Basmati Install Guide - iOS

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MISA Basmati iOS App Install Guide

Step1: Open the URL using clicking on the email

image or scan the QR code using your iPhone.


P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

Step 2: When safari loaded the link, press on

install button:

P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

Step 3: After successful installation, go to iOS

Settings > General > Device Management

And open the SAGIA Certificate and press trust

P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

Step 4: Open the application and use your

SAGIA username and password for sign in

P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

Step 5: Accept the location permission, Basmati

needs user’s location to work

P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

Step 6: To Clock-In in the morning press the

green Clock-In button, to Clock-Out in the

evening press the red Clock-Out button

P.O. Box 5927 Riyadh 11432 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia misa.gov.sa

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