Official Guide to North Walsham 2023-2024

Everything you need to know about North Walsham and the local area for visitors and residents alike in a full colour, 160 page book. Up to date information on groups, services, businesses, events and stuff to see in the North Walsham area along with extensive history of the town in words and photos.

Everything you need to know about North Walsham and the local area for visitors and residents alike in a full colour, 160 page book. Up to date information on groups, services, businesses, events and stuff to see in the North Walsham area along with extensive history of the town in words and photos.


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Historical North Walsham 143

to Eastern Shore, Virginia. This line of the family

is well documented to the present. Charles

Scarburgh held many positions of honour

under the Crown. A master of Caius College,

Cambridge, in 1639 and later a fellow in 1646.

He was Doctor of Physics at Merton College,

Oxford, and Court Physician to Charles II, James

II and William III. He was an MP and knighted in

1669. Samuel Pepys mentions him many times

in his diaries. He was also one of the greatest

mathematicians of his time and the author of

several mathematical treatises. He died on

February 26th 1694 and is buried in Cranford,


After several changes of ownership the building

became part of the North Walsham High School

for Girls early in the 20th Century. Alumni

include Rt. Hon Gillian Shephard, cabinet

minister in the 1990s including being Secretary

of State for Education and Employment. In 1984

the Girls High School joined with the Paston

School to become Paston Sixth Form College.

3. The Town Stocks, Market Street.

The evidence for the stocks is in an ink and

watercolour drawing by E. Pocock (1846-1905).

He was most prolific just before the turn of the

19th century but the scene would have been of

a period long before that, as his specialty was for

copying older paintings. There are two similar

views, one in oils on which this sketch may have

been modelled. The site is now built over by the

single storey extension to the former Feathers

Public House.

3a. North Walsham - Dilham Canal

On 14 September 1811 a meeting was held

at the Kings Arms Hotel, North Walsham

under the Chairmanship of John Millington of

Hammersmith, where the decision was made

to construct a canal from Wayford Bridge to

Antingham Ponds in the county of Norfolk.

Parliament was petitioned and the Bill received

Royal Assent on 5 May the following year. Due

to problems with local landowners it was not

until 1824 that it went ahead and under the

direction of Mr Millington work started on 5

April 1825. 60 navvies known as ‘Bedfordshire

Bankers’ completed the work, including the

locks, in the remarkably short time of 18

months, the first wherries sailing up the canal

in the summer of 1826. Unfortunately the

commercial success of the canal was short lived

due to the advent of the railways later in the

century and the canal fell into disuse finally in

1935. The North Walsham and Dilham Canal

Trust was formed in 2008 and with the help

of many willing volunteers is restoring the

canal for leisure use by canoeists, fishermen,

bird watchers etc., and for the pleasure of the

residents of North Walsham, visitors and people

in the surrounding parishes. This plaque is

situated on the wall of the Kings Arms Hotel.

4. Admiral Nelson, Paston College,

Grammar School Road.

The great popular hero and first commoner

to be afforded a state funeral, ‘Horace’ Nelson

was born at Burnham Thorpe in 1758. He was

proud of his Norfolk origins, ‘I am a Norfolk man

and glory in being so’ he wrote. He recruited

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