The Cube

The Cube is the quarterly edition bringing together news of UNU-MERIT Alumni from across the world.

The Cube is the quarterly edition bringing together news of UNU-MERIT Alumni from across the world.


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The opportunity to be in such a multicultural

learning environment was something unique that only

the MPP offered. Other programs offer an international

aspect, but UNU-MERIT is an international hub. She likes to

remember that there were almost one hundred nationalities

in her cohort. She feels as if she had traveled the world

during that year in Maastricht. When Arushi tells me this

I realize that Arushi is saying something very significant.

The MPP was not her first time outside of India. Arushi is

well traveled, and she had visited many countries before

doing the MPP, nevertheless, she still feels that the Masters

at Maastricht was the biggest of her global voyages.

violence and they are provided educational, food and wellbeing

facilities to break the vicious cycle of poverty for

their families. The other partner NGO provides education

and self-employment opportunities to women of a tribal

community so that they can themselves provide basic

needs to their families. All this work is only the beginning

of a successful career that Arushi hopes will allow her

to make a significant positive impact in the world.

Back in New Delhi, Arushi now feels more confident

of the unique international perspective that Maastricht

offered her. Her new extensive network of smart and

ambitious future global leaders is also motivating. She now

can address policy issues through policy interventions thanks

to the MPP. She tells me that UNU brought her closer to her

goal of working on poverty issues in an international setting.

Since she studied in Maastricht, Arushi has

focused her career on policy action with international

organizations such as GIZ, Includovate, and ConnectAID. In

one of her professional roles after the MPP Arushi worked

with BRAC USA as a policy professional for a project on

extreme poverty in Ethiopia. During this experience, Arushi

worked on a landscape policy analysis project to evaluate

government policy interventions in Ethiopia that targeted

extreme poverty and provide possible interventions

for the organization. This role allowed her to put into

practice the knowledge she acquired during the MPP.

More recently, Arushi has joined ConnectAID,

a Swiss-based organization which works to achieve

the SDGs by 2030. As a program coordinator for the

NGOs and partnerships division, Arushi coordinates

with partner organizations abroad, including

some in South Asia which work on the SDGs .

Very recently Arushi was part of ConnectAID’s India

Mission, an effort to do site visits of the organization’s NGO

partners that are working specifically in poverty related

issues along with capturing their impact driven work.

In this role, Arushi visited various local sites of

the partner NGOs in India where poverty and inequality

affect the most vulnerable. Arushi was especially glad to

be able to work with two of her local partner NGOs since

they offer help to women and children, the most vulnerable

populations that she had encountered earlier in her legal

career. In this opportunity she could fulfill her goal of

working on the ground on identifying possible interventions

targeting poverty related issues as well as basic human

rights. One of the NGOs partners helps children from the

slum areas who have been abusers of drug and domestic

I ask Arushi how she feels about what the MPP

did for her, and she does not hide her enthusiasm. She

is confident, the MPP opened many opportunities for her.

Perhaps that is what many of us hoped the MPP or the

PhD would be, a “window of opportunity” to enter the

world of public policy work. And so Arushi can confirm to

any aspiring MPPer that the masters is the right move if

you want to expand your career path. When chatting

with Arushi about her experiences one feels inspired. She

reminds us of the unique and unforgettable opportunity

we had as students in Maastricht, of the significant lessons

learned, and the many friends and colleagues we gained.

The Cube | 17

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