5 Steps to Breaking Free from Porn _Joe Dallas (2)

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offset the loss of the illegitimate rush you’ve been accustomed to getting

from using porn. Take a few minutes now to list some legitimate sources of

pleasure that fit your personality and interests.

2. In response to emotional wounds, if there is an ongoing hurt in your life you

haven’t resolved, now is a good time to talk it over with a pastor, spiritual

mentor, or counselor who bases his practice on biblical principles.

Thankfully, the modern church has been blessed with numerous women and

men well trained in the workings of the human mind and heart, and who

maintain a Biblically-centered approach to those problems. So the value of

a good counselor or therapist can’t be overemphasized. This is the time to

find someone who’ll help you know the parts of yourself you need to know,

and who’ll equip you to better address and resolve longstanding emotional

or relational problems. Don’t overlook this option; rather, take full

advantage of it. Locate, with the help of your pastor or trusted resource, a

Christian therapist or counselor. Be honest and open, explaining exactly

what causes the pain and who’s been involved. Be willing to explore the

options for correcting the problem or learn to forgive and let go.

3. In response to character problems, come clean to your accountability

partner (or group) about what yours are. Ask him to ask you weekly how

you’ve handled that problem area. Encourage him to give you honest

feedback when he sees that area creeping into your speech or behavior.

Above all, put the area of weakness before God, admitting your inability to

change it on your own. Ask Him to glorify Himself and His power by

displaying His strength through your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:7-9).


Lord, I agree with what David said in Psalm 139: “You have searched me

and known me.” You know the effects my deliberate sin has had on my way of

thinking and feeling. You know the hurts in my heart that have been there for

years, sometimes in plain sight and sometimes hidden. And You surely know

my weaknesses—those parts of me that are so unlike You but so very human.

Everything within me stands before You. Slowly I’m learning to see what

You’ve seen all along—the good and the evil. Give me grace to face all of it

and not run away from hard truths. Help me believe all the more in Your love

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