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As Figure 4-8 shows, the catalog business microservice could be composed of several services or

processes. These could be multiple ASP.NET Web API services or any other kind of services using

HTTP or any other protocol. More importantly, the services could share the same data, as long as

these services are cohesive with respect to the same business domain.

Figure 4-8. Business microservice with several physical services

The services in the example share the same data model because the Web API service targets the same

data as the Search service. So, in the physical implementation of the business microservice, you’re

splitting that functionality so you can scale each of those internal services up or down as needed.

Maybe the Web API service usually needs more instances than the Search service, or vice versa.

In short, the logical architecture of microservices doesn’t always have to coincide with the physical

deployment architecture. In this guide, whenever we mention a microservice, we mean a business or

logical microservice that could map to one or more (physical) services. In most cases, this will be a

single service, but it might be more.

Challenges and solutions for distributed data


Challenge #1: How to define the boundaries of each microservice

Defining microservice boundaries is probably the first challenge anyone encounters. Each microservice

has to be a piece of your application and each microservice should be autonomous with all the

benefits and challenges that it conveys. But how do you identify those boundaries?

First, you need to focus on the application’s logical domain models and related data. Try to identify

decoupled islands of data and different contexts within the same application. Each context could have

a different business language (different business terms). The contexts should be defined and managed

independently. The terms and entities that are used in those different contexts might sound similar,

but you might discover that in a particular context, a business concept with one is used for a different

31 CHAPTER 3 | Architecting container and microservice-based applications

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