Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Questions PDF

The latest Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Questions PDF from Certspots are the best way to help you pass your exam easily. You can get more Strategy Designer Exam Questions to practice for your preparation.

The latest Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Questions PDF from Certspots are the best way to help you pass your exam easily. You can get more Strategy Designer Exam Questions to practice for your preparation.

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Strategy Designer

Dumps Questions


Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

1. During the Framing and Scoping process, which of the following is the first

step for researchers to undertake?

A. Articulate the opportunity for design

B. Understand the need

C. Create a project plan

D. Identify measures of success and potential risk

E. Establish the problem-solving approach

Answer: B

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

2. The following question is an example of which of these phases in the

process of Strategy Research?

What are the desired outcomes and objectives?

A. Craft of Key insights

B. Idea Generation

C. Project Research

D. Challenge Framing

Answer: D

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

3. Considering the importance of prioritization within the process of Roadmapping,

what factor does this question seek to use to prioritize a given feature: How does the

product deliver business outcomes?

A. Confidence

B. Effort

C. Value

Answer: C

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

4. In which phase of the Challenge Scoping process must researchers ask themselves

the following question:

What is the problem we are solving?

A. Create a project plan

B. Articulate the opportunity for design

C. Identify measures of success and potential risk

D. Establish the problem-solving approach

E. Understand the need

Answer: E

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

5. Which feature can be used to automatize repetitive actions in environments like the

service cloud console?

A. Service Console

B. Workflow Rules

C. Assignment Rules

D. Macros

Answer: D

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

6. Of the following types of roadmaps, which one is used to present all required features

and tasks that must take place prior to a market release.

A. Features Roadmap

B. Strategy Roadmap

C. Portfolio Roadmap

D. Releases Roadmap

Answer: D

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

7. During the early phases of a Strategy Research, what is the name of the first

allignment moment in a project?

A. Scoping

B. Craft of Key insights

C. Project Research

D. Challenge Framing

Answer: D

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

8. Of the three core elements of Design Thinking, which is focused on developing a

solution that users care about and need?

A. Feasibility

B. Desirability

C. Viability

Answer: B

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

9. Of the following Strategy Design Research Methods, which one is the appropiate one

for this stage:


A. Group Conversations with stimulus

B. Codesign sessions

C. Observations

Answer: C

Strategy Designer Exam Dumps

10. How does a V2MOM statement help a company and a team?

A. It makes sure all people involved have the same values.

B. It improves allignment across the org.

C. It helps to determine hiring policies to face the obstacles.

Answer: B

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