NSCA's Performance Training Journal | Issue 11.1 - Premier Fitness

NSCA's Performance Training Journal | Issue 11.1 - Premier Fitness

NSCA's Performance Training Journal | Issue 11.1 - Premier Fitness


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NSCA’s<br />

<strong>Training</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>11.1</strong><br />

Jan./Feb. ‘12<br />

www.nsca-lift.org<br />

Personal <strong>Training</strong><br />

Features<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong><br />

for Postmenopausal<br />

Women<br />

Brad Schoenfeld MS,<br />

CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D,<br />

PT-AR<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Richard Scrivener<br />


about this<br />


The NSCA’s <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Training</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong> (ISSN: 2157-7358)<br />

is a publication of the National<br />

Strength and Conditioning Association<br />

(NSCA). The PTJ publishes<br />

basic educational information<br />

for Associate and Professional<br />

Members of the NSCA. These<br />

groups include novice personal<br />

trainers, novice strength coaches,<br />

and training enthusiasts. The<br />

journal’s mission is to publish articles<br />

that provide basic, practical<br />

information that is researchbased.<br />

Copyright 2012 by the National<br />

Strength and Conditioning Association.<br />

All Rights Reserved.<br />

Disclaimer: The statements and<br />

comments in the NSCA’s <strong>Performance</strong><br />

<strong>Training</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> are<br />

those of the individual authors<br />

and contributors and not of<br />

the National Strength and Conditioning<br />

Association. The appearance<br />

of advertising in this<br />

journal does not constitute an<br />

endorsement for the quality<br />

or value of the product or service<br />

advertised, or of the claims<br />

made for it by its manufacturer<br />

or provider.<br />

NSCA Mission<br />

As the worldwide authority on<br />

strength and conditioning, we<br />

support and disseminate research-based<br />

knowledge and its<br />

practical application, to improve<br />

athletic performance and fi tness.<br />

Talk to us…<br />

Share your questions and comments.<br />

We want to hear from<br />

you. Write to the NSCA’s <strong>Performance</strong><br />

<strong>Training</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, NSCA,<br />

1885 Bob Johnson Drive, Colorado<br />

Springs, CO 80906, or send<br />

an email to ptj@nsca-lift.org.<br />

NSCA’s<br />

<strong>Performance</strong><strong>Training</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> Editorial Offi ce<br />

1885 Bob Johnson Drive<br />

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906<br />

Phone: +1 719-632-6722<br />

Editor<br />

T. Jeff Chandler, EdD,<br />


email: jchandler@jsu.edu<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Britt Chandler, MS,<br />

CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D<br />

email:chandler.britt@att.net<br />

Publisher<br />

Keith Cinea, MA, CSCS,*D,<br />

NSCA-CPT,*D<br />

email: kcinea@nsca-lift.org<br />

Copy Editor<br />

Matthew Sandstead<br />

email: msandstead@nsca-lift.org<br />

Editorial Review Panel<br />

Scott Cheatham, DPT, OCS, ATC,<br />


Meredith Hale-Griffi n, MS, CSCS<br />

Ed McNeely<br />

Mike Rickett, MS, CSCS<br />

Chad D. Touchberry, PhD, CSCS<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />


table of<br />


6<br />

14<br />

4<br />

10<br />

personal training<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong> for Postmenopausal Women<br />

Chat Williams, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, PT-AR<br />

A common special population encountered in the personal training setting is the<br />

postmenopausal woman. This featured article examines various aspects of training such a<br />

specialized population.<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Richard Scrivener, MSc, CSCS<br />

This featured article explores functional training as it relates to core training. Isolation,<br />

stabilization, reactivity, deceleration, strength, and power are all aspects of core training that<br />

are addressed in this article.<br />

departments<br />

Personal <strong>Training</strong> for <strong>Performance</strong><br />

Changing Up the Pace: Interval<br />

<strong>Training</strong><br />

Chat Williams, MS, CSCS,*D,<br />

NSCA-CPT,*D, PT-AR<br />

The benefi ts of interval training are<br />

explored in this column and information<br />

for proper program design is presented.<br />

Sport-Specifi c Conditioning<br />

Keeping the Workout Fresh<br />

Patrick McHenry, MA, CSCS,*D, USAW<br />

This column offers advice for program<br />

design in regard to avoiding stale<br />

workouts. Steps for developing an<br />

effective program are also provided.<br />

12<br />

<strong>Training</strong> Table<br />

MyPlate and Athletes:<br />

Is it Right for You?<br />

Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD,<br />

NSCA-CPT and<br />

Megan Miraglia, MS, RD, LDN<br />

This column compares MyPyramid and<br />

the recent release of MyPlate by the<br />

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Daily<br />

prescriptions are provided as well as key<br />

messages and limitations of the different<br />

programs.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />


personal training<br />

for performance<br />

about the<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Chat Williams is the<br />

Supervisor for Norman<br />

Regional Health Club.<br />

He currently sits on<br />

the National Strength<br />

and Conditioning<br />

Association Board<br />

of Directors and is<br />

the past NSCA State<br />

Director Committee<br />

Chair, Midwest<br />

Regional Coordinator<br />

and State Director of<br />

Oklahoma (2004 State<br />

Director of the Year).<br />

He also served on<br />

the NSCA Personal<br />

Trainer SIG Executive<br />

Council. He is the<br />

author of multiple<br />

training DVDs. He runs<br />

his own company,<br />

Oklahoma Strength<br />

and Conditioning<br />

Productions, which<br />

offers personal training<br />

services, sports<br />

performance for youth,<br />

metabolic testing,<br />

and educational<br />

conferences and<br />

seminars for strength<br />

and conditioning<br />

professionals.<br />

Chat Williams, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, PT-AR<br />

Change Up the Pace:<br />

Interval <strong>Training</strong><br />

Personal trainers are continually faced with the challenge<br />

of creating fun, diverse, and multi-dimensional training<br />

programs. <strong>Training</strong> programs that are challenging and rewarding<br />

ensure motivated and satisfi ed individuals which<br />

can lead to a higher clientele adherence rate. Personal<br />

trainers are responsible for providing programs that incorporate<br />

resistance training, cardiovascular training, and<br />

fl exibility training. Depending on the individual’s fi tness<br />

level and goals, these training variables can be modifi ed<br />

over time for variety, increased intensity, and can help<br />

when they hit a plateau in the training program. Interval<br />

training can be incorporated into a cardiovascular training<br />

program to help individuals reach and set new goals (1,3).<br />

Interval <strong>Training</strong> Defined<br />

Interval training is a type of cardiovascular training that in-<br />

corporates high-intensity bouts of work followed by lower<br />

intensity bouts of work, or rest, that is repeated for a specifi<br />

c number of repetitions depending on the fi tness level<br />

of the individual (2). The rest periods allow for a buff ering<br />

of lactic acid from the blood ensuring recovery for the<br />

next high-intensity interval (4). There are four variables to<br />

consider when designing a program (2):<br />

1. Intensity or speed of each interval<br />

2. Distance or time of each interval<br />

3. Active rest or rest of each interval<br />

4. The total number or intervals or repetitions to be<br />

completed during the workout<br />

These variables will be determined by the goals the individual<br />

wants to achieve in the training program. The three<br />

energy systems that can be challenged during interval<br />

training are ATP-PC (sprints or shorter intervals), anaerobic<br />

(moderate distance or time), and aerobic (longer distance<br />

or time). All three energy systems will have diff erent<br />

workloads and recovery times due to the intensity, and<br />

the time allowed for the buff ering of lactic acid and replenishment<br />

of ATP so that the following interval may be<br />

completed at a high rate of work (Tables 1 and 2). For individuals<br />

who are less fi t, repetitions and work-to-rest ratios<br />

may be modifi ed to meet their needs. Instead of using a<br />

1:1 ratio, a 1:3 or 1:4 may be used until they have achieved<br />

a higher level of fi tness (4).<br />

Benefits of Interval <strong>Training</strong><br />

As mentioned before, adding interval training to a current<br />

fi tness program can help an individual overcome a plateau<br />

in their current training program and add variety by<br />

changing up the program design. These two things alone<br />

can help with adherence and keep clients motivated so<br />

that they may reach their fi tness goals. Research has also<br />

shown positive physiological changes when incorporating<br />

interval training into a program. An increased VO2<br />

max, decreased resting blood pressure, and an increased<br />

insulin response are just a few physiological changes that<br />

can be experienced when comparing interval training to<br />

slow, steady-state exercise (4). In a study by Tremblay et al.<br />

a group of endurance trained individuals were compared<br />

to a group of high-intensity interval trained individuals<br />

and even though there was a signifi cant diff erence in the<br />

energy expenditure with the endurance group expending<br />

more calories, the interval group had a much greater reduction<br />

in skinfold measurements at the end of the study<br />

(1,4,5). In another study, untrained adults performed six<br />

weeks of interval training, each session (three per week)<br />

included ten 4-min bouts at 90% of peak oxygen consumption,<br />

and each interval was followed by 2 min of rest. At<br />

the conclusion of the study, researchers found an increase<br />

in peak oxygen consumption and power output, 9% and<br />

21% respectively (3). The study also concluded there was<br />

a decrease in lactate accumulation and an increase in fat<br />

oxidation, which suggests that interval training is an eff ective<br />

training method for increasing fat oxidation and the<br />

ability for muscle to oxidize fat (3).<br />

Program Design<br />

Although, there are many benefi ts with interval train-<br />

ing, caution should be used before incorporating it into<br />

a training program. Due to high intensity, near maximal<br />

training loads, individuals should have a solid foundation<br />

of cardiovascular fi tness. Recovery times and maximal<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 4

personal training for performance<br />

Table 1: Energy Systems<br />

heart rate percentages can be adjusted depending on their current fi tness<br />

level. Once an individual can complete 20 – 30 min of continuous exercise,<br />

bouts of 1 – 2 min of more intense exercise may be incorporated followed<br />

by 1 – 4 min of recovery time. Interval training can be performed on<br />

multiple pieces of cardiovascular equipment or outside on the track; the<br />

possibilities are endless. Table 3 includes examples of interval training on<br />

a treadmill, stationary cycle, and sprint work on a track. The treadmill example<br />

will display a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio (1:2 ratio for the stationary bike)<br />

and the sprint intervals will give an example of how to perform intervals<br />

using distance. Examples and max heart rates (estimated) are based on a<br />

healthy 30-year-old adult male.<br />

Summary<br />

Interval training can be a fun and creative way to challenge individuals<br />

once they have achieved a base level of fi tness and are ready for more<br />

advanced training. Maintaining interest and motivation are important to<br />

sustaining a training program for years to come. �<br />

References<br />

Change Up the Pace: Interval <strong>Training</strong><br />

Energy System Workload Recovery (work/rest ratio) Repetitions<br />

ATP-PC 10 s 30 – 60 s (1:3 – 1:6) 6 – 10<br />

Anaerobic 1 min 2 min (1:2) 4 – 8<br />

Aerobic 3 min 3 min (1:1) 6 – 12<br />

Note: Repetitions should be based on current fi tness level of individual.<br />

Table 2: Age and Intensity (Interval <strong>Training</strong>)<br />

Age Range Heart Rate Goal<br />

20 – 29 180<br />

30 – 39 170<br />

40 – 49 160<br />

50 – 59 150<br />

60 – 69 140<br />

Note: Heart rate goal is described as the heart rate that should be reached at the peak of each interval (based on fi tness level).<br />

Table 3: Treadmill, Stationary Bike, and Sprint Interval Examples<br />

Mode of Exercise Warm-Up (WU)/Cool Down (CD) Intervals Max Heart Rate<br />

Treadmill<br />

Stationary Bike<br />

Sprints<br />

5 min Walking (WU)<br />

5 min Walking (CD)<br />

5 min Cycling (WU)<br />

5 min Cycling (CD)<br />

Dynamic Warm-Up<br />

5 min Walking (CD)<br />

5 x 3 min (Jog/Run)<br />

5 x 3 min (Walk/Active Rest)<br />

8 x 1 min (Intense)<br />

8 x 2 min (Active Rest)<br />

10 x 50 yards (Sprint)<br />

10 x 50 yards (Walk)<br />

Note: Max heart rate is based on a 30-year-old male. Alternate workloads on intervals: Intense/Active Rest.<br />

1. Fox, EL. Interval training. Bulletin of the Hospital Joint Diseases 40: 64–71,<br />

1979.<br />

2. Karp, J. Interval training for the fi tness professional. Strength and Conditioning<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> 22: 64–69, 2000.<br />

3. Perry, CG, Heigenhauser, GL, Bonen, A, and Spriet, LL. High-intensity aerobic<br />

interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human<br />

skeletal muscle. Applied Physiology Nutrition Metabolism 33: 1112–1123, 2008.<br />

4. Schoenfeld, B, and Dawes, J. High-intensity interval training: Applications for<br />

general fi tness training. Strength and Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong> 31(6): 44–46, 2009.<br />

5. Tremblay, A, Simoneau, JA, and Bouchard, O. Impact of exercise intensity on<br />

body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabolism 43: 814–818, 1994.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 5<br />

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170<br />


feature<br />

about the<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Brad Schoenfeld is<br />

an internationally<br />

renowned fi tness<br />

expert and widely<br />

regarded as one of<br />

the leading authorities<br />

on body composition<br />

training (muscle<br />

development and fat<br />

loss). He is a lifetime<br />

drug-free bodybuilder,<br />

and has won numerous<br />

natural bodybuilding<br />

titles including the<br />

ANPPC Tri-State<br />

Naturals and USA<br />

Mixed Pairs crowns.<br />

He has been published<br />

or appeared in such<br />

publications as Shape,<br />

Self, <strong>Fitness</strong>, Men’s<br />

<strong>Fitness</strong>, Ironman,<br />

Men’s Workout,<br />

Woman’s Day, Exercise<br />

and Health, New York<br />

Times, New York Daily<br />

News, Washington<br />

Post, Chicago Tribune<br />

and many others. He<br />

earned his Master’s<br />

degree in Kinesiology/<br />

Exercise Science<br />

from the University of<br />

Texas, and his thesis<br />

was published in the<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> of Strength<br />

and Conditioning<br />

Research. He was<br />

named the 2011 NSCA<br />

Personal Trainer of the<br />

Year.<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong> for<br />

Postmenopausal Women<br />

Brad Schoenfeld, MSc, CSCS, NSCA-CPT<br />

Over the past several decades, personal training has<br />

evolved from a cottage industry into a full-fl edged evidence-based<br />

profession. Given the scope of practice,<br />

today’s personal trainers must be prepared to work not<br />

only with young, healthy gym-goers, but with a variety<br />

of “special populations” as well. Clients who fall into this<br />

category have unique training needs that require distinct<br />

considerations with respect to program design. A common<br />

special population encountered in the personal<br />

training setting is the postmenopausal woman.<br />

Menopause is defi ned as 12 consecutive months of<br />

amenorrhea that results in the permanent cessation of<br />

ovarian function (11). During this time, a woman’s estrogen<br />

levels fall precipitously and continue to decline into<br />

the postmenopausal period. This has an eff ect on any<br />

tissue that contains estrogen receptors, which can have<br />

a host of physiological and psychological ramifi cations<br />

(17).<br />

Commonly, hormonal fl uctuations in the perimenopausal<br />

period (i.e., the interval where a woman experiences a<br />

shift from regular cycles of menstruation toward permanent<br />

infertility) bring about vasomotor symptoms such<br />

as hot fl ushes and night sweats (5,11). These symptoms<br />

often disturb normal sleep patterns. The resulting fatigue<br />

and irritability can be debilitating, impair functional ability,<br />

and decrease one’s quality of life.<br />

Menopause also has a profound impact on body composition.<br />

Changes in hormonal balance tend to cause a shift<br />

in the distribution of adipose tissue, with an increased<br />

accumulation of body fat in the midsection as opposed<br />

to the extremities (10,15). A cross-sectional study by<br />

Donato et al. found that postmenopausal women had a<br />

fi vefold increase in risk for central adiposity compared to<br />

premenopausal women, even after controlling for body<br />

mass index (BMI) and other confounders (6). This may be<br />

due to alterations in cellular processes, such as increased<br />

personal training<br />

lipoprotein lipase activity and/or decreased lipolysis resulting<br />

from estrogen defi ciency (31).<br />

Compounding matters, menopause is associated with a<br />

profound decline in fat-free mass (28). It is not entirely<br />

clear at this point what factors are responsible for this<br />

phenomenon. Given that muscle tissue contains estrogen<br />

receptors, it is possible that estrogen plays a role in<br />

the maintenance of muscle protein balance, with a defi -<br />

ciency leading to a reduction in protein synthesis and/<br />

or increase in proteolysis (4). A reduction in circulating<br />

growth factors may also have an impact, as menopausal<br />

women have been shown to display an impaired response<br />

of the GH/IGF-1 axis (8). Regardless of the mechanisms,<br />

a loss of muscle inevitably has a negative aff ect<br />

on strength, power, and, muscular endurance, which can<br />

ultimately lead to infi rmity and loss of independence.<br />

Changes in body habitus (i.e., physique) also can have<br />

serious repercussions on cardiovascular health. Central<br />

adiposity is recognized as an independent predictor of<br />

cardiovascular disease in women, and is associated with<br />

greater incidence of mortality compared with measures<br />

of overall adiposity (7,12,21,35). Moreover, hypertension,<br />

hypertriglyceridemia, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance<br />

have been found to be more pronounced in<br />

subjects with an android body type (19). These disorders<br />

encompass the so-called “metabolic syndrome,” which<br />

signifi cantly heighten cardiovascular risk. Furthermore,<br />

the decline in estrogen is associated with altered lipid<br />

levels, including an increase in LDL cholesterol and a decrease<br />

in HDL cholesterol (24). Taken as a whole, these<br />

data help to explain the exponential increase in cardiovascular<br />

mortality and morbidity in postmenopausal<br />

women (20).<br />

Perhaps the most overtly deleterious eff ect of menopause<br />

is on bone health. Estrogen is known to promote<br />

osteogenesis, apparently by a suppression of osteoclas-<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />


tic activity and thereby reduced bone resorption<br />

(37). Accordingly, bone loss is rather modest in<br />

premenopausal women between the ages of 30<br />

and 50, averaging less than 0.5% per year (37).<br />

During perimenopause, however, loss of bone<br />

mineral density (BMD) can be as high as 3% (29).<br />

Every year thereafter, the rate of loss slows to an<br />

extent, but nevertheless remains above premenopausal<br />

levels at an annual rate of about 1.5% (27).<br />

By age 65, approximately 30% of women have osteoporosis,<br />

most commonly at the spine, hip and/<br />

or wrist. The incidence of osteoporosis shows further<br />

increases with age, rising to approximately<br />

70% by age 80 (36).<br />

The eff ects of bone loss are wide-ranging. For<br />

one, osteoporosis is associated with an increased<br />

susceptibility to fractures. Hip fractures, in particular,<br />

are not only physically debilitating, but their<br />

associated complications can be potentially fatal,<br />

with those affl icted showing triple the mortality<br />

risk when compared to the reference population<br />

after a two-year follow-up (32). In addition, a loss<br />

of bone density in the spine leads to postural deviations,<br />

including hyperkyphosis (i.e., a Dowager’s<br />

hump). Hyperkyphosis causes compression<br />

of the chest and abdominal regions, which limits<br />

the ability of the lungs to expand during inhalation.<br />

This can impair the heart’s ability to deliver<br />

blood to the lungs effi ciently, thereby reducing<br />

cardiovascular capacity and potentially leading<br />

to heart failure (41).<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong><br />

Guidelines for Menopausal<br />

Women<br />

Resistance exercise has proven to modify nu-<br />

merous facets of health in menopausal women,<br />

including improved bone density, enhanced<br />

physical fi tness, improved body composition,<br />

decreased cardiac risk factors, and increased<br />

strength, power, and muscular endurance (16,33).<br />

There is strong evidence that shows resistance<br />

training promotes favorable changes in body<br />

composition, similar to those experienced by<br />

premenopausal women. Studies on women who<br />

exercise during and/or after menopause report<br />

signifi cant reductions in body fat, waist circum-<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong> for Postmenopausal Women<br />

ference and waist/hip ratio, while simultaneously<br />

experience increases in lean body mass (17,40).<br />

A recent study by Bea et al. found that resistance<br />

training was inversely correlated with changes in<br />

body weight, body fat, and trunk fat in postmenopausal<br />

women, even after adjusting for age, years<br />

on hormone therapy, change in lean soft tissue,<br />

baseline body composition, and baseline habitual<br />

exercise (1).<br />

The positive infl uence of resistance exercise on<br />

bone health in menopausal women cannot be<br />

overstated. Not only does it attenuate bone loss,<br />

but signifi cant increases in BMD of the spine and<br />

femoral neck have been reported in those who<br />

train regularly (22,30,34). It is important to note<br />

that exercise intensity must exceed the minimum<br />

strain threshold of the bone to produce an<br />

adaptive response (16). This is especially true for<br />

menopausal women, as a decrease in estrogen<br />

is believed to increase the threshold of bone for<br />

mechanical loading (39). Ideally, it is best to stabilize<br />

BMD early in menopause before signifi cant<br />

resorption takes place. However, considerable<br />

improvements in BMD have been reported even<br />

in women who have been postmenopausal for<br />

years.<br />

Exercise may also help to alleviate vasomotor<br />

symptoms. Population-based studies show an<br />

association between regular participation in<br />

physical activity programs and positive indices of<br />

somatic and psychological dimension of health,<br />

well-being and quality of life (5,26). It is theorized<br />

that exercise may somehow aff ect the mechanisms<br />

that elicit hot fl ushes in perimenopausal<br />

and postmenopausal women, conceivably by<br />

increasing beta-endorphin secretion and stabilizing<br />

the thermoregulatory center (13). Research is<br />

still scant in this area and additional studies are<br />

needed to shed more light on the topic.<br />

There is no evidence to suggest that postmenopausal<br />

women should restrict resistance training<br />

participation in the absence of medical complications.<br />

Considering the rapid demineralization of<br />

bone during menopause and altered ratio of fat<br />

mass/fat-free mass, resistance training routines<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />

should have a specifi c focus on improving bone<br />

density and body composition. As with any fi tness<br />

program, these objectives must be reconciled<br />

with the specifi c goals and abilities of the<br />

client.<br />

To optimize results, resistance training programs<br />

should take a total-body approach to training<br />

with a concentration on exercises that direct<br />

forces through the spine, hip, and waist. To maximize<br />

skeletal loading, multi-joint movements<br />

should be employed whenever possible. Presses,<br />

rows, and squats are highly eff ective in maximizing<br />

musculoskeletal strain. Variety of exercise is<br />

extremely important to change the line of force<br />

applied to bone and muscle. Varying movements<br />

from one session to the next will help ensure<br />

that new stimuli are continually applied to bone,<br />

thereby promoting a greater impetus for remodeling.<br />

In addition, multi-joint movements have the<br />

greatest impact on fat loss. Studies show that exercises<br />

that recruit large amounts of muscle mass<br />

produce signifi cantly greater increases in excess<br />

post-exercise oxygen consumption compared to<br />

single-joint exercises (9). This results in increased<br />

energy expenditure well after the cessation of<br />

training and leads to greater reductions in fat<br />

mass.<br />

Beginning exercisers should start with an intensity<br />

of approximately 50% of their one-repetition<br />

maximum (1RM) to acclimate their body to the<br />

demands of loading. Over time, intensity should<br />

progressively increase so that the client is regularly<br />

training between 65 – 85% of their 1RM. It<br />

is important to perform at least some of the sets<br />

with rapid concentric actions. Power tends to decline<br />

more rapidly than strength as people age,<br />

and performing the concentric portion of repetitions<br />

with high velocities (≤ 1 s) has shown to produce<br />

greater functional improvements compared<br />

with slower tempos (25,38). A carefully structured<br />

periodized program can be benefi cial for diminishing<br />

the potential for overtraining and facilitate<br />

continued progress.<br />


Resistance training sessions should last a maximum<br />

of one hour in length. Short, intense bouts<br />

are not only highly benefi cial for bone health, but<br />

they have proven to be optimal for favorably impacting<br />

blood lipids (17). Multi-set protocols are<br />

preferable to single-set protocols as higher volume<br />

routines have been shown to produce more<br />

favorable changes in body composition and BMD<br />

(2,18,23). However, it may be prudent to begin<br />

with a single set in those who are highly unconditioned<br />

and progressively increase volume over<br />

time.<br />

Frequency of exercise will depend on each individual’s<br />

abilities. Benefi cial eff ects on menopausal<br />

conditions are seen with as few as two resistance<br />

training sessions per week (14). However, while<br />

this frequency has proven suitable for beginning<br />

exercisers, a greater exercise frequency was found<br />

to be positively and signifi cantly related to changes<br />

in total body BMD in more advanced exercisers<br />

(3). Thus, for those with six months or more<br />

of consistent training experience, a three or four<br />

day per week resistance training program may<br />

be the most appropriate. To accommodate individual<br />

schedules and preferences, routines can be<br />

structured to either work the entire body in one<br />

session or involve a “split” routine where the upper<br />

and lower body musculature are worked on<br />

separate days. �<br />

References<br />

1. Bea, JW, Cussler, EC, Going, SB, Blew, RM, Metcalfe,<br />

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1286–1295, 2010.<br />

2. Cussler, EC, Lohman, TG, Going, SB, Houtkooper,<br />

LB, Metcalfe, LL, Flint-Wagner, HG, Harris, RB, and<br />

Teixeira, PJ. Weight lifted in strength training predicts<br />

bone change in postmenopausal women.<br />

Med Sci Sports Exerc 35: 10–17, 2003.<br />

3. Cussler, EC, Going, SB, Houtkooper, LB, Stanford,<br />

VA, Blew, RM, Flint-Wagner, HG, Metcalfe,<br />

LL, Choi, J, and Lohman, TG. Exercise frequency<br />

and calcium intake predict 4-year bone changes<br />

Resistance <strong>Training</strong> for Postmenopausal Women<br />

in postmenopausal women. Osteoporos Int 16:<br />

2129–2141, 2005.<br />

4. Dahlberg, E. Characterization of the cytosolic<br />

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Biophys Acta 717: 65–75, 1982.<br />

5. Daley, A, MacArthur, C, McManus, R, Stokes-<br />

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Factors associated with the use of complementary<br />

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Climacteric 9: 336–346, 2006.<br />

6. Donato, GB, Fuchs, SC, Oppermann, K, Bastos,<br />

C, and Spritzer, PM. Association between menopause<br />

status and central adiposity measured<br />

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waist-to-hip ratio. Menopause 13: 280–285, 2006.<br />

7. Evans, DJ, Hoff mann, RG, Kalkhoff , RK, and<br />

Kissebah, AH. Relationship of androgenic activity<br />

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J Clin Endocrinol Metab 57: 304–310, 1983.<br />

8. Fanciulli, G, Delitala, A, and Delitala, G. Growth<br />

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9. Farinatti, PT, and Castinheiras Neto, AG. The effect<br />

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10. Gambacciani, M, Ciaponi, M, Cappagli, B, Benussi,<br />

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11. Greendale, GA, Lee, NP, and Arriola, ER. The<br />

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13. Hammar, M, Berg, G, and Lindgren, R. Does<br />

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14. Hartard, M, Haber, P, Ilieva, D, Preisinger, E, Seidl,<br />

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Am J Phys Med Rehabil 75: 21–28, 1996.<br />

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16. Kemmler, W, Lauber, D, Weineck, J, Hensen, J,<br />

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17. Kemmler, W, Engelke, K, von Stengel, S, Weineck,<br />

J, Lauber, D, and Kalender, WA. Long-term<br />

four-year exercise has a positive eff ect on menopausal<br />

risk factors: the Erlangen <strong>Fitness</strong> Osteoporosis<br />

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232–239, 2007.<br />

18. Krieger, JW. Single vs. multiple sets of resistance<br />

exercise for muscle hypertrophy: a metaanalysis.<br />

J Strength Cond Res 24: 1150–1159, 2010.<br />

19. Krotkiewski, M, Bjorntorp, P, Sjostrom, L, and<br />

Smith, U. Impact of obesity on metabolism in men<br />

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21. Lapidus, L, Bengtsson, C, Larsson, B, Pennert,<br />

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22. Maddalozzo, GF, Widrick, JJ, Cardinal, BJ, Winters-Stone,<br />

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eff ects of hormone replacement therapy and resistance<br />

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23. Marzolini, S, Oh, PI, Thomas, SG, and Goodman,<br />

JM. Aerobic and resistance training in coronary<br />

disease: single versus multiple sets. Med Sci<br />

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24. Matthews, KA, Kuller, LH, Sutton-Tyrrell, K, and<br />

Chang, YF. Changes in cardiovascular risk factors<br />

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and carotid artery atherosclerosis in healthy<br />

women. Stroke 32: 1104–1111, 2001.<br />

25. Miszko, TA, Cress, ME, Slade, JM, Covey, CJ,<br />

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26. Newton, KM, Buist, DSM, Keenan, NL, Anderson,<br />

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for menopause symptoms: results of a population-based<br />

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27. Okano, H, Mizunuma, H, Soda, M, Kagami, I,<br />

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28. Panotopoulos, G, Raison, J, Ruiz, JC, Guy-<br />

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29. Pouilles, JM, Tremollieres, F, and Ribot, C. Spine<br />

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29. Pruitt, LA, Jackson, RD, Bartels, RL, and<br />

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30. Rebuff e-Scrive, M, Andersson, B, Olbe, L, and<br />

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31. Richmond, J, Aharonoff , GB, Zuckerman, JD,<br />

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32. Shangold, MM. Exercise in the menopausal<br />

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33. Silverman, NE, Nicklas, BJ, and Ryan, AS. Addition<br />

of aerobic exercise to a weight loss program<br />

increases BMD, with an associated reduction in<br />

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34. Simpson, JA, MacInnis, RJ, Peeters, A, Hopper,<br />

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35. Srivastava, M, and Deal, C. Osteoporosis in elderly:<br />

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36. Srivastava, S, Toraldo, G, Weitzmann, MN, Cenci,<br />

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37. Tschopp, M, Sattelmayer, MK, and Hilfi ker, R. Is<br />

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39. Velthuis, MJ, Schuit, AJ, Peeters, PHM, and<br />

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in Marfan’s syndrome. Chest 67: 250–251,<br />

1975.<br />


sport-specifi c<br />

conditioning Patrick McHenry, MA, CSCS,*D, USAW<br />

about the<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Patrick McHenry is the<br />

Head Strength and<br />

Conditioning Coach<br />

at Castle View High<br />

School in Castle Rock,<br />

CO. He designs the<br />

lifting and speed/<br />

agility programs for<br />

all the weightlifting<br />

classes as well as<br />

works with the school’s<br />

20 varsity sports.<br />

McHenry earned a<br />

Master’s degree is in<br />

Physical Education<br />

with an emphasis in<br />

Kinesiology from the<br />

University of Northern<br />

Colorado. He is a<br />

Certifi ed Strength<br />

and Conditioning<br />

Specialist® with<br />

Distinction with the<br />

National Strength<br />

and Conditioning<br />

Association. He is<br />

also a Certifi ed Club<br />

Coach with USA<br />

Weightlifting. McHenry<br />

has worked with<br />

athletes from youth<br />

to the elite-level in a<br />

wide variety of sports.<br />

He has presented<br />

at international and<br />

national strength<br />

coaches and physical<br />

education conferences.<br />

He is published in<br />

books, journals,<br />

internet manuals and<br />

videos.<br />

Keeping the Workout Fresh<br />

Variation is “the purposeful change of the program design<br />

variable assignments to expose an individual to new or<br />

diff erent training stressors,” (1). It is a key component to<br />

getting results and keeping individuals coming back.<br />

Variation can refer to sets, reps, training loads, or rest<br />

periods. Variation can also refer to the exercises performed<br />

by the individual within the weekly workout. The positive<br />

side for changing the exercises within the workout is that<br />

“the more exercises performed, the greater variety and<br />

stimulus to the system,” (5). The negative aspect of changing<br />

up the workout is that too much change will confuse the<br />

individual and not produce the desired outcome; not<br />

enough variety and they will become bored or complacent.<br />

An easy-to-use, helpful tool for keeping variety in a program<br />

while maintaining the results is to develop a “notebook” of<br />

exercises that allows you to quickly substitute one exercise<br />

for another in an organized, effi cient manner. There are<br />

many ways the notebook can be arranged depending on<br />

how the workout is designed. If the program is laid out<br />

by body part then list the exercises for each body part<br />

(i.e., shoulder, back, chest, quadriceps, and hamstrings).<br />

By listing each specifi c muscle group then you know that<br />

one lift can be exchanged for another while focusing on<br />

a specifi c area. Another way to arrange a notebook is by<br />

the type of exercise that is performed (i.e., full body, upper<br />

body, lower body, shoulder rehab). Whichever method is<br />

chosen, make it fi t the needs of the individual.<br />

When designing programs, research shows that a heavy<br />

day and light day should be included in the workout (1).<br />

Having heavy days early in the week with the basic “core”<br />

lifts allows the individual to add a little more weight<br />

because they are fresh. The lighter days later in the week<br />

are a perfect time to use the “alternate” exercises because<br />

many times individuals are tired. Changing the exercises<br />

manipulates the workout so that they have to lighten up<br />

the weight to perform the lift correctly. If lower body is<br />

worked on Monday, then a “core” exercise, such as the back<br />

squat, would be performed. On Wednesday an “alternate”<br />

for the back squat can be the front squat, or a front spilt<br />

squat depending on the individual’s training level. The<br />

“alternate” exercise requires the individual to lighten up<br />

naturally and yet, it is still challenging. There are several<br />

benefi ts to adding variety in the workout. One method<br />

for altering a program is performing diff erent exercises to<br />

develop the same muscle (6).<br />

To develop a wide variety of exercises, start out with the<br />

basic lifts (Tables 1 and 2). Next, look at the variables that<br />

make up the lift including foot placement, body position,<br />

implement used, speed of movement, or machine. Putting<br />

all the information into a table is an easy way to track data<br />

and read it when needed. The following steps will help you<br />

develop a list, or table, of exercise variations.<br />

Step one: Choose the core lifts that will be the base for the<br />

exercise program. Squat, bench press, incline press, and<br />

military press, are common “core” lifts.<br />

Step two: If it is a lower body exercise, decide on the various<br />

ways the feet can be placed. For an upper body exercise the<br />

feet can be on or off the ground. Upper body exercises can<br />

be performed from a standing, sitting or prone position.<br />

Step three: What implement will be used to perform the<br />

exercise? It could be a bar, dumbbell, sandbag, kettlebell,<br />

medicine ball, or plate (2,3,4).<br />

Step four: How will the implement be held? Some options<br />

are in the front of the body, on the back, overhead, or next<br />

to the body.<br />

Step fi ve: What speed will be associated with the<br />

movement? Some examples are same speed up/down,<br />

slow on the way down, explosive on the way up, pausing at<br />

the bottom, or shrugging at the top.<br />

Step six: Is there a machine that can take the place of the<br />

free-weight exercise?<br />

Step seven: Can two exercises be combined? For example,<br />

when performing a dumbbell bench press, stopping at the<br />

top then transitioning into a dumbbell fl y.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 10

sport-specifi c conditioning<br />

Table 1: Example of Varying Squat Exercises<br />

Feet Position Stable Staggered<br />

Squat<br />

One leg on box, one<br />

leg on ground<br />

Keeping the Workout Fresh<br />

One leg on bench, one<br />

leg on ground<br />

Bar Position Back Front Overhead Zercher (hold on arms)<br />

Dumbbell Next to side On shoulders Overhead<br />

Other Implement Sandbag Plates Kettlebells Medicine ball Chains<br />

Speed Same speed down/up Slow down/ explode up Pause at bottom<br />

Machine Smith machine Leg press<br />

Table 2: Example of Varying Bench Press Exercises<br />

Bench<br />

Body Position Feet fl at Feet up Standing<br />

Grip Normal Wide grip Close grip<br />

Implement Bar Dumbbell Plate Sandbag Kettlebell<br />

Speed<br />

Same speed down/<br />

up<br />

Pause on chest<br />

Negative slow<br />

down, quick up<br />

Machine Smith machine Cross-over cable Free motion<br />

Combination DB bench to fl y<br />

DB push-up to side<br />

raise<br />

The use of variety in exercise selection will keep the workout fun, eff ective<br />

and progressive while ensuring the desired results. With the number of<br />

diff erent exercises, scientifi cally proven equipment, and the proper use<br />

of program design, any program can incorporate variety. The key is the<br />

objective of the program. Make sure the lifts meet the desired outcome and<br />

this will guarantee results and prevent wasted time in the gym. �<br />

References<br />

1. Earle, R, and Baechle, T. Essentials of Personal <strong>Training</strong>. Champaign, IL:<br />

Human Kinetics; 362–389, 2004.<br />

2. Hedrick, A. Dumbbell training for football at the U.S. Air Force Academy.<br />

Strength and Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong> 20(6): 34–39, 1998.<br />

DB push-up to<br />

rotation<br />

Shrug at top<br />

3. McHenry, P, and Raether, J. 101 Sandbag exercises. Coaches Choice; 1–151,<br />

2009.<br />

4. Sell, K, Taveras, K, and Ghigiarelli, J. Sandbag training: A sample 4-week<br />

training program. Strength and Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong> 33(4): 88–96, 2011.<br />

5. Torcolacci, M. Rethinking strength training for throwers. Strength and<br />

Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong> 15 (6): 47–52, 1993.<br />

6. Yessis, M. The key to strength development: Variety. National Strength<br />

Coaches Association <strong>Journal</strong> 3(3): 32–34, 1981.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 11

training table<br />

about the<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Debra Wein is a<br />

recognized expert<br />

on health and<br />

wellness and has<br />

designed award<br />

winning programs<br />

for both individuals<br />

and corporations<br />

around the US. She<br />

is president and<br />

founder of Wellness<br />

Workdays, Inc., (www.<br />

wellnessworkdays.<br />

com). In addition, Wein<br />

is the president and<br />

founder of partner<br />

company, Sensible<br />

Nutrition, Inc. (www.<br />

sensiblenutrition.com)<br />

Wein has nearly 20<br />

years of experience<br />

working in the health<br />

and wellness industry.<br />

Megan Miraglia is a<br />

dietitian at Wellness<br />

Workdays and<br />

Sensible Nutrition, Inc.<br />

Previously, she worked<br />

in research focused<br />

on the prevention of<br />

childhood obesity.<br />

She completed a<br />

dietetic internship and<br />

earned a Master of<br />

Science degree from<br />

Tufts University and<br />

the Frances Stern<br />

Nutrition Center.<br />

Miraglia is a certifi ed<br />

Freshstart facilitator for<br />

the American Cancer<br />

Society’s Fresh Start<br />

tobacco cessation<br />

program.<br />

Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, NSCA-CPT,*D and Megan Miraglia, MS, RD, LDN<br />

MyPlate and Athletes:<br />

Is it Right for You?<br />

Following the release of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, the<br />

United States Department of Agriculture released MyPyramid<br />

(www.mypyramid.gov) to help individuals discover<br />

appropriate eating messages as well as to develop an individualized<br />

and tailored nutrition plan to meet their own<br />

nutrient, activity, and energy needs (4). However, with the<br />

recent release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, a new icon is<br />

in town that simplifi es the message even more, “MyPlate”<br />

(www.choosemyplate.gov) (5).<br />

The MyPlate image, released by the U.S. Department of<br />

Agriculture, provides a mealtime visual to help identify<br />

the fi ve food group categories: protein, grains, dairy, fruits<br />

and vegetables (5). Instead of focusing on the number of<br />

portions to consume throughout the day, as with MyPyramid,<br />

MyPlate focuses on food categories, provides information,<br />

and emphasizes three key points to accompany<br />

the MyPlate icon (5):<br />

Balancing Calories<br />

• Enjoy your food, but eat less<br />

• Avoid oversized portions<br />

Foods to Increase<br />

• Make half your plate fruits and vegetables<br />

• Make at least half your grains whole grains<br />

• Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk<br />

Foods to Reduce<br />

• Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and<br />

frozen meals – and choose the foods with lower<br />

numbers<br />

• Drink water instead of sugary drinks<br />

The idea behind MyPlate is that if Americans can follow<br />

these basic key messages and match the way they portion<br />

foods on their plate with the examples provided<br />

by MyPlate, then this will lead to a healthier overall lifestyle.<br />

MyPlate advocates physical activity to supplement<br />

healthy eating, but without specifi c recommendations,<br />

MyPlate suggests individuals start with activities they<br />

enjoy as physical activity is an important component of<br />

overall health (4,5). Like MyPyramid, an individual can still<br />

log onto www.choosemyplate.gov and enter their age,<br />

sex, height, weight and activity level to generate a personalized<br />

“daily food plan” that shows food group recommendations<br />

and portion sizes for a given calorie amount.<br />

Although this may be very helpful for the general population,<br />

can it be used to support and meet the energy needs<br />

of an athlete?<br />

MyPlate: Key Messages<br />

for Athletes<br />

While the basic messages from MyPlate may only be use-<br />

ful for those exercising less than 60 – 90 min per day,<br />

there are still some key “take-home” concepts for food<br />

selections that are helpful for individuals of all levels. For<br />

example, making half the plate fruits and vegetables will<br />

not only help ensure that an individual gets enough vitamins,<br />

minerals, and antioxidants, but also contributes to<br />

the overall carbohydrate load that the body needs. For example,<br />

an athlete may obtain more of their carbohydrate<br />

needs from nutrient-rich fruits and starchy vegetables<br />

rather than solely fi lling up on breads, pasta and rice. Additionally,<br />

of the carbohydrates from grains an athlete may<br />

choose, making at least half of them whole grains allows<br />

the athlete to reap the benefi ts of B vitamins, fi ber and<br />

long-lasting energy (1). In some instances, such as 15 – 30<br />

min before an exercise session or event, simple carbohydrates<br />

may be more appropriate to help avoid stomach<br />

discomfort. However, for general intake throughout the<br />

day, the whole grain message should be observed. Finally,<br />

while sports drinks may have their place for some exercise<br />

bouts that are greater than 60 min, they are not always<br />

necessary and it is good to choose water over sugary<br />

drinks to meet hydration needs in everyday situations (2).<br />

Limitations of MyPlate for<br />

the Athlete<br />

Following the basic principles of MyPlate can be a good<br />

starting point for individuals to learn the relative relationship<br />

of protein, grains, vegetables and fruit on the plate.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />


training table<br />

However, for certain athletes, especially endurance and ultra-endurance<br />

athletes where exercise may last upwards of two or more hours per day,<br />

MyPlate does not provide enough detail to meet specifi c nutrient needs<br />

for muscle growth, development and recovery between exercise sessions<br />

(2,3). MyPlate does not provide calorie guidelines, portion sizes and does<br />

not mention plate size to help gauge the actual amounts on a plate. All of<br />

these items are especially important for a serious athlete to properly meet<br />

necessary energy needs.<br />

The “daily food plan” can be used as a guide to help an athlete plan his/<br />

her daily intake of food, but calorie recommendations max out at 3,200<br />

calories which may not be applicable for endurance and ultra-endurance<br />

athletes (5). For example, a 205 lb, 32-year-old male weightlifter who trains<br />

twice per day may require upwards of 4,000 calories per day. On the other<br />

hand, it can be helpful for a 23-year-old female who is 125 lb, runs 60 min<br />

per day and requires a 2,400-calorie diet, as described below. According to<br />

the “daily food plan” this 23-year-old female athlete should consume the<br />

following amount of food from each food group:<br />

• 8 oz of grains<br />

• 3 c of vegetables<br />

• 2 c of fruits<br />

• 3 c of milk and dairy<br />

• 6.5 oz of protein<br />

With recognition of both the useful aspects and limitations of the MyPlate<br />

icon and key messages, they can serve as useful tools to help guide an individual<br />

to make more healthful food selections. Athletes exercising more<br />

than 60 min per day would most likely benefi t more from personalized<br />

recommendations from a dietitian that can also account for their level of<br />

activity, and specifi c nutrient needs to meet the demands placed on their<br />

bodies. �<br />

References<br />

1. Burke, L, Cox, G, Cummings, N, and Desbrow, B. Guidelines for daily carbohydrate<br />

intake do athletes achieve them? The American <strong>Journal</strong> of Sports<br />

Medicine 108: 1896–1901, 2001.<br />

2. Dunford, M, and Doyle, J. Nutrition for sport and exercise. Belmont, CA:<br />

Thomson Wadsworth; 2008.<br />

3. Stoler, F. Active voice: Impressions of the new USDA “MyPlate.” American<br />

College of Sports Medicine: Sports Medicine Bulletin. Retrieved December<br />

8, 2011 from, http://www.multiview.com/briefs/acsm/ACSM112911.php.<br />

2011.<br />

4. United States Department of Agriculture. 2005 Dietary Guidelines for<br />

Americans. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from, http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document/.<br />

2005.<br />

5. United States Department of Agriculture. 2010 Dietary Guidelines for<br />

Americans. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from, www.dietaryguidelines.<br />

gov. 2010.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />

MyPlate and Athletes<br />


feature<br />

about the<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Richard Scrivener<br />

currently resides in<br />

London, UK, where<br />

he works as a Health,<br />

<strong>Fitness</strong> and Nutrition<br />

Lecturer for <strong>Premier</strong><br />

<strong>Training</strong> International.<br />

Scrivener has<br />

previously worked as<br />

a <strong>Premier</strong>ship Rugby<br />

Union Strength and<br />

Conditioning Coach<br />

and holds the NSCA’s<br />

CSCS credential. He<br />

previously studied<br />

at Brunel University<br />

gaining an MSc in<br />

High <strong>Performance</strong><br />

Physiology and Human<br />

<strong>Performance</strong>.<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Richard Scrivener, MSc, CSCS<br />

The image that often resonates with the term “core training”<br />

in the local gymnasium is more often than not one<br />

of exercising the abdominals and lower back. More than<br />

likely, everyone has heard someone say, “I’m training<br />

my chest, triceps and core today.” It is usually followed<br />

by 15 min of as many crunch and curl-up variations as<br />

possible. The objective of these exercise inclusions is to<br />

improve the physique aesthetically. Unfortunately, this<br />

approach to training the core may often be typical of<br />

many athletes too; and begs the question, is this really<br />

functional to their sporting needs? Moreover, is this a<br />

method of training that is functional for anyone?<br />

Now, another term that is heard on many occasions is,<br />

“functional.” The fi ner details of the meaning of this term<br />

in training nomenclature can be debated until blue in<br />

the face; and what is “functional” to one individual or<br />

team may be somewhat dysfunctional to others. For the<br />

sake of this article, “functional training” can be defi ned<br />

as training that improves an individual’s capability to<br />

perform integrated whole-body movements, with effi<br />

ciency and eff ectiveness, which are likely required in<br />

both sport and activities of daily living (ADL).<br />

A brief description of the core may help emphasize why<br />

those 15 min of crunches may not provide the most<br />

“bang for your buck.” The core is a link between the upper<br />

and lower extremities. The core musculature is taken<br />

as being 29 pairs of muscles that support a region of<br />

the body known as the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (the<br />

lumbar spine and sacrum with the pelvis) during functional<br />

movements (11). What this defi nition will hopefully<br />

make clear, is that any muscle attaching to the hips<br />

and/or spine must ultimately aff ect the position of the<br />

core and how well it works (5). Imagine a tent that is<br />

pitched on a windy day. For it to be stable and upright,<br />

the guy ropes must be evenly spaced apart, anchored<br />

as far as possible from the main central tent pole and<br />

provide equal tension when secured to the ground. If<br />

there is unequal tension and stress on some guy ropes<br />

and not others, it will result in an unstable and “dysfunctional”<br />

tent.<br />

personal training<br />

When considering the capabilities and fi tness levels of<br />

novice exercisers and elite athletes, and simultaneously<br />

assessing the role of the core in both sport and ADL, one<br />

can attempt to build a much more suitable model for<br />

core training that is eff ective, progressive, varied, and<br />

challenging.<br />

Core in Isolation<br />

It might be argued that activation of the inner core<br />

muscles is a reasonable place to start with core training.<br />

An abdominal hollowing action while attempting to<br />

stabilize and control the lumbo-pelvic-hip region while<br />

moving the extremities allows for recruitment of local<br />

muscles, such as the transverse abdominis and lumbar<br />

multifi dus (8). These muscles are important, as research<br />

tells us that their activation of limb movement will provide<br />

a stable base from which these gross movements<br />

may occur (6). Biofeedback tools may be useful for the<br />

exerciser/athlete to ensure positioning and control is<br />

maintained. It should, however, be recognized that this<br />

isolative approach to training the core is a contentious<br />

issue among experts, but has been used widely. (See<br />

Table 1, page 17)<br />

Core in Stabilization<br />

Faries and Greenwood state that when we fail to create<br />

stability in our spine, the vertebrae are unlikely to be<br />

correctly aligned, and that we should aim to maximize<br />

spinal stability during functional tasks (4). Therefore, it<br />

might be suggested that the exerciser/athlete should<br />

possess the body awareness required to position themselves<br />

in correctly aligned postures, and develop the<br />

strength to stabilize these positions. Holding these postures<br />

will cause the associated musculature of the core<br />

to work together concomitantly creating the necessary<br />

tension to maintain and endure correct alignment of<br />

the skeleton, and in doing so enhance stability. In sport,<br />

consider the necessary stability required of the lumbopelvic-hip<br />

complex in a rugby union scrum or that of a<br />

100-m sprinter, where effi ciency and control are crucial<br />

as the legs and arms produce very large forces at high<br />

speeds. (See Table 2, page 18)<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1<br />


Core in Reactivity<br />

The core muscles consist of both type I (slow<br />

twitch) and type II (fast twitch) muscle fi bers<br />

(4). Endurance can be developed in the type<br />

I muscles by holding positions for prolonged<br />

durations, e.g., 60 – 180 s at low levels of muscular<br />

tension (30 – 40%); while the type II fi bers<br />

are better trained when using faster movements<br />

and resistances above 40% (4). Creating a proprioceptively<br />

rich environment, where the body<br />

needs to react rapidly to changing positions<br />

will assist in providing a training eff ect whereby<br />

quick deformations to neutral posture are lost<br />

and quickly regained. Consider if you were to<br />

trip at work when carrying an object, or when<br />

landing from a jump in basketball while being<br />

bumped by an opponent, the ability to correct<br />

and stabilize your position would be advantageous.<br />

It would, however, be advisable to<br />

quickly move on from this phase once suffi cient<br />

mastery of basic exercises has been established.<br />

Evidence suggests that when unstable training<br />

environments are used, overall force production,<br />

movement velocity, and range of motion of the<br />

associated musculature are reduced (3). These<br />

physical attributes are essential for successful<br />

athletic performance, and in making ADL that<br />

much easier. (See Table 3, page 19)<br />

Core in Deceleration<br />

It is not uncommon for general training pro-<br />

grams to be heavily biased towards producing<br />

force from the shortening of muscles (known<br />

as concentric muscle actions) creating external<br />

pushing and pulling movements. However, the<br />

role of eccentric or lengthening muscle actions<br />

cannot be ignored. Pick a sport, any sport, and<br />

on how many occasions are you required to slow<br />

down your body (e.g., jump landing), a limb (e.g.,<br />

soccer kick), a sporting implement (e.g., racket),<br />

or resist an opponent’s attacking movement<br />

(e.g., judo). These all require eccentric muscle<br />

activation, and the core will be right at the center<br />

of these actions. McGill suggests that “energy<br />

leaks” can result from weaker joints being forced<br />

into disadvantageous positions when stronger<br />

joints work (7). It might be proposed, therefore,<br />

that it would be benefi cial to train the core to re-<br />

sist excessive movement as the joints around it<br />

work. (See Table 4, page 20)<br />

Core in Strength<br />

The human body has numerous joints; some built<br />

for mobility (e.g., shoulders and hips), and others<br />

for stability (e.g., knee and lumbar spine). The<br />

saying, “you are only as strong as your weakest<br />

link” can be exemplifi ed by the observation that<br />

most individuals can leg press far more weight<br />

than they can squat. This is largely because the<br />

stability of the spine cannot support the same<br />

loads as the angled back rest of a machine. We<br />

might surmise, therefore, that 1) the core will always<br />

be trained well when compound structural<br />

lifts using free-weights are selected over fi xedpath<br />

resistance machines and isolation-based<br />

free-weight exercises; and 2) the core is trained<br />

in a more functional manner when exercises are<br />

performed with mobile joints moving through<br />

their full ranges and stable joints providing the<br />

supporting platform for this to occur. A strong<br />

example would be a deep overhead squat. (See<br />

Table 5, pages 21 and 22)<br />

Core in Power<br />

Muscular power and rate of force development<br />

are athletic qualities essential to success in most<br />

sports (10). Professional bodies such as the National<br />

Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) advocate<br />

that core training should be progressed<br />

from a balance/stability approach through to<br />

strength and then power in a periodized fashion,<br />

in line with the exerciser’s/athlete’s level of readiness<br />

(1). Consider, also, an individual attempting<br />

to open a large, heavy swing door at a shopping<br />

mall; they’d be unlikely to try to open this door<br />

slowly, which would place undue excess stress<br />

on their musculoskeletal system. By generating<br />

momentum through acceleration, less overall<br />

eff ort is required to open the door and reduced<br />

stress imposed. So, perhaps power training has a<br />

role to play in all training plans, not just those of<br />

athletes. (See Table 6, page 23)<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Conclusion<br />

As Gray Cook states on the topic of function and<br />

integrated movement, “Separating them [core<br />

muscles] makes as much sense as individually<br />

training each fi nger and thumb and hoping they<br />

will work together when it’s time to catch or<br />

throw a ball,” (2). In relation to training the core,<br />

we have (and perhaps still do in some instances)<br />

separated and attempted to train some of the 29<br />

pairs of muscles in a targeted and isolated manner<br />

when ultimately this might do more harm<br />

than good when it comes to the health and optimal<br />

function of the musculoskeletal system, particularly<br />

in relation to athletic performance. With<br />

that said, there may be instances when coaches<br />

are required to regress core training programs<br />

based upon the level of conditioning of an individual’s<br />

needs. A suggested model and practical<br />

guidance for core training has been provided in<br />

this article and it is anticipated that it should be<br />

applied in a periodized and progressive manner<br />

with the individual’s constraints and requirements<br />

at the heart of the programming process.<br />

�<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 15

References<br />

1. Clark, MA, Lucett, SC, and Sutton, BG. NASM essentials<br />

of personal fi tness training. (4th ed.) Baltimore,<br />

MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1–624,<br />

2012.<br />

2. Cook, G. Athletic body in balance. Champaign, IL:<br />

Human Kinetics; 1–232, 2003.<br />

3. Drinkwater, EJ, Pritchett, EJ, and Behm, DG. Effect<br />

of instability and resistance on unintentional<br />

squat-lifting kinetics. International <strong>Journal</strong> of<br />

Sports Physiology and <strong>Performance</strong> 2(4): 400–413,<br />

2007.<br />

4. Faries, MD, and Greenwood, M. Core training:<br />

Stabilizing the confusion. Strength and Conditioning<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> 29(2): 10–25, 2007.<br />

National Strength and<br />

Conditioning Association<br />

5. Fredericson, M, and Moore, T. Core stabilization<br />

training for middle and long-distance runners.<br />

New Studies in Athletics 20(1): 25–37, 2005.<br />

6. Hodges, PW, Richardson, CA, and Moore, T. Ineffi<br />

cient muscular stabilization of the lumbar spine<br />

associated with low back pain: A motor control<br />

evaluation of transverses abdominis. Spine 21(22):<br />

399–405, 1996.<br />

7. McGill, S. Core training: Evidence translating<br />

to better performance and injury prevention.<br />

Strength and Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong> 32(3): 33–46,<br />

2010.<br />

8. Richardson, CA, Jull, G, Hodges, PW, and Hides,<br />

J. Therapeutic exercise for spinal segmental stabilization<br />

in low back pain: Scientifi c basis and<br />

clinical approach. Edinburgh, NY: Churchill Livingstone;<br />

1–191, 1999.<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

9. Stanton, R, Raeburn, P, and Humphries, B. The<br />

eff ect of short-term swissball training on core stability<br />

and running economy. <strong>Journal</strong> of Strength<br />

and Conditioning Research 18(3): 522–527, 2004.<br />

10. Turner, A. <strong>Training</strong> for power: Principles and<br />

practice. Professional Strength and Conditioning<br />

14: 20–32, 2009.<br />

11. Willardson, JM. Core stability training for<br />

healthy athletes: A diff erent paradigm for fi tness<br />

professionals. Strength and Conditioning <strong>Journal</strong><br />

29(6): 42–49, 2007.<br />


April 13 – 14, 2012 / Las Vegas / www.nsca-lift.org/PTC2012<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 16

Core <strong>Training</strong> Phase: Table 1: Core in Isolation<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x Sets x<br />

Tempo x Recovery:<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex remains fi xed once positional awareness is gained; sequential open chain limb<br />

movements are used to challenge this position.<br />

Lumbo-Pelvic Tilting<br />

Lying Supine with<br />

Leg and Arm<br />

Movements<br />

Lying Supine with<br />

Combined Arm and Leg<br />

Movements<br />

Anterior tilting (lumbar arching) and posterior tilting (lumbar fl attening) through<br />

a full range is performed to gain familiarity and proprioceptive awareness of<br />

the lumbo-pelvic-hip position. The athlete should note how the pressure gauge<br />

changes (see below for additional details).<br />

Using a blood pressure sphygmomanometer for biofeedback, the trainer or coach<br />

can guide the athlete through a progressive series of extremity movements, which<br />

challenge the ability to maintain a neutral lumbo-pelvic-hip postion. A suggested<br />

working pressure in the cuff is 40 mmHg and should not deviate more than 10<br />

mmHg during movement (5).<br />

The level of diffi culty can be progressed from arm or leg movements only to<br />

combinations of both; and/or from having the moving limb remaining on the<br />

ground to being held 1 in. off the ground during movement.<br />

Movements are performed to establish optimal control and muscular endurance (until control/form is lost).<br />

Progress time under tension up to 180 s (3 x 60 s) with a 5 (concentric)/2 (isometric)/5 (eccentric) tempo with<br />

30 s of rest between sets.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 17

Core <strong>Training</strong><br />

Phase:<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x<br />

Sets x Tempo x<br />

Recovery:<br />

Table 2: Core in Stabilization<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Light intra-abdominal pressure is required to assist in maintaining correct posture of the lumbo-pelvic-hip<br />

complex. Gravity will create a “buckling” force which the athlete must work against. The core musculature is<br />

therefore required to co-contract in a supportive manner.<br />

Prone Planks<br />

Horse Stance /<br />

Quadruped Poses<br />

Supine Bridging<br />

The trainer or coach can guide the athlete in adjusting their whole body positioning in a<br />

4-point, load-bearing, prone plank exercise. A dowel can be used as feedback for correct<br />

postural positioning (contacting back of the head, mid-thoracic and gluteals without<br />

excessive cervical and lumbar lordosis/curvature).<br />

Additional poses can also be used as described above. By lifting upper, lower or<br />

combinations of both extremities, rotational forces are created that should be resisted and<br />

controlled.<br />

Supine poses can be used to promote neuromuscular activation of the posterior core<br />

musculature. The trainer or coach, however, should still ensure that a neutral posture is<br />

maintained. The base of support can be manipulated to increase the exercise diffi culty<br />

(e.g., six points of contact with arms spread on the fl oor > three points of contact with arms<br />

raised).<br />

Movements are performed to establish muscular endurance or until control/form is lost. Develop time under<br />

tension up to 180 s (3 x 60 s) with isometric/static holds, resting 45 s between sets.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 18

Core <strong>Training</strong><br />

Phase:<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x<br />

Sets x Tempo x<br />

Recovery:<br />

Table 3: Core in Reactivity<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

All exercises are performed in a proprioceptively rich environment and require the athlete to react repeatedly in<br />

order to correct and maintain changes in posture and alignment. Reactivity challenge and predictibility can be<br />

provided and progressed in several forms.<br />

Stability Ball Poses<br />

BOSU Balance Poses<br />

Partner Perturbations<br />

When an unstable surface is used, equilibrium reactions are required. Balance is<br />

constantly being challenged and high levels of co-contraction are initially required until<br />

positional awareness is heightened. Greater diffi culty can be achieved by moving the<br />

upper limbs or by throwing and catching light balls.<br />

<strong>Training</strong> eff ects from the stability phase are integrated and challenged within a<br />

reactivity environment. When strength and endurance exercises, such as push-ups, are<br />

later utilized, positional awareness and posture is then optimized.<br />

By manipulating the variable of predictibility, the athlete is required to respond to<br />

unexpected stimuli as the trainer or coach provides “taps” of varying direction and<br />

magnitude.<br />

Movements are performed to establish muscular endurance or until control/form is lost. Develop time under<br />

tension up to 180 s (3 x 60 s) with a combination of isometric/static holds and movement-based exercise as<br />

shown; rest 45 s between sets.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 19

Core <strong>Training</strong><br />

Phase:<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x<br />

Sets x Tempo x<br />

Recovery:<br />

Table 4: Core in Deceleration<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

These exercises involve the utilization of eccentric muscle actions which provide a training eff ect that promotes<br />

the ability to decelerate and control; all movements begin from higher velocity and should be brought to a halt<br />

quickly and under control at all times.<br />

Kneeling MB<br />

Rotational Catch<br />

Partner Towel Wrestle<br />

Barbell Roll-Out<br />

In a lunge kneeling stance the trainer or coach throws a medicine ball to the athlete<br />

requiring a catching action, and therefore a demand to control and decelerate the<br />

medicine ball momentum. The trainer or coach can stand further away or use a heavier<br />

ball as required to provide progression.<br />

This fun, interactive drill builds rapport between the athlete and trainer or coach. The<br />

core and global musculature work with the full spectrum of muscle actions (concentric,<br />

eccentric and isometric) while reactivity and corrective adjustments are made.<br />

Begin with a strong neutral lumbo-pelvic-hip position and retract and set the shoulder<br />

girdle with the head aligned with the spine. Allow the bodyweight to drop forward<br />

steadily without loss of posture to a range of motion that can be controlled and then<br />

return to the beginning position.<br />

6 – 12 reps, 2 – 3 sets with 60 – 90 s recovery between sets. The eccentric phase is the focus of these exercises as<br />

the various training implements are slowed and controlled. The fi nal position, where applicable, should be held<br />

momentarily to ensure good postural integrity, and that any necessary positional adjustments are made.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 20

Core <strong>Training</strong><br />

Phase:<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Table 5: Core in Strength<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

All exercises selected here are free-weight, multi-joint structural lifts which take us closer to our defi nition of<br />

functional. The athlete begins in a standing position and is required to generate moderate to large amounts<br />

of force from the extremities while the core musculature provides a solid platform from which movement can<br />

eff ectively and effi ciently occur.<br />

Cable Russian twist<br />

Cable Woodchop<br />

Deadlift<br />

In a standing pose, with knees soft, the lumbo-pelvic-hip in a neutral position,<br />

shoulders retracted and elbows soft, drive the cable across the body aggressively<br />

rotating through the trunk. This open chain exercise may be useful for simulating<br />

actions when working against opponents (e.g., in combative sports).<br />

Similar to the Cable Russian Twist, however a weight shift pattern in the frontal plane<br />

through the lower body can also be utilized to integrate the exercise with the upper<br />

body. Both low-to-high and high-to-low options can be used as deemed appropriate.<br />

This is a hip-dominant lift that requires the athlete to maintain the bar close to<br />

the body throughout, while driving aggressively into the ground utilizing a strong<br />

extension pattern from the knees and hips.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 21

Core <strong>Training</strong><br />

Phase:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x<br />

Sets x Tempo x<br />

Recovery:<br />

Overhead Squat<br />

Overhead Lunge<br />

Kettlebell Turkish<br />

Get-Up<br />

Table 5: Core in Strength (continued)<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

Many variations of the squat exist with their use being prevalent in most strength and<br />

conditioning facilities with respect to athlete training and lower body hypertrophy,<br />

strength and power development. Overhead squats shift the athlete’s center of mass<br />

upwards and create an increased requirement for the core musculature to stabilize the<br />

spine and pelvis.<br />

The lunge utilizes a 1-leg movement pattern and creates a stability challenge at the<br />

hip, knee and ankle in the frontal plane as gross movement occurs in the sagittal<br />

plane. The torso, shoulders and head should be held upright and neutral while the<br />

unilateral nature of the loading above the head creates additional demands for the<br />

athlete.<br />

This is an excellent whole-body movement performed in all planes. The time under<br />

tension for the core musculature is extended per rep due to the number of phases (not<br />

all shown) required to complete the lift.<br />

Assuming the strength phase of a periodized training plan: 5 – 8 reps, 3 – 5 sets, with 3 – 5 min recovery. Utilize a<br />

controlled but urgent intent to lift.<br />

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Core <strong>Training</strong> Phase: Table 6: Core in Power<br />

Rules:<br />

Sample Exercises:<br />

Typical Reps x Sets x<br />

Tempo x Recovery:<br />

Redefi ning Your Core<br />

All exercises selected here are free-weight, multi-joint structural lifts which optimize our defi nition of functional.<br />

The athlete is in a standing position and is required to generate moderate to large amounts of force from the<br />

extremities at maximum speed, while the core musculature provides a solid platform from which movement<br />

can eff ectively and effi ciently occur.<br />

Olympic-Style Lifts and<br />

Variations<br />

Tire Sledgehammers<br />

Tri-Planar Kettlebell<br />

Lifts<br />

Variations of the Clean and Snatch lifts are classically used to develop muscular power<br />

of the lower limbs using a forceful and rapid triple extension of the ankles, knees<br />

and hips. These technique-intensive lifts should be coached by a qualifi ed Certifi ed<br />

Strength and Conditioning Specialist®. (An example of a Clean High Pull is shown.)<br />

This exercise demands a rapid and forceful fl exion and rotational force from the<br />

torso subsequent to loading of the anterior musculature. An important benefi t is the<br />

absence of the requirement for the antagonists (posterior muscles) to decelerate and<br />

slow the downward movement.<br />

Kettlebell training calls upon an aggressive “hip snap” and thus encourages strong<br />

activation of the posterior hip musculature of the core. Although rarely exploited, “triplanar<br />

kettlebell training” promotes the development of many desirable athletic traits<br />

that are highly functional (11). The forces of gravity and momentum can be utilized to<br />

enhance the effi ciency of energy recycling from the elastic soft tissues.<br />

Higher loading: 3 – 6 reps, 3 – 5 sets. 3 – 5 min recovery between sets. Lower loading: 8 – 15 reps, 2 – 4 sets.<br />

2 – 4 min recovery between sets.<br />

nsca’s performance training journal • www.nsca-lift.org • volume 11 issue 1 23

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