heating water

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R = ∆ x


The rate of heat exchange by thermal radiation between

two parallel flat q = surfaces hA(∆T having ) the same area can be

estimated using Formula 3-5.

Formula 3-5:

( )

q = sAF T 4 4

− T

12 1 2

⎡ 1

+ 1 ⎤

⎢ −1⎥

⎣ e 1

e 2 ⎦


q = rate of heat transfer from hotter to cooler surface by

thermal radiation Re# (Btu/hr) = vdD

s = Stefan Boltzmann constant


= 0.1714x10 -8 Btu/

hr•ft 2 •ºR 4

F 12 = shape factor between the two surfaces (unitless)

A = area of either surface (ft 2 )

⎛ 1 ft ⎞

T 1 = absolute temperature d = (0.811 of in) the hotter surface (ºR)

T 2 = absolute temperature of the ⎝

cooler 12 in⎠

⎟ = 0.06758 ft

surface (ºR)

e 1 = emissivity of the hotter surface (unitless)

e 2 = emissivity of the cooler surface (unitless)

It’s also important to understand that the temperatures (T1)

and (T2) in Formula 3-5 must be absolute temperatures.

Temperatures in ºF can be converted to absolute

temperatures in degrees Rankine (ºR) by adding 458

degrees. Thus, 32ºF becomes 32 + 458 = 490ºR.

The mathematical result of the calculation (T 1 4 -T 2 4 )

changes much more than the simple ∆T term used in the

formulas for conduction and convection. For example,

consider two surfaces exchanging radiant heat with

temperatures of 100ºF and 80ºF. These temperatures

would convert to 558ºR and 538ºR. The difference between

these temperatures would be only 20ºR, the same as the

difference between 100ºF and 80ºF. However, when these

Rankine temperatures are used in Formula 3-5 the resulting

number for the term (T 1 4 -T 2 4 ) is 131,700,000ºR 4 .

Due to mathematical complexities, as well as variability

or uncertainty in properties such as surface emissivities,

theoretical calculations of radiant heat transfer are often

limited to relatively simple situations.

This formula is more complex that those used for estimating

conduction and convection heat transfer.

v = 0.408 ⎞

⎟ f

d 2

The value of the “shape factor” (F 12 ) is a number between

0 and 1.0. It’s determined based on the relative angle and

distance between the two surfaces exchanging radiant

heat. Heat transfer textbooks give specific methods for

finding values of the shape factor (F 12 ) for different surfaces

and orientations. v = For 0.408 ⎞

two parallel planes having infinite

width and depth, the ⎝

value of ⎠

⎟ f = 0.408

⎜ ⎟

the shape factor (F 12 ) is 1.0.

d 2


5 = 3.1

⎜ ( 0.811) 2

⎟ sec

Factors e 1 and e 2 are the emissivities of surfaces 1 and 2.

Emissivity is a surface property determined experimentally

based on how well the surface emits thermal radiation.

It must be a number between 0 and 1. A high value

indicates that the surface is a good emitter, and vice versa.

Emissivity values for various surfaces can be found in

references such as heat transfer handbooks. Interestingly,

the emissivity of a surface is not necessarily correlated with

its color. A rough metal surface coated with white enamel

paint has an emissivity of 0.91, and a flat black painted

surface has an emissivity of 0.97. Freshly fallen snow can

have an emissivity over 0.90. The emissivity of a polished

copper surface is 0.023, while a heavily oxidized copper

surface has an emissivity of 0.78. Most highly polished

metal surfaces have low emissivities, and thus would not

be good choices for the surface of a hydronic heat emitter

that’s expected to radiate heat into a room.


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