TechSense Magazine #03

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TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Chères lectrices, chers lecteurs,

Kamel Amroune CEO

Qui aurait pu prédire, il y a seulement 3 ans, que

les premières années de la décennie 2020 seraient

à ce point déterminantes pour la transformation

digitale ?

Quand la pandémie de Covid-19 a

frappé, un sentiment d’urgence

s’est emparé des décideurs,

insufflant une nouvelle dynamique aux

initiatives de transformation d’entreprise.

Des organisations de toutes tailles, dans

tous les secteurs, se sont vues contraintes

d’adopter sans délai des technologies

avancées et des solutions collaboratives

pour s’adapter à la nouvelle réalité.

Les mesures de confinement et les tensions

sur les chaînes logistiques ont sans

aucun doute été un choc terrible pour

les entreprises qui n’avaient pas encore

investi suffisamment dans le digital. Ces

effets secondaires de la crise sanitaire ont

cependant permis à beaucoup d’entre elles

d’établir une nouvelle base pour construire

un avenir économique plus solide et plus

durable, rendu possible par la technologie.

Pour vous aider à anticiper l’impact des

nouveaux développements technologiques

sur vos organisations et leur capacité à stimuler

l’innovation, l’efficacité opérationnelle

et la croissance, nous avons rassemblé,

dans les pages qui suivent, les sujets les

plus prometteurs, du HPE aux superapps

en passant par les plateformes de cloud


Au-delà de ces avancées technologiques,

nous nous sommes penchés sur les mutations

profondes qui ont déjà commencé à

affecter nos écosystèmes. Outre le remodelage

des flux énergétiques imposé par

les bouleversements géostratégiques intervenus

ces derniers mois, nos économies

sont en effet confrontées à des pressions

croissantes en matière de régulation, de

cybersécurité et de pénurie de talents.

L’obligation de faire plus en consommant

moins d’énergie n’est pas la moindre de

ces contraintes. Là aussi, l’adoption de

technologies innovantes participe à la

résolution de l’équation.

Tant de choses ont changé en si peu de temps que

les entreprises dépendent plus que jamais de la

technologie. Dès lors, la grande question que les

décideurs ne peuvent manquer de se poser est

la suivante : quelles sont les tendances clés de

la transformation digitale en 2023 et comment

peuvent-elles aider mon entreprise à s’engager

sur la voie de l’avenir ?














DORA: Strengthening the EU’s

Digital Resilience



Navigating the Evolving

Threat Landscape


Mobility as a Service: A Mindset



Sustainable IT


Adaptive AI


Hamlet Consulting Luxembourg

Operational Excellence: Make

your transformation sustainable


Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Cybersecurity, green tech and

the quest for talent to lead the

IT agenda in 2023



Deloitte Tech Trends 2023


A new era for HPC-driven



Everything You Should Know

about Superapps


Excellium Services


When cyber resilience becomes

a major issue


Wireless Value Realization


ESG Analytics & Reporting



La fin des cookies ?


Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Data hungry, energy starved



Anidris et Dell :

un partenariat Titanium


Industry Cloud Platforms




TNT Symposium 2022

Retour sur l’événement IT

de l’année


Generative AI


Platform Engineering


Zero-Trust Security



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TECHSENSE Magazine #03






The EU DORA Act stresses the importance of operational resilience

for the continent’s digital future.

The EU published its Digital Operational Resilience Act,

otherwise known as DORA in the summer of 2022. The act

is a regulatory initiative that covers both cybersecurity

and operational resilience within the financial services industry.

It is a piece of legislation that will impact all financial market such

as banks, management companies, investment firms, insurance

companies, trading venues and crypto asset providers. The new

legislation highlights a key shift in focus within the EU which

requires that firms can both demonstrate financial resilience and

maintain operational resilience should a severe incident occur

such as a cyberattack or systems failure.

The term "digital transformation" has been rampant throughout

the last two years and has been used to describe the new era

for finance and the way companies will be operating in the

future. Whilst this presents firms within the financial services

industry with more opportunities for innovation, it also creates

an environment of greater risk with regards to cybersecurity. In

order to embrace this digital future, there are new compliance

measures being introduced in the DORA act ensuring that firms

will be able to operate safely.

These new measures are reflective of the fact the DORA act was

created due to the assumption by the EU that most financial services

firms do not currently have the necessary level of capability to

assess and analyze the quantitative impact of incidents. In order

to change this, the DORA act will see a greater focus on digital

operational resilience testing by introducing new requirements

that firms will be expected to have implemented by Q4 2024. Within

this tight timeframe, firms will be required to show that they are

able to conduct appropriate resilience and security tests on their

The DORA act will see a greater focus on digital

operational resilience testing by introducing

new requirements that firms will be expected

to have implemented by Q4 2024.

George Ralph

Global Managing Director at RFA

"critical ICT systems and applications" on an annual basis. As a

result of this, they will also need to be able to "fully address" any

vulnerabilities that are identified within their stress testing. This

will be expected to be carried out alongside the DORA business

impact analysis requirement, which could see firms subject to a

significant level of supervisory scrutiny and a need to demonstrate

greater accurate testing and scenario analysis capabilities.

In order to move forward under the guidance of the DORA act,

George Ralph, Global Managing Director at RFA outlines what firms

operating in Luxembourg can do to ensure they are adhering to

regulatory requirements and the law:

"Firms should start by setting a framework for the next two years.

They must take a holistic view of policies and procedures in order

to identify any shortfalls and understand where improvements

can and should be made. This will help them prepare for worse

case scenarios whilst understand where they can be continuously

looking to maintain operational resilience. It goes without saying

that firms should be investing in their cyber defense, monitoring and

reporting systems. This can work best with an outsourced provider

who can provide firms with specialist support. This strategy can

be beneficial as it removes the financial and time burden that can

be placed on in house security teams. An outsourced provider can

also provide support as a company’s business scales without an

additional work burden on their internal team. Companies should

be implementing stress testing regularly to look for vulnerabilities

in their network. Mitigating cyber risk is much more effective than

managing a cyberattack. Embracing the legal requirements set out

in the DORA act will be vital for firms operating across Europe in the

next 24 months. It will be vital to a company’s survival in finance’s

increasingly digital future."



TECHSENSE Magazine #03





| By Philippe Bovy |

When it comes to the threat landscape,

cyber criminals are growing in sophistication,

and it’s no secret that businesses are battling

against increasing cyber-threats. It’s critical that

organizations are able to identify these threats

and mitigate against them, without any disruption

to business continuity. Businesses in Luxembourg

are facing the same challenge.

— The Evolving Threat Landscape

External factors have a significant impact on cybercrime.

Geopolitical events, such as the war in Ukraine, create an

environment for cybercrime to thrive. Similarly, at the beginning

of the pandemic, cybercrime soared by 600% as threat actors

took advantage of new vulnerabilities. The associated costs are

becoming astronomical. This is causing premiums to skyrocket

as insurance companies struggle to cover the volume and costs

of cyber-attacks. Cybercrime is estimated to increase in cost for

companies to $10.5 trillion by 2025, which makes it even more

important for organizations to have the ability to respond at pace.

— In light of this, what should the CISO’s top

two priorities be?

Priority One: Regulation & Insurance

Regulation sits far behind where we need to be to mitigate risk across

all industries. Organizations need to go much further than meeting

the bare minimum. Especially in Luxembourg where the Supervisor

of the Financial Sector (CSSF) highlighted the importance of a

business continuity plan and the proper functioning and recovery of

backups. The CSSF placed particular emphasis on the importance

of offline backups of the most essential systems and data.

Insurance companies on the other hand are realizing that the gap

is too big - hence the rise in cyber premiums. This is a problem

because a lot of businesses completely rely on insurance policies

to cover recovery costs against these kinds of attacks. Some

insurers are even withdrawing their policies altogether because

of this. CISOs need to start thinking about how confident they are

Philippe Bovy

Head of Sales and Solutions at Kyndryl Luxembourg

in their ability to recover and the financial implications they would

face from prolonged downtime.

Priority Two: Operational Resilience

Resilience needs to become more proactive. Whether it’s

geopolitical, cyber, or environmental, businesses need to realize

that responsibility for the concentrated risk and operational

resilience lies with CISOs, IT Directors and Risk Officers, not with

regulators and insurers.

It begins with understanding where you are today. Where are the

gaps and where do you want to get to? Investing in automating

and orchestrating recovery processes, enhancing recovery time

and recovery point objectives, while simultaneously mitigating

human error in restoring from backups should be a focus in all

organizations. Continuous testing and cyber simulation exercises

can support this, ensuring you have confidence in your ability to

act and recover at pace when the worst happens.

Proactive Action

To effectively protect the future, we need to realize that regulation

is lagging behind what it should be to mitigate risks. Insurance

policies are shifting that risk and the responsibility is now back

into the hands of the CISO. In addition to this, organizations must

adopt a culture of operational resilience to survive the evolving

threat landscape, which should be driven by the CISO.

At the beginning

of the pandemic,

cybercrime soared



as threat actors took

advantage of new


Cybercrime is

estimated to

increase in cost for

companies to


trillion by 2025.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Mobility as a Service:



| By Michaël Renotte |

Mobility as a service (MaaS) incorporates the elements of an emerging

and new transportation model - particularly in urban areas - that

removes the need for private vehicle ownership by offering bundled

transportation options as a service.

MaaS promises to revolutionize transportation by

building and leveraging platform technology to

connect and improve all aspects of travel. Through

an integrated effort of public and private organizations, travelers

can embark on personalized and optimized transportation routes

using a variety of different transportation modes including cars,

buses, trains, bikes and scooters. The philosophy can be applied

across a broad range of technologies from autonomous cars

to connected cities. Another key element for MaaS is providing

users with a single digital payment method: only one transaction

necessary for an end-to-end trip rather than paying for individual

modes of transportation.

For businesses, MaaS initiatives aim to unify all modes of transport

for a business into one simple and easy to use platform with the

objective of improving cost and efficiency through shorter travel

planning and cost comparison. For families or solo travelers, Mobility

as a Service aims to improve the planning and management of

travel into a customized journey without the challenge of searching

through multiple booking search engines.

— The core elements of Mobility as a Service

At its core, MaaS relies on a digital platform that integrates endto-end

trip planning, booking, electronic ticketing, and payment

services across all modes of transportation, public or private. It’s

a marked departure from where most cities are today, and from

how mobility has been delivered until now.

Rather than having to locate, book, and pay for each mode of

transportation separately, MaaS platforms let users plan and book

door-to-door trips using a single app. By answering the question of

how best to get individual users where they’re going based on realtime

conditions throughout the network, taking account of all the

possible options and each user’s own preferences (for example, time

and convenience vs. cost), and facilitating seamless mobile payment,

MaaS starts to move us toward a more user-centered mobility paradigm.

— Making moving around easy and sustainable

An ambitious initiative is taking shape in Finland’s capital, aiming

to make it unnecessary for any city resident to own a private car by

2025. Since 2016, Helsinki residents have been able to use an app

called ″Whim″ to plan and pay for all modes of public and private

transportation within the city, be it by train, taxi, bus, carshare,

or bikeshare.

Anyone with the app can enter a destination, select his or her

preferred mode of getting there or, in cases where no single

mode covers the door-to-door journey, a combination thereof and

go. Users can either pre-pay for the service as part of a monthly

mobility subscription, or pay as they go using a payment account

linked to the service.

The goal is to make it so convenient for users to get around that

they opt to give up their personal vehicles for city commuting, not

because they’re forced to, but because the alternative is more

appealing. According to Sampo Hietanen, CEO and Founder of MaaS

Global, and the visionary behind Whim, ″We want to prove that we

can beat the service level of a car. Or at least be comparable to it.

We want to show that people want it, not just that we can do it.″

Following the success Whim saw in its home market, it has spread

its operations to Birmingham, UK and Antwerp, Belgium. We have



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

MaaS promises to revolutionize transportation

by building and leveraging platform technology

to connect and improve all aspects of travel.

to keep in mind that platforms like these are in their infancy, but

the concept has been proven in multiple regions. There will be

challenges in scaling this across different societies with different

consumer habits, varying levels of digital adoption, and mixed

traveling patterns.

There are clear benefits to the customer. Firstly, the payment

amount is clear and the payment method is secure and digitalised.

The application automatically calculates the price you pay based

on your subscription level, or offers a pay-as-you-go option.

The route is planned and displayed in detail, whilst offering

flexibility for changes of circumstance or delays. Real-time data

feeds keep the whole process accurate and reliable. The objective

is to provide carefree travel. This is the primary result of MaaS.

— Solving the monetization equation

Every business model requires a monetization method. Mobility

as a Service on the surface has a straightforward model: MaaS

providers charge either a fixed-rate or variable rate for different

service options. By way of illustration, Whim enables travelers to

choose between three mobility options: a full-access subscription,

a basic membership with reductions on taxis and car sharing, and

a pay-as you go model.

of the journey, while buses have fixed prices per area. Combining

multiple modes of transportation requires precise calculations

and the price estimations are only as good as the computation

algorithm is. How much would the price differ when booked

through the application rather than buying tickets straight from

the operator? How are delays managed from a price perspective?

Stakeholders will need to evolve towards an equitable system that

makes MaaS profitable for all those involved.

— New culture

With the widespread appetite for MaaS, a new way of thinking must

emerge. A culture of collaboration, trust, and non-competitiveness

is needed to build the shared platforms that travellers need. The

payments industry must ensure that stakeholders get their share

quickly, accurately, and consistently.

MaaS implementation requires the involvement of trusted thirdparty

authorities who drive the innovation and mediate between

key players. In a competitive environment, it’s important to create

win-win scenarios for everybody. This will require tough diplomacy,

and expertise in technology for payments, scheduling, and more.

MaaS is a mindset change. Industry stakeholders must adopt a

truly customer-centric approach, and travellers must think about

mobility in a holistic way.

However, things often get complicated due to the interconnectivity

of the system. While specific roles maintain traditional revenue

models, transportation providers rely on a complicated method

for dividing up payments. This method hinges upon many variables

including rides per day, distance traveled, cost per trip, etc. Taxis

generally charge according to distance traveled and the duration


TECHSENSE Magazine #03




In other words, organizations

need a sustainable technology

framework that is forwardthinking,

efficient, and effective

to maximize the potential of their

processes. At its core, this new

| By Yann Roll |

framework seeks to increase IT services’ energy and material

efficiency. It also enables enterprise sustainability through

technologies such as traceability, analytics, renewable energy,

and AI, and helps customers achieve their own sustainability goals.

CEOs are feeling the pinch of

uncertainty that comes with

switching from traditional profitbased

models to environmental

changes, according to a recent

Gartner survey. This means

executives must think beyond their

standard processes and invest more

in innovative solutions designed

to address ESG demand and meet

sustainability goals.

A commitment to this kind of sustainable technology revolutionizes

a business’s data-driven practices - setting it up for success in a

more competitive marketplace now and into the future.

In these uncertain economic times, finding sustainable growth

solutions has become a priority for CIOs. Such an approach starts

with responsible investment and risk management that includes

resilient cybersecurity protocols. This is an efficient but imperative

method to ensure safe and flexible growth for businesses over

the long term.

Organizations must dedicate responsible investments to ensure

financial and sustainable outcomes for their stakeholders - products

that grant competitive advantages by ensuring no harm to the

process. Cybersecurity must remain a key element, providing robust

protection while still enabling progress toward these outcomes.

Thus, it is up to executive leadership in technology to enact these

changes to provide long-term performance; companies’ future

depends on it!

— How to revolutionize work with IT?

CIOs now have an incredible opportunity to revolutionize work

using sustainable IT, an important factor in retention,


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


In these uncertain economic times,

finding sustainable growth solutions

has become a priority for CIOs. Such

an approach starts with responsible

investment and risk management

that includes resilient

cybersecurity protocols.

recruitment, employee engagement, and high performance.

According to Tina Nunno, a VP Analyst at Gartner, ″only 31% of

personnel said that they have the tech requirements they need.″

This shows that there is a gap between employer needs and what

their current IT solutions offer.

To make their organizations attractive to employees of choice

and create a successful performance for the organization going

forward, CIOs should focus on three force multipliers:

Eliminate the hassle of daily tasks

Work-life should be designed to be as frictionless as possible,

and too many friction points can have detrimental effects on

employee activity and retention rates. Investing in encouraging

digital skills amongst your employees can go a long way in removing

these obstacles, enabling them to become more productive and

engaged with their work environment. Working at an organization

with technologies that are up to date and encourage smooth

workflow can inspire individuals in teams to think outside of the

box. They also develop better strategies for reaching their goals

and prepare them for performance in the years ahead.

Make aggressive investments in AI augmentation

Investing in AI augmentation is key to creating sustainable

performance and should be a priority for organizations. Equipping

employees with the right tools and technologies empower them

to generate greater impact. When incorporating AI into your

workflows, each employee’s reach, range, and capabilities can

be greatly amplified. When organizations transition towards the

workforce of the future, where AI is seamlessly integrated into daily

operations, you need to ensure that employees are given access

to the best tech available. Doing this will facilitate more rapid and

effective progress in achieving tangible results for any business.

technology at the center of most corporate culture, embracing

digital experiences will help to drive innovation. As an example, by

investing in an intraverse – a cyber office that involves metaverse

technologies for immersive meetings. Combining employees to

collaborate and accelerate the innovation process is possible.

According to Gartner, these types of meeting technologies show

no signs of plateauing on their Hype Cycle curve in the next 5 to

10 years. Companies that recognize this potential early on and

invest accordingly will benefit from attracting talent interested

in staying ahead of their respective packs.

— Importance of Resilient Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is no longer simply a technical issue but a business

risk that requires strategic planning and smart investments.

During these unprecedented times, organizations must ensure

their cybersecurity practices are resilient and effective to remain

competitive in the digital world of increasing risks and threats.

Leveraging the importance of cyber resilience can protect an

organization’s online presence and enable them to foster sustainable

growth amidst the volatility of today’s digital landscape. Companies

must prioritize investing in robust security solutions that allow

them to stay agile, prepared, and informed regarding potential

cyber threats. Making this investment now is key for successful

businesses in the future.

For example, to guarantee your organization’s success, establishing

a comprehensive attack surface management plan is essential. The

most effective method to begin this process is through external

attack surface management (EASM). This innovative technology

helps you gain an insight into the potential threats of any vulnerable

external-facing assets in your network and also ensures they are

secured from possible dangers.

You should also consider implementing a software composition

analysis to give you better visibility into any supply chain vulnerabilities

to identify them as soon as possible.

Also, by prioritizing their most crucial business objectives,

organizations will position themselves for success. Companies

can create plans to guarantee their systems sustain correctly

functioning processes, including production, sales, and public

engagement. These strategies are formed by recognizing the

technology dependencies that relate directly to their goals and


With this approach, businesses will be well-positioned to create

competitive advantages, remain resilient in the face of disruption

or security threats, and deliver on customer expectations. Ensuring

technological solutions are tailored to coincide with key business

outcomes is a powerful approach that enables organizations

to protect their most valuable assets inside and outside the

enterprise walls.

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TECHSENSE Magazine #03




As Artificial Intelligence

(AI) advances, businesses

are increasingly turning

to adaptive AI solutions

to stay competitive in

their respective industries.

Adaptive AI is a Machine

Learning algorithm

that can learn and adapt

autonomously. This way,

it becomes more proficient

and accurate over time

with each new experience

or data set entered.

| By Nastassia Haux |

This technology has enabled

businesses worldwide to become

more efficient while extracting

invaluable insights from large datasets.

We’ll take a closer look at how exactly it

works, and what advantages it offers, and

discuss real-world examples of companies

utilizing this technology successfully.

— Increasing organizational


Adaptive AI is truly outstanding: it can

absorb new data or events even while it is in

the process of being built. It’s a new concept

compared to traditional AI paradigms,

which required all inputs, variables, and

scenarios to be pre-defined before any

code could be written. This revolutionary

dynamic can allow modern organizations

to experience increased agility as they

can respond more effectively and swiftly

to unforeseen environmental changes.

Adaptive AI is leading the way for intelligent

systems that increase organizational


As Gartner Analyst Erick Brethenoux clearly

articulates, flexibility and adaptability have

become indispensable traits in today’s

business world. We can see this easily

in the light of recent health and climate

crises as they have forced many companies

to adjust their strategies. In response,

adaptive AI systems seek to keep up with

these dynamic changes through retraining

models and other mechanisms that allow

them to learn in both development and

runtime environments. This feature gives

businesses the agility of mind and spirit

needed for success moving forward.

The potential of AI in the enterprise is quickly

becoming apparent. In fact, according

to Gartner, enterprises that adopt AI

engineering practices will be well ahead

of their peers within the next five years.

By adopting principles for building and

managing adaptive AI systems, companies

are projected to outperform others by at

least 25% in operationalized AI models’

number and time variation. This is a major

advantage; the businesses will be able to

optimize their current products or services

more quickly and efficiently. They’ll also

be able to stay one step ahead of the

competition when developing new products

or services. Companies that properly invest

in AI engineering now are sure to reap

long-term benefits in years to come.

— Why adaptive AI matters

to business

Adaptive AI technology presents tangible

opportunities to businesses in the modern

economy, helping to facilitate crucial and

efficient decision-making processes. This

combination of agent-based design and

reinforcement learning enables systems

to adjust their operations automatically,

allowing businesses to stay ahead of the

curve in uncertain conditions.

Activity sectors such as the military have

already utilized adaptive AI to great effect.

For example, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air

Force are building a sophisticated learning



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

system capable of tailoring its lessons

directly to each student’s needs. With

this type of technology at their disposal,

organizations can operate with greater

agility and confidence and secure the

knowledge that their decisions are wellinformed

by reliable data sources.

The complexity and importance of making

decisions in an enterprise environment

cannot be overstated. Facing an everchanging

array of factors, decision

intelligence systems must leverage AI

to analyze data and adjust processes

according to the situation autonomously.

As this shift occurs, existing architectures

may need a complete makeover. In order

to ensure compliance with regulations,

stakeholders must rise to the challenge

of using AI ethically. This requires careful

navigation to prevent costly missteps and

legal complications.

Finally, adaptive systems have the potential

to revolutionize the way businesses operate,

encouraging them to take risks they may

never have considered before. By breaking

silos and providing access to data and

analytics in real-time, such systems can

provide key insights into how new business

models might work. It can quickly learn the

operations of a company and find ways

to optimize workflow, thus increasing

efficiency and productivity.

This could be everything from introducing

new products or services previously

unavailable to venturing into uncharted

distribution channels. It provides companies

with an exciting opportunity to create

something truly unique and innovative

that would not be possible without this


— Adaptive AI implementation


AI engineering is necessary for companies

to keep up with rapidly changing

technology and the needs of their

workforce, customers, and partners. By

incorporating foundational elements such

as implementation, operationalization, and

change management, organizations can

promote a digital-first strategy to position

themselves for success in an ever-evolving


However, a greater focus on strengthening

the change management process will be

necessary to take advantage of adaptive AI.

This is a tremendous undertaking because

it will require more than just making minor

adjustments – it must be integrated into

various operational aspects already in

place. It won’t happen quickly, but doing

so equips companies with the assurance

that their systems are properly tailored to

support AI initiatives.

With the help of continuous intelligence

design patterns, event-stream capabilities,

and agent-based methods, you can create

the right foundations for this goal. But how

do you move further to ensure business

users are comfortable enough to adopt AI?

For that, it’s important to incorporate explicit

and measurable business indicators through

operationalized systems and embed trust

within the decision framework to make the

transition smoother. That way, AI won’t

be a daunting concept for anyone but an

achievable one for all.

— All in all

• Big data and machine learning

algorithms power adaptive AI. This means

that the more data you can feed into

the system, the better it will become

at predicting outcomes and making


• Adaptive AI can be used to automate

decision-making processes. This can save

your team time and money and help you

make better decisions faster and more


• Adaptive AI is always learning and

evolving. As new data is fed into the system,

it will better predict outcomes and provide


By adopting principles for

building and managing

adaptive AI systems, companies

are projected to outperform

others by at least 25% in

operationalized AI models’

number and time variation.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Operational Excellence:




| By Florian Grova, Senior Manager

at Hamlet Consulting Luxembourg |

Technology is entering in a new era. After a decade

of digitalisation, many organisations have increased

the complexity of their practices. With the massive

change driven by AI, a new paradigm using more

robots and automation has taken shape, which

requires industrialising processes. Indeed, the tech

world has built his own methodologies such as

agile or waterfall, but all are using industrialisation

principles learned in manufacturing during the third

industrial revolution. Scaling up has been key in the

manufacturing industry where Lean management,

Kaizen or Scorecard have given a new dimension

to how to make a strategy live using Operational

Excellence principles.

OOperational Excellence translates a strategy into a

factual action plan to be executed. Switching from

one to the other leads to the transformation journey.

There are many aspects that need to be considered to make this

journey successful and sustainable, but three key success factors

require special attention:

Measure. A good start implies knowing the existing situation

and where to go. Defining key indicators before starting and

measuring their progress all along the journey is mandatory. Using

the ″KPI trinity″ - Cost, Quality and Time - is part of the basics,

but using a mood board to ensure having everybody on board

brings a new perspective and contributes to the sustainability

of the transformation journey. This way, each measure offers

an opportunity for improvement and any improvement marks a

further step forward in your journey.

Plan. Build your transformation plan step by step and define

intermediary milestones. As the saying goes: ″there is only one

way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time″. This will guarantee your

transformation’s progress, help you manage uncertainty and

increase staff empowerment.

Florian Grova

Senior Manager at Hamlet Consulting Luxembourg

Communicate. All along the journey, management and staff must

be connected together; for instance, by giving access, maintaining,

and transporting the information to the target audience. Then a

repeating mechanism will support the message, which requires

active listening. But this is not enough: answering questions

and providing space for opinion sharing in order to empower

stakeholders are part of the process as well.

Every transformation is unique and, like a puzzle, requires combining

different pieces before we can view the final picture, a picture

slightly different from the one initially imagined: some gaps

appear between the primary idea and the end result, due to the

natural flow of improvements, trade-offs and failures that occur

during the journey. They are unavoidable and contribute to take

the whole organisation to its destination. Moreover, caring for

individuals is essential to understand their needs and motivation.

At the same time, however, continuing to act for the team makes

the transformation sustainable.

Hamlet Consulting Luxembourg

offers Business Analysis, Quality Assurance,

Testing Automation and ITSM services.

To support our clients facing new

business challenges, address end-to-end

complex transformation projects, and

deliver sustainable results, a new branch

dedicated to Operational Excellence and

Transformation has been created.




{ Verbe transitif }

Acquérir par l’étude, par la pratique,

par l’expérience une connaissance, un savoir-faire,

quelque chose d’utile.


Contrôlez la qualité de l’air

Surveillez la température

Analysez le taux d’occupation

de vos bureaux en temps réel

Optimisez le taux de

remplissage de vos parkings

Evaluez la fréquentation de

vos sites (comptage indoor

et outdoor)

Géolocalisez vos biens

pour éviter les vols

Surveillez avec précision

vos stocks pour faciliter

votre inventaire

Solutions IoT

clés en main

pour faciliter le quotidien de votre entreprise



TECHSENSE Magazine #03



talent to lead the

Laurent Pulinckx,

CIO of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange


With new technologies emerging on a daily

basis, keeping up with the incredibly fast

pace of digitalisation across all industries

has never been as important as it is today.

Capital markets are of course no exception to

this rule, with new trends transforming the

financial services industry in unprecedented

ways over the course of 2022.

While we ought to recognise the value of technology

and the numerous advantages that it brings, we

also need to bear in mind that digitalisation is not

an objective per se, or a pre-determined destination – it is an

endless journey of creation and recreation, at the origin of which

are humans. Led by and for us, technology only really serves a

purpose as long as it improves our day-to-day lives.

With 2022 now behind us, let’s take a closer look at three of the

key trends that are set to feature high on the IT agenda in 2023,

and potentially help change our day-to-day lives for the better in

the process – cybersecurity, green IT and the search for talent.

Cybersecurity has been a key point of focus for IT leaders for

several years, but with the number of cyberattacks on the rise,

businesses across all industries need to implement new measures

to build up their cybersecurity defence. According to Statista,

during the third quarter of 2022, some 15 million data records were



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

rity, green tech and the quest for

IT agenda

in 2023

| By Laurent Pulinckx,

CIO of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange & THECIO23 |

At the end of last year, the Luxembourg

Stock Exchange became the first financial

institution in Luxembourg to migrate its

entire IT infrastructure to the cloud.

exposed worldwide through data breaches – a 37 percent increase

compared to the previous quarter. Financial institutions tend to be

the most popular targets for obvious reasons, but all companies

and institutions should consider themselves as potential targets.

Cybercriminals are building increasingly sophisticated systems to

deceive and take advantage of humans, so the most efficient way to

reduce the risk of cyberattacks is to ensure that all employees are

well trained and able to identify, flag and stop phishing attempts and

other similar cyberthreats. Concretely, this means that businesses

and institutions need to put in place new and more bulletproof

authentication rules to protect their systems and data, ultimately

preventing cybercriminals from gaining access to the company’s

servers by hacking the password of an employee.

Another trend that is set to make headlines in 2023 is none other

than green tech. More than a trend, green tech is a necessity –

and potentially a solution – on two different fronts. On the one

hand, green tech is about leveraging technology to reduce high

emitting activities and drive positive change. This angle gained

prominence at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, when we came

to the realisation that we could significantly reduce our carbon

emissions by replacing brief face-to-face encounters with online

meetings. Another example is the progress made in terms of traffic

reduction thanks to intelligent parking systems that help drivers

find a spot without having to search for long periods of time.

In the European Union (EU), we recently took a small yet significant

step in the right direction with the EU’s approval of a directive that

will require the vast majority of electronic devices to be equipped

with a one-size-fits-all USB-C type charger from 2024 onwards.

While this initiative is mainly aimed at consumers, it will undoubtedly

have a spill over effect across businesses, and push IT leaders to

consider new ways to reduce waste within their organisations.

Last but not least, the search for new talent is set to feature

high on the IT agenda throughout 2023. If we are to implement

more sustainable ways of working and build up new defence

mechanisms against the growing and increasingly diverse range

of cyberthreats, we need to ensure that we have the right people

in the right positions to kickstart these initiatives. The search for

talent is undoubtedly a global phenomenon and one that is crucial

across all industries, particularly on the back of the pandemic,

but given how reliant we all are on technology, sourcing the right

talent that can implement solid and timeproof IT infrastructures

is pivotal not only to the IT community, but also the wider society.

There are undoubtedly other trends that will surface in 2023, while

some existing areas of focus, such as the migration to the cloud,

will continue to develop. At the end of last year, the Luxembourg

Stock Exchange became the first financial institution in Luxembourg

to migrate its entire IT infrastructure to the cloud, and we expect

other institutions to follow suit in 2023 and beyond.

Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) as a free service,

such as open AI and ChatGPT are also likely to drastically change

the way humans interact in the medium term. It will of course

depend on the specific ways in which these technologies are

implemented and used and may come with a number of benefits

and drawbacks.

One potential and clear positive impact of AI technologies is that

they may be used to develop systems that can assist humans in

various tasks, such as analysing data, identifying patterns, or

understanding complex matters more easily. This could potentially

lead to increased efficiency and productivity in various industries.

On the other hand, the development and deployment of AI

technologies also raises ethical and societal concerns, such as

the potential for job displacement and the need to ensure that

AI systems are developed and used responsibly. It is important

for researchers and developers to consider these issues as

they continue to work with AI over the coming year. One thing is

certain, however – as far as driving positive change, sustainable

habits, building up our cyber defence and sourcing the right talent

is concerned, we, humans are very much in the driving seat.

On the other hand, green tech is also about making IT itself more

sustainable by optimising the emissions and activities related to IT

operations. Amongst other things, this also means reconsidering the

ways in which we manufacture, use and recycle our IT equipment.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03




Le 14 ème rapport annuel Tech Trends de Deloitte met

en lumière les technologies qui deviendront la norme

d’ici 18 à 24 mois, et discute des tendances majeures à

plus long terme.

— TREND #1 - Through the glass

Notre accès au monde digital passe par des écrans de plus en plus

petits mais qui ne peuvent rétrécir indéfiniment, ce qui favorise

l’émergence d’interfaces telles que le métavers qui plongent l’utilisateur

dans des expériences virtuelles immersives. Ces interfaces

vont évoluer et seront intégrées à des outils d’entreprise, offrant

ainsi des capacités en matière de « réalité illimitée » ainsi que des

environnements immersifs permettant aux employés de mieux

collaborer et d’apprendre ensemble.

— TREND #2 - Opening up to AI

Les outils d’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) étant de plus en plus

standardisés, il devient difficile pour les entreprises d’en tirer

un avantage concurrentiel. Pour se différencier, chacune devra

tirer le meilleur parti de l’IA au sein même de ses processus. Le

facteur clé est ici le niveau de confiance : avec l’IA, les machines

vont au-delà de la simple analyse et entrent dans le domaine de

la prise de décision. C’est à l’entreprise de définir le niveau de

confiance qu’elle peut accorder à ces décisions.

— TREND #3 - Above the clouds

Afin de simplifier la gestion du multicloud, les entreprises se

tournent vers une couche d’abstraction et d’automatisation située

au-dessus de leurs différents clouds. Pour désigner cette couche,

on parle de métacloud ou de supercloud. Ces outils réduisent la

complexité des environnements en fournissant un accès à des

services communs tels que le stockage, le calcul, les données

et la sécurité.

— TREND #4 - Flexibility, the best ability

Les entreprises se livrent aujourd’hui à une compétition acharnée

pour accéder à un nombre limité d’experts technologiques. Pourtant,

l’évolution des technologies rend rapidement cette expertise obsolète,

si bien qu’embaucher sur base des besoins actuels n’est pas

une stratégie efficace à long terme. Certaines organisations se

différencient en adoptant un « cadre d’abondance » dans lequel les

talents peuvent être organisés, créés et cultivés. Cette approche

Ronan Vander Elst

Digital & Technology Consulting

Leader, Partner at Deloitte


Sébastien Genco

Technology Strategy &

Transformation, Partner at

Deloitte Luxembourg

flexible et orientée compétences recourt à de nouvelles sources

pour dénicher les talents et leur offrir une Expérience Employé

capable de les retenir.

— TREND #5 - In us we trust

Les écosystèmes basés sur la blockchain deviennent essentiels

non seulement pour développer et monétiser les actifs numériques,

mais aussi pour renforcer la « confiance numérique ». Plus les

organisations comprendront l’utilité de la blockchain, plus elles

pourront tirer parti de cette confiance désintermédiée et distribuée

à travers une communauté d’utilisateurs. Les entreprises ont un

rôle à jouer en aidant à réinventer un Internet plus décentralisé – le

Web 3.0 - basé sur une blockchain publique.

— TREND #6 - Connect and extend

Plutôt que de remplacer leurs systèmes et applications internes,

les entreprises cherchent à les adapter, à les connecter et à les

ouvrir aux technologies émergentes. Grâce à des approches

prouvées de modernisation des infrastructures, les entreprises

peuvent d’ores et déjà tirer parti des « mainframes » pour conduire

leur transformation numérique.

Téléchargez la 14 ème édition du rapport

Deloitte Tech Trends 2023 ici :



TECHSENSE Magazine #03


A new era



| By Michaël Renotte |

More and more data is being created and collected

every day, and post-digital businesses want to

leverage the insights that come from it, thus driving

demands for greater computing capabilities.

IDC found that in 2020, 64.2 ZB of data was created, captured,

or replicated, and that number is expected to grow to 180 ZB by

2025. But of all the data created in 2020, only 10.6% was useful for

analysis or for AI/ML models, and only about 44% of that was actually

used, which means that businesses are currently underutilizing their

data and losing value. Increasingly, the answer to this massive data

concern is found in high performance computing (HPC), also known as

supercomputing. HPC isn’t fundamentally new: the phones we carry

around in our pockets would have been considered supercomputers 30

years ago. But a combination of GPUs and other purpose-built chips is

starting to push HPC capabilities to new thresholds and benchmarks

previously thought to be decades away – an acceleration that is rapidly

making these capabilities mission critical for businesses everywhere.

— Shaping the future of High Performance


High-performance computing has evolved rapidly since its genesis

in 1964 with the introduction of the CDC 6600, the world’s first

supercomputer. Since then, the amount of data the world generates

has exploded, and accordingly, the need for HPC to be able to

process data more rapidly and efficiently has become pivotal.

This requirement to process data more efficiently has forced

HPC designers to think outside the box in terms of not just how

the data is processed but where it’s processed and what ends up

getting processed.

With cloud computing now firmly established, the floodgates

opened up to a whole new world of supercomputing innovation

and experimentation. Here are the top five drivers likely to impact

the effectiveness of HPC systems and what they mean for the

potential of the modern enterprise to fully capitalize on its new

wealth of data:

— Artificial Intelligence

It would be very hard to talk about HPC without mentioning Artificial

Intelligence. Over the last years, with the advent of the Internet of

Things, 5G, and other data-driven technologies, the amount of data

available for meaningful, impactful AI has actually grown enough

for Artificial Intelligence to have an impact on high-performance

computing, and vice versa.

High-performance computers are needed to power AI workloads,

but it turns out that AI itself can now be used to improve HPC

data centers. For example, AI can monitor overall system health,

including the state of storage, servers, and networking gear,

ensuring correct configuration and predicting equipment failure.

Companies can also use AI to reduce electricity consumption and

improve efficiency by optimizing heating and cooling systems.

AI is also important for security in HPC systems, as it can be used

to screen incoming and outgoing data for malware. It can also

protect data through behavioral analytics and anomaly detection.

— Edge computing

Companies can deploy their high-performance computing data

center on premises, in the Cloud, at the “edge“, or with some

combination of these. However, more and more organizations

are choosing distributed (i.e. edge) deployments for the faster

response times and bandwidth-saving benefits they bring.

Centralized data centers are simply too slow for modern applications,

which require data computation and storage to take place as

close to the application or device as possible to meet increasingly

stringent, 5G-enabled latency SLAs.

Speed is of course a key component of high-performance computing,

as the faster HPCs can compute data, the more data they can



TECHSENSE Magazine #03



compute, and the more complex problems they can solve. As

edge computing becomes increasingly popular, high-performance

computers will become even more powerful and valuable.

— HPC as a Service

The emergence of the cloud led to a as-a-service revolution, and

high performance computing is now joining the movement. Many

vendors have switched from selling HPC equipment to providing

HPC as a service (HPCaaS). This allows companies that don’t have

the in-house knowledge, resources, or infrastructure to create

their own HPC platform to take advantage of HPC via the cloud.

Now, many major cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services,

Google, and Alibaba, offer HPCaaS. The benefits of HPCaaS include

ease of deployment, scalability, and predictability of costs.

— GPU computing

Originally designed for gaming, graphics processing units (GPUs)

have evolved into one of the most important types of computing

technology. A GPU is a specialized processing unit capable of

processing many pieces of data simultaneously, making GPUs

useful for machine learning, video editing, and gaming applications.

that use GPUs for HPC include weather forecasting,

data mining, and other diverse processes that require this speed and

amount of data computation. NVIDIA is the largest maker of GPUs.

— Modern data storage

The three key components of an high-performance computing

system are computing, networking, and storage. Because storage

is one of the most important elements, it’s key to have a powerful,

modern data storage solution if you’re using or plan to use HPC.

To be able to accommodate the vast amount of data involved in

high-performance computing, the HPC system’s data storage system

should be able to make data from any node available at any time,

handle any size of data request, support performance-oriented

protocols, scale rapidly to keep up with increasingly demanding

latency SLAs, and keep your HPC system genuinely future-proof.

— Fueling Europe’s prosperity

HPC is key to Europe’s future prosperity, digital transformation

and resilience. With €7 billion in funding from Horizon Europe,

Digital Europe Program and the Connecting Europe Facility, the

European Commission is determined to strengthen investments

in supercomputing. It aims to build up supercomputing and

data processing capacities by buying world-class exascale

supercomputers, post-exascale facilities, and supporting an

ambitious HPC research and innovation agenda.

In Luxembourg, with UNI’s new high-performance computer MeluXina,

HPC is becoming more accessible than ever before. Start-ups,

SMEs and larger companies as well as research organizations can

already run HPC workloads and take advantage of MeluXina. The

Luxembourg national competence centre in HPC has been set up

in the context of the EuroCC project, which is co-funded by the

EU via the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and by the Ministry of the

Economy. This European collaborative project aims to establish

national HPC competence centres in 33 countries across Europe.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03




Everything You Should Know



| By Yann Roll |

Mobile apps have taken the world by storm.

They have made things easier for not only

individuals but for businesses too. By

allowing customers to handle all the things

on the go, mobile apps enable them to get

more things in less time. This also enables

businesses to reach out to more customers,

help them access their services quickly,

and eventually boost their revenue.


As the number of smartphone users increases all around

the world, mobile apps will continue dominating the

technology space in 2023 and beyond. As per reports,

an average user has almost 40 apps on their smartphone. Out

of these, they spend 89% of their time juggling between 18 apps

(Source: Simform, 2021).

Some users even believe that things would be much easier

and quicker for them if different functionality of different apps

are consolidated into one. A survey was conducted on 3,166

smartphone users and out of them, 67% of individuals accept

that they want just a single app to manage their whole digital life

(Source: PYMNTS, 2022).

This is exactly the whole concept behind superapps. They are

applications similar to a Swiss army knife. They come with multiple

functionalities and component tools - also known as miniapps -

that the app users can use or remove as per their requirements.

— What exactly are superapps ?

Simply put, a superapp is a smartphone application that groups

together multiple apps into one. The term ″superapps″ was coined

in 2010 by the funder of Blackberry, Mike Lazaridis. The core idea

of superapps is that they offer a more efficient, streamlined, and

seamless experience to the user.

Superapps run on a platform that integrates different app

functionalities and enables app services to provide multiple

features in a single place. A superapp can provide users with features

like messaging, payment, online shopping, etc. - all in one place.

For example, instead of having multiple applications for ordering

food, booking a cab, and booking movie tickets, users can have

a superapp that enables them to do everything. It has all kinds of

features and functions.

The best thing about superapps is that users can create a

personalized experience for themselves by installing their favorite

miniapps from the superapps. Miniapps are designed to perform

one specific task. There is no separate marketplace for miniapps,

and they can be found and installed from within the superapps.

According to Gartner, almost 50% of the world’s total population

will be using superapps by 2027.

Superapps are created to allow customers to

access various app functionalities in one place.

Their main goal is to offer financial transactions

and payment processing capabilities to the users

so that they can buy different things from the

same application.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03






— How do superapps work?

Superapps basically comprise an ecosystem that allows internal

developers and external partners to deploy various miniapps and

integrate them with superapps. In this way, the superapps carry

different functions of various miniapps and allow users to access

a broader range of services within the same application.

With superapps, users only need to log in and put their bank details

once into the app. After that, they can access all the things without

the need to switch between multiple apps on the phone. Since the

users have entered their login ID and password in one application,

it also reduces the risk of data breaches and hacking attempts.

Superapps can be built by using platforms and frameworks like:

• Front-end framework that helps in deploying miniapps

• Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that offers cloud solutions

• Low-code app platforms

• Multi-experience (MX) development platforms

With the help of superapps, companies can also bundle a bunch

of features and services and offer them to their users. They can

integrate several miniapps in the ecosystem and help their customers

in enjoying all the features together. This enables them to reach

a wider audience base and grow their business without the need

to launch different applications and platforms.

— What are the uses of superapps?

Superapps are created to allow customers to access various app

functionalities in one place. Their main goal is to offer financial

transactions and payment processing capabilities to the users

so that they can buy different things from the same application.

Superapps are all-encompassing communication and commerce

solutions that make things more simplified and streamlined.

— Obstacles in creating superapps

While superapps are becoming more popular with each passing

day, creating them is still not as easy as creating a traditional app.

There are many obstacles that developers come across while

designing a super app interface.

Some of the major issues that developers face while creating

superapps include the following:

1. Creating an entire ecosystem that is capable of handling different

features of different miniapps is a major issue. While the technical

implementation in itself is not a big challenge, developing the

ecosystem for superapps can be an issue for most developers.

2. Further, not all users interact with different apps in the same

way. Users have different expectations and needs from a mobile

application. Thus, coming up with an idea and design of a superapp

that meets the expectations of a large audience is a huge challenge

in itself. In case the app isn’t useful or meets the expectations of

the masses, retaining it in the market will not be easy.

— The bottom line

Superapps are all-encompassing applications into which third-party

publishers and internal developers deploy miniapps. These miniapps

can be installed and activated by the users as and when needed.

Superapps are designed to replace the need for downloading

multiple applications and allow customers to access everything

in one place. They also ensure that businesses have a composable

system where they can select and assemble multiple app components

to satisfy the need of their users.

One of the best examples of superapps is the Chinese application

called WeChat. Initially, the app was created to offer instant

messaging services to users. But soon, it turned into a complete

superapp that now offers features like food ordering, online

shopping, appointment booking, social media features, etc.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03







| By Johann Alessandroni, Information Security Governance

Team Leader at Excellium Services |

In a context where the challenges of resilience are

constantly increasing, the Council of the EU adopted

NIS 2 on November 28 th . From a sectoral point of view,

in the financial sector, the European Parliament voted

on November 10 for the promulgation of DORA while

TIBER EU is already in application to test the resilience

of key financial market entities. These regulatory

requirements come in a world where the level of

confidence on cybersecurity aspects expected by all the

players in an ecosystem is ever greater.

The awareness of working both on the protection level but

also on its ability to respond to a cyber incident and limit the

extent of the damage and the associated consequences

is now becoming obvious but is still complex. Indeed, to ensure

pragmatic compliance that allows an organization to really address

its challenges, the adaptation of the security strategy and the

associated roadmap must go through a holistic view of the different

pillars defined in these regulations.

The redesign of ICT risk management notably involves an ability

to express cyber risk so that it is understood by management and

can be used as a real decision-making tool. Thus, it has become

essential to be able to link and interpret cyber risk with regard to

the resulting business consequences, for example via cyber risk

quantification approaches and financial losses study.

For several years, the risks associated with outsourcing and the

need for third-party oversight have been constantly increasing,

as evidenced by the number of supply-chain attacks. The controls

in place to assess service providers prior to contracting must be

robust but also proportionate, with a level of assessment adapted

to the risks incurred via, for example, a suppliers categorization

model. In addition, it is essential to be able to monitor over time the

Johann Alessandroni

Information Security Governance Team Leader at Excellium Services

proper consideration of the organization’s security requirements

by the providers and that a process of continuous improvement

of the security maturity level can be actually proven.

Demonstrating resilience capabilities requires assessments and

the performance of security tests on the different lines of control

existing within the organization. This evaluation program must be

proportional to the risks inherent in the context of the organization

and be sufficiently diversified to test different axes (cyber crisis

management and communication strategy, incident response

capacity, Red Team exercise, etc.). This requires in particular the

pooling of expert skills in several areas: Cyber Threat Intelligence, in

particular via a CERT and experts in cyber strategy, and Red Teaming

via experts in intrusion and implementation of targeted attacks.

As with any compliance process, it remains essential to carry it

out by analyzing how these changes can bring a real added value

for the organization and improve the security posture as well

as cyber resilience capabilities and not for checking the box.

The redesign of ICT risk management notably

involves an ability to express cyber risk so that

it is understood by management and can be

used as a real decision-making tool.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


— What is Wireless Value Realization?

Wireless Value Realization (WVR) describes how data from cellular

networks can be used to gain new business insights that increase

the value of wireless technology investments. WVR helps companies

understand the true cost and benefit of their wireless technology

investments to make sound strategic decisions about future

deployments, upgrades, and maintenance.

| By Nastassia Haux |

A successful enterprise must continuously improve

and seek innovative ways of realizing value in

its businesses. One way to do this is by utilizing

the power of wireless technology. With its wide

range of features, including low-cost deployment

and scalability, wireless can be a powerful tool for

radically improving productivity and efficiency and

achieving better customer service.

With greater security protocols in place,

innovations such as blockchain technology

can potentially bring the wireless transfer

of digital assets, making it safer than

ever before.

By leveraging data from networks, WVR can identify areas of

inefficiency and suggest more efficient strategies that reduce

operational costs while increasing customer satisfaction. Wireless

Value Realization is a key component of an effective wireless

technology strategy and helps organizations realize the full potential

of their wireless infrastructure.

— Advantages of achieving Wireless Value


By connecting devices wirelessly, organizations can share

information more seamlessly and securely than ever before.

Here are some more advantages of wireless value realization.

1. Improved efficiency and cost savings

Wireless technology can help organizations reduce costs and

increase efficiency. By using wireless connections, companies

can avoid the cost of installing dedicated hardware and wiring.

Also, by utilizing cloud-based solutions, companies can reduce

their reliance on physical infrastructure.

2. Increased security and data privacy

By using wireless technology, organizations can ensure that

their data is secure and private. Wireless networks are easier to

manage and protect than traditional wired networks, making it

difficult for hackers to access sensitive information. This helps

organizations protect their data and customer information from

unauthorized access.

3. Improved scalability and flexibility

Wireless technology makes it easy for organizations to scale their

systems as needed. This allows companies to quickly adapt to

changing customer demands and add new products or services

without having to install additional hardware or wiring. This allows

organizations to respond to changes in their environment quickly.

4. Enhanced customer experience

Wireless technology allows companies to connect with customers

from anywhere, anytime. This helps companies maintain a high

level of customer satisfaction by providing a more responsive

and reliable service. This also enables companies to offer more

personalized and customized experiences, which are key for

retaining customers.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

help ensure the network is secure. These technologies can also

better manage the data being sent over the network.

• Leveraging cloud-based services to optimize performance and

cost. Cloud-based services such as Software-as-a-Service and

Infrastructure-as-a-Service can help optimize wireless networks’

performance while also reducing costs. These services enable

organizations to efficiently manage their data and applications,

allowing them to scale up or down depending on the demands of

their users.

By connecting devices wirelessly,

organizations can share information more

seamlessly and securely than ever before.

5. Optimized performance with minimal disruption to existing


Wireless technology can help companies improve the performance

of their networks while minimizing disruption to existing processes.

This allows organizations to adapt and stay ahead of the competition

quickly. This enables them to remain competitive in an everevolving


6. Reduced complexity for IT teams

By using wireless technology, IT teams can manage networks

with fewer resources. This can reduce the complexity of network

management and increase staff productivity. This can also help

companies save time and money by avoiding costly network upgrades.

7. Reduced risk for businesses operating in uncertain environments

Wireless technology can help companies improve the performance

of their networks while minimizing disruption to existing processes.

This allows organizations to adapt and stay ahead of the competition

quickly. This also helps organizations protect their sensitive data

and customer information from unauthorized access

— Strategies for achieving maximum Wireless

Value Realization

It is essential to ensure that wireless value realization is maximized

in any organization. Here are some strategies that can help with

achieving this goal:

• Designing a comprehensive network architecture that supports

mobility needs. The network architecture should be designed

to support the mobility needs of users while also ensuring that

security and privacy policies are enforced. It is important to

consider scalability when designing a network architecture to

ensure it can handle an increase in traffic.

• Utilizing advanced technologies to manage data and security.

Advanced technologies such as wireless intrusion prevention

systems, virtual private networks, and mobile data encryption can

• Developing connected solutions to increase efficiency and

flexibility. Connected solutions such as wearables and Internet of

Things (IoT) devices can help increase wireless networks’ efficiency

and flexibility. Connected solutions enable organizations to gain

insights into their users’ behaviors, which can be used to optimize

the performance of their networks.

• Utilizing automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve

productivity. Automation and AI can be used to automate certain

tasks, allowing organizations to save time and resources. By

leveraging automation and AI, organizations can also improve

their productivity by providing users with more accurate and

timely information.

• Implementing a comprehensive risk management program.

A comprehensive risk management program can ensure that

user privacy and data security are maintained. Additionally, it

is important to assess the potential risks associated with any

wireless technology to minimize the impact of any vulnerabilities.

By following these strategies, organizations can achieve maximum

wireless value realization and ensure that their networks remain

secure and efficient.

— The future of Wireless Value Realization

The future of wireless value realization is bright, with many

possibilities. This technology has immense potential for transforming

systems that rely on mobile access, allowing for faster data

transmission and easier communication. More devices are being

developed with the capabilities to link wirelessly, creating networks

that can span across large distances and carry heavier data loads

than ever before.

With greater security protocols in place, innovations such as

blockchain technology can potentially bring the wireless transfer

of digital assets, making it safer than ever before. The future of

WVR promises improved experience and connection reliability,

from home automation to connecting self-driving vehicles. It is

a technological revolution sure to make waves around the globe

for years to come!

— The bottom line

As industries worldwide continue to digitalize their products

and services, the demand for instant gratification will only

grow. Understanding how customers value experiences can help

you cater your product offerings and marketing messages to

individual preferences, boosting sales and happier customers. By

incorporating some of these wireless value realization tips into

your business strategy, you’ll be well on your way to meeting, and

even exceeding, your customer’s expectations.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03




| By Yann Roll |

Platform engineering is one of the most significant topics in software

development. It creates a powerful foundation for secure, reliable, and

scalable technology systems and helps organizations engineer their

digital transformation projects quickly and efficiently. It’s no surprise

that platform engineering skills are sought after by companies around

the world; however, becoming an effective platform engineer can be

challenging due to the complex nature of this field.

reduces costs. It allows businesses to

rapidly create, manage and operate

efficient applications while reducing the

need for manual maintenance and complex

processes. Here are some of the key benefits

that platform engineering can bring to


— What is platform


Platform engineering is a term used to

describe the development and maintenance

of platforms, which are frameworks that

allow software applications or services to

be built. These platforms provide developers

with the tools and resources to create their

own applications and services. Platform

engineering focuses on these platforms’

design, implementation, operation, and

optimization. It often requires knowledge of

different technologies, such as hardware,

software engineering, cloud computing,

and DevOps.

Platform engineers must also be able

to ensure that the platform is secure so

that applications can run reliably and

securely for users. Platform engineering

is a growing field with many opportunities

for those who wish to pursue it. With the

rise of digital transformation initiatives,

platform engineering is becoming

increasingly important in businesses

and organizations of all sizes. It is a field

that requires strong technical skills,

an understanding of the underlying

infrastructure, and the ability to manage

complex platforms.

— What are the benefits of

platform engineering?

Platform engineering is a powerful tool

for businesses as it optimizes operations,

enhances customer experience, and

1. Increased Efficiency

Platform engineering accelerates

development and deployment time, allowing

businesses to build applications quickly

and efficiently. It also automates manual

maintenance processes, reducing resource

strain and optimizing workloads.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience

Platform engineering can help deliver a

better customer experience by shortening

development cycles and improving the

scalability of applications. This can help

businesses create a more responsive,

user-friendly platform that customers will

enjoy using.

3. Cost Savings

Platform engineering reduces the need



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

Platform engineering allows businesses to rapidly create,

manage and operate efficient applications

while reducing the need for manual maintenance and

complex processes.

4. Get hands-on experience

Ultimately, the best way to become a

successful platform engineer is to get

real-world experience. Look for internships

or volunteer opportunities that allow you

to gain insight into how platforms are built

and maintained. Alternatively, consider

joining a project team at a tech company

and working your way up the ladder.

for manual maintenance and complex

processes, reducing costs significantly

while enabling businesses to get more

value from their technology investments.

4. Improved Security

Platform engineering provides enhanced

security measures, such as authentication,

authorization, and encryption. This

ensures that applications are secure

and sensitive data is kept safe from

malicious actors.

5. Scalability

Platform engineering allows businesses

to easily scale applications up or down

depending on customer demand, ensuring

that resources are optimally used and no

potential opportunity is wasted.

By leveraging the power of platform

engineering, businesses can improve their

operations, increase customer satisfaction

and save costs. In short, it’s a powerful tool

for any digital enterprise.

— What are some of the

challenges of platform


Platform engineering presents a number of

challenges, mostly related to complexity.

• When managing multiple components

and services across different infrastructure

environments, engineers must understand

how all the pieces fit together. This requires

a deep understanding of each component,

how it interacts with other parts, and how its

performance can affect the entire platform.

• Additionally, platform engineers must be

able to identify and troubleshoot any issues

that arise and have the skills necessary to

make timely improvements. As different

components are added or removed, platform

engineers must continually update their

knowledge of how each component works

and interacts with the others.

• Finally, they must also remain up-todate

on security threats and other potential

vulnerabilities so that they can take the

necessary measures to protect the platform.

Despite these challenges, platform

engineering remains an important and

rewarding profession. With the right skills

and expertise, engineers play a vital role

in keeping platforms stable and secure.

Platform engineers must also be able

to manage resources effectively across

different environments while considering

the platform’s scalability and performance.

— How to get started with

platform engineering?

Platform engineering is a dynamic field

that requires knowledge of both technical

and business aspects. For those who are

interested in getting started in platform

engineering, here are some tips:

1. Start with the basics

To get started in platform engineering, it’s

important to understand the basic concepts

and technologies that underpin it. This

includes understanding operating systems,

networking, virtualization, programming

languages, and cloud computing.

2. Develop your technical skills

Platform engineering requires a

deep understanding of both software

development and systems engineering. To

build these skills, consider taking courses in

coding, web development, or cybersecurity.

You may also want to learn about automation

tools such as Docker or Kubernetes.

3. Learn about business aspects

Platform engineering also requires an

understanding of the business side. This

includes knowledge on using data to identify

customer needs and create products that

address those needs. To do this, learning

about marketing and product growth models

will be helpful.

5. Build your network

To get ahead in the field of platform

engineering, it’s essential to build a strong

professional network. Connect with other

engineers through online forums or industry

conferences and stay up-to-date on the

latest tools and trends in the industry.

Following these tips can give you a solid

foundation for pursuing a career in platform

engineering. With the right knowledge

and experience, it’s possible to become

an effective and successful platform



Platform engineering is the

process of designing, building,

and maintaining a platform

that meets the specific needs

of users or customers. It

involves creating a system

that people with different

levels of technical expertise

and knowledge can easily

use. A well-designed platform

allows users to quickly find

and use the features they

need. Platform engineering

can increase customer sales,

satisfaction, and loyalty when

done correctly.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Zero-Trust Security:







| By Michaël Renotte |

The number of software supply chain attacks

over the past couple of years is on the rise

and the impacts are serious. State-sponsored

criminal actors are seeking to disrupt critical

infrastructure by targeting software that is

widely used in the industry. These groups have

the sophistication and resources to identify

zero-day vulnerabilities. Attacks of this nature

have proven disruptive to critical infrastructure

such as gas pipelines and government services

such as public transit. The exploits are used to

deliver ransomware payloads or other malware.

IT professionals are most concerned

their organizations will be

disrupted by cybersecurity incidents

compared against other potential

sources of disruption.

To defend against the threat vector, the industry is turning to

the concept of a ″zero-trust network″. The original concept

was formally established by security researcher John

Kindervag in November 2010 when he authored two whitepapers.

Its three core concepts held:

1. There is no longer a distinction between a trusted and untrusted

interface on security devices

2. There is no longer a trusted and untrusted network

3. There are no longer trusted and untrusted users

(Source: Infosecurity Magazine, 2019)

In the US, for instance, President Joe Biden responded to the

rising software supply-chain attack threat by requiring federal

government departments and agencies to adopt zero-trust architecture

as defined by the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST). This security model acknowledges that threats

exist both inside and outside traditional network boundaries. It

requires continuous verification of the operational picture using

real-time information from multiple sources to determine access

and other system responses. ″In essence, a Zero Trust Architecture

allows users full access but only to the bare minimum they need to

perform their jobs″ (Source: White House, 2021).

Government and critical infrastructure may be the targets of these

software supply-chain attack campaigns, but they’re not the only

victims. Any organization that uses the affected software suffers

collateral damage. Once an exploit for any widely used piece of

software is available, other financially motivated hackers will use

it to target a wide array of potential victims.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

IT professionals are most concerned their organizations will be

disrupted by cybersecurity incidents compared against other

potential sources of disruption. In a recent survey by Info-Tech

Research Group, more than half of respondents said it was likely

or very likely that a cybersecurity incident will disrupt their business

in 2023.

— Drivers

Costly recovery from cyber warfare’s collateral damage.

Breaches have become more expensive

as ransomware payloads are a popular

choice among cyber criminals motivated

by profit.

Heightened geopolitical tensions

Modern warfare is more likely to see opponents wield cyber threats

than guns or tanks. When conflict does become a full-fledged assault,

cyber attacks preempt the physical attack to destabilize the

enemy first. For example, before Russia’s tanks rolled into Ukraine,

its cyber attacks compromised Ukrainian critical infrastructure

and disrupted communications networks.

Cost and consequence of recent breaches

Breaches have become more expensive as ransomware payloads

are a popular choice among cyber criminals motivated by profit.

Paying a ransom to regain access to organizational data and

systems is a common outcome. Since cyber insurance providers

started hiking rates and requiring more security controls be in

place to qualify for their coverage, the cost of insurance against

such attacks has increased accordingly. Successful attacks also

cost organizations in terms of downtime. Often days or weeks can

pass before an organization is able to make a complete recovery

from a network breach.

Complexity of software supply chains

It’s difficult for organizations to even know exactly what software is

deployed in their environments, and therefore, from which known

vulnerabilities they suffer exposure.

Security as a feature

Avoiding data breaches and being proactive on cybersecurity protections

can improve your organization’s reputation. In a time when

most consumers have seen their personal information breached

multiple times, promising them a secure experience is valuable.

— The rise of confidential computing

The increasing complexity of the regulatory environment around

cloud computing combined with the demand from regulated industries

for stronger end-to-end encryption by cloud providers

gave rise to the self-sovereign cloud. The concept is that organizations

will look to maintain the maximum control over their

infrastructure even as they extend out into cloud environments.

One way they will achieve this is with a new type of architecture

that allows data to remain encrypted while being processed.

Previously, end-to-end encryption meant that data was encrypted

only while at rest and while in transit. Now it can be encrypted

while in use. The capability is now being broadly referred to by

confidential computing. Using a trusted execution environment

for processing that is software defined, confidential computing

will be a public cloud enabler for many highly sensitive industries

such as healthcare and government.

The Linux Foundation formed the Confidential Computing Consortium

in 2022, attracting membership from major technology providers:

Arm, AMD, Cisco, Google, Huawei, Intel, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA,

Red Hat, and VMware, to name a few.

Many new confidential computing solutions are coming to market

as well. Hyperscale cloud vendors are offering their customers

confidential computing environments and a growing list of vendors

such as Fortinet, Anjuna Security, Gradient Flow, and HUB Security

are providing solutions. One estimation sees the confidential

computing market growing as fast as 90% per year to a value of

$54 billion by 2026 (Source: Everest Group, 2022).

— So what can you do?

Put high effort into zero-trust security


Determine your organization’s zero-trust readiness and clarify

the benefits of zero trust for the organization. Not everyone can

achieve absolute zero-trust environments, but everyone can

adopt its methods.


Create a roadmap with prioritized initiatives that will improve your

zero-trust architecture. Deploy zero trust to the most relevant

protect surfaces first.


Identify the progress metrics that will illustrate your evolution

from a perimeter-based defense to a zero-trust model. Reports

on progress should be made directly to the board of directors or

top executive decision makers.




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TECHSENSE Magazine #03





Preparing for a heightened

regulatory environment with

timely and accurate

reporting on Environmental,

Social and Governance metrics

| By Michaël Renotte |

In 2023, public companies will be required to

report on their carbon emissions by financial

regulators in the EU, UK, US, and elsewhere.

But while various financial regulators around

the world are either implementing those

reporting requirements or moving closer to

doing so, many organizations are still behind

on this issue. A majority of IT professionals

expect to support environmental mandates but

are not prepared to accurately report on their

organization’s carbon footprint.

Regulatory pressure to report on carbon emissions is building

around the world

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) board received

responses to draft climate reporting regulations and has several

meetings planned to discuss. Once completed, the standards will

be implemented by many countries. The European Union received

feedback on its European Sustainability Reporting Standards in

August and plans to submit a first draft to the commission by the

end of the year. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission received

feedback on its greenhouse gas emissions reporting requirements

for ESG funds on August 16 and could put the proposals in place

within the coming months. And the UK made its Climate-related

Financial Disclosure Regulations law in January 2022, and they

were enforceable as of April.

— Drivers

An urgent need to act to avert disaster.

Climate crisis

The increase of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere has caused

global annual average temperature to increase 1.1°C since the start

of the industrial revolution. The temperature is projected to rise

further and cause many negative impacts including droughts,

species extinctions, and an increase in extreme weather events.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

The International Sustainability

Standards Board (ISSB) was established at

COP26 to develop a comprehensive global

baseline of sustainability disclosures for the

capital markets

To mitigate the damage, the United Nations is calling on governments

to work to stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by 2050

(Source: The New York Times, 2021).

Investor concern

Investors are not satisfied with voluntary ESG reports that can’t

be compared between companies. In an analysis that compared

the corporate reports and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

responses of 56 tech companies, researchers found a gap of 391

megatons of carbon emissions. Of which, 202 megatons came

from supplies consumed, and 189 megatons came from products

sold to market (Source: Nature Communications, 2021). Millennials

are the demographic group that are most concerned with ESG

investing and are the largest demographic behind investing and

are still growing, standing to inherit trillions in wealth over the

next decade.

Regulatory crackdown

Mandatory rules for ESG disclosures are arriving in multiple

jurisdictions worldwide. Regulators recognize the need for

consistency across jurisdictions, and we are seeing the regulators

converge on using the recommendations of the Task Force for

Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) when drafting

disclosure requirements. The ISSB’s General Requirements and

Climate Standards are also based on the recommendations of the

TCFD. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was

established at COP26 to develop a comprehensive global baseline

of sustainability disclosures for the capital markets.

— Multiple jurisdictions following IFRS


There has been a great deal of consolidation between standards

bodies in the last year. The publication of two draft standards by

the International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB) in March

2022 could influence how mandatory disclosure regimes evolve.

The advantage to the industry of this standard is that the ISSB

framework is modeled after the IFRS’s accounting rules, which

are widely adopted, enabling organizations to leverage existing

infrastructure and consistent performance reporting across

financial and non-financial risks (IFRS).

starting in 2024″ (reporting in 2025 on 2024 data). It applies ″to

all companies listed on the EU regulated markets except for microcompanies.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) have until 1

January 2026 to comply with the report requirements.″ An opt-out

clause could buy some companies time until 2028. The estimated

impact is that ″49,000 EU companies will be required to report

on sustainability information in the future, compared with 11,600

companies at present″ (Source: EY, 2022). ″For non-European

companies, the requirement to provide a sustainability report applies

to all companies generating a net turnover of €150 million in the EU

and which have at least one subsidiary or branch in the EU. These

companies must provide a report on their ESG impacts, namely on

environmental, social and governance impacts, as defined in this

directive″ (Source: Council of the EU, 2022).

In the US

In 2023, the SEC will require large, accelerated filers – companies

with more than $700 million in the hands of public investors – to

start capturing information on climate disclosures to be filed in

2024. Filers that have $75-$700 million in public investment will

start capturing information in 2024 and file in 2025. Small reporting

companies will start capturing information in 2025 to be filed in

2026 (Source: US Federal Register, 2022).

— So what can you do?

Socialize the new reality and prepare to report.


Understand the pending regulatory shift and how it will affect your

organization. Educate your executives and board about the risks.

Conduct a gap analysis

Identify the data gaps that will prevent you from satisfying all

stakeholders. New requirements around ESG reporting include

electronic tagging of climate related disclosures to XBRL. Survey

solutions will help fill those gaps.

Prepare to report

Start doing the upfront work required to surface the data needed

to report on your organization’s carbon footprint in a way that will

satisfy external auditors. Shore up your supplier relationships

and start the discussion on how they can help you report scope 3

emissions – those which are created by the products and services

that you consume and that you sell.

In the EU

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive was adopted

in October 2022. Companies ″start reporting under the directive


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


La fin des cookies ?



| Par Roel Naessens, Regional VP Marketing Cloud & Commerce Cloud chez Salesforce |

Au cours du second semestre 2024,

Google supprimera les cookies tiers. Les cookies tiers sont des données

collectées par des entreprises afin de suivre les activités des internautes

et leur proposer des publicités personnalisées.

D’après une étude, pas moins de 90 % des organisations dépendent

en grande partie de ces cookies. Les entreprises devront donc trouver

une autre solution pour conserver les interactions avec leur clientèle et

renforcer leurs relations. Les plateformes de données clients - Customer

Data Platform ou CDP - offrent une solution.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

La principale raison de cette suppression des cookies

tiers est le respect de la vie privée, même s’il semble

logique que des alternatives voient le jour. Grâce aux

FLOCs - Federated Learning Of Cohorts, Google souhaite permettre

la diffusion d’annonces basées sur le comportement de

navigation de groupes entiers d’utilisateurs. De la sorte, Google

évite de conserver des données et de créer un profil pour chaque

individu. Il est toutefois légitime de se demander s’il ne s’agit pas

simplement d’une nouvelle variante des cookies classiques. Dans

tous les cas, mieux vaut prendre les devants : si votre entreprise

ne peut plus diffuser de publicités personnalisées, le rendement

de vos annonces diminuera fortement.

Au lieu d’attendre une solution de la part de Google & Co., il est

préférable de vous concentrer sur les cookies de première partie,

c’est-à-dire les données que votre entreprise collecte, conserve

et utilise sur votre propre domaine. Si vous entretenez une bonne

relation avec vos clients, ceux-ci partageront plus facilement

leurs données. Surtout si vous pouvez leur proposer, en retour,

des informations et des offres pertinentes basées sur leurs intérêts

personnels et leur comportement d’achat. Encore mieux : à

l’heure actuelle, ceux-ci s’attendent à ce que l’on comble toutes

leurs attentes et qu’on leur offre un service sur mesure. Si une

bonne expérience client permettait autrefois de se distinguer des

concurrents, elle est devenue tout simplement incontournable.

Mais comment gérer les données de votre clientèle sur tous les

canaux et les transformer en informations en temps réel ?

— La plateforme de données clients

La plupart des entreprises disposent d’une immense quantité

de données clients, mais ne réussissent pas à en tirer une vue

d’ensemble afin de diffuser des messages personnalisés par le

meilleur canal au meilleur moment. En effet, les informations sont

dispersées dans plusieurs ensembles de données et dépendent

de l’environnement où l’interaction a lieu avec le client - site web,

application, magasin, etc. En moyenne, le customer journey a lieu

sur plus de trois canaux. C’est pourquoi il est important de s’attaquer

à ce morcellement des données : un client qui achète un produit

sur la boutique en ligne s’attend à ce que cette expérience soit

transposée dans une succursale du magasin.

De plus en plus d’organisations s’intéressent aux plateformes de

données clients - Customer Data Platform ou CDP. Ce type de

plateforme recueille toutes les données clients en un seul lieu,

permettant de générer un profil client à 360 °. En outre, le système

relie des bases de données qui ne partagent pas de données

clients. Songez aux applications que les organisations utilisent

pour le marketing, le service clientèle et l’e-commerce. Les données

personnelles des clients sont aussi mises en relation avec

les informations que vous avez reçues avant que cette personne

ne devienne cliente - comme les cookies anonymes, afin que

vous sachiez parfaitement quels appareils utilise cette personne.

En mettant ce profil à la disposition des différents départements

en temps réel et en connectant les données clients à de nombreux

autres systèmes - courrier électronique, plateformes publicitaires,

systèmes de gestion de contenu, etc. , vous favorisez la collaboration

interne en matière de parcours client et améliorez les interactions

personnalisées. Les plateformes de données clients sont donc à

la fois utiles pour collecter et activer les données et pour récolter

des informations et en tirer de nouvelles perspectives.

Une Customer Data Platform ou CDP est un

type de plateforme qui recueille toutes les

données clients en un seul lieu, permettant de

générer un profil client à 360°.

— Avantages des CDP

Les plus-values des CDP sont multiples. Comme expliqué, la plateforme

permet de personnaliser les interactions avec la clientèle. Un

exemple : quelqu’un s’intéresse à un produit sur le site web, mais

ne l’achète pas. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez attirer cette personne

au moyen d’une offre personnalisée et la convaincre de passer

commande. Si l’offre intéresse cette personne, vous multipliez

vos chances de prise de contact par 5.

Une CDP permet aussi d’exclure certaines personnes des campagnes

publicitaires. Un client qui a déjà procédé à l’achat d’un produit n’a

plus besoin d’en voir de publicité. Si les données de votre clientèle

sont dispersées dans différents silos, il n’est pas possible de partager

ces données avec les autres systèmes. Une CDP combine

les données de marketing et d’achat et vous permet donc de vous

concentrer sur les bonnes personnes afin d’optimiser votre budget

publicitaire. La connexion des systèmes avec les informations peut

aller très loin. Par exemple, une collaboratrice en magasin pourrait

partager des offres très personnalisées et générer plus de revenus.

— Comment reconnaître une bonne CDP ?

Bien évidemment, les CDP ne font pas de miracle. Il est donc

nécessaire d’établir des objectifs mesurables et de choisir une

plateforme capable de rép tifs de votre entreprise. Aujourd’hui,

de nombreux fournisseurs proposent des CDP. Voici quelques

caractéristiques d’une bonne plateforme de données client :

• La simplicité. Les CDP peuvent être très techniques. Il est

donc crucial de disposer d’une interface et d’une expérience

d’utilisation simples pour que votre équipe marketing puisse


• Une CDP doit être capable de traiter à la fois des données

connues - données CRM, données de vente, etc. - et des

données inconnues - par exemple, des analyses web. La

plateforme doit également disposer d’un bon ensemble d’API

pour se connecter aux systèmes des partenaires commerciaux.

• Le système doit satisfaire la réglementation relative au respect

de la vie privée et à la sauvegarde de données, surtout

si la CDP est capable de deviner l’identité d’une personne.

• La CDP ne doit pas limiter le nombre de canaux sur lesquels

vous exploitez les données. Les données doivent être disponibles

en temps réel sur tous les canaux et appareils sur

lesquels vous communiquez avec la clientèle.

De nombreuses informations sont générées pour chaque customer

journey. Une plateforme de données client de qualité, telle que

Genie, la plateforme de données en temps réel de Salesforce,

vous permet d’exploiter rapidement ces données et d’utiliser

des informations pour rendre l’expérience de votre clientèle plus

personnelle et plus attrayante. En bref, vous comprendrez mieux

qui sont vos clients et quels sont leurs besoins. Et ce, même dans

un monde sans cookies.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Data hungry,


| By Pascal Lecoq, Worldwide Director, Sustainable Data Center Modernization at Hewlett Packard Enterprise |

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) ask how we

reconcile the ever-growing desire for data storage with a

need to cut energy consumption and carbon emissions?

Every piece of data generated and saved, from a simple

email to complex virtual reality platforms has to be stored

somewhere. Building, maintaining and running data

centers to host our demands for instantly available information

comes at a massive energy cost – with data centers accounting

for 25-30% of the digital sector’s global energy consumption.

The European Commission is instructing data center operators to aim

for carbon neutrality by 2030 – even as demand is expected to grow

by a third in the same timeframe. So, this poses the question – in a

data hungry society – how do we feed our need without overeating?

— Use what we have – efficiently

Maximizing efficiency of existing equipment should be a no-brainer.

Consider that up to 33% of data center investments are tied up

in unused servers – creating not only a drain on energy, but also

financial resources. HPE recommend that we:

• Do more with what we have by maximizing equipment

efficiency, eliminating zombie equipment and increasing the

use of the space available.

• Using the right equipment for the right job will lead to energy

efficiency, reducing the energy consumption required to

accomplish compute tasks.

• Do more with less, AKA resource efficiency.

• Use the right software, informed by AI and machine learning to

drive efficiencies, reduce downtime, and improve management


— Efficiency by design: building a hybrid ‘data

storage as a service’ model

The design of data storage architecture should start with the

question - what needs to be in the cloud and what needs to remain

close to the user?

By adopting an ‘as a service model’ for data storage solutions, users

can take advantage of hybrid multi-cloud environments, shared

space in ‘colocation data centers’, and edge locations that bring

the data closer to the end user.

HPE Green Lake is the industry’s first edge-to-cloud single platform

designed to provide organizations with a more sustainable, datafirst,

digital transformation, further enhanced through application,

analytics, and developer services modernizing workloads across

the hybrid cloud, as demonstrated at the HPE Discover Frankfurtevent.

On average, HPE GreenLake customers report:

• 75% shortened time to market 1

• 30% reduction in energy costs and total costs of ownership 2

• 40% reduction in support costs 3

— Reuse and refurbish to reduce energy


If infrastructure and equipment used can have a second or third

life – the energy footprint of that equipment is reduced. So a server

that no longer meets the needs of its owner’s intensive applications,

may well find a second life in another company with less intensive

IT needs, or in environments not dedicated to critical production.

— Disruptive thinking to save the world

Innovative, disruptive ideas will be critical in the journey to net

zero for the data storage sector. Instead of expending energy and

money on cooling and powering data centers, how about building

offshore data centers, located on small floating barges powered

by drifting turbines, and cooled by the surrounding ocean.

Or thinking beyond our own atmosphere to consider high-orbit

data centers, powered by solar panels and temperature controlled

by the vacuum of space. Science fiction no more, the feasibility

study for data centers in orbit - ASCEND (Advanced Space Cloud

for European Net zero emission and Data sovereignty), is part of

Europe’s vast Horizon Europe research program.

Learn more about HPE Greenlake via



A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, The Total Economic Impact

TM of HPE GreenLake, May 2020


A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, The Total Economic Impact

TM of HPE GreenLake, May 2020


A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, The Total Economic Impact

TM of HPE GreenLake, May 2020


TECHSENSE Magazine #03


Anidris et Dell :



| Propos recueillis par Michaël Renotte |

— Les piliers

« L’objectif de Dell Technologies est de guider ses clients dans

leur transformation digitale autour des domaines du cloud, de la

sécurité, du datacenter, de la digital workplace et des technologies

émergentes », explique Koen Segers. « Pour ce faire, nous

consacrons non seulement des moyens très importants à la R&D,

mais nous effectuons aussi des acquisitions d’entreprises et des

investissements dans des start-ups. Ces différents leviers nous

permettent de disposer d’un large panel de solutions et d’une forte

présence dans les multiples secteurs de la technologie. Cependant,

nous avons besoin de partenaires forts, capables de s’adapter à nos

exigences d’expertise mais aussi à celles des clients pour le conseil

et l’intégration de nos solutions. Anidris démontre depuis plus de 12

ans qu’il s’inscrit parfaitement dans cette approche », ajoute-t-il.

« Anidris est une société mettant l’accent sur des ressources

exclusivement basées au Luxembourg apportant un conseil de

qualité à nos clients. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour développer

une relation de proximité et de confiance », précise Rémy Otin-

Eysseric. « Nous sommes partenaires de Dell Technologies depuis

la création de la société ANIDRIS : nous avons grandi ensemble, ce

qui nous a permis de créer des liens forts et de développer la même

orientation client ».

— Une offre unique

« Dell possède un portefeuille exhaustif de solutions avancées, innovantes

et sécurisées. Quant à nous, nous apportons une garantie

de résultat à travers notre expertise et nos services de conseil.

Nous proposons aux clients ce qui se fait de mieux sur le marché

et servons d’interlocuteur unique, facilitant les échanges avec les

différents constructeurs et s’appuyant sur notre expérience pour

fournir le meilleur support possible », souligne Rémy Otin-Eysseric.

« Le succès de la collaboration entre Anidris et Dell est assez unique

sur le marché Luxembourgeois », ajoute-t-il.

Rémy Otin-Eysseric

Sales Manager chez Anidris

Koen Segers

Channel Sales Director BeLux

chez Dell

Fondée en 2010, Anidris doit son succès à son

expertise et la qualité de conseil qui allient flexibilité,

innovation et proximité avec le client. Suite au

rachat d’EMC par Dell, Anidris est devenu le

partenaire privilégié de la société américaine sur le

territoire luxembourgeois. Nous avons réuni Koen

Segers, Channel Sales Director BeLux chez Dell

Technologies, et Rémy Otin-Eysseric, Sales Manager

chez Anidris, pour une discussion autour des points

clés de la collaboration entre les deux entreprises.

« Il est important de souligner qu’Anidris est l’unique partenaire à

obtenir le niveau « Titanium » de Dell Technologies avec des ressources

et revenus uniquement luxembourgeois ce qui constitue

le plus haut niveau de partenariat possible. Pour atteindre ce niveau,

il faut rencontrer plusieurs exigences, que ce soit en termes

de chiffre d’affaires ou de certifications », précise Koen Segers.

« Anidris est donc LE partenaire possédant toutes les compétences

indispensables pour implémenter la technologie de Dell et supporter

nos clients communs », conclut-t-il.


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TECHSENSE Magazine #03






— What is an industry cloud platform?

An industry cloud platform is an enterprise software system

designed to help companies in the same industry work together

more efficiently. It provides shared resources, processes, and tools

that enable businesses to share data and collaborate on projects.

The platform allows for secure communication between industries

and faster collaboration on large-scale projects. It also enables

companies to track progress, manage resources and develop

solutions to common problems.

The platform provides centralized data storage and analytics

capabilities, allowing companies to access critical business

information quickly. Industry cloud platforms are becoming

increasingly important as businesses strive for greater collaboration

between industries and regions.

By leveraging an industry cloud platform, companies can accelerate

innovation, reduce costs and improve customer experience. In

addition, an industry cloud platform can help organizations respond

more quickly to changing market conditions and customer demands.

— Benefits of using an industry cloud platform

By leveraging the power of cloud computing, businesses can take

advantage of dynamic scalability and cost-effectiveness. This allows

them to quickly increase or decrease their computing resources

as needed while reducing costs associated with maintenance

and infrastructure. Here are some of the benefits that an industry

cloud platform can provide:

1. Increased Efficiency

By utilizing cloud infrastructure, businesses can reduce their IT

costs and staff requirements. Cloud platforms enable teams to

Industry cloud platforms provide

centralized data storage and analytics

capabilities, allowing companies to access

critical business information quickly.

work in real-time on projects without spending time managing

servers or other hardware. This reduces the need for manual

processes and allows users to focus on the most important tasks.

2. Increased Security

Industry cloud platforms are designed with security in mind,

providing the latest security protocols and technologies to protect

businesses from malicious attacks and data breaches. By using

cloud-hosted applications, businesses can keep their customers’

data safe while preventing unauthorized access.

3. Greater Flexibility

Cloud computing allows businesses to scale up or down quickly

depending on their needs. This allows them to meet peak demands

without investing in additional hardware, enabling businesses to

be more agile and cost-effective.

4. Faster Deployments

Industry cloud platforms enable businesses to deploy applications

faster than traditional methods. As cloud computing eliminates

the need for manual setup and configuration, businesses can

take advantage of the latest technologies more quickly and easily.

5. Improved Collaboration

Cloud-hosted tools allow teams to collaborate in real time across

multiple locations. Businesses can increase efficiency and

productivity by enabling remote workers to access the same

information and resources.

— How do industry cloud platforms work?

Industry cloud platforms are designed to help companies manage

their business and IT systems more efficiently. These platforms

enable businesses to deploy, configure, monitor, and secure different

applications within a single environment hosted in the cloud and

managed by the vendor. This enables companies to reduce costs

associated with hardware purchases, software licenses, and

maintenance fees while streamlining their IT processes.

Industry cloud platforms enable companies to access the latest

technology without investing. This can help companies stay ahead



TECHSENSE Magazine #03


| By Nastassia Haux |

As increasingly competitive markets push businesses to

find more efficient ways of working, the emergence of

Industry Cloud Platforms has provided a novel solution

for companies looking to gain an edge. By introducing

cloud platforms specifically tailored to individual

industry needs, these technologies enable organizations

to streamline their processes through cost-effective

and powerful integrated solutions. Through optimized

workflows, data automation capabilities, and better

performance monitoring systems – among other

numerous advantages – Industry Cloud Platforms

have quickly become popular amongst companies

from all verticals. Let us explore how exactly it can

revolutionize your enterprise’s day-to-day processes!

of the competition while reducing their total cost of ownership.

Additionally, industry cloud platforms can provide the necessary

features to ensure data security and privacy while offering flexible

deployment options.

Industry cloud platforms are usually based on open-source

technology, which allows companies to customize their applications

as needed without needing a license or permission from the

vendor. This means that businesses can design unique solutions

tailored to their needs. Vendors often provide training and support

resources to help businesses get started quickly.

Industry cloud platforms are typically delivered as a service,

meaning businesses pay for the resources they use rather than

purchasing licenses and hardware upfront. This allows them to

save money on IT infrastructure since they only pay for what they

use. Additionally, industry cloud platforms can be accessed from

any device with an internet connection, allowing businesses to

work remotely and collaborate with other teams across the globe.

— How to choose the right industry cloud

platform for your business?

To make an informed decision about which industry cloud platform

is best suited for your business needs, here are some tips to help

you along the way.

1. Understand Your Business Requirements

Before you start, it is important to define your business requirements.

What type of applications do you need the industry cloud platform

for? What types of workloads will be running on the platform?

Answering these questions can help narrow down your options

and make selecting the right cloud platform easier.

2. Research

Once you have identified your business requirements, it is important

to research the different platforms available. Look for reviews and

information about the reliability and performance of each platform.

Additionally, consider the cost associated with each option and

which features are included in the plans offered by each provider.

3. Contact Providers

After completing your research, contact potential providers to

discuss the specifics of their platforms. Ask questions about

scalability, security, customer support, and pricing. It is also

important to ask how quickly the provider can deploy your

applications so that you are sure you will be able to meet your

business needs on time.

4. Test

Before committing to a cloud platform for your business, it is

important to test the platform. A good testing program should

include stress tests, load tests, feature and usability tests, as well

as security checks. This will give you an idea of how reliable and

secure the platform is and if it can handle your business workloads.

5. Compare

Once you have completed testing, compare the different cloud

platforms based on their cost and performance. Consider which

platform offers the most features for the best value and make

your decision accordingly.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you select an industry

cloud platform that meets all of your business needs while providing

a low total cost of ownership.


As more and more businesses move

to the Cloud, industry-specific Cloud

platforms are becoming increasingly

popular. These platforms offer a

variety of benefits for businesses in

specific industries, from reducing

costs to increasing efficiency. If you’re

considering moving your business to

the Cloud, consider an industry-specific

platform that can help you get the most

out of the Cloud.


TECHSENSE Magazine #03




| By Yann Roll |

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming various

industries, and its impact on society has been widely

debated. This is where AI TriSM comes in. AI

TRiSM (Trust, Risk and Security Management)

is necessary to verify an AI model’s governance,

trustworthiness, fairness, reliability, robustness, and

efficacy. Furthermore, it also provides safety measures

for data protection. Techniques like interpretability

and explainability of models and understanding how

operations and adversarial attacks can be resisted help

us manage AI trust and risk better. Let’s take a look to

understand this in detail.

AI TRiSM is quickly becoming

a hot topic in the tech world as

enterprises realize its potential

to revolutionize businesses’


What does it take to make AI safe and effective?

Organizations that manage trust, security, and risk in their artificial

intelligence models (AI TRiSM) are able to produce these models

safely and effectively. With a blueprint designed to protect the

community from the potential harms of AI, developers along

with the customers must prioritize trustworthiness, fairness,

robustness, and privacy when creating these models.

Research firm Gartner defines AI TRiSM as an extensive framework

that covers all aspects of model governance, from interpretability

and adversary attack resistance to explainability. Through this

comprehensive framework, organizations have confidence in

their models’ efficacy and can move more valuable AI models into

production with complete confidence.

Many IT leaders recognize the importance of AI TRiSM, as noted

by Gartner VP Analyst Avivah Litan. Without investing in the right

support and resources, organizations risk experiencing a lack of

user acceptance, both externally and internally. It’s essential to

act now and secure AI systems with continuous efforts instead

of one-off exercises. This way, possible malicious or overlooked

AI harms and compromises may not occur with time. Improved AI

outcomes will be achieved when these risks are considered through

an effective response team and strategies in place.

Why is AI TRiSM a trending technology?

AI TRiSM is quickly becoming a hot topic in the tech world as

enterprises realize its potential to revolutionize businesses’

operations. It’s no wonder that Gartner has predicted that by

2026, the adoption, business goals, and user acceptance of this

technology will have increased by 50%. The firm also forecasts

that AI-driven machines will account for one-fifth of the global

workforce and 40% of the economic productivity by 2028. This

illustrates why companies have released so many AI models, even

though IT leaders may be unable to explain or interpret them fully.

AI TRiSM’s clear potential will keep it on everyone’s minds over

the next few years.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

Which industries will benefit from AI TRiSM?

AI TRISM offers many benefits for many industries, particularly

those that work with programmatic advertising. Programmatic

advertising is a technology that merges different media channels

into one single platform to simplify purchasing and selling media.

The industry has seen exponential growth in recent years as

companies look to build more sophisticated marketing projects.

With AI TRiSM, industries will find new ways to target audiences

with precision, improve impressions at a higher quality, and

engage customers through innovative campaigns. Its intelligent

data insights continue to help businesses adapt quickly and offer

tailored recommendations for future advertisements. Companies

that invest in AI TRiSM now will benefit from its many advantages

in the long run.

However, organizations not vigilant about managing AI risk can

find themselves in a vulnerable position with potentially serious

implications. AI systems gone awry can have negative outcomes,

including data breaches, models failing to work as intended, much

greater security and privacy concerns, financial loss, reputational

damage, and harm to individuals.

For example, AI TRiSM is revolutionizing how advertisers target

audiences, allowing them to gain more insight into their current

customers. By employing sophisticated machine learning algorithms,

AI TRiSM can sift through and interpret a wide array of data from

various sources, resulting in a much more accurate understanding

of interests and preferences. This helps target existing customers

more accurately and uncover new potential customer segments

using a broader range of information than ever before. AI TRiSM

makes audience targeting easier and far more effective than ever.

Also, when organizations ill-equipped to implement AI technologies

are forced to make important decisions, they run the potential risk

of making bad calls due to incomplete or incorrect information -

compounding the torment. Thus, taking proper steps to manage

any AI risk before implementation should never be underestimated.

How is AI TRiSM being implemented?

With the increased regulation of AI, it’s more important than ever to

adopt practices that promote trust, transparency, and consumer

protection. Company leaders must embrace AI TRiSM to ensure that

their models are reliable, trustworthy, safe, and secure.

The best strategy is not to wait until the model is in production before

using these standards. This will help avoid costly issues arising from

using a system that hasn’t been properly secured. By familiarizing

themselves with malicious prospects and looking into AI TRiSM’s

solution set, IT leaders can be sure their data and systems are

consistently protected.

Therefore, implementing AI TRiSM allows organizations to gain the most

from their AI projects and improve business outcomes. By working

together as a team, the stakeholders from legal, compliance, data

analytics, security and IT can ensure that all potential issues are covered.

Also, this makes sure that every AI project has the right business

representation. This means that ethical and environmental concerns

are given just as much weight as technical ones. Through this synergy

of disciplines, organizations are better equipped to manage AI projects

in a manner that benefits their commercial objectives now and into

the future.


• Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly

ubiquitous in day-to-day life, and with good

reason, as it has immense potential to increase

efficiency, productivity, and cost reductions for


• The benefits can only be truly realized when AI

is trusted, secure and private. To ensure that these

criteria are met, many companies are turning to

AI TRiSM. It is a solution specifically designed to

maximize the model reliability and trustworthiness

of AI systems whilst taking into account privacy

and security considerations.

• A holistic approach such as this helps them

achieve better outcomes from their AI adoption

whilst simultaneously building trust with their


• Automated systems can complete tasks more

quickly and accurately than humans, resulting in

increased output.




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TECHSENSE Magazine #03




TECHSENSE Magazine #03



TECHSENSE Magazine #03




| By Michaël Renotte |

AI can be trained by feeding content into generative adversarial

networks, transformers, and variational autoencoders to create new

content that’s meaningful to people.

Generative AI is a type of semi-supervised machine

learning that uses neural networks to create new content

or interpret complex signal information. By training

the models with a large amount of content, they can be made to

generate new works like what people would create.

The uses for generative AI go beyond creating imagery. It could help

businesses with predictive maintenance or improving cybersecurity

analytics. It could help generate new ideas for drugs or assist in

quality analysis and medical diagnoses.

AI is picking up steam with more organizations adopting it in

2023. According to a survey by Info-Tech Research Group, AI will

receive the most net new investment by organizations by the end

of 2023. While 35% of organizations say they have already invested

in it, 44% of organizations say they plan to invest in it next year.

With a 9% change between committed investment and planned

investment, AI leads all technologies, followed by data lake at 5%

and data mesh at 5%.

Generative AI can play a role in enhancing the top use cases of AI.

Many businesses struggle with making use of unstructured data

for analysis. Generative AI can interpret that data and transform

it into structured data. That not only renders it usable in analytics

but trainable for robotic process automation (RPA). Generative AI

can also detect anomalies in network and application behavior,

aiding security systems in identifying threats.

— Drivers

Data needs to be collected and synthesized.

The need to manage unstructured data

In the age of data collection and in hope of becoming more datadriven

in their processes, organizations are struggling with how to

manage unstructured data. Unstructured data is the majority of data

collected, describing everything from written communications to

images to presentation decks. Basically, everything that’s not in a

database or spreadsheet. Without AI to make sense of it, businesses

can’t search this information and turn it into actionable insights.

Not Enough Data

In some areas of business, the problem is a lack of the specific data

they need to train an algorithm. The medical field often faces this

problem because of the sensitivity of patient data. One solution to

this problem is to create synthetic data: data that is generated by

AI that closely approximates a real example of that data. Synthetic

data is being used today to train various AI algorithms, from models

that will detect brain tumors on an MRI scan to self-driving cars.

Desire To Compete

Organizations are increasing their spending on AI because of

the potential benefits it offers. It can enable workers to do more

work faster, reducing costs by automating more tasks. It can help

discover new products more quickly and increase revenues. With

more commercialized options available to deploy generative AI

and more organizations investing, those that don’t invest may

fall behind.

— Every creative field will be impacted by AI

Speech recognition

OpenAI’s stated mission is to pursue artificial general intelligence.



TECHSENSE Magazine #03

Organizations are increasing

their spending on AI because of

the potential benefits it offers. It

can enable workers to do more

work faster, reducing costs by

automating more tasks. It can

help discover new products more

quickly and increase revenues.

As a result, the nonprofit corporation has types of AI projects in

progress. On September 21, 2022, OpenAI released to open source

Whisper, a neural net that can recognize English speech with humanlevel

robustness and accuracy. OpenAI encourages developers to

use Whisper to add voice interfaces to their applications (Source:

OpenAI, 2022).

Fraud detection

Identifying a user through digital data small details of how they

move a mouse or what network their smartphone is connected to

at the moment is now possible with AI-developed fraud prevention

algorithms. The smallest details can be added up in an algorithm

that predicts the risk of fraud on any given transaction and flags it

for further inspection by a human (Source: IT Business Edge, 2022).

Software development

Non-technical workers will be aided in creating new applications

with AI-powered tools that write the code for them. GENIO is

one example, described as a low-code software development

program. It can generate code in both modern web architectures

and back-office solutions.


Meta unveiled its Make-A-Video system in September 2022, which

allows users to type in words to describe a scene to generate a

video several seconds long that matches the prompt. In a Facebook

post, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote, ″It’s much harder to

generate video than photos because beyond correctly generating

each pixel, the system also has to predict how they’ll change over

time.″ Currently no one is allowed access to the model outside of

Meta (Source: The Verge, Sept. 2022).

— Generative AI causes controversy

When considering the risks of adopting AI, consider some of these

AI controversies covered by the media in 2022. How could your

organization avoid receiving unwanted attention like this? In April,

OpenAI releases its DALL-E 2 image generator, which produces

biases that reinforce stereotypes. For example, women were more

likely to be depicted as nurses, and men were more likely to be

depicted as builders. OpenAI releases a fix to improve its image

diversity, but then users find it is less accurate at turning their

prompts into useful images (Source: NBC News, 2022). In June,

Google engineer Blake Lemoine claims that chatbot LaMDA is

sentient and publishes an existential conversation he had with

the bot to the web. He is later fired (Source: Washington Post,

2022). In August, Jason Allen won Colorado State Fair’s fine arts

competition with a piece generated using AI image generator

Midjourney, titled Théâtre d’Opéra Spatial, stoking controversy

among artists (Source: The New York Times, 2022).

— AI governance

New legislation in various jurisdictions, including Europe, are

defining new rules around when and how AI can be applied.

Organizations that are using AI in situations that governments

determine to be high risk will be required to do more to mitigate

risks. Yet today, 55% of organizations are doing nothing to govern

AI. As more organizations invest in AI and start applying it to

more decision-making processes, IT leaders should be putting

governance structures in place before they’re made to do so by

new regulations.

Also important to watch will be the progress of new legislation to

regulate AI. On 12 April, 2021, the European Commission launched

the EU AI Act proposal, a draft legislation to promote ″trustworthy

AI″ in the EU. The regulation could enter into force in 2023 in a

transitional period.




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Yann Roll

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