Residential Support Program for Disabled Adults

Residential Support Program for Disabled Adults

Residential Support Program for Disabled Adults


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Residential Support Program for Disabled Adults


Residential Support Program for Disabled Adults - 4 minutes read

Residential support program for disabled adults, this program assists aging and

disabled adults in finding suitable living arrangements, from medical evaluations and

financial applications, through counseling support to help adjust to new surroundings.

AHRC NYC provides residential programs in both private homes and apartments that

prioritize community inclusion and a family atmosphere, featuring personalized services

as well as access to day habilitation programs and employment opportunities.

The Brambles

Adults living with both physical and intellectual disabilities are granted autonomy and

freedom to pursue their goals, with help provided through a personalized Person-

Centered Plan focusing on their needs and capabilities. Furthermore, their home

environment facilitates this growth.

The Brambles is a family-owned and operated business located in rural Mathews County,

Virginia. Their residential group homes provide housing services to adults with intellectual

disabilities while their day support center and transportation fleet offer day support and

transport services for adults with intellectual disabilities.

The organization maintains ten residential group homes located across four locations,

each offering the comforting atmosphere you would find in any neighborhood. They also

provide in-home care as well as recreational activities.


AHRC NYC provides home health care services to people with disabilities living in New

York City's five boroughs, providing assistance with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning,

shopping and transportation as well as helping individuals manage their finances and


Day Habilitation Without Walls from AHRC offers an individualized schedule designed to

support the goals set forth by each person's Person Centered Plan. Working closely with

community organizations, this program also offers volunteer opportunities that enhance

participants' skill development.


AHRC provides legal services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities,

including assistance with Article 17A guardianship, advance directives and supplemental

needs trusts as well as any other legal matters they might encounter.

The Foundling

Inspired by a true tale told to the author by her grandmother, The Foundling is a

captivating historical fiction book set in a eugenics asylum. The narrative follows Mary

Engle, an eager young staff member at Nettleton State Village for Feebleminded Women

of Childbearing Age.

Although set over one century ago, it remains strikingly relevant today. The characters

demonstrate attitudes about women that have had such an influence in shaping our

modern society.

Readers will discover that this book tackles themes including love, loss, trust, loyalty and

power; while also touching upon issues related to racism, poverty abuse exploitation. A

must read for anyone interested in history or the human experience!


HeartShare provides people with disabilities the freedom to live the lives they want

through programs that support greater independence through education, health care,

employment, life skills training and case management services. Its programs aim to

promote greater autonomy through education, health care, employment opportunities and

life skills instruction as well as case management services.

Respite activities offer respite to families overwhelmed by caring for a loved one with

disabilities, while transition services assist individuals as they make the difficult leap from

early childhood to school age and then onto adulthood. Furthermore, OPWDD also

assists people with disabilities pay their housing costs through its housing subsidy


The Hourly Waiver Respite Program

Respite care allows family caregivers the time they need to take care of other obligations,

travel or simply relax. Respite can be provided both at your home or a community site

and voucher programs may offer discounted respite services in their region.

Heritage Christian offers freestanding respite care by the hour or overnight for people

enrolled in OPWDD's Home and Community Based Services Waiver (HCBS). Guests can

socialize in an accessible home setting while staff certified to administer medications are

on site to care for guests. Weekend and full week programs are also available during

summer holidays and school breaks.

The Lifelong Enrichment Program


Lifelong Enrichment Program is a non-profit organization created to build a community of

adult learners. It offers courses, social activities, travel opportunities and more that enable

adults to enrich the meaning and direction of their lives. The Lifelong Enrichment Program

currently serves over 600 older adults nationwide with free enrichment courses, social

events and travel opportunities.

This comprehensive education and recreational enrichment program, funded through the

21st Century Community Learning Centers Program grant, represents a productive

partnership among Caroline County Public Schools, Human Services Council and our

Department. LLC's are located at Federalsburg Elementary School, Colonel Richards

Middle and High Schools as well as Lockerman Middle Schools; please check the

Lifelong Learning Brochurenew window or Schedule of Classesnew window to view

available classes each semester.


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