Jon would also like to thank the members of the Rajah Official Family and

guests who once again made our Provost family picnic a great success. Yes, a good time

was had by all and we have already set in motion plans for another similar outing next year.

Big news from the recently held M.A.S.A. convention in Virginia Beach in September,

as Ill. Sir Jared Kichline, PP, moved up the ladder of the Mid-Atlantic Shrine Provost

Guard Association and now holds the position of Major. Congratulations Ill. Sir Jared.

Also, a shout out to Ill. Sir Ron Klee, PP and Past President of the Mid-Atlantic Shrine

Association, as he was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer of M.A.S.A.

Although this year is moving along at a faster clip than we would like, we are still

meeting every month and making plans for next year and beyond. If you’d like to be a

part of this hard-working unit of Rajah, consider this your invitation. We meet on the third

Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m., in the All-Purpose Room at the Rajah Complex. No

experience necessary.





PRETZEL Albright College vs. BOWL

Kings College

Albright College vs. Kings College

Albright October College vs. 15, Kings 2022

October 15, 2022 College

Game Time 12:00 PM

Game Time 12:00 PM

Eugene L. Shirk Stadium

Eugene Game Time L. Shirk 12:00 Stadium PM

October Game Time 15, 12:00 2022 PM

Jared Kichline, PP, taking

oath for new office in

MASA Provost Guard



Eugene L. Shirk Stadium

All proceeds benefit Shriners Hospital for Children

All proceeds benefit Shriners Hospital for Children

2022 Pretzel Bowl Chairman: John K. Grumbein

2022 Pretzel 2022 Committee:

Bowl Chairman: Gregory

John T.

K. Miller


2022 Committee: Gregory T. Miller

2022 Pretzel Bowl Chairman: John K. Grumbein

All proceeds benefit Shriners Hospital for Children

Sam Ellis,


Forks of the Delaware Tin Lizzies

The fall brings the resumption of our shoo-fly pie bakes. We had our first bake on the 19th. We’ll bake

twice a month thru mid-November and take it up again in February.

The club participated in a couple of parades before MASA. We were at the West End Fair. We drove

around within the fairgrounds along with two tractors and a wagon that was chauffeuring the Fair Queen,

Brianna Shupp, and her court waving to the fair goers. Then there was the rainy Labor Day parade in Pen

Argyl. The rain was just light enough that we were not slipping and sliding in our Tin Lizzie cars. The rain

didn’t seem to deter the crowd who cheered enthusiastically for the Shriners.

MASA was a blast. We had twelve cars in the parade. Thanks to the Nobles who traveled down to

Virginia Beach to support the Club.

Our October parade schedule has ten events scheduled so far with more to be confirmed. It’s always fun

to be a Tin Lizzie in the Fall.

Mike Hopstock and Dave


Dennis Guignet and Dale Reinert

Club President Larry

Silfies in MASA parade


WED., DECEMBER 7, 2022 - 7:00 P.M.

Please be advised that a stated meeting and Election of 2023 Officers of the Nobility of

Rajah Shrine will be held at 7:00 PM, Wednesday, December 7, 2022 in the Banquet Hall

at the Rajah Shrine Complex, 221 Orchard Road, Reading, PA 19605.

The business of the meeting will be to present to the body, discuss and vote, if necessary,

on the following items:

• To vote on candidates for creation and affiliation.

• Any other business that may lawfully come before the body.

• Hold Election of 2023 Officers

Illustrious Sir Joseph J. Hagan, Sr., Potentate

ATTEST: Les A. Werley, Recorder


Larry Christman

Mike, for your expertise.

Greetings from your String Band!

We are looking forward to great fall colors and fall weather for our upcoming parades. Our confirmed

schedule to date is filling in nicely:

9/21 @ 7 p.m. Ephrata • 9/28 @ 7 p.m. New Holland • 10/1 @ 11 a.m. Rogers Truck Show in Lititz

10/8 @ 7 p.m. Topton • 10/13 @ 7 p.m. newly added Whitehall • 10/15 @ 7 p.m. Pine Grove

10/16 @ 2 p.m. Quakertown • 10/27 @ 7 p.m. Columbia • 10/30 @ 7 p.m. King Frost Parade in Hamburg

Thank you to Judithann Snyder for stepping up to organize the combined String Band/Concert Band picnic.

Since this publication was written before MASA, we will include a full update in the next Rajah News

on happenings of the String Band.

Here is continued educational information provided by master musician Mike Gubish. Thank you

Previously chord structures, slide rule were discussed. This discussion involves locating

chords on your instruments fingerboard. Based on the tuning you use, create a chart of your

instruments fingerboard with number of frets and strings on your instrument. Label your chart

with the open tuning of each string, next, using whole and half steps, label scale letters on fret

positions for each string. Example: Tenor banjo is tuned in fifths CGDA, the open “A” string on

your chart will be: “A” string open, draw a line perpendicular to the string lines to represent

the instruments nut, draw a line for the 1st fret, space is blank (SB), 2nd fret B, 3rd fret C, 4th

fret (SB), 5TH fret D, 6th fret (SB), 7th fret E, 8th fret F, etc. Continue up the neck for each

string based on that strings open tuning. Using your slide-rule, determine what notes make up

a particular chord, referring to your instruments fingerboard chart, you’ll see all the positions

on the finger brd., a particular chord can be played. AKA chord diagrams.

As always, there is an open door invitation for musicians to play in the String Band. If you

play an instrument come out to a rehearsal on the second Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the Complex.

If you need to brush up, we’ll help you get started. Just come with your instrument to rehearsal.

With the support of our Ladies, our purpose is that we might play our instruments so that

some day a physically challenged child may walk and play again.

See you at the parades!

celebrations in

the area, so there

should be plenty

of entertaining things to do and see. Or

just chill out, enjoy the outdoors and

just relax.

Try it. I bet you will like it.

Be safe, be healthy, be a happy

camper. And camp on!


Walter Lamm,




Mike Gubish with banjo

at a parade.

Another fun camping experience has come and gone. The Caravaners shared time at the Oasis with

the NCT (National Campers and Travelers) once again. The weather was great. The fellowship was even

greater. NCT provided our Saturday evening meal. What a treat!

They also provided a “drive-in” or rather walk-in movie for all. Don’t know if you have heard of it, but

the title was “Top Gun: Maverick”.

We still have two more camping events this year: September 22-25, and October 20-23, both at the

Oasis. So if you are interested in joining us, contact a Caravaner and we will make that happen. There

will be several


On July 24, hundreds of motorcyclists descended

on Shriners Children’s in Philadelphia for the 26th

Annual Christmas in July Toy Run, sponsored by the

Philadelphia Police Centurion Motorcycle Club. The

event drew over 600 bikes and riders including nine

Rajah Noble Riders.

Stephanie Byrwa, Public Relations Manger for

Shriners Children’s Philadelphia, said, “These toys

make a difference for the kids. We give them out to

patients coming out of surgery, for birthdays, right up

to Christmas”.

The Centurions have raised over $650,000 to date

to support the hospital. Noble Riders President Shane

Paisley said, “The club is proud to participate in this

event every year”.

Photography by Sam Ellis

Mother selects a toy for son

Jamie Behler hands

off toys to a Hospital volunteer

Noble Riders with happy patients L-R Kermit Ohlinger, Bill Rohrbach, Don Houston, Jamie Behler, Bill

Rohrbach Sr, Club President Shane Paisley, Olin North, Dennis Loch, Calvin Ewell.

Nick Lutz from Rajah Clowns on right

with patient and a clown from LuLu

A Hospital Elf receiving a wrapped toy

from a Centurion

Entertaining a patient


John Grumbein,


The Oriental Band is alive and well in the Lehigh


After a long, hot summer the Band journeyed

to M.A.S.A. in Virginia Beach. We did not have

enough musical balance to parade this year, so the

Band went to cheer on the other units.

At the convention we attended the Mid-Atlantic

Shrine Oriental Band Association meeting on Friday

morning. At the meeting our own Noble Dennis

Guignet was elected as President of the Association.

He is now the ninth Noble from Rajah to serve as

President. Illustrious Sir Jared Kichline was elected

as Second Vice President and John Grumbein was

again elected as Secretary/

Treasurer. Illustrious Sir

Joseph Hagan Sr. of Rajah

Shrine did the honors of

swearing in all of the new officers. Thank you, Illustrious Sir Joe!

Band members in attendance, Kneeling L-R

Ted Werkheiser, Dennis Guignet, John

Grumbein, Standing L-R Don Heimbecker,

Jared Kichline PP, Ill. Sir Joe Hagan,

Wayne Grumbein, Dale Reinert


Ill. Sir Joe Hagan congratulating new

MASOBA President Dennis Guignet

The Hospitality Room at M.A.S.A. was kept busy all of the time. Thank

you to all of the units and clubs who sacrificed their time to help out keeping

the food dishes full and the beverages on ice. I would also like to thank Karan

Guignet for preparing the turkey barbecue for us and for getting the food started

in the morning. Again it was a big hit. Talking about a big hit, for any of you

who were drinking camel's milk, it certainly was cold. Thanks again to Noble

Ted Werkheiser for taking care of a most important part of the hospitality room.

The new coolers worked great! Noble Ted also transported all of the hospitality

equipment down to the hotel. It's a big undertaking to run the hospitality room

and we thank all of the committee.

That’s all I have to report at this time. Please remember the kids in our

hospitals. That’s the real reason that we’re here.

We are back. The Club had the summer off but we will be back with our regular meetings on the fourth

Monday of the month beginning September 26 at 6:30 at Heisey’s Dinner. Ladies and Masonic guests are

welcome. There are speakers already scheduled for the next several meetings. Come for great food and

an informative evening.

By the time this fall edition of the Rajah News is published and distributed, MASA and the Sportsman’s

Raffle will be a memory. Speaking about past events, the Pote’s picnic seems like a long time ago. A big

thanks to all of those who helped at these events. Some information for those who do not know, this was

the last Pote’s Picnic and Sportsman Raffle directed by long-time Chairman Noble Joel Franco, He also

played a big part in making the Pote’s Golf outing a success every year. Joel has made those events run

smoothly and profitably for many years, but you rarely saw his name listed anywhere. We all extend a huge

thank you to Joel for the thousands of hours spent and his commitment to Rajah Shrine. New Chairman

Greg Miller will take the reins from Joel next rear.

Please support Rajah by attending a Club or Unit meeting or fundraiser.

Bingo at Rajah is growing and is becoming a big fundraiser. Support bingo by helping, playing or by encouraging others to

attend. Remember there was no Shrine Circus income. Bingo is every Thursday night. It takes a lot of people and the more nobles

that help, the better.


Dennis Royer,


See you at Rajah. It is great to be a Shriner!


Drawing December 10, 2022

Tickets are $5 each

4 tickets (in a Book) for $20.00


1 ST Prize . . . $500 Cash 7 th Prize . . . $200 Cash

2 nd Prize . . . $450 Cash 8 th Prize . . . $200 Cash

3 rd Prize . . . $400 Cash 9 th Prize . . . $200 Cash

4 th Prize . . . $350 Cash 10 th Prize . . . $200 Cash

5 th Prize . . . $300 Cash 11 th Prize . . . $150 Cash

6 th Prize . . . $250 Cash 12 th Prize . . . $100 Cash

Winners will be posted on our website


Tickets may be purchased at

the Rajah Shrine Office

221 Orchard Rd, Reading, PA 19605.

Please call 610-916-9000

if you have any questions.

License G-22-002607-R

Proceeds benefit the Rajah Shrine

and are Not Deductible as charitable contributions.


Ill. Sir

Greg Lewis, PP


We begin this edition of the Rajah News with the announcement of the

passing of yet another one of our members. As has been written in the book of

Ecclesiastics in the Bible, “There is a time for everything” ….and at 95 years

of age, the time had come as the Great Architect of the Universe called Noble

Ernie Heckman to come home.

Ernie was, to say the least, one of the most quiet and gentle persons you

could ever meet. He was a man who lived his Christian and Masonic teachings

every day. Ernie was a member of our tenor section and very diligent in his

attendance. Even in his later years when various illnesses prevented him from

our twice monthly rehearsals, he would check in with our leaders to make sure

we were all doing o.k.

Ernie Heckman

A member of Rajah Shrine and the Chanters for over 40 years, Ernie held many titles. In his

private life he served unselfishly in his local community, Berks County and the Pennsylvania Dept. of

Agriculture. He was a man of many talents and will be sorely missed for his ability to make everyone he met, feel important.

We salute you, Brother Ernie; well done, good and faithful servant.

Elsewhere, we are looking forward to a busy parade season this fall with a few dates already on the books, and we’re starting on

our Christmas music, so if you need entertainment for an upcoming Unit or Club holiday party, get in contact with our Unit Director

Dave DeTurk and we’ll put your group on the calendar. If you need entertainment for a special occasion for later this year or in 2023

(perhaps a dinner, ladies’ night or other function) just get in touch with us, and we’ll see how we can help.

We are also proud to have several of our members serving in leadership roles, Bruce Rohrbach finishes up his year a President

of the Shrine Chanters Association-International and Dave DeTurk is completing his term as President of the Mid-Atlantic Shrine

Chanters Association, being replaced by Noble Fritz Richardson from Syria Shrine. Dave will be taking the office of Secretary and

Lynn DeTurk moves in as the Second V-P. Thank you, Nobles, for representing Rajah in these capacities.

And if you like to sing…by all means, please let us know. We are always looking for a few good men to join us and have fun

while singing a tune or two.










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Bryan Snyder,


Twelve Noble musicians and two Lady musicians made the pilgrimage to the 2022 Virginia Beach

MASA Convention and provided musical entertainment in the hospitality lounge, the Convention Center,

and the MASA parade. There are no longer trophies or awards presented, but our musicians are the

best. Everyone had a fun time. Bandmaster Bruce Rohrbach was elected to the position of MASBA

President, and Bryan Snyder is continuing in the position of

MASBA Secretary/Treasurer. The plan for next year is to

promote a combined program at the convention center with the

Bandsmen and Chanters.

The Rajah Shrine Concert Band was chartered in 1896, under

President the direction of Bandmaster Noble Monroe Althouse. Our current

Bandmaster, the 11th in our history, is Noble Bruce Rohrbach. Our band motto is “We

play so that children can play.” It is our fun mission with a purpose to raise funds for

the Shriners Hospital for Children. Our band unit is family oriented. We are inviting all

musicians from our community to join us for our Annual Dinner Dance Pops Concert

to be held on Sunday, May 7th, 2023, at 3 p.m. at the Rajah Shrine Complex, located

at 221 Orchard Road, Reading, PA 19605. We rehearse on the 2nd Sunday from 1:30

p.m. to 4 p.m.

Gentlemen and ladies are encouraged to take part in our Concert Band. This is an

opportunity to network with other musicians and receive an education about what

Shriners do. It also helps us build a bigger band for a wonderful event. Musicians

participating will receive a free dinner at the event and will be afforded the opportunity

to invite friends and family to come and see you perform. For more information, please

contact the Rajah Concert Band President at bryansnyder@comcast.net or 610-589-2022.

Bruce Rohrbach was elected

president of the Mid Atlantic

Shrine Band Association

Ladies of Rajah Shrine,

10th Annual Jewelry & Fashion Event

Saturday, October 22, 2022 - 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Rajah Shrine Complex • 221 Orchard Road, Blandon, PA 19510

Benefits: Philadelphia Shriners Hospital for Children

Donation is $25 per ticket

Lunch is included for attendees • Ticket must be presented at the door for entry

Basket Raffle-Vendor Fair-Door Prizes • Jewelry Raffle Prizes by The Jewelry Source

Fashions by Ruthie’s Fashions

You need not be present to win. All winners will be notified. • Sorry, no jewelry exchanges.

Tickets are available from many Rajah Ladies and Clubs and Units

Please contact Lou Ann Snoke at 484-336-6465

or by email at scuba300@comcast.net with any questions



Noble Dave DeTurk receives the Grand Cross of Color

The award was presented by the Pennsylvania Rainbow Girls. It is given for service

to the Order.

“The award has a very special meaning to my mother Naomi,” said Dave. “She is

the reason I was able to receive this award and become involved in the many Masonic

Organizations I am now a part of.” Dave went on to say, “It has introduced me to

various friends from all over the state and make life-long memories.”

“I am and always and will be proud to be one of the few ‘Rainbow Boys”.

Dave and Naomi DeTurk

Assistant Rabban Don Heimbecker to serve as member of

Imperial Outer Guard

The invitation came from Imperial Potentate Kenneth G. Craven in an official letter. In the letter,

Imperial Sir stated that the appointed committees are an integral part of the operation of Shriners

International and Shriners Hospitals for Children. He further stated that he looks forward to working

with Don in the coming year and that they will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on

the future of this great fraternity and philanthropy.

Past Potentate Bill Remo held a Reunion Steak Fry for his 2012 Aides

The event was held at the Rajah Complex on July 30th. Twenty-two Aides attended.


The HSU parade float has once again appeared in public this year. It was transported to Virginia

Beach to participate in the MASA parade and used to transport and display the Rajah Divan.

What a great way to publicize our service to the children and the Shrine Hospital.

We also plan to have the float at the annual Pretzel Bowl. It will provide a great display for the local

community and a photo opportunity for anyone who may be interested.

HSU annual raffle is complete. Thank you all who participated and congratulations to the winners.

Transporting these children is a rewarding experience. If you would like to help, please contact Nobel

Ken Flynn or Les Werley to get you in contact with your area coordinator.

Because, it’s all about the Kids.

Walter Lamm,

Sec. 23




2022-2023 NATIONAL




Every year, Shriners Children’s selects National Patient Ambassadors to represent the healthcare

system’s patients. The ambassadors share their stories of perseverance and the ways Shriners Children’s

has made a difference in their lives. We are honored to have these impressive young people advocating for

our healthcare system.



Katherine, 19, is a student at Northeastern University

in Boston, where she majors in nursing and plays on

the Division 1 soccer team. After a devastating car

accident in 2019, however, she wasn’t sure she’d make

it to this point.

The fiery crash left Katherine with third- and fourthdegree

burns on her lower left leg and burns on her

right calf and thigh. She was taken to a local hospital,

then transferred to Shriners Children’s Boston. She

underwent emergency surgery to save her leg from

amputation and was hospitalized for a month. During

that time, Katherine had six surgeries and procedures

and worked at physical and occupational therapy daily.

A soccer player since she was 3, Katherine had

committed to playing at Northeastern University

when she was just 15. To help Katherine achieve

her athletic goals and get back to playing the sport

she loves, Shriners Children’s therapists focused on

mobility, endurance, strength and range of motion.

After transitioning to outpatient care, Katherine has

returned for laser surgery three times.

Inspired to give back, Katherine has organized

donation drives in her community and is eager

to serve as a National Patient Ambassador for the

healthcare system. “When everything seems to be

going wrong, look for the good things that came out

of it,” Katherine said. “For me, it was the people I met

throughout my journey.”

Parker was 10 when his life changed forever. In the

car on the way to school, Parker’s mom, Sharonda,

had a seizure and lost consciousness. “When Parker

realized something was wrong, he unbuckled his

seatbelt and got to the front to take over the wheel,”

Sharonda said. Her son’s courageous action helped

steer them away from oncoming traffic before

crashing. “He saved our lives.”

Among other serious injuries, Parker suffered a badly

broken ankle. When he learned that his leg would

need to be amputated due to the injury, the athletic

youth was devastated.

Three months later and feeling hopeless, Parker

became a patient at Shriners Children’s Greenville,

where a skilled team began working to help Parker get

back to participating in the activities he loves. He was

fitted with a prosthetic leg designed for comfortable

support and lots of physical activity.

Now 13, “Parker is as strong as ever,” said Sharonda. “He

rides bikes and four-wheelers with his friends. He plays

basketball on his middle school team. He perseveres

with a positive outlook. Shriners Children’s helped

break the chains off Parker, and now he’s limitless!”

Parker said he is pleased to be a National Patient

Ambassador, “because I can give back a small portion

to Shriners Children’s, which has given me a great deal

of my life back.”

To learn more about Shriners Children’s, please visit shrinerschildrens.org.



Ill. Sir Joe Hagan

throws out the first pitch

Rajah Shrine Night

at the Fightin’ Phils

Photography by Bill Quinn, Sam Ellis

Greg Miller, John Grumbein and Don Heimbecker

relaxing before the game

Scott Miller with Bill Quinn

who is shouldering arms Mic & Beth Frey with Ron Rapp, PP

Color Guard marching on field

led by Color Sergeant Richard Abdu

Ill. Sir addressing

the fans

Greg Lewis, PP,

introducing the Divan

Fan Cam covering Rajah activities on the field

Ill. Sir Joe with

team mascot Buckey Beaver

The Rajah Color Guard - Scott Miller and

Richard Abdu are just outside the picture

The Chanters joined by the Rajah Divan and led by Kraig Leiby, PP,

sing the National Anthem before the game


Rev. David



“Simon Peter replied, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’” Matt. 19:16

We are often excited about the out-of-the-ordinary events that happen in scripture. The story of

Jesus walking on the water is the favorite of many people. Here God reveals His Son to us in this most

extraordinary way and yet we miss the point of the story. I’m sure that most of us don’t remember that not

only did Jesus walk on water, but Peter did as well. The story is really about Peter and his faith relationship

with Jesus.

What happens to Peter as he walks on the water is that he is surrounded by the wind and the waves and

loses sight of his Lord and God. That is when Peter begins to sink. While he is looking at the Lord, he is

fine but then he gets caught up in the chaos around him and cries out, “Lord save me.” Then Jesus reaches

down and takes his hand and they walk together to the safety of the boat. Peter’s faith was okay until he was

distracted by the wind and wave and that is what often happens to us.

This is a true image of our own relationship with God as we often fall away because of the chaos around

us. We are caught up in all the trials of life and lose track of Jesus our Lord and God and then we sink and all we need to do is call

out, “Lord save me.” Jesus will reach down and bring us to safety.

In the opening verse, Peter is replying to the question asked by Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?” Would we say along with

Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”? Or would we just not answer?

We dream the impossible dream of the fulfillment of the kingdom of God in our midst but forget the cost of that kingdom to God

and His Son. If we realize the fulfillment of God’s kingdom is the life and death and resurrection of His Son, then we can continue

in the faith that has been given to us. It is through that faith that we continue to live and love and serve the one True God.

Peter expressed himself from those things he had been taught: Jesus is the Christ, he is the Son of the living God. It is our pride

that often gets in the way. We want to be in charge and be self-sufficient and that is the opposite of faith. Faith is the uniqueness of

letting God be God. When we try to be God ourselves, we go against everything that we are taught. Original sin is the unwillingness

to let God be God. That is still our sin. That is the sin we must confess to Jesus, that is why we must cry to Him, “Lord save me.”

We must rely on Him, and Him alone, to guide in our daily lives.

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DIED: JULY 17, 2022



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The last known address in our

records is listed below. If anyone

knows the whereabouts of the

following Nobles, please contact

Les A. Werley, Recorder, or

Anne-Marie at the Administration

Office, 610-916-9000.


P.O. BOX 498

FREDERICK, PA 19435-0498








Rajah Shrine

P.O. Box 40 , Blandon, PA 19510

Vol 80 Oct.-Nov. 2022 No. 6

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Concert Band

Car Club Car






Carbon S.C. Car


Dance Band

Caravaners -


Noble Riders


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Board of



Columbus Day


Oriental Band

LOH - Exec &


Carbon S.C.

Directors Staff

Rajah Ladies

Lehigh S.C.


String Band


Lehigh S.C. Ron

Neimeyer Golf




Lancaster S.C.




Bethlehem S. C.

Rajah S.C.

Provost Guard



Carbon S.C. Car


Noble Riders


Ladies Night

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Motor Corps Provost Guard Mounted Patrol Caravaners - Caravaners - Caravaners -

Brandywine S.C. North Penn S.C. Rajah










23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Lebanon S.C.








Mtg. - 6:30 PM

Units/Clubs -

7:30 PM


Day Meeting

October 9

Divan Ladies

Jewelry Show

October 22

Schuylkill S.C.


Tin Lizzies



Bingo Every




November 20




Carbon S.C.

Halloween Party

Office Closed


Nov. 24 - 25

Congratulations on the

100 th Anniversary of the

International Order

of the

Rainbow for Girls

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

Fall Back to

Standard Time

Oriental Band


Directors Staff

Lehigh S.C.

Rajah Ladies

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Board of


LOH - Exec &


Carbon S.C.

String Band

Schuylkill S.C.


20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30



Lancaster S.C.



Hospital Service

11 AM - Complex




Bethlehem S. C.

Rajah S.C.

Veteran’s Day

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Concert Band Chanters Provost Guard Mounted Patrol Tin Lizzies


Brandywine S.C. North Penn S.C.




Noble Riders

Motor Corps

Lebanon S.C.





Mtg. - 6:30 PM

Units & Clubs -

7:30 PM


Office Closed


Office Closed

Carbon S.C.

Basket Raffle

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