RUMS Review Vol. VIII Issue I - January 2023

UCL Medical School Student Magazine January 2023

UCL Medical School Student Magazine January 2023


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With 7 million premature deaths being

attributed to air pollution, according to

the World Health Organisation (WHO),

it’s clear to see that climate change is

having an increasing influence on our

health outcomes. In the wake of the

effects of climate change, we are

beginning to see how climate change

will interact with healthcare

throughout the world. Unicef predicts

25 million to 1 billion environmental

migrants by 2050, or in 28 years.

Therefore, it’s increasingly relevant

that the next generation of doctors are

aware of the growing influence of

climate on health outcomes.

Fortunately, a new initiative, birthed

from the Royal Free, aims to promote

climate consciousness in UCL

students through a greater focus on

climate education implemented into

our curriculum and greater

engagement from the student


The architect of this bold new plan is

Dr. Adesh Sundaresan. An advocate

for the environment since

adolescence, Dr. Sundaresan was first

galvanised to take an active role in

climate advocacy after witnessing the

first-hand effects of climate change

while in Chennai, India, performing

music. Since then, he has pursued this

calling by establishing the

"Sustainability and Climate Change

in Healthcare" SSC, offered to firstyear

students, and hosting the

"Climate Clinic" in collaboration with

the Global Consortium on Climate and

Health Education.

One of the two prongs of this

upscaling project is the instruction of

lecturers on the aspects of climate

change relevant to their teaching. This

will give them the tools to modify their

lecture materials to include climate

change; thus seamlessly integrating

climate education into our curriculum.

The second is the participation of a

select group of passionate students to

encourage the climate agenda in our

RUMS community. These Student

Sustainability Representatives will

achieve this goal by regularly

collaborating with faculty and

students to improve engagement and

awareness of climate change in

healthcare. What's more, being a

student-led body, they will be sure to

focus on the topics and issues

affecting you. Seeing that these

Student Sustainability Representatives

are elected on a rolling basis, you can

apply at any time.

Composed in the hope of improving

the care we provide for those affected

by climate change, we are sure that

this comprehensive initiative will go on

to become a staple of teaching at our

medical school for years to come.


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