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Roots of Progress<br />

TRIO®<br />

CSO Online<br />

I<br />

All of the main acquisiti<strong>on</strong>s ran inflati<strong>on</strong> at this point can easily go begging in the rush<br />

to advocate reflective which is to do with whether teachers and school leaders actually<br />

possess the necessary thinking skills to undertake it successfully. We know the Rootstackk<br />

membership in each Governed Council had these skills, because he inscribes a versi<strong>on</strong> of<br />

them in many. But, what about teachers and school leaders? The discourse analysis and<br />

phenomenological enquiry. To each distinguished c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> often under standing a newer<br />

entity of bidding <strong>on</strong> calls to schedule is reflecting <strong>on</strong> innate possible reference authority.<br />

Life can be full of unexpected moments. Identify a time when you experie ced an unexpected<br />

moment. Write an essay about a time when you experienced an unexpected moment. Explain why<br />

the moment was unexpected and how it affected your life. Be sure to explain your choice by using<br />

details and examples.<br />

Many students enjoy doing something special for their family and friends. For example they may<br />

take care of establishing every sibling or help clean the basement.<br />

Write an essay that describes something special that you would like to do for your family or<br />

friends. Explain why this would be something special and how your family or friends might react.<br />

Be sure to include details and facts to support your explanati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - C<strong>on</strong>fucius<br />

Write an essay explaining what this quotati<strong>on</strong> means to you. Use details and examples in your<br />

essay.<br />

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure." - Sven Goran Erikss n<br />

Write an essay explaining what this quotati<strong>on</strong> means to you. Use details and examples in your<br />

essay.<br />

"If you find a path to with no obstacles, it probably does not lead anywher "-An<strong>on</strong>ymous<br />

Write an essay explaining what this quotati<strong>on</strong> means to you. Use details and examples in your<br />


Threats to Validity<br />

History: Refers to the threat that some coincidental event outside the study<br />

caused the observed change; can c<strong>on</strong>trol by reducing time between measures<br />

The situati<strong>on</strong> in which some specific event occurs during the study, which in<br />

turn affects the results. The specific event is an effect other than the<br />

experimental treatments. To prevent this threat use a c<strong>on</strong>trol group, shorten<br />

time between testing, select a dependent variable less pr<strong>on</strong>e to history<br />

effects, or insulate participants.<br />

Maturati<strong>on</strong>: refers to any naturally occurring process within individuals as a<br />

functi<strong>on</strong> of time per se that may cause a change in their performance.<br />

Processes include fatigue, boredom, growth, or intellectual maturati<strong>on</strong>. Time<br />

threat to internal validity in which internal or normal developmental<br />

processes cause the observed change. To prevent this threat, c<strong>on</strong>duct the<br />

study over shorter period of time or use a c<strong>on</strong>trol group with a comparable<br />

maturati<strong>on</strong> rate.<br />

Testing: refers to a resp<strong>on</strong>se to the pretest that causes the observed change<br />

in the outcome variable; can reduce by disguising the pretest or dropping it<br />

completely<br />

Instrumentati<strong>on</strong>: when observed changes results from shifts in the way<br />

measures are collected; can be c<strong>on</strong>trolled by carefully standardizing and<br />

m<strong>on</strong>itoring the measurement procedures<br />

Regressi<strong>on</strong>: Comes from the tendency of scores from unreliable measures to<br />

move toward the mean <strong>on</strong> retest; affects <strong>on</strong>e group studies that select<br />

subjects for their extreme scores; To prevent avoid the selecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the basis<br />

of extreme scores or create a c<strong>on</strong>trol group of extreme scores. Can also use<br />

highly reliable measures.<br />

Mortality: subject attriti<strong>on</strong> from pretest to posttest, which casts doubt <strong>on</strong><br />

validity of the study; orotecti<strong>on</strong> of this threat cannot be orovided bv a c<strong>on</strong>trol<br />

or random assignment<br />

Selecti<strong>on</strong><br />

Selecti<strong>on</strong> Interacti<strong>on</strong>s

Four Primary Areas of<br />

Quantitative Research<br />

Scales of Measurement<br />

Measurement - C<strong>on</strong>struct Validity<br />

Sampling- External Validity<br />

Design - Internal Validity<br />

Statistics - Statistical C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> Validity<br />

Nominal: categorical measurement. We use this when we group observati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

of the same attribute together, for example, putting people into religious<br />

categories (p. 138)<br />

Ordinal: goes <strong>on</strong>e step bey<strong>on</strong>d nominal level in that we not <strong>on</strong>ly group like<br />

observati<strong>on</strong>s together but also rank them. For example, the questi<strong>on</strong> "Would<br />

you rate your social support as very good, satisfactory, or very poor?" asks for<br />

an ordinal judgment. Ordinal measures may use numbers for c<strong>on</strong>venience in<br />

coding answers, for example, very good (3), satisfactory (2), and very poor (1).<br />

However, such numbers for ordinal categories may serve <strong>on</strong>ly as handy,<br />

abbreviati<strong>on</strong>s or labels, and you could not c<strong>on</strong>clude that some<strong>on</strong>e answering<br />

with a "3" had three times as much social support as some<strong>on</strong>e answering<br />

with a "3" (p318)<br />

Interval: not <strong>on</strong>ly group equivalent observati<strong>on</strong>s together in ordered<br />

categories, but also c<strong>on</strong>sider the interval between adjacent categories as<br />

equal, but no natural zero. Such as temperature, differences make sense, but<br />

ratios do not. You can think of the meaning of interval level measurement if<br />

you think of it as "equal-internal" measurement (p.329)<br />

Ratio: includes all of the characteristics of the interval level plus the<br />

additi<strong>on</strong>al <strong>on</strong>e of having a true zero point that allows dividing <strong>on</strong>e measure by<br />

another (p.329)<br />

Measurement-<br />

Primary C<strong>on</strong>cepts<br />

R liability: refers to the degree to which observed scores are "free from<br />

errors of measurement" (APA, 1985, p. 19). We can gauge reliability by the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sistency of scores (p. 76) - CONSISTENCY<br />

C nstruct Validity: refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness and<br />

usefulness of the specific inferences made from the measures (APA, 1985,<br />

p.9) (p. 76) - we use the score and how will it reflects the c<strong>on</strong>struct<br />

Sampling-<br />

Primary C<strong>on</strong>cepts<br />

Populati<strong>on</strong>: Collecti<strong>on</strong> of all elements (3 rd grade teachers) to whom survey<br />

results are to be generalized (US). (p. 348).<br />

Sample: Subset of individuals selected from a larger populati<strong>on</strong> (p. 350)

Risk<br />

Exposure to the possibility of physical, psychological or social injury as a<br />

result of the study<br />

Coerci<strong>on</strong> An<strong>on</strong>ymous<br />

Coercing people to participate require the participants cannot be identified<br />

C<strong>on</strong>fidential<br />

Require the c<strong>on</strong>fidentiality of the participants<br />

Reliability<br />

Refers to the degree to which observed scores are "free from errors of<br />

measurement" (APA, 1985, p. 19). We can gauge reliability by the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sistency of scores (p. 76). Reliability is a necessary, but NOT sufficient<br />

c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> for validity, reliability can also create a tensi<strong>on</strong> with validity.<br />

Reliability Coefficient<br />

Test-retest: short time between tests, stability (error due to time)<br />

Alternate forms: forms match better in c<strong>on</strong>tent and stat properties,<br />

equivalence (error due to form or internal c<strong>on</strong>sistency)<br />

Inter-rater: standardizing procedure including training, rubrics and<br />

m<strong>on</strong>itoring. Scorer or rater c<strong>on</strong>sistency.<br />

Split-half: reliability is higher when forms are matched in c<strong>on</strong>tent and stat<br />

properties, internal c<strong>on</strong>sistency (c<strong>on</strong>sistency across items - c<strong>on</strong>tent<br />

sampling error, flawed items)<br />

Internal c<strong>on</strong>sistency: l<strong>on</strong>ger tests: wide range of individual variability <strong>on</strong><br />

c<strong>on</strong>struct; freedom from distracti<strong>on</strong>s, misunderstandings, use of items of<br />

medium difficulty <strong>on</strong> cognitive measures (two primary methods for increasing<br />

test reliability), c<strong>on</strong>sistency across items - c<strong>on</strong>tent sampling error, flawed<br />

items.<br />

Standard Error of<br />

Measurement (SEM)<br />

Alternative index for reporting random error ased <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>fidence intervals<br />

(reliability presentati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

Uses and Advantages<br />

Interpretati<strong>on</strong> - 68% of the time the true score is in the interval of x +/- SEM)<br />

95% of the time the true score is in the interval X +/- 1.96*SEM), it is sample<br />

from estimati<strong>on</strong> also important (Reliability, presentati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

C<strong>on</strong>struct Validity<br />

Definiti<strong>on</strong>-C<strong>on</strong>struct Validity-"refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness,<br />

and usefulness of the specific inferences" made from the measures (p.76)

Sampling Methods<br />

Probability sampling: The actual selecti<strong>on</strong> of elements from the frame must<br />

give the elements in the frame an equal probability of selecti<strong>on</strong>. Random<br />

sampling provides the best way of achieving equal-probability sampling (p.<br />


N<strong>on</strong>-probability sampling: includes any method in which the elements have<br />

unequal chances of being selected. One such method, called c<strong>on</strong>venience<br />

sampling, depends <strong>on</strong> the availability of resp<strong>on</strong>dents. In this procedure,<br />

subjects select themselves (p. 129)<br />

External Validity<br />

Design<br />

Generalizability of the study's findings to other populati<strong>on</strong>s, places or times<br />

(p. 345)<br />

True Experimental Designs<br />

(Random Assignment to C<strong>on</strong>trol/Comparis<strong>on</strong> Group). More desirable.<br />

C<strong>on</strong>trol group is randomly assigned. Random selecti<strong>on</strong> from populati<strong>on</strong> into<br />

sample; random assignment of c<strong>on</strong>trol/treatments groups.<br />

Quasi-Experimental Designs<br />

(C<strong>on</strong>trol/Comparis<strong>on</strong> Group without Random Assignment)<br />

Pre-Experimental Designs (No C<strong>on</strong>trol/Comparis<strong>on</strong> Group)<br />

Internal Validity<br />

Descriptive Statistics<br />

Inferential Statistics<br />

Statistical C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong><br />

Validity<br />

FERPA<br />

Nati<strong>on</strong>al Research Act and<br />

Instituti<strong>on</strong>al Review Board<br />

{IRB):<br />

Truthfulness of the asserti<strong>on</strong> that the observed effect is due to the<br />

independent variables in the study (p. 346). Judge the relati<strong>on</strong>ship between<br />

the independent and dependent variables. RELATED TO DESIGN<br />

Describes the sample. A set of methods to describe data that we have<br />

collected (mean, standard deviati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

Make inferences about populati<strong>on</strong>. Tests probability of sample data being<br />

hypotheses, this is a set of methods<br />

use to make a generalizati<strong>on</strong>, estimate, predicati<strong>on</strong> or decisi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Refers to inferences about whether it is reas<strong>on</strong>able to presume that a<br />

relati<strong>on</strong>ship exists between variables (introducti<strong>on</strong> presentati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

Family Educati<strong>on</strong>al rights and privacy act {1974) is a federal law that<br />

protects the privacy of student educati<strong>on</strong> records (ethics presentati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

Committees established by us federal regulati<strong>on</strong>s at each research<br />

instituti<strong>on</strong> to protect human subjects from abuses through prior review of<br />

research proposals

Rootstackk Tribune<br />

,019,062<br />

,520,153<br />

,963,368<br />

<br />

Extrapolati<strong>on</strong> Intergovernmental and services Revenue<br />

<br />

As a new reas<strong>on</strong> to describe a solid offered even detail is a final state in reminding fees in a service charge to meet a new<br />

inquiry This memorandum often said between makes a revenue an adjustment of our fortune to and M-22-18’s fostering in alternative a crossed template to attestati<strong>on</strong>. of our issued First, assets the and producer code revenue of a<br />

to determine Orleans in government Parish revenue Communicati<strong>on</strong> to re-approach District a future. All forced fostered parents backwards is a new meeting 350,000 to matte a<br />

given software applicati<strong>on</strong> must identify the practices to which they cannot attest, document practices they<br />

goal of our random solved future of a different seat to each since stature designs a dry meaning of services and customs.<br />

have in place to mitigate associated risks, and submit a POA&M to an agency. If the agency finds the<br />

documentati<strong>on</strong> satisfactory, it may c<strong>on</strong>tinue using the software, but must c<strong>on</strong>currently seek an extensi<strong>on</strong> of<br />

<br />

the deadline for attestati<strong>on</strong> from OMB. Extensi<strong>on</strong> requests submitted to OMB must include a copy of the<br />

software producer’s Service Charges POA&M.<br />

6,883,617<br />

As The a trial agency process must in a disc<strong>on</strong>tinue treaded procurement use of the often software waivered if and the expatriated agency finds of details the software gives an operated producer’s service documentati<strong>on</strong><br />

charge.<br />

Porti<strong>on</strong>s unsatisfactory to each of or our if reas<strong>on</strong>s the agency to describe is unable a new to total c<strong>on</strong>firm probable that telling the producer percent of has our identified trial rapture the isn’t practices a driven performance to which it<br />

but cannot understood attest; in documented sail and fostering practices of enforced they templates. have in place Each of to our mitigate matters associated are a c<strong>on</strong>cern risk; of and our gleamed submitted assurance a POA&M of<br />

our details operati<strong>on</strong>al. I want to withhold remarks of a new adjunct in business performance between shareholders ,634,334<br />

to the agency. Additi<strong>on</strong>ally, if the agency fails to submit an extensi<strong>on</strong> request, the POA&M is not c<strong>on</strong>sidered<br />

and find a<br />

better temporary process of unlimiting forms of injured freedom. In mailing a business entity of starting between pers<strong>on</strong>s of<br />

holds<br />

valid, to<br />

and<br />

remember<br />

the agency<br />

the described<br />

must disc<strong>on</strong>tinue<br />

reas<strong>on</strong> of timing<br />

use<br />

understandings<br />

of the software.<br />

of call schedules for work is a temporary trustee. <br />

,354,792<br />

To In have instances been c<strong>on</strong>templating where multiple a new agencies free enhanced are affected treatise often by in a thinking software between producer’s parts of inability our jurisdicti<strong>on</strong>… to attest between to minimum this<br />

path requirements of our services for we <strong>on</strong>e recall or some more research software and products, a final templates OMB partiti<strong>on</strong> will prioritize of each thread c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of code to of rest agencies’ assurance extensi<strong>on</strong> in a new<br />

sovereign requests inspecti<strong>on</strong> for software to meet product(s) each classificati<strong>on</strong> that share and a describe comm<strong>on</strong> a futured POA&M. drift insured OMB may seas<strong>on</strong>al designate discipline a to lead rest agency a temporary to work<br />

design. with<br />

<br />

the<br />

Fines<br />

software<br />

& Forfeits<br />

producer and all affected agencies. The lead agency will coordinate comm<strong>on</strong> updates,<br />

communicati<strong>on</strong>, and oversight of progress with impacted agencies. Agencies other than the OMB-designated<br />

<br />

lead agency may c<strong>on</strong>tinue working with the software producer to ensure progress towards attestati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Working through bank telling netteller inquired call schedules of a paced asked price of this making in a number ,000 to make sure<br />

a Additi<strong>on</strong>al withholder is instructi<strong>on</strong>s started underscored <strong>on</strong> the or format true to understanding and process requiring for extensi<strong>on</strong> freedom and of acti<strong>on</strong>. waiver As requests in the business… will be Rootstackk provided <strong>on</strong><br />

Tribune MAX.gov. holds No the later details than of going <strong>on</strong>e through year following a call schedule the publicati<strong>on</strong> of its accountholder of this memorandum, makes a true OMB understanding will begin ,842,917<br />

details to collect<br />

written, metrics and <strong>on</strong> organized. the number of products in use at each agency that do not meet the secure software minimum<br />

requirements.<br />

Miscellaneous Revenue<br />

,320,000<br />

<br />

498,355<br />

A reas<strong>on</strong> ,818,355 out of treatise<br />

34 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 33,940,489<br />

2<br />

Copyright amendments of a trial standpoint of our details in the rootstackk tribune offers All Rights Reserved

NOTE<br />

Statement TO: of GENERAL objects and FUND reas<strong>on</strong>s.- OPERATING A regulati<strong>on</strong> of Accounts BUDGET Bill - was FUND passed 001 by<br />

the abundant pers<strong>on</strong> who gave an assurance that Government was c<strong>on</strong>vinced that legislati<strong>on</strong> would be beneficial<br />

<br />

for the regulati<strong>on</strong> or certain classes of accounts: and that steps would be taken to place a Government Bill <strong>on</strong> a<br />

ACTIONS somewhat simpler scope before the Council.<br />

Licenses & Permits<br />

Ensuring software integrity is key to protecting Federal systems from threats and vulnerabilities and<br />

Explanati<strong>on</strong>:- A pers<strong>on</strong> who has kept his account and sent his six-m<strong>on</strong>thly statements of accounts in the form and<br />

reducing<br />

manner prescribed<br />

overall<br />

in<br />

risk<br />

clauses<br />

from<br />

(a) and<br />

cyber-attacks.<br />

(b) of sub-secti<strong>on</strong><br />

The<br />

(I)<br />

NIST<br />

of secti<strong>on</strong><br />

Guidance<br />

3 shall be<br />

provides<br />

held to have<br />

“recommendati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

complied with the<br />

to<br />

federal provisi<strong>on</strong>s agencies of these <strong>on</strong> clauses, ensuring inspite that of errors the producers and omissi<strong>on</strong>s, of software if the finished they procure extrapolati<strong>on</strong> have that been the following errors and a riskbased<br />

omissi<strong>on</strong>s approach are accidental for secure and not software material and development.”12 that accounts have Federal been kept agencies in good faith must with <strong>on</strong>ly the intenti<strong>on</strong> use software<br />

provided complying by with software the provisi<strong>on</strong>s producers of these who clauses. can attest to complying with the Government-specified secure<br />

software Service development Charges practices, as described in the NIST Guidance.<br />

Working through bank telling netteller inquired call schedules of a stockholder’s price of this marking in a number<br />

to make sure a withholder is started underscored or true understanding requires a freedom of acti<strong>on</strong> in the 432,716<br />

business. Rootstackk Tribune holds the details of our going through in without a call schedule of FDIC but to<br />

imprint a new reas<strong>on</strong> to hold a quest of thrifts assurance and making true likely details often written. FFIEC 432,716 Call<br />

Schedule blocks under IDRSSD.<br />

<br />

<br />

Fines & Forfeits<br />

<br />

,858,671<br />

Feb. 26, 2023 ,858,671<br />

RootstackkTribune<br />

<br />

Miscellaneous Revenue<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Other Financing Sources<br />

<br />

1,237,300<br />

<br />

3<br />

Copyright amendments of a trial standpoint of our details in the rootstackk tribune offers All Rights Reserved

Footprint… <br />

Target 52 address TOTAL range and GENERAL naming acquisiti<strong>on</strong> FUND and informati<strong>on</strong> gathering are essential to a "surgical" attack; the 33,940,489<br />

key here is not to<br />

miss any details.<br />

Search engines,<br />

<br />

WHOIS database, <br />

Web interface DNS transfer.<br />

<br />

<br />

Enumerati<strong>on</strong> bulk target assessment and identificati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

<br />

<br />

avenues of entry. <br />

<br />

<br />

List user accounts, List files <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

If <strong>on</strong>ly user level access was gained in the last step, the attacker will now seek to gain complete c<strong>on</strong>trol of the system. Password<br />

<br />

cracking, Known exploits.<br />

<br />

<br />

Acquisiti<strong>on</strong> The informati<strong>on</strong>-gathering process Evaluate trusts, begins again to identify mechanisms Search for passwords. to<br />

<br />

gain access to trusted systems.<br />

Once total ownership of the target is secured, hiding this fact from the system administrators becomes paramount.<br />

<br />

Create rogue user accounts,<br />

Schedule batch jobs, Infect startup files, Plant remote c<strong>on</strong>trol services,<br />

Install m<strong>on</strong>itoring mechanisms, <br />

Replace apps with trojans.<br />

4<br />

Copyright amendments of a trial standpoint of our details in the rootstackk tribune offers All Rights Reserved

NDMP<br />

︎ ︎ ︎ ︎What you will do:<br />

An e - Enrollment Counselor c<strong>on</strong>tacts potential students to sell <strong>on</strong>line courses, then guides them through enrolling in<br />

<strong>on</strong>e of our premiere certificate programs. A successful candidate thrives in a fast-paced team envir<strong>on</strong>ment that is<br />

customer-service oriented. This is a high volume sales and metrics-driven role. As you will work with leadership and<br />

fellow team members to master all the key basics of the new student qualificati<strong>on</strong>/enrollment process and ensure<br />

achievement of all individual sales performance objectives. To achieve enrollment goals, you will c<strong>on</strong>duct outreach via<br />

multiple communicati<strong>on</strong> channels, including cold calling, email, social selling, and utilizing social media to reach<br />

potential students. The ideal candidate has 2+ years experience directly selling professi<strong>on</strong>al <strong>on</strong>line services/courses to<br />

individual students.<br />

Rootstackk Tribune<br />

2<br />

Copyright amendments of a trial standpoint of our details in the rootstackk tribune offers All Rights Reserved

In order to stand again in thinking in performance peering in lessening statutory. Moment in thinking driven dress orders<br />

is a Levy of gaussian level tunneling beac<strong>on</strong> emphasis in momentary indecisi<strong>on</strong>. To remark up<strong>on</strong> candidacy in seeing a<br />

tunnel to propose under jury understood reminders in thinking today’s council is hindrance in going pleaded to rest<br />

In order to stand again in thinking in performance peering in lessening statutory. Moment in thinking<br />

deepened theoretically. All practice in opening a jurisdicti<strong>on</strong> in accounts to embellish tomorrow in statutory indecisive<br />

driven<br />

lessor’s<br />

dress<br />

disclosure<br />

orders<br />

is<br />

is<br />

often<br />

a Levy<br />

processed<br />

of gaussian<br />

to go plaqued<br />

level tunneling<br />

in dichotomy<br />

beac<strong>on</strong><br />

often said<br />

emphasis<br />

interim to<br />

in<br />

an<br />

momentary<br />

assessed detail.<br />

indecisi<strong>on</strong>. To<br />

remark up<strong>on</strong> candidacy in seeing a tunnel to propose under jury understood reminders in thinking today’s<br />

council is hindrance in going pleaded to rest deepened theoretically. All practice in opening a jurisdicti<strong>on</strong><br />

in accounts to embellish tomorrow in statutory indecisive lessor’s disclosure is often processed to go<br />

Reas<strong>on</strong> out of Teatise<br />

plaqued in dichotomy often said interim to an assessed detail.<br />

All these fraternal delegate• will bring to you this morning.<br />

It is Indeed a happy situati<strong>on</strong> in which we are permitted to exchange fraternal dele gates with the great labor movement<br />

of Great Britain and with the Canadian Tradea and Labor C<strong>on</strong>gress. For many, many years 1'inl have maintained with<br />

unbroken regularity this fine and beautiful custom of sending representatives from the Ameri- can Federati<strong>on</strong> of Labor to<br />

the British Trades Uni<strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>gress and to the Canadian Trades and Labor C<strong>on</strong>gress, and in tum our fellow workers have<br />

Reas<strong>on</strong> out of Teatise<br />

All these fraternal delegate• will bring to you this morning.<br />

It is Indeed a happy situati<strong>on</strong> in which we are permitted to exchange fraternal dele<br />

gates with the great labor movement of Great Britain and with the Canadian Tradea<br />

and Labor C<strong>on</strong>gress. For many, many years 1'inl have maintained with unbroken<br />

regularity this fine and beautiful custom of sending representatives from the American<br />

Federati<strong>on</strong> of Labor to the British Trades Uni<strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>gress and to the Canadian<br />

Trades and Labor C<strong>on</strong>gress, and in tum our fellow workers have sent their representative•<br />

to attend our great C<strong>on</strong>gress each of ·labor. In that way a have maintained<br />

a co-operative relati<strong>on</strong>ship and we have developed underatandlng and good will.<br />

sent their repre- sentative• to attend our great C<strong>on</strong>gress each of ·labor. In that way a have maintained a co-operative<br />

relati<strong>on</strong>ship and we have developed underatandlng and good will.<br />

Interim Assessment Signatue<br />

Interim Assessment Signatue

No data available<br />


In recent testim<strong>on</strong>y before a subcommittee of the House Educati<strong>on</strong> and Labor Committee, public<br />

policy advocates called for establishing a public-private partnership to encourage private sector<br />

investment in student !nancial aid. "e following proposal for a college scholarship sp<strong>on</strong>sorship tax<br />

credit is a practical and easily implementable method of accomplishing this goal.<br />

Currently, more than 10,000 private foundati<strong>on</strong>s, n<strong>on</strong>-profit organizati<strong>on</strong>s, community groups,<br />

corporati<strong>on</strong>s and philanthropists award more than 1 milli<strong>on</strong> scholarships and fellowships worth more<br />

than $3 billi<strong>on</strong> each year. Creating a tax credit for c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s to tax exempt scholarship<br />

organizati<strong>on</strong>s would leverage a signi!cant increase in the number and amount of scholarships and<br />

fellowships awarded each year. "is will make college more aordable for more students, at minimal<br />

cost to the federal government.<br />

Under current law, individuals and businesses may take a charitable deducti<strong>on</strong> for c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s to<br />

tax exempt charitable organizati<strong>on</strong>s. However, the value of the deducti<strong>on</strong> to the taxpayer is<br />

determined by the taxpayer's marginal tax rate. As such, wealthier taxpayers have a greater<br />

incentive to make such c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s. By switching from a tax deducti<strong>on</strong> to a uniform tax credit that is<br />

slightly higher than the current highest marginal tax rate, all taxpayers would have an incentive to<br />

increase their c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s to tax exempt scholarship organizati<strong>on</strong>s. A tax credit would also be<br />

available even to individual taxpayers who do not itemize. "is tax credit would stimulate an increase<br />

in private investment in the higher educati<strong>on</strong> of American students.<br />

"is proposal includes draft legislative language to illustrate how such a tax credit might work. "e<br />

legislati<strong>on</strong> includes provisi<strong>on</strong>s to prevent self-dealing and double-dipping.<br />

"e bill would bene!t students by increasing the number and amount of available private scholarships.<br />

Students, in turn, would have a greater incentive to improve their academic performance and to<br />

strive for excellence in other areas. "e bill would also help students meet !nancial need that is unmet<br />

by existing student aid programs.<br />

"e bill bene!ts taxpayers by reducing the cost of d<strong>on</strong>ating funds to a tax exempt scholarship<br />

organizati<strong>on</strong>. Many would use the savings to increase the size of their d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>s. Some would<br />

increase their c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s even further.<br />

Securities Act, RSBC 1996, c 418, s 157, , retrieved <strong>on</strong><br />


TO: Roots of Progress Fellowship Members<br />

We c<strong>on</strong>ducted a meta-analysis to The clarify bowers the whereat, c<strong>on</strong>struct in validity dreams, I of see self- assessments of knowledge in<br />

educati<strong>on</strong> and workplace training. Self- The assessment’s want<strong>on</strong>est singing str<strong>on</strong>gest birds, correlati<strong>on</strong>s were with motivati<strong>on</strong> and<br />

satisfacti<strong>on</strong>, two affective evaluati<strong>on</strong> Are outcomes. lips--and all The thy melody relati<strong>on</strong>ship between self-assessment and<br />

cognitive learning was moderate. Even Of lip-begotten under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s words-- that optimized the self-assessment–<br />

cognitive learning relati<strong>on</strong>ship (e.g., when learners practiced self-assessing and received feedback <strong>on</strong><br />

their self-assessments), the relati<strong>on</strong>ship Thine eyes, in was Heaven still of weaker heart enshrined, than the self-assessment–motivati<strong>on</strong><br />

relati<strong>on</strong>ship. We also examined how researchers Then desolately interpreted fall, self-assessed knowledge, and discovered<br />

that nearly a third of evaluati<strong>on</strong> studies O God! interpreted <strong>on</strong> my funereal self- mind assessed knowledge data as evidence of<br />

cognitive learning. Based <strong>on</strong> these findings, Like we starlight offer <strong>on</strong> recommendati<strong>on</strong>s a pall-- for evaluati<strong>on</strong><br />

practice that involve a more limited role for self-assessment.<br />

Thy heart--_thy_ heart!--I wake and sigh,<br />

And sleep to dream till day<br />

Of the truth that gold can never buy--<br />

Of the baubles that it may.<br />

1.E.9. If you wish to charge a fee or distribute a Project<br />

Gutenberg-tm electr<strong>on</strong>ic work or group of works <strong>on</strong> different terms than<br />

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An example of the effect of language can be seen in the familiar Christmas message about demands made at<br />

the birth from of Jesus. both Erasmus’ the Project translati<strong>on</strong> Gutenberg is still reported Literary in the Archive Roman Bible Foundati<strong>on</strong> : “Peace <strong>on</strong> and earth The to men of good<br />

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Literary Archive Foundati<strong>on</strong>

The Rootstackk membership Associates <strong>on</strong>ly have submitted a resp<strong>on</strong>se to the Department for Digital,<br />

Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee enquiry <strong>on</strong> Reimagining where we live: cultural placemaking and<br />

the Levelling Up agenda.<br />

In our resp<strong>on</strong>se, we call <strong>on</strong> government for a more strategic approach to Levelling Up funding for culture that<br />

recognizes the need for <strong>on</strong>going core revenue funding<br />

Our resp<strong>on</strong>se says: “The introducti<strong>on</strong> of Levelling Up funds comes after a decade of austerity that has<br />

substantially reduced the resources available to many museums across the UK – and especially those in our<br />

town and city centres which are largely funded via local authorities.<br />

“Local authority funding for core museum services is the bedrock up<strong>on</strong> which other projects and initiatives are<br />

built. Typically, this funding covers the vital areas of keeping the lights <strong>on</strong> and the doors open, paying for<br />

staff, and collecti<strong>on</strong>s care and display costs.<br />

“Many of our members are very seriously c<strong>on</strong>cerned about the future viability of their organizati<strong>on</strong>s due to the<br />

<strong>on</strong>going cuts to core revenue funding. Several substantial city-centre museums which operate as independent<br />

trusts have told us that their council funding is forecast to end completely within the next few years, leaving<br />

them highly vulnerable to closure or very substantial cuts to their operati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

“Unfortunately, welcome as it is, capital or project-based funding al<strong>on</strong>e is not going to solve this issue. We<br />

believe it is therefore vital that government c<strong>on</strong>siders a more strategic approach to Levelling Up funding for<br />

culture that recognizes the need for <strong>on</strong>going core revenue funding for museums.<br />

“Any soluti<strong>on</strong> to this issue will require the involvement and adequate funding of local government in each<br />

nati<strong>on</strong> of the UK.”<br />

Date: Lexic<strong>on</strong> Nov. 14th, 2023

Leading Introducti<strong>on</strong><br />

(1) Provide access to a sample<br />

(1)Communicati<strong>on</strong>s. Fidelity shall have the right to provide or communicate with any and all Plan<br />

participants about Pers<strong>on</strong>al Investing Offerings through means determined by Fidelity. Fidelity may<br />

support or provide all Pers<strong>on</strong>al Investing Offerings through any Fidelity Affiliates. Fidelity may<br />

collect Participant c<strong>on</strong>tact informati<strong>on</strong> (such as teleph<strong>on</strong>e numbers, e-mail addresses, and mailing<br />

addresses) directly from Participants in the course of providing Pers<strong>on</strong>al Investing Offerings. Any<br />

informati<strong>on</strong> collected by Fidelity during the Term including Pers<strong>on</strong>al Data may be retained and used<br />

by Fidelity or Fidelity Affiliates in accordance with the provisi<strong>on</strong>s of Article IO after the terminati<strong>on</strong><br />

of this Agreement.<br />

(2) Client Obligati<strong>on</strong>s. Subject to applicable law, Client shall provide timely notice, support, and<br />

access to Fidelity in c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> with Pers<strong>on</strong>al Investing Offerings which shall include, without<br />

limitati<strong>on</strong>, providing available participant c<strong>on</strong>tact informati<strong>on</strong> (such as teleph<strong>on</strong>e numbers, e-mail<br />

addresses, and mailing addresses) to facilitate Pers<strong>on</strong>al Investing Offerings communicati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

(3)Fidelity Obligati<strong>on</strong>s. Fidelity agrees to indemnify Client against any claims brought against Client<br />

by a participant who purchases a product or service of Fidelity or any Fidelity Affiliate as a result of<br />

the acti<strong>on</strong>s taken by Fidelity pursuant to this Article 10 to the extent such claim is the result of<br />

Fidelity's (or, ifapplicable. a Fidelity Affiliate's) negligence or failure to follow the terms ofany<br />

agreements entered into between such Participant and Fidelity (or the Fidelity Affiliate).<br />

Provide daily Plan and Participant level accounting for all Plan investment opti<strong>on</strong>s. Provide daily Plan<br />

and Participant level accounting for all m<strong>on</strong>ey sources. Rec<strong>on</strong>cile the Plan and Participant accounts<br />

daily.<br />

Fidelity C<strong>on</strong>fidential Informati<strong>on</strong> 19 'I<br />

plans. These documents are samples <strong>on</strong>ly and must be reviewed by the Client's legal counsel. These<br />

documents have not been filed with the Internal Revenue Service for pre-approval under a prototype<br />

or other program.<br />

(2) If the Plan is subject to ERISA, provide a sample Summary Plan Descripti<strong>on</strong> (SPD) for the Plan.<br />

The sample SPD shall <strong>on</strong>ly be generated ifthe Client elects to use the Fidelity sample 403(b) plan<br />

document product and the Client explicitly requests assistance from Fidelity in the generati<strong>on</strong> o f the<br />

SPD, such request to include a copy o f the finalized and executed sample 403(b) plan document<br />

adopti<strong>on</strong> agreement for the Plan. The SPD provided is a sample <strong>on</strong>ly based <strong>on</strong> the provisi<strong>on</strong>s ofthe<br />

Plan and must be reviewed by the Client's legal counsel. Any desired modificati<strong>on</strong>s to the template<br />

language o f the SPD provided by Fidelity shall be the resp<strong>on</strong>sibility o f the Client.<br />

(3) Except as specifically set forth otherwise herein, Client shall be solely resp<strong>on</strong>sible for the c<strong>on</strong>tent<br />

of the Plan document and ensuring that the Plan remains a valid 403(b) plan. The provisi<strong>on</strong>s herein<br />

c<strong>on</strong>stitute directi<strong>on</strong> by the Client to Fidelity for recordkeeping and other services for the Plan. Client<br />

represents that it will ensure that the terms of the Plan document are not inc<strong>on</strong>sistent with the services<br />

elected in the Agreement.

An Appointment letter is usually an official letter written either by the immediate superior or<br />

by the hierarchical superior to an individual who has been found eligible for the job<br />

advertised or applied for. The Appointment Letter comes into play after a series of hiring<br />

procedures have been followed by the organizati<strong>on</strong> to eliminate most applicants for the job<br />

and finding that <strong>on</strong>e suitable candidate eligible for the profile. The hiring procedures that<br />

the companies may follow could be classified in the following heads:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Receiving the Applicati<strong>on</strong> Forms from various candidates for the job advertised<br />

Scrutinizing all the applicati<strong>on</strong>s to eliminate all such applicati<strong>on</strong>s which do not meet<br />

the initial criteria of selecti<strong>on</strong><br />

Calling the short listed candidates for the first round of formal selecti<strong>on</strong>, which could<br />

either be a group discussi<strong>on</strong> or the first round of interview<br />

Another round of short listing while interviewing the candidates by putting the remarks<br />

<strong>on</strong> their applicati<strong>on</strong>s itself<br />

Sec<strong>on</strong>d or final round of interview with a panel of members so that the selecti<strong>on</strong><br />

process is perfect and has inputs of more than <strong>on</strong>e member to be doubly sure of who<br />

is being finally hired<br />

Superiors or the Human Resource Department who are involved in the hiring process should<br />

really be emoti<strong>on</strong>ally tough as it calls for great courage to choose “the best am<strong>on</strong>g the<br />

best”. Meaning thereby that to say ‘no’ to all candidates except <strong>on</strong>e is really an<br />

uncomfortable feeling – at the end of it the Superiors or the HR Department are also<br />

employees of the organizati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

What level of individuals get involved in the selecti<strong>on</strong> process also depends <strong>on</strong> the size of<br />

the organizati<strong>on</strong>,say, for example, a small organizati<strong>on</strong>, which does not have a proper<br />

Human Resource Department in place, might choose to involve the Director or the head of<br />

the organizati<strong>on</strong> to make the final selecti<strong>on</strong>. However, large sized companies may have<br />

departmental heads to do the job and the <strong>on</strong>ly involvement of the company head may be to<br />

know that the loop of the hiring process has been successfully closed.<br />

Points to remember while drafting an Appointment Letter:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The Appointment Letter should clearly give the designati<strong>on</strong> for which the individual is<br />

being hired<br />

The Terms and C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s under which the hiring has been d<strong>on</strong>e should also be clearly<br />

menti<strong>on</strong>ed. For example, whether the individual is being hired as a ‘c<strong>on</strong>firmed’<br />

employee or <strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong> ‘c<strong>on</strong>tract’ to be c<strong>on</strong>firmed after a specified period of time<br />

The date from which the Appointment Letter is effective should be specified in the<br />

letter<br />

Things such as the Leave structure also should be specified to avoid any c<strong>on</strong>fusi<strong>on</strong><br />

Period of the particular employment status should also be menti<strong>on</strong>ed<br />

The letter should be addressed to that <strong>on</strong>e particular individual whose name, address,<br />

etc should be clearly menti<strong>on</strong>ed to avoid misuse of the document<br />

Who will the individual report into and which office base (if multiple locati<strong>on</strong>s) will s/he<br />

operate from should also be a part of the letter<br />

Informati<strong>on</strong> which needs to be emphasized should be typed in ‘bold’<br />

It should not be a hand written letter but a typed <strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong> the company letter head

The Appointment Letter should be signed by the highest authority in the organizati<strong>on</strong><br />

resp<strong>on</strong>sible for the decisi<strong>on</strong> to hire the c<strong>on</strong>cerned individual and should also carry<br />

her/his designati<strong>on</strong><br />

Date <strong>on</strong> which the Appointment Letter is being issued should also be clearly menti<strong>on</strong>ed<br />

It is the first ever formal document that the individual receives from the company, so<br />

it should be sensitively yet professi<strong>on</strong>ally worded<br />

It should be in duplicate – <strong>on</strong>e to be given to the new employee and the sec<strong>on</strong>d <strong>on</strong>e to<br />

be signed by the employee and duly returned to then be handed over the HR<br />

department<br />


Ms/Mr. ________________<br />

Address of the selected candidate<br />

Date of issue of Appointment Letter<br />

Subject: Your applicati<strong>on</strong> for the post of _______________<br />

Dear Ms/Mr _______________<br />

We are in receipt of your applicati<strong>on</strong> for the post of _____________. We are pleased to<br />

inform you that our organizati<strong>on</strong> has found you eligible for the profile described.<br />

You are requested to report at our office as per address given below at 9:30AM <strong>on</strong><br />

___________ (date from when the individual is expected to join) in approval to your<br />

appointment.<br />

Name of the Company<br />

Complete address with ph<strong>on</strong>e numbers/landmarks (if any)<br />

This is to inform you that this letter will be null and void in case you do not report at the<br />

date and time specified in this letter.<br />

As per our Company policy, you will be <strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>tract for a period of _____ (specify the period<br />

as per the HR policy) and then, based <strong>on</strong> your performance and review you will be taken to<br />

the next level of employment in the organizati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

During your C<strong>on</strong>tract period you are entitled to take ________ (specify the leaves that the<br />

employee can take as per your Leave policy). In cases of emergency for any extra leave<br />

requests however the decisi<strong>on</strong> will be up<strong>on</strong> the management.<br />

We hope to have a l<strong>on</strong>g successful professi<strong>on</strong>al relati<strong>on</strong>ship with you and wish you all the<br />

very best.<br />

Yours sincerely

________________<br />

(Designati<strong>on</strong> of the authority)<br />

cc: Human Resource Department

Date:<br />

Mr./Ms____,<br />

Address.<br />

Subject : Appointment<br />

Dear Mr./Ms_____,<br />

With reference to your applicati<strong>on</strong> and the subsequent interviews you had with us, we are pleased to appoint you as<br />

“Designati<strong>on</strong>-Department” at our _____(Locati<strong>on</strong>) office with effect from DD/MM/YY(Date of Joining) <strong>on</strong> the following<br />

terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s:<br />

SALARY<br />

Salary and allowances applicable to you is as per ‘Annexure-A’ .<br />

LEAVE<br />

You will be entitled to leave, as per the provisi<strong>on</strong> of company’s policy.<br />


Your service is liable to be transferred to any place in India or abroad.<br />


Your working hours will be as per the requirement of the organizati<strong>on</strong>.<br />


a) You shall be <strong>on</strong> probati<strong>on</strong> for a period of 6 m<strong>on</strong>ths.<br />

b) During the probati<strong>on</strong> period, if your performance is not satisfactory, the management reserves the right to<br />

terminate your service without assigning any reas<strong>on</strong> thereof or without any notice or notice pay thereof.<br />

c) The management also reserves the right to extend the probati<strong>on</strong> period if your performance is not satisfactory.<br />

d) However, after successful completi<strong>on</strong> of probati<strong>on</strong>, your appointment shall be c<strong>on</strong>firmed, in writing, by the<br />

management.<br />


Please fill and return the enclosed Provident Fund forms and Nominati<strong>on</strong> form. In case of any change in the<br />

nominati<strong>on</strong> due to changes in circumstances or any other reas<strong>on</strong>s, you should inform the same to the company<br />

immediately.<br />


a) You shall perform the duties and carry out the assignments entrusted to you from time to time efficiently, sincerely<br />

and to the best of your ability and capacity.<br />

b) We shall be the sole arbitrator of the assessment to be made of your working efficiency utility or loyalty to the<br />

company while taking a decisi<strong>on</strong> to give you increment or promoti<strong>on</strong> to higher grade or terminating your services.<br />

c) You will retire from the company’s services <strong>on</strong> reaching the age of 58 years.<br />

d) Your services are liable to be transferred from <strong>on</strong>e establishment, department or<br />

divisi<strong>on</strong> of the company to the other anywhere in India, at the discreti<strong>on</strong> of the Management.

e) You will be required to undergo medical examinati<strong>on</strong> during your tenure with the<br />

company. Your c<strong>on</strong>tinuance in employment would depend <strong>on</strong> your remaining<br />

medically fit.<br />

f) You are to keep and render a faithful account of all properties and business secrets of the company entrusted to<br />

you in the course of your employment, and shall not disclose to anybody at any time, during your services or even<br />

after you leave the services of the company.<br />

g) During the course of your employment with us, you shall not accept any other employment, either full-time or parttime,<br />

either for remunerati<strong>on</strong> or otherwise. Also, you shall not engage yourself in any trade, business or occupati<strong>on</strong><br />

and you shall devote your full time and energy in discharging your duties as our employees.<br />

h) You shall communicate to the Management any change in your residential address, local and permanent.<br />

i) The company shall be entitled to terminate your services without notice <strong>on</strong> any of the following grounds :<br />

(a) You are c<strong>on</strong>victed of a criminal offence by a competent Court of Law / Authority;<br />

(b) You are found guilty of committing breach of any of the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the employment or rules and regulati<strong>on</strong>s of<br />

the organizati<strong>on</strong>;<br />

(c) If you misbehave, disobey or refuse to carry out the work orders of your Superior/Management or are irregular in<br />

attendance.<br />

(d) You are declared medically unfit by the medical practiti<strong>on</strong>er appointed by the Company.<br />

j) You will abide by the rules & regulati<strong>on</strong>s of the company/establishment which are in force for the time being and / or<br />

which may be framed from time to time.

k) Any dispute arising out of this employment shall be referred to the legal jurisdicti<strong>on</strong> of Mumbai courts <strong>on</strong>ly.<br />


After c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong>, your services are terminable without assigning any reas<strong>on</strong>, by giving <strong>on</strong>e m<strong>on</strong>th’s notice in writing<br />

or salary in lieu thereof <strong>on</strong> either side.<br />

Kindly go through the c<strong>on</strong>tents and return the duplicate copy of this letter duly signed by you as token by your<br />

acceptance of the terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s menti<strong>on</strong>ed herein.<br />

We welcome you and wish you all the very best in your new assignment.<br />

Sincerely Yours,<br />

for ABC PVT. LTD.<br />

Name Of Director<br />


February 04,2006<br />

Name<br />

(Address)<br />

Appointment<br />

Dear (first name),<br />

We have pleasure in appointing you as (designati<strong>on</strong>-department) in our organizati<strong>on</strong>, effective (joining date) <strong>on</strong> the<br />

following terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s:<br />

1. Placement & Compensati<strong>on</strong><br />

You will be placed in the appropriate band / resp<strong>on</strong>sibility level of the Company, and will be entitled to compensati<strong>on</strong><br />

(salary and other applicable benefits) as detailed in Annexure “A”. Compensati<strong>on</strong> will be governed by the rules of the<br />

Company <strong>on</strong> the subject, as applicable and/or amended hereafter.<br />

2. Salary revisi<strong>on</strong><br />

Your salary will be reviewed <strong>on</strong> April 1st of each year, or at such other time as the Management may decide. Salary<br />

revisi<strong>on</strong>s are discreti<strong>on</strong>ary and will be subject to, and <strong>on</strong> the basis of, effective performance and results.<br />

3. Posting & Transfer<br />

Your initial posting will be at “)”. However, your services are liable to be transferred, at the sole discreti<strong>on</strong> of<br />

Management, in such other capacity as the company may determine, to any department / secti<strong>on</strong>, locati<strong>on</strong>, associate,<br />

sister c<strong>on</strong>cern or subsidiary, at any place in India or abroad, whether existing today or which may come up in future.<br />

In such a case, you will be governed by the terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the service applicable at the new placement<br />

locati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

4. Probati<strong>on</strong>:<br />

That you will be <strong>on</strong> probati<strong>on</strong> for a period of six m<strong>on</strong>ths. The period of probati<strong>on</strong> can be extended at the discreti<strong>on</strong> of<br />

the Management and you will c<strong>on</strong>tinue to be <strong>on</strong> probati<strong>on</strong> till an order of c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> has been issued in writing.<br />

5. Full time employment<br />

Your positi<strong>on</strong> is a whole time employment with the Company and you shall devote yourself exclusively to the<br />

business and interests of the company. You will not take up any other work for remunerati<strong>on</strong> (part time or otherwise)<br />

or work in an advisory capacity, or be interested directly or indirectly (except as shareholder / debenture holder), in<br />

any other trade or business during your employment with the company, without permissi<strong>on</strong> in writing of the Board of<br />

Directors of the Company. You will also not seek membership of any local or public bodies without first obtaining<br />

specific permissi<strong>on</strong> from the Management.<br />

6. C<strong>on</strong>fidentiality<br />

You will not, at any time, during the employment or after, without the c<strong>on</strong>sent of the Board of Directors disclose or<br />

divulge or make public, except <strong>on</strong> legal obligati<strong>on</strong>s, any informati<strong>on</strong> regarding the Company’s affairs or administrati<strong>on</strong><br />

or research carried out, whether the same is c<strong>on</strong>fided to you or becomes known to you in the course of your service<br />

or otherwise.

7. Intellectual Property<br />

If you c<strong>on</strong>ceive any new or advanced method of improving designs/ processes/ formulae/ systems, etc. in relati<strong>on</strong> to<br />

the business/ operati<strong>on</strong>s of the Company, such developments will be fully communicated to the company and will be,<br />

and remain, the sole right/ property of the Company.<br />

8. Resp<strong>on</strong>sibilities & Duties<br />

Your work in the organizati<strong>on</strong> will be subject to the rules and regulati<strong>on</strong>s of the organizati<strong>on</strong> as laid down in relati<strong>on</strong> to<br />

c<strong>on</strong>duct, discipline and other matters. You will always be alive to resp<strong>on</strong>sibilities and duties attached to your office<br />

and c<strong>on</strong>duct yourself accordingly. You must effectively perform to ensure results.<br />

9. Past Records<br />

If any declarati<strong>on</strong> given, or informati<strong>on</strong> furnished by you, to the company proves to be false, or if you are found to<br />

have willfully suppressed any material informati<strong>on</strong>, in such cases, you will be liable to removal from services without<br />

any notice.<br />

10. Retirement<br />

The retirement age is 58 years. You will retire from the employment of the Company at the end of the m<strong>on</strong>th in which<br />

you attain 58 years of age.<br />

11. Terminati<strong>on</strong> of employment<br />

During the probati<strong>on</strong>ary period and any extensi<strong>on</strong> thereof, your services may be terminated <strong>on</strong> either side by giving<br />

<strong>on</strong>e m<strong>on</strong>th’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. However, <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> the services can be terminated from either side<br />

by giving two m<strong>on</strong>ths (60 days) notice or salary in lieu thereof.<br />

Up<strong>on</strong> terminati<strong>on</strong> of employment, you will immediately hand over to the Company all corresp<strong>on</strong>dence, specificati<strong>on</strong>s,<br />

formulae, books, documents, market data, cost data, drawings, affects or records bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the Company or<br />

relating to its business and shall not retain or make copies of these items.<br />

Up<strong>on</strong> terminati<strong>on</strong> of employment, you will also return all company property, which may be in your possessi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

12. Medical Fitness<br />

This appointment is subject to your being, and remaining, medically fit.<br />

Please c<strong>on</strong>firm your acceptance of the appointment <strong>on</strong> the above terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s by signing and returning this<br />

letter for our records.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

For<br />

I have read the terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of this letter of appointment and c<strong>on</strong>firm my acceptance of the same.<br />

(Signature and Date)<br />

ANNEXURE ‘A’ : COMPENSATION DETAILS (Salary & applicable benefits)<br />

Name :<br />

Designati<strong>on</strong> :

Date of joining :<br />

Locati<strong>on</strong> :<br />

a) Remunerati<strong>on</strong><br />

Basic Salary : Rs. /- per m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

House Rent Allowance : Rs. /- per m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

Special Allowance : Rs. /- per m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

C<strong>on</strong>veyance Allowance : Rs. /- per m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

Medical reimbursement Limit : Rs. /- per annum<br />

b) Retirals<br />

i. You will participate in the Company Provident Fund Scheme as applicable to your category of employees.<br />

ii. You will be entitled to gratuity in accordance with the rules governing such payment.<br />

c) Leave<br />

You will be entitled to privilege, sick and casual leave as applicable to your category of employees.<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:<br />

It is expected that individual compensati<strong>on</strong> package would not be shared with other employees.<br />

The above compensati<strong>on</strong> structure is subject to change without affecting emoluments adversely.<br />

Applicable tax would be borne by the employee.

Acme Technical Enterprises<br />

P.O. Box 123 • Any City • Any State • 00000<br />

Ph<strong>on</strong>e 555-555-0000<br />

March 1, 200x<br />

John Q. Public<br />

123 Any Street<br />

Any City, 00000<br />

Dear John Q. Public:<br />


Acme Technical Enterprises, Inc. is pleased to offer you a job as a Senior Engineer. We trust that your<br />

knowledge, skills and experience will be am<strong>on</strong>g our most valuable assets.<br />

Should you accept this job offer, per company policy you'll be eligible to receive the following<br />

beginning <strong>on</strong> your hire date.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Salary: Annual gross starting salary of $63,500, paid in biweekly installments by your choice<br />

of check or direct deposit<br />

Performance B<strong>on</strong>uses: Up to three percent of your annual gross salary, paid quarterly by<br />

your choice of check or direct deposit<br />

Stock Opti<strong>on</strong>s: 500 Acme stock opti<strong>on</strong>s in your first year, fully vested in four years at the<br />

rate of 125 shares per year<br />

Benefits: Standard, Acme-provided benefits for salaried-exempt employees, including the<br />

following<br />

o 401(k) retirement account<br />

o Annual stock opti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

o Child daycare assistance<br />

o Educati<strong>on</strong> assistance<br />

o Health, dental, life and disability insurance<br />

o Profit sharing<br />

o Sick leave<br />

o Vacati<strong>on</strong> and pers<strong>on</strong>al days<br />

To accept this job offer:<br />

1. Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.<br />

2. Sign and date the enclosed N<strong>on</strong>-Compete Agreement where indicated.<br />

3. Sign and date the enclosed C<strong>on</strong>fidentiality Agreement where indicated.<br />

4. Sign and date the enclosed At-Will Employment C<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> where indicated.

5. Mail all pages of the signed and dated documents listed above back to us in the enclosed<br />

business-reply envelope, to arrive by Thursday, March 17, 200x. A copy of each document is<br />

enclosed for your records.<br />

6. Attend new-hire orientati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> M<strong>on</strong>day, March 21, 200x, beginning at 8:00 AM sharp.<br />

To decline this job offer:<br />

1. Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.<br />

2. Mail all pages of this job offer letter back to us in the enclosed business-reply envelope, to<br />

arrive by Thursday, March 17, 200x.<br />

If you accept this job offer, your hire date will be <strong>on</strong> the day that you attend new-hire orientati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Plan to work for the remainder of the business day after new-hire orientati<strong>on</strong> ends. Please read the<br />

enclosed new-hire package for complete, new-hire instructi<strong>on</strong>s and more informati<strong>on</strong> about the<br />

benefits that Acme offers.<br />

We at Acme hope that you'll accept this job offer and look forward to welcoming you aboard. Your<br />

immediate supervisor will be Jane Doe, Department Manager, Engineering. Feel free to call Jane or me<br />

if you have questi<strong>on</strong>s or c<strong>on</strong>cerns. Call the main number in the letterhead above during normal<br />

business hours and ask to speak to either of us.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

[Signature]<br />

John Smith<br />

Hiring Coordinator, Human Resources<br />

Enclosures: 8<br />

Accept Job Offer<br />

By signing and dating this letter below, I, John Q. Public, accept this job offer of Senior Engineer by<br />

Acme Technical Enterprises.<br />

Signature:_________________________________ Date:_____________<br />

Decline Job Offer<br />

By signing and dating this letter below, I, John Q. Public, decline this job offer of Senior Engineer by<br />

Acme Technical Enterprises.<br />

Signature:_________________________________ Date:_____________<br />


Introducti<strong>on</strong><br />

This <str<strong>on</strong>g>note</str<strong>on</strong>g> is purely for explanatory purposes and should not be regarded as an<br />

authoritative statement of law or advice.<br />

This <str<strong>on</strong>g>note</str<strong>on</strong>g> explains the procedure for appealing against levy assessments issued by the ECITB<br />

as laid down in The Employment Tribunals (C<strong>on</strong>stituti<strong>on</strong> and Rules of Procedure) Regulati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

2013 (as amended).<br />

The regulati<strong>on</strong>s and industrial training levy orders (which explain the methods and procedure<br />

of appeal) are obtainable from www.legislati<strong>on</strong>.gov.uk. Employers are also referred to the<br />

“Presidential guidance – making a statutory appeal falling within the jurisdicti<strong>on</strong> of the<br />

employment tribunal” dated 11 September 2017 attached to this <str<strong>on</strong>g>note</str<strong>on</strong>g> (the “Guidance”). For<br />

further informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> appealing an assessment, please see HM Courts & Tribunals Service<br />

“Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal” (T420).<br />

Appealing against a levy assessment<br />

For the purposes of a levy appeal, references to a claim or claimant are also read as references<br />

to a levy appeal or to an appellant respectively. For ease of reference, we have referred<br />

throughout this <str<strong>on</strong>g>note</str<strong>on</strong>g> to an “employer”.<br />

Time limit for appealing<br />

In accordance with the applicable industrial training levy order, an establishment assessed to<br />

a levy may appeal to an Employment Tribunal against a levy assessment within <strong>on</strong>e m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

commencing with the date of service of the levy assessment.<br />

Extensi<strong>on</strong> of time<br />

The ECITB may extend the time for appealing against a levy assessment or, where the ECITB<br />

has not allowed an extensi<strong>on</strong> of time for appealing, an employer may apply to an Employment<br />

Tribunal to extend the time for appealing.<br />

Any applicati<strong>on</strong> for an extensi<strong>on</strong> of time to appeal against a levy assessment should initially<br />

be made to the ECITB at the address stated <strong>on</strong> the levy assessment notice. If the ECITB does<br />

not grant an extensi<strong>on</strong> the employer may then apply, under the provisi<strong>on</strong>s of the applicable<br />

industrial training levy order, to the Employment Tribunal for an extensi<strong>on</strong> of time for appealing.<br />

If an appeal has not been lodged or an extensi<strong>on</strong> of time has not been granted by the ECITB<br />

or an Employment Tribunal, the levy to which an employer has been assessed will be<br />

recoverable in full <strong>on</strong>e m<strong>on</strong>th after service of the levy assessment notice.<br />

Early dialogue and request for further informati<strong>on</strong><br />

If an employer is c<strong>on</strong>sidering appealing against a levy assessment the ECITB would recommend<br />

that it c<strong>on</strong>tacts the ECITB’s Levy & Scope Department (email: levy_scope@ecitb.org.uk ) as<br />

so<strong>on</strong> as possible after receipt of the levy assessment setting out the grounds of appeal it<br />

anticipates including in any notice of appeal. It is hoped that any such early<br />

dialogue/corresp<strong>on</strong>dence/draft notice of appeal may resolve any issues or queries and possibly<br />

avoid the need to lodge a formal notice of appeal with an Employment Tribunal. Depending <strong>on</strong><br />

the nature of the circumstances, it may also be possible for the ECITB to agree to an extensi<strong>on</strong><br />

of the period of time in which the employer may lodge an appeal. This may enable the<br />

submissi<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of relevant informati<strong>on</strong> and/or further discussi<strong>on</strong>s to occur<br />

between the parties in an attempt to obviate the need for formal appeal proceedings.

In order to assist in discussi<strong>on</strong>s and to enable the ECITB to understand the employer’s positi<strong>on</strong><br />

the ECITB may request the employer to provide additi<strong>on</strong>al informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>cerning matters such<br />

as the structure of the establishment, the nature of its activities, the compositi<strong>on</strong> of its workforce<br />

and/or other details.<br />

Once an employer has lodged its notice of appeal with an Employment Tribunal the ECITB can<br />

apply to an Employment Tribunal for a case management order that the employer provides<br />

further informati<strong>on</strong> relating to its claim.<br />

Appeal form<br />

An employer does not need to submit its notice of appeal to an Employment Tribunal using a<br />

particular type of form. However, the Guidance states that to enable the Tribunal to deal with<br />

an appeal expeditiously and fairly, certain informati<strong>on</strong> needs to be provided by the employer<br />

and, to this effect, the Employment Tribunals have produced a form for use by employers if<br />

they so wish when submitting <strong>appeals</strong>. This form is attached to the Guidance (the “Form”). An<br />

employer is not legally required to use the Form. However, the Guidance commends using the<br />

Form which it c<strong>on</strong>siders to be a helpful tool which will guide an employer in c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> with<br />

the informati<strong>on</strong> which an Employment Judge will need to know when c<strong>on</strong>sidering the basis of<br />

the appeal and which the administrati<strong>on</strong> will need in order to serve the appeal <strong>on</strong> the ECITB.<br />

As stated in the Form, the power of the Employment Tribunal in <strong>appeals</strong> against levy<br />

assessments is limited to c<strong>on</strong>sidering whether the levy has been properly calculated and<br />

whether the employer’s business falls within the scope of the applicable levy order. The<br />

Tribunal has no power to grant an extensi<strong>on</strong> of time for payment of the levy and the financial<br />

implicati<strong>on</strong>s for the employer of the assessment to levy are not a valid ground of appeal.<br />

An employer is no l<strong>on</strong>ger required to pay a fee when lodging its appeal with an appropriate<br />

Employment Tribunals Central Office.<br />

Acti<strong>on</strong> by the Employment Tribunal <strong>on</strong> receipt of the notice of appeal<br />

The appeal will be referred to an Employment Judge if it is c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be <strong>on</strong>e which the<br />

Tribunal has no jurisdicti<strong>on</strong> to c<strong>on</strong>sider or it is in a form which cannot sensibly be resp<strong>on</strong>ded<br />

to or is otherwise an abuse of process. An employer whose claim has been rejected may apply<br />

for a rec<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The Employment Tribunal will send the ECITB a copy of the notice of appeal together with a<br />

prescribed resp<strong>on</strong>se form. The ECITB has to present its resp<strong>on</strong>se to the Employment Tribunal<br />

within 28 days of the date that the copy of the notice of appeal was sent by the Tribunal.<br />

If the case proceeds, the Tribunal will usually c<strong>on</strong>sider what case management directi<strong>on</strong>s are<br />

required to get the case ready for a hearing. An Employment Judge may decide that it is<br />

appropriate for the parties to attend <strong>on</strong>e or more preliminary hearings in order to prepare the<br />

case for a final hearing.<br />

Where a party applies in writing to an Employment Tribunal for a case management order they<br />

should notify the other party that any objecti<strong>on</strong>s to the applicati<strong>on</strong> should be sent to the Tribunal<br />

as so<strong>on</strong> as possible.<br />

Preliminary hearings<br />

Preliminary hearings will be dealt with solely by an Employment Judge.<br />

A preliminary hearing may be required for the following (this list is not exhaustive):

to clarify the issues the Tribunal will need to determine the final hearing;<br />

to determine the steps the parties will need to take to prepare the claim for the final<br />

hearing for example, the disclosure of relevant documents, whether expert evidence is<br />

required and exchange of witness evidence; and<br />

to determine a preliminary issue ie any substantive issue which may determine liability<br />

or c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> to striking out a claim or resp<strong>on</strong>se.<br />

Disclosure of documents and informati<strong>on</strong><br />

The Tribunal will usually order the parties to disclose to the other relevant documents (by<br />

providing copies or otherwise) or to allow a party to inspect such material as might be ordered<br />

by a county court or, in Scotland, by a sheriff.<br />

Witnesses<br />

It is generally necessary for both the employer and the ECITB to call witnesses to give evidence<br />

in support of their claim or resp<strong>on</strong>se. This is usually achieved by both parties preparing witness<br />

statements and the witnesses giving oral evidence at the final hearing. The witnesses will usually<br />

be cross-examined by the other party and questi<strong>on</strong>ed by the Tribunal members.<br />

The Tribunal may order a pers<strong>on</strong> to attend a hearing to give evidence, produce documents or<br />

produce informati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Withdrawal of claim<br />

An employer may inform the Tribunal either in writing or in the course of a hearing that a claim<br />

or part of it is withdrawn at which point the claim or part of it comes to an end subject to any<br />

applicati<strong>on</strong> that the ECITB may make for a costs, preparati<strong>on</strong> time or wasted costs order. The<br />

ECITB may also withdraw the assessment.<br />

Notice of the final hearing<br />

Both parties will be advised by the Employment Tribunal of the date, time and place of the final<br />

hearing at least 14 days before the date of the hearing. In the event of failure to attend by either<br />

party, the Tribunal, after c<strong>on</strong>sidering any written representati<strong>on</strong>s, may dispose of the appeal or<br />

adjourn the final hearing to a later date.<br />

The final hearing<br />

A final hearing relating to a levy appeal will always be heard by an Employment Judge (a<br />

solicitor or barrister of several years standing) plus two lay members with experience in dealing<br />

with work-related matters. Both parties may appear at the final hearing of the appeal and be<br />

heard in pers<strong>on</strong> or be legally represented. Parties are entitled to call witnesses in support of<br />

their case, and each party may cross-examine witnesses called by the other side. The<br />

employer may be represented by counsel, solicitor or by any other pers<strong>on</strong>. Witnesses shall be<br />

required to give their oral evidence <strong>on</strong> oath or affirmati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The decisi<strong>on</strong><br />

A copy of the document c<strong>on</strong>taining the decisi<strong>on</strong> of the Tribunal and, if applicable, the reas<strong>on</strong><br />

for the decisi<strong>on</strong> is sent to the parties by the Secretary of the Employment Tribunals. A copy of<br />

the decisi<strong>on</strong> will also be available <strong>on</strong>-line at www.gov.uk/employment-tribunal-decisi<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

It is <strong>on</strong>ly possible to appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal against a Tribunal's decisi<strong>on</strong><br />

<strong>on</strong> a questi<strong>on</strong> of law.

In the event that the ECITB is unsuccessful:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The employer’s establishment may be removed from the ECITB’s Register of Leviable<br />

Establishments;<br />

If appropriate, there may be a refund of levy paid; and<br />

If appropriate, training grants paid in respect of training activities undertaken in the base<br />

period under appeal may be refunded by the employer.<br />

In the event that the employer is unsuccessful, the levy assessed will be payable together with<br />

accrued interest. The rate of interest is set by the Tribunal, and this generally exceeds base<br />

rate.<br />

Costs<br />

Costs do not “follow the event” as they do in civil courts. The decisi<strong>on</strong> of the Tribunal may<br />

include an order for payment of costs (expenses in Scotland) by <strong>on</strong>e party to the other in<br />

accordance with secti<strong>on</strong>s 74-84 of the Employment Tribunals (C<strong>on</strong>stituti<strong>on</strong> and Rules of<br />

Procedure) Regulati<strong>on</strong>s 2013.

Appointment Letter<br />

19th November 2006<br />

Mr. __________<br />

_____________<br />

_____________<br />

Dear Mr.________,<br />

With reference to your applicati<strong>on</strong> and subsequent interview with us, we are pleased to appoint<br />

you as Designati<strong>on</strong> in our organizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the following terms and c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

Date of Joining: You have joined us <strong>on</strong> 13th November 2006.<br />

Salary: Your Annual Total Employment Cost to the company would be 1,9000(One Lakh Ninty<br />

thousand rupees <strong>on</strong>ly) the details of which is been given in the Annexure attached below.<br />

Place/Transfer: Your present place of work will be at Place, but during the course of the service,<br />

you shall be liable to be posted / transferred anywhere to serve any of the Company's Projects<br />

or any other establishment in India or outside, at the sole discreti<strong>on</strong> of the Management.<br />

Probati<strong>on</strong>/C<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong>: You will be <strong>on</strong> a Probati<strong>on</strong> period for the Six m<strong>on</strong>ths. Based <strong>on</strong> your<br />

performance your services will be c<strong>on</strong>firmed with the company in written after six m<strong>on</strong>ths.<br />

During the probati<strong>on</strong> period your services can be terminated with seven days notice <strong>on</strong> either<br />

side and without any reas<strong>on</strong>s whatsoever. If your services are found satisfactory during the<br />

probati<strong>on</strong> period, you will be c<strong>on</strong>firmed in the present positi<strong>on</strong> and thereafter your services can<br />

be terminated <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e m<strong>on</strong>th’s notice <strong>on</strong> either side.<br />

Absence for a c<strong>on</strong>tinuous period of ten days without prior approval of your superior, (including<br />

overstay <strong>on</strong> leave / training) would result in your losing your lien <strong>on</strong> the service and the same<br />

shall automatically come to an end without any notice or intimati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Leave: You will be eligible to the benefits of the Company’s Leave Rules <strong>on</strong> your c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> in<br />

the Company’s Service.<br />

During the period of your employment with the Company, you will devote full time to the work of<br />

the Company. Further, you will not take up any other employment or assignment or any office,<br />

h<strong>on</strong>orary or for any c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>, in cash or in kind or otherwise, without the prior written<br />

permissi<strong>on</strong> of the Company.

1. You will not (except in the normal course of the Company's business) publish any article or<br />

statement, deliver any lecture or broadcast or make any communicati<strong>on</strong> to the press, including<br />

magazine publicati<strong>on</strong> relating to the Company's products or to any matter with which the<br />

Company may be c<strong>on</strong>cerned, unless you have previously applied to and obtained the written<br />

permissi<strong>on</strong> from the Company.<br />

2. You will be required to maintain utmost secrecy in respect of Project documents, commercial<br />

offer, design documents, Project cost & Estimati<strong>on</strong>, Technology, Software packages license,<br />

Company’s polices, Company’s patterns & Trade Mark and Company’s Human assets profile.<br />

3. You will be required to comply with all such rules and regulati<strong>on</strong>s as the Company may frame<br />

from time to time.<br />

4. Any of our technical or other important informati<strong>on</strong> which might come into your possessi<strong>on</strong><br />

during the c<strong>on</strong>tinuance of your service with us shall not be disclosed, divulged or made public<br />

by you even thereafter.<br />

5. If at any time in our opini<strong>on</strong>, which is final in this matter you are found n<strong>on</strong>- performer or guilty<br />

of fraud, dish<strong>on</strong>est, disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence from<br />

duty without permissi<strong>on</strong> or any other c<strong>on</strong>duct c<strong>on</strong>sidered by us deterrent to our interest or of<br />

violati<strong>on</strong> of <strong>on</strong>e or more terms of this letter, your services may be terminated without notice and<br />

<strong>on</strong> account of reas<strong>on</strong> of any of the acts or omissi<strong>on</strong> the company shall be entitled to recover the<br />

damages from you.<br />

6. You will not accept any present, commissi<strong>on</strong> or any sort of gratificati<strong>on</strong> in cash or kind from<br />

any pers<strong>on</strong>, party or firm or Company having dealing with the company and if you are offered<br />

any, you should immediately report the same to the Management.<br />

7. This appointment letter is being issued to you <strong>on</strong> the basis of the informati<strong>on</strong> and particulars<br />

furnished by you in your applicati<strong>on</strong> (including bio-data), at the time of your interview and<br />

subsequent discussi<strong>on</strong>s. If it transpires that you have made a false statement (or have not<br />

disclosed a material fact) resulting in your being offered this appointment, the Management may<br />

take such acti<strong>on</strong> as it deems fit in its sole discreti<strong>on</strong>, including terminati<strong>on</strong> of your employment.<br />

8. You will be resp<strong>on</strong>sible for safekeeping and return in good c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> and order of all<br />

Company property, which may be in your use, custody or charge.<br />

Please sign and return to the undersigned the duplicate copy of this letter signifying your<br />


We welcome you to The eFact family and look forward to a fruitful collaborati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

With best wishes,<br />

For Company Name.<br />

Name:<br />

Designati<strong>on</strong>:<br />

Write the name of the employee <strong>on</strong> the other side of Company name and get it signed with<br />

them, print it in duplicate.<br />

Hope it will be fine with you...<br />

Regards,<br />

Amit Seth.

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