Mandy Tootell: Territory Blue Exhibition Catalog
An overview of Mandy Tootell's exhibition Territory Blue, on view in the Lambert Gallery at Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre—30 January to 17 March 20203
An overview of Mandy Tootell's exhibition Territory Blue, on view in the Lambert Gallery at Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre—30 January to 17 March 20203
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BLUE<br />
An <strong>Exhibition</strong> of<br />
New Works by<br />
<strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong><br />
Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts & Culture Centre<br />
30 January to 17 March 2023
About<br />
<strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong> and<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><br />
Although primarily a printmaker, <strong>Mandy</strong><br />
<strong>Tootell</strong> combines a love of floral fabrics,<br />
stitching, painting and printmaking<br />
together with a fascination for local<br />
Northern <strong>Territory</strong> birdlife. To open our<br />
2023 gallery programming, Godinymayin<br />
is pleased to present <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>!<br />
A celebration of the forms,<br />
colours, and presence of<br />
birdlife in the Big Rivers<br />
Region and beyond.<br />
Like many of us, <strong>Tootell</strong> sees our avian<br />
friends as a magical aspect of life in our<br />
region. Their traits and images have been<br />
informing the artist’s work more and<br />
more—especially since her time as Artist<br />
in Residence at the <strong>Territory</strong> Wildlife Park<br />
in 2019. More recently <strong>Tootell</strong> returned to<br />
her role as a high school art teacher—<br />
where she enjoys sharing experimental<br />
printmaking processes with her students.<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> showcases new work using<br />
processes developed over a number of<br />
years—and the result is magic in itself—<br />
just take a look at the over 50 pictures<br />
and bird images that fill the Godinymayin<br />
gallery. Her free motion stitched birds,<br />
featured throughout <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>, show<br />
movement in their flight feathers—<br />
contrasting with the flowing stitchery<br />
and often bold backdrops. Combining<br />
decorative and expressive elements, each<br />
bird in this exhibition stands out in a<br />
unique and realist way—like friends<br />
visiting us at the Centre and taking flight<br />
around us.
Bush Stone-Curlew, Cyanotype and<br />
hand coloured Collagraph print on paper.
“Over the past few months, my backyard<br />
has been visited by a wealth of <strong>Territory</strong><br />
birdlife,” says Godinymayin Chief<br />
Executive Eric Holowacz.<br />
“I’ve had a family of barking owls, small<br />
flocks of sulphur-crested cockatoos, pairs<br />
of dollar birds flittering around, and<br />
charming smaller birds. All of these, and<br />
more, can be found in <strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong>’s<br />
exhibition. Her most recent art provides<br />
us with a comprehensive and combined<br />
look at these colourful wonders—these<br />
magical creatures within our<br />
environment.”<br />
Printmaking has long been a favourite art<br />
making process of the artist, and this<br />
exhibition returns to that medium by<br />
exploring cyanotype, collage,<br />
monoprinting and dry point etching (and<br />
various combinations of these). With<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>, the birds that surround us<br />
in the real world are explored through<br />
these media—given a creative twist with<br />
the image of each bird front and centre.<br />
“Beyond the standard depiction of each<br />
species, each of <strong>Tootell</strong>’s subjects takes<br />
on its own personality,” says Holowacz.<br />
“Some look mischievous, others are<br />
curious, and some seem fierce. A few even<br />
remind me of some humans I know.”<br />
<strong>Tootell</strong> hopes that visitors to this<br />
Godinymayin will find a similar familiarity<br />
and wonder in this exhibition—expanding<br />
their appreciation of the abundance of<br />
amazing birdlife in the Top End and<br />
beyond. As they soar around our gallery<br />
with <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>.<br />
Top Left: Northern Rosellas,<br />
Middle Left: Rufous backed Kingfisher,<br />
Bottom Left: Red collared Lorikeet, Ink,<br />
Lino print & Gouache on paper
Northern Rosella, Cyanotype and hand<br />
coloured Collagraph print on paper.
An interview with artist<br />
<strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong><br />
Katherine artist <strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong> is a<br />
creative force, and (obvious from the<br />
subjects in this exhibition) a champion of<br />
our local birdlife. She is also a highly<br />
skilled print-maker, textile artist, and<br />
visual communicator (also evident in each<br />
of the wonderful works in <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>).<br />
Godinymayin Gallery Coordinator Max<br />
Paez sat down with the artist for a<br />
conversation about her inspiration,<br />
method, and creative life…<br />
Q: Tell us a little bit about the work in<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>, and the diverse bird life<br />
represented.<br />
A: In 2019 I was an Artist in Residence for<br />
the <strong>Territory</strong> Wildlife Park and in 2020<br />
went on the Kakadu Bird Week tours with<br />
NT Bird Specialists. My attention to the<br />
birdlife around me has grown from that.<br />
All of the birds in <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> can be<br />
found around us here in Katherine except<br />
for a few (such as the Banded Fruit Dove,<br />
which is endemic to a little part of<br />
Kakadu, and the Pygmy Geese live up<br />
there too). We are so lucky to live in a<br />
region that has an abundance of amazing<br />
wildlife, and birds even visit us in our own<br />
backyard!<br />
Q: You combine painting, printmaking,<br />
drawing, textile, and a lot of visual<br />
elements to make these mixed-media<br />
works. Tell about your creative process,<br />
and how this exhibition was made.<br />
A: There are 5 series in the <strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><br />
body of work; as a printmaker and mixed<br />
media artist, I find myself doing repeated<br />
experiments over a period of time, before<br />
making a series of work. Some of these<br />
processes have been combined to<br />
produce the results seen in the exhibition.<br />
Although I was trained in—and have a love<br />
of—etching, I have avoided acid for a<br />
while, and kept to dry points and<br />
collagraphs intaglio.<br />
Gouldian Finch, Cyanotype<br />
and hand coloured Collagraph<br />
print on paper.
Hooded Parrots, Fabric stitched<br />
to ink on paper
Some of these works required an etching<br />
press, which both Katherine High and<br />
Katherine Regional Arts have. And it’s my<br />
favourite piece of equipment!<br />
Q: For you as a creative person, who are<br />
three influential artists or thinkers?<br />
A: Rebecca Cool is a WA artist who uses<br />
fabric in her paintings and lots of colour! I<br />
love her whimsy and ability to paint on<br />
anything. One day I would love to visit her<br />
open studio in the Margaret River region.<br />
Jenny McCabe is an English artist who is<br />
the master of collagraphs! Thanks to the<br />
wonders of Instagram, I was able to<br />
contact her and use her technique. Our<br />
collagraphs use recycled tetrapaks, and<br />
the possibilities are endless. There are so,<br />
so many other artists I admire—including<br />
my children!<br />
Q: What are you planning for 2023 that<br />
nobody knows about yet?<br />
A: I've been planning an exhibition at ABC<br />
Brunette Races on Brunette Downs for<br />
the past couple of years, and hoping that<br />
this is the year we might actually be able<br />
to pull it off!<br />
It will be an art exhibition in the middle of<br />
bum truck nowhere! And the subject<br />
matter will be a little different than<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>—horses and cattle!<br />
Q: If you went away from the the Big<br />
Rivers Region for a long time and then<br />
came back, what are the first three<br />
things you would do or visit?<br />
A: Katherine hot springs (with brunch<br />
from the Pop Rocket), Bitter Springs at<br />
Mataranka, and Pawpaw salad from the<br />
Katherine markets on Saturday morning!<br />
Q: In one sentence, can you define art?<br />
A: It’s called an Arts Practice because art<br />
is not just about looking. It’s about the<br />
doing, the creating, the process, the<br />
experimenting and the learning.<br />
"<strong>Mandy</strong>’s work offers insight into<br />
the illusive lives of these birds;<br />
their companionship, their flight<br />
and their cheekiness"<br />
Left: Radjah Shelduck. Centre: Red Collared Lorikeet. Right: Little Corella.<br />
Acrylic paint on stretched fabric
Black banded Fruit Dove, Fabric<br />
stitched to ink on paper.
Q: What word of advice would you offer<br />
an aspiring creative person in the<br />
<strong>Territory</strong>?<br />
A: Practice! No one knows everything, and<br />
we all learn from each other,. So find out<br />
more. Also (just between you and me):<br />
Printmaking is awesome!<br />
Q: What is your dream of happiness?<br />
A: I'd have to ponder that question a little<br />
more. I am happy when I'm with my<br />
children enjoying themselves!<br />
Q: One final question, back to the birds<br />
—do you have a favourite species,<br />
feature, or magical characteristic that<br />
stands out from all your avian subjects?<br />
A: All birds are magic. Their size and noise<br />
and colour and flight (or non-flight, emu!).<br />
I don't have any particular favourites, and<br />
I do feel like I've left out so many from this<br />
exhibition. But that is because there are<br />
so many! The Rose Crowned Fruit Doves<br />
are spectacular, and the Pygmy Geese<br />
are delightful. I get excited when I see<br />
Northern Rosellas in my backyard and<br />
love that the <strong>Blue</strong> Winged Kookaburras<br />
say good night and good morning. The<br />
Red Collared Lorikeets are cheeky and<br />
loud and colourful, and Kingfishers are a<br />
magical blue.<br />
"All birds are magic. Thier<br />
size and noise and colour,<br />
flight or non-flight."<br />
Top Right: Sulphur Crested Cockatoo<br />
Middle Right: Galah<br />
Bottom Right: Barking Owl, Ink, Lino print<br />
& Gouache on paper
Some examples of <strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong>'s dry<br />
point etching and monoprint on paper.
Selected <strong>Exhibition</strong> History – Artist <strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong><br />
2021 – Avians at Audit solo exhibition, National Trust Audit House, Darwin<br />
2020 – Peck & Snap solo exhibition, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre<br />
2019 – Artist in Residence, <strong>Territory</strong> Wildlife Park NT<br />
On the Wing solo exhibition, The Finch Café, Katherine<br />
Flood Mural, Katherine Town Council Katherine Terrace<br />
2018 – Junk Festival group exhibition, KRA Katherine<br />
Katherine Prize group exhibition. GYRACC Katherine<br />
2017 – Hard Pressed group exhibition, steamrolled woodcuts. Geraldton Arts WA<br />
Katherine Prize group exhibition. GYRACC Katherine<br />
2016 – Flight Risk <strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong> & Helen Aland, K-Space Godinymayin, Katherine<br />
Women of the World foyer, GYRACC Katherine<br />
Hard Pressed group exhibition, steamrolled woodcuts. Geraldton Arts WA<br />
Katherine Prize group exhibition. GYRACC Katherine<br />
2015 – Twee Little Birds solo exhibition, The Finch Café, Katherine<br />
2014 – Botanica group exhibition, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre<br />
Botanica II group exhibition, Chan Building, Darwin<br />
Imprinted on Country KRA group exhibition, GYRACC Katherine<br />
2013 – Loose Group group exhibition, O’Keefe House Katherine NT<br />
2011 – International Women’s Day Tea Towels, group exhibition, Katherine Town Council<br />
2010 – Senior Territorian Art Award group exhibition, Parliament House Darwin<br />
Student work selected for Silk Cut Art Award<br />
2009 – Student work selected for Silk Cut Art Award<br />
2007 – Negotiating the Grid <strong>Mandy</strong> Edge & Michelle Hall, A Little White Space Townsville<br />
2002 – Compact Prints group exhibition, Umbrella Contemporary Arts Townsville<br />
2001 – Toys group exhibition, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery Townsville<br />
Printmaking Award, James Cook University<br />
1999 – Cyclitrix solo exhibition, <strong>Blue</strong> Bottle Café Townsville<br />
1997 – Mother Cow curated group exhibition, Umbrella Contemporary Arts Townsville
Rainbow Bee Eater, Cyanotype and hand coloured<br />
Collagraph print on paper.
Godinymayin Yijard Rivers<br />
Arts and Culture Centre<br /><br />
PO Box 613, Katherine, NT<br />
0850<br />
Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and<br />
Culture Centre was established in 2012 as<br />
the flagship cultural facility for the<br />
Katherine Region, and recently marked<br />
our 10th anniversary as the region’s<br />
gathering place. Our founders were a<br />
visionary group of local artists, elders, civic<br />
leaders, business owners, pastoralists,<br />
educators, and government partners who<br />
wanted to make a special place for the<br />
community. And they did.<br />
Over the past decade, Godinymayin has<br />
become a community hub that now<br />
presents theatre, music, cabaret,<br />
exhibitions, lectures, comedy, cinema, and<br />
civic events—and is also home to<br />
workshops, conferences, corporate<br />
functions, and hired activities of every<br />
kind.<br />
Our facilities comprise a welcoming lobby,<br />
the Lambert Gallery for visual arts<br />
programming, the K Space Gallery, the<br />
Laneway Gallery, a cafe and retail shop,<br />
and a large multi-function performing arts<br />
venue and meeting space.<br />
This year an expanded Godinymayin will<br />
begin to appear. Thanks to a Northern<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> Government Arts Trail<br />
investment, we are developing expanded<br />
indoor cultural facilities and a brand new<br />
outdoor amphitheatre and covered deck<br />
cafe area for the region's residents and<br />
visitors to enjoy.<br />
Our non-profit organisation is governed<br />
by a board of 12 community leaders—<br />
including representatives from the<br />
Jawoyn, Wardaman and Dagoman people.<br />
We are managed throughout the year by<br />
a small team of dedicated arts<br />
professionals who are passionate about<br />
the the community, cultural identity, and<br />
creative opportunities and celebrations.<br />
We work hard to perpetuate and grow our<br />
founding vision, and ensuring a special<br />
place in Katherine where creativity,<br />
culture, and heritage will always come<br />
together and thrive. We at Godinymayin<br />
are also grateful for the ongoing<br />
partnership and exchanges with the<br />
region’s arts centres, and to our principal<br />
partners the Northern <strong>Territory</strong><br />
Government and Katherine Town Council.<br />
In everything, we do, our organisation<br />
acknowledges the Traditional Owners of<br />
the land and region we inhabit—the<br />
Jawoyn, Wardaman and Dagoman people<br />
—and their Elders past, present, and<br />
emerging.<br />
Special Thanks to Godinymayin team for<br />
their dedication and hard work during the<br />
Wet Season: Trish Aspey, Max Paez, Jessy<br />
Moss, Cindy Orcher, Richard Starr, Jacob<br />
Sadler, Alyssa Mitchell, Janet Schultz, Lalu<br />
Ladik, and Eric Holowacz<br />
With your help and participation, our new<br />
performance venue will bring great<br />
cultural events and dry season<br />
programming—and make a more dynamic<br />
Katherine Region.<br />
<strong>Territory</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>, on display in the<br />
Lambert Gallery
BLUE<br />
An <strong>Exhibition</strong> of<br />
New Works by<br />
<strong>Mandy</strong> <strong>Tootell</strong><br />
Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts & Culture Centre<br />
30 January to 17 March 2023<br />
Made possible by our generous sponsors