Handle With Care

Volume 56 - Issue 4, December 2022

Volume 56 - Issue 4, December 2022

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changing chairs

Chairs throughout Stevenson are being replaced

Due to the age of Stevenson’s

chairs, the administration

is gradually adding new chairs

in classrooms across the school.

The new chairs are initially being

introduced in the West

Building, and will expand to the

East Building as the school year


The new chairs are backed by

researched advantages over traditional

seating, aiming to improve

students’ ability to pay attention

in class. Principal Troy

Gobble explains that this advantage

was important in choosing

the exact chair model. Another

major cause for the change is the

the chairs as they become older.

“There’s a fair amount of evidence

that shows [the new

chairs] require you to stay a little

more physically attentive to

your space, which makes you

stay more mentally attentive to

your space,” Gobble said.

According to a majority of

students, the 3D rocker mechanism

found in the chairs is a

point of controversy as it can

potentially have a negative impact

on the student’s learning.

the primary purpose of this

mechanism, activating the core,

actually improves student attention.

Evan Fredin ’25 believes

that this feature might be a dis-

for others.

“I sometimes want to move

Witty remarks

Failed Presidential Candidates leave audience laughing

“The GOAL of FPC

is to have fun.”


On Friday, Dec. 9, the Failed

Presidential Candidates (FPC)

improv troupe had their audience

cracking up during their

winter show. The performance

featured improv games, which

often includes creating short

on audience members to suggest

words or phrases that FPC uses

to create their scenes.

During practices, FPC’s three

captains ensure the 22 troupe

members practice each game

format prior to the performance.

FPC co-captain Aditee Sakhare

’23 says this more rehearsed style

of improv has allowed students

to familiarize themselves with

the concepts of each game while

still maintaining its unexpected,

improvisational nature.

“I’ve learned a lot of good

skills like spontaneity, taking

risks and being able to perform

in front of people without feeling

too nervous,” Sakhare said.

Sakhare adds that improv

teaches important skills, for

both performances and students’

futures. FPC practices are hosted

weekly, with commitments

increasing closer to the performance.

Often during rehearsals,

leads and explains the games,

encouraging students to apply

certain skills and concepts to

their performances.

“Students learn how to be an

active listener and how to take

what someone is saying and add

to it,” Forberg said. “We call it

‘yes, and….’”

The development of these

critical skills is supported by

Forberg and his curriculum for

the club. Forberg has changed

the way FPC works, adding new

elements to their games such as

Hosting, in which a student is

selected to “host” a game, essentially

taking charge of the scene.


important skill to be able to

sense the scene and what’s going

to happen, and then curate it,”

Forberg said.

Forberg feels that hosting allows

troupe members the chance

to anticipate the actions of their

fellow performers and learn to

end scenes on time. This ensures

that their improv scenes stay

entertaining because the hosts

know to end the scene when the

troupe starts to run out of ideas.

“The goal of improv is to always

try to make the other person

look good on stage,” Forberg


around, and just shifting around

on chairs does help, but for other

students I feel [their] focus is

the chairs rather than paying

attention,” Fredin said.

A survey of 107 students

from several classes about the

new chairs found that over 75

to be less comfortable than the

old ones. Students described the

chairs as “not the most comfortable

to sit in for a longer period

of time” and “shaky nightmares,”

but some saw the ability

of the chairs to “prevent falling

asleep in class,” the intended


The Stevenson administration

is working with Sodexo

partners to assemble and install

these chairs, which is a

time-consuming process. Gobble

says that students can expect

to see more of their classes having

these new chairs as they are

gradually replaced throughout

the school.

“I would expect [all chairs to

be replaced] by the end of the

year, it would be a nice, manageable

timeline. It might be much

faster than that.” Gobble said.

“we have a very updated school

and it’s pretty comfortable place

for kids. we’re changing the

chairs because we have to do that


principal troy gobble

Failed Presidential Candidates (FPC) alum and former captain Wyn Thomas

’22 returns to watch a rehearsal. FPC rehearsals provide an opportunity

Forberg emphasizes that the

members of FPC rely on their

teammates while performing,

whether their teammates are

hosting or participating in the

scene with them. Sakhare says

she and many other members


with the troupe, many

of which include the skills they

learn through FPC.

“The goal of FPC is to have

fun,” Sakhare said. “All of us

really like comedy and making

people laugh.”

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