SUPKids Workbook

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Carbon Footprints

One of the major greenhouse gases is

called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is

produced by cars, factories, aeroplanes and

other activities that burn fuels like wood,

coal or petrol . All of that extra carbon is

making the Earth feel sick and adding to the

climate change problem :(

Travel by foot, bicycle or

public transport instead

of travelling by car!

Make sure to turn off

your lights, aircon or

heating when you’re

not home.

Buy less, and look

after what you

have so that it

lasts a long time.

Shop locally & from

companies who care

about the planet

too !

Just like how walking on sand

leaves a footprint, burning fuel in

cars or factories leaves carbon

dioxide in the air - a carbon


Everyone who uses energy

(to heat their home, cook their

food or drive their car) has a

carbon footprint.

To help prevent climate change us

humans need to do everything we can to

make our carbon footprint smaller.

Here are some of the changes

we can make to have less

impact on the planet.

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