Jan 2023 Greenleaf Magazine

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Prep: as mentioned assembly without losing the foods integrity. Prep-Prep-Prep. Make your oil and tincture

prior (obviously) herb rub your pork tenderloin, season it, then wrap tightly with thin slices of prosciutto.

Pan-Sear the prosciutto pork, browning all sides and letting it rest at mid-rare. (it will carry over to medium)

once cooled down slice into ¼ inch medallions ad reserve.

Crostini: Slice a French baguette into ¼ inch slices as well, oil, salt, pepper and roast at 375 degrees until golden

and moisture free. (Reserve until assembly).

Roasted Garlic Oil: Roast off your garlic cloves in vegetable oil (slowly) until the garlic cloves are golden and soft

to the touch. Cool the oil and strain. Once cooled down, mount this garlic oil with your cannabis infused oil

50/50 equal parts. Reserve the oil in a squeeze bottle, for the crostini.

Apple Compote:

The apple compote is finely diced Jonagold Apples, red onions, thyme, rosemary, allspice, apple cider

vinegar and salted butter.

In a large sauté pan, sauté ¼ cup of diced red onion, (small dice) with a touch of oil, add in the apples,

salt, pepper. Add 1 tsp of cider vinegar, 1 tsp ground allspice, mix together. (there should be liquid from apples

releasing moisture). Add a ¼ stick of salted butter and reduce the compote mixture, the liquid will cook out and

thicken, take off the heat and add a pinch of chopped rosemary and thyme. Transfer to a tray and cool down.

Once cooled down transfer to a bowl and fold in ¼ cup of the “strawberry diesel cookie tincture”. Reserve until

assembly time refrigerated.

Having prepped and assembled all my products, it’s simply a matter of finding a space in this green room

where I can slap on some gloves and start making magic. As I cut through the lingering smog and claim my

corner; my pink Pelican cooler is catching the eyes of the artists, as they contemplate what goodies I might be

unveiling: or is “this tattooed, big bearded man just a homeless guy who looks like he really has his shit together?

has he somehow gotten by security?

A small crowd gathers about as I start to unpack, the artist and musicians suddenly are as excited as I am

to be there. As I start to rattle off my Elevator pitch:

“This is a Herb roasted prosciutto wrapped Pork Tenderloin, over a roasted garlic infused crostini,

topped with an infused Apple Compote, finished with micro greens. Its sweet, its salty, its earthy and you’re going

to love it.”

The excitement builds as I start the assembly-Roasted Garlic Crostini, hit with a drizzle of the garlic

breath infused oil, salt; then a medallion of the prosciutto pork (1/4 inch thick) on top of crostini. Next your

apple compote with herbs and diesel tincture. Just a dollop and garnish with micro greens. Release the doves and

the crowd goes wild.

I usually get 20 orders per tenderloin and we serve this app at room temperature. This is a great appetizer

and you change out the toppings and fold in your oils or tinctures with a number of ingredients, this dish travels

well and has a ‘High” impact.

The next time you’re catering a Green Room or if you're just trying to make your family gatherings more

interesting, try ‘Elevating” your appetizers.

Mike Dunphy AKA ChefMD

Like Farmer Like Sons Catering


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