Jan 2023 Greenleaf Magazine

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without the barrier to entry of prohibitive gas fees that interfere with other projects. Our NFT marketplace, Fire-

Sea, Dex and Token marketplace, FireSwap, and Merchandise store, FireSwag, will all be released soon to allow

for a streamlined user experience and massive

adoption! Partnerships in place to bring the visions of web3 and the metaverse to fruition and supplement exponential



Blockchain Financial has some exciting news as well, earlier this year the AutoCash feature was rolled out. To

“help business of all sizes that sell goods or services accepting payments in cryptos from their customers and

getting fiat in return using an electronic payment gateway like PayPal, Venmo and virtually any other.”

The AutoCash feature on BCF is an all in one p2p payment gateway that simplifies the process of paying with

cryptocurrency at local brick and mortar stores, exchanging the crypto for local fiat using their fully automated

AutoCash system.

Blockchain Financial also rolled out their Crypto Faucets this year! If you would like to learn about cryptocurrency,

visit BlockchainFinancial.com/faucets and sign up so you can start collecting free drips of cryptocurrency

to see what the buzz is about. We recommend MotaCoin & DigitalNote to learn more about crypto due to their

virtually nonexistent transaction fees.


ReddCoin is the original social media cryptocurrency, launched in January

of 2014 and is well positioned to fill the niche of a digital social currency

that's tightly integrated with human social interactions and acts as

the yardstick to concretize and quantify people's intangible asset of social

influence, as well as providing dynamic and live insight into social network

content and publishers of note intrinsic to the system as a natural follow-on

to backend analysis of tipping data. All of these facets taken together offer

ReddCoin the “perfect storm” of a unique and compelling use case, a technological

advantage, and a growing and genuine community to support

ReddCoin’s evolution and continued success.

Check out ReddCoin's latest update on Medium.com! This update covers

Products, Partners, and more, the work on the ReddCoin Core Wallet.

You can also read about ReddMobile/ReddID status, new platforms, and

exciting new capabilities for RDD as a coin. Lastly, you will find news &

information about our blockchain as a whole, expansion of the ReddCoin

ecosystem to connect to other chains and blockchain offerings, plus more!



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