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The Grace Project

Clothing Children Within Our Community

During the summer months The Grace Project

continued to distribute pre loved children’s

clothing to families in our community

(Egloshayle Church was lovely and cool for

clothes sorting on one of those hot summer


To improve promotion of the project , we have

welcomed Ruby to our team. Ruby is now

in charge of the social media feeds for The

Grace Project and has made a great start by

introducing Blossom and Blue, our mascots.

Awareness of the project has grown, and

we received thirty two requests for clothing,

including shoes and wellies, within a week.

A couple of the volunteers have also recently

met with Elaine Munday, a Team Vicar from

Bodmin. Elaine provides support to families

within her community and was interested to

learn more about The Grace Project and how it

could help some of the families she supports. In

return Elaine is also able to access nappies and

milk powder for the parents of newborns who

might be in need and requests can be made

through The Grace Project.

Postcards advertising the project are now

being distributed with the family Foodbank

Boxes from the Wadebridge Storehouse and

On Nonsense Farm near Upside Down

There are the strangest things.

The donkeys walk about on stilts

And all the pigs have wings.

we were delighted to show Jackie White our

project when she recently attended a service at

Egloshayle Church.

As the winter approaches and the need for

layers increases, we look forward to distributing

lots of the lovely brand new knitted jumpers and

hats we have been given, in addition to the pre

loved winter clothing, coats and waterproofs.

If you or anyone you know could use some

children’s clothing (0-12 years) then please

contact us via email; grace@wadebridgeparish.

org.uk or find us on Instagram or Facebook.

Messenger can be used to make requests.

All requests are treated with confidence and

bundles are left for discrete collection in

Egloshayle Church which is open 10am until

4pm everyday of the week.

Above: Blossom and Blue,

the Grace Project mascots!

Nonsense Farm by Lily Orman

The baby lambs say “Quack, quack, quack

The ducks all say ‘Mee-ow

And ‘Tweet-tweet-tweet’ is what is said

By every single cow.

The fishes live up in the trees

And make their nests of snow

Then leave wet footprints on the grass

And everywhere they go.

The rabbits swim around the pond

And when I asked them why

They said, ‘It is the only way

We keep our feet so dry’.

The mice have lovely curly tails

Of blue and green and red.

They wrap them up in curling pins

Each time they go to bed.

The wise old owl just blinked and said,

‘I really think it’s true

That Nonsense Farm’s the queerest place’.

I think so too, don’t you?

This poem was written by Lily Orman, the mother of Ralph Orman, Deputy Head at Wadebridge

School in the 1970s. He and his wife, Connie, lived on the Rock Road for many years and their

daughter gave the Link permission to print it.

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