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Philosophy is for everyone who wants

to have fun thinking about interesting

ideas while becoming a more critical

and creative thinker. In FRCC philosophy

classes you will explore engaging issues

and ideas in ethics, religion, and politics,

and about the environment, death and

dying, and the nature of reality itself.

Philosophy students read and analyze

arguments and debate worthwhile

ideas through discussion and

writing. In FRCC philosophy classes,

you won’t be told what to think–

you will be challenged to take your

own ideas seriously! Any philosophy

class at FRCC will help you gain

intellectual skills that will support your

success in college and support your

future career and life goals whatever

they may be.


Recording, performing, producing,

composing and collaborating.

All of this is bubbling in the Music

Program at FRCC. When you walk

by the music rooms in Red Cloud

Peak at Larimer campus, listen and

look for our students mastering their

craft on an instrument or refining

their music through recording

software. What you see and

hear at Larimer Campus is just

the surface. Underneath, there

is a web of student projects that

connect high school concurrent

enrollment students, online

students, professional community

partners, and local music



Theatre is still an essential part of a liberal arts

education. Front Range Community College

offers many classes that build towards an

associate of arts degree. Theatre builds

confidence using creativity, design, and

collaboration, which exercise critical

thinking skills. The Production Class is

a fantastic example of how an arts

curriculum develops skills through

a live performance. The students

write, direct, act, design, and run

the technical aspects of the show.

We are currently working on the fall

show of Student Written 10-Minute

Plays. Be sure to look for these every

Fall semester. Support your peers by

attending theatre performances.


In Humanities and Art History, we take a deeper

look at some of the most enduring and valued

creations of humanity across millennia and from

around the world. The purpose is to consider

the ways in which people have responded

to the challenges of living as human beings

in a complex and confusing world. Studying

visual art and architecture, reading literature,

philosophy, history and drama, to name

but a few examples, and discussing the

implications of what they tell us, all

in the contexts of the history

of their time is at the heart

of the enterprise. As Mark

Twain is rumored to have

said, “History doesn’t repeat

itself but it often rhymes.” The

poetry that human history creates

makes for a vital and fascinating

exploratory journey.



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