Marlins Test Kita- GRAMMAR

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We will keep the pilot boat on the starboard side.

We will maintain this course ahead the next waypoint.

What amandements were made to stcw recently?

what are located my berthing instructions?

what are the maximum revolutions astern?

What are you duties at sea?

What are the procedures in case of fire?

What are you going to do about your missed flight?

What are you thinking of going?

What can you say about the proposed route

What cargo are you loading in hold no.4

what cargo are you carrying?

What cargo does your ship carry?

what colour flare is used to signal a highly dangerous landing place?

what course do you advise?

What did you have for dinner yesterday?

What does the signal mean?

What does a port facility security officer do?

What information did you report to the bridge after sounding the alarm?

What is her full maneuvering speed?

what is on fire?

what is the air change rate of the ventilators?

What is the anchor position for me?

what is the best way to deal with burning items?

what’s the heading now?

When did you last see the watchman?

When did you last work on the chemical tanker?

when did you starting work on tankers?

When discovered the person had fallen overboard?

when did the rudder get fixed

when did the storm hit last night?

when does the flight leave for dubai?

when is the next safety training session?

when is your birthday?

When it gets dark the additional lights switch on?

When manoeuvring in fog the lookouts are doubled.

When the Captain comes we will discuss this problem?

When was issued the letter the port authorities?

when was the last man-overboard drill?

when was the last safety training session?

when was the last time you visited new orleans?

When was the letter issued to the port authorities?

When was the storm warning received?

when will the assistance arrive?

when will crude oil washing start?

When will our berth be available?

When will our food be ready?

When will the pilot arrive on board?

when will the pilot embark?

When will the ship deliver suppliers?

when will you arrive at the distress position?

When will you pass thought the Panama Canal?

The ship is due to depart at dawn

Are you remembering to file that accident report?

Why is the Union Jack flag flying upside down?

Why is the Master not satisfied with our work?

Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks?

Why telephone no are listed in that document?

Why was the Master so angry?

why were you late for your watch this morning?

Why won’t you to talk to the Master about the Chief Engineer?

Will you inspect the galley and storerooms?

Workers must not wear loose fitting clothing while operating

rotating machinery Work must not be carried out unless the

necessary PPE is available for use

would you make sure the radio room is locked?

You are advised to alter course to starboard.

You are approaching a prohibited

You are approaching the starboard

You are at anchor in the wrong position

You are not complying with the traffic regulations

You are getting closer to the vessel

You are heading forwards fishing nets.

You are heading towards fishing gear

You are not to leave the ship without permission.

You are proceeding at dangerous speed.

You are running into danger.there is

You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded.

You can stow poisonous and flammable

You look so pale?What’s wrong with you?

You must anchor until the pilot arrive

You must bring your immersion suit

You must not leave your post but should contact the order

person via radio.

You must never get rig on rubbish overboard.

You need to check the mooring rope.

You need to wash your hand more through

When will the ship arrive in Liverpool?

When will the vessel be entering dry

When you arrive at the distress position?

When you leave the hotel,please leave your key to reception

Where are you going?

Where are most pirate attacks occur?

where are the explosives stored?

where’s the chief engineer?

Where did you buy your computer

You were with another crew on your last contract,weren’t you?

You will meet crossing traffict in

intips Wiyong at 1:56 AM



Làm Đẹp Bằng Thảo Dược Truyền Thống Thái Lan October 10, 2016 at 3:13 AM

very useful. Thank you


Sergey February 28, 2017 at 10:30 PM

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