Stratford-upon-Avon Living Jan - Feb 2024

We are kicking off 2024 with a bang - with a gorgeous kitchen renovation to inspire, lots of Veganuary-friendly recipes, education and later life advice. Plus, we have nearly £3000 of prizes to be won!

We are kicking off 2024 with a bang - with a gorgeous kitchen renovation to inspire, lots of Veganuary-friendly recipes, education and later life advice. Plus, we have nearly £3000 of prizes to be won!


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Move_Lifestyle_crop.jpg <br />

May 3, 2022 Kris Wood<br />

Trading since Trading 1989 since 1989<br />

3 floors full of 3 beds floors full of beds<br />

(We are bigger (We than are we bigger look) than we look)<br />

May 3, 2022 Kris Wood<br />

Attention Arthritis Sufferer’s<br />

Move_Lifestyle_set01_02-1.jpg <br />

Move_Lifestyle_set02_03.jpg Revealed Revealed The Hidden The Secret Hidden Of Secret How To Of Massively How To Massively Reduce Pain<br />

May 3, 2022 Reduce Pain Kris Wood<br />

And Discomfort, And Discomfort, Without Without The Need The For Need Expensive For Expensive Drugs Or Drugs Surgery!!!! Or Surgery!!!!<br />

Trading since 1989<br />

3 floors full of beds<br />

(We are bigger than we look)<br />

Attention Arthritis Sufferer’s<br />

Revealed The Hidden Secret Of How To Massively Reduce Pain<br />

And Discomfort, Without The Need For Expensive Drugs Or Surgery!!!!<br />

Mammoth Ultimate<br />

Mammoth Health Mattresses Ultimate<br />

Health Mattresses<br />

Are available in 3’0 (90cm) 4’0 (120cm)<br />

4’6<br />

Are<br />

(135cm)<br />

available<br />

5’0 (150cm)<br />

in 3’0 (90cm)<br />

and 6’0<br />

4’0<br />

(180cm)<br />

(120cm)<br />

Widths<br />

4’6 (135cm) 5’0 (150cm) and 6’0 (180cm) Widths<br />

Mammoth Ultimate<br />

SALE<br />

SALE<br />

NOW ON<br />

NOW ON<br />

SALE<br />

The secret secret was was found found in hospitals in hospitals and is and called is Mammoth called Mammoth medical foam medical it foam The it Mammoth was The Ultimate Mammoth Health Ultimate Mattress was Health laboratory Mattress tested was at the<br />

Health Mattresses<br />

laboratory tested at the U<br />

was originally originally used used for severe burn burn victims victims as it as completely it completely contours contours the to University the body of Northumbria of Northumbria under under the instruction the instruction of Dr Jason of Ellis, Dr one Jason of the<br />

Are available in 3’0 (90cm) 4’0 (120cm)<br />

Ellis, one of the worl<br />

body 4’6 centimetre (135cm) centimetre 5’0 by (150cm) by centimetre and 6’0 (180cm) cocooning Widths<br />

every curve of your spine and and supporting world’s you most respected experts experts on sleep on sleep research. research. 3 key sleep 3 elements<br />

NOW ON<br />

key sleep elements were te<br />

supporting In a far superior you In a way far superior to any other way to sleeping any other surface. sleeping surface.<br />

were tested on a a participant group both both at home at home in their in own their bed, own and bed, in a and in a laborator<br />

Unlike Pocket springs springs that that contour contour 3 inches 3 inches at a time at giving a time you giving a lumpy you a lumpy<br />

laboratory<br />

metal<br />

on the Mammoth performance Mattress. The The research research showed showed categorically<br />

metal support support and and also also unlike unlike memory foam which is known to make you you hot in<br />

categorically<br />

bed.<br />

that Mammoth the Mammoth mattress mattress provided a a more effective and and enjoyable sleep; in<br />

The hot secret<br />

Medical in bed. was found in hospitals and is called Mammoth medical foam it was The enjoyable Mammoth sleep; it Ultimate moved incredibly Health sleepers it moved Mattress up sleepers a was clinical up laboratory a clinical tested level-turning at the poor poor University sleepers into good<br />

originally used foam for has severe been burn designed victims to as keep it completely you cool contours and comfortable to the body it is of endorsed<br />

sleepers Northumbria into good The under sleepers. results the instruction were The results outstanding: of were Dr Jason outstanding: Ellis, Mammoth one Mammoth of the Performance world's most Mattress: Scie<br />

centimetre Medical by the chiropractic foam by centimetre has been patients cocooning designed association to every keep curve you and of cool your is and proven spine comfortable and to enhance supporting it is sleep you by respected Performance<br />

Britain's experts Mattress: luxury on came sleep Science together research. and luxury 3 making key came sleep together Mammoth elements making the were Mammoth ultimate tested Health on Mattress<br />

In endorsed a leading far superior sleep by the way expert chiropractic to any Dr other Jason patients sleeping Ellis. association surface. and is proven to enhance a<br />

the<br />

participant<br />

ultimate Health<br />

group mattress both<br />

Mattress proven home<br />

the only to in enhance their<br />

mattress<br />

own sleep. proven<br />

bed, and<br />

to enhance<br />

in a laboratory<br />

sleep.<br />

on the<br />

Unlike sleep The Pocket Revolutionary by Britain’s springs leading that New sleep contour Bed expert For 3 inches People Dr Jason at With a Ellis. time Back, giving Shoulder you a lumpy or Neck metal<br />

Mammoth performance Mattress. The research showed categorically that the<br />

Pain!!!<br />

support and also unlike memory foam which is known to make you hot in bed.<br />

Mammoth *HYGIENEmattress *HYGIENE provided a more effective and enjoyable sleep; incredibly<br />

The Revolutionary most satisfying New sleep Bed For that People you will With ever Back, experience. Shoulder or Neck Pain!!! it moved sleepers up a clinical level-turning poor sleepers into good sleepers.<br />

Medical foam has been designed to keep you cool and comfortable it is endorsed The The results Mammoth were<br />

The Ultimate outstanding:<br />

Mammoth Health Mammoth mattress Ultimate is Performance non-reversible Health mattress<br />

Mattress: and together is non-reversible<br />

Science with and<br />

and toget<br />

by The At the long most chiropractic last satisfying there patients sleep is a association bed that you available will and ever is that proven experience. expels to enhance the myth sleep that by Britain's all posture support<br />

luxury its viroclean came anti together its microbial viroclean making cover, anti Mammoth this microbial makes the it ultimate exceptionally cover, Health this hard makes Mattress wearing it the exceptionally only hard<br />

leading At beds long sleep have last there expert to be is Dr hard a bed Jason and available Ellis. uncomfortable. that expels the The myth Mammoth that all posture ultimate health mattress hypoallergenic bed uses proven hypoallergenic and to enhance easy to maintain. sleep. and easy to maintain.<br />

The support<br />

advanced Revolutionary beds<br />

technology<br />

have New to Bed be hard<br />

medical For People and uncomfortable.<br />

foam With which Back, Shoulder is<br />

The<br />

designed<br />

Mammoth or Neck to yield Pain!!! ultimate<br />

to your body shape<br />

Medical foam is resistant to Dust Mites as they cannot penetrate it. D<br />

The<br />

providing<br />

most satisfying<br />

maximum<br />

sleep that<br />

support<br />

you will<br />

with<br />

ever<br />

maximum<br />

experience.<br />

comfort.<br />

*HYGIENE Medical foam is resistant to Dust Mites as they cannot penetrate it. Dust<br />

health bed uses advanced technology medical foam which is designed to yield<br />

The mite Mammoth allergy causes allergy Ultimate sneezing, causes Health wheezing sneezing, mattress and wheezing is a runny non-reversible nose and particularly a and runny together nose in particularly with in the<br />

At to *FLOTATION long your last body there shape is a providing bed EFFECT available maximum that expels support the with myth maximum that all posture comfort. support its the viroclean morning when anti microbial you you wake wake cover, up. Or up. it this may Or makes trigger it may it wheezing exceptionally trigger and wheezing asthma hard wearing and asthma and pa<br />

beds have to be hard and uncomfortable. The Mammoth ultimate health bed uses<br />

*FLOTATION The Mammoth EFFECT<br />

hypoallergenic<br />

Ultimate health Bed is made from Medical Foam and which particularly is<br />

heavy and heavy easy breathing to maintain. or snoring during during the the night. night. It can It even can even exacerbate ecz<br />

advanced technology medical foam which is designed to yield to your body shape<br />

sensitive to body pressure. This allows the mattress to conform to the Medical sleepers foam dermatitis is resistant to and Dust cause Mites joint as they pain, cannot swelling penetrate of the it. tissues Dust mite and muscle ache<br />

providing The Mammoth maximum Ultimate support health with maximum Bed is made comfort. from Medical Foam which exacerbate eczema and dermatitis and cause joint pain, swelling of the tissues<br />

is shape sensitive and to distribute body pressure. weight This evenly, allows providing the mattress a weightless to conform feeling to known allergy and as muscle causes the aches the sneezing, reasons one of wheezing the it reasons often and goes it a often runny unaddressed goes nose unaddressed particularly is that is in you that the become morning so used to the<br />


"flotation effect".<br />

EFFECT<br />

when you wake nasal up. problems Or it may that trigger you wheezing just think and it asthma is normal and for particularly<br />

the sleepers shape and distribute weight evenly, providing a weightless you become so used to the constant nasal problems that you just think it you is and that you just<br />

The Mammoth Ultimate health Bed is made from Medical Foam which is<br />

heavy breathing live or with snoring it.. during the night. It can even exacerbate eczema and<br />

feeling known as the “flotation effect”.<br />

normal for you and that you just have to live with it.<br />

sensitive *POSTURE to body pressure. SUPPORT This allows the mattress to conform to the sleepers<br />

dermatitis and cause joint pain, swelling of the tissues and muscle aches one of<br />


shape *POSTURE and distribute SUPPORT weight evenly, providing a weightless feeling known as the<br />

the *OLYMPIANS reasons it often LOVE goes MAMMOTH<br />

unaddressed is that you become so used to the constant<br />

This revolutionary new material naturally moulds itself to your spine in perfect<br />

"flotation effect".<br />

nasal problems that you just think it is normal for you and that you just have to<br />

This revolutionary new material naturally moulds itself to your spine in<br />

alignment. This tension free sleeping position relieves pressure from all your joints<br />

Liz Yelling Beijing Olympian. A Commonwealth Games Medallist is now on<br />

live Liz with Yelling it.. Beijing Olympian. A Commonwealth Games Medallist is now one of<br />

*POSTURE perfect<br />

and provides<br />

alignment. SUPPORT relief<br />

This<br />

from<br />

tension<br />

back<br />

free<br />

related<br />

sleeping<br />

problems.<br />

position relieves pressure the UK’s most UK’s respected most authors respected on running authors coaching, on running and coaching, writes regularly and writes regularly for<br />

from all your joints and provides relief from back related problems. *OLYMPIANS Fitness LOVE magazine MAMMOTH amongst others Says. "I could tell the difference imm<br />

This revolutionary new material naturally moulds itself to your spine in perfect for Running Fitness magazine amongst others Says. “I could tell the difference<br />

alignment.<br />


This tension free<br />

TESTED<br />

sleeping position relieves pressure from all your joints<br />

Liz Yelling Beijing Olympian. able to A sleep Commonwealth on my side Games and the Medallist foam relieved is now one the of usual the pressure. My<br />


immediately, I was able to sleep on my side and the foam relieved the usual<br />

and Eight provides out of relief ten from people back suffer related from problems.<br />

UK’s most respected<br />

back problems at some time in their lives and hip pain authors has on disappeared running coaching, leaving and me writes refreshed regularly and for Running ready for training ever<br />

Eight out of ten people suffer from back problems at some time in their Fitness<br />

pressure.<br />

magazine<br />

My morning<br />

amongst<br />

hip pain<br />

others<br />

has<br />

Says.<br />

disappeared<br />

"I could tell<br />

leaving<br />

the<br />

me<br />

difference<br />

refreshed<br />

immediately,<br />

and<br />

*LABORATORY a direct contributor TESTED to this is inadequate or incorrect spinal posture support I ready was whilst able for to training sleep On on every show my side day”. in store and the now. foam Call relieved in to the try usual our Mammoth pressure. My Bed morning Test Centre at<br />

lives and a direct contributor to this is inadequate or incorrect spinal<br />

sleeping. The Mammoth Ultimate Health Mattress provides the ultimate in posture The Bed Factory<br />

Eight out of ten people suffer from back problems at some time in their lives and hip pain has disappeared leaving me refreshed and ready for training every day”.<br />

posture support whilst sleeping. The Mammoth Ultimate Health Mattress On show in store now. Call to try our Mammoth Bed Test Centre at<br />

a direct support contributor and comes to this endorsed is inadequate by THE incorrect CHIROPRACTIC spinal posture PATIENTS support ASSOCIATION.<br />

whilst On show in store Tel: now. 01926 Call 422404<br />

provides the ultimate in posture support and comes endorsed by THE The Bed Factory in to try our Mammoth Bed Test Centre at<br />

sleeping. The Mammoth Ultimate Health Mattress provides the ultimate in posture The Bed Factory<br />


Tel: 01926 422404<br />

support and comes endorsed by THE CHIROPRACTIC PATIENTS ASSOCIATION. Tel: 01926 422404

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