Explore the dynamic world of contemporary textile art in this magazine edition, where artists defy norms, weaving diverse voices and styles. Uncover the inspirations behind each masterpiece, as artists blend personal experiences and cultural influences. Embrace sustainability themes, witnessing artists' commitment to eco-conscious practices. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of artistry and responsibility, sparking new perspectives and meaningful conversations.

Explore the dynamic world of contemporary textile art in this magazine edition, where artists defy norms, weaving diverse voices and styles. Uncover the inspirations behind each masterpiece, as artists blend personal experiences and cultural influences. Embrace sustainability themes, witnessing artists' commitment to eco-conscious practices. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of artistry and responsibility, sparking new perspectives and meaningful conversations.


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1. Briefly describe the work you do.

I’m an artist using fabric. These are soft sculptures, installations, flower

vases, costumes, and video works in collaboration with musicians and


2. What or who inspires your work and how has that

influenced both your work and your identity as an


My work begins with the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 2011.

At that time, I was already in New York, but my best friend was affected. I

despaired at the tragic scenes on the news every day. And when I thought

about what I would like to make as an artist in the future, I decided that I

would make something that I could make with my own hands that would

make anyone feel happy when they saw it. From that feeling, I changed

the style of my current work. I just want to make something as beautiful as


3. Making Art traditionally carry cultural, historical, or

personal narratives. How do you incorporate these narratives

in your contemporary pieces?

I believe that there is already a personal story in the material of cloth. The

reason is that when you see the clothes of your loved ones, the cloth is filled

with many memories of that person, just as you will remember that person.

Cloth is the material that is most familiar to us. Dresses, ties, sweaters,

KIMONO etc., any cloth can be used. By using the cloth of memories to

create a work, the work becomes even more special.

4. Do you aim for a particular emotional or sensory

experience in audience interaction with your pieces,

considering that textiles or mixed media artworks can evoke

a tactile response?

Yes. I encourage you to try the works at the exhibition. My work is very soft.

The common theme of my work is that it warms the viewer. It is expressed

not only visually, but also through the sense of touch.

5. Given that textiles and mixed media often generate

residuals, how do you specifically approach sustainability

and work to minimize environmental impact in your artistic


Many of my works are ordered to “make a work using this cloth” It is a

memory of the person in the clothes. Sometimes it’s things like a deceased

partner or a family member. Even precious clothing is often simply thrown

away when it is no longer needed. However, by using the clothing to create a

work, it can be reborn as a new work. From an environmental point of view,

I think it’s very special that something that would just be discarded can be

replaced by a work of art.

6. Get inspired!

INSTAGRAM: @natsuko.hattori

WEBSITE: natsukohattori.net


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