2023 National Fire Fighter Catalog

2023 National Fire Fighter catalog

2023 National Fire Fighter catalog


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COLORADO, AUGUST, 2020<br />

<strong>2023</strong> CATALOG

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> Corp.<br />

2022 <strong>Catalog</strong><br />


Hand Tools Item# NFES# Page<br />

36" Hickory Handle Pulaski Axe CNT 38PE136FSS 0146 102<br />

McLeod Tool CNT MT48FSS 0296 102<br />

Combi Tool (Shovel & Grub Hoe) CNT CT42FSS 1180 102<br />

Adze Hoe Head and Handle WTC HDH/HDL HNH 1396 102<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Rake CNT LW1252FSS 1807 102<br />

Pulaski Replacement Handle HDL HNP 1857 103<br />

Combi Tool Replacement Handle HDL HNFSS 1168 103<br />

Hoses and Gaskets<br />

3/4” Myti-Flo 50’ Mopup Hose MRH 75MOPUP 1016 83<br />

Water-Handling Accessories<br />

Mop-Up Applicator Wand 2-Piece SHP APP2 0720 83<br />

Mop-Up Applicator Spray Tip 3/4" SHP NZTA75NH 0735 83<br />

Hose Shut-Off Clamp CSS HC1510 0046 86<br />

Forester Fog Nozzle CSS TT300NPSH 0024 87<br />

Forester Fog Tip 3 GPM CSS 41003750 0635 87<br />

Forester Fog Tip 6 GPM CSS 41006750 0636 87<br />

Forester Straight Stream Tip 3/16” CSS 40187750 0637 87<br />

Forester Straight Stream Tip 3/8” CSS 40375750 0638 87<br />

Forester Straight Stream Tip 1/4” CSS 40250750 0737 87<br />

Scotty <strong>Fire</strong> Foam Nozzle 3/4", 8 GPM SCT 4015 0627 87<br />

Scotty <strong>Fire</strong> Foam Nozzle 1-1/2", 30 GPM SCT 4025 0629 87<br />

Ball Shut Off Valve 1” NPSH CSS SBV10S 1201 88<br />

Ball Shut Off Valve 1-1/2” NH CSS SBV15N 1207 88<br />

Polycarbonate Combo Nozzle 1-1/2” NH UFS 15NPF 0137 89<br />

Polycarbonate Combo Nozzle 1” NPSH UFS 1SPF 0138 89<br />

Dual Gallonage Combo Nozzle 1” NPSH CSS 110/23S-BL 1081 89<br />

Dual Gallonage Combo Nozzle 1-1/2” NST CSS 1590/20N 1082 89<br />

Wye Control Valve 1-1/2” NH CSS WV15N 0231 90<br />

Wye Control Valve 1" NPSH CSS WV1010S 0259 90<br />

Brass Garden Hose Shut-Off Valve SHP SOV75GHT 0835 90<br />

Brass Garden Hose Wye Valve SHP WV75GHT 0904 90<br />

Foot Valve Strainer 1-1/2” NST MRP 15NFVS 0212 91<br />

Pressure Relief Valve 1-1/2” NH MRP 70FLRVNH 0229 91<br />

Hose Line Tee Valve 1-1/2” NH x 1” NPSH CSS TV1510NHNP 0230 91<br />

Single Ended Spanner Wrench SHP SW1 0234 109<br />

Double Ended Spanner Wrench SHP SW2 0235 109<br />

Pumps and Accessories Item# NFES# Page<br />

Mercedes Wick 375 Pump MRP WICK375 0148 71<br />

Quick Release DOT Jerrican SAF STJ2050LM 0606 98<br />

Chainsaw Accessories<br />

Weckworth/PGI USFS Chaps 32"<br />

Weckworth/PGI USFS Chaps 36"<br />

Weckworth/PGI USFS Chaps 40"<br />

Batteries<br />

WEK USFS32-O /<br />

PGI 15008232-O<br />

WEK USFS36-O /<br />

PGI 15008236-O<br />

WEK USFS40-O /<br />

PGI 15008240-O<br />

0045 97<br />

0078 97<br />

0150 97<br />

AA Batteries - 24 Pack BAT AA 0030 118<br />

Personal Protection<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Cap Style Red PEC FH911CRR 7285 30<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Cap Style White PEC FH911CRW 7286 30<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Cap Style Yellow PEC FH911CRY 7287 30<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Full Brim Red PEC FH911HRR 7289 30<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Full Brim White PEC FH911HRW 7290 30<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmet Full Brim Yellow PEC FH911HRY 7291 30<br />

Ear/Neck/Face Protector Unlined 10-1/2” WSS NPF 1274 30<br />

Safety Glasses Gray ERB 15421S 0474 37<br />

Safety Glasses Clear ERB 15420C 0475 37<br />

Safety Glasses Amber ERB 15422A 0476 37<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter with Case Regular FFG FS2003 0925 44<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter with Case Large FFG FS2006L 0975 44<br />

Training <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Regular FFG FS2002T 2678 44<br />

Training <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Large FFG FS2002T-L 2799 44<br />

Water Bags and Accessories<br />

Personal Water Bottle RDM WB 0037 58<br />

Ignition Devices<br />

Drip Torch-Red DRT 100-R 0241 100<br />

Backfire Torches ORI FUSEE 0105 101<br />

General<br />

Hands-Free Radio Chest Harness Black SSI RCH101-B 1086 55<br />

PHOS-CHEK FIRST RESPONSE Class A Foam PHO 10001316 1145 74<br />

FlameOut+ <strong>Fire</strong> Suppressor Class A/B/D Foam HHC 003-32 1145 74<br />

Publications<br />

Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) PEC 49218 1077 111<br />

Products Designed To Meet NFPA 1977 Standard for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> fighting<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Classic Brush Pant.........................................................................6<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Advance Classic Brush Pant..............................................6<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Classic Brush Pant ...................................................6<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Elite Brush Pant............................................................................... 7<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Elite Brush Pant........................................................... 7<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher Vector Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant.........................................................8<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher CX Wildland Vent Brush Pant.................................................8<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher Ethos Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant...........................................................8<br />

1<br />

Propper Wildland Pant........................................................................................9<br />

1<br />

True North ® Wildland Pants............................................................................9<br />

1<br />

True North ® Women's Brush Shirt............................................................ 10<br />

1<br />

True North ® Women's Wildland Pant.................................................... 10<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher LL Women’s Wildland Vent Brush Pant....................... 10<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Women's Wildland Ember Brush Shirt..........................11<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Women's Wildland Ember Brush Pant..........................11<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Brush Shirt.........................................................................................12<br />

1<br />

True North ® Brush Shirt....................................................................................12<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Traditional Brush Shirt..............................................................13<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Hickory Brush Shirt.....................................................................13<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher BetaX Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt........................................................14<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher CX Wildland Vent Brush Shirt...............................................14<br />

Coaxsher Vector Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt........................................................14<br />

1<br />

Coaxsher Stryker Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt.....................................................15<br />

1<br />

Propper Wildland Shirt.....................................................................................15<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Gen II Response Jacket...........................................................16<br />

1<br />

Propper Wildland Overshirt..........................................................................16<br />

1<br />

Workrite Relaxed Fit Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Jacket.........................................16<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Brush Coat.........................................................................................17<br />

1<br />

Propper Wildland Overpant..........................................................................17<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Interface Coat.................................................................................18<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Jacket............................................................................18<br />

1<br />

Lakeland Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Coat........................................................................18<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Interface Pant.................................................................................19<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Pant.................................................................................19<br />

1<br />

Lakeland Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant........................................................................19<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Dual Compliant Brush Pant.................................................20<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Dual Compliant Elite Pant ....................................................20<br />

1<br />

CrewBoss Gen II Tactical Pant.....................................................................21<br />

1<br />

Workrite Wildland Tactical Pant - Nomex ® 7.5 oz. IIIA................21<br />

2<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmets...............................................................................30<br />

2<br />

Americana Full Brim Wildland Helmet with Ratchet..................31<br />

4<br />

Hot Shield ® HS-2 Face Protector..............................................................32<br />

4<br />

Hot Shield ® UB-V2 Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Ultimate Bandana......32<br />

1<br />

ESS <strong>Fire</strong>Pro-1977 Wildland Goggle.........................................................38<br />

1<br />

ESS Influx <strong>Fire</strong>Pro-1977 Wildland Goggle..........................................38<br />

4<br />

Sellstrom Anti-Fog Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Goggle.........................................39<br />

4<br />

Wildcat Safety Goggle.....................................................................................39<br />

2<br />

Pro-Tech 8 Wildland Glove...........................................................................40<br />

2<br />

Shelby Wildland NFPA Proximity Gloves...........................................40<br />

2<br />

Majestic Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting Gloves.................................................40<br />

1<br />

Danner Wildland Tactical <strong>Fire</strong>fighter 8” Boot..................................43<br />

1<br />

White’s Boots Line Scout 10” Lace to Toe Boots..........................43<br />

1<br />

True North ® Spyder Gear Wildland Pack - Gen 2.........................46<br />

1<br />

True North ® Go! Pack Top Loader - Gen 2.........................................46<br />

1<br />

True North ® Fastback Pack ..........................................................................46<br />

1<br />

True North ® Pack Accessories.....................................................................47<br />

1<br />

True North ® FRONTLINE Bushwhacker Pack....................................47<br />

1<br />

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>ball Wildland Pack - Gen 2.....................................48<br />

1<br />

True North ® Phantom Pack ..........................................................................48<br />

1<br />

True North ® Spitfire Wildland Pack - Gen 2 ....................................49<br />

1<br />

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>fly Wildland Pack - Gen 2........................................49<br />

1<br />

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>fly Wildland Medic Pack - Gen 2........................49<br />

1<br />

True North ® Dozer Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2.......................... 52<br />

1<br />

True North ® Dual Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2............................. 52<br />

1<br />

True North ® Single Universal Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2...... 52<br />

1<br />

True North ® Stealth Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2....................... 52<br />

1<br />

Drink! Lynx Hydration System..................................................................... 59<br />

1<br />

PGI USFS Five-Ply Wildland Forestry Chap......................................96<br />

1<br />

Weckworth USFS Chain Saw Chaps....................................................... 97<br />

1<br />

Classified by UL to meet NFPA 1977 Standard<br />

2<br />

Certified by SEI to meet NFPA 1977 Standard<br />

3<br />

Classified by Colts to meet NFPA 1977 Standard<br />

4<br />

Built to meet NFPA 1977 Standard<br />

2 order by phone 800.423.8347



We offer quantity pricing on many<br />

items, indicated on the price chart<br />

with a + (e.g. 1-5 and 6+, the price<br />

break applies on purchases of 6 or<br />

more). Take advantage of ordering<br />

more for the best prices.<br />

Example:<br />

WSS BELT<br />

1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 44.00 41.80<br />

Price at Quantity 1-5: $44.00<br />

Price at Quantity 6 or more: $41.80<br />

Although we strive to provide a greater<br />

level of convenience by including prices in<br />

our catalog, pricing is subject to change at<br />

any time. Current prices can be viewed at<br />

www.nationalfirefighter.com.<br />


CLOTHING 5<br />

Brush Pants 6<br />

Women's Brush Clothing 10<br />

Brush Shirts 12<br />

Brush Jackets 16<br />

Interface Clothing 18<br />

Dual Compliant Pants 20<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> & Arc Resistant Workwear 22<br />


Helmets 30<br />

Hoods & Face Protection 32<br />

Headwear 36<br />

Goggles & Safety Glasses 37<br />

Gloves 40<br />

Boots 43<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelters 44<br />


Packs 46<br />

Radio Harnesses 52<br />

Pack Accessories 53<br />

Gear Bags 56<br />

Tents 58<br />

Hydration & Nutrition 59<br />

SKID UNITS 61<br />


Pumps 66<br />

Backpack Pumps 72<br />

Foams & Gels 74<br />

Property Protection 75<br />

Portable Tanks 76<br />

Foam Proportioners 78<br />


Hose Reels & Rollers 80<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Hose 82<br />

Hose Packs 84<br />

Clamps & Nozzles 86<br />

Valves & Strainers 90<br />

Adapters 92<br />

SAFETY & SAWYER 93<br />

First Aid & Personal Care 94<br />

Sawyer 96<br />

Fuel Cans 98<br />


Drip Torch 100<br />

Hand Tools 102<br />

Spanner Wrenches 108<br />

QUICK FIST Clamps 110<br />

Vehicle Tools & Notebooks 111<br />

Traffic Control & Signs 112<br />


Headlamps 114<br />

Flashlights 119<br />

Weather Instruments 120<br />

Heat Sensing Instruments 122<br />


<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> Corp.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong><br />



COLORADO, AUGUST 3, 2020<br />


order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com<br />




Pants<br />

CrewBoss True North Coaxsher Propper Lakeland<br />

Size Waist Women's Waist Men's Waist Women's Waist Waist Waist<br />

X-Small 24-27" 21-25”<br />

Small 27-30" 28-31" 29-31" 25-29” 30-34" 26-28"<br />

Medium 31-34" 32-35" 32-34" 29-33” 34-38" 30-32"<br />

Large 35-38" 36-39" 35-38" 33-37” 38-42" 34-36"<br />

X-Large 39-42" 40-43" 39-42" 37-42” 42-46" 38-40"<br />

2X-Large 43-46" 44-47" 43-46" 42-46” 46-50" 42-44"<br />

3X-Large 47-50" 47-50" 46-50” 50-54" 46-48"<br />

4X-Large 50-52"<br />

5X-Large 54-56"<br />

6X-Large 58-60"<br />

Inseams 28", 30", 32", 34", 36" 30", 32", 34", 36"<br />

28", 30", 32",<br />

34", 36"<br />

Short 30", Reg 32.5",<br />

Tall 35.5"<br />

30", 32", 34"<br />

CrewBoss, True North, Coaxsher, Propper, Lakeland: Inseam and height are independent of other sizing. Please specify inseam when ordering pants,<br />

and waist size when ordering CrewBoss Elite, Tactical, and Women's Brush Pants, True North Men's Wildland Pants, and Workrite Pants.<br />

Shirts/Coats<br />

CrewBoss Men's True North Men's Coaxsher Propper Lakeland Workrite<br />

Size Chest Sleeve Chest Sleeve Chest Sleeve Chest Sleeve Chest Sleeve Chest<br />

Small 34-36" 32" 35-38" 33" 38-40" 32" 34-36" 33-33.5" 36-38" 34" 34-36"<br />

Medium 38-40" 33" 39-42" 34" 40-44" 33" 38-40" 34-34.5" 40-42" 35" 38-40"<br />

Large 42-44" 34" 43-46" 35" 44-48" 35" 42-44" 35-35.5" 44-46" 36" 42-44"<br />

X-Large 46-48" 35" 47-50" 36" 48-52" 36" 46-48" 36-36.5" 48-50" 37" 46-48"<br />

2X-Large 50-52" 36" 51-54" 37" 52-56" 37" 50-52" 37-37.5" 52-54" 38"<br />

3X-Large 54-56" 37" 55-58" 38" 56-60" 38" 54-56" 38-38.5" 56-58" 39"<br />

4X-Large 60-64" 39" 60-62" 40"<br />

5X-Large 64-66" 41"<br />

6X-Large 68-70" 42"<br />

True North Women's<br />

Brush Shirt<br />

CrewBoss Women's Brush Shirt<br />

& Clothing Options Guide<br />

Chest Waist Hips Sleeve Length<br />

X-Small 35” 28" 36" 32"<br />

Small 36-39” 29-32" 37-40" 33"<br />

Medium 40-43” 33-36" 41-44" 34"<br />

Large 44-47” 37-40" 45-48" 35"<br />

X-Large 48-51” 41-44" 49-52" 36"<br />

2X-Large 52-55” 45-48" 53-56" 37"<br />

Chest Sleeve Length<br />

Small 36" or 38" 31"<br />

Medium 40" or 42" 32"<br />

Large 44" or 46" 33"<br />

X-Large 48" or 50" 34"<br />

2X-Large 52" or 54" 35"<br />

3X-Large 56" or 58" 36"<br />

Zippered Front<br />

Zippered Legs<br />

2” Triple<br />

Trim<br />

2” Scotchlite<br />

Silver trim<br />

DragonWear FR Workwear<br />

Men's Sizing<br />

Chest Waist Hip Sleeve<br />

X-Small 32" 26" 30" 30"<br />

Small 33-36" 27-30" 31-34" 31"<br />

Medium 37-40” 31-34” 35-38” 32"<br />

Large 41-44” 35-38” 39-42” 33"<br />

X-Large 45-48” 39-42” 43-46” 34"<br />

2X-Large 49-52” 43-46” 47-50” 35"<br />

3X-Large 53-56” 47-50” 51-54” 36"<br />

4X-Large 57-60” 51-54” 55-58” 37"<br />

5X-Large 61-64" 55-58” 59-62” 38"<br />

Women's Sizing<br />

Size Chest Waist Hip Sleeve<br />

X-Small 33” 26” 36" 30"<br />

Small 34-35” 27-28” 37-38" 30-1/2"<br />

Medium 36-37” 29-30” 39-40" 31"<br />

Large 38-40” 31-33" 41-43" 31-1/2"<br />

X-Large 41-44" 34-37" 44-47" 32"<br />

2X-Large 45-48" 38-41" 48-51" 32-1/2"<br />

3X-Large 49-52" 42-45" 52-55" 33"<br />

4 order by phone 800.423.8347

VIEW<br />

ONLINE<br />






clothing<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

CrewBoss Classic Brush Pant<br />

Built tough with oversized belt loops, 2” elastic back band for a comfortable fit, and two generous rear<br />

pockets. Nomex ® thread is used throughout. Hook and loop ankle straps keep embers out. Extra roomy leg<br />

and seat cut for ease of movement. Large bellowed thigh pockets with full flap closures give you lots of<br />

storage. Stress points bar-tacked for maximum durability. Includes oversized front slash pockets and selflocking<br />

brass zipper fly with snap closure.<br />

WSS NP68 6.8 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 493.00 468.35<br />

2XL 28-36” 543.00 518.35<br />

*3XL 28-36” 567.00 422.35<br />

Available in<br />

6.8 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Spruce Green<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Spruce Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Spruce Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow (Add $2.00)<br />

WSS NP6 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 386.00 366.70<br />

2XL 28-36” 425.00 405.70<br />

*3XL 28-36” 444.00 424.70<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

WSS TP Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 248.00 235.60<br />

2XL 28-36” 273.00 260.60<br />

*3XL 28-36” 288.00 275.60<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CrewBoss Advance Classic Brush Pant<br />

For decades, wildland firefighters have depended on the quality and comfort of the CrewBoss Brush Pant.<br />

Over the years, there have been adjustments and added features based on real feedback from the fire line.<br />

However, at its heart, this is the same classic design that you have always loved. No other brush pant has<br />

such a long history of trusted toughness.<br />

Tencate’s Advance fabric combines the trusted fire protection of Nomex ® with the legendary strength of<br />

Kevlar ® . Made of 60% Kevlar ® / 40% Nomex ® IIIA in a rip-stop weave, Advance pants offer superior durability<br />

and abrasion resistance. Fabric provides exceptional cut and tear resistance, longer life, and remains strong<br />

and flexible after extreme thermal exposure.<br />

WSS AP<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 532.00 506.00<br />

2XL 28-36” 586.00 560.00<br />

*3XL 28-36” 612.00 586.00<br />

Available in<br />

Khaki, Green or Navy<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Classic Brush Pant<br />

A new era in wildland brush pants has arrived, with the introduction of Tencate’s Pioneer fabric in the<br />

CrewBoss Classic Pant design. This wonder material means that you will no longer have to choose between<br />

breathability and protection from abrasion; Pioneer does it all. These pants are 10% cooler and 30% stronger<br />

than their nearest competitor, thanks to the visible lines of black Kevlar ® running through its weave.<br />

WSS PP<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 626.00 594.70<br />

2XL 28-36” 689.00 657.70<br />

*3XL 28-36” 720.00 688.70<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

6.6 oz. Pioneer Dark Khaki<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

6<br />

order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Wildland CLOTHING online

CrewBoss Elite Brush Pant<br />

Designed to combine a more ergonomic fit with increased function. With a more tailored fit<br />

than the Classic Brush Pant, the Elite Pant incorporates features like reinforced, articulated<br />

knees for a greater range of motion. The pocket design incorporates deep slash pockets<br />

with an overlaying cap to provide room for everything you need without the hassle of hook<br />

and loop fastener keeping your pockets closed. Stress points bar-tacked for maximum<br />

durability. Exclusive crotch reinforcement panel. Internal smart phone pocket. Internal BDU<br />

divider pocket. Pleated cargo pockets with drain holes. Elastic side waist panels for ultimate<br />

freedom and comfort. Two generous rear pockets. Extra roomy leg and seat cut. Nomex ®<br />

thread throughout. Hook and loop ankle straps covered with self-fabric for heat resistance.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

clothing<br />


WSS EP1A70 Advance<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 605.00 574.75<br />

44-46” 28-36” 665.00 634.75<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 696.00 665.75<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Advance Green, Khaki or Navy Blue<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Spruce Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Spruce Green<br />

WSS EP1N60 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 443.00 420.85<br />

44-46” 28-36” 488.00 465.85<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 510.00 487.85<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

WSS EP1T70 Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 286.00 271.70<br />

44-46” 28-36” 315.00 300.70<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 329.00 314.70<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Elite Brush Pant<br />

A new era in wildland brush pants has arrived, with the introduction of Tencate’s Pioneer fabric in the CrewBoss Elite<br />

Pant design. This wonder material means that you will no longer have to choose between breathability and protection<br />

from abrasion; Pioneer does it all. These pants are 10% cooler and 30% stronger than their nearest competitor, thanks<br />

to the visible lines of black Kevlar ® running through its weave. The Pioneer Elite Pant will keep you staying cool while<br />

conquering the roughest terrain season after season.<br />

WSS EP1P<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 660.00 627.00<br />

44-46” 28-36” 726.00 693.00<br />

*48-50 28-36” 759.00 726.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

6.6 oz. Pioneer Dark Khaki<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CrewBoss Ranger Web Belt<br />

Inspired by the belts used by smokejumpers. Single layer nylon webbing is flexible and comfortable for a full day’s work<br />

right into a casual outing. High strength aircraft aluminum V-ring buckle. Velcro ® tongue to keep belt secure and in place.<br />

WSS BELT<br />

1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 44.00 41.80<br />

2XL 49.00 46.80<br />

Available in<br />

(waist sizes)<br />

Small (27”-30”)<br />

Medium (31”-34”)<br />

Large (35”-38”)<br />

X-Large (39”-42”)<br />

XX-Large (43”-46”)<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com<br />


clothing<br />


Coaxsher Vector Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant<br />

Day or night – the Vector Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant craves the fire line. Tecasafe ® Plus 7.0 oz. material provides<br />

maximum comfort, protection, and durability. Materials and design provide great moisture management<br />

keeping you cool and comfortable. Hand crafted for excellent fit and maneuverability. Seamless underside<br />

keeps chafing on the sidelines. Back, front, and cargo pockets provide more than enough areas to stash<br />

your personal goods. Aggressively cut for maximum mobility. Double reinforced in high-stress areas to<br />

take the abuse. Super tough black oxidized YKK ® fly zipper assures a long life. Double closure system<br />

with Mil-Spec Velcro ® and melamine button makes a solid closure system which gives redundancy and<br />

reliability in the field.<br />

COA FC203<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 219.95<br />

2XL 28-36” 229.95<br />

3XL 28-36” 239.95<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Nomex ®<br />

Coaxsher CX Wildland Vent Brush Pant<br />

The CX Wildland Vent Pants are the perfect balance between protection and comfort. Each feature in these<br />

wildland fire pants was specifically designed to battle against heat, sweat, and discomfort. The Xvent system<br />

(YKK ® Nomex ® zippered leg vents) allows airflow to battle against internal heat buildup. The cut and fit are<br />

second to none and completely raise the bar on Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> PPE design and function. With absolutely stellar<br />

fit, leg venting, knee articulation, and seamless crotch (less chafing!), these wildland fire pants keep you<br />

protected and comfortable all day long. Whether you’re on the fire line or at base camp, you will appreciate<br />

these pants like no other. Dual-certified to current NFPA 1977 and NFPA 1975 Specifications. Made in USA.<br />

COA FC200 Nomex ® Green<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 339.95<br />

2XL 28-36” 349.95<br />

3XL 28-36” 359.95<br />

COA FC204 Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 249.95<br />

2XL 28-36” 259.95<br />

3XL 28-36” 269.95<br />

Available in<br />

Nomex ® Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Xvent Leg<br />

Vents<br />

Double<br />

Closure<br />

System<br />

Coaxsher Ethos Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant<br />

The Ethos Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant is extremely durable while also being extremely comfortable and breathable.<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus 7.0 oz. and reinforced Nomex ® 6.0 oz. in the rear, knee, and instep areas give you the ultimate<br />

pant to keep you protected and comfortable on the fireline. Xvent technology and Tecasafe ® Plus material<br />

keeps you cool and comfortable by allowing body heat to escape while the Nomex ® material protects and<br />

provides excellent durability. Seamless crotch design minimizes chafing. Articulated areas along with an<br />

aggressive cut provide excellent fit and mobility. Bar-tacked and double reinforced in high-stress areas to take<br />

the abuse. Double closure system with Mil-Spec Velcro ® and melamine button.<br />

Dual-certified to current NFPA 1977 and NFPA 1975 Specifications. Made in USA.<br />

Reinforced<br />

Rear<br />

COA FC206<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 289.95<br />

2XL 28-36” 299.95<br />

3XL 28-36” 309.95<br />

Available in<br />

Tecasafe ® / 6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Reinforced<br />

Knee<br />

8<br />

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Propper Wildland Pant<br />

Made of Synergy ® fabric, a blend of Nomex ® , Kevlar and anti-static fibers that resist melting,<br />

dripping and burning. Because these lightweight and breathable wildland pants have FR<br />

fibers built into the fabric itself, they will maintain their size, shape and dependability through<br />

repeated washings and wears. Provides excellent durability and resistance to abrasion and<br />

tears, superior moisture management due to proprietary wicking technology that spreads<br />

moisture for improved evaporation, and excellent integrity even after multiple industrial<br />

laundries. Features button/self-locking Nomex ® zipper-fly closure with internal storm flap,<br />

side waistband adjustment, articulated/pleated knees, extra-deep front slash pockets, 2.25”<br />

belt loops, hook and loop ankle straps, and bar-tack reinforcement in all stress areas.<br />

clothing<br />


PRP F5238G<br />

Size Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL Short 30” 216.00 205.00<br />

S-3XL Regular 32.5” 216.00 205.00<br />

L-2X Long 35.5” 216.00 205.00<br />

Available in<br />

6.7 oz. Synergy ® Nomex ® Green<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Wildland Pants - Pro and Plus<br />

Enhanced redesign of the best-selling True North ® NFPA 1977 Wildland Pant offers greater<br />

durability and superior product fit and features. Updated performance fit provides a full<br />

range of motion and Tru-fit micro adjustable waistband offers custom fit. Features extra-large<br />

gusseted cargo pockets with hook and loop closure designed to prevent snagging, slash-style<br />

front pockets for easy access and large back pockets with flap and hook and loop closure.<br />

Fully-adjustable ankle straps with hook and loop keep dirt out, self-locking full metal zipper<br />

and 5/8” belt loops, and heavy-duty bar-tacks at stress points for rugged wear.<br />

TNG 189160 Pro Pant - 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-36” 30-36” 249.95 237.45<br />

38-42” 30-36” 264.95 252.45<br />

44-50” 30-36” 289.95 277.75<br />

TNG 189260 Plus Pant - 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-36” 30-36” 204.95 194.70<br />

38-42” 30-36” 214.95 207.70<br />

44-50” 30-36” 239.95 229.70<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Suspenders<br />

Heavy-duty suspenders with a “H” Back style that keeps them from falling down on your arms<br />

while working. Elastic at the ends allows for freedom of movement. Metal alligator clips fit all<br />

wildland gear.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PEC 24850 33.00 31.35<br />

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True North ® Women’s Brush Shirt - Plus<br />

clothing<br />


Designed exclusively to solve the challenges women in wildland fire face with PPE fit. Designed for<br />

women by women, this shirt is thoughtfully constructed to help deliver comfort and correct fit without<br />

sacrificing functional features and performance. Constructed with extra room built into the chest area, a<br />

full size added in the hips, waist darts incorporated for garment shaping, and traditional chest pockets<br />

strategically placed between where the pack waistbelt and harness lay for functionality and comfort.<br />

Features hook and loop closure for adjustable fit around wrists and innovative adjustable collar which<br />

can be worn up or folded down and secured. Fabric is lightweight and breathable for optimal moisture<br />

management and is inherently flame-resistant and resistant to UV light fading.<br />

TNG 247340<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 129.95 123.45<br />

2XL 139.95 133.45<br />

Available in<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NEW<br />

True North ® Women’s Wildland Pant - Pro<br />

Created by True North’s women-led design team and engineered for a performance fit while providing<br />

durability and comfort tailored for a woman. Well-tailored pant designed to fit the natural waistline to<br />

avoid fire belt placement and stacked irritation. Tru-Fit micro-adjustable waist band for custom fit. Provides<br />

extra room in the hip and thigh areas for easy movement. Cargo pockets raised higher on the leg to allow<br />

for bending or stepping and to avoid chafing on the calf. Easily use one hand to open or close extra-large<br />

gusseted cargo pockets with hook and loop closure. Multiple pockets including slash-style front pockets<br />

and large back pockets with flaps and hook and loop closures. Fully adjustable hook and loop ankle straps<br />

keep dirt and embers out to avoid steam burns.<br />

TNG 289260 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 30”, 34” 204.95 194.70<br />

2XL 30”, 34” 214.95 204.70<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

TNG 289160 6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 30”, 34” 249.95 237.45<br />

2XL 30”, 34” 264.95 252.45<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Coaxsher LL Women’s Wildland Vent Brush Pant<br />

Our customers spoke and Coaxsher has responded with new vented wildland fire pants for women,<br />

designed with Xvent Technology to keep your body cool and built to fit the contours of a woman’s body.<br />

For years, women had to wear fire pants that were designed specifically for men, making them a poor,<br />

uncomfortable fit. Recognizing the need for all fire fighters to have gear that fits properly and allows for<br />

maximum cooling during the toughest assignments, Coaxsher worked closely with women firefighters to<br />

find the perfect balance that allows for maximum movement and comfort. Articulated areas along with<br />

an aggressive cut provide excellent fit and mobility. Double reinforced in high-stress areas for excellent<br />

durability. Dual-certified to current NFPA 1977 and NFPA 1975 Specifications. Made in USA.<br />

COA FC304 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 239.95<br />

2XL 28-36” 249.95<br />

3XL 28-36” 259.95<br />

COA FC303 6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Waist Inseam<br />

XS-XL 28-36” 299.95<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

10<br />

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CrewBoss Women’s Wildland Ember Brush Shirt<br />

Specifically crafted with the wearer’s comfort, performance and range of motion in mind.<br />

Pleated back design offers increased mobility without sacrificing reliable durability. Features<br />

large spade-style pockets with hook and loop closures, pen pocket insert, Forest Service style<br />

button-front closure, and hook and loop cuff closures, ensuring tight fit at the glove. Designed<br />

with bust darts and wide bottom hem for a more contoured fit and extra-long square-cut tails.<br />

Nomex® thread throughout. Stress points bar-tacked.<br />

WSS WLS1805W 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Chest Size 1-5 6+<br />

36-38" (Small) 300.00 285.00<br />

40-42" (Medium) 300.00 285.00<br />

44-46" (Large) 300.00 285.00<br />

48-50" (X-Large) 300.00 285.00<br />

52-54" (2X-Large) 330.00 315.00<br />

56-58" (3X-Large) 345.00 330.00<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NEW<br />

clothing<br />


WSS WLS1835W 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Chest Size 1-5 6+<br />

36-38" (Small) 216.00 205.20<br />

40-42" (Medium) 216.00 205.20<br />

44-46" (Large) 216.00 205.20<br />

48-50" (X-Large) 216.00 205.20<br />

52-54" (2X-Large) 238.00 227.20<br />

56-58" (3X-Large) 249.00 238.20<br />

CrewBoss Women’s Wildland Ember Brush Pant<br />

Lightweight and durable bottoms with a unisex fit designed to handle anything they encounter.<br />

Bellowed pockets provide increased storage space and the elastic waistband provides maximum<br />

comfort and movement. Features elastic back band for ultimate freedom and comfort, (7) oversized<br />

belt loops to accept 2″ web belts, brass self-locking zippered fly with snap closure, (2) generous<br />

rear pockets, oversized and extra-deep front slash pockets, and roomy pleated and bellowed cargo<br />

pockets. Designed with a shorter front and back rise, extra-roomy leg and seat cut, and crotch gusset<br />

for extra comfort. Hook and loop ankle straps covered with self fabric offer heat resistance. Stress<br />

points bar-tacked for maximum durability.<br />

NEW<br />

WSS WLP0892U 6.6 oz. Pioneer Dark Khaki<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 626.00 594.70<br />

44-46” 28-36” 689.00 657.70<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 720.00 688.70<br />

Available in<br />

6.6 oz. Pioneer Dark Khaki<br />

7.0 oz. Advance Green or Khaki<br />

6.8 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Green<br />

WSS WLP0825U 7.0 oz. Advance Khaki<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 575.00 546.25<br />

44-46” 28-36” 633.00 604.25<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 662.00 633.25<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

WSS WLP0814U 6.8 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 493.00 468.35<br />

44-46” 28-36” 543.00 518.35<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 567.00 542.35<br />

WSS WLP0820U 7.0 oz. Tecasafe® Plus Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 248.00 235.60<br />

44-46” 28-36” 273.00 260.60<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 286.00 273.60<br />

WSS WLP0808U 6.0 oz. Nomex ® Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 386.00 366.70<br />

44-46” 28-36” 425.00 405.70<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 444.00 424.70<br />

WSS WLP0828U 7.0 oz. Advance Green<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-42” 28-36” 575.00 546.25<br />

44-46” 28-36” 633.00 604.25<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 662.00 633.25<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

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clothing<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

CrewBoss Brush Shirt<br />

3” stand up collar with a hook and loop throat strap closure offers improved neck protection and comfort over<br />

the traditional button collar. The front closure buttons have also been replaced with hidden snaps, making<br />

changing a breeze and giving the shirt a more streamlined look. Two large breast pockets with hook and loop<br />

closures. Full-cut shoulder and body design. Hook and loop cuff closures ensures tight fit at the glove. 30″”<br />

extra-long, square-cut tails. Stress points bar-tacked for maximum durability. Nomex ® thread throughout.<br />

WSS NS 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 279.00 265.05<br />

2XL 307.00 293.05<br />

*3XL 321.00 307.05<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

WSS TS 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 161.00 152.95<br />

2XL 178.00 169.95<br />

*3XL 186.00 177.95<br />

Options<br />

Price<br />

*Zippered Front Closure 33.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Brush Shirt - Pro and Plus<br />

Enhanced redesign of True North’s best-selling NFPA 1977 Brush Shirt offers greater durability, superior product fit,<br />

and added functionality. Lightweight, breathable fabric provides optimal moisture management and is inherently<br />

flame-resistant and resistant to UV light fading. Fit is well-tailored, yet roomy enough for easy movement.<br />

Innovative, adjustable collar can be worn up or folded down and secured. Features (2) chest pockets with hook and<br />

loop closures, adjustable hook and loop cuff closures at wrists keep dirt out, convenient sleeve pocket with pen<br />

slot and high-temperature rated button fasteners.<br />

TNG 146140 Pro Shirt - 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 185.95 176.65<br />

2XL-3XL 199.95 190.65<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

TNG 147340 Plus Shirt - 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 129.95 123.45<br />

2XL-3XL 139.95 133.45<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />



COLORADO / AUGUST 2, 2020<br />

12<br />

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CrewBoss Traditional Brush Shirt<br />

Features a Forest Service style, button-front closure and that “traditional” shirt look. Large<br />

spade-style pockets with hook and loop closures, hook and loop cuff closures ensure tight fit<br />

at the glove, extra-long square-cut tails, Nomex ® thread throughout, stress points bar-tacked<br />

for maximum durability.<br />

WSS NST 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 246.00 233.70<br />

2XL 271.00 258.70<br />

*3XL 283.00 270.70<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

clothing<br />


WSS TST 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 151.00 143.45<br />

2XL 167.00 159.45<br />

*3XL 174.00 166.45<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CrewBoss Hickory Brush Shirt<br />

This design was built to wear through the toughest work days by the most rugged workers in North America.<br />

Built with internal and external self-fabric facing to prevent zipper from touching the skin and embers and debris<br />

from entering. Large spade-style chest pockets with hook and loop closures. Stress points bar-tacked to ensure<br />

long lasting durability. Hook and loop cuff closures for tight fit at the gloves. Nomex ® thread throughout.<br />

WSS NSH 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 279.00 265.05<br />

2XL 307.00 293.05<br />

*3XL 321.00 307.05<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

WSS TSH 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 161.00 152.95<br />

2XL 178.00 169.95<br />

*3XL 186.00 177.95<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

5 6<br />

7<br />

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Coaxsher BetaX Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt<br />

clothing<br />


Xvent is king in the BetaX Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt. Airflow vents in each bicep area of the arms and two lower<br />

chest region vents allow for maximum torso airflow. Torso airflow helps to cool the core, keeping you more<br />

alert and focused. Made mostly of 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus (lightweight and breathable) with 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ®<br />

Plus in the areas you want extra toughness. Top button neck closure, along with Mil-Spec Velcro ® wrist straps<br />

allow you to batten down the hatches when needed. 3/4 YKK ® Nomex ® front zip allows for breathability and<br />

easy on/off capabilities. Two slanted bicep pockets with segmented Velcro ® keeps contents secure while<br />

allowing easy access even with gloves.<br />

Yellow/Yellow<br />

COA FC105<br />

5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus/7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size<br />

XS-XL 189.95<br />

2XL 199.95<br />

3XL 209.95<br />

4XL 219.95<br />

Available in<br />

Yellow/Green, Yellow/Navy, Yellow/Yellow<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Yellow/Green<br />

Yellow/Navy<br />

Coaxsher CX Wildland Vent Brush Shirt<br />

With absolutely stellar fit and internal heat vents, the CX Wildland Vent Shirt keeps you cool, comfortable,<br />

and protected on the front lines. Patent pending Xvent system provides vent openings allowing body heat<br />

to escape while letting cooler air in - creating body torso airflow to help regulate your core temperature.<br />

Back pleat frees all torso movements from constraint. Chest and arm pockets come attentively designed<br />

in order to meet your personal storage and access needs. Pocket features include larger sized pockets<br />

for storage, easy access and closure via Mil-Spec Velcro®, a pocket specially-designed for writing tool,<br />

and handy arm pockets to store personal items like gum, lip balm, cell phone, etc.<br />

COA FC100 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size<br />

XS-XL 199.95<br />

2XL 209.95<br />

3XL 219.95<br />

4XL 229.95<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Coaxsher Vector Wildand <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt<br />

Originally designed for firefighters in the southern regions looking for an excellent quality and well-priced<br />

wildland fire shirt that would accommodate extreme heat while ensuring safety. 5.8 oz. Tecasafe® Plus<br />

580 material provides a lighter and cooler feel, similar to the old-gold wildland fire shirts. Simplified shirt<br />

features trimmed the cost while retaining the excellent cut, fit, and workmanship in all Coaxsher PPE.<br />

Features Nomex® Craq-Spun® thread, melamine buttons, mil-spec Velcro®, and single needle tailoring.<br />

COA FC103 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size<br />

XS-XL 139.95<br />

2XL 149.95<br />

3XL 159.95<br />

4XL 169.95<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

14<br />

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Coaxsher Stryker Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Shirt<br />

Soft and lightweight Tecasafe ® Plus material wicks sweat away from your body and dries quickly<br />

for excellent moisture management. YKK Nomex ® front 3/4 zip allows for breathability and easy<br />

on/off capabilities. Top button neck closure and Mil-Spec Velcro ® wrist straps allow you to batten<br />

down the hatches when needed. Chest pocket gives you a handy place to store fireline notepads<br />

and mic-clip strap provides easy access to your mic.<br />

COA FC106 5.8 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size<br />

S-XL 139.95<br />

2XL 149.95<br />

3XL 159.95<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NEW<br />

clothing<br />


Propper Wildland Shirt<br />

Choose between 6.0 oz. Synergy fabric powered by Nomex® IIIA fiber or the lighter weight Tecasafe® Plus<br />

for inherent heat and flame resistance. No melt, no drip, no burn. Collar can be worn in two ways: as stand-up<br />

collar with hook and loop strap to protect your neck from the heat or tucked underneath the folded-down<br />

traditional-style collar using hook and loop at back of the neck. Bar-tack reinforcement in all stress areas.<br />

PRP F5318N 6.0 oz. Synergy Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-3XL Regular 173.00 164.00<br />

L-2XL Long 173.00 164.00<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Synergy Nomex ® Yellow<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

PRP F5318T Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-3XL Regular 115.00 109.00<br />

L-2XL Long 115.00 109.00<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />




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clothing<br />


CrewBoss Gen II Response Jacket<br />

The future of single layer wildland PPE has arrived with the introduction of the CrewBoss Gen II Response<br />

Jacket. This NFPA 1977 and 1975 certified jacket achieves new levels of breathability, thermal protection,<br />

and comfort. Combine the CrewBoss Gen II Response Jacket with a pair of Gen II Tactical or Uniform Pants,<br />

and you have the most advanced wildland garment system on the market.<br />

CFC0222 - Style 362 (body) and Style 469 (arms) were engineered for the optimum combination of thermal<br />

protection and durability while still providing unparalleled comfort. These rugged fabrics stand up to the<br />

toughest terrain, long hours and hard labor of real-world wildland firefighting.<br />

WLS0772 - Using a revolutionary, proprietary fiber blend, Sigma 4 Star fabric offers high levels of thermal<br />

protection, while still being exceptionally breathable.<br />

WSS CFC0222 S362/S469<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 374.00 356.00<br />

2XL 412.00 394.00<br />

*3XL 431.00 413.00<br />

Available in<br />

Tencate Style 362/Style 469 Yellow<br />

7.0 oz. Sigma Nomex ® Yellow<br />

WSS WLS0772 Sigma 7.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 339.00 322.05<br />

2XL 373.00 356.05<br />

*3XL 390.00 373.05<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Propper ® Wildland Overshirt<br />

Keep flames at bay and be seen in this high visibility yellow 7.0 oz. Sigma 4 Star fabric, powered by Nomex ®<br />

IIIA fiber 2x1 twill weave with Hand Builder Finish. Features Nomex ® zipper front closure with internal storm<br />

flap, extended “stand up” collar with hook and loop closure, internal hanger loop sewn in to the center back<br />

collar, articulated and pleated elbows, and hook and loop adjustable cuffs.<br />

PRP F5307<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-3XL Regular 227.00 216.00<br />

L-2XL Long 227.00 216.00<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Sigma 4 Star Nomex ® Yellow<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NEW<br />

Workrite Relaxed Fit Wildland Jacket<br />

Built with relaxed fit for comfort and bi-swing back for increased ease of movement. Reinforced, articulated<br />

elbows hold up under the toughest conditions. Features 3M Scotchlite reflective material on sleeves,<br />

3” stand-up collar to interface with helmet shroud, hassle-free hook and loop pocket flap closures and<br />

adjustable cuffs, and (2) microphone clips on shoulders (left and right). Left chest features ergonomic chest<br />

pocket and flap and right chest features bellowed radio pocket, both with hook and loop closure.<br />

WRK FW82<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 235.00 223.00<br />

2XL 256.00 243.00<br />

*3XL 256.00 243.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Sigma Yellow Twill<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

16 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Wildland CLOTHING online

CrewBoss Brush Coat<br />

Features a large breast pocket with flap closure, adjustable hook and loop cuff closure, and two<br />

large hip pockets with full flap closures. A 9” radio pocket is standard. Nickel snap front closure,<br />

roomy raglan-style sleeves and turn out style collar with self storing throat strap are included.<br />

Leather tabs for button-in flannel liner.<br />

WSS NJ6 6 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 372.00 353.40<br />

2XL 410.00 391.40<br />

*3XL 428.00 409.40<br />

Available in<br />

7.5 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

clothing<br />


WSS TJ 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 201.00 190.95<br />

2XL 222.00 211.95<br />

*3XL 232.00 221.95<br />

WSS FL Button-in Tecasafe ® Plus Lining Red<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 113.00 107.35<br />

2XL 125.00 119.35<br />

*3XL 130.00 124.35<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Button-in<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus Lining<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Propper Wildland Overpant<br />

Dual-compliant high visibility yellow overpant features 7.0 oz. Sigma 4 Star fabric powered by Nomex ®<br />

IIIA fiber. Hook and loop pass through pocket openings. Two welt style seat pockets with integrated<br />

overlapping flaps. Elasic back waistband with 6+1 bar-tack reinforced belt loops. Nomex ® zipper front<br />

closure with internal storm flap. Articulated, double-pleated knees.<br />

PRP F5299<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-3XL Regular 33” Inseam 227.00 216.00<br />

L-2XL Long 36” Inseam 227.00 216.00<br />

Available in<br />

7.0 oz. Sigma 4 Star Nomex ® Yellow<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />





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clothing<br />


CrewBoss Interface Coat<br />

The CrewBoss Interface Coat is ideal for the urban firefighter. Its unique cut provides superior thermal<br />

protection while allowing for an enhanced range of motion. With its full-cut design and caped shoulders, the<br />

Interface Coat provides the firefighter with a comfortable fit. Full cut design with a front closure of a brass<br />

zipper mounted on Nomex ® tape and secured storm flap. Caped shoulder design with built-in ease for full<br />

freedom of movement. Gusset cuff with hook and loop closure, alpine style collar, radio pocket with mic<br />

tab and unidirectional front cargo pockets with concealed hand warmers. The coat also has a large interior<br />

storage pocket and glove hanger tab. 3M Scotchlite Triple Trim around base, back and forearms.<br />

WSS NIJ6 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 460.00 437.00<br />

2XL 506.00 483.00<br />

*3XL 529.00 506.00<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

WSS TIJ Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 368.00 349.60<br />

2XL 405.00 386.60<br />

*3XL 424.00 405.60<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Jacket<br />

Made out of Tencate Style 469 and Style 362, the CAL FIRE Jacket utilizes an innovative two-fabric design<br />

to improve breathability on the body, while maximizing protection on the arms where it is needed most. This<br />

single layer garment features a bi-swing back for ease of motion, a patch chest pocket with hook and loop flap<br />

closure, an angled radio pocket with hook and loop flap closure and mic tab, and 2” reflective triple trim on<br />

the hem and forearms for added visibility. Features hook and loop cuff tabs 2” up from the sleeve hem, standup<br />

style collar with hook and loop closure, hanger loop at inside center back of the coat below the collar, and<br />

zippered front closure mounted on Nomex ® tape and stitched to prevent direct contact with the body.<br />

WSS CFC0122<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 399.00 379.05<br />

2XL 439.00 419.05<br />

*3XL 459.00 439.05<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Tencate Style 469 7.5 oz. and Style 362 Yellow<br />

5.8 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NEW<br />


Lakeland Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Coat<br />

New and improved version of Lakeland’s popular Smoke Jumper Coat. The new exclusive LazerMax Trim<br />

on sleeves, shoulders and back gives superior visibility in low light work environments. Vertical back pleats<br />

provide extra air flow. 2” x 3.5” x 8” radio pocket on left chest with mic tab, 5.5” x 6” pleated pocket with flap on<br />

right chest and 2” x 8” x 8” cargo/handwarmer base pockets with reflective pull tab. 2” 3M Scotchlite reflective<br />

trim provides additional nighttime visibility. Stand up overlapping collar, 2-piece curved set-in pleated sleeves,<br />

and elasticized cuffs with robust take-up straps. High-temp Black Delrin ® YKK zipper with Velcro ® front closure.<br />

LAK WLSCTN Nomex ®<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 295.00 281.00<br />

*3XL-5XL 336.00 320.00<br />

Available in<br />

Nomex ® Yellow<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

LAK WLSCTT Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 249.00 237.00<br />

*3XL-5XL 294.00 280.00<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

18 order by phone 800.423.8347 more Wildland CLOTHING online

CrewBoss Interface Pant<br />

The CrewBoss Interface Pant was designed for structural firefighters as an alternative to turnout gear when<br />

fighting fires along a wildland urban interface. Certified to NFPA 1977, this pant goes over your uniform pants to<br />

provide an extra layer of protection while remaining light weight and breathable.<br />

Full cut pants feature Nomex ® zipper fly with snap closure, Nomex ® zippered side pass through pockets, double<br />

fabric knees, 2” elastic backband and 7 large belt loops. Pants have unidirectional cargo pockets at thighs to<br />

prevent snagging, Nomex ® zippered leg opening for easy on and off and double back D-ring hook and loop cuff<br />

closures for a tight fit around the boot. 3M Scotchlite Triple Trim around the calves.<br />

WSS NIP6 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 449.00 426.55<br />

2XL 28-36” 494.00 471.55<br />

*3XL 28-36” 517.00 494.55<br />

Available in<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

clothing<br />


WSS TIP 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 330.00 313.50<br />

2XL 28-36” 363.00 346.50<br />

*3XL 28-36” 380.00 363.50<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Pant<br />

Based on the CrewBoss Interface Pant, this overpant utilizes Tencate Style 362 fabric to be protective but<br />

breathable. The knees on the CAL FIRE Pant are articulated for ease of mobility, while slash pass-through pockets<br />

and two large semi-bellow cargo pockets with spade-style flaps with hook and loop closure add to the pants<br />

functionality. 2” Triple Trim reflective double needle stitched 7” up from the pant cuffs provides added visbility. 3”<br />

double bar-tacked belt loops and 2” waistband with elastic. Features hook and loop straps with D-rings to secure<br />

the bottom of the pant cuffs, double stitched front and back crotch reinforcement and zippered leg closure<br />

mounted on Nomex ® tape and sewn to not come in contact with the body.<br />

WSS CFP0122<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36" 399.00 379.05<br />

2XL 28-36" 439.00 419.05<br />

*3XL 28-36" 459.00 439.05<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Tencate Style 362 5.8 oz. Nomex ® Yellow<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Lakeland Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pant<br />

New and improved version of Lakeland’s popular Smoke Jumper Pant. Upgrades include side slash pockets<br />

(no pass-through), triple pleated knees and LazerMax Trim on length of outside leg seams. 2” elasticized rear<br />

waistband, five 3.5” belt loops and high-temp Black Delrin ® YKK zipper fly closure. 2” x 10” x 10” expansion<br />

pockets, 6” x 6.5” rear pleated pockets with flaps and 2” 3M Scotchlite reflective trim around bottom of legs.<br />

NEW<br />


LAK WLSPTN Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 30”, 32”, 34” 246.00 234.00<br />

*3XL-5XL 30”, 32”, 34” 285.00 271.00<br />

Available in<br />

Nomex ® Yellow<br />

Tecasafe ® Plus Yellow<br />

LAK WLSPTT Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 30”, 32”, 34” 219.00 209.00<br />

*3XL-5XL 30”, 32”, 34” 247.00 235.00<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

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clothing<br />


CrewBoss Dual Compliant Brush Pant<br />

The same rugged durability and good looks of the famous CrewBoss Classic Brush Pant.<br />

Extra roomy leg and seat cut. Elastic back band for ultimate freedom and comfort. Seven<br />

oversized belt loops accept 2” web belts. Two generous rear pockets. Oversized, extra-deep<br />

front slash pockets. Original crotch reinforcement panel. Unidirectional bellow thigh pockets<br />

with full flap closures. Hook and loop ankle straps covered with Nomex ® fabric for heat<br />

resistance. Brass self-locking zippered fly with snap closure. Nomex ® thread throughout. Stress<br />

points bar-tacked for maximum durability.<br />

WSS SW68 6.8 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 507.00 481.65<br />

2XL 28-36” 558.00 532.65<br />

*3XL 28-36” 584.00 558.65<br />

Available in<br />

6.8 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Navy or Black<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Navy Blue<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Navy Blue<br />

WSS SW6 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 388.00 368.60<br />

2XL 28-36” 427.00 407.60<br />

*3XL 28-36” 447.00 427.60<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

WSS SW7 Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 28-36” 286.00 271.70<br />

2XL 28-36” 315.00 300.70<br />

*3XL 28-36” 329.00 314.70<br />

Pant Options<br />

*11” Zippered Leg Openings 54.00<br />

*Triple Trim Reflective Trim 72.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

CrewBoss Dual Compliant Elite Pant<br />

Classified for both station and wildland use, the CrewBoss Dual Compliant Elite Pant was<br />

designed to combine a more ergonomic fit with increased function. With a more tailored fit than<br />

the Classic Brush Pant, the Elite Pant incorporates features like reinforced, articulated knees<br />

for a great range of motion and an elastic back for freedom and comfort. The pocket design<br />

incorporates deep slash pockets with an overlaying cap to provide room for everything you<br />

need without the hassle of hook and loop fastener keeping your pockets closed.<br />

WSS EP2N68 6.8 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 543.00 515.85<br />

44-46” 28-36” 598.00 570.85<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 625.00 597.85<br />

Available in<br />

6.8 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Navy or Black<br />

6.0 oz. Nomex ® IIIA Twill Navy Blue<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus Navy Blue<br />

WSS EP2N60 6.0 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 451.00 428.45<br />

44-46” 28-36” 497.00 474.45<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 519.00 596.45<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

WSS EP2T Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 298.00 283.10<br />

44-46” 28-36” 328.00 313.10<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 343.00 328.10<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

20<br />

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CrewBoss Gen II Tactical Pant<br />

A part of CrewBoss’s most advanced wildland garment system yet, the Gen II Tactical Pant<br />

sets new standards for fire protection and breathability. Certified to both NFPA 1977 and<br />

1975, this pant combines a modernized stationwear look with the wildland functionality that<br />

you would expect from a CrewBoss Brush Pant. Front snap closure with locking zipper fly<br />

closure. Two front slant pockets and two rear welt pockets. Gusseted crotch. Seven oversized<br />

belt loops to accommodate a 2” belt. Articulated knees for ease of movement. Silicon crease<br />

for professional appearance. Slips easily in and out of turnout gear.<br />

WSS SWP06N 7.5 oz. Nomex ®<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 310.00 294.50<br />

44-46” 28-36” 341.00 325.50<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 357.00 341.50<br />

WSS SWP06T 7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® Plus<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

30-42” 28-36” 254.00 241.30<br />

44-46” 28-36” 280.00 267.30<br />

*48-50” 28-36” 293.00 280.30<br />

Available in<br />

7.5 oz. Nomex ® Style 469 Midnight Navy or Black<br />

7.0 oz. Tecasafe ® AI Midnight Navy<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

clothing<br />


*Special Order Item<br />

Workrite Wildland Tactical Pant - Nomex ® 7.5 oz. IIIA<br />

Dual-compliant flame-resistant fire service pant built to provide firefighters with protection during wildland<br />

firefighting operations. Meets the rigorous standards established during the Advanced Personal Protection<br />

System (APPS) Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Personal Protection Equipment (WLFF PPE) testing program. Features<br />

contoured waistband, triple felled seams, pleated articulated knee, hook and loop ankle straps at the<br />

bottom of the pant legs for tightening around work boots, two front slash pockets, two back welt pockets<br />

and two deep, pleated cargo pockets with hook and loop closures.<br />

WRK FP62NV Navy<br />

WRK FP62MN Midnight Navy<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

28-34” 30-34” 265.00 254.00<br />

36-50” 30-36” 265.00 254.00<br />

WRK FP62BK Black<br />

Waist Inseam 1-5 6+<br />

*28-34" 30-34” 265.00 254.00<br />

*36-50" 30-36” 265.00 254.00<br />

Available in<br />

7.5 oz. Nomex ® Navy, Midnight Navy or Black<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977 and 1975<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Special Order Item<br />



WICKENBURG, ARIZONA / MAY 19, 2022<br />

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DragonWear ® Exxtreme Jacket - Super Fleece<br />

clothing<br />


Rip-Stop Nomex ® reinforcement patches on the forearm and the shoulder area for<br />

increased wear resistance. Zippers in the armpit area for increased ventilation options.<br />

Lightweight, breathable, wind-resistant, water-repellent warmth that’s fire resistant. Two<br />

zippered hand warmer pockets and two large inside cargo pockets, full-length zip front<br />

with stand-up collar, drop-tail rear hem for increased coverage. Super Fleece offers air<br />

permeability that is two to three times lower than competitive double-sided fleece fabrics.<br />

TNG 105010<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 344.95 327.70<br />

2XL 364.95 347.70<br />

3XL 374.95 357.70<br />

*4XL 389.95 372.70<br />

*5XL 399.95 382.70<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

DragonWear ® Alpha Fleece Jacket - Super Fleece<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> and wind resistant Nomex ® IIIA. Lightweight, breathable, wind-resistant and waterrepellent<br />

warmth. The permanent protection won’t melt, drip, or support combustion in the<br />

air. It cannot be washed out or worn away. The Alpha Jacket features compressed Nomex ®<br />

fleece for increased wind resistance. This is your go-to fleece, only better. Large zip chest<br />

pocket, two zippered hand warmer pockets and two large inside cargo pockets, full-length<br />

zip front with stand-up collar, drop-tail rear hem for increased coverage. Super Fleece offers<br />

air permeability that is two to three times lower than competitive double-sided fleece fabrics.<br />

CAL FIRE Approved.<br />

TNG 1052<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 304.95 289.70<br />

2XL 324.95 309.70<br />

3XL 344.95 329.70<br />

*4XL 354.95 339.70<br />

*5XL 364.95 349.70<br />

Tall in sizes M-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Navy<br />

DragonWear ® Alpha Fleece Vest - Super Fleece<br />

Nomex ® fire-resistant and wind-resistant fleece. Same design and features as the Alpha<br />

Fleece Jacket but without sleeves. Super Fleece offers air permeability that is two to three<br />

times lower than competitive double-sided fleece fabrics.<br />

TNG DF20<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 229.95 218.45<br />

2XL 239.95 228.45<br />

3XL 249.95 238.45<br />

*4XL 264.95 253.45<br />

*5XL 269.95 258.45<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

22<br />

order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more FR WORKWEAR online

Women’s Exxtreme Jacket - Super Fleece<br />

Same great design details as the Men’s Exxtreme Jacket (does not have a chest pocket),<br />

the Women’s Exxtreme Jacket is designed specifically for a woman’s fit. Super Fleece<br />

offers air permeability that is two to three times lower than competitive double-sided<br />

fleece fabrics.<br />

TNG 205010<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 364.95 347.70<br />

2XL 374.95 357.70<br />

3XL 344.95 327.70<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

clothing<br />


DragonWear ® Women’s Alpha Jacket - Super Fleece<br />

Women’s specific design for women’s specific fit. Same great design details as the Men’s Alpha<br />

jacket (does not have a chest pocket). Super Fleece offers air permeability that is two to three<br />

times lower than competitive double-sided fleece fabrics.<br />

TNG 2052<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 324.95 309.70<br />

2XL 339.95 324.70<br />

3XL 304.95 289.70<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Navy<br />





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clothing<br />



DragonWear ® The Shield Jacket - FR Soft Shell<br />

The best-selling Shield Jacket is back by popular demand with improved CAT 4/Arc 65 fabric<br />

and designed for a more comfortable range of motion. Inherently fire and arc-resistant, highly<br />

resistant to wind and water and sheds light snow. Outer-layer jacket perfect for cool, wet, or<br />

cold weather conditions. Inner channel fleece helps to trap heat and keep the wearer more<br />

comfortable throughout the day. Heavy-duty reinforced fabric over high-wear areas on elbows,<br />

cuffs, and zipper openings. Shoulder seam has been shifted forward to avoid chafing from gear<br />

and harnesses. Drop-tail rear hem for freedom of movement while working. Double-layered<br />

self-locking zipper and hook and loop closure. Deep right zippered chest pocket for easy<br />

access and zippered hand pockets for security.<br />

TNG 105110<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 374.95 356.20<br />

2XL 389.95 371.20<br />

3XL 404.95 386.20<br />

*4XL 414.95 396.20<br />

*5XL 434.95 416.20<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

DragonWear ® Elements Flak Jacket<br />

An innovative fusion of wind and abrasion resistant materials with the brand new, patented<br />

IronShield FR fabric, this garment provides superior weather protection and rugged usability. This<br />

dual hazard hooded hybrid combines the best features of a versatile, hooded outer layer with a<br />

one-of-a-kind, built-in fleece balaclava. Inherently fire and arc resistant, full zip hoodie with 3-panel<br />

hood construction designed for comfort under hard hats, durable abrasion resistant IronShield<br />

fabric strategically placed in high wear areas for long-lasting durability, Elements fabric provides<br />

excellent stretch for freedom of movement, durable water repellency and wind resistant outer<br />

surface, drop-tail rear hem and extra long sleeves provide additional coverage when reaching.<br />

TNG DFFJ10<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 279.95 265.95<br />

2XL 299.95 285.95<br />

3XL 315.95 301.95<br />

*4XL 329.95 315.95<br />

*5XL 339.95 325.95<br />

Available in<br />

Steel Gray or Navy<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Built-in<br />

fleece balaclava<br />




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DragonWear ® Pro Dry Tech Hoodie<br />

Shield against the sun while staying dry and comfortable in this inherently flame and arc-resistant UPF 50+<br />

lightweight 4-way stretch hoodie. At 6.2 ounces, the lightest stretch CAT 2 hoodie available on the market<br />

is ideal for warm weather or layering. Anti-odor Silver Plus® fabric technology. Styled low-profile hood fits<br />

well under a hardhat and does not impede your vision. Cuff thumb holes for use when layering to prevent<br />

garment sleeves from bunching up. True-Flat high density seams and tagless garment labels for a true<br />

comfort experience. Bottom hem extended 1” to accommodate both regular and tall fit.<br />

TNG 1464<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 119.95 113.95<br />

3XL-4XL 136.95 130.95<br />

5XL 146.95 140.95<br />

Available in<br />

Gray, Navy or Rust<br />

NEW<br />

COLORS<br />

clothing<br />


DragonWear ® Elements Cyclone Pull-Over Hoodie<br />

Ride out hazardous weather in comfort and style wearing the Elements Cyclone Pull-Over Hoodie.<br />

Constructed from DragonWear® Inherent Tri-Blend Elements FR Fabric, a wind-repelling outer<br />

surface and durable water-resistant finish guards against fierce weather. Developed to provide<br />

superior comfort and freedom of movement in non-stop work environments, this 4-way-stretch<br />

hoodie is an ideal mid-layer or outerwear garment for the demands of any season. 3-panel, hardhat<br />

friendly hood design can be adjusted to ensure unobstructed peripheral vision, hidden cell<br />

phone pocket inside the front Kangaroo pocket, and extra-long sleeves with knit cuffs that prevent<br />

wind gusts up the arm.<br />

TNG DFMC14<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 224.95 213.70<br />

2XL 234.95 223.70<br />

3XL 244.95 233.70<br />

*4XL 254.95 243.70<br />

*5XL 264.95 253.70<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Gun-Metal Gray or Industrial Navy<br />

DragonWear ® Elements FR Sweatshirt<br />

Wind and abrasion resistant outer fabric surface and a durable water-repellent finish to block wind and<br />

shed light rain and snow. This will quickly become your go-to sweatshirt. Lofted fleece interior retains<br />

body heat, excellent stretch for freedom of movement due to addition of Spandex, YKK Zip Front with<br />

stand-up collar, chest pocket with zipper closure, 4 pen holders inside chest pocket.<br />

TNG DFM2<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

XS-XL 194.95 185.20<br />

2XL 199.95 190.20<br />

3XL 204.95 195.20<br />

*4XL 214.95 205.20<br />

*5XL 224.95 215.20<br />

Tall in sizes L-3XL: add $10.00<br />

Available in<br />

Black, Navy or Gray<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

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DragonWear ® Livewire 1/4 Zip Shirt<br />

clothing<br />


Provides unmatched warmth and greater protection to help you stay comfortable and safe in cold<br />

temperatures. Constructed with a new proprietary 4-way stretch FR fabric for freedom of movement,<br />

this shirt’s smooth jersey face and channel knit construction uniquely channels airflow and increases<br />

a quick dry time. An extra-long hem with flatlock sewn construction and ¼ zip neck with stand-up<br />

collar provide superior comfort and access.<br />

TNG DFB2<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 149.95 142.45<br />

2XL 154.95 147.45<br />

3XL 159.95 152.45<br />

*4XL 164.95 157.45<br />

*5XL 169.95 162.45<br />

Tall in sizes M-3XL: add $5.00<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Tech Long Sleeve Shirt<br />

Shield against the sun while staying dry and comfortable in this inherently flame and arc-resistant<br />

CAT 2 UPF 50+ lightweight 4-way stretch long-sleeve shirt. Anti-odor Silver Plus® fabric technology<br />

is ideal for hot weather. Bottom hem extended 1” to accommodate both regular and tall fit. True-Flat<br />

high density seams and tagless garment labels for a true comfort experience.<br />

TNG 146313<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-2XL 100.95 95.90<br />

3XL-4XL 105.95 100.90<br />

5XL 110.95 105.90<br />

Available in<br />

Gray<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Long Sleeve Shirt<br />

Inherently fire and arc resistant base layer provides the wearer with unmatched comfort and<br />

performance that meets and exceeds the challenges of moisture management encountered daily<br />

on the job. True-Flat high-density seams and tagless neckline offer true comfort experience,<br />

while increased fabric durability and improved stretch provide longer-lasting wear and flexibility.<br />

Comfortable rib-trim collar. Highly breathable and dries quickly.<br />

TNG DFH01 Men’s Navy<br />

TNG DFH03 Men’s Gray<br />

TNG DFHW01 Women’s Navy<br />

Men’s Gray<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 97.95 93.05<br />

2XL-3XL 102.95 98.05<br />

*4XL 107.95 103.05<br />

*5XL 109.95 105.05<br />

Tall in sizes M-3XL: add $5.00<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 97.95 93.05<br />

2XL-3XL 102.95 98.05<br />

*4XL 109.95 103.05<br />

*5XL 109.95 103.05<br />

*Special Order Item<br />

Available in<br />

Men’s - Navy or Gray<br />

Women’s - Navy<br />

Women’s Navy<br />

26<br />

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DragonWear ® Pro Dry Short Sleeve T-Shirt<br />

Inherently flame resistant, True-Flat high density seams and tagless garment labels for true comfort<br />

experience, increased fabric durability and improved stretch for longer-lasting wear and flexibility,<br />

odor resistant powered by SILVERPLUS ® anti-microbial technology, highly breathable and dries<br />

quickly, proven wash-and-wear performance keeps garment feeling fresh.<br />

TNG DFDS12 Men’s<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 58.95 56.00<br />

2XL-5XL 61.95 59.00<br />

TNG DFDWS12 Women’s<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 58.95 56.00<br />

2XL 61.95 56.00<br />

Available in<br />

Men’s - Navy or Tan<br />

Women’s - Navy<br />

clothing<br />


DragonWear ® FR Livewire Bottoms - Men’s<br />

4-way stretch fire and arc resistant fabric offers enhanced comfort and range of motion, maximizes warmth,<br />

minimizes weight and improves breathability. Moisture wicking, jersey microfiber face for easy layering.<br />

Lofted, structured fleece enhances airflow and dry time. Stretch elastic waistband and functional fly. Black.<br />

TNG DFB10<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 114.95 109.20<br />

2XL-3XL 119.95 114.20<br />



YUMA, ARIZONA / MAY 14, 2022<br />

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BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Bullard Wildfire Helmets<br />

Engineered specifically to meet the requirements of NFPA 1977 for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Fighting. Constructed<br />

of thermoplastic and built to Bullard’s tough standards. Increased impact absorption and penetration<br />

resistance in high temperature environments. 3 goggle clips, lime-yellow reflective strips, adjustable<br />

chin strap, six-point suspension with brow pad, ratchet suspension, and 3 Velcro ® attachment<br />

strips inside the shell.<br />

Available in<br />

Red, Yellow, Black, White, Dove Grey, Blue, Lime Yellow (cap only)<br />

PEC FH911<br />

1-5 6+<br />

Full Brim 80.90 76.90<br />

Cap Style 74.70 71.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />

Options and replacement parts for Bullard Helmets:<br />


Bullard Replacement<br />

Brow Pad<br />

1-5 6+<br />

7.00 6.70<br />

PEC RBPVINYL Bullard Vinyl Brow Pad 7.20 6.80<br />

PEC RBPCOOL Bullard Cool Brow Pad 8.50 8.10<br />

Replacement<br />

Brow Pad<br />

OCC 968 Miracool Hard Hat Pad 7.80 7.40<br />

PEC FRS6RC<br />

Bullard Replacement Ratchet Suspension -<br />

for helmets manufactured after 3/1/2008<br />

17.75 16.90<br />

PEC R50 Nomex Chin Strap - metal buckles, quick release 30.50 29.00<br />

Cool Brow Pad<br />

BUL ES42 Elastic Chin Strap for all Helmets 9.30 8.80<br />

PEC R536 Lime-yellow Scotchlite Strips 19.75 18.80<br />

PEC FFSGC Clear Goggle Clips (3) 5.90 5.65<br />

PEC GC100 Self-adhesive Goggle Clips (3) 6.60 6.20<br />

Nomex Chin Strap<br />

PEC R160 Leather Ratchet Cover 32.40 30.80<br />

Bullard Replacement Ratchet Suspension<br />

Hand-washable, replaceable brow pad that pulls moisture away from the skin with Sure<br />

Lock ® suspension allows quick sizing with the turn of a ratchet knob.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PEC FRS6RC For helmets manufactured after 3/1/2008 18.40 17.40<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

NPF<br />

Ear, Neck & Face Protectors<br />

Constructed of 7.0 oz. Tecasafe Plus FR fabric with Velcro ® for easy attachment to the Bullard fire fighting<br />

helmet. Nomex ® thread used throughout. Protect ears, nose, and face from extreme heat, wind and rain.<br />

NPS<br />

WSS NPF<br />

WSS NPS<br />

Ear/Neck/Face Protector<br />

Unlined<br />

Ear/Neck Protector Short<br />

Flannel Lined<br />

Length 1-5 6+<br />

10.5” 52.00 49.50<br />

7” 39.25 37.50<br />

WSS NPM Ear/Neck Protector Unlined 9” 41.00 38.95<br />

WSS NPFL<br />

Oversized Full Face Protector<br />

Unlined<br />

11”/16” 89.00 84.55<br />

NPFL<br />

NPM<br />

30 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Americana Full Brim Wildland Helmet with Ratchet<br />

4-Point nylon suspension with ratchet adjustment. Features Nomex ® /Kevlar ® chinstrap with<br />

postman’s slide fastener and quick release buckle.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

ERB 1975 59.50 56.50<br />

Available in<br />

Yellow, White, Red, Black<br />

Blackjack Ace Helmet Flashlight Holder<br />

Fits most firefighting helmets, both traditional and modern styles. Built from aircraft<br />

grade 6061 aluminum, not stamped stainless steel, or thermoplastic. Superior<br />

under-brim patented design securely holds the light on the helmet where you put it,<br />

where you need it. Weighs 1.8 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />



BJH ACE Round lights with an inside diameter of 1 -1/8” 28.95 27.50<br />

Streamlight Rubber<br />

Helmet Flashlight Strap<br />

Rubber flashlight strap for helmets offers low<br />

profile, hands-free lighting. It is a quick and<br />

easy “no tools required” method to attach<br />

your flashlight to almost any helmet.<br />

Made of engineered high-strength rubber.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NAS 68399075 6.30 6.00<br />

Double Down Wildland Helmet<br />

Strap Retention System<br />

Set of four strap retention clips that can hold both the<br />

headlamp strap and goggle strap. Can be retro-fitted<br />

to any helmet. Allows the user to easily remove the<br />

headlamp from the helmet for use when not engaged<br />

in fire fighting duties. Built from a super high temp<br />

thermoplastic that will withstand temps above 500<br />

degrees. Fits any wildland helmet, works with goggles<br />

from companies like ESS and Revision and head lamps<br />

from companies like Sure<strong>Fire</strong>, Pelican, and Streamlight.<br />

while<br />

supplies<br />

last<br />

1-5 6+<br />

BJH DD001 12.95 12.30<br />

ReadyMax Zip-Outs<br />

ReadyMax RipCord Retractors<br />

ReadyMax Zip-Outs provide instant<br />

“on-board” hearing protection on your<br />

hard hat, installing in seconds with a 3M ®<br />

peel-and-stick adhesive backing. The<br />

ReadyMax patented tethered silicone<br />

earplugs inside the long-life nylon Zip-Out<br />

will extend for easy insertion into your<br />

ear canals, retracting back into place on a<br />

22lb. test nylon retractable cord when not<br />

in use. Washable, reusable, replaceable<br />

and recyclable and provides NRR 27 noise<br />

protection. 6”x1”x1”. Weighs .07 oz.<br />

NEW<br />

ReadyMax RipCord Retractors ensure compliance and<br />

convenience by providing instant “on-board” hearing<br />

protection on your hard hat or safety vest, installing in<br />

seconds with a 3M ® peel-and-stick adhesive. The durable<br />

push-button Retractors have a heavy duty spring and clutch<br />

assembly that provides positive locking when tethered<br />

earplugs are extended and a strong, coiled spring retracts<br />

the tethered earplugs back into place quickly. The tethered<br />

earplugs extend 15” and will not impede head rotation and<br />

movement. When not in use, they safely stow away, not<br />

interfering with other equipment. Provides NRR 27 noise<br />

protection. 3”x3”x1”. Each pair weighs .1 oz.<br />

NEW<br />

RDY ZPOPP Individual 11.90<br />

RDY RTRPP Pair 11.90<br />

RDY ZPOPP-24 Box of 24 271.20<br />

RDY RTRPP-24 Box of 24 271.20<br />

PermaPlug Replacement Earplugs<br />

Two-piece co-molded design uses two different material durometers<br />

(hardness) to achieve ultra-comfortable, soft fit with a stiff core for easy<br />

insertion and a triple flange design to ensure proper fit. Environmentally<br />

friendly, PermaPlug earplus are washable, reusable and biodegradable.<br />

PermaPlug earplugs are easy to screw on/off for replacement on ReadyMax<br />

safety products. Noise protection: NRR 27/SLC80 18, Class 3/SNR 29.<br />

2”x2”x.5”. Weighs .05 oz. 4 pair pack.<br />


4 Pair 6.40<br />

Case of 100 Pair 160.00<br />

NEW<br />

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Hot Shield ® HS-2 Face Protector<br />



Dual function, multi-layered, high heat resistant facial and respiratory protection garment. Protects major<br />

portions of the face and neck from burning sparks, embers and even the flames of a 1,000 degree blow<br />

torch. Includes new tri-band headstrap and one filter. Built to exceed NFPA and OSHA radiant protective<br />

performance requirements.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

HOT HS-2 HS-2 Complete 89.50 85.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Built to Meet Standard<br />


Filters for Particle<br />

Mask<br />

Hot Shield ® UB-V2 Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Ultimate Bandana<br />

Has the top performance protection of CarbonX ® , yet doesn’t require a filter of any kind. We have added<br />

a layer of super soft, super protective CarbonX ® at the nose bridge, making the Ultimate Bandana<br />

even more comfortable! While the popular HS-2 model has proved itself and is very popular, there are<br />

some who prefer their trusty minimalist bandana, but may realize the limitations of a couple layers of<br />

cotton. This mask is a nearly 100% fireproof facial protection garment that is easier to use, take off and<br />

put on than any mask or bandana you have ever used or seen before. Materials far exceed minimum<br />

requirements of the NFPA 1977 Standard.<br />

4.00<br />

HOT UBV2 65.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Built to Meet Standard<br />

Hot Shield ® UNI-V2 Ultra Shroud Extreme<br />

Designed by firefighters to provide extreme thermal protection to areas of the face and neck not<br />

covered by a mask or standard helmet shroud. Replaces your existing helmet shroud and is designed<br />

to fit to nearly every model of wildland helmet manufactured to date. Affords the firefighter the<br />

proven bonafide protection of CarbonX ® fabrics with a measure of respiratory comfort and relief not<br />

found in standard helmet shrouds. Each large overlapping panel has a layer of CarbonX ® knit mesh<br />

at the nose and mouth area. You can breathe right through your shroud now! Not only that, but the<br />

UNI-V2 is designed to close over and around either the HS-2 mask or the UB-V2 mask, while still<br />

allowing air exchange to take place. Comes with a packet of hook and loop tabs and straps, so you<br />

can customize the fit of your Ultra Shroud to your own specific brand of wildland helmet.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

HOT UNIV2 69.00 65.55<br />

Hot Shield ® Face Protector Web Case<br />

Conveniently carries your Hot Shield ® , extra filter, goggles and more.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

HOT HS-WC 21.00 19.50<br />




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Hot Shield ® HS-4 FR Housing for the<br />

Sundstrom Respirator SR-100<br />

The Hot Shield ® Model HS-4 Respirator and Face Protector Housing is designed to house and<br />

protect the Sundstrom brand respirator, models SR-90 and SR-100. This Hot Shield housing<br />

does more than that...it protects your face and neck just like our popular HS-2 model! The HS-4<br />

is constructed of CarbonX ® materials, the only inherently nonflammable and most thermally<br />

resistant fabric in the world today.<br />

The Sundstrom SR-100 Respirator is a negative pressure half face cartridge style respirator that<br />

carries NIOSH approvals for specific levels of gases, vapors and/or particulates when equipped<br />

with the appropriate chemical cartridge and/or particulate filter. The HS-4 combined with the<br />

Sundstrom SR-90 or SR-100 Half Face Respirator has been designed for any and all workers who<br />

desire heat and flame protection for their face and neck yet must wear a fit test capable silicone<br />

half face respirator.<br />

The Sundstrom SR-100 provides a high degree of filtration, yet has easy air exchange due to<br />

twin exhalation valves. The body is made of high grade soft and flexible silicone which stays<br />

dimensionally stable and is harmless to the skin. The Hot Shield ® HS-4 Housing does not<br />

interfere with the mask fit to the face (no fabric between you and the respirator itself) which<br />

allows for quantifiable fit testing of individuals.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



1-5 6+<br />

HOT HS-4 HS-4 Only 88.00 83.60<br />

HOT HS-4SR-100<br />

HS-4 with Sundstrom<br />

Wildland First Responder Kit<br />

170.00 161.50<br />

Sundstrom Wildland First Responder Kit<br />

Sundstrom’s comfortable half mask respirator lets you work longer with less effort and better<br />

protection, and at less cost. One Wildland First Responder Kit includes everything you need.<br />

The P100 filter eliminates 99.997% of all type of particles. The highly efficient P100 together<br />

with pre-filter and spark arrester protects against all types of particles, sparks, and ash<br />

particulates. The flexible silcone mask fits great. Sundstrom’s unique design significantly cuts<br />

inhalation and exhalation resistance making the mask twice as easy to breathe through. This<br />

increases comfort and lengthens use time. The half mask respirator and P100 filter allows<br />

breathing rates of more than 250 liters per minute as compared to most competitive products<br />

which generally allow only 95 lpm. This means the Sundstrom user can handle much heavier<br />

workloads. Easy to maintain, clean and disinfect reusable mask. The distinct pre-filter system<br />

extends the P100 filter life up to 5 times longer than competitive products.<br />

Your safety kit contains: SR-100 silicone respirator, P100 particulate filter, 10 pre-filters, prefilter<br />

holder, user seal check disk, spark arrester, ID label storage box. Available in S/M and<br />

M/L (most popular).<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SUN H05-6121M M/L 79.00 75.80<br />

SUN H05-6121S S/M 79.00 75.80<br />

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BEST<br />

A<br />

SELLER<br />

Majestic Wildland Bandana<br />

One-piece design. Elastic top, notched shoulder. 2-Ply Ultra C6 knit<br />

13” total length. One size fits all. 100% Nomex ® Thread. Ultra C6 is<br />

inherently protective, which allows for the ultimate in protection<br />

against extreme radiant and intense heat without the risk of<br />

the protective nature being “washed out”. Ultra C6 fabrics are<br />

lightweight, offer excellent moisture wicking, greater water vapor<br />

transfer and breathability.<br />

Available in<br />

Ultra C6 (Black)<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MJH C6B213 43.50 41.30<br />

Majestic Wildland Hood<br />

Available in single or double ply. Lengths from 16” to 21”. One<br />

size fits all. The Wildland Hood is an industrial hood that is NOT<br />

NFPA compliant (to current standards) or UL Certified. Meets or<br />

exceeds Cal/OSHA Standards.<br />

Available in<br />

Ultra C6 (Black), Nomex ® (White), P-84 (Yellow)<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Ultra C6<br />

Majestic Wildland Shroud<br />

with Vented Mouth Insert<br />

One-piece design, adjustable Velcro ® closure with elastic inserts<br />

allows for a custom fit. 9” long 2-Ply Ultra C6 Interlock Shroud with<br />

2-Ply Ultra C6 Knit mouth shield insert. One size fits all. 100%<br />

Nomex ® thread. Ultra C6 is inherently protective, which allows for<br />

the ultimate in protection against extreme radiant and intense heat<br />

without the risk of the protective nature being “washed out”. Ultra<br />

C6 fabrics are lightweight, offer excellent moisture wicking, greater<br />

water vapor transfer and breathability.<br />

Nomex<br />

Available in<br />

Ultra C6 (Black)<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MJH C6WS29 43.50 41.30<br />

P-84<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Majestic PAC IA <strong>Fire</strong> Hood<br />

20% Nomex ® / 80% Lenzing FR. Nomex ® Blend material is 2nd level<br />

electric ARC rated = ATPV = 10.1 cal/cm² (double ply material) – in<br />

accordance with ASTM International Standard Test Method F1959-1999.<br />

One piece with notched shoulder design, 2-ply. 18” from top of head<br />

to bottom, 9” wide from back seam to top of face, 18” from back seam<br />

to bottom of head. One size fits all. Face opening measurements: 5”<br />

relaxed, 15” stretched. Face opening sewn with 1/2” elastic. All seams<br />

merrow stitched then top and bottom covered with a 5-thread cover<br />

stitch for extended durability. All bottom edges bound with binding.<br />

100% Nomex ® thread.<br />

Available in<br />

Nomex ® (White)<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MJH H10-W 44.50 42.30<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

^MJH WLHD (Double Ply)<br />

Length Ultra C6 Nomex P-84<br />

1-5 6+ 1-5 6+ 1-5 6+<br />

21” 66.90 58.60 54.40 52.10 50.90 48.60<br />

18” 60.90 58.60 48.40 46.10 44.90 42.60<br />

^MJH WLHS (Single Ply)<br />

Length Ultra C6 Nomex P-84<br />

1-5 6+ 1-5 6+ 1-5 6+<br />

21” 42.70 41.20 34.70 33.20 32.70 31.20<br />

18” 39.70 38.20 31.70 30.20 29.70 28.20<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

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DragonWear ® Shape Shifter<br />

Neck Tube - 19”<br />

Polartec ® Power Dry ® FR Technology. Permanent moisture wicking<br />

fabric dries quickly. Versatile design provides multiple options for<br />

wearing. Anti-microbial properties and odor resistant. UPF 50+ rated<br />

sun protection. 19” in length.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG 3133137499 34.95 33.20<br />

Available in<br />

Heather Gray<br />



DragonWear ® Cold Warrior<br />

Convertible Balaclava<br />

Durable water-repellency sheds light rain and snow. Polartec ® Power<br />

Stretch ® FR and Polartec ® Wind Pro ® FR Technology. Top has high/low<br />

interior grid construction that maximizes warmth, minimizes weight and<br />

improves breathability. Bottom has a wind-resistant outer surface with<br />

lofted fleece interior to retain body heat. Full head and facial protection<br />

extends below the neckline for extra coverage, hood converts to a neck<br />

gaiter with drop chin.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG DFM830DH 59.95 56.95<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

DragonWear ® Yukon Neck Gaiter<br />

Flat stitch seam in the middle of the gaiter allows you to fold it up or<br />

down to adjust to changing conditions. Polartec ® Nomex ® IIIA Thermal<br />

FR technology provides lightweight, breathable, wind-resistant, waterrepellent<br />

warmth that’s fire resistant.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG DF800 30.95 29.40<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

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DragonWear ® Storm Beanie<br />



Built with seamless double-layer construction that offers excellent stretch and fits well under<br />

a hardhat, a perfect one-size-fits-all hat made for any environment. Styled with a Dragonwear ®<br />

logo design knit straight into the hat. Constructed with inherently fire and arc resistant Tri-fiber<br />

fabric with added Spandex for comfort stretch. Breathable, moisture-wicking fabric with seamless<br />

double-layer construction for warmth and insulation. Pre-washed for reduced shrinkage.<br />

Available in<br />

Gray or Black/Gray<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG DF9810 34.95 33.20<br />

DragonWear ® Livewire Beanie<br />

Provides lightweight warmth with flat-lock seam construction designed to be worn comfortably<br />

under a hard hat. Made with upgraded, exclusive, Livewire fabric to offer improved protection,<br />

comfort, and performance. Inherently fire and arc resistant. Moisture-wicking, 4-way stretch for<br />

true comfort experience. Exclusive proprietary channel knit construction fleece enhances airflow<br />

and dry time.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Gray<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG DFB9 34.95 33.20<br />

DragonWear ® Big-Chill Beanie<br />

Light weight warmth that’s easy to keep handy for when the temperature drops. Designed to be<br />

worn under a helmet, or by itself. Water-repellent warmth in a fire resistant, single layer fleece<br />

construction. Flat-stitching.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Navy<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG 3035 34.95 33.20<br />

DragonWear ® Double-Shot Hat<br />

Snug fitting and good looking. Hat band and ear panels feature a double layer of<br />

fleece for extra warmth.<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG DF910 36.95 35.10<br />

36 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Headwear & SAFETy Glasses online

ERB Strikers Safety Glasses<br />

Smoke, clear or amber colored polycarbonate lens with black adjustable temples. Sporty wraparound<br />

design is aerodynamic and frameless. 6.5 base curve polycarbonate lens is shaped to fit facial<br />

contours. Single lens offers 99% UV protection. Soft vinyl nose pad for added comfort.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

ERB 1542 10.00 9.50<br />

Available in<br />

Clear, Smoke or Amber<br />

Bolle Rush+ Safety Glasses with Foam and Strap Kit<br />

The RUSH+ adopts an ultra-sporty design with its co-injected and ultra-flexible temples. Upper<br />

protection, non-slip bridge, platinum coating. Use as goggle or safety glass/sunglass. Comes with<br />

Strap and Foam Kit installed - fully removable. The new exclusive scratch and fog resistant coating<br />

applied on both sides of the lens is washable with water and soap and increases durability, makes it<br />

highly scratch resistant and delays the appearance of fogging.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



1-5 6+<br />

BOL 40252 Clear (Red/Black Frame) 19.25 18.25<br />

BOL 40259 Smoke (Grey/Black Frame) 19.25 18.25<br />

Twilight Lens Option<br />

The new B-Twilight technology offers the advantages of ESP with a double anti-fog coating (on both<br />

sides of the lenses) to prevent fogging in the most challenging conditions. Designed to be used in low<br />

light conditions, it improves contrast. Its light transmission rate is perfect for outdoors, particularly<br />

early morning and late evening. B-Twilight filters 76% of blue light.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

BOL 40258 Twilight (Grey/Black Frame) 17.50 16.75<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>tec ANSI-Rated Interchangeable Sport Glass Kit<br />

Meets ANSI-Z87-1 Safety Standard. Black nylon frame and temple, 2.2mm polycarbonate clear lens<br />

with interchangeable yellow and smoke grey lenses, anti-fog and anti-scratch, adjustable elastic strap<br />

for security, soft nose piece. Comes with pouch for storage and cleaning and black zippered hard case.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ROT 11337 49.95 47.25<br />

Zippered hard case<br />

(included)<br />

Elvex ® AirSpecs Stainless Steel Mesh Safety Glasses<br />

Designed to protect the eye socket from pokes and prods of stationary or very low energy, nonfragmenting<br />

objects over 1 mm in diameter. Great for humid environments. Guaranteed not to fog!<br />

Reduces visible light by 60%, so it acts like a sunglass to reduce glare. Wrap around frame design with<br />

EVA foam provides a great face seal and eye socket protection. Elastic fabric headband is adjustable for<br />

a comfortable, secure fit. Single lens offers 99% UV protection. Soft vinyl nose pad for added comfort.<br />

NEW<br />


1-5 6+<br />

ELV GG50 10.90 10.50<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 37

ESS <strong>Fire</strong>Pro-1977 Wildland Goggle<br />



Compact, low-profile frame optimizes fit and function with all helmets, while the fullperimeter<br />

ventilation and filtration system minimizes lens fogging and filters airborne<br />

particles, dust, and debris. One-piece, wrap-around strap with Velcro ® tabs for attaching<br />

to any helmet. Speed-Clip strap system makes adjusting the straps quick and easy. Antimicrobial<br />

face padding provides unparalleled comfort for hours of extended use. Wide<br />

peripheral vision and distortion-free optics.<br />

Classified by UL to meet NFPA 1977 wildland fire equipment performance requirements<br />

including the 350ºF for 5 minute oven test.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ESS FIREPRO-FS 70.00 66.50<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

ESS Influx <strong>Fire</strong>Pro-1977 Wildland Goggle<br />

Features the patented Adjustable Ventilation System AVS, for either a dust-free, fully-sealed<br />

mode, or a fog-free, open-ventilation mode. The patented Speed-Clip system facilitates quick<br />

strap adjustment, even with gloves on. All goggle components are heat and flame resistant,<br />

including the durable OpFoam face padding.<br />

Classified by UL to meet NFPA 1977 wildland fire equipment performance requirements<br />

including the 350ºF for 5 minute oven test.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ESS FIREPROINFFS 80.00 76.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

ESS Striketeam SJ Goggle<br />

Striketeam SJ features fully-sealed vents for maximum smoke and<br />

particulate resistance. The soft-wicking, open-cell face padding<br />

provides all-day comfort. All Striketeam goggle components are<br />

heat and flame resistant, including the face padding and vent foam,<br />

and the lenses provide maximum impact protection and optical<br />

clarity. Open-cell vent foam provides filtered ventilation, allowing the<br />

humid air to escape, but prevents airborne particles from getting in.<br />

Frame is designed to fit over most eyeglasses. The one-piece wraparound<br />

strap features the patented ESS Speed-Clip system, which<br />

adapts to all wildland and rescue helmets and facilitates quick strap<br />

adjustment, even with gloves on.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ESS SJ SJ 50.00 47.50<br />

^ESS XTO XTO 50.00 47.50<br />

^ESS WF WF 50.00 47.50<br />

Striketeam XTO<br />

Closed-cell face padding for<br />

maximum durability and ease<br />

of cleaning.<br />

Striketeam WF<br />

Rubber face contact. All the<br />

great performance and safety<br />

features of the other models,<br />

without the bells and whistles.<br />

PHOTO / BLM<br />


CALIFORNIA / JULY 29, 2013<br />

38 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Sellstrom Anti-Fog Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Goggle<br />

Features a unique sealed dual scratch-resistant (outside), anti-fog (inside) lens, made out of UV<br />

absorbing polycarbonate, providing outstanding impact strength and optical clarity for rugged<br />

industrial protection. Made out of high temperature resistant material. Built to meet NFPA standards.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

ANC S80225 Clear 33.60 31.90<br />

ANC S80226 Smoke 33.60 31.90<br />

Wildcat Safety Goggle<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Built to Meet Standard<br />

Extreme performance vision protection. Built to meet ANSI Z87.1+ and NFPA<br />

standards. Side vents to increase airflow. Fits naturally to contour of face blocking out<br />

contaminants. Goggle does not melt, drip or ignite at 350° F for 5 minutes.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



LENSES Available in<br />

Clear, Smoke or Amber<br />

1-5 6+<br />

JAC WILDCAT 22.10 21.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Built to Meet Standard<br />

Transtec Tactical Optical System<br />

Anti-fog, anti-scratch interchangeable lenses - 2.2mm smokey grey polycarbonate lens<br />

with an extra interchangeable yellow lens. Provides UV 400 Protection. The frame of the<br />

glasses features a removable temple, replacement elastic strap and foam backing for<br />

added comfort. Comes with microfiber storage and cleaning pouch.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ROT 10387 33.95 32.25<br />

left: Interchangeable<br />

yellow lens<br />

right: Elastic strap<br />

Black Collapsible Tactical Goggle<br />

Lightweight padded frame, ash-blue shatterproof lens with anti-scratch coating, folds in<br />

half for easy carry, anti-fog, UV 400 protection, 3/4” adjustable strap.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ROT 10367 14.95 14.20<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 39


GLOVES<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Knit Wristlet<br />

Pro-Tech 8 Wildland Glove<br />

Specifically designed and constructed for hand protection during wildland firefighting activities.<br />

Materials are designed to withstand the effects of flame, heat, sharp objects and other hazards<br />

while remaining soft and flexible, even when wet. Reinforced palm and thumb provide enhanced<br />

protection, durability and grip. 100% Kevlar ® stitching used throughout the entire glove. Inner cuff<br />

band prevents debris from entering. Extreme flexibility and comfortable fit reduces hand fatigue<br />

during long missions. 100% Full Grain Cow Hide. Modacrylic inner liner for extra protection and<br />

comfort is sewn in at each fingertip. Available with standard (gauntlet) cuff, knit wristlet, or debris<br />

blocker cuff (combination).<br />

Certified by SEI to meet NFPA 1977 Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment<br />

for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Fighting.<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

TET PT8W Standard (Gauntlet) XS-2XL 40.00 38.00<br />

TET PT8WK Knit Wristlet XS-2XL 40.00 38.00<br />

TET PT8WDB Debris Blocker XS-2XL 40.00 38.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />

Shelby Wildland NFPA Proximity Gloves<br />

3 oz. Shelby ® popcorn and black color abrasion-resistant pigskin. Anatomically designed gunn cut,<br />

keystone double layer thumb crotch protection, double row stitching around inset thumb. Machine<br />

washable. Made in USA. CE Compliant. Certified by SEI to meet NFPA 1977 Standard for Wildland<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Fighting. Standard cuff (SHL 5002) includes attached Nomex ® wristlet.<br />

SHL 5002 Wristlet Cuff<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 72.50 68.90<br />

Jumbo 75.50 71.70<br />

Gauntlet Cuff<br />

Wristlet Cuff<br />

SHL 5002F Gauntlet Cuff<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-XL 72.50 68.90<br />

Jumbo 75.50 71.70<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />

NEW<br />

Majestic Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting Gloves - Gauntlet<br />

Designed with a comfortable fit and enhanced dexterity reducing hand fatigue when wearing<br />

for extended periods of time. Features extended 3” long debris cuff with cinched wrist for added<br />

protection. Durable, breathable, comfortable, heat resistant and dimensionally stable thermal FR<br />

inner liner is sewn into the glove fingertips to prevent liner pullout.<br />

Reinforced palm for added abrasion resistance. Quality water-repellant USA leather offers an<br />

enhanced grip in both wet and dry conditions while providing protection from heat, flame, abrasion<br />

and puncture. Kevlar ® stitching throughout the glove for added durability.<br />

^MJH MFA84<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

S-XL 56.20 53.40<br />

2XL-3XL 60.20 57.40<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />

NEW<br />

Majestic Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting Gloves - Wristlet<br />

Cuff cinched at the wrist with the added protection of a long Kevlar ® knit wristlet and leather pull<br />

tab keeping debris from entering the glove. Same enhanced features as MFA 84 Glove.<br />

^MJH MFA86<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

S-XL 64.20 61.00<br />

2XL-3XL 68.20 65.00<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Certified by SEI<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

40 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more GLOVES online

North Star Wildland Gloves<br />

The choice of firefighters and burners throughout the industry. Unlined,<br />

side split cowhide. Extra long flame retardant Nomex ® knitwrist returns<br />

to original shape after being wet; overcast to prevent unraveling. Meets<br />

Cal/OSHA Sec. 3407 “Wildland” (forest fires).<br />

Standard Grain Cowhide<br />

Work/Driving Gloves with Pull Strap<br />

Versatile rough-in cowhide leather in a classic construction.<br />

Multi-purpose use and versatility. Ergonomic keystone thumb<br />

design. Adjustable leather strap fastener.<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

NSG 2991 S-XL 36.00 34.20<br />

Cal/OSHA<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

REV 96 S-XL 12.25 11.75<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />


GLOVES<br />

Leather Work Glove<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

Practical and comfortable leather work glove for handling<br />

tools and debris. A durable soft leather glove.<br />

GLO MAJ1510 S-XL 17.25 16.40<br />

Shelby Skins Rescue/Work Gloves<br />

Abrasion resistant brushed pigskin, reinforced keystone<br />

thumb & palm, lock-stitch sewn with Kevlar ® thread,<br />

elastic snuggler at wrist.<br />

SHL 2533<br />

Size 1- 5 6+<br />

S-XL 52.60 50.00<br />

Jumbo 57.70 54.80<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 41

North Star White Ox GLove<br />



The original! The most popular glove in the Pacific Northwest. The glove<br />

every logger and woodsman has known for over 70 years. 100% cotton.<br />

Fourchette pattern (the most comfortable of glove patterns, usually only<br />

found in dress styles). Double ply quilted palm equates to construction<br />

from canvas of 22 oz. thickness. 10 oz. canvas smooth back with knitwrist.<br />

Fuzzy nap both inside and outside. Reconfigured index finger seam gives<br />

same protection as wrap around construction. Fast red dye for printing<br />

does not bleed. Near leather hand safety for the price of canvas.<br />

North Star White Ox Gauntlet Glove<br />

Gauntlet version of the most popular glove in the Pacific Northwest.<br />

10 oz. canvas back with red elastic band shirred at back of wrist has<br />

the effect of reducing size by approximately 1/2 size. 5” rubberized<br />

canvas cuff.<br />

NSG 1014<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

M-XL 10.25 9.75<br />

NSG 1015<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

L 12.50 12.00<br />

XL 12.50 12.00<br />

North Star White Ox Elastic Band GLove<br />

A variation of the most popular glove in the Pacific Northwest. 10 oz.<br />

canvas back with red elastic band shirred at back of wrist has the effect<br />

of reducing size by approximately 1/2 size. Knitwrist.<br />

NSG 1016<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

M-XL 11.50 11.00<br />

SAS Safety Raven Powder-Free<br />

Nitrile Disposable Glove Box of 100<br />

Powder-free and latex-free exam-grade disposable nitrile gloves<br />

provide outstanding strength, wear and dexterity. Textured for<br />

excellent chemical resistance and great grip and comfortable<br />

for wear. 6 mil thickness. 100 gloves (50 pair) per box.<br />


Size 1-5 6+<br />

M-2XL 16.50 15.75<br />

DragonWear ®<br />

FR Waterproof Leg Gaiters<br />

Interior lined with Nomex ® FR Fabric that utilizes a<br />

100% waterproof coating. Durable Kevlar ® and Nomex ®<br />

rip-stop uppers with waterproof Ara-Shield ® lowers.<br />

Rip-and-Stick 2” wide FR Velcro ® closures allow easy<br />

on and off. Gaiters are secured on top with 3/4” wide<br />

FR webbing & buckle. Black.<br />

TNG DFG20<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

S-L 169.95 161.45<br />

2XL 174.95 166.45<br />





42 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more GLOVES & boots online

Danner Wildland Tactical <strong>Fire</strong>fighter 8” Boot<br />

The WTF blends the lightweight and supportive benefits of an alpine hiker with the stringent standards<br />

of an NFPA 1977 boot. Featuring fire-resistant, durable, rough-out leather and a breathable mesh lining<br />

with a reinforced opanka-stitch construction that provides a superior bond between the upper and<br />

outsole. The durable, Vibram ® S587 outsole is specially designed for oil and slip-resistant traction over<br />

rugged and high-angle terrain. 8” high. Steel shank.<br />

DNR 18050 399.95<br />

Men’s Sizes<br />

Width Sizes<br />

B 5-12, 13<br />

D 6-12, 13, 14, 15<br />

EE 6-12, 13, 14, 15<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

White’s Boots Line Scout 10” Lace-to-Toe Boots<br />

It takes a master to adopt new technology while maintaining old world techniques, and that’s just what you’ll<br />

find in the Goodyear welted Line Scout. A Goodyear welt, the gold standard of boot construction at most<br />

companies, is a hallmark of quality at an affordable price from White’s. With an all-leather shank, the Line<br />

Scout boasts the off-the-shelf readiness of a boot half its price and the comfort of a boot twice its price.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



10” full grain water-resistant leather upper, leather shank, Vibram ® fire and ice white dot sole, fire-resistant<br />

Technora ® thread. Repairable construction allows for soles and heels to be replaced.<br />

White’s most popular and longest tenured last, the 4811 is perhaps better known as the “Smokejumper Last,”<br />

the foundation of the famous White’s wildland firefighting boot. The 4811 is deep in the toe-box, giving it a<br />

tough, square-jawed look that is emphasized by the medium-high arch and slightly narrower heel.<br />

*White’s boot lasts run large. This means most people should take a half size down from their<br />

natural shoe size, or Brannock measurement.<br />

Men’s Sizes<br />

Women’s Sizes<br />

WHB H7809 Men’s 390.00<br />

Width Sizes Width Sizes<br />

WHB H7809W Women’s 390.00<br />

D 6-14 B 5-11<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

EE 6-14<br />

Classified by UL<br />

Ironlace Unbreakable Boot Laces<br />

Ironlace high performance laces have been field tested in the most abusive<br />

environments on earth and will perform for life. These laces not only last, they<br />

lace up tight and will not stretch or come undone. Stronger-than-steel fibers<br />

are specially woven and treated to create the most abrasion, chemical, UV ray<br />

resistant, heat resistant (up to 630F), water and wear resistant boot and shoe<br />

laces in the world. One set of Ironlace’s will hold a staggering 1,600 lbs. of tension.<br />

84” Kevlar ® Laces<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Resistant. Made in USA. 75%<br />

Kevlar ® , 25% nylon (inside filler).<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

THO 889-2000 10.00 9.00<br />

1-5 6+<br />

IRO BOOT63-BL 63" 7-8 Hole Pairs 15.00 14.00<br />

IRO BOOT72-BL 72" 8-9 Hole Pairs 16.00 15.00<br />

IRO BOOT84-BL 84" 9-10 Hole Pairs 17.00 16.00<br />

IRO BOOT96-BL 96" 10-11 Hole Pairs 18.00 17.00<br />

IRO BOOT108-BL 108" 11-12 Hole Pairs 19.00 18.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 43

New Generation <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter with Case<br />



No wildland firefighter should be without a personal fire shelter! In an emergency<br />

situation, the fire shelter could save a life. The 2003 shelter meets Forest Service specs.<br />

Changes from the 2002 shelter include the addition of a shelter floor and quick-grab<br />

handles for faster deployment.<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter (Regular), Complete: NFES #0925<br />

This set includes fire shelter, nylon duck carrying case and carrying case plastic liner.<br />

New Generation fire shelter provides increased protection from radiant and convective heat<br />

in wildland firefighter entrapment situations. Forest Service Spec 5100-606, NFES 0925.<br />

Weight<br />

4.6 lbs.<br />

Deployed Size 86”L x 15.5”H x 31”W<br />

Packed Size 8.5”H x 5.5”L x 4”W<br />

USFS<br />

1-5 6-24 25+<br />

FFG FS2003 <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter (Regular), Complete 596.00 566.00 537.00<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter (Large), Complete: NFES #0975<br />

Large size shelter designed for firefighters taller than 6’ 1” or whose girth exceeds 53” at<br />

any point. The larger fire shelter provides better protection for larger people by allowing<br />

less contact of the shelter material with the occupant’s body, and provides more air space<br />

between the shelter and occupant. The large fire shelter is easily identified by the orange<br />

deploy strap. Forest Service Spec 5100-606, NFES 0975.<br />

Weight<br />

5.2 lbs.<br />

Deployed Size 96”L x 19.5”H x 33”W<br />

Packed Size 9”H x 5.5”L x 4”W<br />

USFS<br />

1-5 6-24 25+<br />

FFG FS2006L <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter (Large), Complete 670.00 640.00 611.00<br />

Replacements Parts<br />

1-5 6-24 25+<br />

FFG HPINSERT <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Hard Plastic Case for Regular/Large 48.00 46.00 44.00<br />


<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Blue Nylon Replacement Case<br />

(Regular)<br />

75.00 71.00 68.00<br />

Training/Practice <strong>Fire</strong> Shelters, Complete<br />

Note: This item is not fire-resistant and should not be used as a fire shelter.<br />

Reusable practice fire shelter system for training in use of the 2003 New Generation fire<br />

shelter. Includes the carrying case, case liner, polyvinyl bag, practice shelter. Forest Service<br />

Spec 5100-611. NFES #2678 Regular, #2799 Large.<br />

1-5 6-24 25+<br />

FFG FS2002T Regular 319.00 303.00 288.00<br />

FFG FS2002T-L Large 333.00 317.00 302.00<br />

USFS<br />

True North ® New Generation <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Case<br />

Holds the standard or large fire shelter and attaches to the bottom of all True North fire<br />

packs (new or old). Attaches to the waist belt of most packs with MOLLE. Materials: 1000D<br />

Cordura ® , Nylon Webbing, 3M Reflective Tape, Nylon Hardware. Weighs 5 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FL120 27.95 26.55<br />

44 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


VIEW<br />

ONLINE<br />



GALICE, OREGON / AUGUST 9, 2013<br />

Packs, Bags & Nutrition


PACKS<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

True North ® Spyder Gear Wildland Pack - Gen 2<br />

Perfect for engine and dozer crews or if you only need to carry the bare essentials. Features<br />

removable New Generation shelter case that can be rear mounted, Pro-Series shoulder<br />

harness, removable gear bag with 250 cu. in. capacity (8” x 8” x 3”), and removable accessory<br />

pocket that holds 1L water bottle. Everything quickly attaches with the hybrid Spyder Gear<br />

attachment system, which allows for true MOLLE attachment while also being backward<br />

compatible with the ALICE system. Small gear bag is designed to carry items like Powerbar ® ,<br />

mobile phone, GPS, wallet, keys, map, weather meter, headlamp, etc. Approved for use by<br />

the CAL FIRE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Working Group (if worn with additional 3L<br />

Lynx Hydration System).<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG SGR621 174.95 166.20<br />

Sizes<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

Small (23”-32”)<br />

Standard (29-48”)<br />

1.75 lbs.<br />

250 cu. in.<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Go! Pack Top Loader - Gen 2<br />

Standalone gear bag attaches to modular wildland fire packs, including Defender and Spyder,<br />

when you need extra load carrying capacity. Top loader design with separate hydration<br />

pocket, lid pocket and two covered side pockets for 1,500 cu. in. of carrying capacity.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG 640 109.95 104.45<br />

Weight 1.5 lbs.<br />

Capacity 1500 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 14” x 12” x 6”<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Fastback Pack<br />

The ultimate NFPA 1977 compliant fire pack for carrying “just the essentials”. Perfect for<br />

firefighters who are constructing fire lines, monitoring projects, reducing fuels, performing<br />

burnout operations, and more. Streamlined design maximizes heat stress reduction, offers<br />

comfortable fit, and durable dependability. Custom-molded back body panel made with EVA<br />

foam for added comfort and durability. Features coated zippers for water resistance, center<br />

back mesh sleeve for hydration reservoir, large front pocket for holding essential gear, and<br />

Velcro ® fusee pouch located between main compartment and fire shelter case<br />

(up to 4 fusee carrying capacity).<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FSB5210 249.95 237.45<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

3.5 lbs.<br />

145 cu. in. storage pocket<br />

300 cu. in. hydration pocket<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />




46 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

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True North ®<br />

Accessory Pocket<br />

Holds 32 oz. 1L water bottle. Attaches with MOLLE.<br />

Compatible with all True North ® fire packs.<br />

CAL FIRE Approved.<br />

Weight<br />

4 oz.<br />

Dimensions 8.5” x 4” x 3”<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FL100 19.95 18.95<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® New Generation<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Case<br />

Holds the new, larger fire shelter (standard or large)<br />

and attaches to the bottom of all True North ® fire<br />

packs with 1” MOLLE. Includes 3M Reflective Tape<br />

on top of case. CAL FIRE Approved.<br />

Weight<br />

5 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FL120 27.95 26.55<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

*Pack not included<br />


PACKS<br />

True North ®<br />

Flagging Tape Dispenser<br />

True North ® Adjustable<br />

Hose Clamp Pouch<br />

Quick, secure Velcro® attachment to belt, harness or<br />

anywhere. Securely stack multiple colors in one place.<br />

Tape loads easily through zipper opening. Zipper pull tab<br />

for easy loading with gloves. Dispenses through bottom<br />

over-sized grommet.<br />

Adjustable length is designed to fit the largest to<br />

the smallest of hose clamps. Second pocket on front<br />

for small hand tools. Bright yellow Rip-Grip allows<br />

easy one handed opening even with gloves on.<br />

Dimensions 5.5" x 5.5" x 1<br />

Weight<br />

6 oz.<br />

Dimensions 10”-12” x 5.5” x 1”<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG 105 16.95 16.15<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FL170 23.95 22.75<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® FRONTLINE Bushwhacker Pack<br />

A back-country pack that out hikes them all; rethought and redesigned with extra loadbearing<br />

capacity and a brand new back panel design guaranteed to maximum air flow to<br />

minimize heat stress. New H-style harness provides rock-solid load control and stability.<br />

Six mesh organizer pockets inside extend storage options to quickly find what you need.<br />

100 oz. (3L) hydration pocket (reservoir not included). Removable New Generation <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Shelter case fits standard or large shelter. Side pockets each hold two 1L bottles.<br />

Covered 12 fusee carrying capacity. True MOLLE attachment system.<br />

Classified by UL to meet NFPA 1977 Standard.<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FLB210 289.95 275.45<br />

Size Standard (29-48”)<br />

Weight<br />

4 lbs.<br />

Capacity<br />

1400 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 14” x 13” x 7”<br />

FRONTLINE Pack Accessories & Replacement Parts<br />

Item # 1-5 6+<br />

Accessory Pocket TNG FL100 19.95 18.95<br />

Personal Pouch - Black TNG FLPP100 29.95 28.45<br />

Personal Pouch - Red TNG FLPP103 29.95 28.45<br />

Hose Clamp Pouch TNG FL170 23.95 22.75<br />

Harness TNG FLH102 54.95 52.20<br />

Hip Belt TNG FLHB102 54.95 52.20<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Case TNG FL120 27.95 26.55<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 47

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>ball Wildland Pack - Gen 2<br />


PACKS<br />

Designed for those who feel that less really is more. Everything the Spitfire has, in a smaller, teardrop<br />

shaped package. Hip belt and harness offer superior ergonomic comfort. Patented SCS load-trapping<br />

suspension. 100 oz. hydration pocket fits 3L Hydro-Speed Reservoir (not included). Removable no-swing<br />

New Generation shelter case with flaps covering all zippers (attach to pack or belt). Waist belt upgraded<br />

to true MOLLE system and compatible with all MOLLE accessories and fire shelter. Side pockets each<br />

hold (2) 1L bottles. 12 fusee carrying capacity.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Red<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FBL421 204.95 194.70<br />

Size Standard (29-48”)<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

2.75 lbs.<br />

1200 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 13.5” x 11” x 5”<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Phantom Pack<br />

Weighing in at 1 pound lighter than the leading competition, the Phantom sets out to be one of the<br />

leading, and one of the most light-weight wildland fire packs for hotshots. Ergonomically designed<br />

to carry enough gear for shifts lasting a few days or more, while still retaining maximum comfort<br />

and reducing spinal load/heat stress. Large enough to carry essential gear including a fire shelter in<br />

integrated case, (8) fusees, extra clothes, and more, while remaining lightweight enough to use on a long,<br />

physically-demanding shift that requires large amounts of hiking.<br />

Features coated zippers for water resistance, custom-molded back body panel for added comfort and<br />

durability. Includes dual mesh pockets on the inside lid, dual mesh vertical pockets on the sides of the<br />

inner body, center back mesh sleeve for hydration reservoir, (2) large side pockets for water bottles<br />

and/or extra equipment, and exterior compression straps near side pockets.<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

5.2 lbs.<br />

1230 cu. in.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG PHT7210 359.95 341.95<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />




GALICE, OREGON / AUGUST 9, 2013<br />

48 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


True North ® Spitfire Wildland Pack - Gen 2<br />

Designed by Hotshots, this mid-sized fire pack has capacity to carry extra gear for those long<br />

days in the brush. Features (12) fusee carrying capacity, removable no-swing New Generation <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Shelter case (attach to pack or belt), 100 oz. (3L) hydration pocket (reservoir not included), interior<br />

mesh organizer pockets, huge zippered side pockets to hold two 1L bottles, and room for lots of<br />

water. SCS patented load-trapping suspension and hip belt and harness with 3/4” dual density<br />

foam padding offer superior ergonomic comfort. Waist belt upgraded to true MOLLE system and is<br />

compatible with all MOLLE accessories and fire shelter. CAL FIRE Approved.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Red<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG SPF321 229.95 218.45<br />

Size Standard (29-48")<br />

Weight<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

4 lbs.<br />

Capacity<br />

2250 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 15” x 10” x 6”<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />


PACKS<br />

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>fly Wildland Pack - Gen 2<br />

Full-size 2200 cu. in. gear bag, combined with the trap pocket and lash down loops, assures you can take<br />

it all with you when you’re working the line. With two quick zips, you can drop the gear bag and carry just<br />

the essentials - 100 oz. hydration reservoir (reservoir not included), fire shelter (fits in removable New<br />

Generation <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter case - attach to pack or belt), up to (18) fusees, and all the gear you can stuff in<br />

the 300 cu. in. stash pocket. Side pockets on main pack hold two 1L bottles. Designed with ventilated<br />

mesh back plate to allow more breathability, hip belt and harness with 3/4” dual density foam padding<br />

offer superior ergonomic comfort, and SCS patented load-trapping suspension. Waist belt upgraded to<br />

true MOLLE system and compatible with all MOLLE accessories and fire shelter.<br />

Available in<br />

Red<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FRF821 284.95 270.70<br />

Size Standard (29-48”)<br />

Weight<br />

5 lbs.<br />

Capacity<br />

2500 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 16” x 10” x 6.5”<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® <strong>Fire</strong>fly Wildland Medic Pack - Gen 2<br />

With two quick zips you can drop the Medic bag and carry just the essentials or zip in a different<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fly gear bag for another job function (sold separately). The Medic Pack features include a dropfront<br />

opening for full, quick access, removable color-coded organizer pouches, two separate pockets<br />

for personal gear, zippered clear vinyl pockets for small meds and bandages and a fire shelter case<br />

(attached to bottom of pack). 100 oz. (3L) hydration pocket (reservoir not included). Same great<br />

features, capacity and dimensions as the <strong>Fire</strong>fly Wildland Pack. Weighs 6 lbs.<br />

Available in<br />

Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG FRF851 299.95 284.95<br />

Size Standard (29-48”)<br />

Weight<br />

6 lbs.<br />

Capacity<br />

2250 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 15.5” x 10” x 6.5”<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 49


PACKS<br />

Coaxsher FS-1 Mojave Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pack<br />

This pack is perfect for working in and out of vehicles! The FS-1 Mojave features a main pack<br />

harness, water reservoir case that holds up to a 3.0L water reservoir (sold separately), and a<br />

new generation fire shelter case with glove compartment. The FS-1 Mojave design allows you<br />

to add Coaxsher accessories and pack modules later, giving you the freedom to configure<br />

the pack to your exact needs. The fire shelter case attaches to the main pack harness with<br />

quick-release buckles, but also comes with Alice clips to attach to the sides of the hip-belt for<br />

engine ops. The ergonomic suspension harness provides all-day comfort with its high-quality<br />

padding, aluminum stays, and D.A.S. Dual Action Stabilizer system.<br />

Available in<br />

Black, Red/Black<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

3.75 lbs.<br />

600 cu. in.<br />

COA FS103<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

Regular 169.95 163.00<br />

XL (Hip 39”+) 177.95 171.00<br />

Coaxsher FS-1 Ranger Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pack<br />

When you’re fighting wildfires, you need to focus on your job, not your equipment. You need a<br />

comfortable, lightweight wildland fire pack like the FS-1 Ranger Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pack that can be<br />

customized to meet your needs. With its ergonomic harness system, adjustable hip belt and<br />

Dual Action Stabilizer, this modular wildland fire pack is ideal for long shifts in rugged conditions,<br />

allowing you to carry everything you need without pain or strain.<br />

Modular:<br />

• With the FS-1 Ranger, you can carry as much or as little as you want, choose how to best<br />

assemble the pack, and quickly transform the pack with quick-release buckle connections. The<br />

pack can also adjust to fit different body types and sizes, suitable for almost anyone on the fire line.<br />

Comfortable:<br />

• The pack’s ergonomic harness system is equipped with aluminum stays that provide<br />

excellent load support, and its D.A.S. system keeps load weight focused on the hips while<br />

stabilizing your balance, providing optimal comfort for long hours on your feet. The fire<br />

shelter case drop-down feature allows the user to drop-down the fire shelter case to<br />

counterbalance weight while digging. When digging is over, position the fire shelter case<br />

into the upright position for ultimate hiking comfort.<br />

Durable:<br />

• Made from 1000 Denier Cordura, box stitching and reinforced stress points, your FS-1<br />

Ranger pack is made to withstand extraordinary conditions. Backed by a 100% Guarantee,<br />

we worry about the quality of your equipment, so you don’t have to.<br />

Available in<br />

Black, Red/Black<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

6 lbs.<br />

800 cu. in.<br />

COA FS101<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

Regular 319.95 307.00<br />

XL (Hip 39”+) 327.95 315.00<br />

50 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Coaxsher FS-1 Spotter Mid-Weight Pack<br />

When working as a wildland firefighter, you need equipment that is compact,<br />

lightweight and durable, yet spacious enough to hold necessities. The compact design<br />

of the FS-1 Spotter is ideal for firefighters with mid to lightweight loads, making it<br />

comfortable to carry while providing easy access to your equipment.<br />

Modular:<br />

• This lightweight wildland fire pack allows you to adapt it for multiple uses, so you<br />

only carry what you need. Modules, all of which can be removed, include the 700<br />

cubic inch main pack, new generation fire shelter case with gloves pocket, 102 oz.<br />

water reservoir case, and water bottle case.<br />

Comfortable:<br />

• Weighing only 3.75 pounds, the FS-1 Spotter wildland fire pack is compact and<br />

lightweight enough to be comfortable for long durations. To further ensure your<br />

comfort, the pack features an ergonomically-designed harness system, aluminum<br />

stays to allow a custom torso curve fit, and adjustable waist/shoulder lengths to<br />

accommodate different sizes. The fire shelter case drop-down feature allows the<br />

user to drop-down the fire shelter case to counterbalance weight while digging.<br />

When digging is over, position the fire shelter case into the upright position for<br />

ultimate hiking comfort.<br />


PACKS<br />

Durable:<br />

• Made from DuPont ® 1000 Denier Cordura ® , the FS-1 Spotter features ITW Nexus ®<br />

buckles and hardware, YKK ® zipper pulls and tape, and reinforced stress points.<br />

Backed by a 100% Guarantee, the FS-1 Spotter is built to withstand extraordinary<br />

conditions.<br />

Available in<br />

Black, Red/Black<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

4.4 lbs.<br />

1370 cu. in.<br />

COA FS102<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

Regular 239.95 230.00<br />

XL (Hip 39”+) 247.95 237.00<br />

Coaxsher Operator Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pack<br />

Rebuilt based on customer feedback, the Operator Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Pack is mission<br />

ready with easy water bottle access, updated pockets and connection points, updated<br />

reinforcement points, and new torso fit patterns for maximum comfort. Internal<br />

aluminum stay structure and high-quality materials provide a stout and sturdy<br />

foundation. Shoulder straps adjust both vertically and tilt for optimal torso fit. Closedcell<br />

foam structuring throughout with an ergonomic PALS hip-belt finishes off the<br />

pack framework. Water/fuel bottle side pockets with internal fusee loops and webbing<br />

sheath for files. Side pockets cinch and compress to keep items stored safely. Access<br />

main pocket quickly with dual-zip spine opening and/or full zipper opening to entire<br />

main pocket. Flagging tape dispensers below each side pocket with fire shelter case<br />

that can load for right- or left-handed deployment. Internal 3.0L water reservoir pocket<br />

with hose ports (H2O Reservoir sold separately). PALS webbing throughout for MOLLE/<br />

P-cord/carabiner attachment capabilities. 15 pockets (6 internal/9 external) keep gear<br />

easily accessible and organized.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Tan/Black<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

5 lbs.<br />

2000 cu. in.<br />

COA FS104<br />

Size 1-5 6+<br />

Regular (Hip 35”+) 269.95 259.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 51




BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

True North ® Dozer Radio Chest Harness - Gen 3<br />

The Dozer holds your New Generation regular or large fire shelter, radio, and spare battery where it’s easily<br />

accessed yet still out of the way. Pack sits comfortably on your chest without sagging or swinging due to<br />

unique internal suspension system. Adjustable radio pocket fits a wide range of models from larger legacy<br />

radios to smaller, modern handsets. Multiple storage throughout for batteries, maps, notebooks and pens.<br />

Low profile back harness constructed from lightweight yet durable Hypalon. Redesigned to add storage<br />

space to accommodate Bendix King Clamshell battery packs or similar sized items.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG RH6700 59.95 56.95<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Dual Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2<br />

Pairs comfort and function with a side-zip internal pocket for faster access. Unique internal suspension<br />

system keeps the radio harness comfortably on your chest without sagging or swinging. Two adjustable<br />

radio pockets fit a wide range of models from larger legacy radios to smaller, modern handsets. Cell phone<br />

pocket developed to fit large phones and their cases. Multiple storage throughout for batteries, maps,<br />

notebooks and pens and slots for holding two pens. Zippered front pocket for Kestrel or GPS. Can mount<br />

directly to your line pack shoulder harness with Integration Straps (not included).<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG RH6200 74.95 71.20<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Single Universal Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2<br />

With adjustable pockets designed to fit all makes and models of radios and an internal suspension system<br />

that keeps harness fit stable, to an upgraded lightweight low-profile back harness constructed from<br />

lightweight yet durable Hypalon, the Gen 2 Radio Harnesses are even more comfortable, durable and<br />

functional than ever. The Single Universal Radio Harness features hook and loop closure front pocket for<br />

spare battery clamshell or other small items. Half-moon zippered opening allows easy access to main<br />

pocket which features an internal organizer pocket. Elastic straps keep radios in place when bending over.<br />

Large map/notebook pocket with half-moon zip closure, cell phone pocket developed to fit large phones<br />

and their cases, spare battery pocket and dual pen slots. One buckle closure on radio pocket. Can mount<br />

directly to your line pack shoulder harness with Integration Straps. Chest Footprint Dimension: 10.5” x 10”.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG RH6100 64.95 61.70<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Stealth Radio Chest Harness - Gen 2<br />

With the smallest footprint of any harness, the Stealth is guaranteed to trap the least heat and keep you the<br />

most comfortable. Converts from a chest harness to a belt harness, or can attach to your pack’s shoulder<br />

harness. Adjustable radio pocket fits a wide range of models from larger legacy radios to smaller, modern<br />

handsets. Belt loops fit belts up to 1-3/4”. 1” MOLLE attachment. Removable low profile back harness<br />

constructed from lightweight yet durable Hypalon.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG RH6500 49.95 47.45<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

52 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Coaxsher <strong>Fire</strong> Shelter Chest Harness<br />

Perfect way to carry your fire shelter case for dozer operators and those working in and out of<br />

vehicles all day. Features PALS webbing, glove pocket, and attachment of fire shelter case to<br />

side of waist belt with MOLLE Straps. Can hold MOLLE or Alice clip accessories. Offers superior<br />

comfort for hip, back, and shoulders.<br />

Available in<br />

Black, Red/Black or Orange/Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA RP205 49.95 48.00<br />

Coaxsher RCP-1 Pro Radio Chest Harness<br />

Unparalleled in design and workmanship, the RCP-1 Pro Radio Chest Harness comes loaded with<br />

all the bells and whistles. Perfected over time from customers’ feedback to become the most<br />

comfortable and functional radio chest harness anyone can wear. Works great with or without<br />

a backpack. When wearing with a backpack, you can either use the supplied torso straps or<br />

purchase the Harness Converter Kit. The Harness Converter Kit allows you to attach the RCP-1<br />

Pro to the shoulder straps of any Coaxsher backpack. Main radio holster fits all radios/GPS units<br />

up to a BK Radio. Secondary holster fits all radios/GPS unit up to 2.5” W x 1.5” D x 6.5” H.<br />



1-5 6+<br />

Harness COA RP202 69.95 67.00<br />

Converter Kit COA AS411 8.00 8.00<br />

Coaxsher RP-1 Scout Radio Chest Harness<br />

The RP-1 Scout Radio Chest Harness was specially designed for use with a backpack. The<br />

perimeter is ergonomically designed to contour any backpack shoulder straps and cut out<br />

weight, thus decreasing discomfort and fatigue. It comes capable of holding multiple size radios,<br />

cell phones, GPS units, and writing tools. This radio chest harness also comes with a main<br />

zipper-close compartment for maps, keys, wallet, etc. Main radio holster fits all radios/GPS units<br />

up to a BK Radio. Secondary holster fits all radios/GPS unit up to 2.5” W x 1.5” D x 6.5” H.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA RP203 44.95 43.00<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 53

Coaxsher MOLLE Radio Holster<br />



A single radio holster that you can attach just about anywhere. The MOLLE Radio Holster is capable of holding the<br />

Bendix King down to smaller size radios. Attaches to hip-belt or shoulder straps on a Coaxsher backpack, belt on pants<br />

or any item with the MOLLE attachment system.<br />

7” H x 3-1/2” W x 1” to 1-3/4” D.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA AS426 24.95 24.00<br />

Coaxsher Drop-Down Cell Phone Case<br />

Easily attaches to any backpack shoulder strap. Holds multiple size smart phones with easy drop-down access to<br />

utilize phone in the field while keeping it protected. Clear vinyl viewing window allows you to view and operate smart<br />

phone without taking out of case. Fits phones up to 3” W x 7” L<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA OS614 19.95 19.15<br />

Coaxsher Universal Molle Holster<br />

The Universal MOLLE Holster is capable of holding hose clamps, radios, gloves, etc. Attaches<br />

via PALS webbing to any MOLLE attachment system or belt. Multiple adjustments allow you to<br />

configure the holster to your exact needs. Writing tool pocket along with MOLLE attachment<br />

capabilities.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA OS615 19.95 19.15<br />

Coaxsher Magnetic Multi-Tool Holster<br />

Easily store and access your multitool with the Magnetic Mutitool Holster. Field tested, this<br />

holster with 2x strong magnets won’t let your multitool go missing. Attaches via PALS webbing to<br />

any MOLLE attachment system or belt.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA OS616 14.95 14.35<br />





54 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more pack accessories & harnesses online

Slimline Hands-Free Radio Harness<br />

Slimline styling. Will accommodate any size radio.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Hi-Viz Orange<br />

4-Point 201 Radio Harness<br />

Simply designed radio chest harness has become an industry<br />

standard in the wildland fire fighting, SAR, and logging<br />

environments. Holds two way radio, extra battery, one pen, AA<br />

Flashlight and has antenna & lapel mic keepers. Side entry for a 9.5”<br />

x 9.5” map pouch. Two “D” rings for attaching extras. Back has a four<br />

way “Lash Tab” to keep webbing from getting tangled. Universal<br />

pouch fits radios from 3/4” to 1-7/8” thick. Minimum length of radio<br />

5”, maximum 8.5”.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SSI RCH101-B Black 42.00 40.00<br />

SSI RCH101-O Orange 42.00 40.00<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SSI RCH201-S Solid 50.00 47.00<br />

SSI RCH201-M Mesh 50.00 47.00<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



Map and Document Case<br />

Weather resistant with clear lining, 2 zip-lock storage bags for double<br />

protection and drainage grommets. Keeps maps and documents safe<br />

and dry. 13.5” x 13.5”.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

ROT 9838 20.75 19.75<br />

MOLLE Compatible Accessory Pouch<br />

MOLLE straps and loops on back, zippered main compartment with two<br />

inner pockets, front pouch with two inner pockets, front flap with strap<br />

and quick release buckle closure. 5.5” x 4” x 3”.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

ROT 9774 20.75 19.75<br />

Tactical MOLLE Wallet<br />

Features a U-shaped closure, front mesh pouch with hook and loop<br />

closure, 2” x 3” front loop attachment for patch. Inside the wallet features<br />

an ID & organizer pockets for credit cards, pens, money, etc. and inside<br />

cord & lanyard with clip for keys and a carry handle. 4” x 7”.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

^ROT 11660 19.95 18.95<br />

MOLLE Tactical Trauma/First Aid Kit Pouch<br />

Features one inside pocket with elastic bands that will allow you to store your<br />

first aid supplies with ease and security. Dual zippered pouch with MOLLE<br />

attachments. The MOLLE attachments also allow the medical pouch to be<br />

attached to other MOLLE enhanced items. Cordura Nylon Durable Material.<br />

7” x 8” x 3”.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

ROT 97760 27.95 26.55<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 55



True North ® The Beast Rolling Duffle<br />

Unique, self-supporting design won’t fall over no matter how heavy you pack it. Folding-foot design<br />

ensures the bag packs down smaller for storage when you’re not using it. Long 2-stage handle<br />

for easier pulling, and new high performance wheels give a smoother ride and crisper handling.<br />

Rubber bumpers on the corners and a skid plate on the bottom for added protection. Large main<br />

compartment with interior lash down straps for gear, mesh organizer pocket in lid, large second<br />

pocket for boots and helmets, slash pocket on the end keeps essentials close at hand. Meets airlines<br />

maximum allowed checked baggage. Black.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG RD100 284.95 270.70<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

8 lbs.<br />

7500 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 30” x 14” x 18”<br />

True North ® Campaign Bag - Gen 2<br />

Multi day travel bag with a large exterior tent pocket and a waterproof sleeping bag compartment.<br />

Collapsible laundry pocket keeps worn items separate while not taking away from storage. Updated<br />

padded, detachable shoulder strap with metal hardware makes this bag easier and more comfortable<br />

to carry on those short distances and the storable padded backpack straps make the long hauls<br />

more bearable. Removable toiletry bag.<br />

Available in<br />

Red or Black<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG CB210 209.95 199.45<br />

Weight<br />

4.3 lbs.<br />

Capacity 6500 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 29” x 16” x 14”<br />

Rothco 3-In-1 Convertible Mission Bag<br />

Military style MOLLE pack converts from a tactical backpack to a shoulder bag with a few<br />

adjustments of the straps. Features a large main compartment with three sections with two zipup<br />

dividers for easy storage of clothing and equipment. The interior features a top flap with mesh<br />

zipper pockets for additional storage. The exterior features MOLLE loops on the front, back and top<br />

of the bag, top and side carry handles, detachable & adjustable shoulder strap, 2-cinch straps with<br />

quick release buckles, drain hole, 1 side exterior flap pocket, and front and rear zippered pockets<br />

with mesh divider. The back of the tactical bag is padded for comfort and has a hideaway zippered<br />

compartment for the additional straps.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ROT 23500 157.95 150.05<br />

Capacity<br />

3700 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 26” x 13” x 11”<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

56 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more GEAR BAGS online

PLSP Basic Pull-Top Gear Bag with Strap<br />

Curdura gear bag with Gorilla zipper and shoulder strap features 6,720 cu. in. of storage space.<br />

Available in<br />

Red, Black, Forest Green, Camouflage,<br />

Neon Yellow, Neon Green, Hot Pink,<br />

Orange, Navy Blue, Royal Blue or Yellow<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PLS BPTGB-001 86.00 82.00<br />

PLSP Pull-Top Gear Bag with<br />

Strap and End Pockets<br />

Capacity<br />

6720 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 28” x 16” x 15”<br />

7,920 cu. in. of room in this spacious Cordura gear bag include a 22” main compartment, one 3” end<br />

pocket and one 8” end pocket. Gorilla zipper, shoulder strap and heavy duty webbing for durability.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />



Available in<br />

Red, Black, Forest Green, Camouflage,<br />

Neon Yellow, Neon Green, Hot Pink,<br />

Orange, Navy Blue, Royal Blue or Yellow<br />

Capacity<br />

7920 cu. in.<br />

Dimensions 33” x 16” x 15”<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PLS PTGB-001 110.00 105.00<br />

The Pack Shack Large Briefcase<br />

One main compartment with organizer pockets. Two slightly smaller<br />

side compartments. Two exterior zippered pockets. Comes standard<br />

with detachable shoulder strap. 17.5” x 12” x 6”. Black.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PAK 0027-B 125.00 119.00<br />

The Pack Shack Regular Briefcase<br />

Main compartment with wraparound zipper. Two exterior<br />

pockets with Velcro ® closures. Organizer pockets in<br />

main compartment offer room for carrying pens, pencils,<br />

notebooks, calculators and more. Detachable shoulder strap<br />

comes standard. 15” x 12” x 3”. Red.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PAK 0004-R 110.00 105.00<br />

Rothco MOLLE Tactical<br />

Laptop Briefcase<br />

The ultimate tactical briefcase featuring 600 Denier<br />

Polyester, PVC coated lining, large main compartment with<br />

flap, removable padded sleeve for laptop, zippered file and<br />

organizer compartment with ID holder, MOLLE loops on back,<br />

3 detachable MOLLE pouches on front, carry handle and an<br />

adjustable padded shoulder strap. 17.5” x 12.75” x 6”. Black.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

^ROT 3131 144.95 137.70<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 57



BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Kamp-Rite ® Original Tent Cot<br />

The fully self-contained Tent Cot creates a private sleep shelter that stands 11” above the ground to<br />

provide comfort and protection from rocks, insects and dampness. The sturdy cot base eliminates<br />

the uncomfortable cross bars typically found with standard sleeping cots.<br />

Set up can be done quickly, easily and alone. Extremely versatile, the unique hinge design enables<br />

the Tent Cot to be converted to a lounge chair for day-time relaxation, or a standard style cot for<br />

sleeping under the stars or inside a larger, family-style tent.<br />

Two zippered polyester and mesh entry doors allow easy access, while the zippered polyester and<br />

mesh openings at each end provide additional air flow in warm weather. The Original Tent Cot sets<br />

up in mere minutes and comes complete with a Kamp-Rite ® Rain Fly and convenient Carry Bag.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

KAM TC243 249.95 237.45<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

Dimensions<br />

24 lbs.<br />

300 lbs.<br />

84”″L x 28”″W x 35”″H Setup<br />

35”″L x 31″”W x 6″”H Folded<br />

Kamp-Rite ® Compact Tent Cot - Standard<br />

This unique 3-in-1 item combines two separate, standard camping items (a tent and a cot) into<br />

one versatile, compact package. The tent top and cot join to create a comfortable off-theground<br />

sleep shelter and spreader bars located at each end of the tent top keep the top fully<br />

expanded for maximum interior space. When detached from the cot base, the tent top becomes<br />

a compact, lightweight one-person tent on the ground. The remaining cot base can then be used<br />

independently as a typical sleeping cot.<br />

Extremely compact, the CTC Standard comes complete with a Kamp-Rite ® Rain Fly and Roller<br />

Wheeled Carry Bag for convenient storage.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

KAM TC701 219.95 208.95<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

Dimensions<br />

25 lbs.<br />

300 lbs.<br />

79″”L x 29”″W x 57”″H Setup<br />

9″”L x 43″”W x 10″”H Folded<br />

NEW<br />


Genuine G.I. 3 Piece 1 Quart Plastic Canteen<br />

A heavy duty one-quart military style canteen, ideal for firefighters and field workers.<br />

Constructed of high impact plastic and features a screw-off cap with lanyard. Replacement<br />

canteen covers available. BPA Free, GSA Compliant, NSN# 8465-00-889-3744.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

ROT 605GI 5.95 5.70<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Personal Water<br />

Bottle<br />

One-quart polyethylene water bottle<br />

meets U.S. Forest Service specifications.<br />

Rounded corners for easy handling.<br />

Measures 8-3/8” x 3-5/8”x 2-5/8”.<br />

1-24 25+<br />

RDM WB 4.00 3.80<br />

USFS<br />

The Pack Shack<br />

Canteen Pouch<br />

Large enough for a GSA one-quart wide mouth<br />

canteen or a 32 oz. round bottle. Rugged canteen<br />

pouch features a heavy-duty double snap system<br />

to keep your pouch securely attached to your<br />

pack and hook and loop closure to lock in your<br />

bottle. Durable and water resistant. Features<br />

Velcro ® flap closure.<br />

PAK 0008-B 11.25<br />

58 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more HYDRATION online

CamelBak ThermoBak 3L<br />

100 oz. (3 L) Mil Spec Antidote Reservoir Long with Quick Link Exit Port<br />

and QL HydroLock Bite Valve Adapter: tube clicks off for faster refilling<br />

with auto shut-off. New Fillport: industry’s largest opening with air-light<br />

1/4 turn open/close for quick, secure seal that can’t be over-tightened.<br />

Lighter-weight, lower-profile design.<br />

Quick-release shoulder straps unclip for easy removal and storage inside<br />

back panel stash pocket. Use D-ring attachment points to add to any<br />

armor vest or pack with MOLLE. Fully-insulated reservoir compartment<br />

using 7 mm closed cell foam. External fill for rapid refill without having to<br />

remove reservoir from pack. 18” x 9.2” x 5”. Weighs 1 lb. 6 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CMK 16830 99.50 94.50<br />



Mil Spec Antidote Reservoir 100 oz, Long<br />

Capacity: 100 oz. (3L). Quick Link Exit Port and QL HydroLock Bite Valve<br />

Adapter: tube clicks off for faster refilling with auto shut-off. New Fillport:<br />

industry’s largest opening with air-light 1/4 turn open/close for quick, secure<br />

seal that can’t be over-tightened. Lighter weight lower profile baffled design<br />

reduces reservoir stack and maximizes stability. QL HydroLock offers easy,<br />

one-handed on/off water flow on drink tube. Insulated drink tube cover<br />

protects tube from harmful UV rays and abrasion.<br />

*The reservoir image on this page is backlit to show detail. Actual color of the<br />

reservoir film is black.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

CMK 90857 55.00 52.25<br />

Drink! Lynx Hydration System<br />

Don’t mess with bulky canteens or water bottles. Attach a hands-free<br />

hydration system to your pack. Snap-tite straps attach easily to the True<br />

North ® Spyder Gear, FSS web gear, and other web gear brands. Approved<br />

for use by the CAL FIRE PPE Working Group. Closed cell insulation keeps<br />

water cooler, covered fill port keeps dirt out, Click-It strap allows you to<br />

hang your pack anywhere, neoprene tube cover keeps liquid the right<br />

temperature, bite valve cover keeps your bite valve clean/protected.<br />

Capacity: 100 oz. (3L). Weighs 1 lb.<br />

CAL FIRE<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG D1150 94.95 90.20<br />

MSR DromLite Water Hauling Utility Bag<br />

DromLite Bags offer high-capacity water storage yet collapse all the way<br />

down to the size of their cap. Reconstructed of a rugged film and RF-welded<br />

seams, they offer reliable durability. Inside, an improved BPA-free food-grade<br />

lining ensures better-tasting water and can handle freezing. The new svelte<br />

3-in-1 cap lets you fill, drink and pour with ease. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MSR 09584 40.95 38.90<br />

Weight<br />

Capacity<br />

5.1 oz.<br />

4L<br />

Dimensions 10” x 18.3”<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 59



Coyote Camp Super Hotline Meals<br />

The new Super Hotline Meals are self-heating meals with entrée<br />

pouches/trays and water activated heaters enclosed. Excellent for<br />

cooler and cold weather operations, or simply where hot meals are very<br />

desirable. The addition of a very high quality whole food protein bar<br />

(ProBar and Talty Bars of various flavors) not only increases caloric count,<br />

but increases the quality of those calories. The whole food protein bars<br />

offer clean nutritional value that your body knows how to metabolize. Each<br />

Super Hotline Meal offers a total caloric count to 1400-1550 calories.<br />

COY CCSHTL10 Standard Case (10 Meals) 135.99<br />

COY CCSHTL05 Spike Case (4 Meals) 55.50<br />

Coyote Camp Almost-Ready-To-Eat Meals<br />

Almost-Ready-to-Eat (ARTE) Meals contain dehydrated/freeze dried<br />

Alpine Aire 600 calorie entrées which require only the addition of hot<br />

water to rehydrate. In 10-15 minutes they become a very tasty main entrée.<br />

The ARTE Meal is completed with juice, fruit squeezer, cookies, granola<br />

bar, penny-candies, and an electrolyte replacement. The result is a 1200<br />

calorie Almost-Ready-to-Eat Meal.<br />

COY CCAMRTE10 Super Case (10 Meals) 176.99<br />

COY CCAMRTE05 Spike Case (5 Meals) 89.99<br />

Coyote Camp Caveman Meals<br />

All components are truly ready-to-eat, there’s no need to heat anything.<br />

These meals are lightweight, high quality and nutrient dense. No need<br />

for napkins or flatware. Each Caveman Meal contains: beef jerky pkg.<br />

(3.5 oz. rotating variety), beef snack (rotating variety), dried fruit pkg. (5<br />

oz. rotating variety), energy bar, Almond or Peanut M&Ms or pistachios<br />

(rotating variety), electrolyte replacement (rotating variety). 1100 calories.<br />

Coyote Camp Standard Meals<br />

Non-self-heating meals with pop-top tin or microwavable entrees. Great<br />

for warm and hot weather operations where piping hot meals may not be<br />

desirable. Each Standard Meal contains: One entree of a rotating variety (beef,<br />

poultry, pork or vegetarian - see case options below), fruit squeezer and fruit<br />

juice, energy component, granola bar or cracker pack and cookie, electrolyte<br />

replacement, flatware/napkin. 1100-1300 calories.<br />

COY CAVMAN10 Standard Case (10 Meals) 191.99<br />

COY CAVMAN05 Spike Case (5 Meals) 97.99<br />

COY STDCS12 Standard Case (12 Meals) 105.50<br />

COY STDCS04 Spike Case (4 Meals) 42.50<br />

Coyote Camp Jet-Pac <strong>Fire</strong> Line<br />

Lunch/Dinner<br />

TSA-Friendly, approximately 1200 calories. Contains shelf-stable, rotating variety<br />

of pocket-sandwich (BBQ Beef, BBQ Chx, Sweet&Sour Chx, Bacon&Cheddar, and<br />

Italian Style), meat stick, trail mix, fruit squeezer, high-quality, high-calorie whole<br />

food protein bar, electrolyte replacement and piece of candy.<br />

Coyote Camp Day Ration/<br />

24 Hour Food Pack - 4ct Case<br />

24 Hour Food Pack containing food and sustenance for 1 person for 24<br />

hours. Each food pack has breakfast, lunch, and dinner stored in one<br />

conveniently accessed and re-sealable 6 mm pouch. All components<br />

used in the Day Rations require zero preparation. Each pack contains<br />

approximately 3200 calories and weighs 2.9 pounds.<br />

COY JTPKCSB10 Standard Case (10 Meals) 120.50<br />

COY JTPKCSB05 Spike Case (5 Meals) 60.00<br />

COY DRMLPK04-B 4 Ct Reclosable Boxes 104.00<br />

COY DRMLPK04-P 4 Ct Reclosable Pouches 112.99<br />

60 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more NUTRITION online

VIEW<br />

ONLINE<br />




Skid Units

Skid Units<br />

A Skid Unit for Every Rig<br />

Our selection of configurations and components<br />

means we can build units to fit any footprint and any budget.<br />

For more information call 800.423.8347<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> offers an extensive range of skid units to anchor your firefighting arsenal. Mobile attack skid units give you everything<br />

you need to keep the flames under control in a compact, easily adjustable setup that can be mounted to nearly any vehicle or UTV.<br />

Each unit is built and engineered with robust materials and quality workmanship to ensure reliable operation when you’re in the field.<br />

Our units require minimal maintenance, include a high-pressure, low-volume pump to conserve water, and are constructed with the highest<br />

quality components to ensure you’re ready when things get heated. We build top mounts, end mounts, hybrid mounts and ATV/UTV units to<br />

fit within your footprint. Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Call us to discuss your specific needs.<br />

Skid Units<br />

are Equipped With:<br />

• 1/2” polypropylene tank baffled to NFPA specifications with stainless<br />

steel flanges, corners welded inside and out and 3” sight gauge level<br />

window. Top is fully removable for easy access.<br />

• Full-length platform constructed of 2” x 1/8” wall aluminum box<br />

tubing with bracing in appropriate spacing for the size of skid<br />

(End Mount and Hybrid Units)<br />

• Control Panel: flush mount liquid-filled pressure gauge 0-600 PSI,<br />

panel mounted by-pass valve, 50 amp circuit breaker, low pressure<br />

cut-off switch, panel lights<br />

• 2 Discharges - 1” to reel, 1-1/2” overboard with NH male threads<br />

and cap<br />

• 2 Suctions - 2” (tank to pump and NPSH auxiliary)<br />

• 1” pump to tank by-pass<br />

Component Choices and Additional Options listed on page 64.<br />

Top Mount Units<br />

A top mount unit has all components mounted to the top of the unit. This configuration<br />

works well with limited space or for operating the unit from the side of truck. This unit<br />

does not require a skid and therefore does not take up as much space as our other<br />

configurations.<br />

End Mount Skid Units<br />

An end mount skid unit has the pump, control panel and plumbing mounted on the<br />

rear of the unit and will typically have an elevated platform where the reel will be<br />

mounted. In larger applications, the reel could be mounted to a plumbing deck.<br />

This configuration works well for utility bodies or rear access trucks.<br />

Hybrid Skid Units<br />

A hybrid skid unit has the pump, control panel and plumbing mounted on the rear of the<br />

unit, with the hose reel mounted to the top of the tank. This configuration works well if<br />

there is access to the top of the tank or for hose deployment off either side of the unit.<br />

62 order by phone 800.423.8347

Skid Units<br />

ATV/UTV Skid Units<br />

ATV/UTV skid units are compact and lightweight, designed for quick access to remote areas<br />

not easily reached by full size vehicles. Ideal for fire service personnel and landowners. Can be<br />

designed to fit your small utility vehicle.<br />

Includes:<br />

• Mercedes Wick-100 4H or Wick SI 250 Pump/Motor<br />

• 3/4” x 50’ Rubber Booster Hose on Manual Reel<br />

• 3” Sight Gauge<br />

• 1/2” Mounting Pad<br />

• Stainless Steel Flanges<br />

• 1-1/2” Suction<br />

• 1” Drain<br />

• 1” Tank By-pass<br />

Polypropylene Tanks<br />

Building your own unit? Let us build your tank! Just give us your footprint and gallonage<br />

requirements. You choose the location of the flanges, fill tower and sight windows.<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> poly tanks are built tough 1/2” polypropylene tanks are baffled to NFPA<br />

specifications with corners welded inside and out and easy-to-see sight gauge level windows. Features<br />

a fully removable top for easy access. Choose one of our standard sizes or request a custom quote.<br />

SLP TANK50 50 Gallon* 2225.00<br />

SLP TANK75 75 Gallon* 2248.00<br />

SLP TANK100 100 Gallon* 2378.00<br />

SLP TANK150 150 Gallon 3665.00<br />

SLP TANK200 200 Gallon 4303.00<br />

SLP TANK250 250 Gallon 4413.00<br />

SLP TANK300 300 Gallon 4895.00<br />

SLP TANK400 400 Gallon 6782.00<br />

SLP TANK500 500 Gallon 8840.00<br />

SLP TANK750 750 Gallon 10165.00<br />

SLP TANK1000 1000 Gallon 10885.00<br />

Mounting Pad 402.00<br />

10 Gallon Foam Cell 487.00<br />

*50, 75, 100 gallon tanks come standard<br />

with Mounting Pad at no additional cost.<br />

Call for pricing on other sizes.<br />

Tankless Units<br />

Retrofitting an old unit? Only need the skid components?<br />

We can build your unit to specifications, without the tank.<br />

Call 800-423-8347 for more information.<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 63

Skid Unit Components<br />

Skid Units<br />

Category<br />

Description<br />

Forester NFF2 2-stage 13 horse Honda Pump<br />

Forester NFF2 2-stage 18 horse Honda or Briggs Pump<br />

Pump<br />

Forester NFF2 2-stage 24 horse Honda or Briggs Pump<br />

Forester NFF4 4-stage 18 horse centrifugal Honda or Briggs Pump<br />

Forester NFF4 4-stage 24 horse centrifugal Honda or Briggs Pump<br />

Reel<br />

Coxwell Manual Reel<br />

Coxwell Electric Rewind Reel<br />

Hannay Electric Steel Reel<br />

Hannay Super Booster Aluminum Electric Reel<br />

Roller Guides<br />

Hose<br />

Nozzle<br />

Foam Capability<br />

Primer<br />

High Mount<br />

Low Mount<br />

200 ft. 3/4” Red Booster Hose (NH or NPSH thread)<br />

200 ft. 3/4” Boostlite ® Hose (NH or NPSH thread)<br />

200 ft. 1” Red Booster Hose (NH or NPSH thread)<br />

200 ft. 1” Boostlite ® Hose (NH or NPSH thread)<br />

Polycarbonate Combo Nozzle<br />

Dual Gallonage Combo Nozzle<br />

Viper Nozzle<br />

Crestar Select Flow Nozzle<br />

Chemonics Foam Proportioner w/ 10 gal. Foam Cell (power required)<br />

Foam Pro 1601 w/ 10 gal. Foam Cell<br />

Plastic-Bodied Guzzler Diaphragm Pump<br />

Aluminum Guzzler Diaphragm Pump<br />

Waterpuppy Utility Pump<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Hydrant Fill<br />

Liquid Level Light Gauges<br />

“The quality and workmanship on our 399 gallon skid<br />

unit went above and beyond our expectations and<br />

was delivered on-time and on-budget. It continues to<br />

work as designed year after year. Thank you!”<br />

Robin Winston, Owner<br />

C&R Reforestation / Aurora, Oregon<br />






64 order by phone 800.423.8347

VIEW<br />

ONLINE<br />





Forester 14280 <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

PUMPS<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

18 horse motor with single-stage pump<br />

The 14280 delivers high performance with both high pressure and high volume. It is a single stage centrifugal pump with a minimum number of<br />

moving parts, making maintenance a snap, and dependability unsurpassed by any pump on the market. Comes with low pressure cut off switch. This<br />

pump is available with a Briggs & Stratton with V-twin cylinders or Honda engine with V-twin cylinders and overhead valves. Whichever motor you<br />

choose, the 14280 is sure to get the job done!<br />

Model<br />

ROB 14280-H18 Honda 18HP GX630<br />

ROB 14280-B18 Briggs & Stratton 18HP VT18HP<br />

Ignition:<br />

Electronic<br />

Engine Specifications<br />

Call for<br />

pricing<br />

Call for<br />

pricing<br />

Cylinders:<br />

Fuel Used:<br />

Starting System:<br />

Standard:<br />

Options:<br />

Twin<br />

Gasoline<br />

Rope or Electric - B & S<br />

Electric Only - Honda<br />

Low Oil Shutdown<br />

Low Pressure Shutoff Switch<br />

Electric Primer<br />

Control Panel<br />

Model: Forester 14280<br />

Pump Specifications<br />

Approximate Overall Dimensions<br />

Height: 20” Length: 25”<br />

Width: 23” Dry Weight: 135 lbs.<br />

Performance<br />

GPM 120 100 70 50 20 10<br />

PSI 100 130 190 235 250 250<br />

Type:<br />

Priming Device:<br />

Inlet Size:<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

Centrifugal Single Stage<br />

Hand Operated<br />

2” NPSH<br />

1-1/2” NPSH<br />

Robwen pump head<br />

Replacement pump head. 1-1/2” outlet.<br />

1-1/2” inlet on the 125 and<br />

2” inlet on the 180.<br />

Fol-da-tank ® MINI-DAM ®<br />

For use with forestry pumps and other<br />

hazardous containment.<br />

32” x 32” x 4”. 22 oz. vinyl.<br />


125 Single Stage<br />

Pump Head Only<br />

70 GPM at<br />

100 PSI<br />

Call for<br />

pricing<br />

1-5 6+<br />

FDT MD32324 94.00 89.00<br />


180 Single Stage<br />

Pump Head Only<br />

120 GPM at<br />

100 PSI<br />

Call for<br />

pricing<br />


Please call for pricing on all Robwen pump parts<br />

Part<br />

Part<br />

ROB 125PG<br />

125 Pump and Guard Assembly<br />

ROB P10009-125<br />

125 Impeller<br />

ROB 180PG<br />

180 Pump and Guard Assembly<br />

ROB P10009-180<br />

180 Impeller<br />


125/180 Timing Belt<br />

ROB P10012<br />

125/180 251 O-Ring<br />


125/180 Poly Chain Belt<br />

ROB P10013<br />

125/180 223 O-Ring<br />


125/180 Bearing<br />

ROB P10015<br />

125/180 Mount<br />


125/180 Universal<br />

Pump Seal Assembly<br />

ROB P10016<br />

ROB P10018<br />

125/180 Retaining Ring<br />

125/180 Sleeve, Pump Shaft<br />

ROB P10004<br />

125/180 Belt Guard, Cover<br />

ROB P10019<br />

125/180 Drain Fitting<br />

ROB P10006-125<br />

125 Volute Cover<br />

ROB P10020<br />

125/180 Pump Shaft<br />

ROB P10006-180<br />

180 Volute Cover<br />

ROB P10023<br />

125/180 Window Cover, Belt Guard<br />

ROB P10007-125<br />

125 Bushing, Pump Cover<br />

ROB P10024<br />

125/180 1" Bushing<br />

ROB P10007-180<br />

180 Bushing, Pump Cover<br />

ROB P10025<br />

125/180 3/4" Bushing<br />

ROB P10008-125<br />

125 Impeller Bushing<br />

ROB P10026<br />

125/180 8MX-565-21 Pulley<br />

ROB P10008-180<br />

180 Impeller Bushing<br />

ROB P10027<br />

125/180 8MX-285-21 Pulley<br />

66 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Forester 14270 <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

13 horse motor with single-stage pump<br />

Forester <strong>Fire</strong> Pumps are designed to provide dependable performance at an economical price. Powered by a 13 horsepower Honda four-cycle engine, the<br />

single stage centrifugal pump head exceeds U.S. Forest Service specification 5100-273. Its simple design minimizes the number of moving parts, making<br />

maintenance a snap. Unlike positive displacement pumps, the Forester 14270 can pass dirty water as well as solids up to 1/4” without damage. Comes<br />

with low pressure cut-off switch and pull start manual recoil as backup. For the best in no-hassle, high pressure fire pumps, Forester is the choice!<br />

Model<br />

Horsepower 13<br />

Engine Specifications<br />

GX390<br />

RPM 3600<br />

Ignition<br />

Cylinders<br />

Fuel Used<br />

Electronic<br />

Single<br />

Gasoline<br />

Starting System Rope or Electric<br />

Approximate Overall Dimensions<br />

Height: 22.5”<br />

Width: 19”<br />

Length: 31”<br />

Dry Weight: 124 lbs.<br />

Performance/Honda<br />

GPM 70 50 30 10 0<br />

PSI 100 155 225 235 260<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

PUMPS<br />

Standard:<br />

Options:<br />

Low Pressure Shutoff Switch<br />

Hand Primer<br />

Electric Primer<br />

Control Panel<br />

Pump Specifications<br />

ROB 14270<br />

Call for pricing<br />

Model: Forester 14270<br />

Type:<br />

Priming Device:<br />

Inlet Size:<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

Centrifugal Single Stage<br />

Hand Operated<br />

1-1/2” NPSH<br />

1-1/2” NPSH<br />

Aluminum Bodied Guzzler<br />

Diaphragm Pump - 3500 Model<br />

Rugged, all-metal self-priming diaphragm pump with aluminum<br />

end body, end connections and clamp ring and stainless steel<br />

components. Capable of 12 ft. suction lift and 30 ft. delivery head.<br />

Accommodates 1” to 1-1/2” hose and pumps up to 14 GPM.<br />

BOS GUZZLERAL Pump 517.00<br />


Service Kit -<br />

Diaphragm<br />

& Flapper<br />

Valves<br />

32.75<br />

Plastic Bodied Guzzler<br />

Diaphragm Pump - 400 Model<br />

Most versatile and economical body style, 10” long including<br />

end connections, with four 1/4” diameter mounting holes on<br />

a 6-1/8” diameter bolt circle. 10 GPM.<br />

BOS GUZZLERPL Pump 149.25<br />



Service Kit -<br />

Diaphragm<br />

& Flapper<br />

Valves<br />

Repl.<br />

Diaphragm<br />

Buna N<br />

26.50<br />

16.75<br />

Utility Hand Pump<br />

The world’s most versatile pump. Self-priming hand pump kit<br />

comes standard on the NFF pumps. Contains adapters, tubes and<br />

hoses. Engine crankcase pump out through the dipstick tube,<br />

diesel fuel transfer, or bilge pump. Can be used as air pump.<br />

Includes (2) 1/2” x 3’ hoses. (2) dipstick probes 1/4”, neoprene<br />

intake adapter/tube connector. Weighs 2 lbs.<br />

Waterpuppy Utility Pump<br />

Our most common primer pump. Pump has a dry prime lift of<br />

6 ft. and a lift to 20 ft. when primed. Permanent magnet type, fully<br />

enclosed stainless steel shaft, ball type shaft bearing. 3” high,<br />

6-7/8” long, 4-3/4” wide and weighs 6 lbs.<br />

SMF 33799 150.00<br />

SMF WATERPUPPY 435.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 67

Forester NFF4 <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

PUMPS<br />

Combines the power of a 13-24 horse motor with our NFF4 high pressure 4-stage centrifugal pump delivering superior volume at greater PSI to<br />

deliver water to a wider range of elevations. Comes with low pressure cut off switch. This pump is available with either a Briggs & Stratton with<br />

V-twin cylinders, or Honda engine with V-twin cylinders and overhead valves.<br />

• Powered by a 4 stroke, air cooled engine<br />

with over-speed protection<br />

• Electric start (battery optional)<br />

• Automotive style air cleaner and external<br />

oil filter<br />

• Four stage foam compatible pump end<br />

• Engine and pump are coupled with<br />

stainless steel quick release clamp<br />

• Maintenance-free speed increaser<br />

• Standard discharge gauge and adapter<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Ignition:<br />

Cylinders:<br />

Fuel Used:<br />

Starting System:<br />

Standard:<br />

Options:<br />

Model:<br />

Type:<br />

Priming Device:<br />

Inlet Size:<br />

Outlet Size:<br />


Please see website pricing on all Forester replacement parts<br />

Engine Specifications<br />

Electronic<br />

Twin<br />

Gasoline<br />

Rope or Electric - B & S, Honda 13<br />

Electric Only - Honda 18-24<br />

Low Oil Shutdown<br />

Low Pressure Shutoff Switch<br />

Hand Primer<br />

Electric Primer<br />

Control Panel<br />

Pump Specifications<br />

NFF4 (Mercedes FSP4200)<br />

Centrifugal Four Stage High Pressure<br />

Hand Operated<br />

2” NPSH<br />

1-1/2” NPSH<br />

13HP<br />

Performance<br />

GPM 76 64 49 38 0<br />

PSI 100 150 200 250 370<br />

18HP<br />

GPM 100 95 86 75 0<br />

PSI 100 150 200 250 425<br />

23/24HP<br />

Model #<br />

MRP NFF4-H18 Honda 18 hp GX630 Call for pricing<br />

MRP NFF4-H24 Honda 24 hp GX690 Call for pricing<br />

MRP NFF4-B18 Briggs & Stratton 18 hp VT18HP Call for pricing<br />

MRP NFF4-B23 Briggs & Stratton 23 hp VT23HP Call for pricing<br />

GPM 102 98 95 85 65<br />

PSI 100 150 200 250 300<br />

Bottom Drain and<br />

Sealed Bearing Option<br />

Tired of your pump freezing? The<br />

bottom drain allows for all water to be<br />

removed from the pump. Additionally,<br />

the sealed bearing eliminates the need<br />

to lubricate your bearings and reduces<br />

downtime due to cracked bearings.<br />

Reduce maintenance/repair costs<br />

with this option. Add $110.00<br />

Part<br />

Dia.<br />

MRP 79W128 12-8 Body - 1774 1<br />

MRP 79W126 Distributor - 1776 2<br />

MRP 79W129 Distributor - 1777 3<br />

MRP 79W127 Impeller - 1779 4<br />

MRP 79W1211 Impeller - 1780 5<br />

MRP 79W1212A Suction Nozzle - 1782 6<br />

MRP 79W122C Shaft Assy. - 1783 7<br />

MRP 79W123 Retainer - 1784 8<br />

MRP 79W124AS Drive Bushing - 1785 9<br />

MRP 79W1248 Bearing - 1786 10<br />

MRP 79W1228T Rotary Seal - 1787 11<br />

MRP 79W1250 Nut-Stainless - 1788 12<br />

MRP 79W1240 Bushing - 1790-W 13<br />

Part<br />

Dia.<br />

MRP 79W1242 Screw - 1838 26<br />

MRP 79W1210 Priming Cap<br />

MRP 79W1243 Washer, Priming Cap<br />

MRP 79W1229 Fitting, Hydraulic<br />

MRP 79W122D Assembly: Item 4,5,7,8,9,10,12,21<br />

MRP 79W122E Assembly: Item 7,8,9,10<br />

MRP 79W1239 Screw - 1791 14<br />

MRP 79W1226 O Ring - 1792 15<br />

MRP 79W1227 O Ring - 1793 16<br />

MRP 79W1225 Screw - 1794 17<br />

MRP 79W1217 Buffer Coupling - 1798 18<br />

MRP 79W1238 Lockwasher - 1796 19<br />

MRP 79W1224 Lockwasher - 1797 20<br />

MRP 79W1249 Washer - Stainless- 1832 21<br />

MRP 79W212<br />

Clamp<br />

MRP 79W1213 Shaft Nose - 1836 25<br />

68 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


High Pressure Wick ® Pump End Complete<br />

Applications for this pump are in the field where high pressure and long hose lays are required. This pump is designed to be<br />

used with 185-210 cc 2 stroke or 13-24 HP 4 stroke engines, and is the workhorse of forestry fire fighting. Attachment to engine<br />

is via a quick-connect pump mounting clamp (see MRP 79W212). 2” NPSH Suction, 1-1/2” NPSH Discharge.<br />

MRP 79W1216 4-Stage 2069.00<br />

MRP 79W1216SD<br />

4-Stage w/<br />

Drain & Seal<br />

2195.00<br />

Bottom Drain and Sealed Bearing Option<br />

Tired of your pump freezing? The bottom drain<br />

allows for all water to be removed from the pump.<br />

Additionally, the sealed bearing eliminates the need<br />

to lubricate your bearings and reduces downtime due<br />

to cracked bearings. Reduce maintenance/repair costs<br />

with this option.<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

PUMPS<br />

4-Stage<br />

Pro Power WX390A-860 Engine and Pump for Truck Mount<br />

Designed to meet and exceed Washington Department of Natural Resources and Oregon Department of Forestry<br />

logging site/fire protection pump truck and trailer requirements (may also meet requirements of additional states).<br />

Featuring a commercial grade GX390 Honda Engine, the Ace GE-860 centrifugal pump has a maximum pressure of<br />

140 PSI and a maximum flow of 150 GPM. Meets requirement of 20 GPM through 1/4" nozzle and 50' of 1" hose. Pump<br />

housing is cast iron and seals are Viton ceramic. Stainless steel and brass fittings with a spring-loaded priming valve for<br />

return pressure safety. Internal pump parts are replaceable. Pump can be primed and operating in less than a minute.<br />

Three year Honda Engine and 1 year Hypro Pump warranty.<br />

NEW<br />

Model:<br />

Cylinders:<br />

Fuel Used:<br />

Starting System:<br />

Standard:<br />

Weight:<br />

Model:<br />

Type:<br />

Inlet Size:<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

Engine Specifications<br />

GX390 (389cc)<br />

Twin<br />

Gasoline<br />

Recoil<br />

Low Oil Sensor<br />

105 lbs.<br />

Pump Specifications<br />

ACE GE-860-LE<br />

Centrifugal<br />

2” NPT<br />

1-1/2” NPT<br />

Performance<br />

GPM 145 130 107 87 69 45 16<br />

PSI 20 40 60 80 100 120 140<br />

SCO GX390COMBO 1779.00<br />

ODF/WA DNR<br />

Pro Power WX390A-860CP Complete Unit on Cart<br />

Mounted on a heavy duty cart with flat free tires.<br />

Includes:<br />

• Engine – GX390 (389cc) Recoil Start with Low Oil Sensor<br />

• Pump – ACE GE-860-LE Centrifugal Pump<br />

• Nozzle – Max 200 PSI and Max 140 GPM<br />

• Guzzler G400-H Priming Pump<br />

• 20'′ of 2"″ suction hose<br />

• Spring-loaded foot valve<br />

• 50'′ of 250 rated PSI 1-1/2"″ fire hose<br />

• Camlock connections for fire and suction hoses<br />

SCO GX390-860CP 2882.00<br />

ODF/WA DNR<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 69

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

PUMPS<br />

Wick ® 100 Pump<br />

The 2-stroke Wick ® 100 has 30% better performance than any<br />

other pump in its class! It uses a Solo 40cc 2.3 HP two cycle<br />

engine. Features a unique clutch drive system with water<br />

flow auto stop at idle. The pump is a horizontal, single stage<br />

centrifugal pump that is detachable for easy maintenance.<br />

Comes standard with a high speed cut–out switch (protects<br />

the engine when the pump loses its prime).<br />

MRP WICK100 1496.00<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions<br />

Height: 10-1/2” Length: 13”<br />

Width: 11” Dry Weight: 17 lbs.<br />

Specifications<br />

Type:<br />

Centrifugal Single Stage<br />

Priming Device: 1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

GPM 69 46 33 10 0<br />

PSI 0 35 55 85 100<br />

Wick ® 100-4H Pump<br />

This high performance package features state-of-the-art pump<br />

design which delivers excellent performance. The pump unit<br />

utilizes a 4-stroke engine and still maintains high pressures, light<br />

weight and very easy starting. Offering a centrifugal clutch, the<br />

pump is easier to start, can be idled for warm up without water<br />

and provides for a detachable pump end for more reliability and<br />

quicker refits, if maintenance is required. NPSH threads. Comes<br />

standard with a high speed cut–out switch (protects the engine<br />

when the pump loses its prime).<br />

MRP WICK100-4H 1815.00<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions<br />

Height: 16” Length: 14”<br />

Width: 11” Dry Weight: 20.2 lbs<br />

Specifications<br />

Type:<br />

Centrifugal Single Stage<br />

Priming Device: 1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

GPM 69 46 33 10 0<br />

PSI 0 35 55 85 100<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Wick Si 250-7 Pump<br />

Portable Three Stage High Pressure <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

• Powered by a 4 stroke air cooled Subaru Electric<br />

7HP or Kohler Command Pro Manual 7HP<br />

• Overhead cam design provides extensive cooling<br />

for 20° F cooler oil temperature and lower<br />

emissions<br />

• Quietest engine in its class<br />

• Automatic decompression system for easy one<br />

pull starting<br />

• High capacity dual element air cleaner<br />

• Up to 20% lighter than the competition<br />

• Produces 43 to 65% greater pressure<br />

• Flows 25 to 30% more water at 100 PSI (6.9 Bar)<br />

• Can work in tandem at more than<br />

400 PSI (28 Bar)<br />

• Three stage foam compatible pump end<br />

• Anodized aluminum impellers and<br />

distributors<br />

• Maintenance-free speed increaser<br />

• Standard base for vehicle mount and<br />

carrying handle for easy transportation<br />

• One of the most fuel efficient engines<br />

on the market using a belt box/pump<br />

end combination<br />

• Includes rubber anti-slip mounts<br />

GPM 90 75 50 25 0<br />

PSI 0 47 100 153 205<br />

Kohler Manual MRP WICKSI250K 2060.00<br />

Subaru Electric MRP WICKSI250SE 2540.00<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions - Subaru<br />

Height: 17” Length: 19”<br />

Width: 15.25” Dry Weight: 49 lbs.<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions - Kohler<br />

Height: 19" Length: 19"<br />

Width: 15" Dry Weight: 53 lbs.<br />

Specifications<br />

Type:<br />

Subaru EX21 Four Stroke<br />

Kohler Four Stroke<br />

Inlet Size:<br />

2” Male NPSH<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

70 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Wick ® Si 300-B Pump<br />

Portable Three Stage High Pressure <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

• Highest pressure performance in its category<br />

• Exceeds Federal pump performance requirements<br />

for Type 7 apparatus<br />

• Most fuel efficient engine meeting type 7<br />

requirements<br />

• Powered by a 4-stroke, air cooled Briggs & Stratton<br />

Vanguard 10 HP overhead valve engine with<br />

over-speed protection<br />

• Super easy starting<br />

• Integral fuel tank<br />

• Overhead valve design allows for cooler and<br />

cleaner runs, delivering more power, longer engine<br />

life, improved fuel economy and lower emissions<br />

• Racing designed connecting rod and head gasket<br />

for increased torque and improved oil flow through<br />

the engine maximizing internal component<br />

protection<br />

• Forged crankshaft incorporating heat treated ball<br />

bearings to minimize friction and heat build-up<br />

• Equipped with TransportGuard<br />

system which provides a<br />

simultaneous fuel/ignition shut-off<br />

to protect the engine from oil/fuel<br />

dilution during transport<br />

• Acoustically designed muffler for<br />

improved tonal quality and lowered<br />

noise level<br />

• High capacity commercial air<br />

cleaner<br />

• Can work in tandem at more than<br />

400 PSI (28 Bar)<br />

• Pump end and maintenance-free<br />

speed increaser can be rotated to<br />

multiple positions<br />

• Anodized aluminum impellers and<br />

distributors<br />

• Standard base for vehicle mount<br />

• Standard electric start motor<br />

(battery not included)<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

PUMPS<br />

MRP WICKSI300 2882.00<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions<br />

Specifications<br />

GPM 90 75 50 25 0<br />

Height: 18.25” Length: 22”<br />

Type:<br />

Vanguard 19L2 10 HP 4-Stroke<br />

PSI 0 103 162 212 275<br />

Width: 18.75” Dry Weight: 82 lbs. (with carry frame)<br />

Priming Device:<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

2” Male NPSH<br />

1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

Wick ® 375 Pump<br />

Portable, high-pressure wildland firefighting pump. Weighs<br />

52 lbs. and is powered by a Solo 210cc, 10 HP two-cycle engine.<br />

Features a USFS approved spark arrestor, solid state ignition<br />

and automatic reset “loss of prime” cut out switch. Four stage<br />

detachable pump with PSI to 360 @ 26 GPM. Comes standard with<br />

high speed cut–out switch (protects the engine when the pump<br />

loses its prime).<br />

MRP WICK375 4557.00<br />

USFS<br />

Approx. Overall Dimensions<br />

Height: 14-1/2” Length: 22-3/4”<br />

Width: 14-1/4” Dry Weight: 52 lbs.<br />

Specifications<br />

Type:<br />

Four Stage Detachable<br />

Priming Device: 2” Male NPSH<br />

Outlet Size:<br />

1-1/2” Male NPSH<br />

GPM 90 76 56 29 0<br />

PSI 0 110 180 225 360<br />


Part<br />

Price<br />

SMF 33799 Universal Utility Hand Primer 150.00<br />

MRP 70FLHPPNH Mercedes Wick ® Hand Primer NH 182.70<br />

MRP 70FL15CVPSPPS 1" Primer/Poppet Check Valve 170.00<br />

MRP 70FL15CVPP 1-1/2" Primer/Poppet Check Valve 152.00<br />

PAC 15PVC-10 & HOC 15SA11316 PVC Suction Hose 1-1/2” NPSH x 10’ 94.00<br />

PAC 15PVC-8 & HOC 15SA11316 PVC Suction Hose 1-1/2” NPSH x 8’ 86.40<br />

FAD 15FS15MN-A Adapter 1-1/2” Female NPSH x 1-1/2” Male NST (Wick ® 375/250/100/1004H) 56.60<br />

FAD 15FS15MS-A Thread Protector 1-1/2” NPSH (Wick ® 375/250/100/1004H) 56.60<br />

FAD 2FS2MS-A Thread Protector 2” NPSH (Wick ® 375/SI 300/SI 250/250) 49.56<br />

MRP 15NFVS Foot Valve Strainer (Alum) 1-1/2” Female NPSH (Wick ® 100/1004H) 139.00<br />

MRP 2SFVS Foot Valve Strainer (Alum) 2” Female NPSH (Wick ® 375/SI 300/SI 250/250) 139.00<br />

DGL 6 GAS TANK 6 Gallon Poly Gas Tank (Wick ® 375/250/100) 122.00<br />

MRP 70FLPFL Fuel Line Complete (Wick ® 375/250) 77.40<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 71

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Indian/Fedco Collapsible “Smokechaser"<br />

5 gallon economical backpack fire pump made of strong polyester fabric<br />

encased in vinyl for extreme puncture and abrasion resistance. Can be easily<br />

collapsed and stowed when empty. All seams are reinforced at all stress<br />

points. Rust-proof brass hand pump is complete with combination nozzle<br />

and designed with positive shut-off. Shoulder harness straps offer the best<br />

in comfort. Center cinch strap distributes weight efficiently and comfortably.<br />

Dual Nozzle changes quickly from stream to spray without tools. Tested<br />

50,000 strokes at 4 PSI with no loss of pump efficiency. Oil proof 48” long<br />

hose is equipped with a rust proof, ball bearing, quick connect type connector.<br />

Approved by the United States Forest Service. 6” x 6” x 18-3/4”. Weighs 6 lbs.<br />

Indian/Fedco 500 FSV Collapsible<br />

“Smokechaser” Pistol Grip<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^IND 179061V 217.00 206.00<br />

USFS<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^IND 190429 230.00 219.00<br />

The popular Smokechaser Pump with a Pistol Grip Pump Handle<br />

Indian “Chief” Dual Bag <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

5 gallon dual collapsible bag fire pump features vinyl inner bag with<br />

protective nylon fabric outer bag which forms to your back for optimum<br />

comfort. Filter screen at outlet prevents clogging. Ventilated cap with<br />

watertight gasket and 3” fill port with easy quick connect. Utility pouch holds<br />

included extra liner with room for extra gear. Fedco pump made from two<br />

seamless brass cylinders. Guide bushing on inner cylinder ensures bind-free<br />

operation. Combination brass nozzle allows operator to switch from straight<br />

stream to cone spray quickly with no special tools.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^IND 190351 264.00 251.00<br />

Scotty “BRAVO” 6 gallon Backpack with Hand Pump and Hose<br />

Designed to be a simple, portable reservoir for water and/or foam concentrate (Class A or Class B). Consists of an<br />

extremely durable and UV resistant high-visibility yellow ballistic nylon outer shell with a removable inner bladder.<br />

Ultra-comfortable shoulder harness system uses high strength nylon webbing for the fully adjustable shoulder,<br />

sternum and waist straps. 4” filler port with debris screen (removable), water tight lid (screw cap) with o-ring and<br />

anti-loss retaining strap. Standard 3/4” GHT outlet port located 3” from bottom center. 2” wide padded nylon<br />

webbing shoulder straps with accessory loops. Waist belts can be rolled up and stored in on-board pockets. Spine<br />

protecting center padding and sternum strap with quick release buckle on 3/4” wide nylon webbing connects<br />

across the chest. Hand pump pocket on the left side for easy storage. Doubled zippered extra equipment storage<br />

pocket with clear label window (allows for display of crew name and number). Carry handle made from 2” wide<br />

nylon webbing on the top of the bag. Capacity: 6 gallons (22L). 24”H x 20”W.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SCT 4000-BRAVO 4002B with 4000 Water Hand Pump and 4062 Pick-Up Hose 249.50 237.00<br />

SCT 4000F-BRAVO Combo with 4000F Foam Hand Pump 277.50 265.00<br />

Quick Connect Refiller Nozzle<br />

for Backpack Pumps<br />

3.5” long quick connect nozzle attaches easily to backpack pumps.<br />

Included ball shut off allows water control without shutting off the hose or<br />

engine. Can also be used without ball shut off as garden hose nozzle.<br />

Foaming Fog Nozzle<br />

for Indian/Fedco Backpack Pumps<br />

DLE QUICK 14.50<br />

^IND 180481 12.00<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

72 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more BACKPACK PUMPS online

Indian/Fedco Smokechaser Pro Dual Bag Tank<br />

USFS Approved quick priming pump with quick connect attachment for rapid attachments and disconnects.<br />

Integrated reflective piping throughout for high visibility. Fill cap located at top of bag for no leak performance<br />

and no need to remove pump for filling. Large filler cap and dual handles for in-the-field refilling. Wedge shape<br />

design nylon pack and durable internal liner bag keeps weight elevated to reduce fatigue. Extra padding on wide<br />

shoulder harness and lumbar support for superior comfort. Rated for 0.75 gallons per minute.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^IND 190514 298.00 283.00<br />

USFS<br />

Indian Poly Backpack Pump<br />

Completely corrosion and UV-resistant and will not dent. Able to be serviced by hand for complete in-field<br />

maintenance. Combination nozzle allows the operator to change from straight stream to cone spray without<br />

any special tools. 52” oil-resistant hose for greater pump mobility. Molded base and handle to keep the unit<br />

comfortable and balanced. Carry handle also functions as storage for the pump. Large 4” filler opening with<br />

drop-in filter screen for easy filling and cleaning. Removable, fully adjustable shoulder straps. Lumbar support<br />

and waist belt for comfort and stability. 5 gallon capacity.<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


1-5 6+<br />

^IND 190191 Pump 221.00 210.00<br />

^IND 179094 Carry Rack, Cross Brace Style 66.00 63.00<br />

Indian Traditional Steel <strong>Fire</strong> Pump<br />

Kidney shaped tank with baffle and contoured back support for greater comfort and balance. Bottom discharge<br />

tank uses a reinforced brass outlet for greater strength. Filter screen located inside tank at outlet prevents<br />

clogging from leaves or other debris. Tank cap is ventilated and uses a cam lock design with watertight<br />

gasket for positive closure. Large 4” filler opening for easy filling and clean out. Removable 1.75” heavy duty<br />

polypropylene shoulder straps have a sliding clip on strap that allows pumps to be secured leaving hands free.<br />

Carrying handle located at top of tank has clips for storing pump. Slide pump fabricated from (2) seamless brass<br />

cylinders. A guide bushing on the inner cylinder allows for bind free operation. Combination nozzle allows for<br />

operator to change from a straight stream to a cone spray quickly and easily without any special tools. Pump can<br />

be disassembled by hand for complete in field maintenance. 19” x 16-1/4” x 10”. 5 gallon capacity. Galvanized<br />

weighs 11 lbs and stainless weighs 10 lbs.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^IND 179014 Galvanized 255.00 239.00<br />

^IND 179015 Stainless 388.00 369.00<br />

^IND 179092 Carry Rack, Kidney Style 66.00 63.00<br />

Dual-Purpose Adjustable Suppression/Filling Nozzle<br />

Suppress fire and rapid-refill bladder bags without even taking them off the back! This solid brass nozzle is<br />

designed to save time, reduce fatigue and secure the fireline, all with just one tool. Contains one O-ring and<br />

one gasket for easy maintenance. Great mop-up tool with fog pattern for water conservation and ability to<br />

adjust to a powerful straight stream for distance and penetration. The 5/8” quick connect tip can be inserted<br />

into a bladder bag for rapid refills without having to dismount the bladder bag from the firefighter’s back. Can<br />

be fitted with a Forester twin tip nozzle for triple the use.<br />

DLE DPAN Nozzle 53.00<br />

DLE DPAN-SO With Shut-Off Valve 63.00<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 73


Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />

FOAMS & GELS<br />

Budget conscious Class A foam concentrate that compares favorably with other less concentrated Class A foam<br />

products. Contains no hazardous materials, is non-corrosive, non-toxic, readily biodegradable, and has no flash<br />

point. Does not contain PFAS chemicals including, but not limited to, PFOS or PFOA. Effective for use in Compressed<br />

Air Foam Systems (CAFS). Compatible with fresh water, sea-water and long-term retardant. Foam characteristics are<br />

not affected by freeze-thaw. Use rates: Wetting Agent: 0.2%, Direct attack: 0.6% to 1.0%, Mop Up/Overhaul: 0.2% to<br />

0.6%. USDA Forest Service approved for <strong>Fire</strong> Suppressant Foam for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting (Class A Foam) 5100-307a.<br />

5 gallon pail.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PHO 10001316 180.00 171.00<br />

USFS<br />

FlameOut+ <strong>Fire</strong> Suppressor Class A/B/D Foam<br />

An extremely effective fire suppressing agent for use on Class A, Class B, and Class D fires. This new generation<br />

chemical replaces foams, halon, and other conventional chemicals and can be used with both aspirating and nonaspirating<br />

discharge devices due to the low energy required to make it foam. FlameOut+ cools burning material<br />

rapidly, penetrates deeply to prevent reflash, and acts as a retardant by keeping treated materials from burning. It<br />

is environmentally safe, 100% organic (no PFOA, PFOS, PFAS), 100% biodegradable, non-corrosive, and non-toxic.<br />

Up to six times more effective than water alone and greatly reduces water consumption. USDA Forest Service<br />

approved for <strong>Fire</strong> Suppressant Foam for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting (Class A Foam) 5100-307a.<br />

HHC 003-32 1 Pallet/32 Pails 3,840.00<br />

USFS<br />

Drench <strong>Fire</strong>fighting Additive<br />

A liquid additive designed to dramatically reduce extinguishing time when fighting class “A” and “AB” fires. This<br />

super concentrate increases penetration, reduces friction and cools like no other product. Cut knock-out times in<br />

half and reduce water usage by as much as two-thirds. Drench can be used to safely and quickly extinguish any<br />

combustible that would normally be treated with water. 1 quart bottles.<br />

DEN DRENCH1QT 1 Quart 24.00<br />

DEN DRENCH12PK Case of 12 276.00<br />



KINGMAN, ARIZONA / MAY 15, 2022<br />

74 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more FOAMS & GELS online

Thermo-Gel Homeowner Protection Kit<br />

Water gelling agent that aids water in structure protection, fire suppression and retardation. Leaves behind a coating<br />

of water gel that reduces re-kindling. Use to form a gelled fire break or to protect structures, trees and vegetation<br />

within a burn area. Sticks to all surfaces including windows. Approved with the USDA Forest Service for use with<br />

ground engines and helicopter buckets, Spec 5100-306A. Non-toxic and safe for use on trees and vegetation.<br />

Kit contains four 1 gallon containers of Thermo-Gel 200L, one garden hose eductor/nozzle and instructions.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

THG TG200LHK Complete Kit 549.00 522.00<br />

THG TG200L1 (4) 1 gallon replacement containers 481.00 457.00<br />

Giant Soaker Hose Sprinkler System<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


Quick and easy high water volume designed to protect buildings from wildfires. Simply by laying out the 100 foot<br />

long 1.5 inch diameter lay-flat PVC Giant Soaker Hose and hooking it up to a gas powered 4 to 9+ HP water pump,<br />

you can provide exterior fire protection when wildfires threaten your home. Emits 40-100 gallons depending<br />

upon the power of your water pump (the more powerful, the better) and you can use 1 or multiple 100 foot hoses.<br />

Hose can be draped over or laid around a house or structure. Less expensive than sprinklers, outputs more water<br />

and is easier to install and use. Requires water sources including ponds, streams, wells, reservoirs, lakes, pools<br />

or water tanks. Cannot be used with household water taps which only output 5 gallons of water per minute,<br />

although household water can be used to fill tanks. Includes (1) 100 ft. 1.5" hose (weighs 18.5 lbs.).<br />

GIA GSI15X100 Camlock Call for pricing<br />

GIA GSI15X100-N NH Thread Call for pricing<br />

GIA GSI15X100-P NP Thread Call for pricing<br />

Roof Saver Sprinklers Rapid Deployment Kit<br />

Made in U.S.A. patented Wildfire Protection System that deploys in minutes. All-steel welded<br />

construction, brass fittings, and brass impulse sprinklers. Excellent option for firefighting professionals<br />

and structure protection teams. Sprinkler frames bend to adjust to almost any roof pitch and rubber<br />

feet add extra grip on the roof. Low profile design has no impact from wind. Will work with house<br />

water pressure at 60 PSI, but can handle the higher pressures of robust water systems and fire pumps<br />

(up to 110 PSI). Each sprinkler uses 3.5 GPM at 60 PSI. Wets roof, gutters, decks, and surrounding trees<br />

and bushes. Includes (3) non-adjustable sprinklers, each covering an 80’-96’ circle, (3) 3/4” x 50” MYTI-<br />

FLO Hoses, 1 3/4” wye fitting and (1) heavy-duty vinyl-coated nylon orange equipment bag.<br />

NEW<br />

RSS RDK1 1350.00<br />

Weight<br />

26 lbs.<br />

Dimensions 24” x 18” x 10”<br />

Drum and Foam Pail Wrench<br />

Designed to loosen and tighten the caps found on standard (70mm wide) 5 gallon foam pails and both the large<br />

and small bungs on 55 gallon drums. Made from incredibly tough glass-filled nylon in high visibility yellow and is<br />

spark and corrosion proof. 10” long and weighs 6.5 ounces. Included Wrench Mount uses single snap clip to secure<br />

wrench in place on a wall or in a cabinet, etc. Can be installed vertically, horizontally or at virtually any angle.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SCT 4578-YF Foam Wrench 13.20 12.55<br />

SCT 4580 Repl. Foam Wrench Mount 5.00 4.75<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 75

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


CrewBoss SnapTank Complete<br />

Nothing in the industry offers more structural integrity on flat or uneven ground than the SnapTank. Octagonal frame configuration consisting of eight<br />

vertical leg assemblies with sixteen snap-in support bars. With its quality components and interchangeable parts, the SnapTank can add valuable<br />

capacity to any response without the expensive apparatus modifications necessary to transport a traditional rigid tank. Constructed of the finest<br />

aircraft quality aluminum components, SnapTank is light, yet durable and can be fully functional in minutes. Each unit is plumbed with a standard 3”″<br />

female NPT flange with 3” NPT plug and packaged in a compact field bag. Can ship UPS or Fed-Ex. Sets up in 4 minutes or less.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

WSS ST<br />

WSS STGC<br />

WSS STFB<br />

WSS STRL<br />

WSS STSB<br />


SnapTank Complete<br />

With storage/carry bag (Field Bag).<br />

Ground cover not included.<br />

Ground Cover<br />

18 oz. vinyl ground cover<br />

Replacement Field Bag<br />

Replacement storage/carry bag<br />

Replacement Liner<br />

Replacement 22 oz. vinyl liner<br />

Replacement Bar<br />

Horizontal<br />

Replacement Leg<br />

All Sizes<br />

1000<br />

Gallon<br />

1500<br />

Gallon<br />

2000<br />

Gallon<br />

2500<br />

Gallon<br />

3000<br />

Gallon<br />

2384.00 2588.00 2927.00 3263.00 3674.00<br />

165.00 238.00 280.00 320.00 255.00<br />

166.00 185.00 190.00 220.00 229.00<br />

1269.00 1376.00 1562.00 1738.00 1957.00<br />

43.00 48.00 52.00 54.00 59.00<br />

236.00 236.00 236.00 236.00 236.00<br />

Model/<br />

Capacity<br />

Maximum<br />

Width<br />

Total<br />

Height<br />

Carrying Bag (With Tank) Dimensions<br />

Weight Length Width Height<br />

1000 gallon 100” 33” 67 lbs. 39” 16” 14”<br />

1500 gallon 136” 33” 77 lbs. 49” 16” 14”<br />

2000 gallon 150” 33” 85 lbs. 56” 16” 14”<br />

2500 gallon 169” 33” 90 lbs. 63” 16” 14”<br />

3000 gallon 185” 33” 107 lbs. 79” 16” 14”<br />


WSS STVRK Vinyl Repair Kit - Vinyl and Cement 72.00<br />

Fol-Da-Tank ® Self-Supporting Frameless Portable Water Tank<br />

In remote areas the self-supporting tanks are designed for standby water containment, water shuttling situations and provide a continuous portable<br />

water supply. The SST may be filled by pumping water from a natural water source, such as a stream or creek, with a small gas operated pump. As<br />

the tank begins to fill with water, its unique design allows it to become self supporting automatically. Easy lift grab handles are placed evenly around<br />

the base of the tank for easy set up. Fol-Da-Tank’s new HPR ® High Performance Rubber is a proprietary formulated fabric to replace Hypalon. No<br />

foot pump necessary, all seams welded for longer life, unique Ethafoam collar - no need to inflate, supplied with one all aluminum threaded flange<br />

coupling installed, any number and size of hose connections can be added for bottom drafting. Compact storage bag included.<br />

Open Folded Weight<br />

FDT FST1800 1800 gallon 4’ x 7’ x 9’10” 26” x 20” 75 lbs. 2315.00<br />

FDT FST2000 2000 gallon 4’ x 7’5" x 10’8” 26” x 20” 75 lbs. 2340.00<br />

FDT FST2500 2500 gallon 4’ x 8’ x 12’6” 34” x 22” 110 lbs. 2517.00<br />

FDT FST3000 3000 gallon 4’ x 9’10” x 13’1” 34” x 22” 175 lbs. 3063.00<br />

FDT FST6000 6000 gallon 5’ x 12’ x 17’ 40” x 28” 238 lbs. 5307.00<br />

FDT FST10000 10000 gallon 6’8” x 12’ x 19’8” 44” x 36” 365 lbs. 7,887.00<br />

Portable<br />

76 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more PORTABLE TANKS online

Portable Tanks from FOL-DA-TANK ®<br />

Fol-Da-Tank doubles the firefighting ability of a tanker truck at an affordable price. Provides an extra water supply when<br />

needed, such as in rural areas, or where water pressure is low. FOL-DA-TANK ® also functions as back-up facilities for fire<br />

departments. Two people can unload FOL-DA-TANK ® from the truck and set it up in less than 30 seconds. While a pumper<br />

empties the FOL-DA-TANK ® , a tanker can be bringing more water. With the fire out, FOL-DA-TANK ® can be emptied quickly<br />

with the exclusive 10” diameter drain sleeve. Black steel frame with 22 oz. HPR ® High Performance Rubber liner.<br />

• “Easy Lift Handles” – Side wall mounted handles<br />

helps the firefighter to pick up the liner when<br />

closing the tank.<br />

• High-Quality Grommets - Closely spaced grommets<br />

in solid brass to prevent the liner from sagging.<br />

• Hinge Protectors – Patented “pinch-free” design<br />

prevents the firefighter from pinching their hands<br />

when opening and closing the folding frame. Die<br />

cut, heavy duty gauge hinges with heavy duty bolts.<br />

• Quick Release Drains – Placed on the inside of the<br />

tank so water pressure will seal off the drain sleeve,<br />

with pull strap for emptying the tank. Streamlined<br />

for better traffic flow.<br />

Portable<br />

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


Open Folded Weight Complete Repl. Liner<br />

FDT 600-H22 600 Gallon 6’3” x 6’3” x 29” 6’3” x 7” x 29” 95 lbs. 2155.00 1016.00<br />

FDT 1000-H22 1000 Gallon 8’3” x 8’3” x 29” 8’3” x 7” x 29” 125 lbs. 2396.00 1190.00<br />

FDT 1500-H22 1500 Gallon 10’3” x 10’3” x 29” 10’3” x 7” x 29” 145 lbs. 2453.00 1433.00<br />

FDT 2100-H22 2100 Gallon 11’3” x 11’3” x 29” 11’3” x 7” x 29” 165 lbs. 2615.00 1588.00<br />

FDT 2500-H22 2500 Gallon † 12’3” x 12’3” x 29” 12’3” x 7” x 29” 175 lbs. 2736.00 1887.00<br />

FDT 3000-H22 3000 Gallon † 13’3” x 13’3” x 29” 13’3” x 7” x 29” 185 lbs. 2960.00 2181.00<br />

FDT 3500-H22 3500 Gallon † 14’3” x 14’3” x 29” 14’3” x 7” x 29” 210 lbs. 3232.00 2242.00<br />

FDT 4000-H22 4000 Gallon † 15’3” x 15’3” x 29” 15’3” x 7” x 29” 250 lbs. 3537.00 2380.00<br />

FDT 5000-H22 5000 Gallon † 17’ x 17’ x 29” 17’ x 7” x 29” 300 lbs. 4591.00 2872.00<br />

Available in red or yellow 22 oz. HPR® High Performance Rubber. Specify color when ordering<br />

To order replacement liners, please add the letter “L” to the beginning of the complete tank part number. (e.g. FDT L600-H22R)<br />

†<br />

Comes with two drain sleeves standard.<br />

Patch Kits<br />

Need a patch kit? We have them! FOL-DA-TANK ® patch kits come with a square yard<br />

of liner material and a pint of adhesive.<br />

FDT PKH-R Patch Kit Red 151.00<br />

FDT PKH-Y Patch Kit Yellow 151.00<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 77

Portable Tanks, Pumps & Foam<br />


NEW<br />


MSR DromLite Water Hauling Utility Bag<br />

DromLite Bags offer high-capacity water storage yet collapse all the way down to the size of their<br />

cap. Reconstructed of a rugged film and RF-welded seams, they offer reliable durability. Inside,<br />

an improved BPA-free food-grade lining ensures better-tasting water and can handle freezing.<br />

The new svelte 3-in-1 cap lets you fill, drink and pour with ease. Made in USA.<br />

Capacity Weight Dimensions 1-5 6+<br />

^MSR 09584 4L 5.1 oz. 10” x 18.3” 40.95 38.90<br />

Stansport All Purpose Utility Water Bucket<br />

Made of reinforced heavy duty vinyl. Electronically welded seams. Reinforced bottom.<br />

Sturdy carrying handle. Folds compactly for easy storage. 2-1/2 gallon capacity.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

STN 882 12.35 11.95<br />

Waterous/Chemonics Style Foam<br />

Proportioning System<br />

For use on discharge side of pump. This low cost unit eliminates adding foam concentrate<br />

to the water tank or running foam mixture through the pump. Can be inserted in plumbing<br />

between pump outlet and live reel or other discharge points, or can be inserted in a hose lay.<br />

Usable with a wide range of nozzles from 6 to 95 GPM. Maintains continuous foam flow under<br />

varying water pressures and volumes. Needs no physical adjustment. 1-1/2” plumbing with<br />

hose thread adapters.<br />

WAT FT-150-CF 1395.00<br />

Co-Son Industries Pump Foam Proportioner<br />

Diverts water from discharge side of pump, through mixer, then re-introduces into suction side of pump<br />

and concentrate is picked up proportional to the flow of the pump.<br />

CO-SON Industries variable round-the-pump Foam Proportioner is an effective, inexpensive, low<br />

maintenance foam eductor which introduces foam on the suction side of most any fire pump. This foam<br />

metering (proportioner) device is to be plumbed between the discharge and suction side of the pump.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

DGL 1015 Foam Mixer 660.00 627.00<br />

DGL 1010 Suction Tee 2” NPSH 124.00 117.80<br />

MRP 73BW1011 Discharge Tee 1-1/2” NH 150.40 150.40<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />




78 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


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ONLINE<br />




Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

SDH <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Hose Coiler<br />

Designed to make easy work of<br />

coiling 1” to 3” hose under any<br />

condition. Holds 100' of single<br />

jacket or 50' of double jacket<br />

hose. Also suitable for 3/4” mopup<br />

hose. Capable of Dutch rolls.<br />

Folds up for small storage and easy<br />

transportation. Attaches to virtually<br />

anything with included separate<br />

mounting bracket (MB). Trailer Hitch<br />

and Wildland Mounting Brackets<br />

available for more flexibility in where<br />

hose can be coiled.<br />

Weight 1-2 3+<br />

CSS MC40 For 1” or 1-1/2” Hose 6.5 lbs. 482.00 458.00<br />

CSS MC65 For 1-1/2” to 3” Hose 7 lbs. 482.00 458.00<br />

LDH <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Hose Coiler<br />

Designed to coil 100' of 4” to<br />

7” hose. Attaches to the hitch<br />

receiver of a pickup or the<br />

tailboard of a truck; comes with<br />

tailboard mount. Fits directly<br />

into a 2" or Class IV receiver.<br />

Constructed of heavy gauge<br />

steel for superior durability.<br />

Weight 1-2 3+<br />

CSS MC80 For 4" to 7" Hose 10 lbs. 701.00 665.00<br />


1-2 3+<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS THMB<br />

Trailer Hitch<br />

Mounting<br />

Bracket<br />

190.00 180.50<br />

CSS MB<br />

Extra Mount for<br />

MC40 or MC65<br />

Coiler<br />

67.00 63.75<br />

CSS WLMB<br />

Wildland<br />

Mounting<br />

Bracket<br />

193.00 183.25<br />

CSS TB80<br />

Extra Tailboard/<br />

Horizontal<br />

Surface Mount<br />

for MC80<br />

151.00 143.50<br />

Coxwell Live Hose Manual Rewind Reel<br />

Holds up to 300’ of 3/4” I.D. hard rubber hose, or 200’ of 1” I.D. hard rubber hose. Professional grade heavy<br />

duty steel construction. Features a sturdy one piece all welded "A" frame base, low profile outlet riser<br />

open drum slot design for smooth even hose wraps around the drum. Hand crank attaches to axle and is<br />

permanent or removable at the users option.<br />

W D H Ship Wt.<br />

COX 1175-6-200 36.63” 24” 26.13” 83 lbs. 913.00<br />

COX 15357 High Mount Roller Bracket 245.00<br />

COX 15037 Low Mount Roller Bracket 223.00<br />

Coxwell 1600 Series Live Hose Electric Rewind Reel<br />

Versatile, symmetric reel design. Holds up to 200' of 1" I.D. hard rubber hose or 300' of 3/4" O.D. hard<br />

rubber hose. Hybrid Box/"A" frame offers superior reel structure and vertical sides for mounting. Powered<br />

by 1/2 HP 12V DC explosion proof, reversible electric motor. Professional grade heavy duty steel<br />

construction. Dimensions include motor and inlet.<br />

W D H Ship Wt.<br />

COX 1660-2024ED 33.63" 24" 25.25" 115 lbs. 1810.00<br />

COX 16553-20 Low Mount Roller Bracket 269.00<br />

80 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more REELS & ROLLERS online

Hannay Super Booster Hose Reel<br />

The Super Booster is top of the line. It weighs up to 30% less than standard booster reels with an<br />

all-aluminum frame, drum, chip-proof polished aluminum disks, and plated drive chain, sprocket, hub<br />

assembly, swivel joint and fastenings. No painting or finishing required. Inlet is 1” female IPT 90 degree<br />

swivel joint rated at 1000 PSI. Outlet riser is 1” male NPT 1.375” x 8 threads per inch. Other inlet and outlet<br />

threads are available special order. Rewind is by chain and sprocket drive powered by electric motor.<br />

Dimensions include motor and inlet.<br />

Hannay Electric Hose Reel<br />

Same as Super Booster but made of steel.<br />

Capacity 1" Capacity 3/4" W D H Weight<br />

^HNY SBEF-242324 125' 150' 25.88” 20.5” 23.5” 119 lbs. 2125.00<br />

^HNY SBEPF-282526 175' 275' 32.25” 25.5” 27.88” 133 lbs. 2308.00<br />

^HNY SBEPF-382324 250' 300' 41.75” 20.5 23.5” 140 lbs. 2325.00<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


Capacity W D H Weight<br />

^HNY EPF-282526 200' 32.25” 25.5” 27.88” 153 lbs. 1719.00<br />

Hannay Roller Guides<br />

High and low options are available. You can mount up to two guides per reel.<br />

*Reels not included.<br />

High<br />

Model<br />

^HNY FH3A282526H Aluminum 282526 318.00<br />

^HNY FH3S282526H Steel 282526 267.00<br />

^HNY FH3A382324H Aluminum 382324 318.00<br />

High<br />

Low<br />

Model<br />

^HNY FH3A282526L Aluminum 282526 296.00<br />

^HNY FH3S282526L Steel 282526 257.00<br />

Low<br />

^HNY FH3A382324L Aluminum 382324 296.00<br />

Warehouse <strong>Fire</strong> Hose Reel<br />

Style V swinging wall reel. Drum storage avoids deteriorating kinks, ensures long hose life.<br />

Rugged, all steel! Pivot mountings permit rack to swing to proper angle automatically as hose is<br />

pulled off without knotting or twisting.<br />

Hose Size<br />

Capacity<br />

Rack Single Double<br />

Weight<br />

^DIX V1 1-1/2" to 1-3/4" 100' 75' 50' 18.38 lbs. 417.00<br />

^DIX V2 1-1/2" to 1-3/4" 150' 100' 75' 20 lbs. 417.00<br />

^DIX V5 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"<br />

300' 1-1/2" or<br />

150' 2" to 2-1/2"<br />

200' 1-1/2" or<br />

100' 2" to 2-1/2"<br />

150' 1-1/2" or<br />

75' 2" to 2-1/2"<br />

23.36 lbs. 472.00<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 81

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>boss ® <strong>Fire</strong> Hose Our premium lightweight forestry hose<br />

Constructed with an all-synthetic jacket from virgin spun polyester for extra abrasion and snag resistance.<br />

Through the patented Mertex ® process, the <strong>Fire</strong>boss ® lining provides an exceptionally smooth and thin<br />

waterway. This process completely fills the corrugations of the weave and fuses to every warp and filler thread<br />

without the use of backing or adhesives. As a result, <strong>Fire</strong>boss ® gives maximum flow with minimum friction loss.<br />

Features the Mercedes Permatek treatment for even greater abrasion resistance while also being resistant to<br />

ozone, UV rays, rot and mildew. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

Hose<br />

Spec<br />

Hose Diameter<br />

Service<br />

Pressure<br />

Proof<br />

Pressure<br />

Burst<br />

Pressure<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

MRH 1FIREBOSS 1” See website for pricing<br />

MRH 15FIREBOSS 1-1/2” See website for pricing<br />

Coil Dia./100’<br />

Wt./100’<br />

Uncpld<br />

750 1” 300 PSI 600 PSI 1000 PSI 17” 8.8 lbs.<br />

751 1-1/2” 300 PSI 600 PSI 1000 PSI 17” 13 lbs.<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>break II ® Forestry <strong>Fire</strong> Hose Our premium lightweight percolating forestry hose<br />

Self-protecting hose that, by percolating (weeping) just the right amount of water through the jacket, provides<br />

even protection along its entire length. This is accomplished through the patented Mertex ® method that uses a<br />

wicking system to wet the jacket of the hose. This special design ensures no unwanted water or pressure loss.<br />

The jacket itself is comprised of an all synthetic twill weave that is tightly woven for extra abrasion and snag<br />

resistance. Withstands ozone, UV rays, rot and mildew. If you need a hose that has minimal friction loss with<br />

maximum flow, <strong>Fire</strong>break II ® fits the bill. 100’ coil dia. 14”. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

MRH 1FIREBREAK2 1” See website<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

MRH 15FIREBREAK2 1-1/2" See website<br />

Boostlite ® Reel or Draftlite ® Suction Hose<br />

Lightweight reel hose, Polyurethane lined, non collapsible, very kink resistant (kink diameter less than 9”) and<br />

fits standard Hannay hose reels. Heavy-duty spun yarn construction with yellow Permatek treatment for higher<br />

abrasion resistance. Manufactured using the patented Mertex ® method giving superior lining adhesion and<br />

lower friction loss due to a smoother waterway. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

MRH 21007 3/4” Reel See website for pricing<br />

MRH 21010 1 ” Reel See website for pricing<br />

MRH 21015 1-1/2” Suction See website for pricing<br />

HOC 1BLNPSHKIT 1” NPSH Boostlite Field Repairable Couplings 92.00<br />

HOC 1BLNSTKIT 1” NST Boostlite Field Repairable Couplings 92.00<br />

Hose<br />

Diameter<br />

Service<br />

Pressure<br />

Proof<br />

Pressure<br />

Burst<br />

Pressure<br />

Coil<br />

Dia./100’<br />

Bend<br />

Radius<br />

Wt./100’<br />

Uncpld<br />

3/4” 400 PSI 800 PSI 2000 PSI 15.3” 3.5” 14.7 lbs.<br />

1” 400 PSI 800 PSI 2000 PSI 18” 4.5” 19.25 lbs.<br />

1-1/2” 400 PSI 800 PSI 1800 PSI 25” 9” 32 lbs.<br />

Forestguard II ® Forestry Hose All-polyester fire hose<br />

The strength of tightly woven twill weave filament polyester yarns, combined with a smooth Mertex ®<br />

lining, make this product the perfect option for fire fighting, tank fill or high volume feeder lines.<br />

1-1/2” hose is ULC approved and listed. Both sizes are “Forest Service” approved to USDA 5100-187.<br />

See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

MRH 1FG2 1” See website for pricing<br />

MRH 15FG2 1-1/2” See website for pricing<br />

Hose Size<br />

Service/Burst<br />

Pressure<br />

Coil Wt./100’<br />

Dia./100’ Uncpld<br />

1” 300/900 14” 8.0 lbs.<br />

1-1/2” 300/900 14” 12.0 lbs.<br />

USFS<br />

82 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


3/4” Myti-Flo ® Hose<br />

Extremely lightweight and portable, this all synthetic hose is designed for packing into remote areas, mop-up,<br />

hoseline and fire pump location base protections. Precoupled in 50 foot sections with garden hose thread (GHT).<br />

Hose Size<br />

Service/Burst<br />

Pressure<br />

1-5 6+<br />

MRH 75MOPUP 60.60 57.60<br />

Coil<br />

Dia./50’<br />

Wt./50’<br />

Uncpld<br />

3/4” 250/750 8” 1.7lbs.<br />

Scotty 3/4" Forestry Hose Winder<br />

3/4” Mop-up<br />

Hose Bag<br />

TRT CMG1170 23.00<br />

Simple and effective tool used to recover and wind up 50’ flat hose lines. Drains and<br />

cleans debris off the hose as it is wound up. Saves time by creating a tight roll, making<br />

hose delivery and clean up a time-saving process.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4100 58.35 55.45<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


Bulls-Eye Power Nozzle<br />

Remarkable mop-up nozzle that offers 50% more power than anything else in its class. Brass 3/4” nozzle has<br />

a patented no-leak design. Has solid jet, heavy spray, ultra powerful pinpoint stream to complete shut off.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

HCR 810-B 11.00 10.45<br />

Dual-Purpose Adjustable Suppression/Filling Nozzle<br />

Suppress fire and rapid-refill bladder bags without even taking them off the back! This solid brass nozzle is designed to save<br />

time, reduce fatigue and secure the fireline, all with just one tool. Contains one O-ring and one gasket for easy maintenance.<br />

Great mop-up tool with fog pattern for water conservation and ability to adjust to a powerful straight stream for distance and<br />

penetration. The 5/8” quick connect tip can be inserted into a bladder bag for rapid refills without having to dismount the<br />

bladder bag from the firefighter’s back. Can be fitted with a Forester twin tip nozzle (sold separately) for triple the use.<br />

DLE DPAN Nozzle Only 53.00<br />

DLE DPAN-QC With Shut-Off Valve 63.00<br />

S&H Products Mop-Up Applicator Wands<br />

Applicator Wand is constructed with lightweight aluminum and brass for versatile use in wildland firefighting.<br />

The wand is 4'′ in length with 3/4" GHT threads and comes with a 3/4″" brass spray tip. Available in both 1-piece<br />

and 2-piece with brass connectors options. Meets US Forest Service Specifications (FSS). Made in USA.<br />

2-Piece<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SHP APP2 2-piece (2' each) 163.30 155.15<br />

SHP APP4 1-piece (4') 125.60 119.25<br />

SHP NZTA75NH Replacement Spray Tip 41.50 37.45<br />

1-Piece<br />

USFS<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 83

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


SJ600 <strong>Fire</strong> Hose Our all-polyester industrial fire hose<br />

One of our most popular hoses. Durable, quality, high-strength polyester, abrasion resistant jacket. Economical and superior fire<br />

reel and equipment house fire hose. Mildew resistant jacket ensures longevity. The yellow color jacket has additional abrasion<br />

resistance for longer lasting life. 600 PSI test pressure rating. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

NAF 15SJ600W 1-1/2"<br />

White<br />

NAF 15SJ600Y<br />

1-1/2"<br />

Yellow<br />

50’ Coil Dia. Per Foot Pricing<br />

13”<br />

13”<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

NAF 25SJ600W 2-1/2"<br />

White<br />

NAF 25SJ600Y<br />

2-1/2"<br />

Yellow<br />

50’ Coil Dia. Per Foot Pricing<br />

15”<br />

15”<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

DJ800 <strong>Fire</strong> Hose Our heavy duty double jacket hose<br />

Using two all-polyester high quality jackets together over a durable rubber lining gives this hose twice the abrasion resistance<br />

of other polyester hoses. Along with abrasion resistance, the two jackets also provide a higher working pressure for the<br />

toughest of conditions. Fits the requirements of many municipal fire departments. Fits most hose reels without a problem. 800<br />

PSI test pressure rating. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

NAF 15DJ800W 1-1/2"<br />

White<br />

NAF 15DJ800Y<br />

1-1/2"<br />

Yellow<br />

50’ Coil Dia. Per Foot Pricing<br />

17”<br />

17”<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

NAF 25DJ800W 2-1/2"<br />

White<br />

NAF 25DJ800Y<br />

2-1/2"<br />

Yellow<br />

50’ Coil Dia. Per Foot Pricing<br />

18”<br />

18”<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

See website<br />

for pricing<br />

True North FRONTLINE Trap Door Hose Pack<br />

Loads and deploys faster than any hose pack EVER! Designed to carry two single-jacket hose bundles (up to 1.5” each) in any<br />

configuration (donut, U-shape, etc.). The trap door in the bottom is a rigid platform that is pulled up by adjustable web, then<br />

released with rip-cords mounted on the shoulder harness. The design prevents accidental hose deployments. Color-coded rip<br />

cord tabs match the color-coded hose holders so you always know which hose you’re deploying. Padded back and shoulder<br />

straps for comfort.<br />

Color<br />

Black<br />

Weight<br />

3 lbs.<br />

Dimensions 18” x 18” x 6.5”<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TNG HP700 154.95 147.20<br />

NEW<br />

Coaxsher Wildland Hose Pack<br />

Built tough with simplicity and function at the forefront. Features large open lid for quick dump of contents or for deploying your<br />

hose lays on-the-go. Made with 1000D Cordura, box stitching, and reinforced in all high-stress areas. Will comfortably hold 200'<br />

of 1-1/2” and 100' of 1” hose with a forestry nozzle and gated wye. Can easily carry 400' of rolled hose.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

COA OS700 79.95 77.00<br />

NEW<br />


MVP Hose Pack<br />

Designed for comfort, speed and safety. “Release and attack” design allows engagement with one hand and unrolling hose<br />

with the other hand all in one motion. “Deploy and Charge” design allows firefighters to grab a second or third hose out of the<br />

pack easily. The Utility Pouch is able to carry mop-up supplies and hose lay appliances such as 50’ rolled 3/4” hose for mop-up,<br />

increasers, reducers, adapters, tees, gated wyes, and nozzles. Holds both 1” and 1.5” hose - up to 2 100’ rolls of cotton jacket or<br />

up to 3 100’ rolls of synthetic hose.<br />

AMB MVPB12345 115.00<br />

Hose Carrying Bag<br />

High quality cordura nylon bag ideal for transporting fire hose to and from the fire line. Equipped with two nylon carrying<br />

handles, a bottom grab handle for easy discharge of hose and a top nylon tie cord fed through large spur grommets. Holds<br />

up to 5 lengths of 1.5” x 100’ synthetic hose. 22” x 18” x 18”. Weighs 1.54 lbs.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

MRH 70FLBAGC 77.50 73.65<br />

84 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


PVC Suction Hose Lightweight, easy-to-handle<br />

PVC Suction Hose will make 90° bends without kinking, while resisting ozone, weathering, cracking and flaking.<br />

Safe with alkaline or salt water.<br />

Coupled<br />

PAC 15PVC8 1-1/2” x 8’ section 86.40<br />

PAC 15PVC10 1-1/2” x 10’ section 94.00<br />

PAC 15PVC12 1-1/2” x 12’ section 101.60<br />

PAC 15PVC15 1-1/2” x 15’ section 113.00<br />

PAC 2PVC8 2” x 8’ section 136.40<br />

PAC 2PVC10 2” x 10’ section 146.50<br />

PAC 2PVC12 2” x 12’ section 156.50<br />

PAC 2PVC15 2” x 15’ section 171.75<br />

PAC 25PVC8 2-1/2” x 8’ section 140.20<br />

PAC 25PVC10 2-1/2” x 10’ section 158.00<br />

PAC 25PVC12 2-1/2” x 12’ section 175.80<br />

PAC 25PVC15 2-1/2” x 15’ section 202.50<br />

Hose Size Bend Rad.<br />

Max. Wk.<br />

Pressure<br />

Wt./Ft.<br />

1-1/2” 6” 89 PSI .41 lbs.<br />

2” 7” 79 PSI .58 lbs.<br />

2-1/2” 8” 65 PSI .82 lbs.<br />

Uncoupled<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

PAC 15PVC 1-1/2” See website<br />

PAC 2PVC 2” See website<br />

PAC 25PVC 2-1/2” See website<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


Live Reel Hose Our top selling hard line hose<br />

Goodyear strong and flexible live reel hose with Versigard synthetic rubber tube, cover and synthetic thread<br />

reinforcement. Handles working pressures from 200 to 300 PSI, at a temperature range of -20°F to 190°F.<br />

Can be cut to most sizes. See website for coupled hose prices.<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

PAC 75BH300 3/4” See website<br />

PAC 1BH300 1” See website<br />

Hose Size Max. Wk. Pressure Wt./50’ Uncpld<br />

3/4” 300 PSI 17 lbs.<br />

1” 300 PSI 26 lbs.<br />

Tex-Aqua-150 Radial Suction Hose<br />

Constructed with the highest quality compounds to provide maximum flexibility, long life and lighter weight for<br />

easy handling. Reinforced with high tensile tire cord plies; helix wire. Primary service is water suction. 150 PSI<br />

working pressure.<br />

Coupled<br />

PAC 15RAD8 1 -1/2” x 8’ section 123.60<br />

PAC 15RAD10 1 -1/2” x 10’ section 140.50<br />

PAC 15RAD12 1 -1/2” x 12’ section 157.40<br />

PAC 2RAD8 2” x 8’ section 141.90<br />

PAC 2RAD10 2” x 10’ section 162.00<br />

PAC 2RAD12 2” x 12’ section 182.10<br />

PAC 25RAD8 2-1/2” x 8’ section 193.30<br />

PAC 25RAD10 2-1/2” x 10’ section 224.50<br />

PAC 25RAD12 2-1/2” x 12’ section 255.70<br />

Hose Size Bend Rad.<br />

Max. Wk.<br />

Pressure<br />

Wt./Ft.<br />

1-1/2” 7” 150 PSI .85 lbs.<br />

2” 10” 150 PSI 1.06 lbs.<br />

2-1/2” 11” 150 PSI 1.31 lbs.<br />

Uncoupled<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

PAC 15RAD 1 -1/2” See website<br />

PAC 2RAD 2” See website<br />

PAC 25RAD 2-1/2” See website<br />

Gamma-Tank-300 Heavy-Duty Tank Truck Hose<br />

300 PSI working pressure. Nitrile with black neoprene cover. Reinforced with high tensile tire cord plies; helix<br />

wire. Designed for demanding applications when a high working pressure is needed and longer lengths with<br />

fewer connections are desired. 1” and 1-1/2” hose great for use in skid unit/slip-on plumbing.<br />

Coupled<br />

PAC 2HPRAD8<br />

PAC 2HPRAD10<br />

2" X 8' w/<br />

NPSH couplings<br />

2" X 10' w/<br />

NPSH couplings<br />

Weight<br />

11.8 lbs. 314.30<br />

14.5 lbs. 377.50<br />

Hose Size<br />

Bend Rad.<br />

Max. Wk.<br />

Pressure<br />

Wt./Ft.<br />

1” 4" 1300 PSI .58 lbs.<br />

1-1/2” 5" 725 PSI .85 lbs.<br />

2” 12" 600 PSI 1.16 lbs.<br />

Uncoupled<br />

Per Foot Pricing<br />

PAC 1HPRAD 1” See website<br />

PAC 15HPRAD 1-1/2" See website<br />

PAC 2HPRAD 2" See website<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 85

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Timberline FF1 Hose Clamp<br />

Aids your wildland or urban fire scenarios by allowing quick addition<br />

of hose lengths or nozzle changes while stopping the flow of water<br />

at 300 PSI. Self-locks and remains clamped until manually released.<br />

Jaws clamp down firmly, does not “walk” the hose. 4”W x 12”L.<br />

Weighs 1.5lbs.<br />

Hose Shut-Off Clamp<br />

Offering a much more rigid design, the clamp is capable of<br />

withstanding the most brutal and rough operations. Features<br />

knuckle guard with wide opening for use with gloves, step plate to<br />

assist opening while on a charged hose line, long bars on the top<br />

and bottom for maximum leverage, curved clamping area aid in<br />

collapsing the hose, integrated spanner wrench. For use with 1” and<br />

1.5” single jacket hose. 10.75”L x 3.75”H x 1.5”W. Weighs 2lbs.<br />

TMB FF1-S<br />

TMB FF1-D<br />

USFS<br />

For use with 3/4" to 1-3/4"<br />

Synthetic and Single Jacket<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Hose<br />

For use with 3/4" to 1-3/4"<br />

Double Jacket <strong>Fire</strong> Hose<br />

1-5 3+<br />

CSS HC1510 176.00 167.25<br />

286.00<br />

286.00<br />

TMB FF1-H Holster 65.00<br />

Hose Shut-Off Clamp - Hi-Viz<br />

High visibility hose clamp with diamond reflective tape -<br />

never lose one during night ops again!<br />

1-5 3+<br />

CSS HC1510-Y 219.00 208.00<br />

True North ® Adjustable<br />

Hose Clamp Pouch<br />

Designed to fit the largest to the smallest of hose clamps. Second<br />

pocket on front for small hand tools. Bright yellow Rip-Grip allows<br />

easy one handed opening even with gloves on. CAL FIRE Approved.<br />

1-5 3+<br />

TNG FL170 23.95 22.75<br />

Hebert Hose Clamps<br />

Handles hoses up to 3” or 6”. Large base will not damage hose. Oneman<br />

operation. Made of steel and high strength aluminum alloy to<br />

last a lifetime. Optional running board clamp holder features quickrelease<br />

ball and socket to speed removal from vehicle. Adjustable<br />

screw provides spring tension to ensure proper adjustment to secure<br />

the clamp firmly while permitting easy, quick removal.<br />

HEB HC25 Hose Clamp 2-1/2” 328.00<br />

HEB HC6 Hose Clamp 6" 535.00<br />

HEB RBM Running Board Mount 60.00<br />

Scotty Squall Wall<br />

Easy to use device that creates a thin wall of water 40 feet wide and 20 feet high to help cool and protect structures.<br />

Simply attach the Squall Wall to a water supply hose end, secure the fitting to the ground using a spike or two and start<br />

the flow of water. The small, angled ramp helps direct the water flow up through the opening vent. Available in flow rates<br />

of 15, 30 and 50 GPM. Comes standard with 1.5” Male threads, but is available with a 4085 Double Female Connector.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4056-15A 15 GPM 1.5" Male 12.50 11.90<br />

SCT 4056-15AF<br />

15 GPM with Double<br />

Female Connector<br />

15.70 15.10<br />

SCT 4056-30A 30 GPM 1.5" Male 12.50 11.90<br />

SCT 4056-30AF<br />

30 GPM with Double<br />

Female Connector<br />

15.70 15.10<br />

SCT 4056-50A 50 GPM 1.5" Male 12.50 11.90<br />

SCT 4056-50AF<br />

50 GPM with Double<br />

Female Connector<br />

15.70 15.10<br />

86 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Forester Fog Nozzle & Tips<br />

Complies with U.S. Forest Service Specs 5100-240 and 244. 1” NPSH lightweight aluminum equipped with 3-position<br />

valve for instant selection of fog, straight stream or shut-off with wide choice of tip capacity and pattern. Meets U.S.<br />

Forest Service requirements for maximum efficiency of water pattern. Comes standard with 3/16” straight stream and 3<br />

GPM fog tips.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS TT300NPSH Forester Fog Nozzle 667.00 633.75<br />

CSS 41003750 Fog Tip 3 GPM 124.00 117.75<br />

CSS 41006750 Fog Tip 6 GPM 124.00 117.75<br />

USFS<br />

Mad Dog Aspirating Attachment<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS 40187750 Straight Stream Tip 3/16” 68.00 64.50<br />

CSS 40250750 Straight Stream Tip 1/4” 68.00 64.50<br />

CSS 40375750 Straight Stream Tip 3/8” 68.00 64.50<br />

Economical, lightweight, compact and rugged. Multiple expansion nozzle offers a rugged versatility and<br />

performance not found in any other nozzle.<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


MAD 15MD Mad Dog Only Call for pricing MAD 15MDP With 1-1/2” Poly Nozzle Call for pricing<br />

Air Aspirating Foam Nozzles<br />

For municipal and forestry use. Manufactured from<br />

engineering grade thermoplastic for durability, and available<br />

in 7 flow rates. 1.5” NH female fire hose threads. All flows are<br />

rated with a nozzle pressure of 100 PSI. All 1-1/2” Scotty Air<br />

Aspirating Nozzles include a double female connector.<br />

Scotty Double Female Connectors 1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4085 NPSH to NPSH 8.70 8.25<br />

SCT 4086 NPSH to NHT 8.70 8.25<br />

Air Aspirating Foam<br />

Nozzles<br />

Coup. Size Flow 1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4003 12 Lt. 3/4" 3 GPM 15.50 14.75<br />

SCT 4015 30 Lt. 3/4" 8 GPM 26.85 25.50<br />

SCT 4020 57 Lt. 1-1/2” 15 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

SCT 4025 114 Lt. 1-1/2” 30 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

SCT 4030 190 Lt. 1-1/2” 50 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

SCT 4031S Stubby 1-1/2” 50 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

SCT 4033 265 Lt. 1-1/2” 70 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

SCT 4034S Stubby 1-1/2” 70 GPM 57.00 54.15<br />

Scotty Rocket Nozzle<br />

Standard 3/4” GHT. Adjustable nozzle produces super fine jet stream and a full cone fog spray. Flows<br />

at 1.25 GPM in straight stream. Effective reach of stream 30’ Jet, 15’ Full Cone. High visibility fluorescent<br />

yellow. Made of corrosion proof, glass fiber filled nylon.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4004-YF Nozzle Only 9.00 8.55<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4004-YF-SO With Shut Off 14.75 14.30<br />

Adjustable Fan Stream & Smooth Bore Nozzles<br />

For 1” or 3/4” hose. The NZ027 allows the user to apply the widest fan or adjust to a smooth-bore stream<br />

reaching distances of up to 80 feet. A unique shutoff feature makes it the most versatile nozzle of its type.<br />

The NZ024 offers 4 different spray volumes with a simple rotation of the knurled red band.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

KOC NZ027 Adjustable Fan Stream Nozzle - 1 ” NPSH / Reducer Bushing for 3/4” GHT 124.00 119.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 87

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


C & S Supply Viper Nozzles<br />

Viper Nozzles are constructed of E-LITE aluminum with brass internal parts which makes them compact, simple, low maintenance and lightweight.<br />

Each Viper Nozzle is safe, durable and individually tested. All Viper Nozzles do Fog to Straight Stream with the turn of the bumper, capable of flushing<br />

without shutting down. They are ergonomically designed for easy operation and handling. Each nozzle has spinning teeth and a swivel, pistol grip that<br />

can be removed. 1” and 1-1/2” nozzles available in NST and NPSH. 2-1/2” nozzles available in NST only. Constant flow nozzles also available.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Viper Nozzles - Dual Range<br />

Inlet Flow 1-2 3+<br />

CSS SBVIP10SP 1” 10-23 GPM 473.00 449.25<br />

CSS SBVIP15SP 1-1/2” 20-60 GPM 496.00 472.25<br />

1-1/2" Inlet<br />

1" Inlet<br />

Viper Nozzles - Select Gallonage<br />

Inlet Flow 1-2 3+<br />

CSS SG1560 1” 15-30-50-60 GPM 841.00 799.00<br />

CSS SG3012 1-1/2” 30-60-95-125 GPM 910.00 864.50<br />

CSS SG7515 1-1/2” 75-100-125-150 GPM 910.00 864.50<br />

Viper Ball Shut Off Valves with Pistol Grip<br />

Lightweight ball valve with pistol grip, equipped with durable ball and shut off handle.<br />

Can be used with all C&S Nozzle Tips.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS VB1560 1” NST or NPSH 315.00 299.25<br />

CSS VB3012 1-1/2” NST or NPSH 315.00 299.25<br />

Ball Shut Off Valves<br />

These lightweight full flow shut-offs operate easily to pressures of 600 PSI. Precision manufactured with full 1”<br />

waterways and replaceable seats. Available in 1” and 1-1/2” NH or NPSH threads to accept any variety of nozzles.<br />

Horseshoe type handle assures easy and positive control.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS SBV10S-SW 1” NPSH Swivel 312.00 296.50<br />

CSS SBV10N-SW 1” NH Swivel 264.00 250.75<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS SBV15S-SW 1-1/2” NPSH Swivel 312.00 296.50<br />

CSS SBV15N-SW 1-1/2” NH Swivel 264.00 250.75<br />

USFS<br />

Scotty D-Handle Ball Shut Off Valve and Pistol Grip<br />

Lightweight, easy-grip ball shut off valve. Manufactured from tough, corrosion free, glass reinforced polymers.<br />

Optional pistol grip features finger-grooved hand grips for better comfort. Ball Shut Off Valve connects to 1-1/2” fire<br />

hose or a 1” hose line with a 4082/4083 reducer.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4080 1.5” NPSH With Pistol Grip 102.35 97.25<br />

SCT 4080A 1.5" NH With Pistol Grip 102.35 97.25<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4081 1.5” NPSH No Pistol Grip 102.35 97.25<br />

SCT 4081A 1.5" NH No Pistol Grip 102.35 97.25<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

88 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more NOZZLES online

Dual Gallonage Combo Nozzle<br />

High quality aluminum construction with red hard anodized finish. 1” nozzle: 10 GPM on low setting in straight<br />

stream through narrow fog, and 23 GPM in the high range for straight stream through wide angle fog.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS 110/23GHT-BL 3/4" GHT 142.00 135.00<br />

Dual Gallonage Combo Nozzle with Bumper<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS 110/23S-BL 1” NPSH 142.00 135.00<br />

CSS 110/23N-BL 1" NST 142.00 135.00<br />

High quality aluminum construction with red hard anodized finish. 1” nozzle: 10 GPM on low setting in straight stream<br />

through narrow fog, and 23 GPM in the high range for straight stream through wide angle fog. 1-1/2” nozzle: 20 GPM on the<br />

low and choose 60 or 90 GPM in the high range. Comes with a heavy duty rubber bumper for added protection.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS 110/23GHT 3/4” GH 158.00 150.00<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS 1560/20N 1-1/2” NST, 20-60 GPM 190.00 180.50<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


CSS 110/23S 1" NPSH 158.00 150.00<br />

CSS 110/23N 1” NST 158.00 150.00<br />

CSS 1590/20N 1-1/2” NST, 20-90 GPM 190.00 180.50<br />

Polycarbonate (Plastic) Combo Nozzle<br />

Fog, straight stream and shut-off in one economical combination nozzle.<br />

Features high strength, light weight and durability. Thick rubber protective bumper.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

GPM @ 100 PSI 1-2 3+<br />

UFS 75GPF 3/4” GH 8 17.00 16.15<br />

UFS 1SPF 1” NPSH 22 18.00 17.15<br />

GPM @ 100 PSI 1-2 3+<br />

UFS 15SPF 1-1/2” NPSH 75 19.00 18.15<br />

UFS 15NPF 1-1/2” NH 75 19.00 18.15<br />

USF 1NPF 1” NH 22 18.00 17.15<br />

Scotty Combo Nozzle<br />

Easily adjustable, durable, light weight<br />

and maintenance free combination nozzle.<br />

Manufactured from tough, corrosion free,<br />

glass reinforced polymers. Creates a perfect,<br />

wide, fine mist in fog mode and has excellent<br />

reach of stream - 80’ at 100 PSI in straight<br />

mode. Available in a high flow (50-100 GPM)<br />

and a low flow (15-50 GPM) model. Nozzle<br />

shuts off past straight stream. Can be used<br />

with foam or gel products. 1" option is 1-1/2"<br />

nozzle with reducer.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4038LFA1 1" NHT Low Flow Orange 26.35 25.30<br />

SCT 4038LF1 1" NPSH Low Flow Red 26.35 25.30<br />

SCT 4038HFA1 1" NHT High Flow Orange 26.35 25.30<br />

SCT 4038HF1 1" NPSH High Flow Red 26.35 25.30<br />

SCT 4038LFA 1.5" NHT Low Flow Orange 21.00 19.95<br />

SCT 4038HFA 1.5" NHT High Flow Orange 21.00 19.95<br />

NHT<br />

NPSH<br />

Brass Combination Nozzle<br />

UL listed nozzles twist to straight stream, fog pattern or complete shut-off. Recommended pressure is 100 PSI.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

^DIX 1SBFH Heavy Duty 1” NPSH 291.00 276.50<br />

^DIX 15SBFH Heavy Duty 1-1/2” NPSH 331.00 314.00<br />

1-2 3+<br />

^DIX 15NBFL Light Duty 1-1/2” NST 226.00 214.00<br />

^DIX 15NBFH Heavy Duty 1-1/2” NST 279.00 265.00<br />

Brass Straight Stream Nozzles<br />

A straight stream nozzle with tip orifices ranging from 1/4” to 1”.<br />

Len. Orif. 1-2 3+<br />

^DIX 75GBS 3/4” GHT 6” 1/4” 67.60 64.00<br />

^DIX 75SBS 3/4” NPSH 6” 1/4” 67.60 64.00<br />

^DIX 1SBS 1” NPSH 8” 5/16” 80.10 76.10<br />

^DIX 125SBS 1-1/4” NPSH 10” 3/8” 120.00 114.00<br />

Len. Orif. 1-2 3+<br />

^DIX 15SBS10 1-1/2” NPSH 10” 1/2” 95.80 91.00<br />

^DIX 15NBS10 1-1/2” NST 10” 1/2” 97.80 92.90<br />

^DIX 2SBS 2” NPSH 12” 9/16” 177.00 167.00<br />

^DIX 25NBS 2-1/2” NST 12” 1” 253.00 240.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 89

Wye Control Valves<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />

VALVES<br />

Made of light weight, durable 6061-T cast aluminum. Equipped with high quality polymer balls and front and rear seats, making a<br />

smoother waterway for less friction loss through the valve. Meets or exceeds USDA FS 5100 Series Specifications.<br />

Wye Control Valves - Hi-Viz<br />

High visibility green with reflective stickers.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS WV1010N 1” NH 470.00 446.50<br />

CSS WV1010S 1” NPSH 470.00 446.50<br />

CSS WV1510N 1-1/2” NH x 1” NH 470.00 446.50<br />

CSS WV1510S 1-1/2” NH x 1” NPSH 470.00 446.50<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS WV1010N-Y 1" NH 527.00 500.75<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS WV15N 1-1/2” NH 470.00 446.50<br />

CSS WV15S 1-1/2” NPSH 470.00 446.50<br />

CSS WV2515N 2-1/2” NH x 1-1/2” NH 508.00 482.50<br />

USFS<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS WV1510S-Y 1-1/2" NH x 1" NPSH 527.00 500.75<br />

CSS WV1010S-Y 1" NPSH 527.00 500.75<br />

CSS WV1510N-Y 1-1/2" NH x 1" NH 527.00 500.75<br />

CSS WV15N-Y 1-1/2" NH 527.00 500.75<br />

CSS WV15S-Y 1-1/2" NPSH 527.00 500.75<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fighter 4050 3-Way Valve<br />

Manufactured from Ny-Glas, durable, light-weight and corrosion proof. Flow can be directed by turning the handle to one outlet,<br />

both outlets, or shut-off completely. Rated for safe working pressures of 300 PSI (900 PSI destruction tested). Shortened handle to<br />

accommodate Stortz and other large size fittings. Pins at top of handle for the use of a spanner wrench to facilitate turning the valve.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4050P 3-Way Valve with three 1-1/2" NPT Male Threads 47.00 44.65<br />

SCT 4050AN 3-Way Valve with three 1-1/2" NHT Male Threads 47.00 44.65<br />

SCT 4050QC3 3-Way Valve with three 1-1/2" Fixed Quarter Turn Quick Connect 56.40 54.05<br />

Scotty Water Thief Tee Connector<br />

1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 3/4” tee connector, for connection at intervals in a 1.5” fire line. The 3/4” outlet allows a 3/4” forestry hose line to<br />

be connected for mop-up operations during forest fire. Fits onto 1-1/2” hose line to provide an extra 3/4” GHT outlet. Made of highvisibility,<br />

light-weight polyethylene. Ideal for sprinkler and forestry mop-up operations.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4040-YF NPT 12.70 12.05<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT 4040A NHT 18.50 17.85<br />

Scotty 3/4” Full Flow Shut Off Valve<br />

3/4" GHT full flow shut-off valve. Made of corrosion-proof, glass fiber filled nylon.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SCT F-SHUTOFF34FULL 8.75 8.30<br />

Garden Wye Hose Valve<br />

Converts single outlet to double. Features<br />

dual shut-off valves. Plated die cast zinc.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

UPD GHYV 13.75 13.10<br />

Shut-Off Garden Hose Valve<br />

Regulates water flow for all hoses and accessories.<br />

Rugged plated die cast zinc construction.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

UPD GHV 8.50 8.10<br />

S&H Brass Garden Hose<br />

Wye Valve<br />

Solid brass construction and virtually indestructible.<br />

3/4"″ GHT threads. Built to USFS Specifications (FSS) and<br />

certified at 600 PSI proof test pressure. 1/2 lb. Made in USA.<br />

S&H Brass Garden Hose Shut-Off Valve<br />

Built to USFS (FSS) standards and certified at 600 PSI working<br />

pressure and stagnant pressure ratings of 1200 PSI. Polymer<br />

ball and seating reduces friction while operating under<br />

pressure. Made in USA.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

USFS<br />

1-2 3+<br />

USFS<br />

SHP WV75GHT 39.50 37.55<br />

SHP SOV75GHT 37.75 35.90<br />

90 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more VALVES & STRAINERS online

Pressure Relief Valve<br />

The In-Line Pressure Relief Valve is installed at any point in a<br />

1-1/2” discharge hose lay and will automatically reduce excess<br />

pressures via an adjustable, automatic pressure bleed off 3/4<br />

Male GHT outlet. This is designed to allow the attachment of a<br />

3/4" Myti-Flo ® hose to keep the area dry. Aluminum, brass and<br />

stainless steel construction.<br />

Hose Line Tee Valve<br />

Installed at intervals in long lines of hose to<br />

provide independently controlled outlets<br />

for 1” branch lines. Especially valuable when<br />

holding critical lines, for mop-up work, or filling<br />

backpack pumps and canteens. Valve operates<br />

freely at 500 PSI.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

MRP 70FLRVPS 1-1/2" NPSH 201.00 191.00<br />

MRP 70FLRVNH 1-1/2" NST 201.00 191.00<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS TV1510NHNP 1-1/2” NH x 1 ” NPSH Outlet 216.00 205.25<br />

CSS TV1510NHNH 1-1/2” NH x 1 ” NH Outlet 179.00 170.00<br />

CSS TV1510NPNP 1-1/2" NPSH x 1" NPSH Outlet 216.00 205.25<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


Hose Line Tee Valve - Hi-Viz<br />

High visibility green reduces tripping hazard.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

CSS TV1510NHNP-Y 1-1/2” NH x 1 ” NPSH Outlet 216.00 205.25<br />

CSS TV1510NHNH-Y 1-1/2” NH x 1 ” NH Outlet 216.00 205.25<br />

CSS TV1510NPNP-Y 1-1/2" NPSH x 1" NPSH Outlet 216.00 205.25<br />

S&H 2-1/2" Aluminum Hydrant Gate Valve<br />

Constructed with a light-weight cast aluminum body, anodized aluminum<br />

gate, and a brass non-rising stem with crank handle. Light weight and<br />

rugged construction make it perfect for hydrant kit bags and stand pipe<br />

applications. Highly cost effective and extremely durable, the HGV is<br />

available in 2-1/2" NH threads. Available in powder coated black or red.<br />

250 PSI operating pressure. Weighs 3.5 lbs. Made in USA.<br />

Available in<br />

Black or Red<br />

1-2 3+<br />

SHP HGV25 346.00 328.70<br />

2-1/2” Brass Hydrant Gate Valve<br />

Used to throttle the flow from a fire hydrant without<br />

damaging the hydrant itself. Durable brass construction with<br />

painted red body. 2-1/2" female NST inlet, 2-1/2" male NST<br />

outlet. 175 PSI max operating pressure.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

^DIX 05116 930.00 883.00<br />

Full Port Ball Valve<br />

2-piece ball valve with IPT threaded<br />

connections. Brass body and end<br />

connection, chrome-plated steel handle.<br />

Gland follower and single o-ring stem<br />

design. Blow-out proof stem. 100% leak<br />

tested. UL listed up to 175 PSI (1/4" - 2").<br />

1-2 3+<br />

PAC 101101 1/4" 7.50 7.15<br />

PAC 101102 3/8" 8.30 7.90<br />

PAC 101023 1/2" 9.35 8.90<br />

PAC 101024 3/4" 18.05 17.15<br />

1-2 3+<br />

PAC 101025 1" 37.57 26.30<br />

PAC 101027 1-1/2" 60.20 57.20<br />

PAC 101028 2" 109.41 83.65<br />

Aluminum Foot Valve<br />

Strainer<br />

Durable steel screen eliminates solids larger than<br />

3/16” and spring-loaded check valve will keep your<br />

pump primed, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted<br />

water flow. Aluminum foot valve/housing with<br />

stainless steel strainer and copper plunger.<br />

1-2 3+<br />

MRP 15SFVS 1-1/2” NPSH 147.00 140.00<br />

MRP 15NFVS 1-1/2” NST 139.00 132.00<br />

MRP 2SFVS 2” NPSH 139.00 132.00<br />

MRP 25NFVS 2-1/2” NH 284.00 270.00<br />

MRP 25SFVS 2-1/2” NPSH 284.00 270.00<br />

1-1/2" to 2" 2-1/2"<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 91

Adapter Holder<br />

Hose, Reels, Nozzles & Adapters<br />


Built to fit behind the seat of your brush vehicle or to roll up in the<br />

toolbox. Has three pockets ideal for holding the standard required<br />

amount of adapters used by the Forest Service. Heavy duty<br />

Cordura fabric. Adapters not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

TRT AH 55.50 52.70<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />



SHOP NOW<br />




92 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


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safety & sawyer<br />


Major Emergency First Aid Kit<br />

25-person kit measures 12” x 12” x 10” and contains: tape, gauze,<br />

wraps, bloodstopper, ABD pads, burn sheets, dressing, eye wash,<br />

forceps, shears, scissors, inhalants, wipes, gloves, mask, emergency<br />

blanket, rescue blanket and more! Perfect for base camp or truck.<br />

First Aid Kits<br />

Meets federal and state OSHA standards. Heavy duty steel case and<br />

weatherproof gasket. Packaged by unit, clearly labeled and colorcoded<br />

with instructions. Kits contain bandages, inhalants, iodine<br />

wipes, compresses, cold pack, eye pads, triple-biotic and more.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NSP MEK 246.00 234.00<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NSP 10KIT 10-Unit 61.70 58.60<br />

NSP 16KIT 16-Unit 84.40 80.20<br />

NSP 24KIT 24-Unit 111.00 106.00<br />

Swift Loggers Safety Kit<br />

16 person 10” x 7” x 3” heavy-duty steel or economical plastic case<br />

kit contains some of the most common first aid supplies for the<br />

logging industry. Ideal for small logging work sites with two or<br />

three employees. Includes (10) 4” x 4” gauze pads, (2) 8” x 10” gauze<br />

compresses, (16) adhesive bandages, (2) 2” wide rolls of gauze<br />

bandage, (2) triangular bandages, (10) antiseptic towelettes, scissors,<br />

(2) rescue blankets, tweezers, roll of adhesive tape, latex gloves,<br />

CPR mask, (2) elastic bandages, tourniquet, (12) diphenhydramine<br />

caps, splint, writing pad and marker, and complete instructions for<br />

requesting emergency assistance.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PEC LOGGERSPL Plastic 79.90 75.90<br />

PEC LOGGERSST Steel 92.40 87.80<br />

USFS<br />

Small Redi-Care First Aid Kit<br />

5.5” x 4.5” x 3” general industry first aid kit packaged in a soft-sided,<br />

durable, red nylon bag with web belt loop. Contains adhesive<br />

bandages (fingertip, general, knuckle), adhesive tape, gauze<br />

compress, first aid/burn cream with aloe, first aid guide, forceps,<br />

gauze pads, Instant Cold Pak, poison control directory, iodine wipes,<br />

scissors, nitrile medical gloves, triangular bandage.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NSP 018502-4220 49.40 46.90<br />

Compact First Aid Kit<br />

5” x 3.5” x 2” plastic-case kit designed to fit anywhere. Contains<br />

popular items for common cuts, abrasions or burns including<br />

scissors, adhesive tape, gauze pads, adhesive bandages, iodine<br />

wipes, first aid/burn cream with aloe roller bandage, antibiotic<br />

ointment, first aid guide.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NSP 019733-0020L 18.50 17.60<br />

Small Redi-Care First Aid Kit<br />

5.5” x 4.5” x 3” general industry first aid kit packaged in a soft-sided,<br />

durable, red nylon bag with web belt loop. Contains adhesive<br />

bandages (fingertip, general, knuckle), adhesive tape, gauze<br />

compress, first aid/burn cream with aloe, first aid guide, forceps,<br />

gauze pads, Instant Cold Pak, poison control directory, iodine wipes,<br />

scissors, nitrile medical gloves, triangular bandage.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

ROT 8778 46.95 44.60<br />

94<br />

order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Marie’s Original Poison Oak Soap<br />

Helps remove the oils of the poison oak plant from your skin and<br />

speeds healing of poison oak and other minor skin rashes. Stops<br />

the itch, heals and protects. Does not contain dyes, artificial<br />

ingredients or scents. 2.9 oz. bar.<br />

Howard Leight MAX ® Pre-Formed<br />

Foam Earplugs<br />

Low pressure polyurethane foam ear plugs expand gently for<br />

comfortable long-term wear. Smooth, soil-resistant closed cell-foam<br />

skin prevents dirt build-up. Bell shape delivers maximum in-ear<br />

comfort. Contoured design easier to insert, resists tendency to back out<br />

of ear canal. Noise Reduction Rate (NRR) : 33 dB, Maximum Attenuation<br />

@ Frequency : 46.200 dB @ 8000.000 Hz. Coral, poly bag packaging.<br />

Uncorded: 200 pair per box. Corded: 100 pair per box.<br />


ANC EAR MAX-1<br />

Box of 200 (uncorded)<br />

ANC EAR MAX 30<br />

Box of 100 (corded)<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

Individual Bar 9.50 8.50<br />


Each<br />

Total<br />

Case of 60 8.25/bar 495.00<br />

Case of 180 8.00/bar 1440.00<br />

Case of 360 7.50/bar 2700.00<br />

Case of 500 7.00/bar 3500.00<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

41.30 38.15<br />

43.60 41.30<br />

safety & sawyer<br />


3M E-A-R Classic Foam Earplugs<br />

Flame-retardant, non irritating, moisture resistant foam ear plugs.<br />

Shape prevents shifting and keeps effectiveness of noise seal constant.<br />

Slow recovery PVC foam provides comfort with low pressure. Noise<br />

Reduction Rate (NRR): 29 dB. Uncorded, pillow pack.<br />

200 pair per box.<br />


Box of 200<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

33.80 32.00<br />

ReadyMax Zip-Outs<br />

ReadyMax RipCord Retractors<br />

ReadyMax Zip-Outs provide instant<br />

“on-board” hearing protection on your<br />

hard hat, installing in seconds with a 3M ®<br />

peel-and-stick adhesive backing. The<br />

ReadyMax patented tethered silicone<br />

earplugs inside the long-life nylon Zip-Out<br />

will extend for easy insertion into your<br />

ear canals, retracting back into place on a<br />

22lb. test nylon retractable cord when not<br />

in use. Washable, reusable, replaceable<br />

and recyclable and provides NRR 27 noise<br />

protection. 6”x1”x1”. Weighs .07 oz.<br />

NEW<br />

ReadyMax RipCord Retractors ensure compliance and<br />

convenience by providing instant “on-board” hearing<br />

protection on your hard hat or safety vest, installing in<br />

seconds with a 3M ® peel-and-stick adhesive. The durable<br />

push-button Retractors have a heavy duty spring and clutch<br />

assembly that provides positive locking when tethered<br />

earplugs are extended and a strong, coiled spring retracts<br />

the tethered earplugs back into place quickly. The tethered<br />

earplugs extend 15” and will not impede head rotation and<br />

movement. When not in use, they safely stow away, not<br />

interfering with other equipment. Provides NRR 27 noise<br />

protection. 3”x3”x1”. Each pair weighs .1 oz.<br />

NEW<br />

RDY ZPOPP Individual 11.90<br />

RDY RTRPP Pair 11.90<br />

RDY ZPOPP-24 Box of 24 258.00<br />

RDY RTRPP-24 Box of 24 258.00<br />

PermaPlug Replacement Earplugs<br />

Two-piece co-molded design uses two different material durometers<br />

(hardness) to achieve ultra-comfortable, soft fit with a stiff core for easy<br />

insertion and a triple flange design to ensure proper fit. Environmentally<br />

friendly, PermaPlug earplus are washable, reusable and biodegradable.<br />

PermaPlug earplugs are easy to screw on/off for replacement on ReadyMax<br />

safety products. Noise protection: NRR 27/SLC80 18, Class 3/SNR 29.<br />

2”x2”x.5”. Weighs .05 oz. 4 pair pack.<br />


4 Pair 6.40<br />

Case of 100 Pair 125.00<br />

NEW<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 95

safety & sawyer<br />

SAWYER<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

PGI USFS Five-Ply Wildland Forestry Chap<br />

Classified by UL to meet NFPA 1977 Standard for Wildland <strong>Fire</strong>fighting, ASTM F<br />

1897-04 and 1897-14 Standard Specification for leg protection for chainsaw users. Built in accordance with<br />

U.S. Forest Service Specification 6170-4G.<br />

Constructed with three plies of woven para-aramid and two plies of para-aramid felt. Shell front and back is<br />

1000 denier Cordura nylon and Urethane-coated to prevent penetration of liquids. 2” wide waist belt and 1”<br />

wide leg straps of heavy nylon webbing with adjustable quick-release nylon buckles. Four compartment tool<br />

pocket with snap closure flap sewn into waist belt. Fits waist sizes 32” to 46”.<br />

^PGI 150082<br />

Length 1- 5 6+<br />

32” 253.00 241.00<br />

36” 268.00 255.00<br />

40” 288.00 274.00<br />

USFS<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

True North ® Saw Bar Cover<br />

Bar-guard features rugged 1000D nylon construction, combined with generous foam padding for a safe and<br />

comfortable carry. Cover flap with hook and loop closure protects the two exterior pockets for tools and<br />

spare parts, and over-size leather guards help keep the dogs in. Wedge pocket on tip is easy to grab, and<br />

the 1.25” foam shoulder pad ensures a comfortable carry. *20” size does not come with top pocket.<br />

Length 1- 5 6+<br />

TNG SB20 20" 78.95 75.00<br />

TNG SB24 24" 78.95 75.00<br />

TNG SB28 28" 84.95 81.00<br />

True North ® Chainsaw Pack<br />

Holds the saw in next to your center of gravity and prevents it from bouncing or swinging as you move over<br />

rough terrain. Load or unload a saw in seconds: drop the power head into the carrier, attach the bar with one<br />

buckle and go. Comes with three drawstring pockets for fuel, water, and other essentials, a New Generation<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Shelter case, and an axe scabbard. Modular design allows you to position pouches anywhere along the<br />

belt or back of the saw carrier. Ultra thick dual-density foam waist belt and harness and leather shoulder pad to<br />

protect the harness when carrying the saw on your shoulder. Accommodates wrap around handle bars as well<br />

as top and side handle bars. Weighs 5.5 lbs.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

TNG CH210 299.95 284.95<br />




OREGON / AUGUST 5, 2022<br />

96<br />

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more SAWYER GEAR online

Weckworth USFS Chain Saw Chaps<br />

Classified by UL to meet U.S. Forest Service Specifications (Spec. 6170-4G,<br />

September 2011) and NFPA 1977 Standard.<br />

Back-coated nylon shell resists water, oil and abrasions. 2” wide adjustable nylon belt,<br />

1” wide adjustable nylon leg straps and unbreakable quick-release buckles. 3,200 feet per<br />

minute chain speed protection. Provides 180 degrees of protection across the front of both<br />

legs and has a tool pouch with cover flap and snap closure attached to the belt.<br />

safety & sawyer<br />

SAWYER<br />

WEK USFS<br />

Length<br />

32” Call for pricing<br />

36” Call for pricing<br />

USFS<br />

NFPA 1977<br />

Classified by UL<br />

40” Call for pricing<br />

Elvex ® AirSpecs Stainless Steel Mesh Safety Glasses<br />

Designed to protect the eye socket from pokes and prods of stationary or very low energy, non-fragmenting<br />

objects over 1 mm in diameter. Great for humid environments. Guaranteed not to fog! Reduces visible light by<br />

60%, so it acts like a sunglass to reduce glare. Wrap around frame design with EVA foam provides a great face<br />

seal and eye socket protection. Elastic fabric headband is adjustable for a comfortable, secure fit. Single lens<br />

offers 99% UV protection. Soft vinyl nose pad for added comfort.<br />

NEW<br />


1-5 6+<br />

ELV GV50 10.90 10.50<br />

TopSaw Tool - 12 Tools in 1<br />

New improved sheath. Contains 19mm x 10mm socket (reversible), 21mm x 16mm socket (reversible),<br />

13mm socket, T27 torx, T25 torx, 4mm hex ball drive, large screwdriver, small screwdriver, bar<br />

groove clean out tool and when folded it can be used as a file handle.<br />

TST TSPWP 25.00<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 97

Safe-T-Way D.O.T./Transport/Jerricans Please call for availability<br />

safety & sawyer<br />


Safe-T-Way Transport models are authorized and approved for highway transportation of Class II flammable liquids. The exclusive full body shield<br />

protects both the fill and pour spouts from damage during transport. The Safe-T-Way Jerrican is unmatched in meeting UN, D.O.T. and OSHA<br />

requirements with all the safety features you’ve come to expect. Meets the requirements of ANSI, NFPA 30, OSHA 29CFR 1910.106, OSHA 29CFR<br />

1926.125. UL listed and carries a third party endorsement to meet UN recommendations.<br />

D.O.T./Transport/Jerrican - Safety<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SAF STJ2050 235.00 223.25<br />

SAF STJ2050NOZ Replacement Nozzle 21.50 21.50<br />

Model No. Diameter Gallons<br />

STJ 2050 10” x 14” 5<br />

Liters Standard Hose Approx.Ship Weight<br />

19 3/4” x 9” 13 lbs.<br />

BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

“New Quick Release” D.O.T./<br />

Transport/Jerrican - Safety<br />

With quick release push button mechanism<br />

that releases the nozzle.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SAF STJ2050LM 248.00 235.60<br />

SAF STJ2050LMNOZ Replacement Nozzle 28.25 28.25<br />

Model No. Diameter Gallons<br />

STJ 2050LM 10” x 14” 5<br />

Liters Standard Hose Approx.Ship Weight<br />

19 1” x 9” 14 lbs.<br />

MSR Fuel Bottles<br />

Made from impact extruded aluminum. No seams or welds. Resistant to cracks, leaks and bulging when pressurized. Holes<br />

in shaft of child resistant cap allow measured flow and prevent messy spills. Threads machined into neck of bottle ensure<br />

long lasting seal.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MSR 11832 30 fl. oz. 26.95 25.80<br />

^MSR 11831 20 fl. oz. 24.95 23.80<br />

^MSR 11830 11 fl. oz. 22.95 21.80<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^MSR 29129 Classic, Non-childproof Cap 9.95 9.50<br />

^MSR 29133 Replacement Childproof Cap 12.95 12.30<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />



UTAH / OCTOBER 11, 2022<br />

98 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more fuel cans online

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ONLINE<br />




GALICE, OREGON / AUGUST 9, 2013<br />


<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> Corp.<br />

Drip Torch in Red<br />

Our popular DOT Approved drip torch, powdercoated<br />

red to comply with OSHA regulations<br />

(29 CFR 1910.114). Meets USFS Spec 5100-614,<br />

NFES 0241.<br />

• Fuel trap in spout prevents flashback<br />

• Reversible burner for easy storage<br />

• Breather valve, sealed outlets and oilproof<br />

gaskets prevent fuel spills<br />

• Check valve to protect against flashback<br />

• Large diameter mouth for easy filling<br />

• Heavy duty, light weight aluminum body<br />

• Double bottom for extra durability<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> West (NFF) Drip Torch<br />

Complete Rebuild Kit<br />

Complete Rebuild Kit includes one each of<br />

every part, excluding the drip torch body.<br />

Comes assembled.<br />

^DRT KIT01 67.50<br />

Kit includes:<br />

DRT 03<br />

DRT 05<br />

DRT 06<br />

Tank Cover<br />

Check Valve Ball<br />

Check Valve Seat<br />

Height<br />

Diameter 6”<br />

Weight Empty<br />

Weight Full<br />

Shipping Wt.:<br />

Capacity<br />

Drip Torch Specifications<br />

14” closed,<br />

25-1/2” assembled<br />

5 lbs.<br />

16 lbs.<br />

6 lbs.<br />

1-1/4 U.S. Gallons<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^DRT 100-R 215.00 204.25<br />

DRT 07<br />

DRT 08<br />

DRT 82<br />

DRT 11<br />

DRT 14<br />

DRT 15<br />

DRT 22<br />

DRT 23<br />

Outlet Screen<br />

Discharge Plug<br />

Discharge Plug Gasket<br />

Spout and Fuel Trap<br />

Nozzle/Igniter Mount<br />

Igniter<br />

Tank Collar Gasket<br />

Tank Cover Lock Ring<br />

OSHA<br />

USFS<br />

DOT<br />

DRT 35<br />

Air Breather Assembly<br />

DRT 83<br />

Chain Assembly Complete<br />

Drip Torch Truck<br />

Mounting Bracket<br />

Keep your drip torch safe and<br />

at-hand with our rust-resistant,<br />

powder coated Drip Torch<br />

Mounting Bracket. 2-1/2 lbs.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^DRT 50 69.00 65.55<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> West (NFF) Drip Torch<br />

Small Repair Kit<br />

Small Repair Kit includes one each of every part,<br />

excluding the drip torch body, tank cover, spout<br />

and fuel trap and tank cover lock ring.<br />

^DRT KIT02 109.00<br />

Kit includes:<br />

Drip Torch with<br />

Mounting Bracket<br />

Save 5% when you purchase our<br />

Drip Torch and Mounting Bracket together.<br />

^DRT 100-R/50 265.00<br />

DRT 05<br />

DRT 06<br />

DRT 07<br />

DRT 08<br />

DRT 82<br />

DRT 14<br />

DRT 15<br />

DRT 22<br />

DRT 35<br />

DRT 83<br />

Check Valve Ball<br />

Check Valve Seat<br />

Outlet Screen<br />

Discharge Plug<br />

Discharge Plug Gasket<br />

Nozzle/Igniter Mount<br />

Igniter<br />

Tank Collar Gasket<br />

Air Breather Assembly<br />

Chain Assembly Complete<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

100 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />


Drip Torch Replacement Parts<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^DRT 03 Tank Cover 47.25 44.90<br />

^DRT 05 Check Valve Ball 2.45 2.35<br />

^DRT 06 Check Valve Seat 4.75 4.55<br />

Backfire Torches<br />

Orion backfire torches burn for 10 minutes, extended handle keeps<br />

flare cool, wax-coated for weather resistance. 4” handle, MSDS Sheet<br />

available, UPS Ground shipping only. Incurs additional<br />

$44.00 Hazardous Materials freight charge per pack. 72 per pack.<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


^DRT 07 Outlet Screen 4.35 4.15<br />

1-5 6+<br />

ORI FUSEE 331.00 313.20<br />

USFS<br />

^DRT 08 Discharge Plug 11.85 11.30<br />

^DRT 82<br />

Discharge Plug<br />

Gasket<br />

3.60 3.45<br />

^DRT 11 Spout and Fuel Trap 27.35 26.00<br />

Orion Flare Storage Bag<br />

Denier nylon flare storage bag with PVC insert and<br />

reflective trim. Holds up to 18 flares each with a burn time<br />

up to 30 minutes. Flares not included.<br />

6.25” x 16.25”. Weighs 2.23 lbs.<br />

^DRT 1415 Igniter with Mount 41.90 39.85<br />

1-5 6+<br />

ORI 7830 34.60 32.85<br />

^DRT 22 Tank Collar Gasket 3.75 3.60<br />

NEW<br />


^DRT 23<br />

Tank Cover Lock<br />

Ring<br />

40.70 38.70<br />

BurnGo Fusee Bag<br />

^DRT 35<br />

Air Breather<br />

Assembly<br />

31.00 29.45<br />

Holds up to 40 fusees for fire engines, crew carriers, sup rigs,<br />

chief rigs, and any other rig that carries large numbers of<br />

fusees. Extra large hand grip to hold the bag while actively<br />

burning. Adjustable side strap tightens down the fusees when<br />

there are less than 40 in the bag. Fusees not included.<br />

^DRT 83<br />

Chain Assembly<br />

Complete<br />

4.85 4.65<br />

AMB B N B 71 4B 37.00<br />

^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 101


<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Council <strong>Fire</strong>fighting Shovel<br />

Meets USFS Spec 5100-0326. Pointed size “0” high carbon<br />

steel blade (8.875” x 10.875”) with forged solid shank and<br />

38” sturdy ash handle. Overall length 50”. Made in USA.<br />

Council Forest Service<br />

Style Combi Tool<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT FFSHOSS38FSS Shovel 140.00 133.00<br />

CNT FFS-SH Sheath 11.60 11.00<br />

USFS<br />

The firefighters version of a military entrenching tool. A<br />

small shovel head which can be folded straight for use as a<br />

shovel or folded at 90 degrees for use as a scraping tool or<br />

hoe on a 5 foot handle. The pick can also be folded at a 90<br />

degree angle or used inline with the handle. A large locking<br />

bolt secures the shovel in its closed position. Meets USFS<br />

Spec 5100-325A. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT CT42FSS 210.00 199.75<br />

USFS<br />

Council USFS Pulaski Axe<br />

3.75# Pulaski Axe with 36” hickory or 42” fiberglass handle.<br />

Forged steel head. Hand sharpened, single bit edge and<br />

mattock blade. Body coated with black enamel and the<br />

cutting edges in clear lacquer to deter rust. NFES marking<br />

on head. Meets Forest Service Spec 5100-355. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT 38PE136NFES Hickory Handle 165.00 156.75<br />

CNT 90PAS04<br />

Sheath - High Viz<br />

Orange Poly<br />

30.00 28.50<br />

USFS<br />

Council McLeod Tool<br />

Meets USFS Spec 5100-353D. 9-3/4” wide hoe edge. 48”<br />

American ash handle. High carbon steel blade, formed<br />

and sharpened for digging and clawing. Heat treated for<br />

toughness and wear resistance. Black enamel finish for<br />

rust resistance. Enhanced ferrule joint for strength and<br />

durability. 5 lbs. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT MT48FSS McLeod 167.00 160.00<br />

CNT MFT-SH Sheath 8.40 8.00<br />

USFS<br />

Adze Hoe (Hazel Hoe)<br />

Meets USFS Spec 179. 36” handle. 4 lbs.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

WTC HH Complete Hoe 103.00 97.85<br />

WTC HDH<br />

Replacement<br />

Head<br />

80.00 76.00<br />

USFS<br />

Council <strong>Fire</strong> Swatter<br />

12” x 15” heavy rubber flap with a 60” American ash handle.<br />

Secured to a rectangular steel structure member with a<br />

welded stud which is forced into a ferrule. Red enamel<br />

finish on the metal frame. 5.5 lbs. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT FS15FSS 104.00 98.75<br />

USFS<br />

Council <strong>Fire</strong> Rake<br />

Meets USFS Spec 5100-284C. 12” wide head with 4 teeth<br />

formed from tempered steel attached to an angle iron<br />

frame. 52” x 1.75” removable handle. 4.5 lbs. Made in USA.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

CNT LW1252FSS 86.00 81.75<br />

USFS<br />

102 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more hand TOOLS online

Council Pulaski <strong>Fire</strong> Axe<br />

3.75# with 36”″ double bit handle. Forged steel head.<br />

Hand sharpened, single bit edge and mattock blade.<br />

Body coated with red enamel and the cutting edges in<br />

clear lacquer to deter rust. Made in USA.<br />

Replacement Wood Handles<br />

1-5 6+<br />

CNT 38PE136 Hickory Handle 110.00 104.25<br />

CNT 90PAS04<br />

Sheath - High Viz<br />

Orange Poly<br />

30.00 28.50<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


1- 5 6+<br />

HDL HNCP Council Pulaski 32.75 31.25<br />

HDL HNP<br />

Double Bit Pulaski<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Axe<br />

32.00 28.95<br />

HDL HNFR <strong>Fire</strong> Rake 37.50 35.75<br />

HDL HNMFT McLeod Tool 40.00 38.00<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

HDL HNH Adze Hoe 31.75 30.00<br />

HDL HNBH Brush Hook 38.50 36.75<br />

HDL HNFSS FS Combi 56.50 53.75<br />


38” <strong>Fire</strong>fighting<br />

Shovel<br />

37.50 35.75<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 103

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Rogue <strong>Fire</strong> Tools<br />

Professional quality Rogue/ProHoe wildland fire/trail building tools are made from recycled ag disc blades<br />

in the heart of the USA. These hardened steel blades really do stay sharp.<br />

“Rhino” Tool<br />

8” single hardened steel blade.<br />

The Highlander 7”<br />

Curved 40” ash handle. 7” wide x 8.5” tall blade.<br />

Sharp on 3 sides.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 80R-42 42” Hickory 75.80 72.00<br />

PRO 80R-42FG 42” Fiberglass 84.70 80.50<br />

PRO 80R-40E 40” Ergonomic 88.80 84.40<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 70H-40 40” Ash 88.80 84.40<br />

ProHoe 7” Field Hoe<br />

Rugged and multipurpose with 7” wide head.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 70F-60 60” Ash 62.50 59.40<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>line Pick<br />

5” 3-way, hardened steel blade with 1” rear pick.<br />

Combo Pulaski/Axe<br />

Pulaski Style Combination Axe. 13” x 5.5” head.<br />

4” wide pick.<br />

Mattock Type Tool<br />

4” wide heavy duty mattock type hoe with ash<br />

handle has a spike for use in rocky areas.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 55A-42 42” Ash 75.70 71.90<br />

PRO 55A-42FG 42” Fiberglass 84.70 80.50<br />

PRO 55A-40E 40” Ergonomic 88.80 84.30<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 55HX-40 40" Hickory Ergo 155.00 147.00<br />

PRO 55HX-48 48" Ash 143.00 136.00<br />

PRO 55HX-54 54" Ash 143.00 136.00<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 40X-60 60” Ash 68.60 65.10<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fighting/<br />

Trailbuilding Tool<br />

Rugged and multipurpose with 7” wide head.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 70HR-48 48” Ash 117.00 111.00<br />

PRO 70HR-54 54” Ash 117.00 111.00<br />

PRO 70HR-40E 40” Ergonomic 130.00 124.00<br />

Travis Tool<br />

Multi-purpose tool with a beveled scraper on<br />

one side, a rake on the other, 7” wide sharp hoe<br />

on the bottom, and a 2” pick on top.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 70AR-48 48" Ash 129.00 123.00<br />

PRO 70AR-54 54” Ash 129.00 123.00<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Rake<br />

Ideal for use on the fire line or by trailbuilders.<br />

11-1/2” x 6” blade.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PRO 115FR-60 60” Ash 115.00 109.00<br />

104 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more HAND TOOLS online

Nupla Fiberglass Handled Tools<br />

Carried by firefighters all over the country, Nupla fire tools have enjoyed an excellent reputation for three decades. The strength of Nuplaglas handles<br />

exceed all Federal standards. Flame resistant to 800 degrees Fahrenheit, the handles resist heat to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and are unaffected by<br />

sub zero temperatures. They have excellent dielectric properties that make them safe to use even in wet conditions. Smooth, resin rich handle surfaces<br />

protect users from splinters and resist UV deterioration. The handles are unaffected by cuts, blows, moisture, or most industrial chemicals and are<br />

easily cleaned of concrete, tar etc. In addition, the tools have a high shelf life since they are unaffected by fungus, termites or dry rot as are wood<br />

handled tools. Made in USA.<br />

Fiberglass Pulaski<br />

with Ergonomic Handle<br />

Available with 36” handle with SG<br />

(ribbed) or CS (circular) Grip. Weighs 3.5 lbs.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NUP PA37536SG 36” Ribbed 89.00 84.55<br />

NUP PA37536CS 36” Circular 89.00 84.55<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


Pulaski with<br />

Fiberglass Handle<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NUP PA37536DB 104.00 98.80<br />

3-1/2 lb. weight, 36” handle.<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Rake with<br />

Fiberglass Handle<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NUP FR-FG 96.00 91.20<br />

60” handle.<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Swatter with<br />

Fiberglass Handle<br />

60” handle.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

NUP FS-FG 143.00 135.85<br />

The Pack Shack Tool Bag<br />

Large duffel style bag for transporting your hand tools. Made with rugged<br />

Ballistic fabric with large carry handles at each end and 2” wrap around<br />

handles. Heavy Duty YKK Nylon zipper. Two compression straps. 17” x 8”<br />

zippered external pouch for small items. 57”L x 10”H x 13”W (7410 cu. in.).<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

PAK 0094 199.00 189.00<br />

PHOTO / CAIIMT14<br />




order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 105

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


J.R. <strong>Fire</strong> Tools<br />

Wildland firefighting hand tools that meet USFS, CAL FIRE and BLM specifications. Custom designed by a professional Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Captain with<br />

nearly 20 years of experience to provide unique and specific functions that no other hand tools offer. Large heads with 3 sharpened sides, highquality<br />

handles, strong universal necks and interchangeable heads. The heads are created with a special heat treating process that makes them<br />

superior to other digging tools. All forest fire tools come with heat treated prevailing torque lock nuts. Also great for trail building and landscaping.<br />

Made in USA.<br />

Super P Pro<br />

Not your traditional Pulaski. Cutting/chopping/grubbing tool. Designed<br />

for firefighters and trail builders who have their nose in the dirt, working<br />

in tough country around stobs, root balls and rocks. The thick heat<br />

treated steel of the Super P Pro can be sharpened quickly and easily<br />

in the field. Log grabber axe head is designed to help firefighters pull<br />

burning logs out of hot ash pits. 6-1/4” wide curved grubbing hoe sinks<br />

into the ground. Overall head length 13”. Not recommended for falling<br />

trees. 40” S-shaped, fire roasted, hickory handle or 48” straight, stout<br />

ash handle. Weighs 5.5 lbs.<br />

JRT SUPERPPRO40 40” Handle 200.00<br />

JRT SUPERPPRO48 48” Handle 200.00<br />

Pounder II<br />

Chopping/pounding tool. Great for <strong>Fire</strong> Crew Puller positions, fire-line<br />

construction, trail building and having a second fire tool handy at all<br />

times. Fall trees and fight fire at the same time. True 8” wide x 9-1/2”<br />

tall. 3-1/2” x 1-1/2” pounding hammer for wedging trees over. 6-1/4”<br />

of digging depth. 3 sharpened sides. Curved hoe blade sinks into the<br />

ground. 40” S-shaped, fire roasted, hickory handle or 48” straight,<br />

stout ash handle.Weighs 5.8 lbs.<br />

JRT POUNDERII40 40” Handle 200.00<br />

JRT POUNDERII48 48” Handle 200.00<br />

Thingamajig<br />

9-1/2” wide cupped head with square back that prevents debris<br />

loss. 8-1/2” tall, with 7” of digging depth. 40” S-shaped, fire<br />

roasted, hickory handle or 48” straight stout ash handle. Blade-toground<br />

surface is flat for maximum contact. Weighs 5.3 lbs.<br />

Bigfoot<br />

12” wide cupped head. 8” tall, with 7” of digging depth. 40” S-shaped,<br />

fire roasted, hickory handle or 48” straight stout ash handle.<br />

Blade-to-ground surface is flat for maximum contact. Weighs 5.2 lbs.<br />

JRT BIGFOOT40 40” Handle 152.75<br />

JRT BIGFOOT48 48” Handle 152.75<br />

JRT THING40 40” Handle 152.75<br />

JRT THING48 48” Handle 152.75<br />

McLeod<br />

Curved towards the user with a 55 degree sharpened edge. True<br />

10-1/2” ground-to-blade contact (11” overall width), compared to<br />

a 9” ground-to-blade contact on a standard McLeod. 9-3/4” tall<br />

with 4-1/4” of digging depth. 40” S-shaped, fire roasted, hickory<br />

handle or 48” straight, stout ash handle. Weighs 5.5 lbs.<br />

JRT MCLEOD40 40” Handle 152.75<br />

JRT MCLEOD48 48” Handle 152.75<br />

Scalper<br />

True 10-1/4” ground-to-blade contact (11-1/4” overall width), compared<br />

to a 9” ground-to-blade contact on a standard McLeod. 11-1/4” tall with<br />

5” of digging depth. Curved blade. 40” S-shaped, fire roasted, hickory<br />

handle or 48” straight stout ash handle. Weighs 5.3 lbs.<br />

JRT SCALPER40 40” Handle 161.15<br />

JRT SCALPER48 48” Handle 161.15<br />

J.R. Replacement Handles<br />

JRT HDL40 40” Replacement Handle & Neck 87.15<br />

JRT HDL48 48" Replacement Handle & Neck 87.15<br />

106 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more HAND TOOLS online

Shovel and Axe Bracket Set<br />

Conveniently stores axe and shovel on a truck, fire tool box, or wall.<br />

Heavy duty and powder-coated for durability. Made in USA.<br />

USFS Style Shovel-Pulaski<br />

Top Mount Bracket Set<br />

Designed for mounting on vehicles. Now fire shovels and pulaskis can<br />

be mounted securely on your rig. Heavy duty and powder-coated for<br />

durability. Made in USA.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

KEN MBPA 52.00 49.50<br />

1-5 6+<br />

KEN TBUSFS 72.00 68.50<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


Rothco Five-in-One Multi-Purpose Tool<br />

Heavy steel construction with a compass, interchangeable shovel,<br />

saw, axe and pick. Comes with a nylon carry case. 4” x 9.75” x 1.25”<br />

with shovel attached.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

^ROT 40 29.95 28.45<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Maul Tools <strong>Fire</strong>Wrap ® Grip Kit<br />

Ultra-durable, shock-absorbing, high-performance grip system<br />

with permanent fiber tape and custom lacing ring system.<br />

Easily wash off contaminants. Finally an easy to install, true<br />

grip system engineered for all firefighter hand tools. Wrap two<br />

tools with each kit. Includes everything you need to complete<br />

20” of grip on axes and striking tools: 10 lacing rings, 4 oz. liquid<br />

grip, 3” x 84” fiber tape, nitrile gloves, paint brush, vinyl strip.<br />

FMT FWGKSC-BLK Black 27.95<br />

FMT FWGKGL-GR Glow Green 40.95<br />

NEW<br />


^California Prop 65 item, please see page 123<br />





order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 107

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Single Hydrant Wrench<br />

Single spanner adjustable hydrant wrench for use on<br />

pentagon heads up to 1-3/4” and square heads to 1-1/4”.<br />

Fits 3/4” through 6” rocker or pin lug couplings. 18-1/2”L.<br />

Weighs 5.2 lbs.<br />

Double Hydrant Wrench<br />

Double spanner head adjustable hydrant wrench with<br />

tough manganese bronze adjustable jaw for long life.<br />

Accommodates pentagon heads up to 1-7/8” and square<br />

heads to 1-1/2”. Designed to fit 3/4” through 6” rocker or pin<br />

lug couplings. May also be used for long handle couplings.<br />

Jaw is replacable. 19-1/2”L. Weighs 5 lbs.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

DIX 16-189 57.50 54.60<br />

1-5 6+<br />

RHB 105 92.00 87.40<br />

Triple Spanner Wrench Holder<br />

Holds one hydrant wrench from any manufacturer and two<br />

spanner wrenches securely for instant release when needed.<br />

Stainless steel springs and pin bearings. Anodized aluminum<br />

alloy resists corrosion and abrasion. 9-3/4” x 5-3/4” x 2-1/4”.<br />

Weighs 2-1/4 lbs. *Wrenches not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

RHB 148 105.00 99.80<br />

Double Spanner Wrench Holder<br />

Stainless steel springs and pin bearings. Designed to hold<br />

tools securely for quick release when needed. Anodized<br />

aluminum alloy resists corrosion and abrasion. 6-7/8” x<br />

4-7/8” x 2-1/4”. Weighs 1-1/4 lbs. *Wrenches not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

RHB 146 78.00 74.10<br />

Universal Spanner<br />

Fits 3/4” to 6” rocker lug and pin lug couplings and gas<br />

cock shutoff. AL-MAG 35 alloy. 10-1/2”L. Weighs 8 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

RHB 101 29.00 27.60<br />

Economy Spanner<br />

1-5 6+<br />

High tensile, lightweight aluminum. Fits up to<br />

1-1/2” pin or rocker lug couplings. 7-3/4”L.<br />

UFS 15W 20.25 19.25<br />

2-1/2” Aluminum Spanner Wrench<br />

1-5 6+<br />

Fits up to 4” pin or rocker lug couplings. Made of tensile<br />

strength lightweight aluminum. 13”L.<br />

UFS 25W 22.75 21.65<br />

JRT SUPERPPRO40 40” Handle 139.00<br />

108 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

JRT SUPERPPRO48 48” Handle 139.00<br />


S&H Single Ended Spanner Wrench<br />

Lightweight aluminum construction designed for wildland<br />

firefighting. The single ended spanner fits 1”″ and 1-1/2”<br />

rocker lug couplings. Meets US Forest Service Specifications<br />

(FSS). Made in USA.<br />

S&H Double Ended Spanner Wrench<br />

Lightweight aluminum construction designed for wildland<br />

firefighting. The double ended spanner fits 1”″, 1-1/2”″ and<br />

2-1/2”″ rocker lug couplings. Meets US Forest Service<br />

Specifications (FSS). Made in USA.<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

SHP SW1 Aluminum 21.10 20.00<br />

SHP SW1E Powder-Coated Red 33.10 31.40<br />

USFS<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

SHP SW2 Aluminum 21.10 20.00<br />

SHP SW2E Powder-Coated Red 33.10 31.40<br />

USFS<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


Hole Type Spanner<br />

Compact hole spanner for use on 3/4” and 1” booster hose<br />

fittings. AL-MAG 35 alloy. 7-1/2”. Weighs 3 oz.<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

RHB 103S 16.00 15.20<br />

Double End Hole Type Spanner<br />

Fits 3/4” and 1” booster hose couplings and 2-1/2” hole type<br />

fittings. AL-MAG 35 alloy. 7-1/2”L. Weighs 3-1/2 oz.<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

RHB 104 28.00 26.60<br />

Wildland Edge Folding<br />

Spanner Wrench<br />

The Wildland Edge Folding Spanner Wrench with Pocket Clip<br />

has a lightweight compact design that fits nicely in a pocket or<br />

easily attaches to gear. Made from aluminum, stainless steel<br />

and acetal it is very strong and durable. The wrench fits 1”, 1.5”<br />

and 2.5” rocker lug couplings. Approximate dimensions of 4.5”<br />

long, 1.5” tall and .5” wide.<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

WLE FSC01 59.00 56.00<br />

NEW<br />

Scotty Coupler Spanner/Gas Wrench<br />

Durable, light weight wrench used to tighten and loosen<br />

1”-3” fire hose line couplers, swivel hose fittings and anvil lug<br />

couplers. The tool can also be used to open standard 70mm<br />

caps on foam concentrate containers. Includes a municipal<br />

gas and Oxygen tank shut off. Spark and corrosion proof, with<br />

quick release snap hook. Made from tough Ny-Glass in a high<br />

visibility yellow color. 7-1/2” L. Weighs just 2-3/4 oz.<br />

1- 2 3+<br />

SCT 4577-YF 9.85 9.35<br />

TopSaw Tool - 12 Tools in 1<br />

New improved sheath. Contains 19mm x 10mm socket<br />

(reversible), 21mm x 16mm socket (reversible), 13mm socket,<br />

T27 torx, T25 torx, 4mm hex ball drive, large screwdriver,<br />

small screwdriver, bar groove clean out tool and when folded<br />

it can be used as a file handle.<br />

TST TSPWP 25.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 109

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


QUICK FIST Clamps<br />

Made of heavy duty transportation grade rubber. Not affected by hot or cold climates. UV resistant.<br />

Work great on emergency vehicles, work or off-road trucks, military, ATV’s or boats. Bolts and screws not included.<br />

Original QUICK FIST Clamp<br />

Holds objects 1” to 2.5” in diameter. Each clamp supports a safe<br />

working load of 25 lbs, 2 clamps support 50 lbs. Mounts easily with<br />

one #10 bolt or screw. Mounting area: 2-1/2” x 3/4”.<br />

END 10011-24 Pack of 24 124.80<br />

END 10011-2 Set of 2 11.00<br />


Holds objects 2.5” to 9.5” in diameter. Each clamp supports a safe<br />

working load of 50 lbs, 2 clamps support 100 lbs. Mounts with three<br />

#10 bolts or screws. Mounting area: 6” x 7/8”.<br />

END 20022-12 Pack of 12 124.80<br />

END 20022-2 Set of 2 22.00<br />


Holds objects 5/8” to 1-3/8” in diameter. Each clamp supports a safe<br />

working load of 25 lbs, 2 clamps support 50 lbs. Mounts easily with<br />

one #10 bolt. Mounting area: 1-1/2” x 1-1/2”.<br />

END 30052-24 Pack of 24 91.20<br />

END 30052-2 Set of 2 8.00<br />

QUICK FIST Clamp Mounting Kit<br />

Three top selling clamps in one money saving package! Each package<br />

contains (2) MINI QUICK FIST clamps, (4) Original QUICKFIST clamps, and (2)<br />

SUPER QUICK FIST clamps. Save $12.00 vs. buying the same items individually.<br />

END 90010 40.00<br />

QUICK FIST Ratchet Clamp<br />

Self-contained one piece ratchet clamp with 36” of 2000 lb. break test<br />

webbing. Holds tools and equipment from 1/2” to 8” (12 to 203mm) in diameter<br />

(a broom to a SCUBA tank) on any vehicle. One finger release. Made of glass<br />

filled Nylon. Comes with a 5 year warranty (except the webbing). Mounts with<br />

three bolts or screws.<br />

END 70070 20.00<br />

Quick Fist Hose Adapter Clamps<br />

Now you can mount all of your hose adapters for fast and easy<br />

access. Quickly see and remove the exact adapter you need.<br />

Adapters are mounted by their lugs and slide in and out. Works<br />

on long handle styles as well. Can also be used to mount a Storz<br />

adapter by turning the clamps 90 degrees. Each clamp mounts<br />

with two 1/4” bolts or screws.<br />

END 70011-72 Pack of 72 273.50<br />

END 70011 Individual 4.00<br />

110 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

MORE clamps & vehicle tools ONLINE

SBC Solid Bottom Wheel Chock<br />

Easily manage the many conditions fire apparatus are likely to encounter including hazardous road conditions, heavy<br />

vehicle weights, large tire sizes, solid bottom and steep grades. High adhesion and high capacity. Constructed of<br />

molded aircraft aluminum. Built to meet NFPA 1906 standard.<br />

• Stays in place - Heel-to-toe length designed to enhance coefficients of friction<br />

• Easy to use - Hand-grab opening allows for fast placement and retrieval, flanged base permits bracket options<br />

• Very Strong - Compact structural design allows a test-to-failure well above maximum tire forces<br />

MSDS<br />

Large Tire - Wildlands fire trucks (Ford F550 pumpers)<br />

Performance - Effective single limit 16% (32% grade paired) [STATIC]<br />

Built to meet Standards - SAE J348, NFPA1906, and DOT (Use pairs against the grade)<br />

Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

WSP HGSSB 7.75” H x 8.5” W x 12”L 5.5 lbs. 101.00 each<br />

WSP HWGSB 7.75” H x 8.5” W x 15” L 9 lbs. 190.00 each<br />

NFPA 1906<br />

Built to Meet Standard<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


Storage Brackets for 12” Long Wheel Chocks<br />

WSP U0812 Horizontal Surface Mount 94.00 each<br />

WSP V0812 Vertical Wall Mount 40.00 each<br />

Oil Spill Kit in Carry Bag<br />

17” x 17” x 4” zippered carry bag contains 15 pads, 2 socks, goggles,<br />

gloves, disposable bag and instructions.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

SPT SPILL-YEL 47.50 45.15<br />

Universal 135<br />

3” x 5” top-spiral notebook is small enough to fit<br />

comfortably in your pocket and tough enough to<br />

survive sweat, rain, mud, snow, oil, grease, and<br />

the wear-and-tear of daily use. Impact-resistant<br />

Wire-O binding won’t lose its shape in your back<br />

pocket, and a PolyDura cover defends your notes<br />

from scratches and stains.<br />

Top Spiral 735B-Kit<br />

Keep your pen and notebook together. Includes<br />

All-Weather pen, Cordura® Cover that fits topbound<br />

notebooks up to 3.25” x 5.25” or 3” x 5” index<br />

cards and 3”x5” Top-Spiral Universal Notebook with<br />

black cover and gray pages. 100 pages/50 sheets.<br />

(4) external writing instrument pockets, (1) internal<br />

notebook pocket, and (1) internal general pocket.<br />

NEW<br />

RIR 135 4.95<br />

RIR 735BKIT 48.85<br />

Universal 146<br />

With a Polydura cover and the 4” x 6” Universal<br />

pattern, these 100 page (50 sheet) notebooks<br />

are perfect for any situation.<br />

RIR 146 5.95<br />

All Weather Pen Black Ink 97<br />

Tactical Clicker. Pencils will work great on Rite in the<br />

Rain but sometimes you just need a pen. This 5-1/4”<br />

long metal all-weather pen writes on wet paper and<br />

upside down in temperatures from -30F to 250F. The<br />

ink won’t leak, evaporate or blow up in your pocket!<br />

RIR 97 19.95<br />

Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG)<br />

This pocket-sized guide provides a collection of best practices related to<br />

wildland firefighting. Includes valuable checklists and commonly used<br />

information. 2022 Edition.<br />

PEC 49218 12.40<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 111

<strong>Fire</strong> Equipment & Tools<br />


Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Sign Systems<br />

NCHRP-350 approved sign systems. High visibility with 3M fluorescent Vinyl Roll-Up Sheeting. Fluorescent pink color recommended by the<br />

FHWA and NFPA for use at emergency scenes. Also available in Orange Reflective. Compact storage configurations and easy set-up.<br />

Fold & Roll Diamond Shaped Sign System<br />

Designed for compact storage size and super fast deployment. Offers unmatched<br />

performance in the always demanding fire and emergency response fields. The Fold<br />

& Roll system allows the sign to be left on the stand while being stored in the smallest<br />

space. Deploys in under 20 seconds allowing users to focus more fully on the task<br />

at hand. Utilizes kick release system for quick leg deployment. Displays 36” and 48”<br />

reflective signs. Telescoping aluminum legs with two-position height adjustment. All<br />

aluminum and steel construction.<br />

Available Signs:<br />





• “FIRE AREA KEEP OUT” ($50 set up fee)<br />


($50 set up fee)<br />

• “FIRE TRAINING AHEAD” ($50 set up fee)<br />


• “INCIDENT AHEAD” ($50 set up fee)<br />

• “LOW VISIBILITY” ($50 set up fee)<br />




($50 set up fee)<br />

• “SAFETY ZONE” ($50 set up fee)<br />

• “SMOKE” ($50 set up fee)<br />



($50 set up fee)<br />

DIC DF3000X36P 36” Fold & Roll Sign System Pink Reflective 353.80<br />

DIC DF3000X36O 36” Fold & Roll Sign System Orange Reflective 349.10<br />

DIC DF3003X48P 48” Fold & Roll Sign System Pink Reflective 424.60<br />

DIC DF3003X48O 48” Fold & Roll Sign System Orange Reflective 415.20<br />

Standard Square Roll-Up Signs and Stands<br />

36” x 36” sign comes with fiberglass cross braces. To deploy, just unroll the sign,<br />

rotate the horizontal rib and engage the corners.<br />

Available Signs:<br />

• “FIRE CAMP”<br />

• “HELI BASE”<br />


DIC SBP36BXS Pink Reflective 112.30<br />

DIC SB36BXS Orange Reflective 112.30<br />

DIC SBOL36P Optional Velcro Arrow Overlay Pink Reflective 29.40<br />

DIC SBOL36O Optional Velcro Arrow Overlay Orange Reflective 29.40<br />

DynaLite 3M 1000 Sign Holder with Screwlock Attachment<br />

22” legs. Fast and easy deployment with the kick release system. Legs lock into position when fully<br />

extended. Telescoping aluminum legs with two position height adjustment and anti-skid foot pads.<br />

DIC DL1000W 135.60<br />

Uniflex Screwlock Sign Holder<br />


• “STAGING AREA”<br />

For signs with fiberglass cross braces. Single heavy duty coil spring flexes in the wind for stability.<br />

Ease of use with fast kick release system, locking legs into place when fully extended. Telescoping<br />

aluminum legs with two position height adjustment and anti-skid foot pads (shown in picture).<br />

DIC UF2000W 176.80<br />

5 Collapsible Cones with Storage Bag<br />

28” cones feature water-resistant solid nylon material in hi-viz orange for added visibility<br />

with rugged black rubber base. 6” upper and 4” lower cone collars made of Reflexite<br />

prismatic sealed surface retro reflective material. Storage bag with zipper top and<br />

convenient carry straps holds 5 collapsible cones. Each cone weighs 8 lbs.<br />

1- 5 6+<br />

DIC CC5B 208.00 197.60<br />

112 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more traffic control & signs online

VIEW<br />

ONLINE<br />




LIGHTING & Weather

lighting & Weather<br />


FoxFury Command+ Tilt White & Amber LED - Wildland <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Rugged headlamp/helmet light with 18 white and 2 amber LEDs provides hands-free illumination in all-weather<br />

conditions and delivers up to 100 lumens of panoramic lighting. When used with the flexible elastic strap (included),<br />

this light can be worn as a headlamp on a ball cap or forehead. When used with the silicone strap (included), the<br />

light grips on to safety helmets, including hard hats and wildland firefighting helmets. Comes with an adjustable tilt<br />

to help aim the light where needed. White & amber LEDs are best suited for outdoor use and are ideal for forestry/<br />

wildland firefighting. Features a highly visible red flashing LED in the battery pack that can be seen from over 1 mile<br />

away. This flashlight taillight acts as a personal marker beacon to increase safety and be seen on scene. 3 modes<br />

(low, medium, high). Powered by (4) AA batteries (not included). Battery life up to 14 hours. *Helmet not included.<br />

FOX 420T15 20 LED Wildand<strong>Fire</strong> 109.00<br />

NEW<br />

FoxFury Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Lighting Kit<br />

The ultimate in wildland fire lights join together! See wider and better with the rugged FoxFury Command+ Tilt<br />

White & Amber LED Headlamp / Helmet Light and the FoxFury Scout Clip Light in Orange with White and Red<br />

LEDs. Includes both lights, silicone strap (installed), (2) cable guides, elastic strap, and batteries. The FoxFury<br />

Scout Clip Light in Orange with White and Red LEDs is a versatile clip light that serves as a utility light, task light,<br />

search light, safety beacon, and more. It’s rugged, works in all weather, and is fully submersible. The Scout has a<br />

secure J-Clip that enables multi-wear use options. The Scout runs on (3) AA batteries and can provide 49 lumens<br />

for up to 60 hours. *Helmet not included.<br />

FOX WFIREKIT1 140.00<br />

FoxFury Command+ Tilt White & Green LED<br />

Rugged fire resistant firefighter helmet light with 18 white and 2 green LEDs provides hands-free illumination in<br />

all-weather conditions and delivers up to 100 lumens of panoramic lighting. It is designed for use on safety helmets<br />

(including hard hats and fire helmets), on ball caps, or directly on your forehead. White and green LEDs are best<br />

suited for structural firefighting along with general area illumination. Comes with adjustable tilt to help aim the<br />

light where needed. Features a highly visible red flashing LED in the battery pack that can be seen from over 1 mile<br />

away. 3 modes (low, medium, high). Powered by (4) AA batteries (not included). Battery life up to 14 hours.<br />

FOX 420T06 20 LED <strong>Fire</strong> Tilt 109.00<br />

FoxFury Command LoPro White LED<br />

Rugged fire resistant firefighter helmet light with 10 white LEDs provides hands-free illumination in all-weather<br />

conditions and delivers up to 65 lumens. Wide beam angle provides panoramic lighting best suited for general<br />

area illumination or structural firefighting. Ultra-slim design enables the light to clear the external face shield on<br />

most U.S. style modern and traditional fire helmets. Features a highly visible red flashing LED in the battery pack<br />

that can be seen from over 1 mile away. 3 modes (low, medium, high). Powered by (4) AA batteries (not included).<br />

Battery life up to 28 hours.<br />

FOX 410L06 10 LED <strong>Fire</strong> LoPro 78.00<br />

FoxFury Command+ LoPro White & Green LED<br />

Rugged fire resistant firefighter helmet light with 18 white and 2 green LEDs provides hands-free illumination in<br />

all-weather conditions and delivers up to 100 lumens. White and green LEDs enhance depth perception and helps<br />

to see (and be seen) through mild to moderate smoke. Offers panoramic and focused lighting. Ultra-slim design<br />

enables the light to clear the external face shield on most U.S. style modern and traditional fire helmets - ideal for<br />

structural firefighting. Features a highly visible red flashing LED in the battery pack that can be seen from over 1<br />

mile away. 3 modes (low, medium, high). Powered by (4) AA batteries (not included). Battery life up to 14 hours.<br />

FOX 420L06 20 LED <strong>Fire</strong> LoPro 109.00<br />

114 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Headlamps online

FoxFury Discover Tilt White LED Headlamp<br />

Rugged, compact light provides hands-free illumination in all-weather conditions and delivers up to 200 lumens<br />

of panoramic lighting with True to Life LED Technology. Designed for use on helmets, on a ball cap or directly<br />

on the forehead. This headlamp features a wide, powerful long distance beam to illuminate larger distances and<br />

comes with an adjustable tilt to help aim the light where needed. On the low setting, it provides task lighting for<br />

close-up tasks like inspection, repair and maintenance. 2 modes (low, high). Uses (4) AA batteries (not included).<br />

Battery life up to 12 hours.<br />

FOX 480T09 134.00<br />

Lighting & Weather<br />


Pelican 2785 Dual Beam Headlamp<br />

At long last, a high performance, long run time safety certified headlamp!<br />

The 2785 provides Main, Downcast, Flashing, and combination LED modes.<br />

The focused Main LED provides a great distance beam while the Downcast<br />

LED projects a dispersed beam set at a 45 degree downward angle. This<br />

“Downcast” beam offers a number of benefits including safer illuminated<br />

pathways, reading capability, as well as convenient face-to-face applications.<br />

Options are plentiful as each mode is provided in an easy to select high,<br />

medium or low setting. The rear-mounted battery pack is equipped with a<br />

full-time battery level indicator in addition to a rear-facing red LED for added<br />

safety. With over 200 lumens of high-intensity light output available, coupled<br />

with the ability to last up to 100 hours in the low setting, the 2785 will support<br />

virtually all your hands-free lighting needs. Cloth and rubber straps and (4) AA<br />

batteries included.*Helmet not included.<br />

PEL 2785-B 94.50<br />

Pelican 2760 LED Headlamp<br />

It’s the one headlamp that does it all. Tough, lightweight, super bright and loaded with<br />

multiple lighting features that include high (289 lumens, 1.5 hours run time), medium<br />

(156 lumens, 3.25 hours run time), low (97 lumens, 5.5 hours run time), flashing,<br />

downcast (42 lumens, 11 hours run time), and night vision red LED modes. With all<br />

these options, you can light up distant trails or the map in your hands. Designed for<br />

fast and easy battery changing with a weather resistant casing (full-time battery level<br />

indicator included). Features comfortable cloth strap. (3) AAA batteries (included).<br />

PEL 2760 46.50<br />

Pelican HeadsUp Lite TM 2690<br />

With 60 lumens of LED light, 10 hours of battery burn time and weighing in at 4.1<br />

ounces, the HeadsUp 2690 is brighter, more efficient, compact and lighter than<br />

other headlamps in its class. No-nonsense rotary bezel switch is easy to operate,<br />

even when wearing bulky gloves. Operates using 3 AAA batteries (included). Made<br />

of impact and chemical resistant ABS and it is water resistant for all-weather use.<br />

Comes with an adjustable and comfortable cloth strap, as well as a heavy duty<br />

rubber strap that will not slip off your helmet.<br />

PEL 2690 44.50<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 115

Petzl Pixa Headlights<br />

lighting & Weather<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

The PIXA line of headlamps is designed specifically for professionals who regularly work in total or<br />

semi-darkness. Rugged, reliable, easy to use and versatile. Great mechanical strength against shocks,<br />

falls, crushing and chemical resistance. Integrated electronic power regulation provides a constant level<br />

of luminosity and lighting distance. CONSTANT LIGHTING technology: brightness does not decrease<br />

gradually as the batteries are drained. Reserve lighting when batteries are almost discharged: lights to<br />

15 meters for a minimum of 10 hours. Easy to use, even when wearing gloves: three-mode rotating selector<br />

dial, lamp body can be oriented to direct the light according to need (rotation up to 45 degrees), fast<br />

and easy battery change. Storage position protects the glass and keeps headlamp from being turned on<br />

accidentally. Operating on (2) AA alkaline batteries (included), the headlamps also are compatible with<br />

lithium ion or rechargeable ni-MHz batteries. Weighs 5.6 oz. with batteries.<br />

PIXA 3<br />

PIXA 2<br />

PIXA 3<br />

PIXA 2<br />

Multi-beam headlamp suitable for proximity<br />

lighting, movement and long-range vision. Ideal<br />

for wildland firefighting - choice of spot, flood or<br />

mixed beam. 100 lumens maximum.<br />

Headlamp suitable for proximity lighting and<br />

movement. Great combination flood and spot<br />

light. 80 lumens maximum.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PTZ PIXA3 PIXA 3 79.95 76.00<br />

PTZ PIXA2 PIXA 2 59.95 57.00<br />

NEW<br />

Petzl ACTIK Headlamp<br />

Rechargeable, compact, multi-beam headlamp with red lighting, designed for outdoor activities.<br />

HYBRID headlamp that comes with CORE, a battery that is rechargeable via standard USB port. It is<br />

compatible with standard batteries without the need for an adapter. Red lighting preserves night vision<br />

and prevents blinding other members of the group. Its reflective headband helps you to be seen when<br />

a light is shone on it, and is equipped with an emergency whistle for rescue situations. 450 lumens.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PTZ E063AA 54.95 52.20<br />

Available in<br />

Blue, Green or Red<br />

Petzl TIKKA Headlamp<br />

Compact headlamp for proximity lighting and some movement. Long burn time. Phosphorescent<br />

reflector helps you find it in the dark. (2) AAA batteries included. 350 lumens. Weighs 82 g.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PTZ E061AA 29.95 28.50<br />

Available in<br />

Grey, Blue, Green or Yellow<br />

Petzl TIKKINA Headlamp<br />

Simple, compact headlamp with a long burn time and a flood beam for proximity lighting. (3) AAA<br />

batteries included. 300 lumens. Weighs 81 g.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PTZ E060AA 24.95 23.70<br />

Available in<br />

Grey, Blue, Green or Red<br />



IDAHO / AUGUST 22, 2022<br />

116 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Headlamps online

Nightstick Multi-Function Headlamp with Rear Safety LED<br />

Low profile design. Glass-filled nylon polymer housing to withstand high heat. 5 lighting modes: flood<br />

- high and low, spot - high and low and Dual-Light. 450/250 Lumens Dual-Light mode. Amber colored<br />

rear facing LED. IP-X7 rated waterproof. Meets requirement for NFPA-1971. (3) AA batteries (included).<br />

*Helmet not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NST NSP4616B 77.00 73.15<br />

Lighting & Weather<br />


Spot<br />

High<br />

Spot<br />

Low<br />

Flood<br />

High<br />

Flood<br />

Low<br />

Dual<br />

Nightstick Multi Function Low Profile LED Headlamp<br />

Glass-filled nylon polymer housing to withstand high heat. 5 lighting modes: flood - high and low,<br />

spot - high and low and Dual-Light. 300/175 Lumens Dual-Light mode. Dual button design. Nonslip<br />

elastic head strap. IP-X7 rated waterproof. (3) AAA batteries (included).<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NST NSP4614B 51.00 48.45<br />

Spot<br />

High<br />

Spot<br />

Low<br />

Flood<br />

High<br />

Flood<br />

Low<br />

Dual<br />

Nightstick X-Series Intrinsically Safe<br />

Low-Profile Dual-Light TM Headlamp w/ Hard Hat Clip<br />

Multi-position tilt head design with an integrated Stainless Clip for attachment to most hard hat<br />

mounting brackets. Both the spotlight and the floodlight use CREE ® LEDs and an advanced (TIR)<br />

Total Internal Reflection lens designed.<br />

180 lumen spotlight, 180 lumen floodlight, 200 lumen Dual-Light. Beam distance rated at 106<br />

meters. Engineered polymer housing. (3) AAA batteries (included). *Helmet not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NST XPP5460GCX 86.00 81.70<br />

PrincetonTec Fuel 4 LED Industrial Headlamp<br />

Designed to meet the widest range of applications while remaining small, lightweight and robust.<br />

Weighs only 78g with 70 lumens of brightness and 120 hours of burn time. Asymmetrical single<br />

arm bracket makes directing the light effortless and reliable. Large, easy-to-find push button<br />

switch and a virtually bulletproof easy-access battery door protects the (3) AAAs (included) and<br />

its electronics. Includes rubber hard hat strap, 3M Dual Lock, and standard nylon headstrap.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PRI FUEL4IND 35.00 33.25<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 117

lighting & Weather<br />


NEW<br />


Streamlight Twin-Task 3AA Headlamp<br />

With two light sources to choose from, the low-profile Twin-Task® Headlamp is a versatile<br />

headlamp for any task. 300 lumen main beam for distance spotting and 250 lumen COB<br />

flood LED for smooth, diffused illumination of your work area. Spot includes high, medium,<br />

and low modes and flood includes high and low modes. Features adjustable elastic head<br />

strap, contoured battery pack for comfort, and cord clips to prevent snags. Easy to use<br />

multi-function push-button switch. (3) AA batteries (included).<br />

1-5 6+<br />

STR 51061 83.50 79.30<br />

Streamlight 3AA HAZ-LO Headlamp<br />

Compact, long-running, high-performance LED headlight has a 50,000 hour lifetime. 120<br />

lumens, 6,800 candela peak beam intensity and 165 meter beam distance runs 11 hours.<br />

Push-button on/off switch easy to use with gloves. Includes both elastic head strap and<br />

rubber hard hat strap. Uses (3) included AA batteries. Weighs 7.0 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

STR 61200 76.10 72.30<br />

Streamlight Enduro LED Headlamp<br />

Ultra-bright light with two lighting modes (50 lumens for 5.5 hours, 10 lumens for 25 hours).<br />

Unbreakable polycarbonate lens, impact resistant body, IPX7 waterproof. Uses (2) included<br />

AAA batteries and weighs only 2.75 oz.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

STR 61400 25.60 24.30<br />

Rayovac Ultra Pro Batteries<br />

Rayovac® Batteries are engineered for professional use and are the #1 selling industrial<br />

battery based on top industrial distributors. Better for the environment - mercury and<br />

cadmium free formula. Dependable performance for “must work” applications. Guaranteed<br />

against leakage. Longer storage life. Industrial contractor reclosable packs.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

BAT AA AA Batteries - 24 pack 21.89 20.79<br />

BAT AA-288 AA Batteries - Case of 288 262.66 249.52<br />

BAT AAA AAA Batteries - 24 pack 25.73 24.44<br />



IDAHO / AUGUST 22, 2022<br />

118 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Headlamps more & flashlights Headlamps online

Pelican 3310PL LED Photoluminescent Flashlight<br />

The compact and lightweight 3310PL LED emits a bright glow, making it highly visible<br />

in pitch-black environments. With a run time of 202 hours (low) and up to 378 lumens of<br />

uncompromising flashlight performance, the new 3310PL LED proves itself invaluable in<br />

emergency situations. Features high/low/flashing modes, push-button switch, (3) AA batteries<br />

(included), removable lanyard and removable clip. 6.14” long.<br />

Weighs 6.2 oz. with batteries.<br />

PEL 3310PL 44.50<br />

Pelican 3410M Right Angle Photoluminescent Light<br />

The 3410M (magnet version) is the ultimate compact work light. Molded from “glow in the dark”<br />

photoluminescent material, this light is easy to find even when it’s off. The 3410M is equipped with<br />

both a spot and flood LED for close-up as well as distance, so you can have wide area light in the<br />

immediate work area and still penetrate darkness hundreds of yards away. It can be activated to run<br />

one or both LEDs with 3 levels of brightness. The articulating head and built-in clip allows the light<br />

to be directed wherever it is needed, while a heavy duty magnet allows the light to be snapped to<br />

steel surfaces.<br />

Lighting & Weather<br />



4 modes: spot/flood, spot, flood, and flashing and 3 brightnesses: high (653 lumens, 5 hours run<br />

time), medium (97 lumens, 19 hours run time), and low (25 lumens, 61 hours run time) for a total of<br />

12 settings. Features articulating light head, attached clip with integrated magnet, security lanyard,<br />

and split ring installed. Includes (3) AA batteries. 7.44” length. Weighs 9.9 oz. with batteries.<br />

SOLD OUT UNTIL NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

PEL 3410M 59.00<br />

Pelican 1920 Flashlight<br />

The very compact aluminum 1920 flashlight is designed with size and extreme performance<br />

in mind. Using (2) AAA batteries, this bright LED light creates a clean white beam. Long run<br />

times combined with high (224 lumens, 2.25 hours run time) and low (22 lumens, 8.75 hours<br />

run time) light output modes, make for an efficient lighting tool; the perfect personal light.<br />

Features off/on/momentary switch.<br />

PEL 1920 40.00<br />

Nightstick X-Series Safety Rated LED Flashlight<br />

w/ Tail Switch w/ Multi-Angle Mount<br />

Uses a CREE ® LED rated at 200 lumens that works with a deep parabolic reflector to create a<br />

143-meter flashlight beam. The tail switch provides momentary or constant-on functionality. This<br />

light meets the requirements of NFPA-1971-8.6 from (3) AA premium batteries (not included). The<br />

mount can be attached to either side of the helmet to provide hands-free illumination. Additionally,<br />

the user can set the angle of the mount through 140 degrees of adjustment to provide clearance<br />

around face shields, goggles or other helmet-mounted equipment. *Helmet not included.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NST XPP5418GXK 55.00 52.25<br />

Streamlight Rubber Helmet Flashlight Strap<br />

The <strong>Fire</strong>fighter’s rubber flashlight strap for helmets offers low profile, hands-free lighting.<br />

It is a quick and easy “no tools required” method to attach your flashlight to almost any<br />

helmet. Made of engineered high-strength rubber.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

NAS 68399075 6.90 6.60<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 119

lighting & Weather<br />


BEST<br />

SELLER<br />

Kestrel Wind Meters<br />

Pocket-sized (about 4” long) with large, easy to read liquid crystal displays. All units track current, maximum, and<br />

average wind speeds in knots, meters per second, kilometers per hour, miles per hour, feet per minute or Beaufort<br />

scale. Accuracy ± 3%, starting threshold 0.3 M/S. Protective pouch, neck lanyard and Lithium AA battery included.<br />

All units covered by full 5-year warranty.<br />

Kestrel 5500FW <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Meter<br />

The all-in-one handheld belt weather kit replacement, including every critical weather measurement, PIG and<br />

FDFM. Measures wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, plus 10 other meterological parameters.<br />

Quick and consistently accurate measurements reduce the risk of human error possible with manual weather<br />

kits. All measurements displayed real-time and stored in memory for monitoring trends. Large, hi-res,<br />

hi-contrast, graphic display is perfectly readable in the brightest sunlight and is backlit for nighttime use.<br />

KES WM5500FW-O 375.00<br />

5000 Environmental Meter<br />

Handheld, portable environmental meter with onboard data logging and graphing. Measures wind speed/<br />

air speed, temperature, humidity, THI, air flow and displays over 10 total environmental parameters on large,<br />

hi-res, hi-contrast, graphic display.<br />

KES WM5000 305.00<br />

3500 Pocket Weather Meter<br />

Split second decisions in the field leave no time for guesswork. Get every environmental condition in seconds.<br />

Calculates relative humidity, altitude, barometric pressure, pressure trends, heat index, wind chill, wind speed<br />

and more.<br />

KES WM3500 259.00<br />




120 order by phone 800.423.8347<br />

more Weather instruments online

3000 Advanced Wind Meter<br />

Rugged, simple and accurate wind speed, temperature, and humidity meter. Calculates relative humidity, heat<br />

index, wind chill, wind speed and more. Data hold feature, clock and backlit display for night time use.<br />

KES WM3000 199.00<br />

Kestrel 3500FW <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Meter<br />

Fighting wildfires and protecting lives, houses, and property while ensuring safety for everyone<br />

involved demands accurate fire behavior predictions based upon good weather observations. The<br />

Kestrel 3500 <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Meter has been updated specifically for fire fighting, adding barometric<br />

pressure, altitude and wet bulb readings and an easy-to-read Probability of Ignition (PIG) and Fine<br />

Dead Fuel Moisture (FDFM) waterproof reference card – everything required for a complete weather<br />

observation.<br />

Lighting & Weather<br />


This one rugged, handheld instrument easily replaces all of the items included in your Belt Weather<br />

Kit, providing consistently accurate measurements without prepping a sling psychrometer or risking<br />

the possibility of human error. Calculates relative humidity, temperature, average wind speed,<br />

altitude, pressure trends and more. Data hold feature, clock and backlit display for night time use.<br />

Protective pouch, neck lanyard and Lithium AA battery included.<br />

KES WM3500FW-O 269.00<br />

Kestrel DROP Wireless Environmental Data Logger<br />

Small, rugged, waterproof and accurate data loggers allow you to record and monitor the conditions<br />

of any environment, while easily accessing and charting real-time data on a smart device. The DROPs<br />

can be placed in multiple locations (inside, outside and even in water) to log specific environmental<br />

conditions and transmit data via Bluetooth ® Smart to an iPhone, iPod or iPad (generation compatible).<br />

DROP D3FW <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Monitor<br />

Understanding the environmental conditions surrounding a fire is critical. The Kestrel <strong>Fire</strong> Weather<br />

DROP can be deployed in seconds to begin capturing data from the start of the fire.<br />

Temperature | Relative Humidity | Wet Bulb Temperature (Psychrometric)<br />

Heat Stress Index | Station Pressure | Dew Point Temperature | Pressure Trend<br />

KES DROP3FW-O 149.00<br />

order 24/7 nationalfirefighter.com 121

lighting & Weather<br />


<strong>Fire</strong> Weather Instrument Kit<br />

This <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Instrument Kit will help you quickly determine weather and burning conditions.<br />

Includes wind meter that measures up to 60 mph, Suunto Smoke Killer compass graduated at 0-360º<br />

(Azimuth) for wind direction and fire location, sling psychrometer and psychrometer slide rule for wet<br />

and dry bulb temperature (30-110º F), water bottle for wet bulb, 100 page notebook for recording data<br />

and mechanical pencil.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PEC SFF3090 210.00 200.00<br />

Options and replacement parts for <strong>Fire</strong> Weather Instrument Kit:<br />

PEC SFF37153<br />

WGT W3096<br />

WGT W3098<br />

PEC SFF88989<br />

PEC SFF89080<br />

Suunto Smoke Killer II<br />

Compass<br />

Weksler Sling<br />

Psychrometer in F<br />

Weksler Thermometer for<br />

Sling Psychrometer in F<br />

Wicks for Sling<br />

Psychrometer (12)<br />

Lightweight Aluminum<br />

Sling Psychrometer in F<br />

41.60<br />

153.00<br />

42.00<br />

13.70<br />

82.00<br />

PEC SFF89081<br />

Thermometer for Sling<br />

Psychrometer<br />

24.00<br />

PEC SFF89197 Psychrometric Slide Rule 13.00<br />

PEC SFF89001 Wind Meter 81.60<br />

PEC SFF89294<br />

Weather Record<br />

Notebook - 100 Pages<br />

10.20<br />

PEC SFF89295 Water Bottle 3.60<br />

PEC SFF89296 Mechanical Pencil 3.40<br />

Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Fuel Sizing Gauge<br />

Allows you to better predict wildland fire behavior by accurately gauging fuel types by size. Constructed of<br />

high grade aluminum with a 1/4” slot for 1-hour fuels, a 1” slot for 10-hour fuels, and a 3” slot for 100-hour<br />

fuels. 4.5” etched scale and lanyard attachment point.<br />

1-5 6+<br />

PEC 89012 27.50 26.20<br />

ColdTrailer MK. II Heat Sensing Probe<br />

A conduction-based heat sensing probe that allows firefighters to cold trail while remaining upright. Unlike<br />

infrared devices that sense the surface temperature of the ash, the ColdTrailer MK. II reaches deep into the<br />

ash and finds the heat where it is. The only alternative to conventional bare-handed cold trailing.<br />

• Lightweight collapsible pole fits<br />

comfortably in your fire pack<br />

• Patented fast-acting and highly sensitive<br />

probe with machined aluminum mount<br />

• Micro USB charging port with USB<br />

charging cable<br />

• Pole sections lock together with a<br />

durable Kevlar cord<br />

• Rechargeable lithium battery lasts entire<br />

fire season on one charge<br />

• Long handle and forearm strap for better<br />

leverage when sweeping for heats<br />

• 3 year warranty<br />

Weight<br />

13.5 lbs.<br />

Length extended 4’10”<br />

Dimensions folded<br />

Probe response time<br />

Probe material<br />

Sensor type<br />

1” L x 2.5” W x 2.5” H<br />



339113PA - Miscellaneous > Apparel (Wildland <strong>Fire</strong> Fighting Clothing)<br />

CrewBoss Classic Brush Pant 6<br />

CrewBoss Advance Classic Brush Pant 6<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Classic Brush Pant 6<br />

CrewBoss Elite Brush Pant 7<br />

CrewBoss Pioneer Elite Brush Pant 7<br />

CrewBoss Ranger Web Belt 7<br />

True North ® Women’s Wildland Pant - Pro 10<br />

CrewBoss Women’s Wildland Ember Brush Pant 11<br />

CrewBoss Brush Shirt 12<br />

CrewBoss Hi-Viz Brush Shirt 12<br />

CrewBoss Traditional Brush Shirt 13<br />

CrewBoss Hi-Viz Traditional Brush Shirt 13<br />

CrewBoss Hickory Brush Shirt 13<br />

CrewBoss Hi-Viz Hickory Brush Shirt 13<br />

CrewBoss Gen II Response Jacket 16<br />

CrewBoss Brush Coat 17<br />

CrewBoss Interface Coat 18<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Jacket 18<br />

CrewBoss Interface Pant 19<br />

CrewBoss CAL FIRE Pant 19<br />

CrewBoss Dual Compliant Brush Pant 20<br />

CrewBoss Dual Compliant Elite Pant 20<br />

CrewBoss Gen II Tactical Pant 21<br />

3152 - Miscellaneous > Apparel (FR Workwear)<br />

DragonWear ® Exxtreme Jacket - Men’s 22<br />

DragonWear ® Alpha Fleece Jacket - Men’s 22<br />

DragonWear ® Alpha Fleece Vest 22<br />

DragonWear ® Exxtreme Jacket - Women’s 23<br />

DragonWear ® Alpha Fleece Jacket - Women’s 23<br />

DragonWear ® The Shield Jacket - FR Soft Shell 23<br />

DragonWear ® Elements Flak Jacket 24<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Tech Hoodie 25<br />

DragonWear ® Elements Cyclone Pull-Over Hoodie 25<br />

DragonWear ® Elements FR Sweatshirt 25<br />

DragonWear ® Livewire 1/4 Zip Shirt 26<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Tech Long Sleeve Shirt 26<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Long Sleeve Shirt 26<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry Short Sleeve Shirt 27<br />

DragonWear ® Pro Dry FR Hi-Vis Shirt 27<br />

DragonWear ® FR Livewire Bottoms - Men’s 27<br />

DragonWear ® Elements Lightning Hooded Jacket 28<br />

DragonWear ® Elements Nova Hooded Hi-Vis Jacket 28<br />


3152 - Miscellaneous > Apparel (FR Accessories)<br />

DragonWear ® Shape Shifter Neck Tube 19” 35<br />

DragonWear ® Shape Shifter Neck Tube 12” 35<br />

DragonWear ® Cold Warrior Convertible Balaclava 35<br />

DragonWear ® Yukon Neck Gaiter 35<br />

DragonWear ® Storm Beanie 36<br />

DragonWear ® Livewire Beanie 36<br />

DragonWear ® Double-Shot Hat 36<br />

DragonWear ® Big-Chill Beanie 36<br />

DragonWear ® FR Waterproof Leg Gaiters 42<br />


On Open Account<br />

Request a Credit Application when ordering and we can typically approve<br />

your account in one to two business days. Our terms are NET 30 days.<br />

VISA-MasterCard-Discover<br />

Please provide your credit card number, expiration date, 3-digit security<br />

code and billing address.<br />

Payment by Check<br />

We will gladly accept a personal or company check with your order.<br />

Methods of Shipment<br />

We offer shipping through UPS and FedEx. We offer Ground, 3 Day Select,<br />

2nd Day Air, Next Day Air Saver (guaranteed end of next business day), and<br />

Next Day Air (guaranteed by noon next business day) shipping options. For<br />

current shipping rates, visit www.nationalfirefighter.com.<br />

Quantity Price Breaks<br />

You will notice that many items have price breaks. Take advantage of ordering<br />

more for the best prices.<br />

Sales Tax<br />

Orders shipping to AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL, ID, IL, KS, NC, NM, OK, PA, and WA<br />

will incur sales tax. Please add tax using the sales tax rate for your delivery<br />

location. Additionally, we will continue to add states as we meet the thresholds for<br />

collecting taxes. Contact us if you have questions regarding the calculation of tax<br />

or if you would like to provide your tax exempt certificate.<br />

Returned Goods<br />

If you wish to return an item for any reason please call or follow instructions<br />

on the return card you received with your order. Special order items are nonrefundable.<br />

Returns must be unused/unwashed in original packaging. Returns<br />

received after 60 days of order date will incur a minimum 20% restocking fee.<br />

Freight charges, unless due to our error, will not be refunded.<br />

Competitive Bids and Quotes<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> Corp. welcomes the opportunity to bid on your quantity<br />

purchases. Please call us toll free @ 1-800-423-8347 or send us a toll free FAX @<br />

1-800-891-1982 or email sales@nationalfirefighter.com for an immediate response.<br />

* Although we strive to provide a greater level of convenience by including prices in<br />

our catalog, pricing is subject to change at any time. Current prices can be viewed<br />

at www.nationalfirefighter.com.<br />


Phone Toll Free 1-800-423-8347<br />

We have representatives ready to assist you. They will take care of you<br />

personally. Call and introduce yourself today.<br />

Fax<br />

Toll Free 1-800-891-1982<br />

Internet<br />

Via our website at www.nationalfirefighter.com or e-mail sales@nationalfirefighter.com.<br />


Government Ordering Information<br />

Legal Business Name: Eugene Welders Supply Co.<br />

Business Size: Small<br />

Cage Code: 1NSX2<br />

Federal ID No.: 93-0366767<br />

UEI No.: 02-763-3486<br />

GSA Contract No.: 47QSWA19D006L<br />

Items on our GSA Contract can be purchased<br />

at www.nationalfirefighter.com or through GSA Advantage!<br />

International Orders<br />

Call 1-541-242-6156 between the hours of 8am-5pm PST to place orders shipping<br />

outside of the US.<br />

Emergency Orders<br />

On the fire line, outside of our regular 8am-5pm PST business hours, if you find yourself in<br />

an emergency situation that cannot wait until the next day, please call our after hours line<br />

at 541-242-6157.<br />

^PROP 65 WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or reproductive harm. Prop 65 requires that a warning must be posted on any product that contains or may contain any of more<br />

than 800 elements that the California Air Resources Board considers harmful. The warning does not mean that these products will necessarily cause cancer or reproductive harm. Moreover, a Prop 65 warning does not mean a product is in violation of any<br />

product-safety standards or requirements. In fact, the California government has clarified that “the fact that a product bears a Proposition 65 warning does not mean by itself that the product is unsafe.” The government has also explained that “You could<br />

think of Proposition 65 more as a ‘right to know’ law than a pure product safety law.<br />



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A Company<br />

You Can Trust<br />

Your hard work, training, and courage ensure that you are prepared for<br />

any wildland blaze. Quality, reliable firefighting gear enables you and your<br />

crew to effectively extinguish fires, stay protected, and minimize injury as<br />

well as damage to property and environment.<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> offers a wide selection of wildland fire gear for<br />

firefighters all across the nation. You’ll find everything you need to<br />

combat fires and protect yourself in the heat of the moment, including<br />

protective clothing, packs, electronics, portable pumps, drip torches, and<br />

skid units. We offer products from the top manufacturers in the industry,<br />

many of which are independently tested and classified to meet stringent<br />

wildland fire standards, ensuring exceptional performance and durability.<br />

We know fire, and we know you need equipment that you can trust and<br />

rely on. Browse our catalog and equip your team with the best wildland<br />

firefighter equipment available.<br />

800.423.8347<br />


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