The Benefits of Building a Housing Development

Our mission is to revolutionize housing development.

Our mission is to revolutionize housing development.


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beyonder's plan for

the housing crisis



At Beyond Sustainable Corporation, our mission

is to revolutionize housing development by

crafting sustainable and energy-efficient living

spaces that foster a culture of conscious

consumption and collaboration between our

company and our valued residents. We are

dedicated to reducing environmental impact

and maintenance costs through innovative

design, advanced technologies, and the

integration of transparent energy usage data.

We strive to empower and engage our residents

in their journey towards sustainable living by

providing them with real-time insights into their

energy consumption patterns. By promoting

positive behavioural change and rewarding

eco-friendly practices, we aim to cultivate a

community that shares our commitment to

creating a greener, healthier planet for

generations to come.

Together, we will transform the way people live

and interact with their homes, building a

brighter future founded on the principles of

sustainability, transparency, and shared



Apartment Buildings

Two apartment building with

24 units each

Two Bedroom Homes

23 sustainable and energy

efficient homes



32 sustainable and energy

efficient home for

multigenerational families

Required Land Area

220 x 307 meters

Approximately 7 hectares or

17 acres

A Case Study: Tackling the Housing Crisis

in edmundston Through Sustainable

Home Building Development

Edmundston, a picturesque town in New Brunswick Canada,

sought to address its housing needs while prioritizing

sustainability and energy efficiency. Beyond Sustainable

Corporation partnered with the town to create a unique housing

development that not only provided comfortable living spaces but

also encouraged residents to participate in reducing their

environmental footprint.


Revolutionizing eco-friendly living with innovative technology and design, empowering residents, and nurturing a

sustainable, harmonious community.

Develop energy-efficient & smart housing that lowers

operational costs and promotes sustainable living.



Implement a transparent system to monitor

indoor air quality, water and energy usage as well

as manage residents' usage.

Encourage and reward eco-friendly practices among the



Strategies and Solutions

Design and Construction

Collaborate with architects, engineers, and local

stakeholders to design housing units that utilized

cutting-edge technologies and materials. The

buildings will incorporate energy-efficient features

such as solar panels, high-performance insulation,

and smart HVAC systems, leading to reduced

energy consumption and lower maintenance costs.

Energy Usage Transparency

A state-of-the-art energy management system is

installed in each housing unit, giving residents

real-time insights into their energy consumption

patterns. This transparency identifies areas for

improvement and adjust their habits accordingly.

Social Engagement and Incentives

To motivate residents to adopt eco-friendly

practices, a reward program is established that

recognized and celebrated their efforts in reducing

energy consumption. This program includes

incentives such as discounts on rent, gift cards to

local businesses, and recognition in the

community newsletter.

These three strategies and solutions can help address the current housing

market issues and provide a better living environment for everyone.


Achieving a greener future with reduced energy consumption, cost savings,

and a thriving, environmentally-conscious community.

Environmental Impact

This housing development in Edmundston should reduce the overall energy and water consumption by 35%,

significantly lowering the community's carbon footprint and setting a new standard for sustainable living in the region.

Cost Savings for Maintenance and Operations

Thanks to the energy-efficient design and materials, the owner will experience a 20% decrease in the maintenance

costs, providing them with additional financial benefits.

Community Engagement

We estimate that the transparent energy and water usage system and reward program should lead to a 60% increase in

resident participation in eco-friendly practices, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and community pride.

The partnership between beyond sustainable corporation and the city of

Edmundston should result in a sustainable housing development that exceeds

expectations by achieving both environmental, innovative technologies and

social benefits. This case study will demonstrate the power of combining

innovative design, transparent energy monitoring, and community engagement

to create a lasting impact on the environment and the lives of residents.

Facts- city of Edmundston


Over the next 20 years, 2,500 units are needed

And by 2025, over 1,000 units are needed

The current builders are unable to meet the demand.

Building age

65% of buildings are 50 years or older

28% of households live in apartments

20 to 34 years & 65+ are the residents most likely to live in



$74,071 average household income

32% of households earn less than $40,000


36% of people live alone

31% live with children

33% couples without children


16,437 total city population in 2021

29% are 65 years and older

54% are between 20 and 64 years old

Income to Housing Costs Ratio

20% of residents spend more than 30% on housing costs

Local Builder Capacity

Local builders are at capacity (approximately 200/year)

New ideas are needed to build 1,000 units in two years

ref: Data Edmundston Housing Study by RCGT January 2023

Currently, builders are unable to target

affordable housing due to a lack of attractive

solutions that would allow for profit.

Type of apartments needs

Number of Units Needed










Studio 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2

Short Terms Housing Needs

Approximately 36% of housing in Edmundston is deemed inadequate due to unsuitable

size, need for major repairs, or 30% or more income spent on housing alone.

*Data: Edmundston Housing Study by RCGT January 2023

Opportunities of fixing the housing crisis


Many industries are in need of

employees, yet the housing

market does not provide

sufficient opportunities for new

workers and families to relocate.


Each year, our two major schools

are beset with a shortage of

housing for incoming students.

Affordable Housing

There is a major shortage in

affordable housing which strains

the health, education, social life

of the individuals in need of a

stable and safe place to live.

The construction of a housing can provide a wide range of job opportunities

and encourage economic progress in the surrounding area, as well as

bringing numerous other benefits to businesses and the local community.

Meet the

Owners of




Alain Belanger



C: 1.506.284.0005

Scott Philippe



C: 1.506.740.1888

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