The Places I've Cried in Public by Holly Bourne

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The next half-hour was a bit of a blur, to be honest. The last act – some

gymnasts – finished, and, when their scores were revealed, everyone

worked out pretty quickly that I’d won. My name got called and everyone

cheered, and I wanted to die but also savour every moment because I won I

won I won! I think people expected me to do a speech but I could hardly

even walk. I took the little metal trophy and went to leave the stage as fast

as I could. I stopped as I spotted him at the bottom of the stairs with his

band, waiting to pick up his award for second place.

“Here, let me help you,” he said, holding out his hand to help me down.

I met his eyes and I swear to god something very strange and powerful

happened. The rest of the refectory turned to smudge. I became aware of

every pinprick of my skin. I took his hand and the surge of chemistry was

so potent that I couldn’t even say thank you. I just sort of let him gently pull

me down. He didn’t break eye contact and we just stared at one another in a

weird, shared chemical wonder. My body felt like it had released a thousand

opera singers shooting into my blood.

“You’re amazing,” Reese Davies whispered into my plaited hair, before

dropping my hand and beckoning the rest of his band onstage.

And I was left standing there, breathless, wondering what the hell had

just happened.

You’ve not made eye contact once since I’ve been

sat here – your eyes are only for her. The jealousy is

like nothing I’ve ever known before. I feel like I

could actually vomit with envy and it would come

out cartoon-green. Why don’t you look at me like

that any more? You used to stare at my face like it

was the only thing in your life you trusted to give you

the answers. And now, nothing. Like none of it

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