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and Nansledan on Fridays; Saturdays are kept free for special

events such as parties or weddings. He sells approximately

500 pizzas a week, and the majority of his customers are

regulars. ‘All my customers know that i don’t have a standard

menu, the offer depends on what I have been offered by my

local suppliers.’

So what’s next for Wild Bake? With four daughters, Lewis

and his wife Clare, who has her own business, Claire Cole

Fitness, try to maintain a work life balance and value family

life, so Lewis isn’t really looking to expand just yet. ‘Wild Bake

gives me an opportunity to do what I love best, cook fresh

local ingredients in my local area, but still have time for my

family.’ Given the normally anti-social hours required for the

hospitality industry, it sounds like he’s got it just right.

Insta: @wildbake FB: @wildbakefood Tel: 07707 082415

Classic White Risotto Recipe


• 1.1 litres (2 pints) organic stock (chicken, fish or

vegetable, as appropriate)

• 1 large onion

• 2 cloves of garlic

• olive oil

• 70g butter , plus 1 extra knob for frying

• 400g risotto rice

• 2 wine glasses of white wine

• 115g Parmesan cheese

• 100g Creme fraiche


1. Heat the stock in a pan, peel and finely chop the

onion and garlic.

2. Put 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the knob of

butter into a separate pan, add the onion and

garlic, and cook very slowly for about 15 minutes

without colouring. This is called a soffrito. When

the vegetables have softened, add the rice and

turn up the heat.

3. The rice will now begin to lightly fry, so keep

stirring it. After a minute it will look slightly

translucent. Add the wine and keep stirring – it

will smell fantastic. Any harsh alcohol flavours will

evaporate and leave the rice with a tasty essence.

4. Once the wine has cooked into the rice, add

your first ladle of hot stock and a good pinch of

sea salt.

5. Turn the heat down to a simmer so the rice

doesn’t cook too quickly on the outside. Keep

adding ladlefuls of stock, stirring and massaging

the creamy starch out of the rice, allowing each

ladleful to be absorbed before adding the next.

This will take around 15 minutes.

6. Taste the rice to check if it’s cooked. If not, carry

on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a

slight bite. Don’t forget to check the seasoning

carefully. If you run out of stock before the rice is

cooked, add some boiling water.

7. Remove from the heat and add the 70g butter

and grate in the Parmesan and add the creme

fraiche then stir well. Place a lid on the pan

and allow to sit for 2 minutes. This is the most

important part of making the perfect risotto, as

this is when it becomes amazingly creamy and

oozy like it should be. Eat it as soon as possible,

while it retains its beautiful texture.

8. There are endless combinations of ingredients

that can be added to a classic risotto, here are

a few examples: pancetta, pea and spinach.;

roasted red pepper and courgette; sausage,

roasted butternut squash and sage; mushrooms,

bacon and thyme.

9. For all these variations just follow the classic

white risotto recipe, roast or pan fry the other

ingredients and add them to the risotto just

before serving.

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