WWBA Sept 2023 Newsletter - M
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>WWBA</strong><br />
news<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
OF OFFICERS - June 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Sherry A. Bishko<br />
O<br />
n June 7, <strong>2023</strong>, the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Annual Dinner<br />
and Installation of Officers was held at<br />
the Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club.<br />
Smoke-filled skies from the Canadian wildfires required<br />
the cocktail hour to move inside but did not dampen<br />
the electric and exciting atmosphere that kicked off the<br />
evening with colleagues and friends mixing and catching<br />
up.<br />
The <strong>WWBA</strong> was honored to begin the evening’s<br />
program with remarks by WBASNY’s newly elected<br />
President Dawn A. Lott. President Lott provided opening<br />
greetings to the <strong>WWBA</strong> dinner attendees and relayed<br />
the success of WBASNY’s state-wide convention<br />
in Hershey, PA the week prior and set out her goals<br />
and agenda for the upcoming WBASNY year.<br />
Immediate Past-President Elizabeth Z. Marcus was<br />
honored with a proclamation from Westchester County<br />
Executive George Latimer and began her outgoing<br />
remarks by thanking the <strong>WWBA</strong> officers and members<br />
for their tireless efforts this year. In particular, she recounted<br />
her theme of the “value” of our membership<br />
and to that end, the numerous and successful “incontinued<br />
on page 4 ➥<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
An Interview with<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
(page 5)<br />
Cocktails and Converation<br />
on the Hudson<br />
(page 6)<br />
WBASNY Annual<br />
Convention<br />
(page 6)<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
(Page 8)<br />
Sherry K. Bishko, Hon. Kim Berg<br />
and Amanda K. Rieben<br />
Amanda K. Rieben<br />
Hon. Anne E. Minihan<br />
<strong>Sept</strong>ember 6, <strong>2023</strong><br />
WOMEN IN<br />
<strong>Sept</strong>ember 8, <strong>2023</strong><br />
October 2, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
I have been a<br />
member of this wonderful<br />
organization<br />
for many years, and<br />
while I have always<br />
looked at past<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> presidents<br />
and the membership<br />
in awe and admiration<br />
- the idea of being<br />
at the helm was<br />
Amanda K.<br />
Rieben<br />
terrifying. Reflecting upon my first few<br />
months as President, I’ve quickly discovered<br />
that not everything will go as<br />
planned. Even more importantly, I’ve<br />
learned that’s OK. Whether inopportune<br />
weather wreaking havoc or omitting<br />
certain details in planning (who<br />
muddles happy hour?!), through our<br />
collaborative efforts when faced with<br />
unexpected challenges we can achieve<br />
our greatest success (it was a wonderful<br />
happy hour with over sixty people in<br />
attendance).<br />
For instance, our annual dinner<br />
and installation of officers and directors<br />
did not necessarily go as planned.<br />
Nobody imagined that there would be<br />
wildfires that would impact our air quality<br />
and ability to congregate outside as<br />
we have in past years. Nonetheless, the<br />
Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club<br />
seamlessly transitioned everything inside<br />
to accommodate over 200 guests, who<br />
attended our annual dinner. While the<br />
room was more crowded than usual<br />
during the hors d’oeuvres and cocktail<br />
hour, you could sense the infectious<br />
excitement from the constant chatter and<br />
positive energy in the air (or maybe it<br />
continued on page 3 ➥<br />
Page 1<br />
The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
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<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Published Monthly by the<br />
Westchester Women’s<br />
Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />
the Women’s Bar Association<br />
of the State of New York<br />
~ <strong>2023</strong>/2024 Officers and Directors ~<br />
President AMANDA K. RIEBEN<br />
President-Elect SHERRY A. BISHKO<br />
Vice Presidents<br />
Treasurer<br />
CHRISTINE PASKA Recording Secretary MEGAN LUNDIN<br />
Corresponding Secretary JENNIFER L. GRAY<br />
Immediate Past ast President<br />
Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />
State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />
Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />
© Copyright <strong>2023</strong> Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />
The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />
Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer L. Gray • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />
2022-<strong>2023</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />
S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />
By-Laws ...................................................................... Hon. Kim Berg<br />
Corporate & Commercial ................ Lisa M. Bluestein, Virginia Trunkes<br />
Criminal Law ................................. Hon. Amy Puerto, Elizabeth Gazay<br />
Families, Children & Courts .................... Daniela Israelov, Joy S. Joseph,<br />
Wanda Steinmann<br />
Grievance/Ethics ............................ Norma Lopez, Deborah A. Scalise<br />
Judicial Screening .................. Theresa Girolamo, Kimberly C. Sheehan<br />
Judiciary ...................................... Hon. Jodi Kimmel, Dorothy Fingar,<br />
Lisa Florio<br />
Lawyering & Parenting ............................ Leah Cobean, Soumya Evans<br />
Jennifer L. Gray, Michelle Greenberg<br />
Legislation ........................................ Natanya Briendel, Amy Wochos<br />
Annual Dinner ........................ Natanya L. Briendel, Amanda C. Fried,<br />
Sherry A. Bishko, Jennifer L. Gray, Elizabeth Z. Marcus,<br />
Amanda R. Rieben<br />
Annual Dinner Journal ................... Andrea B. Friedman, Diona Piazza<br />
Appellate Practice ................ Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Jill Oziemblewski<br />
Heather Gushue, Lisa Florio<br />
Archive & Historian ..................................................... Susan L. Pollet<br />
Awards ................................................................. Elizabeth Barnhard<br />
Bankruptcy ................... Susan Mills Richmond, Wendy Marie Weathers<br />
Breast Cancer Awareness ...................................... Adrienne J. Orbach<br />
Collaborative Law ................ Kathleen Donelli, Hon. Sondra M. Miller<br />
Community Outreach ................ Lisa Denig, Hon. Judith C. McCarthy,<br />
Deborah A. Scalise, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
Continuing Legal Education ..................................... Ann M. McNulty<br />
Cyber Law ................................................................ Judith Bachman<br />
Diversity and Inclusion ............ Melissa G. Andrieux, Jacqueline Hattar<br />
Stephanie Melowsky<br />
Domestic Violence ............................ Marian Genio, Stacey Neumann<br />
Education ......... Alison Morris, Julie P. Passman, Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Elder Law ................................ Elizabeth A. Cumming, Moira Laidlaw<br />
Employment Law ........................................ Hon. Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />
Environmental & Land Use ............... Lucia Chiocchio, Jennifer L. Gray<br />
A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />
Matrimonial .............................. Robin D. Carton, Andrea B. Friedman<br />
Delores Gebhardt, Georgia G. Kramer<br />
Membership ..................................... Sherry A. Bishko, Joanna Tulman<br />
Networking ................. Ilene Hartzband, Jennifer N. Netrosio Johnson,<br />
Jessica Piperis<br />
New Lawyers ................................... Elisa Mahovr, Miranda Zumbado<br />
Professional Development/Placement ...... Juliet Gobler, Sakeena Naqvi<br />
Programs ................................. Natanya L. Briendel, Hon. Amy Puerto<br />
Public Relations .......................................................... Lisa M. Denig<br />
Real Property ........................................ Tracy Forrest, Joanne Romano<br />
Sponsorship ............................................................................... TBD<br />
Taxation .......................................................... Patricia Rusch Bellucci<br />
Trusts & Estates ......................................................... Lonya A. Gilbert<br />
Gender Dynamics ...................................................... Angela DiBiasi<br />
Holiday Party and Boutique ...... Natanya L. Briendel, Michelle A. Calvi<br />
Jennifer N. Netrosio Johnson<br />
Immigration ............................ Karin Anderson, Elizabeth Mastropolo,<br />
Martine Cuomo<br />
Insurance .................................................................................. TBD<br />
Intellectual Property .................. Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Annmary Ittan<br />
Judgment Enforcement & Collections .......................... Michelle Tarson<br />
Litigation ..................... Angela Morcone Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar,<br />
Elena Goldberg<br />
Long Range Planning ........................ Lisa M. Denig, Linda Markowitz<br />
Mediation ...........Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Abby Rosmarin, Lisa Dorman<br />
Past Presidents ............ Angela Morcone Giannini, Deborah A. Scalise,<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
Practice Management ...................................... Wendy Marie Weathers<br />
Pro Bono ........................................... Marian Genio, Andrea Putnam,<br />
Natalie Sobchak<br />
Social Media ............................................................................. TBD<br />
Technology/Website ................................................................... TBD<br />
Wellness ..................... Jennifer N. Netrosio Johnson, Jill Oziemblewski<br />
Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Women in Leadership ................................................................ TBD<br />
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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President’s Message<br />
from page 1<br />
“While I cannot<br />
predict the unknown,<br />
I promise and assure<br />
you that I intend to<br />
give 110% to this<br />
role . . . ”<br />
was my daughters’ enthusiasm for the food<br />
spread and the multiple plates of dumplings<br />
that they enjoyed!). By the time I stood<br />
up to deliver my installation speech, I had<br />
momentarily forgotten about the smog,<br />
and was overwhelmed with gratitude by the<br />
support and the collaborative efforts that<br />
had gone into making the evening a success.<br />
As I had mentioned during my installation<br />
speech, my aspiration this year is to<br />
further the distinctive mission of the <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />
to “…promote justice for all, regardless<br />
of sex; to advance the social, economic<br />
and legal status for women through the<br />
law; to expand opportunities for women<br />
and to raise the level of competence and<br />
integrity in the legal profession.” As a<br />
mother of three daughters, this mission and<br />
these words are particularly important to<br />
me. I am committed to expanding the ways<br />
in which <strong>WWBA</strong> members utilize their legal<br />
backgrounds and experiences to further<br />
serve the community and promote justice.<br />
But how do we do that? We work together<br />
and we collaborate with other<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> members and with other bar associations<br />
so that we can positively impact<br />
and help others.<br />
To start, in June we hosted a<br />
roundtable discussion on domestic violence<br />
in partnership with the Justice Brandeis Law<br />
Society, 9th JD, the American Academy of<br />
Matrimonial Lawyers New York Chapter,<br />
as well as attorneys and providers from the<br />
Pace Women’s Justice Center, Hope’s<br />
Door, My Sisters’ Place. The roundtable<br />
provided a diverse atmosphere for judges<br />
and court personnel, experienced family<br />
and matrimonial law attorneys, and social<br />
continued on page 7 ➥<br />
Editor’s Note<br />
“<strong>Sept</strong>ember is the other January.”<br />
~ Gretchen Rubin<br />
Making Dates and Getting Published<br />
❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 10th of the month prior to publication<br />
(submissions received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />
❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Jennifer L. Gray at jgray@kblaw.com.<br />
❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or<br />
other formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit<br />
photographs for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical<br />
statement with their submissions.<br />
❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint<br />
the material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />
❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons<br />
in each photograph must be fully identified.<br />
❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home<br />
page to view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by<br />
case basis, with priority for early submissions.<br />
❑ Contact Natanya Briendel at tanyabriendel@gmail.com or Hon. Amy Puerto at<br />
amy.puerto@yahoo.com to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored or co-sponsored program,<br />
including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />
❑ Once you have reserved the date with Executive Director, Elisabeth Campos, proceed<br />
with planning your program and creating your flyer.<br />
❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 10th of the<br />
month, please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy<br />
the Executive Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive<br />
Director, Elisabeth Campos and the President for publication on the website calendar and<br />
the newsletter calendar. The final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />
❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of<br />
interest to our members.<br />
❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs<br />
of the speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send<br />
your submission to Natanya Briendel or Amy Puerto, following the guidelines above.<br />
Contacts<br />
Jennifer L. Gray, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: jgray@kblaw.com<br />
Natanya L. Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: tanyabriendel@gmail.com<br />
Hon. Amy Puerto, Programs Committee Co-Chair: amy.puerto@yahoo.com<br />
Amanda K. Rieben, President: president@wwbany.org<br />
Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />
Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />
A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />
Full Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />
Half Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />
Quarter Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />
Business Card Ad: 5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />
Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />
Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />
Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />
5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />
Deadline for all ads is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />
Contact Jennifer L. Gray at jgray@kblaw.com for any questions regarding advertising.<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
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from page 1<br />
person” and well-attended CLEs and programs<br />
put on by the <strong>WWBA</strong> this past year<br />
all of which brought this value to the forefront<br />
and our community together again.<br />
Elizabeth attended nearly every event inperson<br />
and was a consummate leader and<br />
wealth of support to all who coordinated<br />
and served on our panels and as speakers.<br />
Our gratitude to Elizabeth for all of her work<br />
and devotion this year and that which has<br />
further lifted the <strong>WWBA</strong> out of the mist of<br />
the pandemic.<br />
The Honorable Kim Berg, Magistrate<br />
Judge for the United States District Court<br />
for the Southern District of New York, administered<br />
the oath of office to the incoming<br />
officers and directors. This was particularly<br />
thrilling as Judge Berg is a Past<br />
President of the <strong>WWBA</strong> and a devoted and<br />
active member who founded and chairs the<br />
thriving <strong>WWBA</strong> Mentorship Program.<br />
Once sworn into office, our newly<br />
elected President Amanda K. Rieben took<br />
the stage and highlighted the history of<br />
women in the law and directed the audience<br />
to the mission of the <strong>WWBA</strong> - promoting<br />
justice for all and the advancement<br />
of the social and legal status of women<br />
through the law. Amanda called on the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> membership to work with her to seek<br />
volunteer and pro-bono opportunities for<br />
community involvement to both legal and<br />
non-legal organizations to forward this mission.<br />
She will use <strong>WWBA</strong> board meetings<br />
to disseminate volunteer and pro-bono<br />
opportunities that will seek to further integrate<br />
our membership into our community<br />
and provide much-needed support.<br />
Amanda was cheered on by her beautiful<br />
family that included her parents, husband<br />
and three adorable daughters. Congratulations<br />
Amanda and we can’t wait for this<br />
exciting year to unfold.<br />
The <strong>WWBA</strong> was finally treated to our<br />
keynote speaker for the evening, the Honorable<br />
Anne E. Minihan, Administrative<br />
Judge of the 9th Judicial District of the State<br />
of New York. Judge Minihan relayed her<br />
successes in shaping the 9th JD and her<br />
plans for the future with a focus on litigants<br />
and providing professionalism and excellency<br />
in the courts. Judge Minihan provided<br />
an uplifting and forward-thinking<br />
theme to the evening.<br />
Dawn Lott, Amanda K. Rieben and<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
Neil Kozek and Hon. Linda Jamieson<br />
Jennifer L. Gray, Elisabeth Campos, Deborah<br />
Farber-Kaiser and Natanya Briendel<br />
Juliet Gobler and Sakeena Naqvi<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>F Justice Sondra M. Miller<br />
Scholarship Award Winner Shelbire<br />
Pierre Paul<br />
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The evening was rounded out by<br />
awards presentations. The <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Foundation’s Justice Sondra M. Miller<br />
Scholarship was awarded to Brittany<br />
Miraldi and Shelbire Pierre Paul who gave<br />
thankful and heartfelt remarks upon accepting.<br />
And finally, many thanks to the Annual<br />
Dinner Committee Co-Chairs: Andrea<br />
B. Friedman, Natanya L. Briendel,<br />
Dionna M. Piazza, Jennifer L. Gray, Sherry<br />
A. Bishko, Amanda C. Fried, Elizabeth Z.<br />
Marcus and Amanda K. Rieben and the<br />
Souvenir Journal Co-Chairs, Andrea B.<br />
Friedman and Dionna M. Piazza who made<br />
the dinner a rousing success. Their hard<br />
work and continued efforts are so appreciated<br />
by the entire <strong>WWBA</strong>. ◗<br />
Hon. Anne E. Minihan, Amanda K. Rieben<br />
and Sherry K. Bishko<br />
Annette Hasapidis and Lucia Chiocchio<br />
Angela Giannini, Ann M. McNulty and<br />
Brook Levinson<br />
Marilyn “Mike” Faust, Mary Kelly and Alayne Katz<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>F Justice Sondra M. Miller Scholarship<br />
Award Winner Brittany Miraldi and<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>F President, Susan Corcoran<br />
Page 4<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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An Interview with Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
Susan L. Pollet<br />
Chair of the Archive and<br />
Historian Committee<br />
Q: As immediate Past<br />
President of the <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />
what do you believe were<br />
the highlights of your Presidency?<br />
A: For sure the biggest<br />
highlight was getting to<br />
connect with so many of<br />
you all! I am continuously<br />
amazed by your hard work<br />
and dedication to this organization<br />
and have<br />
learned so much from<br />
you. I thank you all for enriching<br />
my life and am<br />
grateful to the <strong>WWBA</strong> for<br />
bringing us together.<br />
Q: Which initiatives would<br />
you like to see continue or<br />
expanded upon by the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> in the coming<br />
years?<br />
A: This year we celebrated<br />
our alliances with leaders<br />
from numerous other bar<br />
associations. I am grateful<br />
for the <strong>WWBA</strong> to have<br />
connected with these leaders<br />
and communities, as<br />
we are assuredly stronger<br />
working together. Additionally,<br />
I am always impressed<br />
by our Wellness<br />
Committee which remains<br />
incredibly active in bringing<br />
meaningful and innovative<br />
programs to our<br />
membership. I also look<br />
forward to supporting our<br />
newly formed Reproductive<br />
Rights Committee<br />
which was formed towards<br />
the end of my Presidency<br />
in response to current issues<br />
of the day.<br />
Q: What were the challenges<br />
and successes during<br />
your Presidency?<br />
“[T]he 2022-<strong>2023</strong> bar association<br />
year certainly highlighted what a<br />
dynamic organization the <strong>WWBA</strong> is.<br />
We welcomed 20 new board<br />
members, increased our membership<br />
numbers, and maintained our status<br />
as the second largest chapter of the<br />
Women’s Bar Association of the<br />
State of New York (WBASNY)”<br />
A: The challenge is never<br />
having enough time but with<br />
that said, the 2022-<strong>2023</strong> bar<br />
association year certainly<br />
highlighted what a dynamic<br />
organization the <strong>WWBA</strong> is.<br />
We welcomed 20 new board<br />
members, increased our<br />
membership numbers, and<br />
maintained our status as the<br />
second largest chapter of the<br />
Women’s Bar Association of<br />
the State of New York<br />
(WBASNY). This year saw the<br />
return of the “First Friday” series,<br />
a project of our Professional<br />
Development Committee,<br />
which meets on the first<br />
Friday of each month for networking<br />
and conversation to<br />
provide members with support<br />
in life and professional<br />
transition phases. We also<br />
saw the return of our annual,<br />
“Night of Networking - Meet<br />
the Officers/ Welcome New<br />
Members” event. Our committees<br />
presented and cosponsored<br />
CLEs on a variety<br />
of topics. We featured programs<br />
on prioritizing health<br />
and wellness while thriving in<br />
the law and the power of<br />
mentorship and sponsorship.<br />
As I often tell people (and<br />
truly mean when I say this!),<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong> has something to<br />
offer for everyone and offer<br />
we did! We also took part in<br />
meaningful opportunities to<br />
give back to our community<br />
and our mentorship program<br />
continued to thrive. Last but<br />
not least we had fun along<br />
the way, too!<br />
Q: How did the pandemic<br />
impact your leadership, if it<br />
all?<br />
A: The 2022-<strong>2023</strong> bar association<br />
year brought a return<br />
to in-person programs<br />
and events. The energy of<br />
connecting in person with colleagues<br />
and friends, law students<br />
and new lawyers, was<br />
widely appreciated and truly<br />
a joy!<br />
Q: What advice do you have<br />
for new lawyers coming into<br />
the legal profession in<br />
Westchester County?<br />
A: Get involved early on and<br />
join a bar association! Joining<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong> as a recent<br />
law graduate was, and remains,<br />
one of the best decisions<br />
I ever made. I am most<br />
fortunate that my career as<br />
an attorney has gone handin-hand<br />
with my membership<br />
and involvement with the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>. To have that unpar-<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
alleled support and encouragement,<br />
especially as<br />
a new lawyer, and to be<br />
part of such an amazing<br />
network and community of<br />
attorneys from all different<br />
backgrounds, has truly<br />
made all the difference.<br />
Q: In terms of your own career,<br />
what are you looking<br />
forward to achieving?<br />
A: I look forward to continuing<br />
to challenge myself by<br />
getting more trial experience<br />
and continuing to<br />
handle more complex and<br />
serious cases.<br />
Q: When you are not lawyering,<br />
which activities do<br />
you find most engaging, and<br />
how will you spend your time<br />
post-Presidency?<br />
A: I am enjoying getting<br />
back into a routine with my<br />
Peloton and also making<br />
the most of being outdoors<br />
while the weather is still nice<br />
including playing tennis. My<br />
time post-Presidency has<br />
been busy wedding planning<br />
as I am getting married!<br />
I look forward to this<br />
next chapter as I transition<br />
from President to bride. ◗<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
Page 5
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Cocktails and Conversation<br />
Jennifer L. Gray<br />
On a beautiful evening on August 3, <strong>2023</strong>, over 60 members<br />
and guests of the <strong>WWBA</strong> gathered at the rooftop bar of Red<br />
Hat on the River in Irvington, NY to mingle and watch the stunning<br />
sunset over the Hudson River. Luckily, the oppressive heat<br />
and humidity that marked most of July broke the first week of<br />
August and the weather could not have been more lovely. The<br />
event was graciously co-sponsored by the Hudson Valley Hispanic<br />
Bar Association and the Rockland County Women’s Bar<br />
Association. ◗<br />
Attendees gathering at Red Hat on the River<br />
Women’s Bar Association of<br />
the State of New York<br />
(WBASNY) Annual Convention<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
The Annual Convention<br />
of the Women’s Bar Association<br />
of the State of New York<br />
(WBASNY) was held on June<br />
1-4, <strong>2023</strong> at Hershey Lodge<br />
in Hershey, PA. The <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
thanks WBASNY’s immediate<br />
Past President, Deborah<br />
Rosenthal (2022-<strong>2023</strong>), and<br />
all the WBASNY Officers for<br />
their support throughout the<br />
year. We are most proud of<br />
our own <strong>WWBA</strong> member<br />
Shari R. Gordon who served<br />
as WBASNY Vice President for<br />
the past two terms. The<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar<br />
Association congratulates<br />
WBASNY President, Dawn A.<br />
Lott, and the rest of the <strong>2023</strong>-<br />
2024 WBASNY Officers and<br />
wishes them a successful and<br />
productive year. ◗<br />
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President Amanda K. Rieben,<br />
President-Elect Sherry K. Bishko<br />
and Immediate Past President<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus<br />
Hon. Karen T. Beltran, Jennifer L. Gray and Amanda K. Rieben<br />
Yvonne St John and Lori Lee Dickson<br />
Page 6<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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Westchester Women’s Bar Association New Members<br />
The Westchester Women’s Bar Association proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />
Student<br />
Westchester County District<br />
Attorney’s Office<br />
111 MLK Boulevard<br />
White Plains, NY 10601<br />
victoriahillclarkson@gmail.com<br />
Miller Law Group<br />
271 North Avenue, Suite 812<br />
New Rochelle, NY 10801<br />
leah@miller-law.com<br />
Martenson, Hasbrouck & Simon LLP<br />
40 Exchange Place, Suite 1502<br />
New York, NY 10005<br />
kjines@martensonlaw.com<br />
Student<br />
HON. . TIM LEWIS<br />
<br />
Student<br />
WARREN, , ESQ.<br />
City of New Rochelle<br />
515 North Avenue<br />
New Rochelle, NY 10801<br />
dmwesq21@gmail.com<br />
HOLLY C. YOUNG, , ESQ.<br />
Westchester County Attorney’s Office<br />
148 Martine Avenue, 7th Floor<br />
White Plains, NY 10601<br />
hcy1@westchestercountyny.gov<br />
President’s Message<br />
from page 3<br />
service providers to ask questions and engage<br />
in dialogue on a topic that impacts<br />
many individuals in our community. In<br />
<strong>Sept</strong>ember and October, to continue to<br />
raise awareness on domestic violence, the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> in collaboration with domestic violence<br />
legal/social service providers in the<br />
community, and other matrimonial lawyers,<br />
will participate in a two-part lunch and<br />
learn training series with judges throughout<br />
the 9th Judicial District on domestic<br />
violence. In October, which is domestic<br />
violence awareness month, through the<br />
collective effort of community service providers,<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong> will also be distributing<br />
materials and information to our membership<br />
to raise awareness. Additionally, to<br />
further support non-profit legal providers<br />
in our community, during our <strong>Sept</strong>ember<br />
6, <strong>2023</strong>, General Membership Meeting,<br />
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley<br />
(“LSHV”) will present on the child welfare<br />
system. The presentation will focus on the<br />
significance of early intervention by legal<br />
and social service providers and the profound<br />
and positive impact this can have<br />
on parents and the status of an open child<br />
protective service investigation.<br />
I am also excited about the ways in<br />
which the <strong>WWBA</strong> already is and will continue<br />
to collaborate with other bar organizations<br />
in the surrounding community. In<br />
June, the <strong>WWBA</strong> partnered with the<br />
Hudson Valley Hispanic Bar Association<br />
(“HVHBA”) and the Westchester County Bar<br />
Association, to help sponsor the Multi-Bar<br />
Summer Social. This was a well-attended<br />
event, which provided an opportunity for<br />
our membership to connect with other bar<br />
associations. In July, <strong>WWBA</strong> Treasurer,<br />
Christine Paska, and I participated in<br />
WBASNY’s leadership conference with<br />
other Chapter presidents and treasurers<br />
throughout New York State. During the first<br />
day of what was intended to be a two-day<br />
conference in the Catskills, there was once<br />
again inopportune weather wreaking<br />
havoc and the second day of the conference<br />
had to be postponed. While the severe<br />
flash flood warnings were unexpected,<br />
the weekend was a success due to the collaborative<br />
efforts of WBASNY’s Officers and<br />
Directors, and representatives from each<br />
of the local Chapters. I returned from the<br />
conference invigorated by the discussions<br />
and by other Chapters’ goals, initiatives,<br />
future programs, and prospective collaborative<br />
events.<br />
Toward this end, in August the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
hosted our summer social at the Red Hat<br />
on the River (the “Red Hat”) in collaboration<br />
with the Rockland County Women’s<br />
Bar Association (“RCWBA”) and the<br />
HVHBA. I was amazed by the turnout and<br />
the support that all three bar associations<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
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received. This time, while the weather finally<br />
cooperated, in advance of the event<br />
the venue was not provided with the anticipated<br />
headcount. My hat (pun intended!)<br />
goes off to the Red Hat, which<br />
did an incredible job accommodating over<br />
sixty attendees and helping to make the<br />
event a success! The <strong>WWBA</strong> is also already<br />
in the process of assisting in the planning<br />
of a virtual CLE program spearheaded<br />
by the Honorable Mark Dillon. This<br />
program will hopefully be sponsored by the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> in collaboration with the RCWBA,<br />
the Women’s Bar Association of Orange<br />
and Sullivan Counties, and the Mid-<br />
Hudson Women’s Bar Association.<br />
As you can see, like everything else in<br />
life, during the first few months of my presidency<br />
there have been and there likely will<br />
continue to be unexpected challenges.<br />
While I cannot predict the unknown, I<br />
promise and assure you that I intend to<br />
give 110% to this role and to collaborate<br />
with you, our membership, as well as other<br />
bar association members and organizations.<br />
The most effective way for the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
to be successful, to “promote justice,” and<br />
further community integration is through<br />
collaboration and open communication.<br />
Thank you all for entrusting me as <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
President. I am excited for the unexpected,<br />
and I could not be prouder to be a part of<br />
this amazing organization. ◗<br />
Page 7
<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />
COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Board of Directors<br />
& General Membership<br />
Meetings<br />
9/06/23<br />
5:30 p.m. – Board<br />
Meeting<br />
5:45 p.m. –<br />
General<br />
Membership<br />
Meeting<br />
Registration<br />
6:00 p.m.-<br />
7:30 p.m. –<br />
General<br />
Membership<br />
Meeting Program<br />
City Square<br />
50 Main Street<br />
Lecture Hall<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
General Membership<br />
Meeting: “What to do<br />
When Your Client is<br />
Faced with a CPS<br />
Investigation”<br />
$15.00 for <strong>WWBA</strong> Members;<br />
$25.00 for Non-Members<br />
RSVP:<br />
Online: www.wwbany.org<br />
or e-mail:<br />
executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />
Women in Professional<br />
Development Committee<br />
9/08/23<br />
1:00 p.m. to<br />
2:00 p.m<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Book Club 10/02/23<br />
6:00 p.m.<br />
445 Café<br />
445 Hamilton Avenue<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
7 Sylvan Drive,<br />
Scarsdale<br />
First Friday Discussion<br />
Meet and Greet<br />
Demon Copperhead<br />
By: Barbara Kingsolver<br />
For questions contact Sakeena<br />
Naqvi at sakeenan26@gmail.com<br />
or Juliet Gobler at<br />
juliet@goblerlaw.com<br />
No registration required.<br />
No fee to attend.<br />
Lisa Denig<br />
lisadenig@yahoo.com<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> is a chapter of WBASNY, which is an approved provider of CLE credit. Full and partial scholarships for CLE programs based<br />
on financial need are available. For information on the guidelines and procedures for applying, please contact the person running<br />
the program. All requests are strictly confidential. All programs are for transitional credit unless the program states otherwise.<br />
Unless otherwise indicated, events are for <strong>WWBA</strong> members and invited guests only.<br />
The opinions expressed by any program presenter are the presenter’s own, and do not reflect<br />
the official position of the <strong>WWBA</strong>.<br />
Connect<br />
with<br />
us<br />
THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />
<strong>2023</strong>-2024 BEGINS ON JUNE 1, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
ODAY AT<br />
WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />
.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />