A Token Derangement of Senses preview

A preview of the new Damian Murphy book at Raphus Press.

A preview of the new Damian Murphy book at Raphus Press.


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A Token Derangement of the Senses

Inquietação Simbólica dos Sentidos

Damian Murphy

Followed by “Wittgenstein”

Seguido de “Wittgenstein”

Alcebiades Diniz Miguel

São Paulo, 2024

Something must happen — and that explains most human

commitments. Something must happen, even loveless slavery,

even war or death. Hurray then for funerals!

(The Fall, Albert Camus)

Alguma coisa precisa acontecer — e essa necessidade é

explicação para boa parte dos compromissos humanos. Algo

precisa sempre acontecer, que seja a impiedosa escravidão, a

guerra ou a morte. Assim, demos vivas aos funerais!

(A Queda, Albert Camus)

A Token Derangement of the Senses

Damian Murphy

My first thought, upon stepping inside, was that this

was hardly the house of a man of the cloth. The

décor was so exquisite that it was difficult to see.

It tended, very subtly, to evade the light, suggesting a high

degree of refinement while leaving no impression on the

senses. The furnishings seemed hidden, though there was

nothing to conceal them. One tended to mistrust the

doorways. Even the dark-paneled walls and sparselyplaced

lamps felt pregnant with ulterior motives.

Our scout troop had been detailed to Liéramont

and put under the command of the division intelligence

officer, Captain Spiegelmann. Along with myself and three

troop leaders, a couple of observation officers, and his

personal adjutant, the captain occupied a spacious priest’s

house, whose rooms we divided among ourselves. I’d

claimed a small office on the upper floor which had been

left untouched by my predecessors. Its humble dimensions

fit me like a well-tailored suit.

Every night we had to go to the front, or at least

what was referred to as the front. Of course, we’d long

since come to understand that it was nothing of the kind.

There was no shelling, no crossfire, no spilling of blood—

was there even any war? It seemed increasingly doubtful.

Something had erupted, yet we didn’t know what, perhaps

a new kind of conflict that eluded definition. I’d initially

suspected it was little more than a series of oversights in

the chains of command, a series of bureaucratic errors that



Alcebiades Diniz Miguel

If my name survives it will only be as the terminus ad quem of the

great Western philosophy. The same, so to speak, as the name of

the one who burned down the Library of Alexandria.

(Ludwig Wittgenstein’s diaries, 7-2-1931)


flower of hatred blossomed in the guts of Klaus

Manz, gunnery sergeant. An unsubtle flower — its

colors were so intense that some could say they

were like intense, luminous beams sprouted from the

petals without any recognizable source, as if they were not

mere reflections of an internal light. Its perfume — a

sweetness scent, acrid and cloying, like the putrefaction

stench —, on the other hand, was so intense that it could

be smelled from meters away. And, like all of us,

accustomed to savoring our sensations to the limits of

intoxication, Manz took considerable pleasure from the

notes present in the aroma of his hideous flower, distilling

from it an even purer essence, materialized in a kind of

fury that could lead him to murder a man with his bare

hands, in cold blood. Such a cultivated feeling, however,

had an indirect cause: the presence of young recruits from

the Austro-Hungarian imperial army. The sergeant could

literally smell some of them — the smell of wealth,

idealism, patriotism — these last two probably instigated

by pompous teachers. He, Manz, who worked his whole

life in tanneries, relishing and holding up different forms

of violence and abuse to survive since childhood, knew

how to recognize from afar the soft, delicate and pleasant

smell of the perfume that the richness exuded.

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