End of year Individual Research Projects

Y8 and Y9 Global Perspective Research Projects.

Y8 and Y9 Global Perspective Research Projects.


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attacks in recent years. My second question was ‘’What is the political and

economic impact of terrorism?’’ Terrorist attacks lead to increased security level,

changing public opinion on countries, communities and even races and negative

impact on industries, especially on those depending on foreigners. My last question

was ‘’What motivates people to commit terrorist acts?’’ Terrorist acts are often

motivated by a combination of different factors: political beliefs, ideological or

religious extremism, a desire for revenge and psychological illnesses.

However, my biggest question was ‘’How do the USA, EU and Spain deal with

terrorism?’’ The USA, EU and Spain prevent terrorism through intelligence gathering,

law enforcement efforts, taking part in international antiterrorist operations and

preventive measures. They collaborate through agencies like the FBI, Europol and

National Police and actively engage local communities to prevent radicalization and


In conclusion, terrorism is one of the worst crimes of all. Nobody has a right to take

innocent lives, even in the name of good as it seems to them intentions. Terroism is

a major problem in many countries, especially in the middle east where terrorist

attacks taking lives of more than 50 thousands people every year. The USA and EU

are actively trying to eradicate terrorism in America and Europe by forming alliances,

and providing international operations. But terrorism will only gain momentum as

terrorism threat in many countries is rising and lots of political disagreements have

appeared in the world with the war in Ukraine.

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