Explore the dynamic world of contemporary textile art in this magazine edition, where artists defy norms, weaving diverse voices and styles. Uncover the inspirations behind each masterpiece, as artists blend personal experiences and cultural influences. Embrace sustainability themes, witnessing artists' commitment to eco-conscious practices. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of artistry and responsibility, sparking new perspectives and meaningful conversations.

Explore the dynamic world of contemporary textile art in this magazine edition, where artists defy norms, weaving diverse voices and styles. Uncover the inspirations behind each masterpiece, as artists blend personal experiences and cultural influences. Embrace sustainability themes, witnessing artists' commitment to eco-conscious practices. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of artistry and responsibility, sparking new perspectives and meaningful conversations.


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1. Briefly describe the work you do.

I work with healing through slow fashion and fine arts

interactive installations.

2. What or who inspires your work and how has

that influenced both your work and your identity

as an artist?

My life. My beliefs. My Soul upgrades. Or downgrades. My

work is very much a manifestation of my frequency. What

I’m thinking, what I’m turning into through all the changes/

upgrades in life. These are manifested in every artwork, in the

materials or can say medium I’m in love at the moment. I’m in

constant transformation and so is my work.

3. Making Art traditionally carry cultural,

historical, or personal narratives. How do

you incorporate these narratives in your

contemporary pieces?

As I was saying, I’m in constant transformation and so is my

work. I was born with Uranus in conjunction with my Sun -

maybe that explains much of my extreme shifts in my art/

Life (gotta Love it!) I started working with oil painting, then

I migrated to work with a technique that mixes Japanese

futons with American quilts. Shifted to slow clothing and

then added fine arts healing interactive installations. Now I’m

starting a new path, instead of using what the market offers,

I’m diving deep into creating/producing fiber, partnering with

meditation. So it’s basically transforming energy. Fascinating!

4. Do you aim for a particular emotional or

sensory experience in audience interaction with

your pieces, considering that textiles or mixed

media artworks can evoke a tactile response?

Yes! Whoever is interested in upgrading themselves, I hope to

be a conduit for them to hear their own voice by my Healing

Interactive Installations. My message, my mission is to spread

Love frequency.

5. Given that textiles and mixed media often

generate residuals, how do you specifically

approach sustainability and work to minimize

environmental impact in your artistic practice?

I’m a plant based artist. Therefore, I use plant based material,

specially in this new work on creating fiber materials for

other artists and myself to be able to use in our creations.

But we cannot ignore that we are surrounded by plastic and

petroleum, and mining products, our cell phones, our cars and

plastic packages in the groceries and shippings all around.

Knowing that every action results in an impact on our Mamma

Gaya, I find the best way I can live is taking good care of the

things we already have so we don’t need to get new ones and

whatever acquisition I’ll need to make is plant based and less

energy loss. I’m aiming towards my higher self, doing my best,

always open to new and better life. For now I find slow living a

good way of living. Love Love Love.

6. Get inspired!

INSTAGRAM: @samanthaortizstudio

WEBSITE: samanthaortizstudio.com

REPRESENTED BY: Flavio Dolce Art Projects


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