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Snow at Argenteuil is a spectacular example

of the impasto technique, where several

layers of paint are used, thickening the

pigment. While you do not get the full effect

of that technique looking at a photograph of

the paining, the brushstrokes appear to be

coming out of the canvas. (pause)

Take note of the wintery colors Monet

chose. The choreographed grays and blues

beautifully convey the feel of that winter day.

You can almost feel the chill in the air (pause).

Using Monet’s Snow at Argenteuil as

inspiration, paint your own winter scene.”

Walk away and let your child paint! One the

child has finished painting and cleaned up,

ask about their work. Why did they choose

particular colors? What do they think of

their work? What do you like best about your

piece? If you were to do it again, is there

anything you would change? The goal is to

get them thinking critically about their work.

Comment on specific details that you admire.

Display your child’s work in a prominent

place and enjoy! Repeat the activity with

another inspiration piece, along with a short

statement of the positive impact your child

would like to have in the world and submit

for inclusion in the Montessori Masterpiece

Children’s Artwork Showcase of Froggy’s

Montessori Spring 2023 issue. Deadline is

February 15th for Spring issue .


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