Marlins Test Kita- GRAMMAR

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I’m finished my contract at the end of January.

I am looking for the Bosun to ask for some white paint. Have you seen him?

I'm looking forward to stepping onto dry land after months at sea.

I am manoeuvring with difficulty. Keep clear of me.

I’m not impressed with the communication between you

I am not under command at this moment

cannot keep my present course.

do not have radar

I don’t know why we have so many smokers among the crew

I don’t understand why the security level has been downgraded from 3 to 2.ll.it’s

affecting the safety on this vessel

I expect to refloat with tug assistance

I felt I needed a change in being at sea for ten years

If the engineers repair the main engine tomorrow the ship will leave the port on


If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed.

Is there an increase in cargo theft?

Is there a navy patrol in this area?

I suggest that you first speak.

is your radar working?

is your vessel equipped for GMDSS?

Its an interesting place,isn’t it

it’s vital to consider the healt and safety of the crew.

It’s important for seafarers to protect their skin from the sun to prevent skin

cancer. It’s getting colder/cooler now.you’d better put on your sweater

It has been five months since his last contract

I think someone tried to tamper with this lock yesterday.

It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold

It will take you 15 minutes to get to the nearest bank on foot.

I want you to remove the rust from under the teak decking.

I was supplied of new safety boots to protect my feet.

I went aground at high water

I wouldn’t go that way if I were you its dangerous

I will be thirty on Monday.

I’ve been working for 16 hours straight.and now I’m tired

Jump into the water and board the lift raft

Keep a look out for wreckage

Keep going until the two lights are in line

Keep the pilot boat on the portside

Keep the wind on the port quarter

Life jackets are stored in your cabins

lower the derrick over the pier

line call to inform us about this accident

liquid bulk cargo is carried....in/of/at….tanker

look out! Someone has left an oily cloth on the deck.

maintain radio contact on vhf

make sure the log book is available for..

many companies were closed up the new year

martin quickly worked his way up to rig manager

medical care information is posted in appropriate places on board the vessel

meet at the muster station

must i take a pilot?

most oil supply occurs during routine cargo operations and


my position

has been obtained by celestial observations.

my salary has just increased in ten percent.

new navigation equipment will be installed on board of our ship by the end of

this month.

nobody was injured after the fire in the accommodation

no entry this area. It’s prohibited.

On nightfall, the fire had been extinguished.

Our last of call was Genoa.

Over the last 50 years oil exploration has become more sophisticated

Only twelve people can fit in the lifeboat

Operate the lifeboat engine and then report..

Passangers and crew! follow the lifeboatmen to

Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels enter or leave the port.

Pirates have been spotted in this sea

Please repeat your position for identification

Portable VHF radios can provide vital communication between the bridge and

How long have you lived in Odessa

How long have the superintendents been on...

How many containers are there

How many copies of these documents do you need?

How many crew are there on this vessel?

How many crew members are there

How many gangs will be working in this shift?

How many fire extinguishers are in the galley?

How many of the crew have been sick this mont?

How many passangers are on board?

How many people helped to extinguish the fire?

How many propellers has your vessel got?

How many reefer plugs does the vessel have?

How many shackles are left

How many tonnes of oil can you have?

How many tonnes of steel are booked?

How many tonnes were loaded?

How many tugs were assisting in the berthing?

How much ballast can the vessel take?

How much cable is out?

If they increased the ship’s speed, they would arrive at the port

on time

If typhoid is found to be present the passengers will not be

allowed to disembark. If you miss the flight,you will miss ...

If you need medication you should take it with you.

If is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must put on

extra clothing.

I need to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave.

Investigators are trying to find the cause of the accident

I have been looking for my key everywhere but can’t find it.

I have been looking for my safety goggles everywhere but can’t

find them.

I have been sailing all..

I have been working on this ship since April.

I have been working as an electrician for 7 years.

I have collided with an...

I have just checked the fire fightning equipment

I have just talked with the watch officer on the phone.

I have known the ch.eng for 10 years

I have located you on my radar

I’ve got two months leave starting on Monday

I have just talked with the watch officer on the phone.

I have known the Chief Engineer for 10 years.

I have to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave.

I need to see the international ship security certificate.

I need to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave.

Information about the muster station is posted in the passengers


In hot weather awnings are rigged on the quarterdeck.

In nightfall,the fire had been extinguished

In your present position you will be aground to low water.

I’ll keep watch until the 3 rd Officer relieves me.

I plan to be at sea for at least four months

I prefer coffee with milk.

is a medical examination required?

is damage control material available?

is everything in order

Is extra power available in an emergency?

is it necessary to report this incident?

Is the berth fitted with fenders?

Is the engine on bridge control

Is there a doctor on board?

Is the cargo ready to load?

is the certificate of survey available and complete?

is the engine diesel or turbine?

is the vhf signal strong?

is the wind expected to change?

is there any one still on board?

is there extra power availabble in an emergency?

is there sufficient dept of water?

Is there sufficient room for swinging around?

The agent will be here soon

The anchors have been secured

The bad weather was coming straight toward...

The berth is opposite the break water

The boat fell from height of about three meters whilst being

hoisted out of the water The boat moved through the canal locks

The bosun fell from the vessel while rigging the pilot ladder.

The bonus was shared evently among the crew

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