OHS Spring 2023 Magazine & 2022 Annual Report

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Veterinary Care

Keeping pets and

people together

Making Oregon the

Safest Place for Pets

Saving lives and

completing families

Protecting Animals

from Cruelty

Responding to

pets in crisis


SPRING ANNUAL REPORT 2023 | Vol. 52 No.1

Our Mission

Creating a More

Humane Society.

Moving? Send your

change of address to:

EDITOR Laura Klink, (503)416-2985, laurak@oregonhumane.org

EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Zoey Baggins, Becca Ball, Sarah Bradham,

Katie Hamlin, Katie Hovde, Rachel Cain, Kelsey O’Lea Goodwick

GRAPHIC DESIGN Todd Saucier, Sheri Thompson, and Lydia Wojack-West

ON THE COVER California King, one of 99 cats rescued from a neglect

case in Polk County.


Marveita Redding,* Chair

Retired, City of Portland, Bureau of

Environmental Services

David H. Angeli, Vice-Chair

Angeli Law Group

Dr. John E. Gustavsson, Secretary

Radiology Consultants, Inc

Steven L. Gish, Treasurer

BPM Real Estate Group

Our Vision

A world where every animal is treated

with compassion, kindness, and respect.

Oregon Humane Society Mailing List,

1067 NE Columbia Blvd., Portland, OR 97211,

or email it to amye@oregonhumane.org.

Robert E. Mack, DVM, DACVIM

VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists

Elizabeth J. Mehren

Journalist and Author

Patti M. Miles

Walsh Construction Co.

Betty B. Norrie*

Retired, Program Director, NCAA


California King, pg. 9

Steve D. Bloom

Portland Japanese Garden

Shayna Rogers

Cosgrave Vergeer Kester LLP




2 6

Making Oregon the

Safest Place for Pets

Adoption stories; tails

from the Behavior

Modification Program;

lifesaving medical care

for shelter pets; volunteers

making a difference.

Providing Accessible

Veterinary Care

Community Veterinary

Hospital helps pets and

the people who love them;

Salem Spay & Neuter

Clinic makes an impact.

Tracy Crandall

Sterling Asset Management Group, LLC

Reginald R. Eklund*

Retired, NACCO Materials Handling

Group, Inc.

Lindsay W. Ford

Sprout Tours

John C. Gomez*


Marc F. Grignon*

Retired, NW Equity Holdings, Inc.

Dave S. Hansen*

Immediate Past Chair, Umpqua Bank

Diane Rosenbaum

Former Oregon State Senator

& Majority Leader

April Sanderson

Wealth Management Executive

Mary K. Slayton

Retired, Nike, Inc.

Carolyn M. Vogt

Pine Hill Legal LLC

Nancy Tonkin-Zoucha

Tonkin Family of Dealerships

Peter A. Jensen

Internal Revenue Service

8 10 14

Protecting Animals

from Cruelty

Animal Crimes Forensic

Center helps build strong

cases; neglected pets

begin a new chapter.

2022 Year

at a Glance

Highlights, statistics,

and financial data.

Thanks to Our


Honoring donors who

support OHS’

lifesaving mission.

Gordon Keane

Digital Vision, Inc.


Marilynn Jensen | Dolorosa Margulis



*Past Board Chair

Report animal cruelty and neglect at (503) 802-6707

oregonhumane.org & @oregonhumane

Get the latest OHS news and cuteness in your inbox.

Sign up at oregonhumane.org/subscribe.

Oregon Humane Society is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization that relies on donor support for

its adoption, education, medical, and humane law enforcement programs. OHS does not receive portions of

donations made to national humane organizations.

A Voice for Animals

from Sharon Harmon, President and CEO

Transformation and optimization. These sound like terms associated with the high-tech industry,

but these two words come to mind when I think about the year behind us and the years ahead.


Portland Campus


Veterinary Hospital

(503) 802-6800


(503) 285-7722

Behavior Help Line

(503) 416-2983

Bring in a Pet

(503) 285-7722

Corporate Relations

(503) 416-7084

Magazine Editor

(503) 758-8127

Estate Giving

(503) 416-2988

Make a Donation

(503) 802-6793

Monthly Giving

(503) 205-5706

Spay & Save Program

(503) 802-6755

Volunteer Program

(503) 285-7722

Salem Campus

Spay & Neuter Clinic

(503) 480-7729


(503) 585-5900


(503) 585-5900

ext. 300

Behavior & Training

(503) 585-5900

ext. 318

Volunteer Program

(503) 585-5900

ext. 312

In 2022, Oregon Humane Society transformed animal welfare in our state by opening the

Community Veterinary Hospital, Animal Crimes Forensic Center, and Behavior and Rescue Center.

Our campus in Salem will allow us to serve more pets and people through sharing resources and

expertise. “Oregon” is not just part of our name; it represents our responsibility to make an impact

around the state.

Merging with Willamette Humane Society while completing the $40-million-dollar New Road

Ahead expansion in 2022 was certainly ambitious, but our drive to do more is what you have

come to expect from us. It is how we put your donor dollars to work.

Because of you, thousands of pets found new homes last year, including Lola, the tiny but mighty

terrier who spent almost a year in our care at the Portland Campus. Find her heartwarming story

on page 2. Only a few months after our merger, staff from our Salem Campus worked quickly to

help nearly 100 cats from a single neglect case in Polk County. Read more about this story on

page 9.

Inside this magazine, you will find our 2022 annual statistics. Behind every number is the

dedication of our staff and volunteers to transform lives and deliver the highest level of care—for

pets and people. We are often called upon to help people through the most challenging times in

their lives. From providing urgent care to a beloved pet suffering from an unexpected illness, to

assisting an overwhelmed pet owner, or reassuring someone who has lost their housing and needs

to find a new home for their animal, we offer support in as many ways as we can.

Our work can be complicated, emotional, and difficult. I am continually inspired by our team’s

ability to respond to our clients and care for animals with compassion, kindness, and respect.

With the completion of the New Road Ahead project and the merger in Salem, we have a new

foundation on which to do our work. We can now turn our attention to optimizing how we deliver

services. Since the Community Veterinary Hospital opened in October 2022, we have seen a

huge demand for subsidized care. Beloved pets like Bella, page 7, are now getting the treatment

they need at a cost that is affordable for the people who love them.

Our five-year strategic plan provides a roadmap for optimizing every aspect of our work. Our

priorities include making Oregon the safest place for pets, protecting animals from cruelty and

neglect, making veterinary care accessible, and ensuring our financial sustainability.

I am excited for the future and our opportunity to serve pets and people in ways we have

only imagined.

With gratitude,

Sharon M. Harmon, CAWA

President and CEO










Lola, pictured above, was known as the “tiny but

mighty” little terrier while at OHS. She survived

Hurricane Ida on the streets of New Orleans and

was transferred to OHS in October 2021. Lola struggled

to find the right adopter to care for her special

medical and behavior needs. Her skin was raw and

irritated by chronic skin allergies that would need to

be managed the rest of her life. The medical team

also determined that she was having seizures which,

luckily, were controlled with medication. The stress of

the shelter environment was overwhelming for Lola,

and it was clear that she did not want to be around

other animals, so she was placed in an experienced

OHS foster home where she thrived. Finding Lola the

right home took almost a year, but it was worth

the wait.

Lola now lives in a calm and loving home in a quiet

area with people who adore her. “She may not be

perfect,” they wrote in an adoption update, “but

she’s perfect for us.”


When facing an urgent housing crisis, a family had

to make the heartbreaking decision to rehome their

beloved dog, Maya. She was, by all accounts, the

perfect family dog. Maya got along well with

people, dogs, and even cats. But her family wanted

what was best for Maya, so they chose to surrender

her to OHS’ Salem Campus so she could find a new,

loving home.

Luckily, Maya didn’t have to look far. She was

adopted by Hannah, OHS Salem

Admissions Technician.





Briar and Her Puppies

A snowy mountainside in Warm Springs is no place for a

dog and her newborn puppies. But this is exactly where

Briar was when she was rescued by a good Samaritan and

brought to safety. The rescuer kept Briar and her puppies

safe in her laundry room while she contacted Fences for Fido

for help. Briar and her puppies were transported to OHS

Portland, thanks to a partnership with Fences for Fido, and

placed into foster care until they were ready for adoption.

Finding foster homes for bigger dogs with large litters

of puppies can be challenging. Luckily, OHS has more than

500 foster homes with volunteers who have a wide range

of expertise. A loving home environment and time with their

mother and siblings are critical for a puppy’s development.

This family of eight spent almost two months in foster

care before they each completed their journey to an

adoptive home.


Last summer, Egg was about four months old when she was

brought to OHS’ Salem Campus. As a young kitten she’d

arrived at the doorstep of a stranger’s home. The family took

her in to help her through a heat wave, but eventually, they

decided to surrender her to OHS Salem.

During her initial intake, our team noticed that Egg was

having difficulty moving her left hind leg and could not

put pressure on it. OHS Salem’s veterinarian, Dr. Livesay,

observed Egg and performed tests to check her mobility and

pain levels. Eventually, Dr. Livesay decided to move forward

with an amputation. Dr. Livesay reports, “At the time of her

surgery, I found an old fracture that had not healed well.”

After her procedure, Egg spent nearly two weeks

rehabilitating at the home of one of OHS Salem’s skilled

medical fosters, Michele. In foster care, Michele ensured that

Egg received the medical attention and loving care that she

needed. She noted, “Egg is very affectionate and loves to

give nose kisses. She will play with dangly toys until she is

tired out. She has no problems with mobility anymore.”

After Egg fully recovered, she only spent one day at the

shelter before finding her new, loving family.



Pets fostered in 2022


Total adoptions in 2022

Note: includes full year of Portland Campus

adoptions plus Salem Campus adoptions from

July through December 2022.










This high-energy girl originally came to OHS with a

challenging past. She’d been in several homes, lived

with another dog who attacked her, and was beginning

to show some resource-guarding behavior.

She was accepted into the Behavior Modification

Program and worked with trainers for four months to

gain confidence, learn new skills, and find positive

outlets for her energy. She also went out for hikes

in the Columbia River Gorge with a highly-skilled

animal care team member.

When Willow was ready for adoption, she found her

perfect match with someone who has continued her

training and takes her running. Her adopter recently

sent this update:

“Thank you! You did an amazing job with her—she’s

an absolutely wonderful dog and being with her is

the best thing ever! She remembers everything you

taught her and has excellent manners, great recall,

and her leash reactivity has vastly improved.

I’m eternally grateful to you!!”

Dalton and Eleanor

Animals who have been the victims of cruelty or

neglect often have complex behavioral needs. This

was the case for a group of cats who came to OHS

from a criminal case in Marion County. Salem Police

contacted OHS about 10 felines abandoned in an

apartment needing immediate care. Two of the cats

who were part of that group, Dalton and Eleanor,

were overcome with fear when they arrived at OHS.

They were placed in the Behavior Modification

Program and among the first cats housed in the

new Behavior and Rescue Center. The calm, quiet

environment gave feline behavior experts the ability

to spend time helping Dalton and Eleanor decompress.

They made great progress and were made

available for adoption. It didn’t take long for Eleanor

and Dalton to find loving homes where they are now

thriving. Eleanor’s adopter describes her as “friendly

and affectionate, purring and climbs into my lap.”






Martha, OHS Salem Pet

Photographer Volunteer

Al, OHS Salem Cat

Enrichment Volunteer

Nancy, OHS Portland Animal Care

Technician Assistant Volunteer

David, OHS Portland Running

Team Volunteer

OHSTAR volunteers preparing to rescue a

dog in the Gorge

Volunteers deployed to help the ASPCA

with a rescue of close to 300 dogs


Animals helped through the Behavior

Modification Program in 2022


Total number of volunteers

(Portland and Salem Campus)







New Chapter for Pets and the People Who Love Them

After years of planning and 18 months of construction, the Community Veterinary Hospital (CVH) opened in

October 2022 and is one of only a handful of hospitals around the country that operate on a similar model.

While the hospital is centered on the mission of providing subsidized care to pet owners in need, the CVH’s

high-quality veterinary services are available to all. These services include spay/neuter, dentistry, wellness,

and urgent care.


Number of patient

visits at the

Community Veterinary Hospital

October–December 2022


Average number of pet owners

who received subsidized veterinary

care each week at the CVH

October–December 2022






“Please give me a home.” This was the plea written

on a note hanging above Bella as she was tied up outside

a Walmart in Portland. Luckily, a store employee was able

to temporarily take her in and keep her safe, allowing the

community to learn about Bella’s plight through social media

posts that soon went viral.

OHS Salem’s Spay & Neuter Clinic

After receiving gifts from more than 1,000 generous donors

and foundations, OHS Salem Campus’ Spay & Neuter

Clinic opened its doors in January 2010. The clinic opened

in response to a need for more accessible veterinary care in

the Salem area.

Currently, the clinic provides spay and neuter services for

owned pets in our community every Wednesday

and Thursday.

Spaying and neutering your pet is the best way to help curb

animal overpopulation. Additionally, sterilizing pets can

increase an animal’s lifespan, reducing the possibility of

behavioral problems in the home, and even helping prevent

some cancers. Unfortunately, this essential veterinary treatment

often comes at a cost inaccessible to many.

Our Spay & Neuter Clinic offers pet owners the opportunity

to receive high-quality sterilization for their pet at a fraction

of the cost of other providers. Additionally, our clinic offers

vaccines, microchipping, and other essential treatments to

help pets live long and healthy lives.

They didn’t take long to catch James’ eye. “I saw something

in her, and I knew we had to go get her,” says James. As

soon as James and his partner, Deb, met Bella, the connection

was apparent. “It was love at first sight,” he said.

But love could not heal Bella’s raw, infected skin. James and

Deb had a lot of experience with dogs, and they knew the

cost of Bella’s care would likely get expensive. They called

their local vet, who referred them to OHS’ Community Veterinary


After two months of treatment, Bella has transformed into a

beautiful, healthy dog.

“There is not a day that we don’t cry,” says Deb. “It means

the world to us to be able to give her a home and provide

her with such high-quality veterinary care.”


Number of owned pets, community cats,

and pets from other rescue groups who

were spayed/neutered at OHS Salem’s

Spay & Neuter Clinic.

July–December 2022







Victims of Neglect from Jackson County

Begin a New Chapter

On Oct. 19, 2022, OHS’ Humane Law Enforcement

team was called to help with a disturbing case in

Jackson County. When the Jackson County Sheriff’s

Office issued a search warrant at this residence,

several animals were found deceased, and ten dogs

needed emergency medical care.

Jackson County Animal Services transferred the

dogs to a veterinary clinic where they received

urgent care. After the dogs were stabilized, they

were transferred to OHS’ Portland Campus.

Perla Ceh-Cocom, OHS’ Second Chance team

member who transported the dogs, recalls that

they were emaciated and suffering from a painful

skin condition.

Once they arrived at our shelter, the dogs received

immediate care from OHS’ medical, admissions, and

animal care teams.



These dogs required individualized care to treat their medical

conditions, ranging from mange to dental decay to gastrointestinal

issues. Each dog was paired with a foster family

to recover until they became healthy enough for adoption.

The dogs made a stunning transformation, including

Mookie, a 3-year-old hound/retriever mix. In addition to

needing extensive medical care, Mookie also had complex

behavior needs.

Three months after their rescue, all the dogs were settling

into their new homes. Mookie was the last of this group to be

adopted on Jan. 17, 2023

California King, featured on the cover of this publication,

was one of the 99 rescued cats. Although his past was filled

with uncertainty, he was never fearful of people or other

pets. From the moment he arrived, our team described him

as “calm and easygoing”—a testament to his loving and

forgiving spirit.

Staff and volunteers were smitten with California King. He

was a lap cat who solicited head scratches, loved to be

around people, and got along great with other cats. Our

team was sure he would find his new, loving home within a

few days.

But, despite his charming personality, he didn’t have the

quick luck finding his new family everyone had expected.

Thankfully, he had a lot of staff and volunteers who were

rooting for him in every way they could!

In late December, our team received a Facebook message

that led California King to his new home. Kayla, the potential

adopter, explained, “Our family doesn’t care about their

gender, age, coat type, or coloring. All we care about is that

they’re a loving cat who gets along with other cats.”

Our team suggested California King, and he turned out to

be the perfect fit. Since his adoption, Kayla reports, “He

cracks us up! He reminds us of a big kitten. The funny thing is

my husband—who was not a cat person—is his favorite. But

now, my husband can’t imagine his life without him.”






Salem Campus Assists with Large Rescue

On Sept. 14, 2022, OHS’ Humane Law Enforcement team

received a call from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office about a

suspected neglect case involving up to 100 cats and kittens.

Many of these felines were emaciated and in need of immediate

medical care.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office coordinated with Animal

Control and OHS to transfer 87 cats to OHS’ Salem Campus.

On Oct. 25, an additional 12 cats were seized and

brought to the Salem Campus from the same location.

At 99 cats total, tthis was one of the largest rescues with

which the Salem Campus had ever assisted.


Animals helped by OHS’

Humane Law Enforcement team



Shelter Happenings

February 13

Oregon Humane

Society puppies,

Charlie & Caroline,

featured during

Puppy Bowl on

Animal Planet.

February 19

OHS and Fences

for Fido host the

first of two wellness

clinics for pets in

Warm Springs.

The second clinic is

held in June.

The Merger & The New Road Ahead Expansion

July 1


officially merge,

becoming one

Oregon Humane

Society with

campuses in Portland

and Salem.

October 16

The Community

Veterinary Hospital,

part of the New

Road Ahead

expansion project,

opens to the public.

Animal Rescues

June 16

More than 30 French

bulldogs from a large,

suspected puppy mill

case in California

arrive at OHS.

August 19

Eighty beagles from

a historic rescue

operation arrive at

OHS. The Portland

Campus receives

60 dogs, and the

Salem Campus

receives 20.

Fundraising Events

May 14

Doggie Dash returns

to Waterfront Park

in Portland for the

first time since 2019.

September 18

WillaMutt Strut

returns to Salem’s

Riverfront Park and

raises more than

$20,000 to help

shelter pets at OHS’

Salem Campus.


August 1

In anticipation of

the opening of the

Community Veterinary

Hospital, OHS hosts a

vaccine and wellness

clinic at the Portland

shelter for owned pets.

November 18

The Great Pumpkin

is OHS Salem Campus’

5000th surgery of 2022.*

October 20


ceremony marks

the completion of

the New Road Ahead

expansion project.

December 8

Shelter pets in the

Behavior Modification

Program move from

the main shelter to the

newly-opened Behavior

and Rescue Center.

September 6

OHS emergency

responders deploy

to Nevada to assist

the ASPCA with an

alleged cruelty case

involving nearly 300

Caucasian shepherds.

September 14

OHS assists with two large

rescues on the same day.

First, the transport of 38

Alaskan Malamutes from

an overwhelmed breeder

from Oak Ridge to OHS

Portland Campus. In the

second rescue, OHS Salem

Campus helps 99 cats and

kittens from a neglect case

in Polk County.

October 29

Bowser’s Boo Bash

raises more than

$100,000 for

shelter pets.

November 17

Lithia Subaru of

Oregon City and

Capitol Subaru of

Salem both name

Oregon Humane

Society as the local

charity beneficiary

during their annual

“Share the Love” event.


*Total number includes all surgeries, pre-merger (January–June 30) and post-merger (July 1)





2022 Expenses*

Sheltering and Adoptions** $12,667,287 51.3%





& Behavior

Humane Law


Animal Care

& Adoptions

Fundraising $4,066,990 16.5%

Administration $2,712,223 11%


& Education


Community & Education $1,810,631 7.3%

Community Veterinary Services*** $1,541,216 6.2%

Behavior and Training $1,101,228 4.5%


Humane Law Enforcement $803,547 3.3%

TOTAL EXPENSES $24,703,121 100%


2022 Revenue*

Donations and Fundraising $10,034,265 41.4%

Bequests and Planned Gifts $9,340,537 38.5%

Program Revenue $4,868,493 20.1%

TOTAL REVENUE $24,243,294 100%




& Fundraising

Investments ($5,846,800)

Capital Projects $1,837,403

Net Assets at 12/31/21**** $98,092,152

Decrease in Net Assets in 2022 ($4,469,223)

Net Assets at 12/31/22 $93,622,929

*Excludes New Road Ahead Expansion Project

**Includes medical care for shelter pets.

***Includes Community Veterinary Hospital and Spay & Save program

****Final, audited figure for 2021

These are preliminary figures pending an independent audit of fiscal year 2022.

Detailed financial statements are available at www.oregonhumane.org.

Bequests &

Planned Gifts






• Total adoptions – 9,825

• Dogs/puppies adopted – 2,952

• Cats/kittens adopted – 6,445

• Small animals adopted – 428

• Live-release rate: Portland campus 98%, Salem campus 95%*


• Total incoming pets – 10,638

• Owner-surrendered/returned pets – 3,609

• Friends Forever pets received – 11

• Stray and other sources - 1,533


• Number of partner agencies – 61

• Total animals transferred in and between

Portland and Salem campuses – 5,496


• Total surgeries – 9,155

• Spay/neuter surgeries for owned pets through the

Spay & Save program – 2,318

• Oregon State University veterinary students who

completed a three-week rotation at OHS – 100


• Total surgeries – 2,975

- Spay/neuter surgery (community cats) – 746

- Spay/neuter surgery (pets from other rescue groups) – 207

- Spay/neuter surgery (owned pets) – 798


• Total patient visits – 2,490

• Total distributed in subsidized care – $119,710


• Total number of foster homes – 588

• Number of animals fostered – 2,644



• Total Emergency Animal Sheltering teams deployed - 23

• Total number of calls/technical rescue requests – 44


• Number of new cases – 560

• Calls and emails to the complaint line/website – 3,614

• Animals helped by Humane Law Enforcement department – 2,239

• Number of times assistance provided to outside agencies – 133

• Number of forensic exams performed – 199


• Calls and emails to the free pet behavior help line – 1,804

• Total number of people who attended OHS training

classes and workshops – 2,946

• Shelter pets helped through the Behavior

Modification Program – 85


• Total number of volunteers who gave their time to OHS – 3,349

• Total volunteer hours given to OHS – 409,052*

*includes foster hours


• Adults reached – 3,818

• Young people reached – 11,598

• Classrooms visited – 161

*Includes data for OHS Salem Campus July—December 2022

**Includes owner-surrendered pets, transfers, Humane Law Enforcement intake, pets

born in foster, and stray animals.

***Oct. 15–Dec. 31, 2022





We strive to recognize New Road Ahead donors accurately, and we apologize if an error has occurred.

If your name was inadvertently omitted, incorrectly listed, contains misspellings or other errors, please

let us know by contacting caitlin.jaeger@oregonhumane.org.


Anonymous (3)


Dr. Patricia Bade

Ellyn Bye/Dream Envision Foundation

Gordon & Katherine Keane

Lynn & Jack Loacker

Michael L. Marx & Donald K. Marshall

The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Laura J. Spear

Marcy Tonkin

Marci Ann Walsh

$100,000 — $499,999


Audrey Buckingham Albaugh

Arnold Salter Family Foundation

William & Paula Ball

Florence V. Burden Foundation

Lou & John Chapman

Clark Foundation

Coit Family Foundation

Dwyer Family Gift Fund

Reg & Linda Eklund

Steven L. & Jacquelyn H. Gish

Gary W. Hahn

Sharon Harmon

Joseph & Elizabeth Hoffart

Charitable Foundation

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

Dolorosa & David Margulis

Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund

Ed & Ellen McClaran

James & Kristine Merritt

Shifter Muramatsu & his best

friend Scott

Ron Norris & Linda Talley

Kris Otteman & Jeff Brant

Petco Love

In Memory of Lou Simmons

The Swigert-Warren Foundation

Darci & Charlie Swindells

Harold & Margaret Taylor Foundation

Ronald E. & Ivy L. Timpe Century Fund

of The Oregon Community Foundation

The Walker Family Foundation

Western Partitions, Inc.

Jacqueline R. Young & Eric Freund

$10,000 — $99,999

Anonymous (6)

Julie Aldag Crawford

Bill & Lynda Allred

Courtney & David Angeli

Jeanne I. Arbow

Anita & David August

Brian August & Dana Katz

Robert & Carol Baird

Mary Jo Ball in memory of Lola

Barbara Baugnon & Ken Smith

Jennifer & Ryder Baumann

Bear Gulch Foundation

Ginny & David Bennett

BetsWest Foundation

Harvey & Nancy Black

Bill Block Foundation

Christ & Barbara Bouneff

Dr. Stephen & Marge Brenneke

Amanda Briggs & Dennis Kenny

Steven & Nancy Brockschink

Suzanne Brooks

Patsy Bruggere

Mark, Tracy, & Julianna Cahill

Dr. James M. Cech in memory of Missy

Dale & Gail Cerveny

Diane & Baer Charlton

Carol A. Christensen

C.O.A.T. Flagging

Cornuelle Family Foundation

Judy Crislip

Vanessa Crouch

Cindy Davis & Elaine Scott

Lynn Davis & Alan Mitchell

Deacon Family Fund of the Oregon

Community Foundation

Linda Dicker

Dennis Digman

The Walt Disney Company Foundation

Dr. Richard Drake Family

Gerard & Sandra Drummond

Robert N. Dubay & Georgina B. Dubay

Paul DuCommun & John Sarr

Leslie G. Ehmann Trust &

Charlotte Childs

Ronda Ellis & Judy Ritt

Sean & Gale Fagan

Molly Farkas in memory of

Mike Farkas & Omar

Jen Fasold & Dan Zielke

Chris & Michael Feves

Ford Charitable Fund

Zanley & Claire Galton

Dean & Sue Ghizzone

Justin & Brett Giammona

Alice Gillaroo & Susan Jorgensen

Grace & Co.

Sue & Eric Graf

Pam & Marc Grignon

John E. Gustavsson, M.D.

& Stuart Weitz

Hallmark Inns & Resorts, Inc.

Donna & Larry Hazel

Howard B. Hecht

Helen Herman

Henry Lea Hillman, Jr. Foundation

Summer Lea Hillman Foundation

Joanne Hodgdon

Ronnie Hoffman

Patricia Davidson Hogan in memory of

Melvin C. “Bud” Donald

Sherry Holley & Al Didier

Tim & Jill Hurtley

The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation

Jon Naviaux & Anne Kilkenny

Heather Killough

Gary Kish

Dr. Deena R. Klein & Family

John D. Klosterman & Leslie W. Fleet

in honor of Mary Henry

Diantha & Jan Knott

Diane F. Knudsen

Stephen C Kochis, DVM &

Christopher Jones

Dinah Larsen

Jackie Larson

Lease Crutcher Lewis

Cassandra Lematta

Melania Lematta

Joanne Lilley

Jim & Kathryn Lillis

Patricia Lloyd Fund

Dr. Robert Mack & Dr. Barb Crabbe

Don & Melinda McCoy

Elizabeth Mehren & Fox Butterfield

Elizabeth & Warren Menche

The Michaelson Family Foundation

Dick & Jane Miller

Deb Morgan

Kenneth J. & Hana Moyle

Nancy Murray

Avis Naslund


Penelope C. O’Connell

Karen O’Kasey & Richard Kuhn


Pamela Pariani

Franklin Parker

R.H. Parker / United Foundation

Gerald Petersen in memory of

Phyllis Petersen

R.W. & Patricia Peterson

Marcia Petty & Walt Gorman

The Peyton Family with love for


Carl & Nellie

Teddy Bartholomew Phillips

Eric & Rae Piesner

Don & René Pizzo

Rita Platzer & Chung Tang

Linda “Bear” Polier

The Preble Family

Bill Ramirez & Roberta Staff

Marveita Redding & David Stafford

Kristin & Arthur Reeck

Julian Resendes-Montoya &

Michael Rohan

Phyllis C. Reynolds

Tracey Richard & Bruce Davis

James Richardson

Debra & Tim Rilling

Tina & Richard Romine

Kathleen & Alan Rose

Diane Rosenbaum in memory of

“Jean Rosenbaum”

Garth Rosenberg

Kurt Rosenberg in honor of all

my furry pals

Russ Rosner

Carrie H. Saito

Sue Sample & Al Varnes

Frank & Carol Sampson

Charitable Fund

April Sanderson

Dr. Julie Saugstad &

Dr. Michael Roberts

Scott Edwards Architecture

The Sence Foundation

Jim & Barbara Sevde

Mary Slayton

Levi Smith

Vera L. Smith Charitable Foundation

So Hum Foundation

Donna M. Spear

Joan Spratlen & Sonja Vik in loving

memory of Charlie

Karl Studnicka

Thomas Switzer & Kimberly


Gilah Tenenbaum

Don & Joan Terry

Umpqua Bank

Carolyn & George Vogt

Hubert & Frances Walker

Charitable Fund

Mary J. Walker

In memory of Bettina Wehrli

Wheeler Foundation

The Wrather Family Foundation

Dennis Yost

$5,000 — $9,999

Anonymous (4)

Keith & Christine Abernathy

Patricia & James Anderson

Kimberly & Steve August

Shelah Hanson & Doug Babb

Barry & Jacqueline T. Bennett

James D. Berwind & Kevin Clark

Stephen D. Bloom

Ken & Jennifer Bolin

Carolyn Brock

Sherri & Ernie Brown

Judith Bruce

Ellen & Richard Cohen

Delta fire, Inc.

Wolfgang Dempke

Design Sound Northwest

Daniel Deutsch Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

The Esther Dougherty Trust

Nancy & Rob Downie, Kaia,

Lyra, & Velvet

Kathy Eaton

Rhandi Edwards & Thomas Larkin

Ben & Lindsay Ford

Dan Gibbs & Lois Seed

Frank & Mary Gill

Lance & Karen Gilmore

John & Joline Gomez

Mary & Dave Hansen

Samantha Hazel

inici Group, Inc.


The Jackson Foundation

The Kassel Family Fund

Barbara & Gregory Knopp

James Kronenberg & Sondra Gleason in

memory of Spencer

Kevin Kuch

Dale Latham & Marilyn Happold-Latham

Jeannine Lawrence

Stefan Matthaeus & Edward Reilly


Sydney Miller

Tom & Ruth Ann Moore

Laura J. Niles Foundation

Betty BuZard Norrie

Oregon State University Foundation

Parr Lumber

Mary Ellen & Jim Robbins

Jean & Steve Roth

Carol & Lewis Seagraves

Margaret Spear

Susan & John Swank

Thede Culpepper Moore Munro

& Silliman LLP

Liz Tilbury

Nancy Tonkin-Zoucha & Nathan Zoucha

Bonnie Veach

Joyce Veggen

Andrea Wall & Dennis Brown

Griz & Layla Yari

$2,500 Gold 4-inch

Tribute Tag

60-character count,

including spaces

$1,000 Silver 3-inch

Tribute Tag

45-character count,

including spaces

$500 Bronze 2-inch

Tribute Tag

50-character count,

including spaces

Help Pets in Need with a Gift of a Tribute Tag

Your tribute tag will hang on a new dedication wall within our Community Veterinary Hospital.

Purchase your tribute today to ensure that OHS can continue to save lives and create

a More Humane Society. Use the provided QR code to reserve your tag now!


The President’s Circle

We are honored to recognize our President’s Circle

leadership giving donors for their generous support

of Oregon Humane Society in 2022.

The President’s Circle honors and celebrates donors

who show a deep commitment to Oregon Humane

Society’s mission and vision to create a world where

all animals are treated with compassion, kindness,

and respect. By giving $1,000 or more annually,

President’s Circle donors sustain OHS, empowering

us to expand our work saving animal lives, transforming

families, and serving our communities in new ways.

President’s Circle donors receive recognition in our

annual report, and a special look inside OHS through

behind-the-scenes tours, a quarterly newsletter, and

invitations to exclusive President’s Circle events.


Anonymous (34)

Keith & Christine Abernathy

King Adkins & Catherine Smith

Ursula & James Adler

Marc Aigner

Ron & Cathy Airing

Audrey Buckingham Albaugh

Katherine Albertin

Emily Alden

David Alexander

Thomas & Joan Almy

Lore Aloro

Becky Alvarez

Virginia Alvis

AmazonSmile Foundation

Jamie Ambrosini

Anna Anderson &

Norman Cohen

BJ Andersen, CAWA

Brent W. Anderson &

Kathleen I. Birchfield

David Anderson & Patty Dost

Judy Anderson

Linda Anderson

Linda Anderson

Patricia & James Anderson

Sally Anderson

Scott Anderson

Taylor Anderson

Helen Andrews

Courtney & David Angeli

Roger & Lisa Anthony

Kathy Arbuckle

Alan Armstrong &

Amanda Zeigler

Arnold Salter Family Foundation

John & Carol Arnsberg

Loretta Asa

Arlene Ashcraft

Dennis Atkin

William Atkinson

Charles Aubin

Judith & Richard Audley

Anita & David August

Brian August & Dana Katz

Kimberly & Steve August

Theresa J. Auld

Charles Austin

Kristi & Doug Austin

Autodesk Foundation

Kendra & Dennis Axon

Laura Ayers & Chiane Binford

Bethany Bacci

Megan Baerny

Holly Baird

Julie Baird

Clennin & Kathleen Baker

Dean L. Baker Fund of Oregon

Community Foundation

Jan Baldwin

Paula & William Ball

Debra Baner

An Anonymous Fund of the

Bank of America Charitable

Gift Fund

Bernice Barbour Foundation, Inc.

Carole Barkley & David Loftus

Gale & Steven Barlow

Mary Ann Barlow &

Dorothy Anderson

Judith & Frederick Barnes

Patricia A. Barnes

Gail Barnhart

Lynne & David Barra

John M. Barry &

Toni Eigner-Barry

Scott & Julie Barton-Smith

Sandra & John Bartruff

Jack Bass

Debra L. Bauer

Barbara Baugnon &

Kenneth W. Smith

Jennifer Baumann

David Baumgarten

Mary Grace Bautista

Cherie Baze

Bear Gulch Foundation

Judy Beaston

Kathleen Beaufait

Richard Becker

Jefferson & Kara Beeler

Julie Behrends

John & Leslie Belfanti

Scott & Stephanie Bell

Eileen Belle

Jami Beltz-Patrick

Antoinette Benfit

Barry & Jacqueline Bennett

David & Ginny Bennett

Donald Bennett

Gloria & John Bennett

Sri Benson

Michael & Marsha Bercutt

Cheryl Berg

Debra Bergquist

David & Pat Berkeley

Jeffrey Berks & Michel Gillespie

Laurel A. & Guy R. Bernard

Bruce Berning & Marcia Darm

Taunja Berquam & Stuart Ellis

In memory of Gloria G. Berwick

James D. Berwind & Kevin Clark

Robin & Gary Best

Ellen Betker

BetsWest Foundation

Barbara Beyerle

Fred K. & Lucinda L. Bigeh

Alene & Bruce Bikle

Kendra & Tom Biller

Braden & Holly Bilusak

Sarah Bishop

Harvey Black *

Melissa Black

Lora & Jeff Blackburn

Adriane T. & Samuel S.

Blackman Family

Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Elizabeth Blair

Kirsten Blair

Marilynne Blakely

Michael Blankenship

Marcia Blasen & Mario Brusasco

Hannah & Norbert Blechner

Memorial Fund of Oregon

Jewish Community Foundation

Janice Bleibaum

Emilie Blevins

Bill Block Foundation

Karen Blocksom

Stephen Bloom

Jill Blount

Carol Boehm

Jennifer & Ken Bolin

Edward Bonilla & Brian Hennes

Sara Boone

Clarisa Borrego

Christ & Barbara Bouneff

Carol & William Bowles

Patricia Boyden

Amy & Charles Boyle

Sue & Bob Boyle

D.R. Boynton

Jane Braaten & Steven Minnick

Donald Braden

Pauline Bradshaw

V.M. Brasseur

Lore Brautigam

Ernest & Patricia Brawley

Patrick Breiling

Marge & Stephen Brenneke

Beth Brenner

Maybelle Breyer

William & Sheryl Brice

Wayne Bridges: Carol Hilborn

Bridges Fund

Marla & Brian Briggs

Valerie Briggs

Aaron Brindell

Stephen & Margaret Brindley

Shirley Brinser

Carolyn Brock

Steven & Nancy Brockschink

Suzanne Brooks in

honor of Bear

Allen Brown

Ardeth & Melvin Brown

Bob & Patricia Brown

Carol Brown

Jann O. Brown

Lori Brown & Melissa Lehman

Shannon Brown & Chris


William & Morgan Brown

Jillian Bruce

Patsy Bruggere

Ann Brumbaugh

Katherine Brumbaugh

James Brunberg

Alayne & Kenneth Bryan

Joe Buck

Joyce Buckley

Rhonda L. Buckner


*This symbol indicates that this donor passed away in 2022.

Kathleen Buhl

Melisa Buie

Carolyn Bunker

Danna Burch

Florence V. Burden Foundation

at the recommendation of

Foundation Director,

Wendy L. Burden

Virginia Burgess

Deetta Burrows

Fox Butterfield &

Elizabeth Mehren

Melinda & Wayne Butterfield

Ellyn Bye: Dream

Envision Foundation

Gretchen Byes

Nancy & G. Byrkit

Mark, Tracy, & Julianna Cahill

Chelsea Caldwell

Gary Calvin

Emily Campbell

Faye & Gerald Canape

Cassandra & Eric Canete

Clyde L. & Phyllis Cansler

Gary Cantwell

Ladislav & Alena Capek

Donald Carbonari

Gayle & Scott Carda

Bob & Ellen Carlson

Dr. Jeanne Carlson

Lucas Carlson &

Yoscelina Renteria

The CarMax Foundation

Michael Carney

Al & Carol Carocci

Dr. Heather Carpenter

Nancy R. Carpenter

Tim & Kathy Carver

Christine Casebeer

Barb Cash

Rocky & Sandra Catt

Carl Catterson

James M. Cech

Bonnie Chang

Ting Chang

Andris Chapin

Ira Chapman

John & Lou Chapman

Baer & Diane Charlton

Nancy E. Chase

Cheryl & Steven Childress

Carol A. Christensen

Benjamin Chu-Kung

Dan Cicerich

Shawn Cismar

Clark Foundation

Mike & Tracey Clark

Prairie Clark

Rob Closs, Debra Somers-Closs

& Kasey Closs

Paul Cloutier

Katharine Coan

Carolyn Cobb

Barbara Coenen

Howard & Rosemary Cohen

Richard, Ellen & Anissa Cohen

Holly Olson Coit in memory of

William E. Coit

Joanne Collins

Ida Colver & Roger Ray

Cynthia, Michael &

Robert Combs

Kaye Condon in memory of

John Condon

Dylan Congrove

Suki Conrad & David Flanders

Mike & Karen Consbruck

Janet Conway

Christel Cook

Lori Cook

Jerome & Sherry Cooper

Bruce & Dianne Copper

Doug & Cheryl Cormany

Cornuelle Family Foundation

Susan Couveau & Joel Clark

Julie A. Cowan

Teresa Cowles

Anne Cowper

Carol Cox

Patricia & Larry Cox

Tracy & Jeff Crandall

John E. & Julie A. Crawford

Charitable Gift Trust

Melanie Crawford

Scott & Karen Crawford

Judy Crislip

Connie Crittenden

Matthew Crook

Barbara & Robert Crooke

Vanessa Crouch

Carolyn & Jerry Crume

Crypto Adoption Fund and

Impact Index Fund

Jerrica Culhane

Joseph & Patricia Culver

Robert & Michael Cummings

Victor Curtis

Sallie Cheatham Cutler

Jo Anne Czuba

Lee Dachtler

Jacqueline Damm &

John Groener

Betty Daniels

Robert & Patricia Dant

Bonnie J. & Douglas K. David

Rob & Mollie Davidson

Julie & Chris Davie

Candice Davis

Lynn Davis & Alan Mitchell

Shelly Davis

Tracey & Matthew Davis

Douglas B. & Sheryl W. Dawson

Denise De France-Fazzolari

Constance De Haan &

Steve Sangster

Donna & Steve Deacon

K. Dean & D. Farrell

Tom Dean

Corey & Megan Deardorff

Jennifer & Paul DeBruler

Alx & Robert DeFrancisco

Therese DeLeo

Terri De Ment

Michael & Nancy Demezas

Wolfgang Dempke

Arlene F. Derr

Patricia & Richard Dery

Karl Detweiler

Carol Devencenzi &

Michelle Jobe

Linda & Neil Dicker

Allison & Andrea Dick-Hanson

Barbara & Walter Dickie

Joel Dietzman

Dennis Digman

The Walt Disney

Company Foundation

Hillary Dixon & Josh Aller

Lyn Dobrunick

Penny Dodge

Michael Doherty

Allyn Donaugh

Nancy Donehower

Ashley Douglas

Jan Douglas

Robert & Nancy Downie

Dr. Richard Drake Family

Drake Family Fund

Karla Drewsen

Melissa Driscoll

Gerard K. &

Sandra H. Drummond

Bob & Georgina* Dubay

Jacki Ducey

Barbara Duerden

Charles & Patrick Duffy

Andrea Dufresne

Melissa Arnzen Dugan

Marie & Thomas Duncan

Russell & Karen Dunham

Chris & Sarah DuPont

Deborah & Pat Dutrow

Dwyer Family Gift Fund

Andrew Dykeman

Anne Eakin

The Barbara Earle Trust

Kathy Eaton

The Willard L. & Ruth P.

Eccles Foundation

Kara & Todd Eck

Rhandi Edwards &

Thomas Larkin

Dana Eggerts

Charlotte Childs: Leslie G.

Ehmann Trust

Reg & Linda Eklund

Susan Elliott

Bill Ellis

Carol Ellis

Kathryn Ellis

Betty Emerson

EMM Gift Fund

Christa-Maria Engle

Fay Harrison & R. Scott Enochs

John Epifanio & Jean Flemma

Mark & Lisa Erdmann

Barbara Erickson

Connie & Frederick Erickson

David Erickson

Kathryn Estey

Mark Evans & Keely Koenig

Everett Hill Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

JoElla Evergrace

Sean & Gale Fagan

Molly Farkas

Barbara Farmer in honor &

memory of all of her

adopted pets

Dale Farr

Kristel & Gary Farris

Karen Faunt & Robert Dempster

Candice Fay

Kristine Federico

Autumn Feister &

Theodore Stipe

Susan Fernald

Kaitlin Ferrando

Chris & Michael Feves

Claudia Fischer

Janice Fischler

Bernard T. & Marsha J. Fisher

Mary Fling

Renee Flint

James A. Flynn

Mike Flynn

Leslie Fontaine

Paula & Daniel Fontanini

Noah Fontes

Kathy Foran

Dave Ford

Lindsay & Ben Ford

Peggy & Bob Fowler

A.J. Frank Family Foundation

Hibler Franke Foundation

Joan Fraser

Annette Frawley

Stanton & Colleen Freidberg

Arleen Fried

Alan Frisbie & Sharon Johnson

Bonnie J. Fry

Peggy & Robert Fujimoto

Yoko Fukuta

Max Fuller in memory of

Palomita & Gemmie

Jack and Evelyn Fuson

Charitable Fund

The Fuzz Fund

Maria Gabba

Dona Gaertner & Sherry Adams

John & MaryJo Galick

Steven Gallant

Douglas & Lynn Gallinat

Zanley & Claire Galton

Kai Galyen

Michael Gamroth*

Karen & Howard Gandler, M.D.

Kathryn Gapinski & Erik Olson

Diana & Gary Garr

Courtney Gatlin

Kathryn Gauntner

Robert & Carolyn Gelpke

Moira Gentrup

Michael Gentry

Hengemeh & Bruce Gibbins

Daniel Gibbs & Lois Seed

Kathryn Gibbs

John & Susan Gibson

Richard & Cara Gielow

Michelle E. Giguere

Alicia & Barrie Gilbert

Bryan Johanson &

Victoria Gilbert

Frank & Mary Gill

Alice Gillaroo &

Susan Jorgensen

Joyce Gillespie

Lance & Karen Gilmore

Anders Giltvedt

Robert Giraldi

Karen & Michael Girard

Steven L. & Jacquelyn H. Gish

Helen & Richard Givens

Caroline & Richard Godderz

Debbie Goetz

Heidi Goetz, M.D.

Neil & Diana Goldschmidt

Richard Goldsmith

Barbara E. & Bruce D. Goldson

John Gomez & Joline Ortiz

Jeff Goocher &

Kathleen McNally

Alix Meier Goodman &

Tom Goodman

Jeanne Goodrich

Johnathan J. Goodwin

Sara Goodwin & Dave Johnson

in honor of Jazzy Cat &

Rileyburg Thumpertink

Robert Gootee

Grace & Co.

Nancy Graf

Susan & Eric Graf

Jeff Graff

Randon C. Miller-Graffy &

James J. Graffy

Arthur & Diana Graham in

memory of Adventure

Clayton Graham

John Graham &

Kristin Nelson Graham

Mary Ann Graham in loving

memory of Hazel

John & Judith Gram

Carol & Kevin Grant

Deborah & Michael Grant

Kathleen M. Grant

David Grau Sr. & Penny Grau

Mary & Matt Grebisz

Jane Grecco



Total distributed in subsidized

veterinary care*

*October–December 2022


Pam & Chris Green

Marc K. Greenfield in memory

of Carlitos

Michael Greenstreet

Mary Gregg

Leora Gregory

Holly Cathlene Grennan

Rebecca Griffith

Angela & Thomas Griglock

Marc & Pam Grignon

Robert M. & Joyce B. Grossman

Elizabeth Grote

Jane Grover

Hardy Gruen in memory of

Inge Gruen

Robert Grummel

Paul Gunderson

Michael Gustafson

Philip Gutowski

Siri Gypmantasiri

Tori Hackney

Hope Hadley

Debbie Hagan

Emily Hager & Jim Ray

Kate Hager

Patrick Hager

Gary W. Hahn

Robert P. Hale

Jean & Tom Haley

Kathleen & Forrest Hall

Martha A. & William J. Hall

Steven & Sandee Hallock

Debra Halverson &

Robert Williams

Nicole Hamann

Allison Hamilton &

Michael Burton

Carol Hamilton &

Eileen Graham

Karen & Donovan Hammer

Amy Alice Hammond &

Bob Eckland

Marsha & Stephen Hammond

Ann & Daniel Hanna

Mark Hanna

Dave & Julie Hannan in memory

of Mazie

Dave & Mary Hansen

Marion Hansen

Stacey Hansen &

Michael Spoljaric

John & Patricia Hanson

Steve & Cindy Harder


Anderine & Stephen Harland

Clyde & Sherry Harmon

Kathy & Dan Harmon

Laurie Harmon

Sharon Harmon

Diana Harrison

Jeanne E. & Michael S. Harrison

Cathy & Brent Hauge

Darrell & Carol Haugeberg

Christine Hauptmann

Anthony Hauser

Sharon & Douglas Hawley

Richard & Josephine Hawthorne

Travis & Katherine Haynes

April Hazel

Donna & Larry Hazel in memory

of Benny Hazel

Matt & Sarah Head

Janice Heber

Howard B. Hecht

Susan M. Hedges

William Hedlund* & Jennie


Mary M. Heinricher &

Donald L. Hoffman

Jamie Heitz

Carolyn Helms

Tyler Hendershot

Jillian Henderson

Diane Hendricks

Ruth Hendricks

Mary Henion

Arlene & James Henry

Jill Hensley

Larry, Sharon & Lauren Hento

Katharine Hermann

Tim Herscovitch

Barbara Hettinger

Fran Hewitt

Sherry Heying

Marcia & Scott Hicks

Dr. Bill E. & Susan J. Hill

Leslie Hilliard

Frank & Kathy Hillman

Summer Lea

Hillman Foundation

Pat Hilsinger

Natalie & Brett Hocken

Joanne Hodgdon

Joseph and Elizabeth Hoffart

Charitable Foundation

Ronnie Hoffman

Diane Hogan

Cases investigated by

OHS Humane Special Agents

Lawrence K. Hogan &

Tauma Pillette

Patricia Davidson Hogan

James & Valinda Hokinson

Stephen & Leslie Holcomb

Ray and Karen Holden

Giving Fund

Ray & Sally Hollemon

Sherry Holley & Al Didier

William M. & Olivia L. Holt

John R. & Gloria J. Holter

Sheila Holyk

Parker Honeyman

Gudrun & James Hoobler

Janis & Gordon Hood

Penelope & Lester Hoodenpyle

Andy & Yumiko Hooper

Lynne Hooper

Marilyn Hopkins

Delma Horne

Scott Horngren & Yone Mcnally

Robin Horowitz

Helen & Michael Hortsch

Michael House & Mary Poulsen

Bernice & Scott Howe

Fran Howe & Larry Tripoli

John & Laurene Howell

Katherine Hubele

Jenny Hudson & William Swint

David & Linda Hughes

Shelley Hughes-Godfrey

Tonya & Boyd Humbert

Richard Humphrey

Lisa Hunt

Andrew Hunter

In Memory of Melvin &

Marjorie Hurd

Nancy Hurley

Jill & Tim Hurtley

Lyla Husband

Stanley P. and Helen J.

Hutchison Fund

The Hyde Family Foundation

Bruce Hyland

Christine & Y. Martin Igarashi

Douglas & Liane Ingalls

Paul Ingraham

Susan Ingram

Miyako Inoue & Thomas Biolsi

Lance & Tiffany Inouye

Georgene & Thomas Inukai

Mary Ippoliti-Smith

Marianne Steflik Irish

Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Irwin Family Fund, a Donor

Advised Fund of Renaissance

Charitable Foundation

William & Joni Isaacson

Yvonne M. Iverson

Lance & Kristina Ivy

James K. & Nancy N. Iwasaki

Family Trust in memory of

Duke, Nikki & Jake

Yutaka & Patricia Iwata

Ronald & Marlene Izatt

The Jackson Foundation

Kevin Mclemore &

James Jacobus

Jake Janovetz &

Amy Vandenbroucke

Julia Jans

Angela & James Jason

Deborah & Brian Jeffries

Beth R. Jenkins

Don Jenkins

Susan & Ernest Jenks

Peter & Danielle Jensen

Trevor Jenssen

David Jimerson

Adam Johnson

Amy & Lawrence Johnson

Carolyn Wooden-Johnson & J.

Michael Johnson

Helen & Paul Johnson

Johnson Family Foundation

Karen Johnson

Kathryn & Paul Johnson

Katryn & John Johnson

Melissa Johnson

Randee Wright-Johnson &

Chris Johnson

Ruth & George Johnson

The Samuel S.

Johnson Foundation

Jim & Bette Johnsrud

Nelson & Lisa Johnston

Paul Johnston & Ancil Tucker

Suzanne Johnstone

Marion Jones

Shannon Jones & Jeremy Weber

Steven Jones & Illa Gilbert-Jones

Stuart & Janet L. Jones

Jo Jordan

Barbara & Larry Jorgenson

Mary Anne Joyce &

Catha Loomis

Nancy Judy

Jadine Jung

Shawn Jurgensen

Joe Kadera

Michelle Kandt

Kathryn Karr & Dixie Hoback

The Kassel Family Fund

Hari & Anju Kataruka

Paul & Cheryl Katen

Janice Kato

Gordon H. & Katherine Keane

Stuart & Connie Keebaugh

Katherine Keene & John Munro

Susan Keller in memory of

Brooke H. Myers

Nancy Kennaway

Scott Kennedy

The Carol Kennell Fund of the

Eton Lane Foundation

Sunita & Mark Kenner

Karen C. Kenney

Delora & Gregg Kerber

in memory of Ralph &

Marguerite Irwin

Francis Kessler

Larry Keudell

David & Kelly Keys

David & Catherine Kiersey

Erik Kilgore

In memory of Jane Kilkenny

Anne Kimberly

Thomas Kimzey

Kristina & Russell E. Kinyon

Chris & Don Kirkwood

Fred & Beth Kirsch

Gary Kish

Kristie Kitchens

M. Gayle Klees

Rachel Klein & Jayme Hauck

Laura & Joseph Klink

Andrea & Shaun Klopfenstein

John D. Klosterman &

Leslie W. Fleet

Walt & Patty Knapp

Lisa & Carl Knodle-Bragiel

Jordan Knox

Diane F. Knudsen

Wendy & Karl Koch

Stephen C Kochis, DVM &

Christopher Jones

Susan Koger

Kathleen Kolody

Murray Koodish

Vladimir Koren

Patricia Korshoj

Virginia Kostner

Theresa Kraljev

Jane Kreider

George and Laura

Kreitzberg Foundation

Michelle & Jeffery Krieger

Sharon Kristoff & Mark Beard

Eric Krone & Colleen Shaw

James Kronenberg &

Sondra Gleason

Bette Kruger

Kevin Kuch

Michael & Susan Kuhn

Kulu Family Fund

Wayne & Susie Kunzman

Kathleen Kyle

Terri & Sam La Masa

Ann Lackey

Sondra Lacy

David & Mindy LaGasse

Peter & Elise Lamb

Gail Lambert

Robin LaMonte

Marcus & Jacqueline Lampros

Kit Tong Ng & Walter Lander

Kathy & Michael Landert

Karen D. Landis

Kim & Gerry Langeler

Sheryl Langhofer

Ruth Lanham

Susan Larimore

Meghan & Eric Laro

David & Alice Larsen

Dinah Larsen

Diane & David Larson

Jackie Larson

Kathryn Larson

Stuart & Barbara Larson

Vicki Larson-Scorvo

Joei Lattz

Jeannine Lawrence

Sandra J. Lawson

Laura Lednik

Tricia Lee

Yuna Lee

Andrea Lehman

Robert Leipper

John & Louise Leis

Thomas & Elizabeth Lemen

Dean Lemman

Forrest & Evelyn Leniger


*This symbol indicates that this donor passed away in 2022.

Dr. Hubert A. Leonard &

Jose Abellan

Gloriene Lesmeister

Jennifer Letourneau

James Lewis

Lisa Lexier

Janet & E. Ronald Liggett

Kathryn & Jim Lillis

Leslie Lindholm

Peter & Sylvia Lindman

Nancy Litton

Xiaoyang Liu & Stephen Christ

Patricia Lloyd Fund

Lynn Loacker

Laura Lockhoven

Rose Loe & Larry Short

Adena Long

Krissy & Marc Long

Sandi Long

Connecticut Longaker

Wade Lorensen

Rhonda & Ivan Lorenz

Irene Losey

Jamye Lucier

Sharlene & Leonard Ludwig

Glenn, Kim, Maegan & Sam Luft

Kirk Lund

Judith Lunki

Barbara Lynn

Anne Mabley

Cynthia Maccini

Dr. Robert Mack &

Dr. Barb Crabbe

Sally Mackler

Nolan Mackrill & Bill Carter

Andrew & Laurel MacMillan

Kristin & Matt MacRostie

Maddie’s Fund

Christine & Michael Maerz

Barbara & Robert Magee

Teresa Malarkey

Kathleen R. Malavasic

James & Carol Malnar

James Manary

Michelle Manary

Sanghamitra Mandal &

Vidit Agrawal

Patrice Mango

Paul & Carol Manka Charitable

Gift Fund

Monicka & Jonathan Mann

Craig & Fran Mansfield

Herman & Andrea Marenstein

Dolorosa & David Margulis

Elizabeth Marker

Don Marshall in memory of

Michael Marx

Lynn Marshall

Akiko & Ken Marti

Constance Martin &

Karen Jacoby

William & Jennifer Martinak

Hector Martinez

Karen Martiny

Richard & Barbara

Marx Foundation

Michael Mase & Alan Winders

Sara & Jeanne Masser

Stephen Matney

Tokio Pat & Florence K.

Matsushita Endowment Fund

of The Oregon Community


Stefan Matthaeus &

Edward Reilly

John May

Carole McAdams

Todd McAllister & Jim Browne

Larry & Janice McBride

Edward Mccarthy

Lynda & Dennis McCarthy

Nellie Ann McCarty

Veronica McClaskey

Meghan McCormick

Don & Melinda McCoy

Shelley & Michael McCoy

Susan & John McCracken

Jill McDonald

Alahna McDonnell

Natalie & Mark McDougal

Mary Jane McGary

Scott & Sharla McGee

McGraw Family Foundation, Inc.

Molly McGrew

Laura Mcguire

Arlene McKay

Rhonda McKee

Patricia McKinnon

Janise & Brian McMenamin

Pamela Mecum

John Medway

Sue & Dean Meisenheimer

Patricia Meisner

Elizabeth & Warren Menche

Michele Menkens

Mericos Foundation

James & Kristine Merritt

Larry & Paula Merritt

Ellen & Dennis Mesford

Michael Metz

The Michaelson

Family Foundation

Charles Michel

Margaret & William Middleton

Amber Milavec

Dick & Jane Miller

J. Michael Miller

Jaime & Alan Miller

Jennifer Miller &

Charles Lockwood

Kelley & Cliff Miller

Larry & Marilyn Miller

Sydney Miller

Millie & Ed Millis

Melissa Minas

On behalf of Minxie &

Friends Forever

Karen & Randy Misustin

Carol Mitchell

James Mitchell

Kristie & Dan Mitten

Jenny Moede

Ali & Ruth Momeni

Virginia Montag

Melinda Montgomery

Carmine & Geralyn Monti

Linda L. Mooney

Bud R. & Wynema N. Moore

Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Elizabeth Moore

Heather, Isabelle &

Michael Moore

Nancy & Bradley Moore

Tom & Ruth Ann Moore

RoseAnn Moorman &

Michael Yurconic

Michael & Jessie Moran

Martha Morandi

Mary Moravec

Sandra Morey

Ann Morgan

Deb Morgan

Mr. Howard W. Morgan III

Neil & Joyce Morgan

Anna & Martin Morris

Billy Morris

Jane A. & Terry Morrison

Scott & Caroline Morrison

Stephanie Morrison

Robert K. & Jane K. Morrow

Kenneth J. & Hana Moyle

Jeff Muceus

Ronald & Bonnie Mueller

Stephen Mueller & Debra Gillis

Tommy Mulflur

Leslie Mullens

Carolyn Muller

Dave & Anne Munro

Shifter Muramatsu & his

best friend Scott

Kenneth Murphy

Colleen Murray

Nancy Murray

Virginia Murray

Janet Murtagh

Robin M. Murto

Bruce & Wanda Myers

Gloria Myers

Leeav Nahary & Dante Carlos

Kyle & Marcy Naismith

Nadine Nakagawa

Avis Naslund

Don & Margie Nellor in honor of

Stacie Nellor

Douglas J. & Jackie Nelson

Lisa Nelson

Rodger Nelson

Susan & Jim Nelson

William Nelson

Maureen & Patrick Nesbitt

Karolyn Neupert Gordon

Ben Ngan & Julia Wong-Ngan

John & Ginger

Niemeyer Foundation

Laura J. Niles

Gail Njos & Susan Chauvie

Stephanie Noble

Lowell & Sarah Norbom

Susie & Kevin Noreus

Betty Norrie

Lucia & Paul Norris

Ron Norris & Linda Talley Fund

at Seattle Foundation

Susan Norwood &

Rhonda Handly

Elisa Novelli

Steve Nussbaum &

Jean Schifferns

Nwessingerk Foundation

Susan & Gerald Nyberg

Karen Nychay

Karen Oatis

Laura O’Bryant

Penny O’Connell

Jim O’Connor &

Karen A. Demsey

Cindy Octobre

Tracy O’Donnell

Amy & David Oh

Karen O’Kasey & Richard Kuhn

Paul & Mary Oldshue

Maxine Olsen

Gregory Olson &

Jennifer Stewart

Ines Olson

Janet Olson

Jeff & Carolyn Olson

Lori Olson

Carole Omans

An Advised Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Oregon State

University Foundation

Arthur Ostergard

The Oswald & Mitchell Family

Craig Overbay

Maureen & Lauren Oviatt

Vivian Palm

Denise Pang

Robert & Rachel Papkin

Mrs. Jo Pappas in memory of

James T. Pappas, MD

Beth H. & Allan Paraskeva

Franklin Parker

Wilda A. Parks

Christine Parno

Michael & Sharon Parr

Peter Parslow

Sherri & Lindsay Partridge

Nancy & Tom Patik

Nancy & Joseph Patrick

James & Susan Patterson

Michele Patterson

Dr. & Mrs. Greg & Carol Patton

Gloria Patton

Erin Pattyn

Alex Paul

Ken Paul

Mary Pauls

John Payne

Jean & Phillip Peacock

Debra & Jeffrey Peretti

Stephen & Susan Perry

Petco Love

Mary Ellen Peters


Sue Ann & Dan Peters

Gerald Petersen in memory of

Phyllis Petersen

Ron & Juanita Petersen

R. W. & Patricia Peterson

Pets for the Elderly Foundation

PetSmart Charities

Marcia Petty & Walter Gorman

Donna Philbrick

George Phillips

Perpetua Phillips

Angie Picha

Eric & Rae Piesner

Theresa Pirie

Greg Pitter

Juliana Pixner

René & Don Pizzo

Sheryl & Patrick Plautz

Sally & Neil Plumley

Daniel Polehn

Linda & Richard Polier

John & Beverly Polivka

Karen, Duane, Justin &

Butch Pollard

Don Pollock

Barbara Porter

David S. & Suzan Porter in

memory of Toci

Joan D. & Roger L. Porter

Julie Postel

Rita & Ted Powell

Cheryl & Ward Preble

Victoria Price-Doucet

Shannon Priem

Lou Ann & Gloria Prince

Timothy Prukop

Carolyn Pugmire

Ashley Puls

Maila Putnam

Pamela Raby & Harry Phinney

Trevor Rachko

Barbara Rader

Kim Raglione

Linda Rahm-Crites

Bill Ramirez & Roberta Staff

Claudia Ramirez

Janet A. Ramsdell

Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall

Charitable Trust

Janet Rankin

Leela & Chris Rao

Sheryl Lee & Charles Rastorfer

Enid Ray

Percentage of pet owners

who received subsidized or

reduced care at the

Community Veterinary Hospital

*October–December 2022


The Rachael Ray Foundation

Joyce Rayborn

Raymond Family Foundation

Stuart Raymond

Marveita Redding

Kim & Betsy Redifer

Kristin & Arthur Reeck

Julie Reid & Nathan Graves

William L. Reinert

Charitable Fund

The Renaissance Foundation:

Stephanie Fowler &

Irving J. Levin

Nicole Rennalls

Patricia Renwick

Julian Resendes-Montoya &

Michael Rohan

Marjorie Reveal

Phyllis C. Reynolds

Martha Rich & Edward Sherman

Tracey Richard & Bruce Davis

James Richardson

David & Mary Richenstein

Megan Ricket & Alex Dreyer

Johanna & Jim Riemenschneider

Janice Riggs

Alexandra Riley & Sean Browne

Debra & Tim Rilling

Martin Ringle &

Noelwah Netusil

Jessica Ritter Memorial Fund

Thomas Rizzo

Angela Roach

Road’s End Films, Inc.

The Road Apples Farm Fund

Mary Ellen & Jim Robbins

Nan Robertson

Cheryl Robison

Johann Rode

Shannon Rodriguez-Van Dusen

Karen Roff

Patricia A. Rojas

Lispet Roland

Abbey Rollins

Sally & Richard Rolloff

Ronald & Joanne Rombalski

Tina & Richard Romine

Michael Rosa

Kathleen & Alan Rose

Maria Rose

Diane Rosenbaum & Jas Adams

Garth Rosenberg


Veterinary forensic

exams performed

Rosenberg Family

Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Richard & Mary Rosenberg

Fund at The Oregon

Community Foundation

Lloyd & Rosemarie Rosenfeld

Fund of the Oregon Jewish

Community Foundation

Vicki Taylor-Roskopf &

Mark Roskopf

Melody Roth

Roth Charitable Foundation

Bobby & Terri Roush

Rebecca Rowe

Louise & Raymond Rowntree

Conrad & Gayle Rue

Billy Rummerfield &

Nathan Larson

Robin Ruscigno

John E. Ryan

Susan Ryburn & Bettie Bowen

Jeanne Sabbe in memory of

Mike Wood*

Kimberley J. Sagner

Theresa & Andrew Saleh

Salesforce Foundation

Barbara Salter

Brian Salyers

Sue Sample & Al Varnes

Frank & Karen Sampson in

honor of Gidget & Teddy

Carol E. Samuels & David B.

Taylor Gift Fund

April Sanderson

Toni & Carl Sargent

John Sarr & Paul DuCommun*

Edwin & Rita Sather

Dr. Julie Saugstad &

Dr. Michael Roberts

Terry & Zigmund Sawzak

Emily Scavuzzo

Susan Schaefbauer

Darcy L. Schaffer &

Kathleen S. Smith

Dick & Marsha Schalk

Sharon Scharen in memory of

Bruce A. Scharen & Sophie

James Schick

Gary Schiedel

Meaghan & Alan Schmaltz

Jason Schmitz

Susan Dee Schnitzer Family

Fund for Oregon

Community Foundation

Hazel & Milton Scholl

Ben Schultz

Ja Young & Pete Schulz

Norma & Lawrence Schwab

Joyce & Paul Schwer

David Scott

Clair Scribner

Carol & Lewis Seagraves

Rev. Florence Seelig

Stephanie Seger

Thomas W. Seger and Cynthia J.

Seger Family Foundation

Christopher & Majanke Seidel

Stephen Seifert

Cheryl Seleen

Larry Senn

Sandy Seyler

Shannon Family

Charitable Foundation

Lois & William Shatzer

Judy Shaver

The Shaw Family through

The Douglas & Gloria

Rumberger Foundation

Michael Shea

Shelter Oregon

Thomas Shepherd

Susan Sherborne & Karen Evers

Sherman Family Fund

The Sherwin-Williams


Yoneko Shimizu-Dalton

Lynn & Daniel Shirey

C. Glenn & Karen Shirley

Jennifer Shirley & Bruce Hazen

James Shrewsbury

Karen Shumaker

Jeff Shutt

Gregory Sieger

William Siggelkow

Cindy Silbernagel

Ellena & Rafael Silva, M.D.

Barbara Silverman

Pat & Kendrick Simila

Laurel Simon

Brenda Simpson

Jeanne Sjothun

Karen Skjei

Mary K. Slayton

Patti S. & Don L. Slusher

David Smidebush

Michael Smitasin

Edwin Smith

Judith Smith

Kathryn & William Smith

Kelly Smith

Levi Smith

Lynn Smith

Mary Smith

Nina Smith & Edward Haugen

Patricia J. Smith in memory of

Betsy Smith

Robert Smith

Vera L. Smith

Charitable Foundation

Virginia Smith

Randy & Chari Smither

SN Charitable Foundation

Guy Snyder &

Alice Wood-Snyder

So Hum Foundation

Denell R. Solberg

Richard Solomon &

Alyce Flitcraft

Val Solorzano

Sandra Somers &

Christopher Mongrain

Jeff & Judith Sosne

Ellnora Soule

Scott Southwell

Kent & Nancy Spear

Margaret Spear

Travis Spear

Charlene & C. Rays Speas

David & Lydia Specht

Joan Spratlen & Sonja Vik in

loving memory of Charlie

The Sprout Fund

Lisa Stacey

Sarah Shaw-Stahlke &

Daniel Stahlke

Jennifer & Robert Stangel

Suzanne J. Stanton

Adrian Stark

Mary Starmont

Prudence M. Stavig in

honor of Wheels

Delia Steelman

Christopher Stellman

Carol Stenaros

Particia Stenaros

Rhonda Stensrud

Lisa Stevens

Marilyn Stewart-Frank

Kenneth & Pamela Still

David & Vickie Stiteler

Sonja Straub

Valerie M. Strickland

Patricia Stringer & James Logan

Melinda & Luke Strnad

Karl Studnicka

Henry J. & Louise Stukey

Brandon Stumpf

David Stutz

Katie Such & Doug L. Walker

Carolyn Sullivan

Ellie Sullivan

Nancy Sullivan

James E. Summerfield

Sandra Suttie

Zachary Sutton

Susan & John Swank

Virginia Swaren

Robert Sweeney, Jr. Family

Miracle Swigart

The Swigert-Warren Foundation

Anne & Bill Swindells

Darci & Charlie Swindells

William & Heather Swindells

The Swinerton Foundation

Thomas & Kimberly Switzer in

memory of Moonshine

Katherine Tacker

Caroline Tadros & Finn Kelly

Bonnie & Steve Tanner

Patricia Tarzian

Bill & Katey Taylor: Harold &

Margaret Taylor Foundation

Laura & Brian Taylor

Meredith Taylor

Gilah Tenenbaum

Sandra Terauds

Don & Joan Terry

Shreekant Thakkar

Jeff Thede

Dawn Thomas

Lynette Thomas

Thomas Thomas

Jean & Robert Thompson

Lee H. & Marion B.

Thompson Foundation

Diane & Alexa Thornton

Sara & Scott Thurman

Beth Canton-Tiegs & Paul Tiegs

Liz Tilbury

Virginia Tilden

Ronald E. & Ivy L. Timpe

Century Fund of The Oregon

Community Foundation

Karmin Tomlinson

Christina Tommeraasen

Marcy Tonkin

Nancy Tonkin-Zoucha

Catherine Trapasso

Robert Trapp

Mark & Glenda Triebwasser

Carol Tripp

Julie Tripp in honor of

Judy Carroll & Panda

Susan J. Lair &

Douglas W. Trobough

Joyce Trull

Misty Trulove-Boggs

Amy & James Trussell

Marilyn Trusty

Terry & Teruaki Tsubota

Nancy Tuccori

Rebecca & Darrell Tucker

Sami Jai Tucker in memory of

Dr. Robert L. Crooks

Merrill Maiano & Duke Tufty

Lillian Turner

Cindi Tuttle

Alana Twedt

Krista A. Ulland

Sharon Unger

Alina & Vivek Unni &

Tamily Weissman-Unni

Jane & Brian Vail

Chris S. Valaas

Jennifer Valdez

Van Nice Foundation

Michael Van Note

Stephanie Vance

Connie Vanderzanden

Theresa & Larry VanDusen

Kevin Vernier

Pamela Viado

Bonnie Vinyard

VMware Foundation

James & Constance Voelz

George & Carolyn Vogt in honor

of Missy

Susan Volek & Bruce Hasley

Lorene & Michael Vollmar

Katie Voth

Dudley & Marie Wade

Memorial Fund

Travis, Lillian & Vivian Wagoner

in memory of Tank


*This symbol indicates that this donor passed away in 2022.

Lynda Wahlberg

Nicole Wald

Kathleen Waldorf &

James Biemer

Hubert & Frances Walker

Charitable Fund

Lynda L. Walker

Marilyn Walker

Mary J. Walker

The Walker Family Foundation

David & Sara Wallace

Linda Wallace

Walmart Foundation

Marci & David Walsh

Lori Wamsley

Dennis & Ann Wardowski

Madeline Warner

Ann & Charles Warren

Bob & Liz Warren

Richard Wasserman &

Ann Coskey-Wasserman

Pam Wasson

Marilyn Watson

Jack & Heather Weast

Constance C. Weatherman-Crass

Mary & Fred Weaver

Devon Webster

Gloriela Webster

Elizabeth Wehrli

Lawrence R. Weisberg

Weiss Fund of the Oregon

Community Foundation

Stanton Weissenborn

Lin Wells

Gary & Linda Welp

Linda Welton

Wentworth Fund of Oregon

Community Foundation

Helen Westbrook

Ann Westlund

Marilyn Weston

OCF Joseph E. Weston

Public Foundation

Wheeler Foundation

Gail Whitted in memory of Cali

Lori Wick & Dean Cochran

Patricia Wickum

Ursula Widera-Cohen

Matt & Michele Wier

Charitable Fund

Jeffrey Wihtol

Helen Wilkins

Tricia & Dave Willett

Cathie Williams

The Williams Family Foundation

Juliana Williams

Kathryn Williams

Leslee & Charles Williams

Lisa Williams

Pamela Williams

Suzanne Williams

Michael Wilsey

Carol & Arthur Wilson

Jean Wilson & Mark Siegel

Patricia Wilson

Steve W. & Jane A. Wilson

Richard & Kristen Winn

Doug Winter & Irma Kane

Monty Wirth

Jennifer Wiseman

Carol Witham

Hanspeter &

Christine Witschi, M.D.

Melaura Wittemyer &

David Griggs

Mary T. Kelly-Wolfe &

Patrick A. Wolfe

Barbara M. & T. Scott Woll

Laura Wood

Pamela Wood

Phyllis Painter Wood Fund

Shawn & Jeffrey Wood

Melanie Woods

Jay M. & Char Woodworth

Julia Worden

Stephen & Linda Workman

Wrather Family Foundation

WSP Foundation

Judith Wyss

Wyss Foundation

Chuni Yin

Akiko Yokota

Denise & Robert Yorke

Dennis Yost

Jacqueline R. Young &

Eric Freund

Marie & David Young

Mark & Sandra Young

Herbert & Nancy Zachow

Denise Zahradnik

Greg Zarelli & John Bush

Michael & Cory Zavoskey

Jeremy Zawodny &

Kathleen Morse

David & Arlene Zier

Allison & Alan Zimmerman

Terry Zimmerman

Michael Zulauf

Patricia Zullo

We strive to recognize President’s Circle

donors accurately, and we apologize if

an error has occurred. If your name was

inadvertently omitted, incorrectly listed,

contains misspellings or other errors,

please let us know by contacting Kelly Jo

McCaughey-Elzie at (503) 278-9110 or



President’s Circle

Business Partners

The following businesses have made

significant financial contributions ($2,500+)

and/or in-kind donations to OHS over the

past 12 months. A complete list of President’s

Circle Business Partners can be found online

at oregonhumane.org/support-our-partners.

2 Towns Ciderhouse

All Natural Pet Supply

Allied Cloud Solutions


Angeli Law Group


APR Staffing

Aquilini Brands

Arm the Animals

Avangrid Renewables

Avenue Agency

Beaverton Toyota

Bennington Properties LLC

Bentley’s Coffee

Berkshire Hathaway Energy

Birch Community Services

Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners-

NE Portland

Bluebird Botanicals

Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods,Inc.

Boehringer Ingelheim

Bora Architects

Bow Wow Film Fest

Bridge City Events, LLC

Bridgetown Veterinary

Emergency and Referral

Bristol Urban Apartments

Broadleaf Studio

Brooks Greenhouse Construction

C.O.A.T. Flagging

Caldera International Inc.

Cambia Health Solutions

Capitol Subaru

Cascade Summit Animal Hospital

Cashmere Construction


Central Garden & Pet Company

Central Pet

Clean Affinity

Columbia Bank - Lake Oswego

Columbia River Surgery Center

Comcast - Salem

Comcast Corporation

Consolidated Community


Calls to the free Behavior

Help Line in 2022

Credit Union

Constellation Brands

Costco Wholesale

Cumming Management


Delta Fire, Inc.

Design Sound Northwest

Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits

Dick Hannah Dealerships

Direct Marketing Solutions

Duck Pond Cellars

Fear Free, LLC

Fetch Pet Insurance

Goodwick Creative Services, LLC

Google Inc.

Hallmark Inns and Resorts, Inc.

Hollywood Grocery Outlet, Inc.

Horizon Air Airlines

Hyster-Yale Group

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

Intel Corporation

Java Crew

Jewett-Cameron Company

Johnstone Supply Inc.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan

of the Northwest

KATU Television

Kent Pet Group

KOIN Local 6

KPTV / Fox 12 Oregon

Lam Research

Lease Crutcher Lewis

LexiDog Boutique & Social Club

Liberty Mutual

Lithia Auto Stores

Lowe’s Home Improvement

Salem Store 1600

Lucky Dog

Matrix Partners LTD

McKinsey & Company

Microsoft Corporation

Midland National Life

Insurance Company

Moda Health

Morel Ink

Mt Hood Vacation Rentals

Mud Bay, Inc.

Myoptic Optometry



Nintendo of America Inc

Nissan of Portland

Northwest Engineering Service

NW Wine Company

OnPoint Community

Credit Union

Oracle America, Inc.


Phillips Pet Food & Supplies


Portland General Electric (PGE)

Portland Pet Food Company

Precision Images

Premiere Property Group

Republic Nationa

Distributing Company

Republic Services

Rex Hill Masonry, Inc.

Rose City Veterinary



Scott Edwards Architecture

Second Growth Counseling

Sky Window

Clean & Maintenance

Slalom LLC

Sniff Dog Hotel

Southern Glazer’s

Wine and Spirits

Stella & Chewy’s

Stewart Sokol & Larkin LLC

Stoller Wine Group

Subaru of America, Inc.

Subaru of Portland

Sunset Bridge Construction



The Kroger Co.

The Marble Center

The Standard

The Wine Group

Thede Culpepper Moore Munro

& Silliman LLP

Tito’s Handmade Vodka

Alaska Naturals

KLN Family Brands

U.S. Bank

United HealthCare

VCA Animal Hospitals


Vintage Wine Estates

Wag Brands

Washman USA

Western Partitions Inc.

Western Pet Supply, Inc.

Wildfang Co.

Wisdom Health


Young’s Market Company of

Oregon, LLC

Zoetis Petcare


Business Partner Profile: The Marble Center

More than 10 years ago, Krystal Kraig decided

to check out an Oregon Humane Society event

called Doggie Dash. She had no idea that this

tail-wagging good time would inspire her and her

business, The Marble Center, to become more

involved with the local animal shelter, Willamette

Humane Society, now Oregon Humane Society

Salem Campus.

“I thought having a dog walk in our community

could be an entertaining way to not only raise funds,

but also raise awareness about the important work

happening at the shelter,” said Krystal. And to get

the event off to a strutting good start, The Marble

Center was the presenting sponsor of what came to

be known as the WillaMutt Strut. Fast forward ten

years, and the Marble Center has continued to

support the Strut each year.

“The Marble Center, a local family-owned business

for over 25 years, is proud to support the important

work of non-profit organizations like the Oregon

Humane Society Salem Campus,” said Krystal.

Whether it’s kids, adults, or furry friends, we highly

recommend jumping in and helping in any way that

works for your business.”

Thanks to corporate sponsors like the Marble Center,

OHS Salem Campus can continue to support pets and

the people who love them.



Oregon Humane Society gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who, during their lifetimes, thoughtfully included OHS in

their estate plans and from whom estate bequests were received during 2022.

Marvin M. Adams

Leona Ambrose

Anonymous (5)

Barbara Beck

Black Family Charitable Trust

Barbara Braga

Patricia H. Byrd

James & Patricia Carlton

Colleen Lackey

Cheryl Cooper

Margaret Ellis

Bonita K. Erickson

The Arthur & Rosemarie Evans

Revocable Trust

Mary Louise Farley

Stacia Gabriel

Donn & Janyce Gassaway Trust

Marie Givens

Thomas Louis Gross

Joan Gudmundson

Scherie Ann B. Hansen-Nielsen

Raymond Hayden

Linda Hodge

Clarence Hoefling

Kathryn Holt

Z. Joyce Hopps

Donna Howard

Evelyn May Jacobson

The James Family Trust

Patricia Jeffrey

Suzanne Lamon

P. Jayne Lebsack

Carol Luscher

Martin Madow

Malcolm M. Marquis

Gloria J. Mcfadden

Jean McKinney

Melba Means

Dennis B. Meyers

Francis K. Neavoll

William H. Nelson

Louis E. Nordyke

Mary Joan Ogden Living Trust

Doris Pennock

Rosemary V. Petta

David Phelps

Nancy Ann Roach

Ruth Marcelle Robinson Ph.D.

Virginia Lee Dowdy Rooney

John F. Rose

Donald M. Sharpe

Elizabeth Siegel

Diane Solomon

Sue Steffen

Linda A. Suniga

Elaine Tanzer Trust

Carmen Thorsen

Robert & Vivian Wood

Sean Young

For more information

about including OHS in

your plan, please contact

Gary Kish, Vice President

of Legacy Gifts and

Strategic Initiatives,

at (503) 416-2988.



An OHS charitable gift annuity

provides you with a tax deduction

and guaranteed income for life.

Let us show you how a charitable gift

annuity can provide certainty to you.

Contact Gary Kish, VP Legacy

Gifts & Strategic Initiatives.

(503) 416-2988




Oregon Humane Society honors the following individuals who have made a commitment to animal welfare and OHS’ future

operations by planning a gift through their will, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy, charitable gift annuity, or other estate planning

device. If you have already remembered OHS in your plan or would like to start a confidential conversation about future support,

please call us at (503) 416-2988.

Gillian & Jeffrey Abendroth

Douglas & Kerry Aden

Charles & Margaret Allen

Leslie Joan Allen Bancroft

Terri Allison & Mike Fittro

Elaine K. Anderson

Kathy Anderson

Anonymous (124)

Anonymous - Grace & Co.

Anonymous - On behalf of

Minxie and Friends Forever

Gary and Melody Ansell

Susan Arney

Charles Aubin

Brian August

Barbra Bader

Richard A. Balazs

Mary Jo Ball

Vlasta N. Barber

Carole Barkley

Lynn E. Barnes

Juanita L. Barrabee

Barbara Barrow

Carol M. Batzold

Barbara Baugnon &

Ken Smith

Tammy Jo Becker

Betty Beeson-Bauder

Lynda R. Bell

David & Collette BeLusko

Darlene Benjamin

Barry &

Jacqueline T. Bennett

Patricia L. Bieker

Amanda Black

Carol L. Black

Susan Boitano

Genevieve Bond

Barbara Bremler

Carolyn J. Brock

Patricia Bukieda

Rochelle Burney

M. Hope Burns

Tod Burton & Lynn Weigand

Dawn Campbell

Jeanne L. Carlson

Christine E. Carocci

Nancy R. Carpenter

John & Lou Chapman

Diane & Baer Charlton

Helen R. Chauncey

Janice Chellis

Marilyn Christianson

Julie Coe

Elizabeth Cohn

Twila Coleman &

Kent Wadsworth

Joanne Collins

Patricia Collins

Kimberly A. Conley

Dolly Blanda & Pat Costa

Laurie Craghead &

Brent Huchison

Kip & Catherine Craglow

Sandra & John Crosland

Judy Dancer

Terri Jo Davis

John W. Day

Lisa De Graaf

K. Dean & D. Farrell

Jennifer & Paul DeBruler

Beth Deitchman &

Dave Peticolas

Vanessa Delk

Cliff & Karen Deveney

Jess Dishman

Risa Dixon

Holly Dodson

Gregory Doyle &

Sally Adelman

Kay Doyle

Bob Dubay

Stephanie Dunagan

Thomas & Marie Duncan

Robert & Lorraine Duncan

Frank Dyl

Kathy J. Eaton

Rhandi Edwards

Diane Eklund

Elinor Elliott

Tracy Ellis

Kathryn Estey

Fara K. Etzel

Renee Ewins

Nancy J. Fazzolari

Christine Fecteau

Waltraut Fischer

Dennis & Sandy Fitch

Michael & Karen Foley

Joanne Fong

Barbara Foster

D.D. Francke

Diane Freedman

Robert & Sandra Galati

Joseph Patrick Genna

Jeff Ghitelman

Lance & Karen Gilmore

Thomas & Barbara Gloden

Ellie Godfrey & Vicki Reid

Debbie Goetz

Kyle Golphenee &

Brook Chris Armes

Nancy & Paul Granada

Debra S. Gray

Robert & Joyce Grossman

Merl Grossmeyer &

Jerrold Packard

Susan M. Gundlach

John Gustavsson &

Stuart Weitz

Gary W. Hahn

Jason Halstead & Rob Chapman

Veda Taylor

Marsha & Stephen Hammond

Sharon Harmon

Fay Harrison &

R. Scott Enochs

Christine M. Hartman

Stephen A. Harwood

John & Wallis Hathaway

Karen S. Hawkins

Linda & Dale Headrick

Howard B. Hecht

Diane Heffron

Patricia Heffron

Max Helser

Mary Jane Hildreth

Ann Pytynia & Bob Hillier

Melvin Hoffman

Frederick & Connie Erickson

Patti & Andy Huhn

Roger Hull

James Hurd

Laura M. Ibsen, MD

Marcy Jacobs

Randy Jacobson

Tom Jannetta

Deena & Neil Jensen

Lori & Steve Jensen

Lyn Johnson

Steven & Erika Johnston

Joseph Joyce

Mary Anne Joyce &

Catha Loomis

Nancy Judy

Linda Kahlbaum

Wendy Kahle &

Stanley Boles

Cheryl & Larry Kanzler

Kathryn Karr &

Dixie Hoback

Shay Keith & George Gould

Jackie Kendall

Edith Kerbaugh

Sharmon King

Gary Kish

Dawn Klein & Anne Murray

Walter & Patricia Knapp

Diane Knudsen

Susan M. Koger

Donna Kossoff

Kathleen Kromm

Klara Kuntar & Don Shiel

Clara La Marche

Al & Helga Lacock

Eric Landon

Tom & Martha Lawler

Lellah Jeannine Lawrence

Sandra J. Lawson

Nancy Roberta Lee

Robert & Barbara Lee

William & Mary Leverette

Laura G. Lockhoven

Joshua & Stacy Long

Pamela J. Lord

Tricia Ludford

Leslie Lukas-Recio &

Manuel Recio

Michael Madias &

Elaine Pepper

Cynthia Madsen

Marki R. Maizels

Victoria & Douglas Makitten

Paul Manka

Donald Marshall

Erin Marshall

Sue Martin

April Matthias

Grace Mattioli &

James Gadbois

Ed & Ellen McClaran

Dyanne McDonnell

Marie McDonough

Mark & Therese McLain

Rita Melone

Elizabeth & Warren Menche

Jo E. Meyertons &

Sarah Linehan

Chuck Michael

Dick & Jane Miller

Gayle Miller

Vicki Miller

Linda A. Milleson

Christine & Morris Minich

Ann Morgan

Sandy Morgan

Anna & Martin Morris

Bruce & Carol Morrison

Robert G. &

Joanne F. Mucken

Kori Murphy

Jon W. Murray

Anne Kilkenny &

Jon Naviaux

Luanna M. Neal

Joanne R. Nehler

Kenneth Nielsen

Chris Noble

Betty Norrie

Julieann O’Brien

Greg & Carol Ontkean

Eileen O’Reilly & Kyle Young

Seth Oserin

Mark & Susan Ozbun

Ruth & Matthew Page

Sally Palmer

Keith Patterson

Anne & John Pearson

Sally Perkins

Gerald K. Petersen

Andrija Phillips

Perpetua M. Phillips

Steven & Pamela Philpot

René & Don Pizzo

Linda & Richard Polier

Patrick A. Porter

Deborah Putnam

Margaret Quentin

Wayne & Michael R. Quimby

Margie Raber

Chitralekha Rath &

Jayashis Das

Betty Reineccius

Terrell (Terri) R. Reynolds

Wendy & Allen Rightmire

Linda & William Rodgers

Jennifer & Aaron Rose

Catherine J. Ross

Rio Rossarne

Alex & Gretchen Sabo

Terry Salasky

Sue Sample

Pat & Roger Sandquist

Joe Saraceno &

Dr. Catherine Maddox

Ede Ellen Schmidt

Brian Schmonsees

Mary Schoenborn

Julia & Curtis Scott

Marilyn J. Scott

Cheryl A. Seleen

Adrienne* & Ken Sexton

Annette Shelton-Tiderman &

Ron Tiderman

Melody Sheppard

Mary Kristine Shigley

Helen Wendy Slater

Cara Sloman

Dinah S. Smith

Susan & Drew Smith

Jan Smith Stark

Joanne L. Somers

MarKay & Steven Spaulding

Kent Spear

Lynn St. Georges

Rita & James Stanley

Teresa Statler &

Christopher Caron

Dan & Susan Stein

Denise Stone & John Allen

Francine S. Storzbach

Linda & Larry Stout

Jeffrey & Cary Tamburro

Meg Taradash

Richard and Barbara Tauber

Mary Jean Taylor

Richard & Marcy Teal

Gilah Tenenbaum

Donald & Joan Terry

Kallie & Brian Thomas

Pamela Thompson

John C. Tidball

Juliane D. Tilton

Joyce Trezona

Douglas Mitchell & Daniel


Justine Triest & David Krug

Jeffrey & Linda Tross

Joyce Trull

Robin Vertner

Terri Vincent & D.A. Armstrong

Patricia Robertson &

Bertha Von Craigh

Scott R. Vondrak

Karen Waehlte

Christine Walker

Edward & Elizabeth Washburn

Jennifer Watson &

Richard Birch

Karen Weaver

Dr. Jerold & Felicia Wershba

Helen Westbrook

Martha E. Westbrook &

Judith E. Schrader

Kathleen White

Virginia Whitmer

Barbara Williams & Jon


Carolyn Williams &

Donald Choura

Susan Willis

Catherine Wilson

Suzan Wilson

Susan Winfield

Sherry Winker

Colleen Winter

Thomas & Bonnie J. Wojcik

Wanda Wojnowski &

David McKinney

Barbara Wolman

Michael & Susan Zaretsky

Cathy Zarosinski

Alexandra Zell

Carolyn Zelle

Patricia L. Zullo




Donating your car to help animals

is easier than you think.

oregonhumane.org/autos or

(503) 802-6766


Charles’ Story

How a Connection with a Special-Needs Cat Inspired a Unique Gift

By Kathy Eaton

In March 2018, I adopted Charles, a Red Tabby Manx from

Oregon Humane Society. When I spotted him in the cattery and

learned his story, I felt compelled to adopt him and give him the

best life I could.

Charles was an insulin-dependent diabetic cat who had previously

been adopted and returned to the shelter. A good Samaritan

found him and brought him to safety at OHS where the medical

team worked hard to treat him and get him healthy again. Charles

was a fighter. His health was restored, and he was made available

for adoption.

I’ve been an insulin-dependent diabetic for 25 years and knew

that, with a steady home environment and reliable medical care,

Charles would thrive. My father’s name was also Charles and, with

so much in common, it seemed like a perfect match.

As plans for Oregon Humane Society’s New Road Ahead

advanced, I was intrigued by their Community Veterinary Hospital

(CVH). I wanted to donate something, but rather than direct my gift

towards a naming opportunity, I decided a meaningful contribution

would be to pledge financial resources to support adopters with

cats just like Charles.

My passion for helping diabetic cats led me to create an estate

plan that will leave $150,000 to create an endowed fund at OHS.

With feline diabetes on the rise, my future gift is intended to help

treat diabetic cats. If diabetes is caught early and given proper

treatment, there is even the opportunity for remission for these

wonderful pets. OHS will manage the fund, and the earnings

from the $150,000 will help diabetic cats, year after year, in

perpetuity. The treatment and care of diabetic felines in the

community will be managed through CVH, as directed by the

Chief Medical Officer and supporting veterinary medical staff.

The endowment can cover medical tests, supplies, specialized

surgeries, medication, and equipment expenses. When I adopted

Charles, the cost of one vial of insulin was already $100, and

related expenses like monitoring glucose curves and veterinary

care now far exceed that.

As a President’s Circle donor, I’m confident that the funds I’ve

allocated will be spent and invested according to well-established

OHS policies. The endowment fund, named for my beloved

diabetic cat Charles, is also a tribute to my father.

I loved and cared for Charles in my home for 13 months before

he passed from diabetic ketoacidosis. And I can’t think of a more

meaningful gift to help cats served by OHS. I encourage others

to support OHS in similar ways to ensure their good work for

the community continues, and animals in their care thrive. It’s my

privilege to support OHS in perpetuity.


For information for how to create an endowment fund, please call Kathryn Karr, (503) 802-6743



OHS is dedicated to making our community a better place. Learn more at oregonhumane.org. Portland Campus: (503) 285-7722. Salem Campus: (503) 585-5900.


Cats, dogs, birds, rodents, and rabbits are available

for adoption.

Portland: oregonhumane.org/adopt-portland

Salem: oregonhumane.org/adopt-salem


OHS responds to situations where a trapped or

stranded animal needs human help (in case of

emergency, call your local police). (503) 802-6724


Food, supplies, and training are offered to animal

agencies throughout Oregon. (503) 416-2993


Consult our online resources or call the free OHS

helpline with questions about pet behavior.

(503) 416-2983 or oregonhumane.org/resources


If you are unable to keep your pet, OHS may be able

to place your pet in a new home.



OHS offers classroom presentations,

after-school clubs, summer camps, and more.



OHS Portland Campus is not able to accept stray

animals, except stray cats from Clackamas County.

OHS Salem Campus is not able to accept stray animals,

except from Polk County. Please contact your local

animal welfare agency for assistance.



OHS’ Humane Law Enforcement team follows up

on every tip and phone call. (503) 802-6707 or



OHS provides private cremation services. Euthanasia

services are offered if no other options are available.

Portland: (503) 285-7722, ext. 217

Salem: (503) 585-5900 ext. 300



Best Friends’ Corner inside the Portland shelter offers

a variety of supplies. (503) 285-7722, ext. 201


OHS offers classes and consultations at both our

Portland and Salem campuses.



OHS’ Community Veterinary Hospital offers highquality

spay and neuter services. Financial assistance

is available for those who qualify. We also participate

in the Spay & Save program.

Portland: oregonhumane.org/portland-spay-neuter

Salem: oregonhumane.org/salem-spay-neuter


OHS’ new Community Veterinary Hospital in Portland

serves owned pets and provides subsidized care for

those in need. (503) 802-6800 or



Lifetime income plus a tax deduction. Contact

Gary Kish at (503) 416-2988 or



Sponsor an OHS event or organize a benefit.

Contact Sarah Yusavitz at (503) 416-7084 or



Include OHS in your will, trust, or with a beneficiary

designation. Contact Gary Kish at (503) 416-2988 or



Ensure the welfare of pets who may outlive you.

Contact Kathryn Karr at (503) 802-6743 or



To make a gift of securities or QCD contact

Jennifer Baumann at (503) 802-6780 or



See our wish list at



Your donation includes a 10% discount at the OHS

retail store, subscription to the OHS magazine,

and more. (503) 802-6793 or



Thrift Store in downtown Salem offers low-cost,

second-hand household and pet items. Visit the store

to shop or donate items at 548 High St. NE, Salem,

OR or Contact Kerilynn Capen at (503) 362-6892 or



Monthly gifts through the Planned Account Withdrawal

System (PAWS) support OHS throughout the year.

Contact Kelly Rey at (503) 205-5706 or



The President’s Circle honors donors contributing

$1,000 or more annually. Contact Kelly Jo McCaughey-

Elzie at (503) 278-9110 or



Tribute gifts can be made in memory or in honor of a

pet or loved one. A card will be sent to your recipient.

Contact Kelly Rey at (503) 205-5706 or



OHS volunteer programs are available for youth, adults,

groups, and companies. Contact Kim Hudson at

(503) 285-7722, ext. 204 or



To learn more about workplace giving campaigns,

contact Kelly Rey at (503) 205-5706 or



Monthly Giving through PAWS, Planned Account

Withdrawal System, offers a convenient way for

you to support Oregon Humane Society

throughout the year.

PAWS donors provide OHS with a much-needed,

dependable stream of income that is used to

provide shelter, medical care, and adoption

services to pets in need.

You can make your PAWS gift by credit card

or with your checking account.

For more information, please contact Kelly Rey at

(503) 205-5706 or kellyr@oregonhumane.org.


Tate, beloved pet to OHS donor Kate Hager



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