Feb 2024. Blues Vol 40 No. 2


Feb 2024. Blues Vol 40 No. 2


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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 1

Firearms and Tactical Equipment for Law Enforcement Professionals<br />

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to Law Enforcement Agencies!<br />


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by these values every day. They live them<br />

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protective equipment products to those that<br />

keep us safe.<br />


800-367-5855<br />


VOL. <strong>40</strong> NO. 2 FEBRUARY 2024<br />








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COVER: Rick Fernandez<br />

shares with our readers<br />

how his faith and his family<br />

guided him to open his<br />

Pearland business, the COP<br />

STOP and why it is so successful<br />

today.<br />

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 3

4 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


Michael Barron<br />

OUR TEAM<br />



Chief Rex Evans<br />


Dr. Tina Jaeckle<br />


Jessica Jones<br />


Lt. John King (Ret)<br />


Rusty Barron<br />


Lt. Daryl Lott (Ret)<br />


Sam Horwitz & John Salerno<br />


Doug Griffith<br />


Art Woolery<br />


Daniel Carr<br />


Brandon Karr<br />


Officer Rusty Robbins<br />


Amanda Sellers<br />


Joanna Putman<br />

Natalie Neysa Alund<br />

Paula Fitzsimmons<br />

Karen Kucher<br />

Will McCarthy<br />

Linnh Tat<br />

Shelly Bradbury<br />

Rolf Boone<br />

Garry Parker<br />

Lomi Kriel<br />

Robert Salonga<br />

The Law Officer & Police 1<br />

The BLUES is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, PO Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions expressed in some articles,<br />

op-eds, and editorials are those of the author and do not reflect the opinion of The BLUES or its parent company.<br />

Rebuttals or submission of news articles and editorials may be submitted to: The BLUES @ bluespdmag@gmail.com.<br />

The entire contents of The BLUES IS copyrighted© and may not be reprinted without the express permission of the publisher.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 5



Just when you thought we were<br />

done with Art ASScevedo, the damn<br />

dude is headed back to Texas. To<br />

some made up frickin’ BS job in<br />

Austin. Quite frankly, if I were the<br />

ATX Police Chief, I would be pissed.<br />

Who in the hell needs Art Acevedo<br />

telling anybody how to run their<br />

department. But wait, I’m getting<br />

ahead of myself.<br />

Acevedo is a like a wandering<br />

Gypsy, traveling this great country<br />

seeking his next Chief of Police job.<br />

But he sucks as a chief. He failed<br />

as Austin’s police chief from 2007-<br />

2016. Left Austin to become<br />

Houston’s chief in 2016 and<br />

stayed until 2021. He was one<br />

of the worst police chiefs in<br />

the history of HPD. In ’21 he<br />

packed his bags and headed<br />

for Miami which didn’t last<br />

long. He was fired after only six<br />

months.<br />

Next, he tried being an onair<br />

analyst for CNN. The perfect<br />

place for a washed-up liberal<br />

police chief, but even there he<br />

didn’t cut it. His next stop was<br />

interim police for Aurora Colorado,<br />

one of the most liberal<br />

cities in America.<br />

Acevedo says he was leaving<br />

because he wanted to return to<br />

Texas to spend time with his family.<br />

According to news reports, Acevedo<br />

is returning to Austin, Texas to fill a<br />

newly created position to oversee<br />

the police department.<br />

So why in the hell is ATX bringing<br />

the ASS back? I mean thank God it<br />

isn’t in Houston, but our brothers<br />

and sisters in Austin don’t want him<br />

either. An Austin officer texted me<br />

when the news broke<br />

and said they were<br />

considering throwing a<br />

roadblock up on I35.<br />

“Let’s station people at<br />

the airport, bus stations<br />

and train stations. Roadblocks<br />

on all highways and interstates<br />

and issue a BOLO for one Art<br />

Acevedo.”<br />

When we featured Acevedo in<br />

our <strong>No</strong>vember 2021 issue, (https://<br />

www.yumpu.com/en/document/<br />

read/65957865/nov-2021-blues-vol-<br />

37-no-11) he had just been fired<br />

from Miami when he referred to his<br />

bosses as the Cuban Mafia.<br />

I really didn’t know much about<br />

Acevedo before he came to Houston.<br />

Only that he was chief in Austin<br />

for almost 10 years and the city<br />

council loved him. The rank-andfile<br />

cops, not so much. But once I<br />

started digging and researching him<br />

for the article, it became obvious<br />

that Acevedo was a piece of work.<br />

He started his police career with the<br />

CHP in California and worked his<br />

way quickly to assistant chief. But<br />

he wanted to be the top dog and<br />

was one of the top candidates to<br />

replace retiring California Highway<br />

Patrol Commissioner D.O. “Spike”<br />

Helmick.<br />

But that came to a grinding<br />

halt when a story in the LA<br />

Times detailed his relationship<br />

with a female CHP officer and<br />

the sexual harassment claims<br />

that followed. The article stated<br />

Acevedo had been investigated<br />

for allegedly showing<br />

nude photographs of a fellow<br />

CHP officer to other high-ranking<br />

officers while on duty.<br />

Claims filed with three state<br />

agencies allege that Acevedo<br />

kept sexually explicit Polaroid<br />

photographs of the woman in<br />

the glove box of his state-issued<br />

car and showed them to<br />

other supervisors after the affair<br />

ended. Needless to say, he didn’t<br />

get the job and moved to Austin and<br />

became chief.<br />

BREAKING: <strong>No</strong>w it seems everyone<br />

on the Austin City Council, the PD<br />

and even the custodian at Austin<br />

City Hall, hated the idea of Acevedo<br />

coming back, so the deal is dead.<br />

BUT. Acevedo said he is still returning<br />

to Austin to be with his family.<br />

6 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 7


The Evolution of<br />

Modern Day Policing<br />

The older we get, specifically<br />

in this profession, we witness<br />

the change and evolution of our<br />

profession. Call pads and key<br />

maps have been replaced with<br />

super computers in our cars. (I<br />

still carry my call pad and key<br />

map because one day Sky-Net<br />

will take down everything and<br />

I’d be lost) We have advanced<br />

from mechanical rotating light<br />

bars to strobes to LEDS to super<br />

LEDS. And we have hand-held<br />

radios that work. Even inside<br />

a building and everything. It’s<br />

crazy.<br />

Personally, I’ve migrated from<br />

a poly-wool uniform, long<br />

sleeve and tie in the winter<br />

months and a revolver, to some<br />

of the lightest and coolest uniforms<br />

ever made. Our sidearms<br />

and clips hold nearly 48 rounds<br />

verses the 18 we used to carry.<br />

(I still carry my 1911, winner of<br />

TWO World Wars) We now carry<br />

mini rechargeable flashlights<br />

that weigh less than 5 oz. vs our<br />

old SL-20’s that weighed several<br />

pounds and could easily kill<br />

someone. And those little lights<br />

are somehow computer chip<br />

driven. Here again, it’s crazy.<br />

Our patrol cars have evolved<br />

from the old Dodge Diplomat,<br />

(my first) to Chevrolet Tahoe’s<br />

that will absolutely scream<br />

down the highway and carry<br />

everything we need. The inside<br />

of my old Diplomat had one<br />

small VHF Radio and a toggle<br />

switch to turn on the rotating<br />

light bar. Oh yeah, it had the old<br />

blue faced Federal siren. And<br />

that my friends, was it! Away we<br />

went, screaming into the night.<br />

Crushing crime and communism<br />

wherever we found it. Yep. You<br />

guessed it. It was crazy!<br />

But wait there’s more. You see,<br />

I retired at the end of 2023. I<br />

picked up my retired Chief’s ID<br />

and out the door I went. In all<br />

the years, I have seen a LOT of<br />

changes. And most importantly,<br />

I have seen a lot of good men<br />

and women not have the opportunity<br />

I had….to actually survive<br />

this job and retire.<br />

Oh, I have plenty of scars<br />

inside and out and somehow<br />

survived. Although, I sure don’t<br />

know how. I‘ve ridden in several<br />

ambulances and was loaded<br />

into life flight twice. Honestly, I<br />

don’t know how I made it. Especially<br />

when far better people<br />

than I could ever be, didn’t.<br />

I honestly feel a bit guilty and<br />

think at times, “Those medics<br />

and doctors saved the wrong<br />

guy.”<br />

One thing about retirement<br />

that sucks is that those who<br />

trained us, are slowing fading<br />

away. Those “Old Guard” guys<br />

and gals are much older now<br />

and every day another one slips<br />

the surly bounds of this old<br />

earth. And it’s painful. They were<br />

damn good cops and damn<br />

good people and now they’re<br />

gone.<br />

It is not all doom and gloom.<br />

There are plenty of memories of<br />

laughter and craziness. I’ve had<br />

some amazing times over the<br />

past thirty plus years, carrying<br />

a badge and gun every single<br />

day. We all could do without the<br />

bad times and bad people, but<br />

then I would not have appreciated<br />

the good times and good<br />

people nearly as much. So, that’s<br />

a winning hand. And yes, in the<br />

end, as I sit here with my cup of<br />

coffee and reflect, it was crazy<br />

and so were we. I’ll always miss<br />

the crazy people and the crazy<br />

times. I feel privileged to have<br />

had the life I lived, and I’m not<br />

done yet. Stay tuned for Part 2.<br />

8 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

Well, it’s the New Year. Which<br />

in and of itself, brings about new<br />

opportunities. One of those new<br />

opportunities is the new TCOLE<br />

web site. Its up and running!!! <strong>No</strong>w<br />

to be fair, there’s still some “under<br />

construction” going on and I am OK<br />

with that.<br />

The fact that they finally got the<br />

darn thing back up and running is a<br />

huge help in more ways than one.<br />

For example, finding your account<br />

and information is critical to ensure<br />

you’re staying up to date on all the<br />

required courses the TCOLE Board<br />

continues to administer. Equally,<br />

there is a lot of information that<br />

helps officers understand how<br />

TCOLE works and gives an officer an<br />

opportunity to see what’s happening<br />

around the state.<br />

One of the critical features of this<br />

site is the Job Listings. This feature<br />

helps all kinds of people in our state<br />

who are looking for a job in the Law<br />

Enforcement / Criminal Justice field.<br />

Telecommunicators, Jailors, Peace<br />

Officers, and more, can all find<br />

the most up to date postings from<br />

across Texas. And as difficult as it is<br />

to fill those open positions, it’s just<br />

as welcome by Department Heads,<br />


The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 9

10 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 11


Rex Evans<br />

DOJ Report on Uvalde:<br />

Over 300 cops on the scene and not a damn one of them<br />

did anything to stop the killing for over an hour.<br />

Have your read and seriously<br />

reviewed the DOJ Report on<br />

the Robb Elementary School<br />

Tragedy? I have. Three times,<br />

to be exact. I have watched<br />

every video and reviewed<br />

hundreds of still photos from<br />

that awful day. Which unfortunately,<br />

happens to be my<br />

Birthday, May 24th.<br />

In the DOJ Report, it’s just<br />

the facts. There are no opinions.<br />

There’s no subjective<br />

insight of “If I was there, I<br />

would’ve done…” It is paragraph<br />

after paragraph, page<br />

after page, of excruciatingly<br />

painful miscommunication<br />

and lack of decisive action,<br />

at all levels of the Command<br />

Structure.<br />

<strong>No</strong> one “wants” to be the<br />

Incident Commander of a<br />

tragedy. <strong>No</strong> one “wants” to be<br />

“in charge” and responsible<br />

(directly and vicariously) for<br />

everything that happens. But<br />

you promoted. You wanted<br />

the Bars or Stars…This is what<br />

comes with them. R-E-S-P-<br />

O-N-S-I-B-L-I-T-Y.<br />

Someone on the scene, no<br />

matter who they were or<br />

what agency they were with,<br />

should have had the mental<br />

intellect to say: “This whole<br />

thing is FUBAR!” And we need<br />

to act NOW! The reality is, no<br />

one did that and as a result,<br />

there was a terrible loss of<br />

life. <strong>No</strong>t one law enforcement<br />

supervisor or administrator<br />

stood up and said “On me.<br />

This is what we’re doing.”<br />

Before you go chastising my<br />

critical analysis, I am not saying<br />

I know everything or have<br />

all the answers. I am saying,<br />

I’ve been a cop for over 34<br />

years. I have been an ISD Chief<br />

and a Chief for a total of over<br />

10 years. I have been an Incident<br />

Commander of multiple<br />

multi-victims, traumatic incidents.<br />

I have a clue about how<br />

things should have gone. And<br />

I am here to tell you, the DOJ<br />

got this report right. Law Enforcement<br />

absolutely dropped<br />

the ball, period.<br />

Law Enforcement MUST do<br />

better. For God’s sake the Fire<br />

Department does a much better<br />

job of Incident Command<br />

than we do. What does that<br />

tell you? We have got to train,<br />

train, and train some more.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t in some damn classroom<br />

either. I’ve established and<br />

orchestrated several full-scale<br />

incident command scenarios.<br />

Active-Shooter. Special Needs<br />

Student Bus Crash. Haz-Mat<br />

incident in a High School Lab.<br />

Each time, I had my supervisors<br />

take Command and run<br />

those scenes. As did the Chiefs<br />

of the various other responding<br />

agencies. <strong>No</strong>t to be a hard<br />

ass. But, to make sure the entire<br />

Chain of Command knew<br />

what was expected, they had<br />

to recognize when things<br />

were going south, and be flexible<br />

and resourceful enough to<br />

arrive at a positive outcome.<br />

ALERRT is simply NOT<br />

enough. There must be real<br />

time training that’s realistic<br />

for Supervisors to know what<br />

to do in the heat of an absolute<br />

crisis. Every moment you<br />

waste with indecision is a life<br />

lost. How many minutes and<br />

lives are acceptable before we<br />

as professionals understand<br />

and acknowledge this fact?<br />

To simply say “We have<br />

learned from this tragedy,<br />

12 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

and it won’t happen again,”<br />

isn’t going to cut it. We MUST<br />

get off the proverbial “X”<br />

and move. We must get to a<br />

place with realistic Incident<br />

Command Training, with all<br />

the moving parts and people,<br />

that a response is instinctive<br />

and immediate. Will you be<br />

scared? Of course, you will.<br />

Will you second guess your<br />

decisions? Absolutely. But doing<br />

nothing means people will<br />

die. Hesitating means people<br />

will die.<br />

As a supervisor and the ISD’s<br />

Chief of Police, you do not<br />

have the luxury of indecision.<br />

Especially in a crisis. You have<br />

to act and act now. You must<br />

have a steadfast determination<br />

to mitigate loss, organize<br />

response and follow through.<br />

If you fail at this, you have<br />

failed, period. It’s the kids that<br />

lose, not you. And that is, totally<br />

unacceptable.<br />

Perhaps ALERRT or some<br />

other entity, will actually create<br />

an Incident Command College<br />

or Academy Course. With<br />

a minimum of forty hours of<br />

intensive training and NOT in<br />

a classroom. In a real school<br />

or large community center.<br />

An abandoned mall or shopping<br />

center. A movie theatre<br />

or a grocery. Perhaps all of<br />

the above. Train like your life,<br />

or the life of child or teacher,<br />

depend on it. Cause one day it<br />

just may.<br />

Full Scale Exercises are a<br />

tremendous drain on resources.<br />

I will acknowledge that.<br />

However, practical real-time<br />

lessons cannot be taught in a<br />

classroom. It is a “Real World<br />

Emergency” that requires<br />

“Real World Emergency<br />

Training.” Even Naval Aviators<br />

must get out of the simulator<br />

at some point and land on an<br />

Aircraft Carrier.<br />

ISD and other Law Enforcement<br />

Leaders, need to get<br />

out of the simulator and start<br />

landing on their aircraft carrier.<br />

Otherwise, we are going<br />

to continue to crash and burn<br />

under duress and more lives<br />

will needlessly be lost in the<br />

midst of all the chaos.<br />

P.S. I know someone out<br />

there who has the resources<br />

to put together such a class.<br />

I’d be more than willing to<br />

come learn, help, assist and<br />

see that it succeeds without<br />

hesitation. Texas should be<br />

the leader on this because<br />

that’s who we are.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 13


police law news<br />

Daniel Carr<br />

This Week in Policing:<br />

APD-DWI Unit, Courtsey Cards and I Retired.<br />


This could be huge.<br />

The District Attorney (Sam<br />

Bregman) of Bernalillo County,<br />

NM (Albuquerque metro area)<br />

has dismissed over 150 DWI<br />

(driving while intoxicated) cases<br />

in the last few days.<br />

Bregman cited an ongoing<br />

“Federal investigation” as the<br />

reason and directed all media<br />

inquiries to the Feds.<br />

The FBI stated that they have<br />

conducted search warrants at<br />

the homes of a few Albuquerque<br />

Police officers and local<br />

attorneys in reference to an<br />

alleged “kickback scheme”. The<br />

allegation is that officers were<br />

working with defense attorneys<br />

to not show up for DWI cases<br />

in exchange for money.<br />

I hope this is not true and/or<br />

that a minimal version of the<br />

allegations are what happened.<br />

This will be a national story.<br />

And the implications of this<br />

could effect the DOJ Consent<br />

Decree that the City of Albuquerque<br />

has been under for<br />

over a decade - that was on its<br />

way to sunsetting.<br />

For the most substantive daily<br />

reporting on this (and other<br />

Albuquerque News) check out<br />

ABQ RAW.<br />


There is an interesting case<br />

in New York City that involves<br />

“courtesy cards”.<br />

The allegation is that these<br />

are laminated cards issued by<br />

police unions, to police officers,<br />

for them to distribute to friends<br />

and family. The idea is that if a<br />

card is presented to an officer<br />

during a traffic stop - that the<br />

stopping officer not issue the<br />

driver a ticket.<br />

One officer (Matthew Bianchi)<br />

decided that he was not going<br />

to play this game and issued<br />

tickets to the chosen people<br />

who possess these cards.<br />

Officer Bianchi alleges that<br />

he was retaliated against by<br />

his supervisors and also by<br />

the police union. He has filed a<br />

lawsuit in response.<br />

Officer Bianchi claims that he<br />

initially filed a complaint with<br />

Internal Affairs and that his<br />

concerns were ignored. A department<br />

spokesperson disputed<br />

that claim. Like most stories,<br />

the truth is likely somewhere<br />

stuck in the middle. Either way,<br />

hopefully the result of this is<br />

the ending of this ludicrous<br />

practice.<br />

I understand that this is part<br />

of “East Coast policing” in<br />

some jurisdictions. It seems<br />

foreign to me as I grew up in<br />

the Midwest and spent nearly<br />

two decades as a cop in the<br />

Southwest. I have never seen<br />

anything like this.<br />

This courtesy card scandal<br />

seems like the plot of a 1980’s<br />

Stallone movie - where he is<br />

the only honest cop fighting<br />

against an entire corrupt police<br />

force and the matter is ultimately<br />

solved by an arm wrestling<br />

match in a dive bar.<br />

This practice should stop. It’s<br />

a bad idea. It spits in the face<br />

of the principle that we are all<br />

equal under the law. And that<br />

ideal is non negotiable.<br />


This week I retired from the<br />

Albuquerque Police Department<br />

after nearly twenty years.<br />

Here is what I wrote on my<br />

personal Instagram:<br />

“Nearly 2 decades ago I<br />

14 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 15

moved 1300 miles away from<br />

home (for reasons I still don’t<br />

understand) for a police job in<br />

Albuquerque.<br />

Today was my last day as an<br />

Albuquerque police officer.<br />

It’s an important job and one<br />

for young, motivated warriors. It<br />

should only be a “calling” when<br />

you are in it. There’s a lot more<br />

out there. #retired”<br />

When I started in 2005 the<br />

state of New Mexico offered a<br />

20 year retirement system. I was<br />

able to “buy” a year and then<br />

burn/use sick and vacation time<br />

and only worked 18.5 years and<br />

am “retired” at 41 years old.<br />

I worked over ten years as a<br />

patrol officer.<br />

I worked over four years in the<br />

DWI unit.<br />

And I spent the last four years<br />

working as a detective in the<br />

Internal Affairs Force Division<br />

and the Compliance Bureau, conducting<br />

high level administrative<br />

investigations and presenting<br />

cases to the Force Review Board.<br />

I also served as an elected<br />

union representative for officers<br />

in the Albuquerque Police Officers<br />

Association.<br />

I have worked as an instructor<br />

and taught classes on DWI and<br />

recently served as a “collateral<br />

instructor” for the Advanced<br />

Training Unit teaching: ABLE<br />

(active bystandership in law enforcement),<br />

general law block/<br />

legal updates, and the class explaining<br />

the DOJ Consent Decree.<br />

While working as a cop, I went<br />

back for a Master’s in Criminal<br />

justice and a law degree (J.D.).<br />

In “retirement” I plan to write<br />

more on Substack and create<br />

more social media content (follow<br />

me everywhere.)<br />

16 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 17


Michael Brown<br />

How the People’s Republic of China’s foreign<br />

policies impact street-level policing in the USA<br />

Law enforcement agencies<br />

across the United States are in<br />

a daily battle against organized<br />

drug trafficking organizations.<br />

Their main objective of law<br />

enforcement is to serve and<br />

protect the public from criminal<br />

activities that arise from the<br />

distribution of narcotics, such<br />

as fentanyl. They are also striving<br />

to dismantle the drug supply<br />

chains that smuggle fentanyl and<br />

other narcotics across the southern<br />

border. Once narcotics are<br />

smuggled into the United States,<br />

they travel through America’s<br />

highway networks, small towns,<br />

and cities, spreading their deadly<br />

effects. Police departments,<br />

particularly smaller ones, face a<br />

growing complex fentanyl challenge.<br />

The danger of cartel fentanyl<br />

is not limited to just creating<br />

thousands of individuals addicted<br />

to a powerful street narcotic,<br />

which is 50 times more potent<br />

than heroin, but also those who<br />

think they are taking a legitimate<br />

prescription drug which turns<br />

out to be a cartel fentanyl pill.<br />

These individuals sometimes fall<br />

into the web on new addiction or<br />

worse yet, suffer a fatal overdose.<br />

While the narcotics battle<br />

is nationwide, smaller police<br />

departments are least prepared<br />

for the fight due to a shortage of<br />

resources: human, equipment,<br />

finances, and intelligence.<br />

Fentanyl is primarily imported<br />

from cartels in Mexico, but many<br />

of the precursor chemicals (the<br />

raw ingredients needed to produce<br />

fentanyl) reach Mexico via<br />

China. The U.S. has been trying<br />

to collaborate with the Peoples<br />

Republic of China (PRC) to<br />

disrupt the fentanyl supply chain<br />

at its source, requesting the PRC<br />

to stop allowing the export of<br />

essential precursors. In response,<br />

the PRC passed laws in 2018 and<br />

2019 to curb the export of fentanyl<br />

and some precursors to the<br />

United States. However, not all<br />

precursors were restricted, and<br />

it seems as if there was little<br />

resolve on the part of the PRC<br />

to enforce the current fentanyl<br />

export laws.<br />

Despite political rhetoric, the<br />

PRC has not fulfilled its anti-narcotic<br />

obligations, made promises<br />

but delivered little in preventing<br />

and prosecuting those in the<br />

fentanyl supply chain. In October<br />

2023, the US Justice Department<br />

announced indictments against 8<br />

Chinese chemical companies and<br />

12 of their employees for their<br />

role in supplying and distributing<br />

synthetic opioids and precursors<br />

in America. Similarly, four<br />

Chinese companies and eight<br />

executives and employees were<br />

indicted on similar charges in<br />

June 2023. It remains to be seen<br />

whether the PRC will prosecute<br />

or even investigate.<br />

On a more positive note, after<br />

a <strong>No</strong>vember 2023 meeting between<br />

the PRC’s President Xi Jinping<br />

and U.S. President Joseph R.<br />

Biden, the PRC agreed to impose<br />

additional restrictions to deal<br />

with the fentanyl crisis, which,<br />

so far, it seems intent on honoring.<br />

America can only hope to<br />

see positive action from the PRC<br />

and vigorous law enforcement<br />

followed by successful prosecutions<br />

in its courts.<br />


One problem this agreement<br />

still faces, even if enforced 100%,<br />

is that only two sides are involved.<br />

The fentanyl supply chain<br />

consists of China (and some<br />

other countries) producing the<br />

narcotic or precursor chemicals;<br />

America, which is the distribution<br />

and usage point; and Mexico,<br />

where the fentanyl is imported<br />

from and where large laboratories<br />

making the narcotics are<br />

located. The supply chain will<br />

never be degraded if Mexico is<br />

omitted from any agreement.<br />

With the enormous cash resources,<br />

chemical and narcotic<br />

stockpiles, and the influence the<br />

cartels have at the highest levels<br />

in Mexico, the stream of narcot-<br />

18 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

ics crossing the southern border<br />

every day will continue.<br />

In 2022, the U.S. Drug Enforcement<br />

Administration (DEA)<br />

reported seizing more than 364<br />

million lethal doses of fentanyl<br />

(2 mg of fentanyl is considered<br />

a lethal dose). The 2023 figures<br />

have risen to enough for 410 million<br />

deadly doses.<br />



The fight against precursors<br />

is challenging. The chemicals<br />

used are usually not on a restricted<br />

list, making them legal<br />

to produce and distribute.<br />

In addition, due to the strength<br />

of fentanyl, smaller quantities<br />

can be shipped with ease. With<br />

millions of legitimate deliveries<br />

dispatched to the United States<br />

each month, finding the narcotics<br />

among them is close to impossible<br />

for agencies like the Customs<br />

and Border Protection (CBP).<br />

The small quantities and the<br />

ease of making fentanyl from<br />

precursors (and the enormous<br />

profits) also encourage the<br />

growth of small ‘mom-and-pop’<br />

narcotic start-up distributors<br />

that operate from anywhere, including<br />

American suburbs. They<br />

take a small amount of fentanyl,<br />

cut it with other chemicals,<br />

and press them out into deadly<br />

fentanyl pills ready for on-line<br />

distribution.<br />

An example is 64-year-old<br />

Joanne Marian Segovia, the executive<br />

director of the San Jose<br />

Police Officers’ Association, who<br />

was charged in early 2023 with<br />

ordering thousands of opioids,<br />

including fentanyl, to be delivered<br />

to her home (at least 61<br />

shipments were mailed to her)<br />

with the intent of selling them.<br />

Worse still, she used her computer<br />

at the police union office<br />

to run her operation.<br />

The shipments were labeled<br />

as ‘Shirts Tops’, ‘Chocolate<br />

and Sweets’, and ‘Gift Makeup’,<br />

among other innocent designations.<br />

Moreover, no briefcases<br />

full of cash changed hands. She<br />

communicated via WhatsApp<br />

and paid via an app.<br />

Additionally, in some American<br />

cities with progressive laws that<br />

legitimize the possession, use,<br />

and sale of limited quantities<br />

of narcotics, like cocaine, and<br />

heroin, dealers know that being<br />

caught means a slap on the<br />

wrist, at worst, further encouraging<br />

them.<br />



The DEA, the U.S. Justice Department,<br />

and many other authorities<br />

are tackling the problem<br />

of transnational narcotic cartels,<br />

as the above indictments and<br />

others demonstrate. Even police<br />

departments in large towns and<br />

cities have dedicated personnel<br />

focusing on narcotics.<br />

Small- to medium-sized police<br />

departments are not that fortunate,<br />

however. <strong>No</strong>t only are<br />

they faced with a shortage of<br />

staff who have to address all<br />

the law enforcement issues in<br />

their region, but some smaller<br />

towns only have dedicated law<br />

enforcement officers in daylight<br />

hours. Additionally, these officers<br />

do not have extensive training<br />

programs, especially in relation<br />

to complex narcotics investigations.<br />

This makes it even easier<br />

for cartels to establish small<br />

operations in these towns.<br />

The solution to this crisis is<br />

complex. However, it can be done<br />

if all sectors of society acknowledge<br />

the issue and work together.<br />

The following five points provide<br />

an action plan that would<br />

assist smaller departments in<br />

keeping their communities and<br />

officers safe.<br />




To counteract the resources<br />

and murderous brutality that define<br />

the cartels, the Federal Government<br />

must declare a national<br />

emergency and designate them<br />

as narco-terrorists.<br />

Only once this is done can the<br />

country’s resources be combined<br />

to address the cartels in<br />

the same way America identifies<br />

and degrades terrorist actions<br />

against the Homeland using<br />

integrating police, military, and<br />

intelligence strategies to effectively<br />

diminish all threats.<br />




Collecting and collating all the<br />

data gathered from various classified<br />

and unclassified sources,<br />

is critical to knowing the enemy<br />

and how to deal with them. The<br />

DEA and CBP understands this.<br />

As one of their strategic goals,<br />

it collaborates with “a wide<br />

range of stakeholders to increase<br />

seizures of illicit synthetic drugs<br />

and to disrupt the supply chain.”<br />

From these data-driven operations,<br />

it plans to improve the<br />

inter-agency network that gathers<br />

and shares information to<br />

produce actionable intelligence<br />

to support joint operations<br />

against narcotics trafficking. This<br />

is where smaller police depart-<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 19

ments are sometimes forgotten.<br />

However, intelligence from large<br />

agencies can assist these departments<br />

in their anti-narcotics<br />

operations. At the same time,<br />

the information they gather can<br />

add to the knowledge analyzed<br />

to unravel broader cartel operations<br />

and strategies.<br />




Accurately identifying whether<br />

a suspect has narcotics and<br />

what they have is critical for police<br />

officers. They cannot assume<br />

and cannot act without probable<br />

cause, meaning they need to be<br />

able to quickly identify a substance<br />

with certainty. Equipping<br />

officers with presumptive analysis<br />

equipment will allow them<br />

to rapidly identify narcotics on<br />

the scene with great accuracy.<br />

This will reduce their reliance on<br />

larger agencies and laboratories<br />

for drug analysis and confirmation<br />

and speed up the processing<br />

and prosecution of suspects.<br />

One proven method of presumptive<br />

analysis is Raman<br />

Spectroscopy. The Scientific<br />

Working Group for the Analysis<br />

of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG),<br />

responsible for developing standards,<br />

techniques, protocols, and<br />

policies for forensically examining<br />

seized drugs, considers<br />

Raman Spectroscopy a Class<br />

A analytical technique for presumptive<br />

field testing.<br />



An integrated approach is<br />

a vital component if America<br />

is to win the narcotics war,<br />

as it empowers authorities to<br />

draw on various departments’<br />

skills, methodologies, tactics,<br />

and intelligence. The successes<br />

experienced by this integrated<br />

approach prove that cooperation<br />

and collaboration work.<br />

The Westchester County Police,<br />

in New York, for example,<br />

produced results by initiating<br />

an integrated task force in 2020<br />

to combat the rising number of<br />

fentanyl overdose deaths. The<br />

collaborative action achieved<br />

remarkable results in only two<br />

years.<br />

Additionally, federal grants<br />

should be specifically designed<br />

to assist small town police<br />

agencies in meeting the ever-evolving<br />

challenges presented<br />

by the Mexican cartels as well<br />

as the domestic drug trafficking<br />

organizations.<br />


Law enforcement alone will<br />

never be able to deal with the<br />

narcotics scourge. Smaller departments<br />

need assistance from<br />

other departments but must also<br />

capitalize on their most significant<br />

asset, the community.<br />

Community engagement is a<br />

force multiplier as it builds trust<br />

in the police service and will see<br />

numerous ‘undocumented deputies’<br />

supporting the police simply<br />

by going about their daily lives<br />

and reporting anything unusual<br />

or suspicious. With community<br />

engagement and support, law<br />

enforcement can avoid a continual<br />

uphill battle where the<br />

police are designated as ‘the<br />

enemy’ and potentially valuable<br />

information is withheld.<br />


The battle against Mexican<br />

cartels is a complex and<br />

multi-faceted engagement.<br />

Small towns with limited law<br />

enforcement resources can stand<br />

up to the threats by using an<br />

integrated approach that draws<br />

upon and supports the work<br />

done by larger agencies, involves<br />

the community, and employs the<br />

latest technology to support and<br />

streamline their work.<br />

More than half of America’s<br />

police departments, despite their<br />

small size, are critical factors in<br />

the fight against fentanyl. These<br />

departments must work consistently<br />

to effectively degrade the<br />

cartels’ trafficking strategies and<br />

cut their profits. This combined<br />

effort will build a defensive wall<br />

that will likely push back against<br />

the behemoth China has become.<br />


Michael W. Brown is the global<br />

director for counter-narcotics at<br />

Rigaku Analytical Devices. He has<br />

a distinguished career spanning<br />

more than 32 years as a Special<br />

Agent for the Drug Enforcement<br />

Administration (DEA). Most<br />

recently he was the DEA Headquarters<br />

staff coordinator for<br />

the Office of Foreign Operations<br />

for the Middle East-Europe-Afghanistan-India.<br />

Prior to that he<br />

served as the country attaché<br />

in India and Myanmar providing<br />

foreign advisory support for<br />

counter narcotic enforcement.<br />

He also spent 10 years in Pakistan<br />

as a special advisor to<br />

the US Embassy on various law<br />

enforcement issues. Michael is<br />

a graduate of the United States<br />

Ranger Training Battalion and<br />

has a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary<br />

Technology and Management<br />

from the University of<br />

Eastern Michigan. Contact him at<br />

michael.brown@rigaku.com<br />

20 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 21


Detective Art Woolery, RT<br />

Wake Up America<br />

I understand loyalty to your beliefs.<br />

I understand choosing a political<br />

party based on philosophy as most<br />

people need a baseline to live by.<br />

When that group of people swing<br />

the pendulum too far one way or the<br />

other at the expense of the American<br />

people, it’s time for us to get<br />

our head out of our ass. We must<br />

put politics aside and look at reality.<br />

When “We the People” elect someone<br />

to office, the candidate usually<br />

has run based on party affiliation.<br />

Then once in office, we expect that<br />

person to be the elected official for<br />

all the people. The last four years<br />

have proven we can’t have both. So,<br />

it seems to me that “We the People”<br />

better start looking at what the<br />

people we elect are going to do for<br />

America, not SOME Americans, not<br />

for THEIR family or themselves, but<br />

for ALL Americans.<br />

Let’s talk about Democrats and<br />

Republicans. I know there are Independents<br />

and Libertarians and so<br />

on. But for the purpose of making<br />

a point, let’s just use the 2 largest<br />

groups. So, do you think that police<br />

officers are Democrats or Republicans?<br />

Do you think all gun owners<br />

are Democrats or all Republicans?<br />

Speaking of that, I wonder if government<br />

knocks on a gun owners’ door<br />

and says “We are here to take your<br />

guns” what are they going to do?<br />

I know what I will do, what about<br />

you? Back to the point I am making.<br />

What I am saying is there are people<br />

who vote candidates into office with<br />

no consideration for anything except<br />

what party they belong to.<br />

Do most Americans think it is OK<br />

to let anyone who wants to come<br />

into our Country just walk in. Hell,<br />

even Walmart has better security<br />

than we do at the border. They at<br />

least check people at the door. At<br />

the same time “We the People” have<br />

allowed our government to invite<br />

about 11 million illegal immigrants<br />

to enter our Country with no questions<br />

asked except: How many in<br />

your party; will you be staying long;<br />

where would you like for us to send<br />

you; are you pregnant so we know<br />

how much to allow for health care,<br />

housing and education; Oh yeah, I<br />

forgot to ask, what color cell phone<br />

you would like?<br />

Excuse me, as I sit here writing this<br />

article for the <strong>Blues</strong>, I just got a popup<br />

on my phone. I am admittedly one<br />

of those that can’t stand it. I must<br />

see what it says. It seems Joe Biden<br />

has credited the 2022 Bipartisan<br />

Safer Communities Act (BSCA) with<br />

saving lives. Reading further, Biden<br />

is calling for: universal background<br />

checks; banning assault weapons<br />

and high-capacity magazines; removing<br />

the gun industry immunity<br />

from liability; and passing a national<br />

red flag law. While he is at it, let’s<br />

take all the cars away from drunk<br />

drivers and hold the auto manufacturer<br />

responsible for making the<br />

car. We also need to confiscate all<br />

hammers, knives, and other items<br />

that can be used as weapons.<br />

I wonder if the 13 or 14 states<br />

who think they have the authority<br />

to decide who can run for office, by<br />

simply removing them from the ballot,<br />

also think the ATF rules or may<br />

or may not suit them as well.<br />

One other thing I haven’t heard<br />

Biden address is his son Hunter. The<br />

younger Biden lied on a federal form<br />

4473 and if convicted, could get 10<br />

years in prison and up to $250,000<br />

fine. But the President insists he’s<br />

innocent and this is all brought<br />

about by MAGA Republicans. Excuse<br />

me, out laws and judicial system<br />

decide who is innocent or guilty,<br />

but “MAGA” Republicans.<br />

For years now, our country has<br />

seen laws on top of laws with<br />

nothing to show for them except an<br />

increase in crime. Why? Because<br />

laws are only as good as the people<br />

who abide by them. The crime<br />

problem in America didn’t happen<br />

overnight, and it won’t go away<br />

overnight. We have let it creep up<br />

on us and now it’s panic city. When<br />

I was in high school it went like<br />

this. “Did you hear Larry got caught<br />

smoking in the bathroom?” “Yeah,<br />

his parents had to come pick him<br />

up because he got expelled for 2<br />

days.” Today, Larry is 12-year-old<br />

got caught with a 9 mm in his<br />

backpack. So, what did people<br />

expect the end results for “Larry”<br />

will be? You know the song, “Momma<br />

is in the graveyard, Papa is in<br />

the pen, and Grandma is raising the<br />

kids at 70, with little to no income.<br />

And because all of Larry’s buddies<br />

are in the same boat, they do what<br />

Momma and Daddy did. They rob,<br />

steal, and sell drugs. Then they quit<br />

school, because they don’t know<br />

the importance of an education and<br />

have no one to teach them.<br />

We talk about rehabilitation and<br />

that’s fine, but unless we start fixing<br />

the problem before it starts, we are<br />

just letting the next generation follow<br />

in the footsteps of the previous<br />

one. We must somehow break the<br />

cycle. Wake up America and get<br />

your head out of your ass.<br />

22 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 23


police law news<br />

Daniel Carr<br />

Officer Involved: David Dimas<br />

A case of Sympathetic Fire?<br />

This Officer-Involved-Shooting<br />

(OIS) involved multiple police<br />

officers deploying multiple applications<br />

of force at the same time.<br />

That fact alone is not necessarily<br />

surprising - as officers often perceive<br />

the same threat unfolding in<br />

real time.<br />

This case is different because<br />

both less lethal and lethal force<br />

were deployed - at the exact same<br />

time.<br />


THE CALL<br />

On December 15, 2023 police<br />

officers in Mesa, Arizona were dispatched<br />

to a residence in reference<br />

to a domestic dispute.<br />

The information provided to<br />

dispatch from the caller (a family<br />

member) is that a 27-year-old man<br />

named David Dimas had locked<br />

himself inside of a shed on the<br />

property and started setting “fires”<br />

in the shed. Additional information<br />

was provided that Mr. Dimas was<br />

armed with a knife and that he had<br />

attempted to harm himself.<br />


Multiple officers with the Mesa<br />

Police Department responded to<br />

the scene.<br />

Appropriately, the officers responded<br />

with a “force array”.<br />

A force array is when officers<br />

respond to a situation with a multitude<br />

of force options (both less<br />

lethal and lethal).<br />

In this case the responding officers<br />

were equipped with (and<br />

assigned to deploy with) a Taser<br />

and beanbag shotgun - as well as<br />

lethal force.<br />


As officers approached the shed,<br />

Mr. Dimas exited and began walking<br />

toward officers. His hands were<br />

not visible to officers and were<br />

concealed underneath some sort of<br />

fabric/clothing.<br />

The officers gave Mr. Dimas reasonable<br />

commands such as, ”David,<br />

show me your hands!” “Show<br />

me your hands!” and “Stop what<br />

you are doing!”<br />

Instead of following the easily<br />

digestible orders from police officers<br />

- Mr. Dimas further escalated<br />

the situation by leaving his hands<br />

concealed and then rapidly moving<br />

into a “shooting stance” and pointing<br />

at the officers. Essentially, he<br />

positioned his body and held out<br />

hands as someone would if they<br />

were shooting a gun.<br />


One officer deployed a Taser.<br />

Another officer simultaneously<br />

fired a beanbag shotgun.<br />

A third officer also fired rounds<br />

from his handgun.<br />

Mr. Dimas sustained critical injuries<br />

but survived.<br />


Once Mr. Dimas took the “shooting<br />

stance” any reasonable officer<br />

in this situation would have perceived<br />

a threat.<br />

At minimum - Mr. Dimas had<br />

committed a felony, was armed<br />

with a knife, and was not following<br />

the instructions of officers.<br />

Therefore, it is not even a question<br />

whether or not the use of less lethal<br />

force options (Taser/beanbag)<br />

24 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

were reasonable.<br />

The question is whether or not<br />

the use of deadly force was reasonable.<br />



If I were the investigator on this<br />

case. Here are some of the questions<br />

that I would ask:<br />

Was the caller/witnesses asked if<br />

Mr. Dimas had access to a gun?<br />

Was there briefing with the other<br />

involved officers (prior to going on<br />

scene) where a force array was<br />

established?<br />

Was there a plan on which force<br />

option would be utilized first?<br />

Were you aware that other officers<br />

deployed less lethal force<br />

options?<br />

Did you hear the other officers<br />

say “Taser, taser, taser” or “Beanbag,<br />

beanbag, beanbag”.<br />

Did you perceive a deadly threat?<br />

What was that specific threat?<br />

Why did you utilize deadly force<br />

before it was determined if the less<br />

lethal options were successful?<br />

Whether or not this OIS was<br />

objectively reasonable, within<br />

department policy, and/or within<br />

the law will likely hinge on the<br />

answers to these questions and the<br />

objective evidence that supports/<br />

contradicts the officer’s statement.<br />

Drill that was under clothing held<br />

like a gun.<br />


After the OIS. it was discovered<br />

that Mr. Dimas was armed with<br />

a knife and a cordless drill. The<br />

cordless drill held under the clothing<br />

did resemble a handgun.<br />


I could make an argument that<br />

this was a case of sympathetic fire<br />

- that the officer fired his weapon<br />

only because the other officers<br />

fired their (less lethal) weapons.<br />

That this was a tactical error made<br />

under stress.<br />

I could also make an argument<br />

that the officer honestly believed<br />

that Mr. Dimas was holding and<br />

pointing a firearm at police officers.<br />

Why would a person pretend<br />

to point a gun at police officers? If<br />

the officer waits until rounds start<br />

coming down range - it is too late.<br />

Either argument could be made<br />

with a clear conscience…<br />

Instead. I will make the point<br />

that if an OIS seems complicated<br />

from the comfort found behind the<br />

safety of body cam footage - it is<br />

exponentially more complicated in<br />

a split, intense, and stressful quarter-second.<br />

It is important for investigators,<br />

prosecutors, and department leaders<br />

to ask questions and then know<br />

when to wait for the answer before<br />

establishing an official finding.<br />

But. If pressed. It is likely that the<br />

officer thought that Mr. Dimas was<br />

pointing a gun. If that perception<br />

was reasonable then the use of<br />

deadly force would be a proper respond<br />

to that threat. The actions of<br />

the other officers are a moot factor<br />

if there was reason to believe that<br />

a deadly threat was immediate.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 25



Arkansas residents remember Stone County Deputy Justin<br />

Smith who was killed while trying to serve a warrant.<br />

STONE COUNTY, AR. – Community<br />

members in Stone County<br />

are mourning the loss of a<br />

deputy who was shot and killed<br />

in the line of duty, while the man<br />

accused of the shooting waits in<br />

jail.<br />

Officials with the Stone County<br />

Sheriff’s Office said Deputy Justin<br />

Smith was called to a home<br />

on Sawmill Road Tuesday night<br />

to serve a warrant for misdemeanor<br />

terroristic threatening.<br />

According to preliminary evidence<br />

from Arkansas State Police,<br />

Smith was trying to arrest<br />

52-year-old Clinton Hefton when<br />

Hefton shot the deputy, who was<br />

later found by other officers and<br />

died from his injuries.<br />

The news of Smith’s death<br />

shocked many in the small rural<br />

Arkansas county. In a county<br />

of just over 12,000, the loss of<br />

Smith hits close to home.<br />

“There’s so much stuff going on<br />

in the world today,” Stone County<br />

Judge Stacey Avey said. “It’s<br />

hard to comprehend that people<br />

would do this to someone just<br />

serving a warrant.”<br />

Dozens lined the streets of<br />

downtown Mountain View<br />

Wednesday to pay their respects<br />

to the deputy gone too soon.<br />

“He was a very good officer,”<br />

Avey recalled. “Always did his<br />

job, and loved his job.”<br />

The sheriff’s office placed a<br />

patrol car outside the courthouse<br />

where people could pay<br />

their respects. Many came by<br />

to drop off flowers and share<br />

stories of Smith and his work in<br />

Stone County.<br />

“People who do this line of<br />

work, they do it because they<br />

love it,” Avey said. “They love<br />

their community, and they want<br />

to make a better place for us to<br />

live, and that’s what Justin was<br />

doing.”<br />

Hefton was taken into custody<br />

Tuesday night after a standoff<br />


with authorities. It was taken<br />

to the Cleburne County jail<br />

where he is being held without<br />

bond. According to Stone County<br />

Sheriff Brandon Long, Hefton<br />

is facing a charge of capital<br />

murder.<br />

Deputy Smith had served with<br />

the Stone County Sheriff’s Office<br />

for 14 years.<br />

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 27



Coweta County Deputy Eric Minix was struck and killed by a suspect<br />

involved in a high-speed chase in a stolen vehicle.<br />

By Natalie Neysa Alund,<br />


COWETA COUNTY, GA. – A Georgia<br />

sheriff’s office deputy died<br />

Thursday, January 4th, after authorities<br />

said a police officer from<br />

another agency ran over him on an<br />

interstate during a high-speed police<br />

chase that crossed state lines.<br />

Coweta County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Deputy Eric Minix died in the line of<br />

duty while pursuing a stolen vehicle<br />

on Interstate 85 that sped into<br />

Chambers County, Alabama, the<br />

sheriff’s office reported.<br />

Minix, 31, was struck by a City of<br />

Lanett Police Department vehicle<br />

driven by Officer Cornelius J. Robinson.<br />

Lanett is located in Alabama<br />

along the Chattahoochee River on<br />

the Alabama-Georgia state line,<br />

roughly 80 miles northeast of Montgomery.<br />

According to state law enforcement,<br />

Robinson struck Minix as he<br />

was exiting his patrol vehicle, a<br />

2017 Dodge Charger. After the initial<br />

impact, officials said, the Explorer<br />

struck the Charger before hitting a<br />

2022 Dodge Challenger driven by<br />

Decedric Donson, 25, of Pensacola,<br />

Florida.<br />

Minix was taken to a hospital<br />

where he was pronounced dead, the<br />

sheriff’s office reported.<br />

Officials said the vehicle driven<br />

by Donson was reportedly stolen.<br />

Donson was arrested on charges of<br />

receiving stolen property and felony<br />

attempting to elude law enforcement.<br />

He remains jailed in Chambers<br />

County.<br />


Lanett police reported its officer<br />

has been placed on administrative<br />

leave pending an investigation<br />

and said the stolen car driver is in<br />

custody.<br />

Minix previously worked for the<br />

Tyrone Police Department before<br />

joining Coweta County Sheriff’s<br />

Office.<br />

“Eric Minix was a dedicated Deputy<br />

and K9 Officer, but more importantly,<br />

he was a friend,” the agency<br />

released in a statement. “We have<br />

lost a good deputy. We have lost<br />

a good man. We have lost a good<br />

friend.”<br />

Minix, the sheriffs office reported,<br />

leaves behind a wife and three<br />

daughters.<br />

28 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24








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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 29



George County Deputy Jerry Malone was shot and<br />

killed during a traffic stop outside a Dollar General.<br />

GEORGE COUNTY, MS. – A hero<br />

cop in Mississippi was shot and<br />

killed during a traffic stop outside<br />

a Dollar General by a man<br />

with a criminal history spanning<br />

three decades.<br />

George County Sheriff’s Deputy<br />

Jeremy Malone, 44, was killed<br />

around 5:15pm on January 4<br />

outside of a Dollar General on US<br />

Highway 98 near Lucedale.<br />

The suspect, Ricky Powell, 43,<br />

shot Malone as he approached<br />

his vehicle before he fled the<br />

scene. Cops later chased Powell<br />

as he drove through Greene<br />

County and into Perry County<br />

before they shot and killed the<br />

suspect.<br />

An outpouring of support<br />

flooded social media as the<br />

small community mourned<br />

Malone’s sudden death.<br />

George County Sheriff Mitchell<br />

Mixon said Malone was “larger<br />

than life” and that he centered<br />

his life around his family and his<br />

career.<br />

Malone previously served with<br />

multiple law enforcement agencies<br />

across the state, including<br />

the Leakesville Police Department<br />

and the Jackson County<br />

Sheriff’s Department.<br />

Beaumont Mayor Scotty Dailey<br />

who graduated alongside<br />

Malone at Perry Central High<br />

School in 1988 told WDAM: “If we<br />

played cops and robbers out on<br />

the playground, then we knew<br />

Jeremy was gonna be the cop<br />

because that was his whole life<br />

ambition, to be an officer.”<br />

“Mississippi will always remember<br />

Deputy Malone. Our<br />

state remains deeply thankful for<br />

all of our law enforcement officers<br />

who bravely place their lives<br />

on the line every day in defense<br />

of our communities,” Mississippi<br />

Governor Tate Reeves said in an<br />

executive order.<br />

A GoFundMe page was created<br />

in honor of Officer Malone<br />

and has set out to raise money<br />

for his family. It has raised more<br />

than $44,000 as of Friday.<br />

First responders across the<br />

state also reached out to the<br />

Tunnels to Towers Foundation<br />

to assist Malone’s family following<br />

his death. The foundation,<br />

which has set out to help ‘America’s<br />

heroes by providing mortgage-free<br />

homes’ to the families<br />

of fallen first responders.<br />

On Monday, the foundation<br />

announced that they paid off<br />

Malone’s home, which the family<br />

had just purchased, according to<br />


WXXV.<br />

Malone’s patrol car has also<br />

been placed outside of the<br />

George County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Memorial in honor of the fallen<br />

officer.<br />

“I feel that incident speaks<br />

for who Jeremy Malone truly is.<br />

He was the most selfless kind<br />

hearted man I have met in law<br />

enforcement,” Brandon Walley,<br />

an officer that worked alongside<br />

Malone said in a Facebook<br />

post.<br />

“It was truly a honor to get<br />

to share that moment with him<br />

and I know The George County<br />

Sheriffs Office will never be the<br />

same without him, asking me<br />

every weekend where we was<br />

gonna set up.”<br />

30 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 31


CLIFTON, NJ.<br />

New Jersey Sheriff Richard Berdnik apparently committed suicide inside a<br />

restaurant restroom in New Jersey.<br />

CLIFTON, N.J. – Passaic County<br />

Sheriff Richard Berdnik died by<br />

suicide inside a restroom at a<br />

New Jersey restaurant Tuesday<br />

afternoon, according to sources,<br />

the New York Post reported.<br />

The sheriff reportedly walked<br />

into the restroom at Turkish<br />

restaurant Toros in Clifton about<br />

3:30 p.m. on Tuesday when<br />

other patrons heard a gunshot,<br />

and confirmed that he died by<br />

a self-inflicted gunshot wound,<br />

sources told The Post.<br />

His bio on the Passaic County<br />

Sheriff’s website provides the<br />

following details:<br />

“Prior to becoming Sheriff,<br />

Richard Berdnik had a distinctive<br />

twenty-eight year career with<br />

the Clifton Police Department.<br />

Upon retirement, Sheriff Berdnik<br />

was the Commander of the<br />

Juvenile Division and the SWAT<br />

Team; previously, he had served<br />

in virtually every position in the<br />

agency. During his Clifton career,<br />

Sheriff Berdnik received numerous<br />

citations for exceptional service<br />

and received many certifications<br />

in various law enforcement<br />

functions.”<br />

Running as a Democrat, he became<br />

sheriff and was first sworn<br />

into office Jan. 1, 2011. On January<br />

1, 2014, he began his second<br />

term.<br />

Continuing, his bio says:<br />

Sheriff Berdnik is a graduate of<br />

Clifton High School, New Jersey<br />

State Police Academy, FBI National<br />

Academy and FBI National<br />

Executive Institute. … For nearly<br />

thirty years, Richard Berdnik has<br />

been married to his wife, Monica<br />

Berdnik, who is a pediatric<br />

nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital in<br />

Paterson; they have four adult<br />

children.<br />

Former Clifton Mayor James<br />

Anzaldi said the shooting was<br />

heartbreaking, northjersey.com<br />

reported.<br />

“I can’t imagine,” Anzaldi said.<br />

“Richie was the salt of the earth,<br />

my kind of person. My heart<br />

breaks for his family.”<br />

The sheriff’s death comes<br />

during department turmoil,<br />

which includes plans to lay<br />

off 29 personnel as a result of<br />

the forthcoming closure of the<br />

county jail, according to northjersey.com.<br />

Moreover, two sheriff sergeants<br />

and a correctional officer<br />

were arrested and charged last<br />

week for allegedly violating a<br />

prisoner’s civil rights during an<br />

alleged 2021 assault and cover-up,<br />

the US Attorney’s Office<br />

for the District of New Jersey<br />

said.<br />

The inmate reportedly<br />

splashed a mixture containing<br />

urine on an officer the day before<br />

the alleged unlawful use of<br />

force occurred, the feds said.<br />

32 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 33



Michigan State Trooper Joel Popp was struck and killed by a vehicle along a<br />

stretch of I-75 while conducting a DWI traffic stop.<br />


- The Bridgeport community is<br />

remembering a hometown hero.<br />

Michigan State Police Trooper<br />

Joel Popp died after he was<br />

struck by a vehicle along I-75 as<br />

Popp and other troopers were<br />

conducting a traffic stop on a<br />

suspected impaired driver.<br />

The driver of the van that hit<br />

Popp, an 81-year-old man, was<br />

hospitalized with serious injuries.<br />

Joel worked in the private<br />

sector for about fifteen years but<br />

wanted to get into law enforcement.<br />

He graduated from the<br />

trooper recruit school in 2020.<br />

Joel Popp was 35 years old<br />

when he became a Michigan<br />

State Police trooper. He was<br />

a graduate of Bridgeport High<br />

School. A friend of Popp says he<br />

married his high school sweetheart,<br />

and they have a young<br />

daughter together.<br />

Lt. Kim Vetter of the Michigan<br />

State Police worked with Popp at<br />

the Tri-City post in Freeland.<br />

“It seems like he had a love for<br />

the job,” says Vetter. “He had a<br />

heart for public service, and we<br />

will greatly miss him.”<br />

“He’s from Bridgeport,” says<br />

Bridgeport Fire Chief Dave Smigiel.<br />

“So there is that much more<br />

connection to the great many<br />

people in this community.”<br />

He heard the call go out that a<br />

trooper was injured on I-75.<br />

“Still has a lot of family relations<br />

and friends here, including<br />

this fire department,” says<br />

Smigiel. “It hit hard. Once we<br />

learned it was him, it was just<br />

that much more shocking.”<br />

The investigation continues<br />

into exactly how the accident<br />

unfolded, but police are looking<br />

at the possibility of distracted<br />

driving being the cause.<br />

“There is a move-over law,<br />


and people are required to move<br />

over and slow down ten miles<br />

an hour below the posted speed<br />

limit when passing an emergency<br />

scene,” says Vetter.<br />

“People just don’t take the care<br />

that they need to do, and that<br />

is, give us space, slow down, be<br />

aware of what else can be going<br />

on, and it just happens far too<br />

much, and unfortunately, it took<br />

a young man’s life last night,”<br />

says Smigiel.<br />

34 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24










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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 35


ATLANTA, GA.<br />

Georgia State Trooper Jimmy Cenescar was killed in a crash while pursuing a<br />

motorcycle on I-85 <strong>No</strong>rth.<br />

ATLANTA, GA. - Georgia State<br />

Trooper Jimmy Cenescar was<br />

killed in a crash on Sunday January<br />

28, in Gwinnett County while<br />

in pursuit of a motorcycle.<br />

“As a young public safety officer,<br />

he was at the beginning of<br />

a life with years of experiences<br />

and opportunities that lay ahead<br />

and a career dedicated to protecting<br />

others,” Gov. Brian Kemp<br />

said.<br />

According to the Department<br />

of Public Safety, Cenescar was<br />

attempting to stop a motorcycle<br />

for a traffic violation on I-85<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth near Old Peachtree Road.<br />

A Georgia crash report offers<br />

new details into the chase that<br />

ended in Trooper Jimmy Cenescar<br />

swerving off the road in the<br />

deadly wreck.<br />

It details how Cenescar maneuvered<br />

to avoid putting other<br />

drivers in danger as the motorcycle<br />

“split” two lanes to get<br />

away.<br />

According to the report, as the<br />

motorcycle was directly ahead of<br />

the chasing trooper, it suddenly<br />

took the dangerous “split maneuver.”<br />

Trooper Cenescar initially attempted<br />

to continue the pursuit;<br />

the report notes, “However, both<br />

lanes were occupied by motorists<br />

traveling north.” Cenescar<br />

“took evasive actions to avoid<br />

these vehicles” and “lost control<br />

and began rotating clockwise<br />

traveling towards the east shoulder.”<br />

At that point, the trooper<br />

veered off the roadway, eventually<br />

going down an embankment<br />

and hitting trees and drainage<br />

rocks.<br />

Gwinnett County Fire/EMS arrived<br />

on the scene to pull Trooper<br />

Cenescar from his vehicle and<br />

perform lifesaving measures but<br />

tragically, the trooper was pronounced<br />

deceased at <strong>No</strong>rthside<br />

Gwinnett Hospital.<br />

According to the report, the<br />

motorcycle continued fleeing<br />

northbound and has not yet been<br />

identified.<br />

Trooper Cenescar had been<br />

with GSP since Jan. 2023 and<br />

was a graduate of the 114th<br />

Trooper School, DSP said. In<br />

2021, 11Alive and other news<br />

organizations reported when<br />

he helped save a man’s life as<br />

an Atlanta Police Department<br />

officer.<br />

Atlanta News spoke with a<br />

man who said he witnessed the<br />

bike going in and out of traffic<br />

and a trooper trying to stop him.<br />

“I looked at my son and I said<br />


look it’s a chase and he looked<br />

over there and the next thing you<br />

know all you see is just debris<br />

from his car just flying in the<br />

air,” said Chris Davis. “You could<br />

see something was different his<br />

lights and sirens were on. He’s<br />

weaving in and out of traffic and<br />

then his car goes airborne with<br />

all the debris.”<br />

“I’ll be honest, I’m from Ohio<br />

and I’m a former police officer<br />

myself, and just seeing that my<br />

heart automatically went to his<br />

family and just thinking he’s just<br />

doing his job and it’s tough out<br />

here being a police officer these<br />

days. I just felt bad for him, and<br />

then, of course, I’m nervous because<br />

I’m in the car on the same<br />

freeway, and these chases happen<br />

all the time. Too frequent to<br />

be honest with you,” Davis said.<br />

36 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 37


MARS HILL, N.C.<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina Police Chief Jon Clark was fired after<br />

soliciting nude photos from the wife of a subordinate.<br />

MARS HILL, N.C. – Jon Clark<br />

is the former chief of the Mars<br />

Hill Police Department in <strong>No</strong>rth<br />

Carolina. He was originally<br />

suspended without pay Sept.<br />

20, 2023, before being terminated<br />

later in October for multiple<br />

allegations of misconduct,<br />

including soliciting nude photos<br />

from the wife of a subordinate,<br />

according to reports.<br />

Clark had been with the small<br />

agency since 2016 and spent<br />

two years in the position of<br />

police chief. When allegations<br />

of misconduct became known<br />

last year, the town hired U.S.<br />

Investigative Security Services<br />

based in Huntersville, to conduct<br />

the investigation, Citizen Times<br />

reported.<br />

The third-party investigation<br />

sustained multiple allegations<br />

of misconduct, to include soliciting<br />

nude photos from the wife<br />

of a subordinate, mishandling<br />

firearms in his office, insubordination,<br />

and misuse of a town-issued<br />

car, according to Clark’s<br />

termination letter obtained by<br />

The News-Record & Sentinel.<br />

Town Manager Nathan Bennett<br />

listed several reasons for Clark’s<br />

termination in the letter dated<br />

Oct. 16, 2023, according to the<br />

Citizen Times.<br />

The first was for engaging in<br />

inappropriate actions toward the<br />

wife of then-Capt. Chad Wilson,<br />

who was later named to be<br />

Clark’s replacement as chief of<br />

police, effective Jan. 1.<br />

“Your conduct in attempting to<br />

pursue a romantic relationship<br />

with the wife of one of your officers<br />

is reprehensible,” Bennett<br />

noted in the letter of termination.<br />

“To actively solicit that relationship<br />

is unforgivable and<br />

put your entire Department and<br />

the Town of Mars Hill at risk. To<br />

have attempted that relationship<br />

showed great lack of judgment,<br />

and could have resulted in a<br />

situation where you would have<br />

been publicly embarrassed and<br />

embarrassed this Town.”<br />

When commenting on the<br />

termination, Bennett said, “There<br />

was never a picture shared, but<br />

he asked two different times.”<br />

The town manager also confirmed<br />

that Wilson approached<br />

him with screenshot evidence<br />

after the ex-chief sought the<br />

photos via SnapChat, Citizen<br />

Times reported.<br />

“The next day, I called Jon up<br />

here to suspend him pending an<br />

investigation, and I present him<br />

those things, and he admits to<br />

me, ‘Yes, I sent those,’” Bennett<br />

said.<br />

On the day the article was<br />

originally published, Jan. 8, Clark<br />

was employed by the Madison<br />

County Sheriff’s Office, where<br />

he served as a school resource<br />

officer at Madison Early College<br />

High School, according to the<br />

Citizen Times.<br />

It is unclear whether Clark<br />

remains employed by the Madison<br />

County Sheriff’s Office since<br />

media calls to Sheriff Buddy<br />

Harwood went unanswered.<br />

38 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 39<br />

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STARKE, FL.<br />

The Florida Community of Starke, disbanded their police department<br />

and opted for cheaper version of law enforcement.<br />

By Joanna Putman<br />

Police1<br />

STARKE, FL. — The city of<br />

Starke has voted to disband its<br />

police department in favor of<br />

contracting with county law enforcement,<br />

WCJB reported.<br />

The City Commission voted 4-1<br />

on the issue on Jan. 16, according<br />

to the report. The decision will<br />

displace the department’s 11 officers<br />

and one civilian employee<br />

starting March 1.<br />

The police chief position can<br />

only be eliminated if voters pass<br />

a ballot referendum, meaning<br />

that Starke Police Chief Jeff<br />

Johnson, who opposed the<br />

decision, will remain chief of a<br />

nonexistent department.<br />

All employees were offered<br />

the opportunity to apply at the<br />

Bradford County Sheriff’s Office,<br />

which will be providing law<br />

enforcement services to Starke<br />

after the department disbands,<br />

according to the report.<br />

The contract with the sheriff’s<br />

office will cost the city about<br />

$625,000 per year, according to<br />

the report. The police department’s<br />

annual budget was more<br />

than $1 million.<br />

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<strong>40</strong> The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 41


AUSTIN, TX.<br />

Acevedo turns down Austin job after his proposed hiring caused a backlash<br />

at city hall....says he’s still going to Austin.<br />

AUSTIN, TX. - Art Acevedo<br />

is bound for Austin but is now<br />

without a job at his old police<br />

department.<br />

The former chief of the Houston<br />

Police Department announced<br />

on Tuesday he declined<br />

to return to the Austin Police Department<br />

in an interim capacity<br />

to be a resource to Chief Robin<br />

Henderson.<br />

KUT-FM in Austin reported that<br />

he was to create new recruiting<br />

strategies, review patrolling<br />

operations, and improve police<br />

academy training for APD.<br />

In an Instagram post, Acevedo<br />

said it was clear that his hiring<br />

“has become a distraction from<br />

the critical work ahead” for the<br />

city, the police department, and<br />

the police officers’ union.<br />

“Unfortunately, politics and<br />

power struggles have hindered<br />

our efforts to create real positive<br />

improvements for the people of<br />

this city. I firmly believe that if<br />

we are to build a future together,<br />

we cannot afford to blame others<br />

and point fingers,” Acevedo<br />

wrote in part.<br />

Acevedo served as Austin’s police<br />

chief from 2007 to 2016 before<br />

becoming Houston’s police<br />

chief. Since then, he’s worked in<br />

Miami and Colorado and served<br />

as a CNN on-air analyst.<br />

He has served as interim police<br />

chief for Aurora, a suburb<br />

outside Denver, for the last 13<br />

months.<br />

In a memo to council members,<br />

interim City Manager Jesús<br />

Garza said there were challenges<br />

facing the Austin Police Department<br />

and that he believed “additional<br />

resources are needed to<br />

better support the department,<br />

our interim police chief, and her<br />

management team to ensure<br />

success.”<br />

Mayor Kirk Watson expressed<br />

his support for the decision in<br />

an emailed statement. He emphasized<br />

that Acevedo’s police<br />

background can strengthen the<br />

relationship between ADP, City<br />

Hall, and the community.<br />

However, KUT reported that<br />

the decision was made without<br />

community or council input.<br />

Last Friday, Council member<br />

Vanessa Fuentes posted on X,<br />

formerly known as Twitter, expressing<br />

her surprise about Acevedo’s<br />

appointment.<br />

Council members Paige Ellis,<br />

Alison Alter, and Chito Vela also<br />

expressed concerns with Acevedo’s<br />

sudden hiring.<br />

KUT reported that Ellis felt this<br />

was a bad move and a step in the<br />

wrong direction. She highlighted<br />

the fact that while Acevedo was<br />

police chief, hundreds of rape kits<br />

went untested.<br />

Alter called it a slap in the face<br />

for the survivors, advocates, and<br />

others who have worked to make<br />

changes in the system around<br />

sexual assault.<br />

Despite turning down the job,<br />

Acevedo stated that he is still<br />

moving to Austin.<br />

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Video created to help promote awareness of the Protect & Serve Act<br />

(H.R. 743<br />

By Paula Fitzsimmons<br />

The Protect & Serve Act (H.R. 743)<br />

needs to be enacted because our<br />

guardians are being attacked in<br />

greater numbers and it’s not letting<br />

up. This isn’t something that can<br />

wait, either.<br />

I’m not naive to think that this bill<br />

will stop all the carnage. You can’t<br />

legislate morality, and people intent<br />

on doing harm will always find a<br />

way. What this bill can do is punish<br />

offenders (the Feds don’t mess<br />

around). It will send a resounding<br />

message that attacks on officers of<br />

the law will not be tolerated.<br />

There are currently few, if any<br />

deterrents for assaulting local or<br />

state police officers. While most<br />

states in the union have laws to<br />

penalize these attacks, they vary in<br />

their wording. And depending on<br />

the political persuasion of a district<br />

attorney, justice can be arbitrary.<br />

What You Can Do<br />

The sad fact is that we’re losing<br />

the info war. In fact, Joe Gamaldi,<br />

vice president of the Fraternal Order<br />

of Police (FOP) recently stated<br />

that META, the company that owns<br />

Facebook and Instagram, refused<br />

to run ads that highlight attacks on<br />

officers.<br />

We need all hands-on-deck, and<br />

that, dear reader, includes you!<br />

Please don’t think for a moment<br />

that you’re not making a difference.<br />

By sharing this video (or article),<br />

you’re helping to plant another<br />

seed. Even if a small percentage of<br />

viewers take the time to call their<br />

Congressperson, you’ve helped us<br />

get closer to making H.R. 743 a reality.<br />

With that, please consider doing<br />

the following :<br />

• Watch and Share the Video<br />

with your friends, family members,<br />

on social media, and on forums<br />

where links are allowed. You can<br />

either share this article or the link<br />

to the video.<br />

• Lobby Your U.S. Congressperson<br />

If you haven’t already, please urge<br />

your Congressperson to co-sponsor<br />

H.R. 743. If short on time, feel free<br />

to use FOP’s convenient automated<br />

form. If you prefer not to share the<br />

video, please still ask your network<br />

to contact their House Representatives.<br />

The list of co-sponsors is<br />

here.<br />

House Judiciary Committee Update<br />

As mentioned in a previous post,<br />

H.R. 743 is being held up because a<br />

group of House Judiciary Committee<br />

Republicans informed Chairman<br />

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) that<br />

they wouldn’t support the bill. Yes,<br />

Republicans; you read that correctly.<br />

{Sigh}<br />

After reaching out to several<br />

people knowledgeable about the<br />

Protect & Serve Act, I still haven’t<br />

received any answers about which<br />

specific Representatives made this<br />

statement. This is so wrong. <strong>No</strong>t<br />

just that this group won’t support<br />

the bill, but that I have to jump<br />

through hoops just to get names<br />

that should have been made public.<br />

So for now, the list of Representatives<br />

who haven’t yet signed on<br />

as co-sponsors provides important<br />

clues. If you live in the district of a<br />

Congressperson on this list, can you<br />

please make a quick call or send<br />

an email urging that the Committee<br />

prioritize the Protect & Serve Act?<br />

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SAN DIEGO, CA.<br />

Sgt. Elliott Anthony, of the San Diego Police Department, was<br />

welcomed home by members of his department after undergoing<br />

extensive rehabilitation.<br />

By Karen Kucher,<br />

The San Diego Union-Tribune<br />

SAN DIEGO, CA. — A San Diego<br />

police sergeant shot in the head<br />

in December — leaving him with<br />

injuries that initially left him unable<br />

to walk — returned home Tuesday<br />

after making what city officials<br />

called “an amazing recovery.”<br />

Accompanied by family members,<br />

Sgt. Anthony Elliott walked off an<br />

airplane and was greeted by Police<br />

Chief David Nisleit and several other<br />

officers at San Diego International<br />

Airport.<br />

A procession of police motorcycles<br />

later led him into his neighborhood,<br />

where neighbors waved signs<br />

and cheered as he approached,<br />

according to a video released by the<br />

police department.<br />

“Hello! Thanks, everybody!” he<br />

shouted, as he was hugged by children.<br />

On the video, Elliott pauses in<br />

front of a home and addresses the<br />

crowd gathered around him.<br />

“I’m profoundly grateful for the<br />

department and the community. I<br />

love you guys,” he said, adding that<br />

he was trying not to cry.<br />

“I wouldn’t have progressed the<br />

way I did if you guys didn’t love me,<br />

so (that is) very much appreciated.”<br />

The police department posted<br />

video of his homecoming on X, the<br />

social media site formerly known<br />

as Twitter.<br />

Elliott has undergone extensive<br />

rehabilitation since he was shot in<br />

the head Dec. 7 in a parking lot outside<br />

a grocery store in 4S Ranch.<br />

After the shooting, Elliott lost the<br />

use of his left arm and leg and was<br />

initially unable to walk, the department<br />

said. He was moved to an outof-state<br />

facility Dec. 21 to continue<br />

rehabilitation therapy.<br />

His dramatic physical improvement<br />

is obvious as he walks off the<br />

plane, shown on the video released<br />

Tuesday night. He was accompanied<br />

by his wife, Laura, and two young<br />

sons.<br />

According to the department,<br />

Elliott will continue therapy at an<br />

outpatient rehab facility in the San<br />

Diego area.<br />

Elliott was shot during a confrontation<br />

with 46-year-old Curtis<br />

Harris in a Ralphs parking lot on 4S<br />

Commons Drive.<br />

Investigators said Elliott and<br />

three other officers had gone to the<br />

store to serve a protection order on<br />

Harris.<br />

Body-worn camera footage released<br />

by the department showed<br />

Harris running away from the officers<br />

as they approached him just<br />

outside the grocery store. Elliott<br />

gave chase, and Harris opened fire.<br />

The three other officers returned<br />

gunfire and fatally shot Harris.<br />

“He and his family continue to be<br />

grateful for the support they receive<br />

from the entire San Diego community,”<br />

the department said in a<br />

statement.<br />

46 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 47



The Latest Breaking News as we go LIVE.<br />




COLUMBIA, S.C. – Kamala Harris<br />

made an outlandish comment<br />

that has gone largely unchecked<br />

when she compared the 2014<br />

Ferguson riots with the 1863 Battle<br />

of Gettysburg. The vice president,<br />

who is prone to non-nonsensical<br />

word salads, made<br />

the absurd statement during<br />

a speech in South Carolina on<br />

Martin Luther King Day, the Post<br />

Millennial reported.<br />

Harris said both events were<br />

examples of Americans fighting<br />

to “make the promise of freedom<br />

real.” What she failed to mention<br />

was that more than 300 arrests<br />

were made in Ferguson, Missouri<br />

for all manner of violent crime<br />

while law enforcement tried<br />

to keep the peace, or that more<br />

than 350,000 Union soldiers died<br />

during the Civil War in order<br />

fulfill the hope of freedom for<br />

enslaved people.<br />

“The 1863 Battle of Gettysburg<br />

eventually led to the end of the<br />

Civil War two years later and<br />

secured victory for the <strong>No</strong>rth,<br />

while quashing the Confederate’s<br />

ambition of forming a<br />

separate nation. It also helped<br />

set the country on path towards<br />

the abolition of slavery, the Post<br />

Millennial noted.<br />

The Civil War cost tens of<br />

thousands of lives on both sides.<br />

Yet the <strong>No</strong>rth, fighting to abolish<br />

slavery, suffered more losses<br />

than the South.<br />

“The 2014 Ferguson riots<br />

should never be categorized<br />

with anything noble. The ongoing<br />

violence was the result of a false<br />

and politically twisted narrative<br />

that Officer Darren Wilson fatally<br />

shot Michael Brown—a strongarmed<br />

robbery suspect—as he<br />

had his hands raised in the air.<br />

Evidence revealed that Brown<br />

violently attacked Wilson, forcing<br />

the officer to resort to lethal<br />

force.<br />

Wilson was exonerated for his<br />

actions at the state and federal<br />

level, despite lies being perpetuated<br />

to disparage his name and<br />

the institution of law enforcement.<br />

The riots that soon followed<br />

the shooting were among several<br />

landmark events in the past<br />

10 years that have undermined<br />

the rule of law and upended the<br />

institution of law enforcement,<br />

which has further damaged<br />

marginalized individuals living in<br />

high crime areas in America.<br />





By Will McCarthy<br />

Bay Area News Group<br />

ALAMEDA, CA. — During the<br />

pandemic, California lost thou-<br />

48 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

sands of police officers, falling<br />

between 2020 and 2022 to the<br />

lowest number of patrol officers<br />

per capita since at least 1991,<br />

according to the Public Policy<br />

Institute of California.<br />

Alameda was no exception. But<br />

in its rebuilding effort, its police<br />

department was willing to go<br />

further with financial incentives<br />

than any other city in the country,<br />

offering $75,000 in signing<br />

bonuses to new officers last<br />

year. Ten months later, the recruitment<br />

plan has worked, but<br />

it has yet to be reflected in the<br />

city’s crime statistics.<br />

Last year, 30% of positions in<br />

the Alameda Police Department<br />

were still open. Since the signing<br />

bonus was implemented, the<br />

department has received over<br />

<strong>40</strong>0 applications, and 20 officers<br />

have been hired, while four retired<br />

or resigned, leading to a net<br />

gain of 16 officers and nearing<br />

the maximum of 88.<br />

Alameda Chief of Police Nishant<br />

Joshi said he expects the<br />

department to have completely<br />

filled its vacancies by June. The<br />

$75,000 bonuses are funded by<br />

unspent police salaries.<br />





By Linh Tat<br />

Daily Breeze, Torrance, Calif.<br />

LOS ANGELES — In response<br />

to dozens of incidents over the<br />

years of law enforcement officers<br />

being intoxicated while<br />

carrying a gun, the Los Angeles<br />

County Board of Supervisors on<br />

Tuesday, Jan. 23, passed a motion<br />

asking Sheriff Robert Luna<br />

to consider banning deputies —<br />

whether on duty or not — from<br />

drinking while in possession of a<br />

firearm.<br />

The motion asks Luna to update<br />

a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s<br />

Department policy “to include<br />

a strict prohibition against<br />

carrying firearms while consuming<br />

alcohol, on or off-duty” in<br />

addition to other measures. It<br />

comes more than four years after<br />

the county’s Office of Inspector<br />

General (OIG) first recommended<br />

changes to the department’s<br />

policy on firearms safety.<br />

In 2019, the OIG identified 81<br />

cases in which Sheriff’s deputies<br />

were charged with being under<br />

the influence of alcohol while<br />

a firearm was within reach. In<br />

another report this past <strong>No</strong>vember,<br />

the OIG identified eight more<br />

incidents in which deputies consumed<br />

alcohol while in possession<br />

of a firearm.<br />

These instances included<br />

examples where the deputies<br />

allegedly fired their weapons<br />

negligently, threatened others<br />

by displaying the gun or got into<br />

fights while in possession of a<br />

firearm.<br />

“I was surprised that LASD<br />

firearms safety policy was filled<br />

with weaknesses and loopholes,”<br />

said Supervisor Hilda Solis, who<br />

introduced Tuesday’s motion<br />

to the board, along with board<br />

chair Lindsey Horvath.<br />

“We know that mixing of alcohol<br />

and guns never ends in a<br />

good manner and, rather, increases<br />

the risk of injuries and<br />

death,” Solis added at the board<br />

meeting.<br />

The motion passed 4-0. Supervisor<br />

Janice Hahn abstained<br />

from voting, saying she believes<br />

it should be up to Luna, as sheriff,<br />

to set the policy for his department.<br />

Tuesday’s motion referenced<br />

both OIG reports and recent<br />

news reports that alleged members<br />

of a deputy gang got into<br />

a confrontation with teenagers<br />

outside a Montclair bowling<br />

alley, during which an off-duty<br />

deputy who had been drinking<br />

flashed a gun.<br />

The L.A. Sheriff’s Department<br />

currently allows off-duty deputies<br />

to carry a firearm if their<br />

blood-alcohol content is below<br />

0.08. If it’s higher than 0.08, a<br />

deputy can challenge a claim<br />

that he or she is unfit to handle<br />

a firearm if they believe they<br />

aren’t impaired — based on socalled<br />

“rebuttable presumption<br />

language” in the department’s<br />

firearms safety policy.<br />




ERS<br />

By Shelly Bradbury<br />

The Denver Post<br />

DENVER — The Denver police<br />

officer accused of shooting six<br />

bystanders while aiming at an<br />

armed man in Lower Downtown<br />

in July 2022 pleaded guilty to<br />

misdemeanor assault on Tuesday<br />

and was sentenced to probation.<br />

Brandon Ramos, 30, can no<br />

longer work as a police officer<br />

in Colorado after the third-degree<br />

assault conviction for the<br />

July 2022 shooting near 20th and<br />

Larimer streets.<br />

As part of the plea agreement,<br />

14 other criminal charges filed<br />

against Ramos were dismissed,<br />

and prosecutors and defense<br />

attorneys agreed that Ramos be<br />

sentenced to 18 months of pro-<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 49

ation. Ramos could have otherwise<br />

faced up to a year in jail on<br />

the misdemeanor conviction.<br />

Three people who were shot<br />

by Ramos spoke in court during<br />

his sentencing Tuesday about the<br />

ongoing recovery process, both<br />

physically and emotionally.<br />

“It was only by the grace of<br />

God that nobody was killed on<br />

the night an officer unleashed<br />

bullets into a crowd of innocent<br />

civilians,” said Willis Small, who<br />

was shot in the foot.<br />

“The world doesn’t seem as<br />

safe or familiar as it used to be,”<br />

said Yekalo Weldehiwet. “It’s like<br />

I lost something, and finding my<br />

way back feels really tough.”<br />

Ramos and two other Denver<br />

police officers confronted Jordan<br />

Waddy, 23, around 1:30 a.m.<br />

July 17, 2022, as bars closed in<br />

the busy LoDo nightlife district.<br />

The officers believed Waddy was<br />

carrying a gun and followed him<br />

through streets crowded with<br />

pedestrians. They confronted<br />

Waddy, who pulled a gun from<br />

his clothing and was holding it<br />

by the slide on top of the gun<br />

when the officers fired, body<br />

camera footage shows.<br />

Three officers fired, shooting<br />

Waddy, but also injuring six bystanders.<br />

A grand jury later determined<br />

that only Ramos’ shots<br />

hit the bystanders and that the<br />

other two officers did not injure<br />

any bystanders. Waddy and the<br />

bystanders all survived.<br />

Ramos, who fired from a different<br />

angle than the other two<br />

officers, could see there was a<br />

large crowd of people behind<br />

Waddy and should not have<br />

fired, the grand jury found. Waddy<br />

never turned the gun toward<br />

Ramos or directly threatened<br />

him, the grand jury found.<br />

“The police shot me and five<br />

other innocent bystanders,”<br />

Bailey Alexander said in court<br />

Tuesday. “The police. How is that<br />

possible? They are supposed to<br />

protect us from the bad guys,<br />

right? … It was a police officer<br />

who hit me. It was a police<br />

officer who pulled the trigger. It<br />

was Mr. Ramos.”<br />

Denver police and the police<br />

union defended the police officers’<br />

actions in the days after the<br />

incident, and then-Mayor Michael<br />

Hancock said he was surprised<br />

that Ramos was criminally<br />

charged.<br />

“It (was) incredibly difficult<br />

and tragic not only for the<br />

victims, but also for the city,”<br />

District Court Judge Nikea Bland<br />

said before sentencing Ramos<br />

Tuesday. “As a citizen of this city,<br />

it’s really polarized the city in a<br />

way that is not helpful for us to<br />

continue to grow together. …The<br />

plea agreement is appropriate<br />

based on what I have seen about<br />

the case, and ultimately, despite<br />

the fact Ramos is not serving<br />

time in custody, it’s a life-altering<br />

plea agreement.”<br />

Ramos has been suspended<br />

without pay from the police department<br />

since the charges were<br />

filed. The police department<br />

did not immediately answer an<br />

inquiry about his employment<br />

status after the guilty plea Tuesday.<br />





By Joanna Putman<br />

Police1<br />

CHICAGO — Police officers who<br />

wish to attend the trial of a murder<br />

suspect in the case of Officer<br />

Ella French are allowed to come<br />

to court in uniform, the Chicago<br />

Sun-Times reported.<br />

Defense attorneys had asked<br />

that officers who attend the trial<br />

of Emonte Morgan, 23, not wear<br />

their uniforms, citing concerns<br />

that a “sea of blue” might intimidate<br />

the jury, according to the<br />

report.<br />

The incident occurred on Aug.<br />

7, 2021, when Officer Ella French<br />

and her partners pulled over Eric<br />

Morgan, 25. Emonte was in the<br />

backseat, according to the report.<br />

After Eric refused to put down<br />

a drink and a cell phone he was<br />

holding, a struggle with officers<br />

ensued. During the struggle,<br />

Emonte produced a handgun<br />

from his waistband and shot<br />

French and her partner, Officer<br />

Carlos Yanez. The suspects were<br />

taken into custody after trying<br />

to flee, according to the report.<br />

French did not survive.<br />

Officers did wear uniforms in<br />

the October trial of Morgan’s<br />

brother, Eric Morgan, 25, who<br />

pleaded guilty to battery with<br />

a deadly weapon and obstruction<br />

of justice in the incident. He<br />

was sentenced to seven years in<br />

prison, the maximum allowed<br />

for the charges, according to the<br />

report.<br />

Defense attorneys filed several<br />

motions to keep the shows of<br />

support for French at bay during<br />

Emonte’s trial, claiming they<br />

wanted to prevent it from “becoming<br />

a circus,” according to<br />

the report.<br />

Judge Ursula Walowski, who<br />

also presided over Eric’s trial,<br />

stated she would not let that<br />

happen, according to the report.<br />

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 51

She also denied a motion to prohibit<br />

trial attendees from wearing<br />

T-shirts in support of French.<br />

“I’m not going to tell people<br />

what they can or can’t wear in<br />

the courtroom,” Walowski said.<br />

Jury selection for the trial is<br />

scheduled for <strong>Feb</strong>. 27.<br />





Oklahoma City, OK. – Dressing<br />

up like animal characters has<br />

become quite the rage these days<br />

in public schools and Law Officer<br />

has heard from more than a few<br />

teachers that kids are not only<br />

dressing like cats but carrying<br />

stuffed animals throughout the<br />

day. We say kids lightly because<br />

we are talking about highs<br />

school kids. You know, the future<br />

leaders of our country.<br />

Anyway, we refused to believe<br />

that fur and whiskers was an<br />

actual thing until we saw a new<br />

bill proposed in Oklahoma.<br />

Oklahoma Representative<br />

Justin Humphrey has an idea to<br />

end the distracting behavior. He<br />

has filed House Bill 3084, which<br />

would ban furries from Oklahoma<br />

schools.<br />

If a kid comes to school or a<br />

school event dressed like a furry,<br />

then their parents will be contacted<br />

to take them home and if<br />

the parents or guardians cannot<br />

be reached, it gets very weird.<br />

“Students who purport to be<br />

an imaginary animal or animal<br />

species, or who engage in anthropomorphic<br />

behavior commonly<br />

referred to as furries at<br />

school shall not be allowed to<br />

participate in school curriculum<br />

or activities. The parent or<br />

guardian of a student in violation<br />

of this section shall pick the<br />

student up from the school, or<br />

animal control services shall be<br />

contacted to remove the student.”<br />

From a law enforcement perspective,<br />

we are grateful. Animal<br />

calls are the worst but the only<br />

thing more troubling would be a<br />

self identifying animal call.<br />

Kudos to Representative Humphrey<br />

for filing a bill just as silly<br />

as the act itself.<br />



By Joanna Putman, Police1<br />

NEW YORK — A New York State<br />

Police officer has died from cancer<br />

he developed as a result of<br />

working at Ground Zero after the<br />

9/11 terror attacks, according to<br />

the Officer Down Memorial Page.<br />

Technical Sergeant Christopher<br />

Philip Rock, 59, aided in search<br />

and recovery efforts after the<br />

attacks. He died from cancer on<br />

December 3, 2023.<br />

Rock had served with New<br />

York State Police for 26 years,<br />

according to the page. He is survived<br />

by his wife, mother, brother,<br />

nieces and nephews.<br />




CERS<br />

A group of eight migrants<br />

accused of pummeling a pair of<br />

officers in a caught-on-camera<br />

Midtown attack are “cowards”<br />

who “should be sitting on Rikers<br />

Island,” a top NYPD official says.<br />

One of the suspects took a defiant<br />

posture, flashing two middle<br />

fingers after being arraigned<br />

in court on Wednesday, the New<br />

York Daily News reports.<br />

All five young men taken into<br />

custody so far for the Saturday<br />

night brawl outside a migrant<br />

shelter on W. 42nd St. near Seventh<br />

Ave. were released without<br />

bail — inflaming the already<br />

heated debate surrounding the<br />

city’s migrant crisis.<br />

“You saw the video. Reprehensible,”<br />

NYPD Chief of Patrol<br />

52 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 53

John Chell told reporters following<br />

the annual State of the<br />

NYPD Breakfast at Cipriani 42nd<br />

St., about five blocks from where<br />

the attack took place. “(They’re)<br />

cowards. You have eight people<br />

attacking a lieutenant and a cop,<br />

running up to them to kick them<br />

in the face.”<br />



By Joanna Putman, Police1<br />

SHANNON HILLS, AR. — A Shannon<br />

Hills Police Department officer<br />

has died following a medical<br />

emergency, according to the<br />

Officer Down Memorial Page.<br />

Officer Michael Cain Maxheimer<br />

helped a disabled motorist<br />

push a car out of the roadway<br />

on December 18, 2023. He then<br />

responded to a vicious animal<br />

complaint, where two stray dogs<br />

approached him as if they were<br />

going to attack, according to<br />

ODMP.<br />

Maxheimer drew his gun in<br />

preparation to confront the dogs,<br />

but the dogs ran into the woods.<br />

He returned to the police station,<br />

where he complained of nausea<br />

and chest pain. He was admitted<br />

to a hospital where he passed<br />

away the following day, according<br />

to ODMP.<br />

Maxheimer was 39 years old<br />

and had served in the Shannon<br />

Hills Police Department for three<br />

years. He had served in law enforcement<br />

for 16 years in many<br />

different departments. He is<br />

survived by three daughters and<br />

his girlfriend, according to his<br />

obituary.<br />




The 24-year-old man killed after<br />

shooting two Palm Bay police<br />

officers and fatally wounding his<br />

grandfather Sunday was driving<br />

a car packed with a cache<br />

of handguns and other weapons<br />

that may have been part of a<br />

bigger, planned attack, the Palm<br />

Bay police chief said.<br />

The car, seized by police after<br />

the shootout that left gunman<br />

Brandon Kapas dead, was<br />

tracked to its owners, retired<br />

Catholic priest Robert Hoeffner<br />

and his sister, Sally Hoeffner.<br />

Both were shot to death by Kapas<br />

earlier in their northwest Palm<br />

Bay home, Police Chief Mariano<br />

Augello said at a Monday press<br />

conference.<br />

“It’s unknown what his intentions<br />

were, showing up with an<br />

arsenal of weapons,” Augello<br />

said.<br />

“Our officers’ actions yesterday<br />

prevented something even more<br />

tragic from happening.”<br />

Palm Bay patrol officers were<br />

called about 2:07 p.m. Sunday to<br />

the Kapas family home, Florida<br />

Today reports.<br />

Augello said officers arrived<br />

about 2:19 p.m. and immediately<br />

met with an uncle who told<br />

them Kapas, his nephew, was in<br />

the home being disruptive during<br />

a family birthday celebration. The<br />

uncle told police that Kapas was<br />

possibly armed. At that moment,<br />

Kapas stepped out of the home<br />

and quickly began walking away<br />

“as Palm Bay officers attempted<br />

to talk with him,” Augello said.<br />

An officer tased Kapas and<br />

got into a brief struggle before<br />

Kapas reached for his handgun<br />

and fired at police, the chief said.<br />

Officers Stephen Ball and Nicholas<br />

Franze were shot, one in the<br />

arm and the other in the leg.<br />

The gunman’s grandfather,<br />

William Kapas Sr., attempted<br />

to intervene but was shot and<br />

killed by the suspect, Augello<br />

said.<br />

“The grandfather was trying to<br />

help,” the chief said.<br />

Officers returned fire in response,<br />

killing Kapas.<br />

Auguello spent time Monday<br />

visiting the wounded officers,<br />

one of whom was recovering<br />

from surgery and the other, who<br />

was set to be released.<br />




A man who intentionally<br />

rammed into a Fort Worth police<br />

officer trying to stop a vehicle<br />

pursuit by deploying spikes was<br />

sentenced to life in prison on<br />

Monday.<br />

Officer Matthew Brazeal suffered<br />

serious injuries when Ronnie<br />

Jackson mowed him down in<br />

June 2020.<br />

Jackson was found guilty of<br />

hitting Brazeal in a collision that<br />

had him dragging the officer<br />

more than 100 feet.<br />

Brazeal was hospitalized for<br />

several weeks and continues<br />

54 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 55

ecovering from his injuries. The<br />

officer returned to light duty just<br />

last week, nearly four years after<br />

being hit.<br />





A Louisville Metro Police officer<br />

and firearms instructor received<br />

a month long suspension for<br />

shooting a recruit during a training<br />

exercise and floating the idea<br />

of a cover-up, according to a<br />

case report by LMPD.<br />

On March 10, 2023, Officer<br />

Christopher Kitchen was helping<br />

two recruits — whose names are<br />

redacted in the released files —<br />

practice close-quarter tactics<br />

and hadn’t realized his gun was<br />

loaded when he fired at one of<br />

them, Kitchen later told investigators.<br />

The round struck the recruit in<br />

his bullet-resistant vest, bruising<br />

his abdomen, the Courier Journal<br />

reports.<br />

During the training exercise, a<br />

recruit was walking across the<br />

room and kept leaving himself<br />

open as a target, according to<br />

Kitchen’s interview. When asked<br />

why he fired his weapon, Kitchen<br />

said he wanted to drive home<br />

the point that the recruit needed<br />

to keep himself covered during a<br />

sweep.<br />

Kitchen fired a live round<br />

shooting the recruit in his<br />

vest-protected abdomen.<br />

LMPD launched an investigation.<br />

In <strong>No</strong>vember, Kitchen was<br />

found in violation of LMPD’s<br />

mandated care and discharge of<br />

a firearm, as well as having unbecoming<br />

conduct for discussing<br />

a cover-up with the recruits.<br />






The National Border Patrol<br />

Council (NBPC), which is the<br />

official union of U.S. Customs<br />

and Border Protection personnel,<br />

released a statement last Thursday<br />

supporting the Texas National<br />

Guard’s attempts to secure the<br />

southern border and slamming<br />

the Biden administration for its<br />

“catastrophic” border policies,<br />

according to the Daily Wire.<br />

The union, which has more<br />

than 18,000 members, said,<br />

“Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate<br />

and respect what TX has<br />

been doing to defend their state<br />

in the midst of this catastrophe<br />

that the Biden Admin has unleashed<br />

on America.”<br />

NBPC tried to dispel some<br />

“fake news” that federal agents<br />

were going to begin arresting<br />

members of the Texas National<br />

Guard.<br />

“Rank-and file BP agents are<br />

not going to start arresting TX<br />

NG members for following their<br />

LAWFUL orders. That’s fake new,”<br />

the union said on X.<br />

Continuing, “TX NG and rankand-file<br />

BP agents work together<br />

and respect each other’s jobs.<br />

Period,” the union emphasized.<br />

“If TX NG members have LAWFUL<br />

orders, then they have to carry<br />

out those orders.”<br />

“We want to be perfectly clear,<br />

there is no fight between rankand-file<br />

BP agents and the TX<br />

NG, Gov. Abott (sic), or TX DPS. It<br />

may make flashy headlines, but<br />

it simply isn’t true,” NBPC said in<br />

conclusion.<br />

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave<br />

President Joe Biden a lesson in<br />

the U.S. Constitution when he<br />

issued a defiant statement last<br />

Wednesday as the Lone Star<br />

State continues to combat the<br />

massive infusion of people who<br />

are illegally crossing the southern<br />

border, Law Officer reported.<br />

The U.S. Supreme Court sided<br />

with the Biden administration<br />

earlier in the week, ruling that<br />

it could remove or cut through<br />

56 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

concertino wire the state has<br />

deployed to stop illegal aliens<br />

from crossing the Rio Grande<br />

into the state. Despite the high<br />

court ruling, Texas has remained<br />

steadfast in its own security as<br />

the Texas National Guard continued<br />

to install concertina wire<br />

along the U.S.-Mexico border on<br />

Tuesday, the day after the ruling<br />

by SCOTUS.<br />

On Wednesday, Abbott issued a<br />

statement on Texas’ constitutional<br />

right to defend and protect itself<br />

as Biden continues to attack<br />

the governor’s actions and refuse<br />

to perform his duties to secure<br />

the border.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 57




By Rolf Boone<br />

Thurston county, wash. — A<br />

28-year-old man was arrested<br />

on suspicion of multiple<br />

crimes early Friday after leading<br />

deputies on a wild pursuit<br />

across Thurston county that at<br />

one point crossed an area golf<br />

course, according to the Thurston<br />

county sheriff’s office.<br />

The suspect also rammed a<br />

sheriff’s office vehicle, injuring<br />

two deputies, according to a<br />

social media post that detailed<br />

the pursuit. One deputy has since<br />

been released from the hospital,<br />

while the second deputy is still<br />

being treated for their injuries.<br />

It all began about 1:30 a.m.<br />

Friday when a deputy attempted<br />

to stop a pickup truck driver on<br />

suspicion of driving under the<br />

influence on Martin Way East.<br />

The driver took off and drove<br />

north on Interstate 5, according<br />

to the sheriff’s office. He then<br />

drove across the median onto<br />

Southbound i-5, got back onto<br />

Martin Way and drove through<br />

Lacey to Ruddell road, according<br />

to the post.<br />

At Ruddell Road and Yelm<br />

Highway in Lacey, a deputy executed<br />

a pit maneuver, to stop<br />

the driver. However, the driver<br />

allegedly rammed that vehicle,<br />

injuring a deputy and a new<br />

recruit.<br />

From there, the driver drove<br />

onto Capitol City golf course,<br />

according to the sheriff’s office.<br />

The pursuit was paused, according<br />

to the post, then resumed<br />

when deputies saw the driver<br />

head south on Rainier Road.<br />

Throughout the pursuit, multiple<br />

pit maneuvers were attempted,<br />

according to the sheriff’s<br />

office.<br />

At Waldrick Road and Old<br />

Highway 99 , the sheriff’s office<br />

was able to push the driver<br />

onto a field, but he kept driving,<br />

smashing through a fence, and<br />

got back onto Old Highway 99,<br />

but with only three tires, not four.<br />

About halfway through the city<br />

of Tenino, the transmission on<br />

the suspect’s truck failed and the<br />

suspect was taken into custody<br />

with the assistance of a K9.<br />

The man was arrested on suspicion<br />

of Drug DUI, two counts of<br />

first-degree assault with a deadly<br />

weapon, multiple counts of<br />

first-degree malicious mischief,<br />

and attempting to elude law<br />

enforcement, according to the<br />

sheriff’s office.<br />

The sheriff’s office said the<br />

pursuit lasted for more than 30<br />

minutes.<br />




ADDISON, TX. – A plane was<br />

stolen from an airport in the<br />

town of Addison, Texas and<br />

crashed near the Texas-Oklahoma<br />

border on Wednesday.<br />

The individual flying the small<br />

aircraft is dead, according to<br />

the Texas Department of Public<br />

Safety.<br />

A single-engine Cessna 172<br />

was taken from the ATP Flight<br />

School at Addison Airport. After<br />

the plane was stolen, it was<br />

flown more than 80 miles northeast<br />

toward Paris, investigators<br />

said, NBC 5 DFW reported.<br />

The plane departed at 6:53<br />

p.m. Wednesday, Addison Airport<br />

officials confirmed with<br />

NBC 5. It went down and<br />

crashed about 8:15 p.m. into a<br />

field near the Fannin and Lamar<br />

County lines. The male pilot, and<br />

sole person aboard the aircraft,<br />

was killed. He was identified<br />

Thursday by DPS as Timothy<br />

James Logan, 23, of Stokesdale,<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina.<br />

It’s not immediately clear if<br />

the pilot declared an emergency<br />

or radioed for assistance prior<br />

to the crash. The circumstances<br />

behind the theft also remain<br />

unclear.<br />

The National Transportation<br />

Safety Board (NTSB) is now<br />

leading the investigation into the<br />

crash and is being assisted by<br />

the FAA.<br />

58 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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The Secret to Ending Chases<br />

By Garry Parker<br />

Last year I wrote several articles<br />

on law enforcement emergency<br />

vehicle operation. It is<br />

difficult to understand how a law<br />

enforcement officer spends so<br />

much of their duty time in vehicle<br />

operation and loses control<br />

of their vehicle and crashes into<br />

a tree or a guardrail. The operator<br />

is skilled through (sometimes)<br />

years of exposure. The<br />

advantage is you drive like you<br />

breathe. The detriment comes<br />

from complacency. Complacency<br />

comes from attitude.<br />

I have been reading a couple of<br />

books recommended by Gorden<br />

Graham. The first was Warnings<br />

Unheeded by Andy Brown. This<br />

book describes two tragedies at<br />

Fairchild Air Force Base outside<br />

of Washington. The second tragedy<br />

covered in the book was the<br />

most intriguing to me. A story of<br />

the pilot of a B-52 bomber. The<br />

pilot, Lt. Colonel Authur “Bud”<br />

Holland, skilled to the point of<br />

complacency. Lt. Colonel had<br />

logged over 5200 hours flying<br />

missions behind the controls of<br />

this massive aircraft. Lt. Colonel<br />

Holland routinely pushed the<br />

envelope of safety due to his<br />

attitude of superiority. He had<br />

performed daring stunts, pushing<br />

the aircraft limits. After one<br />

such event the aircraft suffered<br />

structural damage due to the Lt.<br />

Colonel performing a low-level<br />

pass for a photo op, then making<br />

a high pitch climb of 60 degrees.<br />

Lt. Colonel Holland was a rogue<br />

pilot. A rogue believes the rules<br />

do not apply to them because<br />

of their superiority in control of<br />

the aircraft. Lt. Colonel Holland’s<br />

ultimate goal was to perform<br />

a barrel roll a B-52. Lt. Colonel<br />

Holland completed his last<br />

act of defiance in preparing to<br />

fly an airshow. He was to take<br />

off, bank, make a pass, do a<br />

touch and go then demonstrate<br />

a midair refueling. When Lt.<br />

Colonel Holland prepared his<br />

approach for the touch and go,<br />

the refueling craft was still on<br />

the runway. Holland requested<br />

a fly by and was given permission<br />

from the tower. Lt. Colonel<br />

Holland banked hard placing the<br />

aircraft at 90 degrees at 250 feet<br />

of altitude. The aircraft, (a flying<br />

house) stalled, the wing struck<br />

a power line and crashed killing<br />

all on board. Every level of flight<br />

wing command knew of Lt. Colonel<br />

Hollands antics and discipline<br />

was never imposed.<br />

The second book, Darker Shade<br />

of Blue, by Tony Kern, describes<br />

many instances of rogue pilot<br />

behavior. This book identifies<br />

many rogue pilots and crashes<br />

that took their lives.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w you may be asking yourself,<br />

what does flying an aircraft<br />

have to do with emergency vehicle<br />

operation. In reading these<br />

two books (Thank you Mr. Graham)<br />

I found what I believe to be<br />

the key to ending law enforcement<br />

at fault car crashes. Over<br />

the last 15 years I have become<br />

obsessed searching for anything<br />

that will end the needless car<br />

crashes in law enforcement. We<br />

60 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

must begin by reviewing our<br />

training methods.<br />

Emergency vehicle operator<br />

training begins with a short<br />

classroom discussion on vehicle<br />

dynamics and the law<br />

that authorizes patrol vehicles<br />

to exceed the speed limit, disregard<br />

stop signs and lights,<br />

to stop, stand or park, where<br />

necessary, and move against the<br />

normal flow of traffic. I teach a<br />

paraphrase for this “Emergency<br />

vehicles are not bound by signs,<br />

signals and road markings”.<br />

During this classroom discussion<br />

instructors will identify when an<br />

operator may use this authorization.<br />

As I reflect on my initial<br />

EVO training, I remember very<br />

little of when I was authorized<br />

to drive in contrast with the law.<br />

I do, however, remember being<br />

on the track and encouraged by<br />

instructors to push the limits of<br />

the vehicle. After 2 years serving<br />

as a state trooper, I became an<br />

instructor. Needless to say, I possessed<br />

very little knowledge or<br />

experience, so I taught the same<br />

aggressive driving behavior that<br />

was taught to me. <strong>No</strong>t only did I<br />

believe my skill set was superior,<br />

but I demonstrated it at every<br />

opportunity. I drove at excessive<br />

speeds and blew through red<br />

lights without slowing to clear<br />

the intersection as required by<br />

law. Today I can honestly say I<br />

had a celestial co-pilot that had<br />

plans for me. After burying 3<br />

of our police officers, all killed<br />

in traffic crashes, I began contemplating<br />

what role I played in<br />

the deaths of these young men.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t only what I taught, but the<br />

role model I set for the younger<br />

troopers that I worked around.<br />

I can honestly say I failed all<br />

those who I trained and those<br />

who were in the vehicle with me,<br />

along with those who witnessed<br />

my driving.<br />

Allow me to explain why I am<br />

so passionate about EVO. When<br />

I was younger, my ego was the<br />

size of the Gulf of Mexico. Ego<br />

clouds judgment. Without clear<br />

judgment the operator can slip<br />

into rogue status. I was the<br />

quintessential rogue. I believed<br />

the law did not apply to me<br />

because I drove an emergency<br />

vehicle. I also believed I possessed<br />

superior skill; therefore, I<br />

could drive anyway I felt necessary.<br />

Late for work, no problem,<br />

traveling across the state for an<br />

assignment, going home after a<br />

long shift, no problem, leave late,<br />

get there early was always my<br />

modus operandi.<br />

I possessed many attitudes that<br />

should have led to my demise<br />

many times. I maintained a cando<br />

attitude, which is not a bad<br />

thing until personal safety was<br />

at risk. Always pressing, the need<br />

to be involved in events outside<br />

of my area of responsibility. Antiauthority,<br />

I am above the law. Invulnerability,<br />

my skill is so superior,<br />

nothing will happen to me.<br />

All of this led to complacency.<br />

Here is the underlying problem of<br />

all those things. I was unaware<br />

of my rogue behavior.<br />

I have developed a course to<br />

identify rogues. In my case I did<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 61

not know I was a rogue. This<br />

may also be the case for many<br />

of you reading this. When we<br />

are amped up and pressing to<br />

arrive at a call for assistance,<br />

we may take chances. <strong>No</strong>t slowing<br />

at a red light or stop sign or<br />

operating at dangerous speeds.<br />

I am not sure when I began to<br />

understand I was not as good as<br />

I believed, but it happened, and<br />

I want others to see that rogue<br />

behavior exists in the law enforcement<br />

profession and it can<br />

be overcome. Rogue behavior,<br />

if continued, will ultimately end<br />

up in one of three places. You<br />

may find yourself on the unemployment<br />

line, in the defendant’s<br />

chair trying to defend your actions,<br />

or in a casket leaving those<br />

who love you to survive on their<br />

own.<br />

Below 100 has been around<br />

for many years now and we are<br />

no closer to achieving that goal<br />

than we were when the seminar<br />

began years ago. We can not do<br />

anything to prevent assailants<br />

from shooting us other than<br />

wearing protective equipment.<br />

There is only so much we can do<br />

to prevent impaired drivers from<br />

crashing into our patrol units<br />

while on the side of the road<br />

except keeping your head on a<br />

swivel, using the patrol car for<br />

what protection it can offer. Discussing<br />

Spike deployment regularly,<br />

discussing the difference<br />

between cover and concealment<br />

while deploying spikes to end a<br />

pursuit. Lastly, we should consistently<br />

train to focus on the task<br />

at hand, the safe operation of the<br />

patrol unit. These things should<br />

be discussed early and often<br />

with your patrol staff.<br />

I read a story about a police<br />

officer while responding to a<br />

call, blew a red light, no audible<br />

signal, and no emergency lighting,<br />

without slowing for safety.<br />

The police officer killed two<br />

teenaged girls who were not<br />

involved in the event. The police<br />

officer was fired, indicted, and<br />

sentenced to 10 years in prison<br />

on 2 counts of involuntary manslaughter.<br />

During discovery, the<br />

defense found where this police<br />

officer was reprimanded twice<br />

and had a history of aggressive<br />

driving. (So why were they<br />

allowed to continue to drive)?<br />

The family of the two girls sued<br />

the department and the officer’s<br />

supervisors for vicarious liability.<br />

To say none of these events<br />

should have occurred would be<br />

an understatement. Supervisors<br />

while reviewing dash-cam video<br />

should have honest conversations<br />

with officers who operate<br />

on the edge of danger, even<br />

when there are no negative consequences.<br />

There are those who<br />

do the right thing, at the right<br />

time, for the right reason, and<br />

there are others who do what<br />

they want, when they want, and<br />

give very little thought to the<br />

consequences. There are many<br />

law enforcement officers who<br />

understand and respect the dangers<br />

associated with emergency<br />

operations. Then there are those<br />

who possess an air of superiority.<br />

Every leader of your agency<br />

should lead by example, drive<br />

to their skill level, and educate<br />

those who continue to push the<br />

envelope. If you care for the welfare<br />

of your staff, team, friends,<br />

and family let’s make 2024 the<br />

year we eliminate senseless car<br />

crashes in law enforcement.<br />

I challenge everyone who<br />

reads this article to host our<br />

8-hour mental aspects of emergency<br />

vehicle operation seminar<br />

“The Law Enforcement Driving<br />

Concern”. This training can and<br />

has changed the attitudes of the<br />

rogues, the officers who are on<br />

the edge, and provide inspiration<br />

to all in attendance to understand<br />

driving an emergency vehicle<br />

is not just driving. It can be<br />

as deadly as an encounter with<br />

an armed suspect. The difference,<br />

an out-of-control patrol<br />

unit with a rogue driver rarely<br />

lives to talk about it.<br />

Until next time, please be safe,<br />

drive to your skill level and keep<br />

the dirty side down.<br />


Garry Parker has served the<br />

citizens of Texas more than four<br />

decades in law enforcement and<br />

retired from the Texas Department<br />

of Public Safety in 2009. He holds a<br />

commission from the Texas Department<br />

of Public Safety as a Special<br />

Ranger. Garry served as a Law<br />

Enforcement Liaison and Instructor<br />

with the Texas Municipal Police Association<br />

and retired in 2020. Garry<br />

is certified as speaker, trainer and<br />

coach, through the Maxwell Leadership<br />

Team, the International Speakers<br />

Network, and the Texas Commission<br />

on Law Enforcement. Garry is<br />

a nationally recognized trainer and<br />

consultant in traffic safety, crash<br />

prevention, law enforcement tasks,<br />

and emergency vehicle operation.<br />

Garry is a motivational speaker,<br />

trainer and coach on communication<br />

and leadership. Garry has served as<br />

keynote speaker for many conferences<br />

around the country. He has<br />

been recognized for excellence in<br />

program development and presentation<br />

by the Texas Commission on<br />

Law Enforcement and nationally by<br />

Uniform Safety Education Officers<br />

inc. Gary can be reached at: www.<br />

garryparkerandassociates.com<br />

62 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 63


PepperBall<br />

PepperBall unveils redesigned non-lethal FTC PRO<br />

and FTC PRO PLUS launchers at SHOT SHOW ‘24.<br />

LAKE FOREST, Il. - Pepper-<br />

Ball®, a leader in non-lethal<br />

solutions for law enforcement,<br />

is proud to announce the launch<br />

of its redesigned FTC PRO and<br />

FTC PRO PLUS launchers. These<br />

state-of-the-art models were<br />

showcased at SHOT Show 2024,<br />

in Las Vegas, NV.<br />

The FTC PRO and FTC PRO<br />

PLUS are engineered to meet<br />

the ever-evolving demands of<br />

law enforcement professionals.<br />

While both launchers share a<br />

base of innovative features, each<br />

has unique aspects tailored to<br />

specific operational needs.<br />

The FTC PRO: Advanced Precision<br />

and Control for Law Enforcement<br />

The FTC PRO is designed for<br />

precision and ease of use, featuring<br />

a compact and lightweight<br />

construction ideal for<br />

various law enforcement scenarios.<br />

Its semi-automatic firing<br />

system ensures rapid response<br />

in dynamic situations, delivering<br />

10-12 rounds per second.<br />

This launcher is equipped with a<br />

high-capacity hopper, capable<br />

of holding 160 standard round<br />

projectiles, minimizing the need<br />

for frequent reloading. The 13<br />

cubic inch high-pressure air<br />

system supports prolonged use,<br />

essential in crowd management<br />

and riot control operations.<br />

The FTC PRO PLUS: Enhanced<br />

Performance for Extended Operations<br />

Building on the foundation of<br />

the FTC PRO, the FTC PRO PLUS<br />

offers additional features for<br />

extended operations. It boasts<br />

an upgraded air system ensuring<br />

that officers can remain engaged<br />

in prolonged scenarios without<br />

the interruption of reloading. The<br />

FTC PRO Plus also offers a premium<br />

reflex sight. This launcher<br />

is specifically designed to provide<br />

law enforcement with a superior<br />

tool for extended tactical<br />

situations, where endurance and<br />

efficiency are paramount.<br />

Both models feature a MIL-<br />

STD-1913 Rail for mounting accessories,<br />

expanding their functionality.<br />

The no-recoil operation<br />

enhances accuracy and control,<br />

critical in high-pressure environments.<br />

With safety as a priority,<br />

both launchers include a crossbolt<br />

safety switch and an adjustable<br />

front foregrip, providing<br />

secure handling and additional<br />

comfort.<br />

“PepperBall is committed to<br />

providing law enforcement professionals<br />

with reliable non-lethal<br />

tools that save lives,” said<br />

Scott Quarles, PepperBall Director<br />

of Product Management. “The<br />

redesigned FTC PRO and FTC<br />

PRO PLUS represent our dedica-<br />

64 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

tion to innovation and our ongoing<br />

effort to support the safety<br />

and effectiveness of law enforcement<br />

agencies worldwide.<br />

Using officer feedback, our team<br />

has updated our most popular<br />

launcher and made it even more<br />

reliable and ready for the challenges<br />

our users encounter each<br />

day.”<br />

About PepperBall:<br />

PepperBall saves lives. PepperBall<br />

is dedicated to creating<br />

the highest quality non-lethal<br />

law enforcement solutions that<br />

de-escalate confrontations,<br />

safely change behavior and<br />

ultimately save lives. For over<br />

two decades, PepperBall has<br />

been the trusted partner for law<br />

enforcement, correctional and<br />

military professionals worldwide.<br />

With over 20 million PepperBall<br />

projectiles deployed with zero<br />

fatalities, PepperBall stands<br />

behind each product with an<br />

industry-leading commitment to<br />

training and service.<br />

SAVES<br />

LIVES<br />



Why Adopt the PepperBall <strong>No</strong>n-Lethal System?<br />

• PepperBall saves lives, improves officer safety and morale and<br />

strengthens community relations.<br />

• When used in daily patrol, PepperBall decreases agency<br />

liability risk by lowering the probability of an officer using lethal<br />

force.<br />

• Agencies can equip their patrol divisions for a fraction of the<br />

cost of investigating and resolving other force methods.<br />

• PepperBall gives agencies versatility: one launcher can<br />

address many different scenarios.<br />



LIVE-X <br />

LIVE-MAXX <br />

LIVE-X VXR <br />


• More accurate than the competition<br />

• Industry leading in duration and<br />

dispersion<br />

• <strong>No</strong>n-flammable, pharmaceutical grade<br />

VKS PRO<br />

• The ultimate non-lethal launcher<br />

INERT VXR <br />

• Dual feed system, uses either high-accuracy VXR<br />

or standard round projectiles<br />

• Adjustable folding foregrip; M-LOK Handguard<br />

TRP <br />

• Low profile and lightweight<br />

• Reliable and accurate<br />

• Uses either high-accuracy VXR or standard round<br />

projectiles<br />

BLAST <br />

• Ideal for close range use by Law Enforcement or<br />

Corrections<br />

• 3x PAVA payload per shot<br />

• Effective for up to a 10 ft distance; refillable<br />

• NEW for 2024 - the BLAST-GB Glassbreaker!<br />

© Copyright 2024 PepperBall<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 65


Driven by Faith and Passion<br />

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Rick<br />

Fernandez a few months ago on a trip to Houston,<br />

Texas and then followed up with him again to<br />

author this article. Rick’s story is an excellent example<br />

of success through taking a chance on a<br />

vision through the path of entrepreneurship. At his<br />

core, he is driven by his Christian faith and a passion<br />

to offer unique clothing and equipment to<br />

keep our responders safe. It is truly my pleasure to<br />

share this interesting journey with you.<br />

66 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 67

A Career in Law Enforcement<br />

I started law enforcement in<br />

1997. When I finished high school<br />

here in Pearland, I joined the fire<br />

department and at the time it<br />

was in a voluntary role. I was<br />

able to just jump in. Shortly after<br />

I began volunteering, the police<br />

academy came available. When<br />

I finished with training, I started<br />

looking for a job and was hired<br />

by the Surfside Beach Police Department.<br />

This is where my journey<br />

in law enforcement began,<br />

and while my heart was pulled to<br />

Pearland, they were not hiring at<br />

that time. Within a year, I started<br />

the hiring process with the<br />

Pearland Police Department and<br />

then spent the rest of my time<br />

here, totaling about 10 years in<br />

law enforcement. I initially served<br />

in the patrol division and had the<br />

privilege of being a part of the<br />

honor guard. This was special to<br />

me because I have been a lifelong<br />

resident of Pearland.<br />

68 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 69

A Gift for Media Relations<br />

and a Vision is Born<br />

During my last three years with Pearland, I worked as both an officer and a<br />

business owner as I started Cop Stop in May of 2003. The Chief of Police also<br />

appointed me to create the public information division of the Pearland Police<br />

Department. Prior to my role as the public information officer, my supervisor<br />

addressed this need and then asked if I would consider doing it on a regular<br />

basis. There were some incidents in Pearland, and I happened to be in the<br />

area. I always joked that they scanned the area and said, “oh there’s Fernandez,”<br />

let us ask him and see if he could manage the media! With the support<br />

of the Chief, I managed both the PIO role and my business for about three and<br />

a half years as I had this flexibility.<br />

A Family Affair<br />

My family has been incredibly instrumental in my success. My mom, Olga,<br />

worked at the store behind the counter while I was at the police department.<br />

She was retired so she wanted to help. She had no knowledge of public safety,<br />

no knowledge of the product, but it was very impressive how she learned<br />

it. I now have a glimpse of the things we do for our kids since I now have a<br />

wife, Natalie, and two sons, Nick, and Cristian. What really made this possible<br />

was not only my mom behind the counter, but also my grandparents. They<br />

were the driving force for me to take the full-time step to grow the business.<br />

They believed in me. I will never forget my grandfather looking at me<br />

one afternoon at my parent’s house and asking, “why don’t you do it”? With a<br />

$30,000 loan from my grandfather, the decision was made. I remember feeling<br />

excited and having the passion, but the Lord had really guided me to this.<br />

This is how Cop Stop officially started and I will never forget the moment I<br />

turned on the open sign for the first time. Natalie remains our Chief Financial<br />

Officer, is also incredibly involved in the business. She, and our sons, have<br />

been a true gift in this journey.<br />

70 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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Leadership and Opportunities<br />

The best reward and the best part of this business is being able to<br />

find people that are like-minded in a passion of wanting to come<br />

aboard. I enjoy employing people and then discovering things about<br />

them that they did not even know and encouraging these traits for<br />

their success. It is my goal to elevate them even higher in their work,<br />

and, in turn, being able to elevate them even higher within themselves.<br />

When I see my team, I give them glory as they are the true<br />

heroes of Cop Stop. I often tell people that business leadership is<br />

about people. While my wife and I may be at the top, it is the men<br />

and women that make Cop Stop what it is. I describe it as the culture<br />

of the business. You must build a good culture, a foundation.<br />

When you build a culture where people like what they do, embrace<br />

our purpose, it makes people want to come to work and fully engage<br />

in what they do. Cop Stop also employs some prior first responders<br />

who have been dedicated to the business for years. I give<br />

credit to my past staff, my current staff, and then of course staff<br />

that we do not even know yet (and who the Lord will bring).<br />

72 The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 73

The Mission and Structure of Cop Stop<br />

We cater to public safety. Our top two things are uniforms and<br />

body armor, and all the accessories that go with it, from clothing to<br />

firearms. Our customers include police departments, fire and EMS,<br />

security companies, and military. We have six divisions of the company.<br />

We have what I call the front of the house, which is the retail.<br />

We have our account reps who serve as the face or voice to our<br />

customers that stretch throughout the country. We have our office<br />

personnel, of course, that make up our accounts receivable and payables.<br />

We also have our warehouse team, as well as our custom<br />

shop, made up of employees (seamstresses, embroidery technicians,<br />

and heat press operators) who possess many years of experience.<br />

Our sixth department is newer for us, our e-commerce. We<br />

relaunched E-Commerce about a year and a half ago, and it is under<br />

development, and are adding more products onto the website. It<br />

is doing well. That is a division that is going to continue to grow. In<br />

the next ten years, I would love to continue to employ more people.<br />

I would love to open more locations. There is going to be a lot more<br />

enhancement as technology is rapidly changing.<br />

We pride ourselves on how we manage our orders. Every single<br />

online order that comes in during operating hours will get an order<br />

confirmation tracking number within an hour or two. They are getting<br />

it very quickly, packaging it, and we put appreciation in each order.<br />

We have little things that we will put in the package to say thank you<br />

and to encourage them to come back to our website. We want our<br />

customers to know we genuinely appreciate their business and want<br />

to build an ongoing relationship with them.<br />

74 The <strong>Blues</strong> - - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 75

Our Lifesaving Tool<br />

We are responsible for the lifesaving tool that they wear each and<br />

every day so when we are given the opportunity to be able to size<br />

somebody for their body armor, we need to make sure it’s done properly.<br />

The climate of law enforcement is so much more dangerous on<br />

the streets today. It is an extreme honor to provide these vests, especially<br />

when women officers share with us that they have never had a<br />

vest that fits properly. We all know that every woman is shaped differently,<br />

therefore it needs to be done right. Our vests require a custom<br />

fit. We often receive praise; some customers tear up because of<br />

how well it fits because they can breathe. The industry is constantly<br />

evolving and one of the areas that has changed is product design for<br />

women. More women are now embracing law enforcement. I can tell<br />

you in the twenty-one years there has been a tremendous transformation<br />

and there are so many women that are coming on board, so<br />

the manufacturers are now understanding that we need to step up.<br />

Giving Back<br />

I always think one of our core values is founded in giving back to<br />

those that have made us what we are today. We participate in countless<br />

award ceremonies, provide gift cards, or raffle items to help raise<br />

funds for an officer injured in the line of duty. This may include a<br />

high-priced rifle or a weapon of some sort to be auctioned off. There<br />

is an aspect of helping others that really touches my heart. When a<br />

police officer passes away, the family either decides to lay that loved<br />

one to rest in the uniform with their original gear; or they will seek<br />

other gear to outfit their loved one because they want to place the<br />

original in a shadow box or a case. When approached by an agency<br />

that is asking for us to outfit their loved one, it is a true honor. It tugs<br />

on our heart to know that the officer is laid to rest in their most important<br />

outfit, and it is incredibly meaningful to that family and the<br />

attendees.<br />

76 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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L<br />

78 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

Driven by Faith and Passion<br />

I continue to get excited because of my walk in my<br />

Christian faith and my passion in the mission of<br />

Cop Stop, sustains me as I think about the future.<br />

ook at what the Lord has done thus far, but like the<br />

Bible says, this is just the beginning, and He wants<br />

to rain down more blessings upon us.<br />

Rick Fernandez, CEO, Cop Stop<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 79

80 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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82 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24










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* Valid thru 2/29/2024<br />



6831 Broadway, STE F • Pearland, TX 77581<br />

(281) 412-7358<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 83


“Cascading failures”<br />

Justice Department blasts law enforcement’s botched<br />

response to Uvalde school shooting.<br />

By Lomi Kriel<br />

UVALDE, TX. — Law enforcement agencies<br />

across the country should immediately<br />

prioritize active shooter training, U.S. Attorney<br />

General Merrick Garland said Thursday<br />

as he released a scathing report about the<br />

handling of the 2022 massacre in Uvalde in<br />

which lives could have been saved if training<br />

protocols had been followed.<br />

The Justice Department’s long-anticipated<br />

report about the shooting found that<br />

“cascading failures of leadership, decision-making,<br />

tactics, policy and training”<br />

led to the bungled response, which Garland<br />

said should never have happened. Nineteen<br />

children and two teachers were killed on<br />

May 24, 2022.<br />

“Had law enforcement agencies followed<br />

generally accepted practices in an active<br />

shooter situation and gone right after the<br />

shooter to stop him, lives would have been<br />

saved and people would have survived,”<br />

Garland said during a news conference on<br />

Thursday.<br />

The report’s findings about the failure<br />

to follow protocol and the lack of sufficient<br />

training to prepare officers for a<br />

mass shooting largely mirrored the flaws<br />

revealed in a Texas Tribune, ProPublica<br />

and FRONTLINE investigation published<br />

last month that found that states require<br />

students and teachers to receive far more<br />

training to prepare them for a mass shooting<br />

than they require for the police. At least<br />

37 states require schools to conduct active-shooter-related<br />

drills, nearly all on an<br />

annual basis. But Texas is the only state that<br />

mandates that all its police officers complete<br />

repeated training, at least 16 hours<br />

every two years. That requirement was<br />

implemented after the Uvalde shooting.<br />

Garland said the report was produced<br />

in an effort to offer lessons that would<br />

hopefully better prepare law enforcement<br />

across the country to respond to future<br />

mass shootings. It offered recommendations<br />

that included requiring all agencies in<br />

a region to train together and providing officers<br />

across the country with at least eight<br />

hours of active shooter training annually.<br />

The vast majority of at least 380 officers<br />

from about two dozen local, state and federal<br />

agencies who responded to the school<br />

had never trained together, “contributing to<br />

difficulties in coordination and communication,”<br />

the report stated.<br />

“Our children deserve better than to grow<br />

84 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 85 85

up in a country where an 18-year-old has<br />

easy access to a weapon that belongs on<br />

the battlefield, not in a classroom,” Garland<br />

said. “And communities across the country,<br />

and the law enforcement officers who protect<br />

them, deserve better than to be forced<br />

to respond to one horrific mass shooting<br />

after another. But that is the terrible reality<br />

that we face. And so it is the reality that<br />

every law enforcement agency in every<br />

community across the country must be<br />

prepared for.”<br />

Mo Canady, executive director of the<br />

National Association of School Resource<br />

Officers, said in an interview that he appreciates<br />

the emphasis the Department<br />

of Justice placed on widespread active-shooter<br />

training. Still, Canady said he<br />

is frustrated that leaders have not already<br />

learned that “25-year-old lesson” after the<br />

shootings at Columbine High, Sandy Hook<br />

Elementary and Marjory Stoneman Douglas<br />

High School.<br />

Since the 1999 Columbine shooting, law<br />

enforcement officers have been trained to<br />

prioritize stopping the shooter. The report<br />

stated that everything else, including officer<br />

safety, should be secondary, adding<br />

that efforts to engage the shooter “must<br />

be undertaken regardless of the equipment<br />

and personnel available.”<br />

“We’ve got to understand what the priorities<br />

are and, quite frankly, I see there are<br />

not a lot of priorities greater than keeping<br />

students safe at school,” Canady said.<br />

Kimberly Mata-Rubio, whose 10-year-old<br />

daughter Lexi was killed in the shooting,<br />

said she hopes the report’s findings lead to<br />

action, that “the failures end today and that<br />

local officials do what wasn’t done that<br />

day, do right by the victims and survivors<br />

of Robb Elementary: terminations, criminal<br />

prosecutions and that our state and federal<br />

government enacts sensible gun laws.”<br />

Garland directed questions about whether<br />

any officers who responded to the shooting<br />

would be criminally charged to the local<br />

district attorney, saying that was not within<br />

the jurisdiction of the federal government.<br />

Uvalde District Attorney Christina Mitchell<br />

initially planned to present her case<br />

to a grand jury in late 2023 but later told<br />

the Associated Press that her investigation<br />

86 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January ‘24

would continue into this year. Mitchell said<br />

in a statement Wednesday that her office<br />

“will continue our independent review for<br />

any potential criminal charges.”<br />

The district attorney and the Texas Department<br />

of Public Safety have fought the<br />

release of records related to the shooting,<br />

prompting news organizations, including<br />

ProPublica and the Tribune, to sue. A Travis<br />

County district judge ruled in the newsrooms’<br />

favor last month, but DPS appealed.<br />

The agency did not respond to requests for<br />

comment about the Justice Department’s<br />

report.<br />

Gov. Greg Abbott, who initially praised<br />

the response and later said he was misled,<br />

released a statement thanking the Justice<br />

Department. He said the state has already<br />

adopted some of the recommended measures<br />

and would review others.<br />

The report, which offers the most comprehensive<br />

account to date from authorities<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January ‘24 87

about the shooting, echoes many findings<br />

from a probe released by a state House<br />

committee two months after the shooting.<br />

In presenting the new report’s findings,<br />

Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta<br />

criticized initial misinformation and conflicting<br />

accounts provided by officials, including<br />

Abbott and DPS.<br />

The report noted that the “misguided and<br />

misleading narratives, leaks, and lack of<br />

communication about what happened on<br />

May 24 is unprecedented and has had an<br />

extensive, negative impact on the mental<br />

health and recovery of the family members<br />

and other victims, as well as the entire<br />

community of Uvalde.”<br />

The previous mayor of Uvalde requested<br />

the federal review days after the shooting<br />

when it became clear that the response<br />

was flawed. The review was led in part by<br />

Sheriff John Mina of Orange County, Florida,<br />

who was the incident commander<br />

during the 2016 Pulse Nightclub massacre<br />

in Orlando.<br />

An outside review of that incident found<br />

that Florida officers, who waited three<br />

hours to take down the shooter, mostly followed<br />

best practices, although it stated that<br />

the law enforcement agencies in Orlando<br />

should update their training and policies.<br />

In multiple after-action reviews, including<br />

the Pulse report, authors opted not to<br />

criticize significant law enforcement delays<br />

during mass shootings, according to an<br />

analysis of more than three dozen of these<br />

reports by ProPublica, the Tribune and<br />


The Uvalde report was far more critical,<br />

finding failures in leadership, command and<br />

coordination.<br />

It stated that officers wrongly treated the<br />

situation as a barricaded suspect incident<br />

instead of one in which a shooter was an<br />

active threat to children and teachers. Officers<br />

should “never” treat an active shooter<br />

with access to victims as a barricaded suspect<br />

— especially in a school, where there<br />

is a “high probability” of potential victims<br />

and innocent civilians being present, the<br />

report stated.<br />

Officers had multiple indicators that<br />

should have made it clear they were facing<br />

an active shooter, including 911 calls from<br />

children and teachers pleading for help, a<br />

dispatcher’s announcement minutes after<br />

officers arrived that students were likely<br />

in the classroom with the shooter, and an<br />

Uvalde school police officer announcing<br />

that his wife had called to tell him she had<br />

been shot, according to the report.<br />

Gupta condemned the medical response,<br />

saying that after police breached the classroom<br />

and killed the gunman, dead victims<br />

were placed in ambulances while children<br />

with bullet wounds were put on school<br />

buses. Many of those findings were revealed<br />

in a 2022 investigation by the Tribune, Pro-<br />

Publica and The Washington Post that determined<br />

medical responders did not know<br />

who was in charge and that two students<br />

and a teacher who later died still had a<br />

pulse when they were rescued from the<br />

school.<br />

In its blistering criticism of responding officers,<br />

the report said that supervisors from<br />

various law enforcement agencies “demonstrated<br />

no urgency” in taking control of the<br />

incident, which exacerbated communication<br />

problems and added to overall confusion.<br />

Uvalde school district Police Chief Pete<br />

Arredondo, who was listed as the incident<br />

88 The <strong>Blues</strong> - - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January ‘24

commander in the district’s active-shooter<br />

plan, had the “necessary authority, training<br />

and tools” to lead the response but did not<br />

provide “appropriate leadership, command<br />

and control,” the report found. Arredondo<br />

could not be reached for comment Thursday<br />

through his attorney. He has previously<br />

defended his actions and those of others<br />

involved in the response.<br />

Beyond that, no leader from any of the<br />

other responding agencies “effectively<br />

questioned the decisions and lack of urgency”<br />

demonstrated by Arredondo and Uvalde<br />

Police Department Acting Chief Mariano<br />

Pargas, who both arrived at the school<br />

within minutes of the first round of gunfire.<br />

The report listed Uvalde County Sheriff<br />

Ruben <strong>No</strong>lasco, Uvalde County Constables<br />

Emmanuel Zamora and Johnny Field, and<br />

an unidentified Texas Ranger as examples<br />

of such leaders.<br />

“Responding officers here in Uvalde, who<br />

also lost loved ones and who still bear the<br />

emotional scars of that day, deserved the<br />

kind of leadership and training that would<br />

have prepared them to do the work that<br />

was required,” Garland said.<br />

The report also found that key officers,<br />

including Pargas, had no active shooter<br />

or incident command training despite,<br />

in some instances, having decades of law<br />

enforcement experience. <strong>No</strong>lasco, the sheriff,<br />

also had no active shooter training and<br />

“minimal” incident command training.<br />

Law enforcement training academies<br />

must ensure that active shooter training<br />

instructs officers on how to distinguish<br />

between active threats and barricaded or<br />

hostage situations, the report said. Officers<br />

should be prepared to approach the threat<br />

using the tools they have with them, which<br />

are often standard firearms. They should<br />

not wait for specialized equipment or tactical<br />

teams if they know that people are<br />

injured, the report stated.<br />

The Tribune reported early last year that<br />

some officers were afraid to confront the<br />

gunman because he had an AR-15 rifle.<br />

“<strong>No</strong> law enforcement agency or community<br />

can assume that what happened here<br />

— or in Newtown or in Parkland or in Columbine<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January ‘24 89

HARRIS<br />

COUNTY<br />


90 The The BLUES <strong>Blues</strong> <strong>40</strong>th - January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary Anniversary ‘24 Issue


COUNTY<br />


The BLUES <strong>Blues</strong> <strong>40</strong>th - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January Anniversary ‘24 Issue 91

HARRIS<br />

COUNTY<br />




“I remember the first night of the<br />

George Floyd riot in downtown<br />

Houston. As soon as I reported to<br />

my division, I was ordered downtown<br />

immediately to assist. I reported<br />

to the Central Patrol Division at<br />

61 Riesner, and the building had a<br />

security perimeter like a compound<br />

under siege. I remember downtown<br />

looking post-apocalyptic, with people<br />

running around on the streets<br />

with no cars to be seen anywhere.<br />

On the radio, I heard officers asking<br />

for assistance at a specific intersection,<br />

so I headed that way. I saw<br />

officers in disarray with no leadership<br />

– we were short on supervisors<br />

– so I stepped up and eased the<br />

panic I saw in some of the officers’<br />

faces. Officers were asking me for<br />

directions and looking to me for<br />

leadership, and I stepped up to the<br />

challenge. As I stood downtown, I<br />

was in absolute disbelief.<br />

I considered the county and<br />

community that I grew up in and<br />

wondered, “How did we get here?”.<br />

Harris County, for all its problems,<br />

has historically enjoyed one distinct<br />

characteristic beyond other large<br />

cities and counties - lower crime.<br />

Why? Because county leadership<br />

resembled the citizens’ bi-partisan<br />

attitudes toward law and order and<br />

their resistance to relinquishing a<br />

safe community by submitting to<br />

contrary ideologies. I witnessed the<br />

chaos in that riot with the realization<br />

that it was a byproduct of<br />

weak local and national leadership.<br />

The riot was indicative of endemic<br />

attitudes that were against law<br />

and order produced by politicians,<br />

judges, and their activist associates.<br />

The cameras and journalists were<br />

there covering every minute of the<br />

riot, but it was just one example<br />

of the community’s influence being<br />

appropriated by people who didn’t<br />

represent or respect them.<br />

I later learned that most of the rioters<br />

who were arrested that night<br />

weren’t members of our community<br />

- they were bused in as far as out<br />

of state. It was in this situation that<br />

92 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 93

most people would never experience<br />

that I realized how vital it is to<br />

have qualified police leadership that<br />

is ready at a moment’s notice. I was<br />

born and raised in Harris County,<br />

and I don’t like what it has become.<br />

Due to my concerns for our community,<br />

I prayed and spoke with my<br />

family and decided that I needed to<br />

step up and run for sheriff. I’m the<br />

only republican candidate with police<br />

supervisory experience and jail<br />

supervisory experience - qualifications<br />

that are paramount to being<br />

sheriff of the nation’s third-largest<br />

county. Escalating violent crime and<br />

violence and death in our county<br />

jail equate to human rights violations<br />

that have to be addressed<br />

immediately. We should ask sheriff<br />

candidates tough questions about<br />

their recent training, supervisory<br />

experience, real-life scenarios that<br />

they have encountered, and their<br />

commitment to protecting citizens’<br />

constitutional rights. One Republican<br />

candidate has stated that you<br />

just need to be a good politician to<br />

be sheriff – I think 100% of Harris<br />

County citizens would disagree.”<br />

PAUL DAY<br />

As I stand before you as a candidate<br />

for Harris County Sheriff,<br />

I am reminded of the journey<br />

that has led me here. With over<br />

45+ years of experience in law<br />

enforcement, including 32 dedicated<br />

years with the Houston<br />

Police Department (HPD) and a<br />

significant tenure with the Harris<br />

County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO),<br />

my life has been a testament to<br />

the values we uphold as guardians<br />

of the community.<br />

My years with HPD, particularly<br />

the 17 spent with SWAT, shaped<br />

me into a resilient officer, ready<br />

to face the unpredictable challenges<br />

of law enforcement. I<br />

continued my service by joining<br />

the HCSO, where I eventually<br />

retired after 11 years of diligent<br />

work. This unique journey makes<br />

me the only Republican candidate<br />

in the primary who has not<br />

just served but retired from the<br />

HCSO. This firsthand experience<br />

as a Harris County Sheriff’s deputy<br />

gives me an intimate understanding<br />

of the intricacies and<br />

demands of the role I now aspire<br />

to lead.<br />

As Sheriff… my focus will be<br />

clear:<br />

• Advocate for High Double-Digit<br />

Raises: I am committed<br />

to using all available resources<br />

to persuade the Commissioners<br />

Court of the critical need for<br />

significant salary increases. Our<br />

dedication and risk deserve equitable<br />

compensation.<br />

• Expand the Recruiting Process:<br />

Recognizing the need for<br />

a robust and talented force, I<br />

aim to broaden our recruitment<br />

strategies to bring in individuals<br />

who reflect the values and skills<br />

essential for modern policing.<br />

• Stand Behind Our Deputies: A<br />

fundamental promise from me –<br />

to always have your backs. Your<br />

safety and well-being will be<br />

my utmost priority, in and out of<br />

the field.<br />

• Control & Pass Jail Inspections:<br />

Managing the County Jail<br />

efficiently and ensuring it surpasses<br />

the Texas Commission<br />

Jail Standards (TCJS) will be a<br />

top priority. Our aim is not just<br />

to meet but exceed these standards.<br />

• Expand K-Time: Understanding<br />

the importance of your<br />

professional growth and financial<br />

stability, I plan to increase<br />

opportunities for you to engage<br />

in specialized assignments,<br />

enhancing both your career and<br />

personal well-being as well as<br />

enhancing the ability to protect<br />

those we serve.<br />

• Invest in advanced training for<br />

a skilled Deputy/Detention Officer<br />

workforce.<br />

In my bid for Sheriff, my commitment<br />

is to you, the men and<br />

women who put their lives on<br />

the line every day. I understand<br />

your challenges, I share your<br />

concerns, and I promise to lead<br />

with the same dedication that I<br />

served. Together, we can elevate<br />

the Harris County Sheriff’s Office<br />

to new heights of excellence<br />

and integrity. With your vote on<br />

March 5th, I WILL NOT LET YOU<br />

DOWN!<br />

Paul Day<br />

94 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

Elect Vergil Ratliff<br />

for<br />

Harris County Sheriff<br />

Committed to service has been my mantra and has defined<br />

my purpose throughout my law enforcement career. I am<br />

committed to the safety and security of all the citizens of<br />

Harris County and want to continue my service to the<br />

community as the next Sheriff for Harris County, Texas.<br />

Early Voting<br />

<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 20 - March 1, 2024<br />

Primary Election Day<br />

March 5, 2024<br />

Ratliff for Sheriff Campaign<br />

P. O. Box 980533<br />

Houston, TX 77098<br />

832-965-1748<br />

info@ratliffforsheriff.com<br />

www.ratliffforsheriff.com<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 95<br />

Political Advertisement Paid For by the Ratliff for Sheriff Campaign



Harris County faces serious<br />

threats. Increasing crime related<br />

to illegal immigration, narcotics<br />

and human trafficking, jail safety<br />

and the lack of manpower are<br />

issues which must be addressed.<br />

The next Sheriff of Harris County<br />

must be an advocate for law enforcement<br />

and must abandon the<br />

popular “hug a thug” approach<br />

currently infecting the politics at<br />

Commissioners Court. As Sheriff,<br />

I will focus on pushing back<br />

against unreasonable demonization<br />

of our law enforcement<br />

community. I will focus on enforcing<br />

all the laws of Texas and<br />

will get the jail recertified under<br />

the requirements of the Texas<br />

Jail Commission. I will reestablish<br />

the relationship with our<br />

federal partners by cooperating<br />

with I.C.E. and reinstituting the<br />

287G program.<br />

I bring over 15 years of practical<br />

police experience, from routine<br />

patrol to investigating complicated<br />

homicide cases to this<br />

office. I helped create the first<br />

Divisional Gang Unit in Houston<br />

and I am a founding member<br />

of the board of the Texas Gang<br />

Investigators Association, which<br />

now has hundreds of members<br />

statewide. Over 20 years ago, I<br />

launched a firm which consults<br />

with law enforcement agencies<br />

in the United States and abroad<br />

about street gangs and violent<br />

youthful offenders. I am a published<br />

author and a recognized<br />

international expert on street<br />

gangs.<br />

In 2015, I was elected to At-<br />

Large Position 1 of the Houston<br />

City Council and served two<br />

4-year terms. I gained a reputation<br />

as a person who stood up<br />

for conservative values and was<br />

unafraid of confrontation with<br />

the Democrat Mayor and liberal<br />

majority of council by focusing<br />

on good government based on<br />

social and fiscal conservative<br />

values.<br />

I have the law enforcement,<br />

business, political and electoral<br />

experience to be the winning<br />

Republican nominee for Harris<br />

County Sheriff. I am the best<br />

candidate to make public safety<br />

the most critical issue at the<br />

Sheriff’s office and at Commissioner’s<br />

Court. I ask you to vote<br />

for Mike Knox for Harris County<br />

Sheriff in the March 5 Republican<br />

primary.<br />


My name is Joe Inocencio and I<br />

am running to become your next<br />

Harris County Sheriff?<br />

My primary reason to run<br />

against the Incumbent is the<br />

way the Jail has been neglected<br />

and managed like those in a<br />

Third World Country. The state<br />

Jail with its historic homicides,<br />

suicides, recent violent sexual<br />

assault of a female Jailer by<br />

an unescorted violent offender,<br />

Jailer on detainee and detainee<br />

on detainee assaults and beating<br />

deaths, detainee deaths due to<br />

medical malfeasance, historic<br />

staff shortages, resignations, and<br />

low morale, historic number of<br />

Federal class-action lawsuits,<br />

and FBI and Texas Rangers’ murder<br />

investigations are just some<br />

of the reasons why I am running<br />

for Sheriff. We are in the national<br />

news for all the wrong rea-<br />

96 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

sons. The way the Harris County<br />

Jail has been managed has been<br />

labeled by employees as “The<br />

Culture of Death” and it has<br />

become not only a Public Safety<br />

crisis, but a Human Rights issue.<br />

My solution: We must reintroduce<br />

deputies back into the<br />

Jail. The experiment of having<br />

civilians with only five weeks<br />

of training staffing the Jail has<br />

failed miserably. The idea to save<br />

taxpayers’ dollars has ironically<br />

cost millions more due to multiple<br />

lawsuits, overtime, and outsourcing<br />

detainees out of state,<br />

not to mention multiple needless<br />

deaths. The “culture of violence”<br />

is perpetrated by undertrained<br />

civilians. When I joined the Harris<br />

County Sheriff’s Department<br />

in 1980 as a deputy jailer we had<br />

a lot less problems than we have<br />

today with a lot less deputies,<br />

and we certainly did not have a<br />

national stigma of a “culture of<br />

death” an “expectation of violence”,<br />

or a “place of torment<br />

and punishment”. Deputies must<br />

be the ones that control the jail,<br />

not the inmates. I have over 38<br />

years in law enforcement, retiring<br />

as a lieutenant from the<br />

Houston Police Department in<br />

2014, and as an Assistant Chief<br />

Investigator from the Harris<br />

County District Attorney’s Office<br />

in 2020. It is time for change!<br />


As a public servant in law enforcement<br />

for more than thirty-eight<br />

years, I bring a varied<br />

amount of experience, both of<br />

which is essential in the role of<br />

an effective leader. I am currently<br />

employed as Captain<br />

with the Texas Comptroller of<br />

Public Accounts - Criminal Investigation<br />

Division, Professional<br />

Standards. I have patrolled the<br />

streets of Houston and Harris<br />

County, primarily working in<br />

black and brown communities. I<br />

have worked undercover in various<br />

capacities from purchasing<br />

and selling narcotics to posing<br />

and soliciting prostitution. I have<br />

investigated allegations of inappropriate<br />

behavior and/or criminal<br />

activities of officers while<br />

assigned to the Internal Affairs<br />

Division-Personnel Concerns.<br />

Yet, while all of the aforementioned<br />

assignments are notable,<br />

my most rewarding experience<br />

was as a Police Activities League<br />

(P.A.L.) Officer. I mentored and<br />

cultivated relationships with inner-city<br />

kids in the Cuney Homes<br />

community. Many of them call<br />

upon me today for advice and<br />

guidance.<br />

In the 1990’s, when communities<br />

across the country were<br />

being infiltrated with crack cocaine,<br />

I organized a community<br />

of people in Acres Homes. They,<br />

along with law-enforcement<br />

officers, developed strategies to<br />

combat drugs in their community.<br />

The organization was later called<br />

the “Acres Homes War on Drugs,”<br />

and for my leadership role I<br />

received the Presidential 1000<br />

Points of Light Award from President<br />

George H.W. Bush. Based on<br />

my extensive law-enforcement<br />

experience and my known commitment<br />

to community service, in<br />

2010, I was appointed by City of<br />

Houston Mayor Annise Parker to<br />

serve on the Board of Managers<br />

for the Greater Harris County 911<br />

Network. As of this date, I continue<br />

to serve on the Board of Managers<br />

as an appointee by Mayor<br />

Sylvester Turner.<br />

I have received numerous<br />

awards, commendations, and<br />

recognitions throughout my law<br />

enforcement career. In 2019 I<br />

was recognized with a life saving<br />

award and for Women in Leadership<br />

in 2023 by the Texas Comptroller.<br />

Over the years I’ve cultivated<br />

my leadership by attending<br />

classes, workshops, conferences<br />

and seminars. I have accepted<br />

leadership roles through employment,<br />

political appointments, and<br />

community volunteerism, all of<br />

which have afforded me the opportunity<br />

to exercise my acquired<br />

leadership skills through practical<br />

application.<br />

I am hard-working, dedicated<br />

and committed to professionalism<br />

and excellence. Although<br />

my chosen profession is under<br />

attack and scrutiny, I continue<br />

to wear the badge proudly and<br />

remain committed to restoring<br />

community faith and trust in law<br />

enforcement.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 97


COUNTY<br />




98 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

Jimmy Fullen is a 35+ year law<br />

enforcement veteran rising through<br />

the ranks as a patrolman, to police<br />

chief, to most recently serving<br />

the past 14 years as the Republican<br />

Elected Constable for Galveston<br />

County Precinct 2. His dedication to<br />

protecting the citizens of Galveston<br />

County has earned him the endorsements<br />

of nearly every municipal police<br />

association in the County along<br />

with CLEAT, TMPA, COPS and 90%<br />

of the Republican elected officials<br />

in Galveston County. Jimmy Fullen<br />

will dedicate more resources in the<br />

Sheriff’s Office to tackle the increase<br />

of gang violence and fentanyl overdoses<br />

in Galveston County. I will<br />

continue allocating resources to the<br />

southern border to help combat the<br />

invasion of illegal aliens that are<br />

flooding across our borders.<br />

As Sheriff, I will put criminals on<br />

notice that Galveston County is no<br />

longer open for business and criminal<br />

activity will not be tolerated. I<br />

will defend your 2nd amendment<br />

rights, fight against the woke left<br />

that want to defund the police and<br />

you have my promise that I will aggressively<br />

protect and defend your<br />

God Given Rights as Americans.<br />

Elect me, Jimmy Fullen as your next<br />

Galveston County Sheriff.<br />

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Almost a year<br />

ago, longtime friend and fellow law<br />

enforcement officer Jimmy Fullen,<br />

called me to say he was running for<br />

sheriff. I’ve known Jimmy for well<br />

over 30 years, and he is one of the<br />

finest men to ever wear a badge.<br />

We’ve worked together during good<br />

times and bad. Hurricanes and Mardi<br />

Gras. Traffic accidents and serving<br />

felony warrants. <strong>No</strong> matter what<br />

the circumstances, Jimmy has always<br />

shown his passion for the job<br />

and his desire to serve the citizens<br />

of his community. He’s always the<br />

first one through the door and 100%<br />

has your back. There is NO ONE<br />

more qualified or prepared than<br />

Jimmy Fullen to be the next Sheriff<br />

of Galveston County. It is with great<br />

honor on behalf of The BLUES,<br />

the largest police magazine in the<br />

world, to endorse Jimmy Fullen for<br />

the Office of Sheriff for Galveston<br />



The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 99


Major Ray <strong>No</strong>len is a dedicated<br />

law enforcement professional with<br />

an impressive career spanning<br />

over three decades. He began his<br />

journey with the Galveston County<br />

Sheriff’s Office in June 1991 as a<br />

Reserve Deputy while also working<br />

full-time for the City of La Porte.<br />

After 32 years of service, he retired<br />

as the Chief of EMS, leaving behind<br />

a legacy of excellence.<br />

Major Ray <strong>No</strong>len’s career in law<br />

enforcement and public service<br />

spans over three decades, showcasing<br />

his dedication to protecting<br />

and serving his community.<br />

Throughout his tenure, he has acquired<br />

a wealth of experience and<br />

expertise in various areas.<br />

As the Chief of EMS for the City<br />

of La Porte, Major <strong>No</strong>len played a<br />

crucial role in ensuring the safety<br />

and well-being of the residents.<br />

His leadership and strategic decision-making<br />

skills contributed to<br />

the efficient operation of the emergency<br />

medical services, ultimately<br />

saving countless lives.<br />

Major <strong>No</strong>len’s commitment to<br />

continuous learning and professional<br />

development led him to pursue<br />

higher education. He attended<br />

the University of Houston, where he<br />

obtained his Law Enforcement credentials,<br />

Additionally, he completed<br />

the prestigious Certified Public<br />

Manager Graduate Program at Sam<br />

Houston State University, solidifying<br />

his expertise in public administration<br />

and management.<br />

In addition to his law enforcement<br />

and EMS background, Major<br />

<strong>No</strong>len has been actively involved in<br />

various community organizations<br />

and initiatives. He currently serves<br />

as a board member for the College<br />

of the Mainland - Police Academy<br />

Program, where he contributes to<br />

shaping the future of law enforcement<br />

professionals. Major <strong>No</strong>len’s<br />

involvement with the Galveston<br />

County Crisis Incident Stress Management<br />

Team demonstrates his<br />

commitment to supporting and assisting<br />

law enforcement individuals<br />

in times of crisis.<br />

Major <strong>No</strong>len’s impact extends<br />

beyond his daily duties. He wrote a<br />

grant for Operation Lone Star, securing<br />

State of Texas funding of $3.1<br />

million to assist with South Texas<br />

Border security in Kinney County. His<br />

proactive efforts have ensured that<br />

agencies in Galveston County can<br />

provide much-needed assistance at<br />

the border.<br />

Outside of his professional commitments,<br />

Major <strong>No</strong>len has taken<br />

on leadership roles in community<br />

organizations. He served as President<br />

of the Rotary Club, where he<br />

worked alongside fellow members<br />

to carry out impactful projects and<br />

initiatives. Additionally, he held the<br />

position of President of the Heritage<br />

Society, contributing to the preservation<br />

and celebration of the rich<br />

history and heritage of his community.<br />

Major <strong>No</strong>len’s personal life is<br />

equally fulfilling. He resides in<br />

League City with his wife Michelle,<br />

creating a loving and supportive<br />

home environment. Together, they<br />

have raised three children and are<br />

proud grandparents to four grandchildren.<br />

Major <strong>No</strong>len’s dedication to<br />

his family mirrors his commitment<br />

to his profession and community,<br />

showcasing his well-rounded character<br />

and values.<br />

Overall, Major Ray <strong>No</strong>len’s impressive<br />

career, extensive qualifications,<br />

and active involvement in community<br />

organizations exemplify his<br />

unwavering commitment to public<br />

service, leadership, and making a<br />

positive impact in the lives of others.<br />

With his wealth of experience,<br />

unwavering dedication, and impressive<br />

track record, Major <strong>No</strong>len is the<br />

ideal candidate to serve as Galveston<br />

County Sheriff. He is committed<br />

to upholding the values of integrity,<br />

professionalism, and public safety.<br />

With Major <strong>No</strong>len at the helm,<br />

the community can trust that their<br />

well-being and security are in capable<br />

hands.<br />

100 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

Over 13 Million<br />

Views in 2023!<br />


The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 101





HIRING?<br />



bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />

102 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24





• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Vacation<br />

• Paid Holidays<br />

• Personal Days<br />

• Teacher Retirement System<br />


• Intermediate PO: $2,<strong>40</strong>0<br />

• Advanced PO: $4,800<br />

• Master PO: $7,200<br />


• Must be 21 Years Of Age<br />

• Must Hold an Active Tcole Peace Officer License<br />

• Must Complete the Following:<br />

• Pass Physical Agility Test<br />

• Background Investigation<br />

• Psychological Evaluation<br />

• Drug Screening<br />


• Uniforms Provided, Including Duty Weapon<br />

• Department Provided Training<br />

• Starting Pay Depends on<br />

Qualifications / Experience<br />

• TCOLE Certification / Education Pay<br />

• Most Officers work Day Shift with Weekends Off<br />




SGT. HALL AT 281.442.4923<br />


APPLY AT<br />






• Criminal Investigations<br />

• Emergency Response Team<br />

• Honor Guard<br />

• Gang Task Force<br />

• Community Outreach Division<br />

• K-9 Division<br />

• Firearm Instructor<br />

$1,000 SIGNING BONUS<br />

<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 103






104 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring<br />

School District Police Officer<br />

Must be TCOLE Certified<br />

www.pfisd.net/police<br />

226 day work schedule with starting<br />

salary between $52,884 and $60,821<br />

depending on experience<br />

Overtime Opportunities Available<br />

Stipends for TCOLE Advanced & Master<br />

Licenses, MHO Certification, College<br />

Degrees, and Bilingual Proficiency<br />

Thanksgiving, Winter, &<br />

Spring Breaks off<br />

Take Home Vehicle Program<br />

Great Insurance & Benefits<br />

Package with TRS<br />

Retirement<br />


WE’RE<br />

HIRING<br />

Patrol & Onsite Officers (HS/MS)<br />

Gang Officer<br />

Mental Health Officers<br />

Community Relations Officer<br />

Emergency Management<br />

Criminal Investigations<br />

K-9 programs<br />

*All equipment provided including duty weapon<br />

**Training opportunities available<br />



55 officer department<br />

44 square mile district<br />

47 schools<br />

35,000 population<br />

24/7 Patrol<br />

We want you to preserve, protect, and defend our future.<br />

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Shift differential pay<br />

Intermediate, Advanced and<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

certificate pay<br />

Paid time off<br />

Ample overtime opportunities<br />

Apply online today. springbranchisd.com/join-our-team<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 105

The following conferences represent only a few<br />

of the better police conferences you should attend<br />

in <strong>2024.</strong> A list of EVERY police conference<br />

will appear later this month in this section. If<br />

your group has a conference or training session<br />

scheduled for2024, please send the information<br />

to: bluespdmag@gmail.com.<br />

17th Annual Gang Training / Mid-Atlantic Regional Gang<br />

Investigators Network<br />

When: March 17-20, 2024<br />

Where: Hanover, Maryland<br />

Why Attend: This annual training conference is restricted<br />

to sworn law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and<br />

criminal justice professionals and is organized in partnership<br />

with the US Attorney’s Office - District of Maryland, the<br />

American Military University, and the Middle Atlantic-Great<br />

Lakes Organized Crime Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN).<br />

10th Annual International Police K-9 Conference & Vendor<br />

Show<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: Las Vegas, NV<br />

Why Attend: If you’re a K-9 officer, this is the must-attend<br />

conference for police and military professionals who work<br />

with dogs. Meet K-9 Handlers from around the world, shop<br />

for over 60 vendors, and learn from diverse training topics.<br />

FBI-LEEDA the Annual Executive Education Conference<br />

When: April 28 - May 1, 2024<br />

Where: San Antonio, Texas<br />

Why Attend: This education-based event brings some of the<br />

top law enforcement thought-leaders in the profession and<br />

is open to law enforcement – sworn and civilian professional<br />

staff.<br />

2024 National Interdiction Conference<br />

When: August 18-23, 2024<br />

Where: Anaheim, California<br />

Why Attend: This event focuses on training and influencing a<br />

pro-active “All Crimes” approach to criminal interdiction and<br />

is coordinated by the National Criminal Enforcement Association.<br />

106 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association<br />

46th Annual Symposium<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: Los Angeles, CA<br />

Why Attend: The HAPCOA is the oldest and largest association<br />

in the U.S. of Hispanic-American command officers from<br />

law enforcement and criminal justice agencies at the municipal,<br />

county, state, and federal levels. This year’s national<br />

training symposium will also feature a career fair.<br />

International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence<br />

Analysts<br />

When: April 21-26, 2024<br />

Where: New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

Why Attend: The IALEIA annual training event is designed<br />

to help set high standards for professionalism in law enforcement<br />

intelligence analysis at the local, state/provincial,<br />

national, and international levels and this is perhaps, the<br />

best event for those working in the analytical side of law<br />

enforcement.<br />

IACP Technology Conference<br />

When: May 21-23, 2024<br />

Where: Charlotte, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina<br />

Why Attend: The IACP Technology Conference is a professional<br />

law enforcement information technology event bringing<br />

together leaders in law enforcement to discuss the best<br />

ways to adopt and apply new technologies in policing to<br />

keep pace with sophisticated cyber crimes. The event hosts<br />

up to 750+ attendees, roughly 50 education sessions, and 75<br />

industry exhibitors.<br />

2024 National Child Protection Task Force Conference<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: Virtual Conference<br />

Why Attend: This three-day event, is geared toward teaching<br />

law enforcement professionals to enhance and expand their<br />

ability to identify and track suspects involved in child exploitation<br />

and child sexual abuse material featuring speakers<br />

from industry and law enforcement.<br />

Annual SMILE CONFERENCE 2024<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: Scottsdale, AZ<br />

Why You Should Go: Hosted by the Scottsdale Police Department,<br />

the SMILE annual conference is the leading event<br />

devoted to Social Media, the Internet and Law Enforcement<br />

initiatives. The organization pioneered the adoption of social<br />

media by law enforcement agencies across the world for<br />

public outreach, crime prevention, and forensics.<br />

National Sheriff’s Association Annual Education & Technology<br />

Conference 2024<br />

When: June 24-27, 2024<br />

Where: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma<br />

Why You Should Go: The NSA Annual Conference and Exhibition<br />

features vendor displays of products and equipment<br />

relevant to every aspect of law enforcement including; jails,<br />

prisoner transport, courtroom security, and police work.

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 107

Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators<br />

When: June 24-27, 2024<br />

Where: New Orleans<br />

Why You Should Go: The IACLEA 2024 annual conference will<br />

provide campus law enforcement professionals with the best<br />

educational programming for university police, a vendor<br />

showcase, and training and tools to positively impact their<br />

jobs.<br />

National Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Conference<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: TBD<br />

Why Attend: This conference is designed to inspire and<br />

educate law enforcement explorers who will be future law<br />

enforcement professionals and leaders.<br />

2024 National Cyber Crime Conference<br />

When: April 23-25, 2024<br />

Where: <strong>No</strong>rwood, MA<br />

The NCCC event will feature “three days of extensive training<br />

full of instructions and conversations on the most recent and<br />

challenging cyber crime concerns for law enforcement. This<br />

unique training event is sponsored by the National White<br />

Collar Crime Center (NW3C), SEARCH, the National Association<br />

of Attorneys General, the Fox Valley Technical College/<br />

National Criminal Justice Training Center, and Federal Law<br />

Enforcement Training Center<br />

CRIMES AGAINST CHildren Conference<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: TBD<br />

The annual CACC event, typically held in Dallas, Texas, is organized<br />

by the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center and brings<br />

together up to 10,000 law enforcement and children advocates<br />

focused on preventing and addressing the repercussions<br />

of crimes against children.<br />

FBI National Academy Associates Annual 2024 Conference<br />

When: July 20-23, 2024<br />

Where: Kansas City, Missouri<br />

Why Attend: FBINAA is one of the best networking events<br />

with more than 17,000 members from 170 countries. Training<br />

and learning sessions have been led by experts from the likes<br />

of FBI, NYPD, Philadelphia Police Department, Department of<br />

Defense, Homeland Security, US Army War College, Ontario<br />

Provincial Police, leading technology companies such as<br />

Microsoft, and major retailers.<br />

National Association for Civilian Oversight in Law Enforcement<br />

Conference<br />

When: October 13-17, 2024<br />

Where: Tucson, Arizona<br />

Why Attend: NACOLE started with its first event in 1995, and<br />

continuously works to put together comprehensive, informative,<br />

and inclusive programs that address skills training and<br />

current or emerging topics. This conference is best suited for<br />

civilian oversight practitioners, law enforcement officials,<br />

journalists, elected officials, students, community members,<br />

and others.<br />

International Public Safety Association Annual Conference<br />

When: May 1-2, 2024<br />

Where: Mesa, Arizona<br />

Why You Should Go: The IPSA hosts an annual conference<br />

that brings together law enforcement, fire, EMS, telecommunications,<br />

emergency management and allied emergency<br />

responders from around the world and provides excellent<br />

networking and learning opportunities for the latest public<br />

safety best practices.<br />

High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)<br />

When: September 19-22, 2023<br />

Where: Phoenix, AZ<br />

Why You Should Go: HTCIA features some of the world’s<br />

top industry leaders and is one of the most respected high<br />

technology investigation conferences in the world. Current<br />

practitioners who engage in high technology daily serve as<br />

both presenters and attendees.<br />

International Association of Chiefs of Police 2024 Conference<br />

When: October 19-22, 2024<br />

Where: Boston, Massachusetts<br />

Why You Should Go: The IACP annual conference provides<br />

law enforcement leaders with the new strategies, techniques,<br />

and resources they need to successfully navigate the<br />

ever-evolving policing environment.<br />

Feria de Informática Forense en España (FiFE´24)<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: Spain<br />

OnRetrieval organizes the Forensic Informatics Fair in Spain<br />

as a face-to-face event. Fife has become a highly prestigious<br />

fair in the Forensic Informatics sector in which the main representatives<br />

of the Spanish State Security Forces and Bodies,<br />

experts in computer security, forensic investigators, public<br />

entities, and companies related to Computer Forensics, learn<br />

directly from manufacturers, the most innovative trends in<br />

Computer Forensics tools in the world.<br />

Ontario Gang Investigators Association 2024 Conference<br />

When: TBD<br />

Where: TBD<br />

The ONGIA conference brings together members of the law<br />

enforcement community to learn the latest in gang trends,<br />

investigations, and intelligence while providing professional<br />

development for Police, Probation and Parole, Correctional<br />

Officers, Crowns Attorneys, CBSA Officers, Victim Witness<br />

Assistance Program (MAG) and others.<br />

108 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


ST ND RD<br />


ISD Police Unit <strong>No</strong>n-ISD Police Unit Open Category<br />

FOR CONTESTANT HANDBOOK AND TO The REGISTER, <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary VISIT: ‘24 109<br />





110 The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />



AGE: 66 TOUR: 35 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Court Officer Bob Silver was shot and killed while serving an eviction notice in the 6100<br />

block of Genaw Road in Clay Township. Officers from the Clay Township Police Department<br />

were dispatched to the address to locate Officer Silver after court staff were unable to reach<br />

him for several hours. They located his body on the property suffering from gunshot wounds.<br />

The tenant at the home barricaded himself inside of the home for a short time before being<br />

taken into custody. The man was charged with murder.<br />

Officer Silver had served with the St. Clair County 72nd District Court for 35 years.





AGE: 60 TOUR: 14 YEARS BADGE: 512<br />

Deputy Sheriff Justin Smith was shot and killed while serving a warrant at the 300 block of<br />

Sawmill Road in Mountain View, Arkansas, at 4:30 p.m. When Deputy Smith attempted to<br />

arrest the subject for terroristic threats, he was shot.<br />

The subject was apprehended after a brief standoff and charged with capital murder.<br />

Deputy Smith had served with the Stone County Sheriff’s Office for 14 years.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 111





AGE: 31 TOUR: 10 YEARS BADGE: 145<br />

Deputy Sheriff Eric Minix died as a result of being struck by a police car while in a high-speed chase in Chambers<br />

County, Alabama. In the early hours of Thursday, January 4, the pursuit began in Georgia before crossing<br />

into Alabama on I-85, where Deputy Minix was struck by a police car from an assisting agency. He was<br />

transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. At least seven law enforcement agencies<br />

were assisting in apprehending the subject, who was driving a stolen vehicle. The subject was arrested and is<br />

waiting charges. Deputy Sheriff Minix was also a K9 officer and had served with the Coweta County Sheriff’s<br />

Office for 4 1/2 years and had previously served with the Tyrone Police Department for over five years. He is<br />

survived by his wife, three daughters, father and stepmother, and four sisters.<br />

112 The The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - ‘24 ‘24





AGE: 44 TOUR: 23 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Deputy Sheriff Jeremy Malone was shot and killed during a traffic stop in front of 12298 US Highway 98<br />

at about 5:15 pm. He was shot as he approached the vehicle. The suspect fled after shooting Deputy<br />

Malone and led officers on a pursuit through multiple counties before being shot and killed near<br />

Beaumont, Mississippi.<br />

Deputy Malone had served in law enforcement for 21 years, serving with the George County Sheriff’s<br />

Office and previously served with the Leakesville Police Department, Jackson County Sheriff’s Department,<br />

Biloxi Police Department, and Greene County Sheriff’s Department He is survived by his wife, three<br />

daughters, mother, and two brothers.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 113





AGE: 39 TOUR: 4 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Trooper Joel Popp was struck and killed by a vehicle while assisting with a DUI investigation on northbound<br />

I-75 near Birch Run at about 7:10 pm.<br />

He was standing outside of his vehicle when another motorist struck him and two patrol cars. Trooper Popp<br />

was transported to Hurley Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries.<br />

Trooper Popp had served with the Michigan State Police for four years and was assigned to the Tri-City Post.<br />

He is survived by his wife and daughter.<br />


114 The The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - ‘24 ‘24





AGE: 28 TOUR: 3 YEAR BADGE: 436<br />

Trooper Jimmy Cenescar was killed in a single-vehicle crash attempting to stop a fleeing motorcycle on Interstate<br />

85 <strong>No</strong>rth at 5:39 p.m. While pursuing a motorcycle for a traffic violation, Trooper Cenescar lost control<br />

of his patrol vehicle near Old Peachtree Road in Atlanta. His vehicle left the road and struck an embankment.<br />

He was transported to <strong>No</strong>rthside Gwinnett Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.<br />

Trooper Cenescar had served with the Georgia State Patrol for one year, assigned to Post 9, Marietta. He<br />

previously served with the Atlanta Police Department for two years. He is survived by his parents and fiancée.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 115


Retired Dallas Officer Recalls Events<br />

Before and After JFK Assassination.<br />

In his 78 years, Rusty Robbins<br />

has accumulated a lot<br />

of stories, though he is quick<br />

to point out that he considers<br />

them reports.<br />

“I call them ‘reports’ and<br />

not stories,” said the Flower<br />

Mound resident. “I don’t add<br />

anything to my reports. Just<br />

facts as I recall them.”<br />

Those reports range in topic,<br />

from scuba diving to his time<br />

as a police officer. In fact, his<br />

30 years with the Dallas Police<br />

Department have provided a<br />

wealth of reports.<br />

And as the nation recognizes<br />

the 50-year anniversary of<br />

the assassination of President<br />

John F. Kennedy, a few reports<br />

in particular have been crossing<br />

Robbins’ mind lately.<br />


Robbins was working the<br />

downtown beat when Kennedy<br />

came to Dallas in <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

1963. He was one of<br />

several officers in charge of<br />

monitoring the parade route<br />

that went through Dallas<br />

during Kennedy’s visit.<br />

“I worked the 1800 block of<br />

Main Street,” Robbins said. “As<br />

the motorcade passed, I was<br />

instructed to watch the crowd<br />

and protect the president<br />

by not letting anyone rush<br />

out and do anything stupid. I<br />

glanced at the president, just<br />

like every other officer did.”<br />

Robbins’ job was essentially<br />

done once the motorcade<br />

passed by, so as people<br />

turned to go back into their<br />

shops along Main Street,<br />

Robbins returned to the police<br />

headquarters to change<br />

clothes.<br />

As he was about to leave the<br />

station to head home, someone<br />

came through, yelling that<br />

the president had been shot.<br />

Instead of ending his shift,<br />

Robbins went to his supervisor’s<br />

office to wait for direction.<br />

Robbins soon found himself<br />

at a nearby hotel, where<br />

the president’s communication<br />

center was set up. While<br />

Robbins waited in the hotel<br />

hallway, a man emerged from<br />

the communications room<br />

and asked Robbins if he could<br />

drive him to Love Field so he<br />

could board Air Force One.<br />

As the two men reached<br />

Love Field, they could see the<br />

presidential plane was already<br />

starting to leave the runway.<br />

“I told him that I knew a<br />

quick way around the back<br />

to get to the plane,” Robbins<br />

said. “That would have been<br />

the wrong thing to do. I was<br />

young and stupid. I think machine<br />

guns would have been<br />

pulled out, and we would<br />

116 The <strong>Blues</strong> - - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

have been shot to pieces if<br />

we had pulled up alongside<br />

Air Force One in an unmarked<br />

police car.”<br />

The man left Robbins to<br />

catch a civilian flight. Robbins<br />

said he never found out who<br />

the man was, but he said his<br />

involvement in the incident<br />

wasn’t over yet.<br />

Two days later, local club<br />

owner Jack Ruby shot Lee<br />

Harvey Oswald, whom police<br />

had arrested in connection<br />

with the Kennedy shooting, as<br />

police were transporting Oswald<br />

from the Dallas city jail<br />

to the county jail.<br />


Robbins said he was familiar<br />

with Ruby, saying The Carrousel<br />

Club owner made a point<br />

to hang around Dallas police.<br />

“In the year prior to the assasination,<br />

I worked the police<br />

beat in downtown, which held<br />

all three strip joints in Dallas,”<br />

Robbins said. “I routinely<br />

went to Jack Ruby’s place<br />

as part of my regular duties.<br />

Jack was always so friendly<br />

and welcomed all police<br />

officers. There was later talk<br />

that Jack was tied in with the<br />

local police. If he was, I didn’t<br />

know about it. But we went<br />

there because he was friendly.<br />

That’s how I got to know Jack<br />

Ruby, and that’s why I would<br />

have an opinion about him<br />

concerning the assassination<br />

later.”<br />

Robbins recalled a time<br />

when Ruby invited him to go<br />

bowling “probably to bolster<br />

the friendship,” Robbins said.<br />

He said one antic by Ruby at<br />

the bowling alley was telling<br />

of what he was capable of,<br />

Robbins said.<br />

“After the fifth or sixth<br />

frame, Jack got a strike,”<br />

Robbins said. “Jack ran three<br />

lanes this way and three lanes<br />

the other way to get people<br />

to look at the scoreboard to<br />

see what he had done. He was<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 117

trying to be somebody. That’s<br />

why he was arm-around-neck<br />

buddies with the police. It<br />

made him a bigger person if<br />

he had police friends, in my<br />

opinion.”<br />

On <strong>No</strong>v. 24 Ruby found his<br />

way into the police department’s<br />

garage and shot Oswald.<br />

“I can see how Ruby’s character<br />

allowed that to happen,”<br />

Robbins said. “Jack wanted<br />

to be acknowledged and<br />

validated. He had the desire<br />

to be known for something.<br />

I 100 percent believe that he<br />

shot Oswald because it would<br />

make him important.”<br />

As for the notion that the<br />

shooting was simply retaliation<br />

for Oswald shooting Kennedy,<br />

Robbins said he believes<br />

the shooting was spur-of-themoment<br />

and more about Ruby<br />

wanting to be somebody.<br />

“Records prove that Ruby<br />

was down the street at the<br />

Western Union office, sending<br />

a small sum of money to<br />

a stripper so she could catch<br />

a bus and come up here and<br />

work at his strip joint,” Robbins<br />

said. “This was less than<br />

20 minutes before Ruby shot<br />

Oswald. He had to know he<br />

would be arrested and go<br />

to jail. A sane man wouldn’t<br />

do that. A man with a plan<br />

wouldn’t do that.”<br />


News reporters and photographers<br />

lined the hallway of<br />

the morgue at Parkland Hospital,<br />

where Oswald’s body was<br />

being tended to, Robbins said.<br />

Robbins and officer Sam<br />

Sorsby were directed to stand<br />

at the door to the morgue,<br />

armed with shotguns, to prevent<br />

anyone from getting in.<br />

One photographer got a picture<br />

of both officers guarding<br />

the door. Robbins still has the<br />

photo, which appeared in the<br />

Dallas Times Herald. Robbins<br />

found the same photo in a<br />

book about the assassination<br />

at the Sixth Floor Museum<br />

years later.<br />

The day of the autopsy, a<br />

Fort Worth funeral home delivered<br />

a casket to Dallas for<br />

Oswald’s body, and Robbins<br />

was part of a police escort to<br />

take the casket back to Fort<br />

Worth.<br />

Robbins said that officially<br />

ended his involvement in the<br />

series of events.<br />

Recently, Robbins has spoken<br />

publicly about the events<br />

of that week, though he said<br />

it’s not something he has<br />

spent a lot of time thinking<br />

about during the last 50 years.<br />

“This is something you<br />

would never forget,” Robbins<br />

said. “However, it did not<br />

weigh heavily on my mind. I<br />

was not much into politics<br />

or world affairs. I was just<br />

looking out for my family and<br />

personal interest. Like everyone<br />

else, I wished it had never<br />

happened here or anywhere,<br />

for that matter.”<br />

118 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>40</strong>th - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary Anniversary ‘24<br />




VIA THE 2023 CFC<br />

CHARITY # 62937<br />

Calling all federal employees, military personnel, and retirees – the Officer Down<br />

Memorial Page (ODMP) is participating in the 2023 Combined Federal Campaign<br />

(CFC) organized by OPM.Your support through the CFC can make a significant<br />

impact on our mission to honor and remember the over 26,000 brave men<br />

and women in law enforcement who have sacrificed their lives for our safety. To<br />

pledge your support to ODMP, follow these simple steps:<br />

1. Visit https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/offerings<br />

2. Search “Officer Down Memorial Page” or use CFC code 62937.<br />

3. Add us to your pledge by January 2023.<br />

Your pledge in CFC shows gratitude to those who protect us. Thank you for<br />

considering ODMP in the CFC<br />

Learn more at ODMP.org/info/cfc.<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> The <strong>Blues</strong> <strong>40</strong>th Anniversary - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 Issue 119


Twenty-three years later, two UCF Officers<br />

reflect on responding to 9/11<br />

While honoring the nearly 3,000<br />

people killed from the 9/11 attacks,<br />

Eric Walton and Joel Witherspoon<br />

share their memories<br />

from providing services at the<br />

World Trade Center and Pentagon.<br />

The smell of jet fuel still<br />

transports UCF Police officer Eric<br />

Walton to the Pentagon — even<br />

20 years later.<br />

Walton and fellow UCFPD<br />

officer Joel Witherspoon were<br />

two of the first responders who<br />

responded to the terrorist attacks<br />

in New York, Washington<br />

D.C., and Pennsylvania.<br />

Nearly 3,000 people were<br />

killed on 9/11, making it the<br />

deadliest day in United States<br />

history. Countless others were<br />

wounded or have since passed<br />

away due to lingering effects of<br />

the tragedy.<br />

As we mark the 20th anniversary<br />

of the day the world<br />

changed, Witherspoon and<br />

Walton share their experiences<br />

and the significance that 9/11 still<br />

holds for them.<br />


Witherspoon, who joined the<br />

New York Police Department in<br />

1984, remembers the call coming<br />

over the radio when the plane hit<br />

the north tower.<br />

“My partner and I had just<br />

finished our breakfast and had<br />

started our patrol,” says Witherspoon.<br />

“When we heard about<br />

the first plane, we thought it was<br />

just a terrible accident.”<br />

After the second plane hit,<br />

Witherspoon knew something<br />

was very wrong and his police<br />

instincts kicked in.<br />

“From that point on, we knew<br />

something was going on, but we<br />

still didn’t know what,” he says.<br />

“But the radio started getting really<br />

crazy, and then they started<br />

mobilizing us, calling us in to go<br />

to different locations.”<br />

Although Witherspoon and<br />

his partner weren’t sent to the<br />

World Trade Center immediately,<br />

in the days that followed, he was<br />

one of the officers stationed at<br />

UCFPD Officer Joel Witherspoon<br />

Ground Zero to ensure the security<br />

of the scene.<br />

“Everything was covered in<br />

gray soot and ashes — the whole<br />

street, the buildings, everything,”<br />

Witherspoon says. “It was just<br />

eerily quiet, obviously there were<br />

no people there other than the<br />

cops responding. It was definitely<br />

something out of the scene of a<br />

movie.”<br />

Witherspoon later found out<br />

120 The <strong>Blues</strong> -- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

that one of his friends, a firefighter<br />

with the New York Fire<br />

Department, had died while<br />

responding to the towers.<br />

“He was one of the first firemen<br />

to get into the building and he<br />

unfortunately lost his life,” says<br />

Witherspoon. “It definitely had<br />

an effect on me personally, big<br />

time.”<br />

Of the 2,753 people killed in the<br />

attack at the World Trade Centers,<br />

343 firefighters and paramedics,<br />

23 New York City police<br />

officers, and 37 Port Authority<br />

police officers died.<br />


On the morning on September<br />

11, 2001, Walton was at the FBI<br />

Academy in Quantico, Virginia,<br />

for training.<br />

When the planes hit the twin<br />

towers in New York, Walton<br />

and other officers at the academy<br />

stopped like many other<br />

Americans to watch the news on<br />

television in horror at what was<br />

unfolding.<br />

Then, news broke that another<br />

plane had hit the Pentagon.<br />

UCFPD officer Eric Walton<br />

“We were scheduled to go to<br />

the Pentagon probably an hour<br />

before the plane hit it,” Walton<br />

says. “When the plane hit, they<br />

asked for all first responders to<br />

come because they needed assistance.”<br />

Once they reached the scene,<br />

Walton says none of his training<br />

could prepare him for what he<br />

saw.<br />

“The building kind of looked<br />

like a dry cake,” says Walton.<br />

UCFPD Officer Eric Walton<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 121

“Part of it was standing and<br />

another part was just missing.<br />

It was unreal to see half a plane<br />

sitting in the middle of a building.”<br />

Walton was part of the search<br />

and rescue mission and stayed<br />

for several days, working 12 to<br />

18-hour shifts. Officers slept on<br />

scene in cots and sleeping bags.<br />

“You think about what you’ve<br />

seen, what you saw,” says Walton.<br />

“With time the images kind<br />

of fade away, but for the first five<br />

years after, I didn’t want to talk<br />

about it. When I smell jet fuel,<br />

that smell takes me back.”<br />

Walton later learned that 184<br />

people were killed in the attack<br />

on the Pentagon. An additional<br />

<strong>40</strong> were killed on a fourth plane<br />

that crashed in a field in Shanksville,<br />

Pennsylvania, after passengers<br />

on the plane fought back<br />

against the hijackers.<br />

“The things that we saw were<br />

not something that you want to<br />

keep remembering,” says Walton.<br />

“But the one big thing that<br />

I always remember is how law<br />

enforcement came together,<br />

from Virginia to Maryland. There<br />

wasn’t one agency that wasn’t<br />

out there.”<br />


20 YEARS LATER<br />

Countless first responders and<br />

civilians were impacted by the<br />

attack in New York, Washington,<br />

D.C. and Pennsylvania and those<br />

who were there will likely never<br />

forget what they saw.<br />

But instead of focusing on the<br />

death and destruction of that<br />

day, Witherspoon likes to remember<br />

the days after and how<br />

the nation came together.<br />

“It was the first time in my life<br />

that I saw so many people come<br />

together for a common cause,”<br />

he says. “You never think something<br />

like that would happen, but<br />

it did. I think we just always need<br />

to remember the loved ones who<br />

lost someone and support them.”<br />

122 The The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - ‘24 ‘24

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The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 123


healing our heroes<br />

Deflate your Balloon<br />

As a First Responder, the<br />

stress from your job can become<br />

overwhelming at times.<br />

We continue to internalize our<br />

stress allowing it to fill up in our<br />

system until one day it POPS.<br />

Just like a Balloon, as we fill<br />

it up it gets bigger and bigger,<br />

expanding, getting tense until<br />

without warning the Balloon<br />

explodes. As First responders we<br />

are no different. We never know<br />

how many more incidents it will<br />

take before we explode either<br />

internally or externally.<br />

If we view our system, the<br />

way we look at a balloon as it is<br />

filling, we need to regulate and<br />

adjust just how much (air) or in<br />

our case, stress each can handle.<br />

Our careers will never be without<br />

stress or tension, so the key<br />

is to let the air out as it is needed.<br />

We can see and feel when a<br />

balloon is at its popping point,<br />

so we know that if I keep adding<br />

air to it, it will soon explode. We<br />

need to be able to recognize our<br />

bodies the same way.<br />

By releasing some of our daily<br />

stress, it can make a big difference<br />

in the way we perform at<br />

work and at home. There is no<br />

right or wrong way to release<br />

the tension, so if it is not harmful<br />

or can’t lead to any additive<br />

issue. Go for it.<br />

The reason I say that is, Alcohol,<br />

gaming, social media, Porn,<br />

gambling etc. are all types of<br />

stress relievers which someone<br />

may use, and if used in proper<br />

moderation can all be a release.<br />

The types of mental health releases<br />

are unlimited. Individually<br />

you will need to find what works<br />

for you.<br />

First responders by nature have<br />

a type ‘A” high energy personality.<br />

If we were the type “B” we<br />

would most likely have chosen a<br />

different career. So, we tend to<br />

release our stress with activities<br />

that may border harmful, so we<br />

need to tread with caution.<br />

This is the reason we try and<br />

stick to activities that will not<br />

place us in harm’s way.<br />

Walking, Running, Weightlifting,<br />

Yoga, or any exercise has<br />



been proven to not only release<br />

stress but provides overall better<br />

physical health as well.<br />

If you are not the physical<br />

type, maybe tap into your artistic<br />

side. Learn to draw, play an<br />

instrument or any other creative<br />

projects. Theatrical art such as<br />

drama or comedy, providing<br />

laughter is a huge stress release.<br />

Our balloons should never<br />

reach the point of “Bust.”<br />

Educate those around us in<br />

Mental Health so they can also<br />

help boost our support network<br />

giving us an extra layer in our<br />

safety net.<br />

The more people watching<br />

over our balloon gives us the<br />

best chances to not overfill it.<br />

John Salerno, Retired NYPD,<br />

A Badge of Honor<br />

124 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 125


daryl’s deliberations<br />

When Was the Last Time You Read<br />

“The Communist Manifesto?”<br />


If you had been visiting London<br />

in 1848, you may have gone to<br />

the massive library there. Had<br />

you done that, you may have<br />

seen a couple of not-so-wellmeaning<br />

Germans there writing<br />

a little book: “The Communist<br />

Manifesto.” The little book,<br />

more of a pamphlet, has caused<br />

deaths in the millions with no<br />

stopping in sight. Karl Marx<br />

and his pal, Frederick Engels,<br />

stepped on the European stage<br />

during a time of revolution and<br />

upheaval. They threw their two<br />

cents’ worth into the fiery mix<br />

and ignited a conflict that still<br />

rages today. What’s their deal?<br />

FYI: I use the 1906 English<br />

translation from the Harvard (insert<br />

left wing joke here) Library.<br />

Their deal is to incite what they<br />

call “class struggles” (p.12). They<br />

use many names for class warfare,<br />

but they settle on “oppressor<br />

and oppressed.” This is the<br />

175th Anniversary of the manifesto<br />

and it is more popular than<br />

ever! Their “oppressor and oppressed”<br />

theme is in all the most<br />

popular movements now. Marx<br />

and Engels listed some specific<br />

oppressor tools to destroy that<br />

would enable the ushering in<br />

of a new world run by the oppressed.<br />

The trio of “law, morality,<br />

religion” (p.13) are basic<br />

tools of oppression. You might<br />

be interested in knowing the<br />

“abolition of the family” is another<br />

goal since the family is only a<br />

unit based on “private gain” and<br />

the “exploitation of the children<br />

by their parents” (pp. 39-<strong>40</strong>).<br />

The education system is another<br />

tool of the oppressors. Socialists<br />

want to “rescue education from<br />

the influence of the ruling class”<br />

(p. <strong>40</strong>). Of course, the big number<br />

one on their list is the “abolition<br />

of property in land and<br />

application of all rents of land to<br />

public purposes” (p. 64).<br />

The “Oppressor/Oppressed”<br />

theme is all over the globe. The<br />

focal point of the world is the<br />

Israel-Hamas War. The Marxists<br />

have literally hit the streets<br />

over the war. I was watching<br />

them rioting in our capital city<br />

and threatening the White House<br />

(I guess it’s not insurrection<br />

if you’re an enemy combatant).<br />

I looked closely at their<br />

signs. I took photos to see who<br />

the sponsors of this riot were:<br />

“Workers World Party” and<br />

“A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition”.<br />

Of course, I went to the WWP<br />

website to see what their “All<br />

About Us” was all about. “Workers<br />

World Party is a revolutionary<br />

Marxist-Leninist party dedicated<br />

to organizing and fighting<br />

for a socialist revolution in the<br />

United States and around the<br />

world. WWP develops militant<br />

organizers in every struggle,<br />

from anti-racist and immigrant<br />

rights to labor, anti-war and anti-imperialist<br />

struggles.” At least<br />

they’re honest from a “Who Are<br />

We” standpoint. Did you notice<br />

all the “struggles” the Socialists<br />

are involved with? We can’t<br />

overlook the recent Eco-vandalism<br />

in the name of climate<br />

change. Because, you know,<br />

somehow the lower classes are<br />

affected more making fossil fuels<br />

a tool of the oppressor.<br />

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is<br />

also a large sponsor of the New<br />

York Anti-Israel riots. It’s very<br />

similar to the WWP. I checked<br />

them out from their own website.<br />

Brian Becker is the National<br />

Coordinator of the ANSWER<br />

Coalition. He is a founder of and<br />

a central organizer for the Party<br />

for Socialism and Liberation.<br />

Immigration chaos, race riots,<br />

gender confusion, DEI bans on<br />

free speech (except for antisemitic<br />

speeches), the failures of<br />

the education system (K-PhD),<br />

are all connected to socialist<br />

126 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 127

organizations.<br />

One facet of the Israel-Hamas<br />

War is the exposure of overt<br />

socialist attacks on Israel to<br />

the point of supporting terror.<br />

Of course, Marx and Engels<br />

saw violence was necessary to<br />

overthrow private ownership<br />

and supported it. One self-described<br />

socialist organization is<br />

Black Lives Matter. Their Chicago<br />

chapter published a cartoon that<br />

showed support for a paragliding<br />

terrorist on the way to cut<br />

a baby’s head off. That chapter<br />

said the image wasn’t “great”,<br />

but they would not walk back<br />

the sentiment. They support<br />

Hamas over Israel.<br />

Israel is a lightning rod for<br />

despicable lies (such as being<br />

called a “colonizer state”) and<br />

hate. That hate is not limited to<br />

Israel. The hate is for western<br />

capitalism of which Israel is<br />

front and center. The war exposed<br />

just how many socialists<br />

are in our own country. Radical<br />

Islamic terrorists are the newest<br />

oppressed class. Poor Hamas!<br />

They are just simple proletarians.<br />

If I had only known!<br />

The war showed how ugly hate<br />

is and how much our institutions<br />

have decayed under generational<br />

socialistic indoctrination.<br />

The family should be our society’s<br />

building block and most<br />

sacred unit, but Marx called<br />

such a notion, “claptrap” (p.<strong>40</strong>).<br />

How can you have a family if you<br />

don’t know what a male or female<br />

is? Or is not. A weaponized<br />

justice system treats concerned<br />

parents as agents of oppression<br />

just as Marx wanted.<br />

The war and its flashpoints of<br />

hate caused me to look at current<br />

events through the lens of<br />

a 175-year-old pamphlet. When<br />

I do that, I see the Chinese Communist<br />

Party, Putin’s reborn Red<br />

Army, millions of illegal immigrants<br />

rushing our border, our<br />

schools in chaos, universities<br />

abandoning their mission of<br />

teaching in favor of indoctrination,<br />

gutting of laws to protect<br />

property (shoplifting), allowing<br />

violent offenders to walk the<br />

streets with impunity, the loss of<br />

energy independence, firearms<br />

rights, and priceless works of art<br />

damaged by socialist punks as<br />

obvious corollaries of a worldwide<br />

socialist agenda.<br />

For me, the murders of Jewish<br />

families and Holocaust survivors<br />

removed the veil. I saw the<br />

man behind the curtain with his<br />

brutal allies and it revealed the<br />

Jews as the first in a long line<br />

of western peoples with targets<br />

on their backs. I considered our<br />

world and followed the radical<br />

left-wing rhetoric of hate from<br />

the Harvards and Berkleys to<br />

its logical conclusion: bloodsoaked<br />

cribs in southern Israel<br />

containing unspeakable horrors.<br />

To comment, go to Faithful-<br />

TexasFootprints.com or email:<br />

DarylLott.Texas@gmail.com<br />

128 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 129


blue mental health<br />

Survivors of LODD:<br />

We Honor Your Journey to Healing<br />

We continue to honor our survivors<br />

by dedicating this monthly<br />

mental health column to sharing<br />

the first-person journeys of those<br />

who have been deeply impacted<br />

by a line of duty death and<br />

will continue until Police Week<br />

<strong>2024.</strong> As we listen to their voices,<br />

I am hopeful you will gain<br />

powerful life lessons and<br />

perspective, appreciation,<br />

and respect for those who<br />

continue to serve every day,<br />

and for those who have<br />

made the ultimate sacrifice.<br />

We should also never forget<br />

those left behind in the<br />

aftermath. This story is the<br />

third in the series, Kimberly<br />

Hornsby Wagner, the wife of<br />

Officer Robert Hornsby, graciously<br />

agreed to offer her<br />

insight and road to recovery<br />

in her own words.<br />

“Before my husband was<br />

killed, the term “survivor”<br />

seemed somewhat hyperbolic<br />

to me, almost a paradox.<br />

It wasn’t until after my<br />

husband, Robert “Bobby” Hornsby,<br />

was killed that I realized the<br />

term “survivor” doesn’t do justice<br />

to the excruciating journey that<br />

follows. Bobby was a member of<br />

the Killeen Police Department’s<br />

SWAT team in Killeen, TX. On<br />

July 14, 2013, he was deployed<br />

as part of that SWAT team to<br />

an apartment complex where<br />

a young soldier was walking<br />

around the complex pool with<br />

an AK-47, pointing it at innocent<br />

people and asking them if they<br />

were ready to meet their maker.<br />

After some different interactions<br />

took place, this young soldier,<br />

who blew well over the legal<br />

Police Officer<br />

Robert Layden Hornsby<br />

Killeen Police Department,<br />

KilleenTexas<br />

End of Watch<br />

Sunday, July 14, 2013<br />


limit for alcohol, fired that<br />

same weapon into the<br />

sea of officers outside his<br />

apartment complex. Bobby<br />

was hit twice; the first<br />

bullet was a flesh wound,<br />

something he would have<br />

easily survived. How desperately<br />

I wish that would<br />

have been his only wound.<br />

The second bullet was<br />

the shot that ultimately<br />

would kill him instantly. In<br />

an attempt to provide us<br />

some solace, the doctor<br />

told us he probably just felt<br />

sleepy. I feel like I should<br />

be thankful that he didn’t<br />

suffer, but sometimes my<br />

mind wonders and asks,<br />

“Did his body trick him?” I struggle<br />

with wondering if it ever<br />

crossed his mind he wasn’t coming<br />

home.<br />

Thanks to social media, I<br />

was expecting a knock at the<br />

door. After watching Facebook<br />

for some time trying to get an<br />

update on the situation, some-<br />

130 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

one had posted that two officers<br />

had been shot. I turned on the<br />

scanner to hear anything out of<br />

the ordinary, hoping this was a<br />

careless post of misinformation.<br />

It didn’t take long until two<br />

badge numbers were given over<br />

the scanner: one badge number<br />

for each officer shot. One lived,<br />

and one died.<br />

When Bobby was killed, he<br />

was 32 years old, and I was 31.<br />

Two weeks before his murder,<br />

we had celebrated our 6th wedding<br />

anniversary, and we were<br />

preparing to take our first vacation<br />

as a family of 4 just four<br />

days after his death. At the time<br />

of his death, we had a 4-yearold<br />

daughter, Layden, and a<br />

15-month-old son, Braxx. Truly,<br />

the hardest part of losing him<br />

was explaining to my children<br />

that there had been an accident<br />

and that their dad was now living<br />

with Jesus.<br />

The term survivor isn’t hyperbolic<br />

at all. We survived burying<br />

a husband, a dad, a brother,<br />

a son, an uncle and a friend.<br />

I survived figuring out how to<br />

mow my yard once all the newness<br />

faded and people returned<br />

to their everyday lives. I survived<br />

the first days of school,<br />

the first holidays, and empty<br />

chairs where he should have<br />

been sitting. And each milestone<br />

that he misses reminds me we<br />

are still surviving. I don’t survive<br />

because I have some superhuman<br />

strength or because I am<br />

rigid and devoid of all emotions.<br />

I survive, may I say, thrive because<br />

I have been lifted by those<br />

around me when I was too weak<br />

to stand alone. Exodus 17 gives<br />

this account: “When Moses’<br />

arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur<br />

brought a stone for him to sit<br />

on, while they stood beside him<br />

and held up his arms, holding<br />

them steady until the sun went<br />

down. In this way Joshua totally<br />

defeated the Amalekites.” I am<br />

incredibly thankful for the Aarons<br />

and Hurs of my life that held me<br />

up. I hope that telling our story<br />

allows us to be someone’s Aaron<br />

or Hur and gives, even if it’s<br />

just one person, the courage not<br />

only to survive, but survive well,<br />

the unimaginable”. -Kimberly<br />

Hornsby Wagner, Wife of Officer<br />

Robert Hornsby<br />

For more information on the<br />

services and resources offered<br />

by Concerns of Police Survivors,<br />

please visit Concerns of Police<br />

Survivors (C.O.P.S.)<br />

We are ready for 2024! Experience<br />

the only first responder owned and<br />

operated THEME studio in the Country!<br />

10 years strong! We are Family!<br />

We look forward to seeing you soon!<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 131


Light Bulb Award<br />


Ex-Santa Clara Deputy convicted of staging an<br />

on-duty shooting of himself.<br />

By Robert Salonga<br />

Bay Area News Group<br />

SAN JOSE, Calif. — A disgraced<br />

former Santa Clara County<br />

sheriff’s deputy has been convicted<br />

in a bizarre case in which<br />

authorities say he inexplicably<br />

staged a fake on-duty shooting<br />

of himself on a remote road near<br />

the Uvas Reservoir four years<br />

ago.<br />

Sukhdeep Gill, 30, pleaded<br />

no contest Tuesday — the day<br />

his preliminary examination<br />

was scheduled to start — after<br />

agreeing to a court offer<br />

to reduce his felony vandalism<br />

charge to a misdemeanor,<br />

according to the Santa Clara<br />

County District Attorney’s Office,<br />

which objected to the leniency.<br />

As part of the court agreement,<br />

Gill will have to perform<br />

150 hours of community service,<br />

pay unspecified restitution and<br />

surrender his policing license to<br />

the state Commission on Peace<br />

Officer Standards and Training.<br />

The latter requirement means he<br />

will be barred from serving as a<br />

police officer again in California.<br />

Gill’s listed attorney did not<br />

immediately respond to an email<br />

seeking comment on the plea,<br />

for which Gill was not required<br />

to be present in court.<br />

In the wake of the Jan. 31, 2020<br />

drive-by shooting claim by Gill,<br />

the sheriff’s office called the<br />

incident an “unprovoked attack”<br />

and that it was a “close call”<br />

between life and death for the<br />

then-deputy. But a year later,<br />

the agency changed its tune and<br />

said its investigation uncovered<br />

significant factual inconsistencies<br />

and no evidence of another<br />

motorist being on the lightly<br />

traveled Uvas Road at the time of<br />

the purported shooting.<br />

“I have gone to officers’ funerals<br />

after they are shot,” District<br />

Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a<br />

statement Tuesday. “I hope to<br />

never hear again about an officer<br />

faking being shot. It’s outrageous,<br />

diverts public resources,<br />

and dishonors officers who put<br />

their lives on the line to protect<br />

us.”<br />

According to the sheriff’s office<br />

investigation, on the night of<br />

the shooting report, Gill told his<br />

supervisors and later detectives<br />

that he was on patrol and pulled<br />

over on the northbound side of<br />

Uvas Road near Wallace Place,<br />

just south of the reservoir parking<br />

lot, so that he could urinate.<br />

He reported that a vehicle approached,<br />

the driver turned off<br />

its headlights, and someone in<br />

the vehicle fired four shots, with<br />

132 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24



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League City, TX 77573<br />

T h i s 2 - s t o r y 4 3 . 5 2 D a v i d W e e k l y h o m e h a s e v e r y t h i n g r e a d y f o r a w o r r y - f r e e m o v e - i n . L o c a t e d o n a n o v e r s i z e d l o t<br />

o v e r l o o k i n g t h e c o m m u n i t y l a k e , f e a t u r e s i n c l u d e e n g i n e e r e d w o o d f l o o r s d o w n s t a i r s , a s p a c i o u s o f f i c e w i t h F r e n c h<br />

d o o r s , 42 " k i t c h e n c a b i n e t s , a n d a l i v i n g a r e a w i r e d f o r S u r r o u n d S o u n d . T h e p r i m a r y b e d r o o m i s d o w n s t a i r s a n d<br />

h a s a n a m a z i n g v i e w o f b o t h t h e p o o l a n d t h e l a k e . U p s t a i r s h a s a l a r g e g a m e r o o m , 3 b e d r o o m s a n d 2 f u l l b a t h s .<br />


T h e h o m e h a s u p d a t e d a p p l i a n c e s , a 50 - y e a r G A F r o o f , r e c e n t p a i n t i n s i d e a n d o u t , W i - F i G a r a g e d o o r o p e n e r w i t h<br />

OR<br />

n e w<br />

TAP<br />

g a r a g e d o o r s p r i n g s , u p d a t e d H V A C s y s t e m , n e w e r f e n c e a n d l a n d s c a p i n g , a s w e l l a s a 6 ' x 14 ' o u t d o o r s h e d<br />

FOR t h a t MLS i s c o m p l e t e l y h i d d e n f r o m v i e w b y t w o l o c k a b l e g a t e s . S t e p o u t s i d e t o e n j o y t h e 33 , 000 g a l l o n p o o l w i t h<br />

w a t e r f a l l a n d s l i d e . T h e 600 f t . o v e r s i z e p a t i o a n d p o o l d e c k c o m e c o m p l e t e w i t h o u t d o o r k i t c h e n , p r e m i u m o u t d o o r<br />

f u r n i t u r e a n d a f i r e p i t c o f f e e t a b l e . T h e p o o l a l s o i n c l u d e s a n A I P o o l C l e a n e r . S i m p l y b e a u t i f u l !<br />

This 2-story, 4,3.5, 2, 3<strong>40</strong>0 sq. ft. David Weekly Home has everything ready for a worry-free move-in. Located<br />

on an oversize lot in Magnolia Creek in the City of League City, you’re only 25 minutes from Downtown Houston<br />

or the Beaches of Galveston. The primary bedroom is downstairs with an amazing view of the pool and<br />

lake. Three more bedrooms are upstairs along with a large game room. New roof, HVAC and updated appliances.<br />

Enjoy the outdoor kitchen on a 600’ covered patio surrounded by tropical landscape. Simply Beautiful.<br />

M i c h e l l e H a t m a k e r<br />

B r o k e r / O w n e r<br />

office. <strong>40</strong>9-744-4622<br />

email. mhatmaker@hatmakergroup.com<br />

website. hatmakergroup.com<br />

cell. <strong>40</strong>9-457-8716<br />

office address. 1021 61st St Suite 100-B, Galveston, TX 77551<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 133<br />

© 2023 Weichert, Realtors.<br />

REALTORS® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict<br />

Code of Ethics. Weichert® is a federally registered trademark owned by Weichert Co. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Each Weichert® franchised office is independently<br />

owned and operated. If your home is currently listed with a real estate broker, this is not intended to be a solicitation of the listing. Equal Housing Opportunity.

one bullet hitting him squarely<br />

in the chest and destroying his<br />

body camera, and three bullets<br />

hit his SUV. Gill also reported he<br />

fired two retaliatory shots with<br />

his 9mm service pistol, as he<br />

tumbled down an embankment.<br />

The sheriff’s office staged a<br />

massive manhunt, and stopped<br />

drivers whose cars matched<br />

Gill’s phony description of the<br />

shooter’s vehicle. But none were<br />

linked to the shooting, and home<br />

security footage from the area<br />

showed no cars heading toward<br />

or away from Gill’s location 10<br />

minutes before and after the<br />

shots were fired.<br />

Investigators had more grounds<br />

for suspicion: Two .380 bullet<br />

casings were recovered on the<br />

passenger side of the patrol<br />

SUV, well away from the roadway,<br />

and no markings to suggest<br />

that they had been inadvertently<br />

kicked over or displaced by a car<br />

tire. When they tried to recreate<br />

the shooting — firing at a standing<br />

target from a moving vehicle<br />

— they could not replicate the<br />

pattern in which the bullet casings<br />

fell at the shooting site.<br />

But when they decided to<br />

shoot at the target from a stationary<br />

position, the test pattern<br />

matched.<br />

In the summer of 2020, sheriff’s<br />

detectives started surveilling<br />

Gill, and he seemed to notice,<br />

reaching speeds of 120 mph on<br />

the freeway and 80 mph on city<br />

streets in San Jose to elude the<br />

tail, according to a police report.<br />

Gill’s home was searched three<br />

months later, and detectives<br />

found he had two .380 pistols<br />

registered to him, but did not<br />

recover guns or ammunition that<br />

matched the crime scene.<br />

Given the facts of the case,<br />

Deputy District Attorney Jason<br />

Malinsky, who works in his<br />

office’s Public and Law Enforcement<br />

Integrity Unit, objected to<br />

the charge reduction, saying that<br />

the original felony vandalism<br />

charge was already limited in<br />

encompassing the scope of Gill’s<br />

crime.<br />

“Making it a misdemeanor<br />

undermined the seriousness. He<br />

fabricated a shooting, and multiple<br />

deputies responded who<br />

believed this was real,” Malinsky<br />

said. “They believed two people<br />

out there were randomly driving<br />

up on law enforcement officers<br />

and shooting at them, and were<br />

on the loose.”<br />

Additionally, Malinsky noted<br />

that a felony conviction would<br />

bar Gill from possessing guns.<br />

“I thought it was appropriate<br />

that he should not be allowed to<br />

have firearms.”<br />

134 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 135


136 The <strong>Blues</strong> -- January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 ‘24

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138 The <strong>Blues</strong> - January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary January ‘24 139


parting shots...<br />

1<strong>40</strong> The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

NO WORDS<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 141

142 142 The The <strong>Blues</strong> - January - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 ‘24


choose the heading<br />

add your logo<br />

add a photo<br />

Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc.<br />

Opened with a vision and goal to<br />

service first responders; “Our everyday<br />

heroes.” Catering mainly to Police, Fire,<br />

Military and EMS, but also open to the<br />

public, Cop Stop offers a variety of<br />

products, gear and apparel. Open and<br />

operated by Rick Fernandez, a former<br />

officer of 10 years, he prides himself<br />

on maintaining the highest standards<br />

of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />

its our customers who drive our<br />

success, and we strive to offer the best<br />

service to everyone who walks through<br />

our doors. At Cop Stop we offer quality<br />

products at great low prices. With<br />

access to over hundreds of brands and<br />

products, and constantly adding more,<br />

we are confident we can fulfill your<br />

needs.<br />

“If you provide good service and a<br />

fair price, customers will talk about<br />

you and come back. It’s that simple!”<br />

Rick Fernandez<br />

up to 250 word to describe your business<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - - January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 ‘24 143



4807 KIRBY DRIVE • HOUSTON, TEXAS • 713-524-3801<br />

4807 KIRBY DRIVE • HOUSTON, TEXAS • 713-524-3801<br />


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E-BIKES<br />

E-BIKES<br />

Every community deals with contemporary<br />

Every community problems concerning deals with officer contemporary<br />

public problems safety, concerning such as homeless-<br />

officer<br />

and<br />

ness, and public mental safety, issues, such family as disputes, homelessness,<br />

outright mental crime. issues, There family is disputes, the added<br />

and<br />

burden and outright of reporting crime. to There various is the state added and<br />

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Safety the Cardinal products Tracking has offered Suite agencies of Public a<br />

cost-effective Safety products solution has offered to gather agencies essen-tial<br />

cost-effective information solution that increases to gather opera-<br />

essentionatial<br />

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and<br />

With and citizen Cardinal safety. Tracking, agencies gain<br />

access With Cardinal to software, Tracking, hardware, agencies and gain<br />

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PLANET FORD IN SPRING, 20<strong>40</strong>3<br />

I45<br />

PLANET<br />

NORTH,<br />

FORD<br />

SPRING<br />

IN SPRING,<br />

TEXAS<br />

20<strong>40</strong>3<br />

I45<br />

Planet<br />

NORTH,<br />

Ford<br />

SPRING<br />

on I-45<br />

TEXAS<br />

in Spring, Texas<br />

has<br />

Planet<br />

been<br />

Ford<br />

the<br />

on<br />

<strong>No</strong>.<br />

I-45<br />

1 Ford<br />

in Spring,<br />

Dealer<br />

Texas<br />

in<br />

the greater-Houston<br />

has been the <strong>No</strong>.<br />

area<br />

1 Ford<br />

for<br />

Dealer<br />

over 20<br />

in<br />

years.*<br />

the greater-Houston<br />

Our Ford dealership<br />

area for<br />

earns<br />

over<br />

this<br />

20<br />

distinction<br />

years.* Our<br />

year<br />

Ford<br />

after<br />

dealership<br />

year because<br />

earns<br />

our<br />

this<br />

team<br />

distinction<br />

makes<br />

year<br />

our clients<br />

after year<br />

and<br />

because<br />

their vehicle<br />

our<br />

team<br />

needs<br />

makes<br />

our top<br />

our<br />

priority.<br />

clients and<br />

Planet<br />

their<br />

Ford<br />

vehicle<br />

needs<br />

is<br />

part of the<br />

our<br />

award-winning<br />

top priority. Planet<br />

World<br />

Ford<br />

Class<br />

is<br />

Automotive<br />

part of the<br />

Group.<br />

award-winning<br />

The dealership<br />

World Class<br />

has<br />

earned<br />

Automotive<br />

many top<br />

Group.<br />

honors,<br />

The<br />

including<br />

dealership<br />

multiple<br />

has<br />

earned<br />

Triple<br />

many<br />

Crowns,<br />

top honors,<br />

which<br />

including<br />

is bestowed<br />

multiple<br />

upon only<br />

Triple<br />

the<br />

Crowns,<br />

best. In<br />

which<br />

order<br />

is<br />

to<br />

bestowed<br />

be recognized,<br />

upon only<br />

a<br />

the<br />

dealership<br />

best. In order<br />

must<br />

to<br />

receive<br />

be recognized,<br />

all of Ford’s<br />

a<br />

top<br />

dealership<br />

awards, including<br />

must receive<br />

The<br />

President’s<br />

all of Ford’s<br />

Award<br />

top<br />

for<br />

awards,<br />

customer<br />

including<br />

service.<br />

The<br />

Planet<br />

President’s<br />

Ford<br />

Award<br />

has been<br />

for customer<br />

redesigned<br />

service.<br />

from<br />

Planet Ford has been redesigned from<br />





SAN DIMAS, CA – As law enforcement<br />

agencies SAN DIMAS, strive CA to enhance – As law their enforcement capabilities<br />

agencies and strive adapt to to enhance the evolving their needs capabilities<br />

modern and policing, adapt to one the company evolving needs has<br />

of<br />

taken of modern a giant policing, leap forward one company in creating has<br />

a taken purpose-built a giant leap solution. forward Introducing<br />

creating<br />

the a purpose-built ATR 528 Law Enforcement solution. Introducing eBike, by<br />

American the ATR 528 Bike Law Patrol Enforcement Services—a eBike, remarkable<br />

American two-wheeled Bike Patrol Services—a marvel metic-<br />

re-<br />

by<br />

ulously markable crafted two-wheeled over 18 months marvel with meticulously<br />

crafted focus over on 18 delivering months with unri-avaled<br />

unwavering performance, focus on tactical delivering attributes, unri-<br />

an<br />

unwavering<br />

and valed reliability. performance, With its tactical groundbreaking attributes,<br />

features and reliability. and cutting-edge With its groundbreaking<br />

design, the<br />

ATR features 528 sets and a cutting-edge new standard design, for police the<br />

eBikes ATR 528 worldwide. sets a new standard for police<br />

eBikes worldwide.<br />

Public Safety Software<br />

Public Safety Software<br />

“Protection... Revolutionized” Law<br />

enforcement “Protection... agencies Revolutionized” need ballistically Law<br />

capable enforcement products agencies that offer need mobility ballistically and<br />

maneuverability. capable products In that tactical offer situations, mobility and<br />

your maneuverability. agency likely utilizes In tactical an situations, armored<br />

vehicle. your agency Do you likely consider utilizes it an to be armored ‘fast’<br />

and vehicle. ‘maneuverable’? Do you consider TC Burton it be offers ‘fast’<br />

the and LD-1, ‘maneuverable’? which will change TC Burton the face offers of<br />

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ballistic The LD-1 armor is a kit patented, for a single-rider lightweight, ATV<br />

that ballistic utilizes armor a laser kit for cut a steel single-rider exoskeleton ATV<br />

integrated that utilizes with a laser NIJ III cut capable steel exoskeleton ballistic<br />

panels integrated that can with stop NIJ III up capable to a 7.62x51mm ballistic<br />

round, panels which that can includes stop up AR-15 to a and 7.62x51mm AK-47.<br />

round, It is the which next includes generation AR-15 of ballistically<br />

capable It is the kits next for generation vehicle protection; of ballistical-<br />

and AK-47.<br />

offering ly capable law kits enforcement vehicle protected protection; maneuverability<br />

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but also and including speed in tight all outdoor indoor<br />

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To learn more, visit us at www.tcburton.com<br />

144 The <strong>Blues</strong> - - January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 ‘24



Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc.<br />

Opened with a vision and goal to<br />

service first responders; “Our everyday<br />

heroes.” Catering mainly to Police,<br />

Fire, Military and EMS, but also open to<br />

the public, Cop Stop offers a variety of<br />

products, gear and apparel. Open and<br />

operated by Rick Fernandez, a former<br />

officer of 10 years, he prides himself<br />

on maintaining the highest standards<br />

of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />

its our customers who drive<br />

our success, and we strive to offer the<br />

best service to everyone who walks<br />

through our doors. At Cop Stop we<br />

offer quality products at great low<br />

prices. With access to over hundreds<br />

of brands and products, and constantly<br />

adding more, we are confident we can<br />

fulfill your needs.<br />

“If you provide good service and<br />

a fair price, customers will talk<br />

about you and come back. It’s that<br />

simple!” Rick Fernandez<br />

Supporting Law<br />

Enforcement in<br />

TEXAS<br />

ProForce’s commitment to providing excellent customer<br />

service is a key element in the company’s success<br />

throughout the western United States. As a relative newcomer<br />

in the state of TEXAS ProForce has been welcomed with open<br />

arms by the law enforcement community.<br />

ProForce’s relationships with top industry manufacturers<br />

and vendors, as well as their sales volume, allows them<br />

to negotiate better pricing to meet the budgetary needs<br />

of law enforcement agencies. While some vendors may<br />

not always have product availability in a timely manner.<br />

ProForce’s industry relationships and direct contact through<br />

vendor representatives, the sales team is able to suggest<br />

and provide alternatives to meet specific requirements of<br />

agencies, ensuring that the agency’s needs are always met.<br />

“<br />

Working with PROFORCE through the<br />

bidding and purchasing of the M&P 2.0’s was<br />

very easy and simple. We added the ACRO red<br />

dot along with the holster and the light. This<br />

purchase was simple and easy.<br />

The troops love the improvement to the 2.0<br />

and the red dot.<br />

Lt. Socha. Austin PD.<br />

“<br />

#X300U-A #13353 #200691<br />

customer service and quality products.<br />


located at 1410 Washington Ave, near<br />

downtown Houston, but you can<br />

purchase everything you need online<br />

at: https://www.centralpolice.com/<br />

Inset: Dan Rooney ProForce President<br />

The company features an excellent selection of high demand<br />

law enforcement firearms, equipment and accessories from<br />

great manufacturers such as:<br />

Axon/Taser, Aimpoint, Beretta, Colt, H&K, Bola Wrap,<br />

Bianchi, Smith & Wesson, Eotech, Daniel Defense,<br />

NightStick, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Otis, Defense Technology,<br />

Shadow Systems, Magpul, L3 Harris, Burris, Mossberg,<br />

Ruger, Streamlight, Safariland, Springfield, Blackhawk,<br />

Holosun, Trijicon, Vortex, Surefire, Us Peacekeeper ,OSS,<br />

Nightstick, FNH USA and UTM.<br />

Proforce takes great pride in distributing high quality public<br />

safety products from top tier manufacturers and this<br />

transaction has set a trend for many other law enforcement<br />

agencies in the State of Texas.<br />

Agency demonstrations, test and evaluation<br />

of products is available upon request. Ask us<br />

about trade-ins! We will buy your agency duty or<br />

confiscated firearms, any model and condition!<br />

First class customer support and quality service<br />

makes PROFORCE the number one choice for first<br />

responder equipment and accessories!<br />

Call (800) 367-5855<br />

Email: sales@proforceonline.com or<br />

visit our website<br />

www.proforceonline.com<br />




your source for the best in police<br />

equipment. Based in Houston,<br />

we supply law enforcement<br />

with the equipment they need.”<br />


serving Houston law enforcement for<br />

nearly 50 years with the absolute best<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - January <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 145

4<br />

bed<br />

Transferring to Houston and need a home?<br />

Located in League City, 30 minutes to Downtown Houston<br />

or the Beaches 2119 of Galveston Quiet Falls Island. Lane<br />

3.1<br />

bath<br />

3<strong>40</strong>0<br />

sqft<br />

League City, TX 77573<br />

T h i s 2 - s t o r y 4 3 . 5 2 D a v i d W e e k l y h o m e h a s e v e r y t h i n g r e a d y f o r a w o r r y - f r e e m o v e - i n . L o c a t e d o n a n o v e r s i z e d l o t<br />

o v e r l o o k i n g t h e c o m m u n i t y l a k e , f e a t u r e s i n c l u d e e n g i n e e r e d w o o d f l o o r s d o w n s t a i r s , a s p a c i o u s o f f i c e w i t h F r e n c h<br />

d o o r s , 42 " k i t c h e n c a b i n e t s , a n d a l i v i n g a r e a w i r e d f o r S u r r o u n d S o u n d . T h e p r i m a r y b e d r o o m i s d o w n s t a i r s a n d<br />

h a s a n a m a z i n g v i e w o f b o t h t h e p o o l a n d t h e l a k e . U p s t a i r s h a s a l a r g e g a m e r o o m , 3 b e d r o o m s a n d 2 f u l l b a t h s .<br />


T h e h o m e h a s u p d a t e d a p p l i a n c e s , a 50 - y e a r G A F r o o f , r e c e n t p a i n t i n s i d e a n d o u t , W i - F i G a r a g e d o o r o p e n e r w i t h<br />

OR<br />

n e w<br />

TAP<br />

g a r a g e d o o r s p r i n g s , u p d a t e d H V A C s y s t e m , n e w e r f e n c e a n d l a n d s c a p i n g , a s w e l l a s a 6 ' x 14 ' o u t d o o r s h e d<br />

FOR t h a t MLS i s c o m p l e t e l y h i d d e n f r o m v i e w b y t w o l o c k a b l e g a t e s . S t e p o u t s i d e t o e n j o y t h e 33 , 000 g a l l o n p o o l w i t h<br />

w a t e r f a l l a n d s l i d e . T h e 600 f t . o v e r s i z e p a t i o a n d p o o l d e c k c o m e c o m p l e t e w i t h o u t d o o r k i t c h e n , p r e m i u m o u t d o o r<br />

f u r n i t u r e a n d a f i r e p i t c o f f e e t a b l e . T h e p o o l a l s o i n c l u d e s a n A I P o o l C l e a n e r . S i m p l y b e a u t i f u l !<br />

Welcome Liberty Police Department<br />

This 2-story, 4,3.5, 2, 3<strong>40</strong>0 sq. ft. David Weekly Home has everything ready for a worry-free move-in. Located<br />

on an oversize lot in Magnolia Creek in the City of League City, you’re only 25 minutes from Downtown Houston<br />

or the Beaches of Galveston. The primary bedroom is downstairs with an amazing view of the pool and<br />

lake. Three more bedrooms are upstairs along with a large game room. New roof, HVAC and updated appliances.<br />

Enjoy the outdoor kitchen on a 600’ covered patio surrounded by tropical landscape. Simply Beautiful.<br />

M i c h e l l e H a t m a k e r<br />

B r o k e r / O w n e r<br />

office. <strong>40</strong>9-744-4622<br />

email. mhatmaker@hatmakergroup.com<br />

website. hatmakergroup.com<br />

146 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

cell. <strong>40</strong>9-457-8716<br />

office address. 1021 61st St Suite 100-B, Galveston, TX 77551<br />

© 2023 Weichert, Realtors.<br />

REALTORS® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict<br />

Code of Ethics. Weichert® is a federally registered trademark owned by Weichert Co. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Each Weichert® franchised office is independently<br />

owned and operated. If your home is currently listed with a real estate broker, this is not intended to be a solicitation of the listing. Equal Housing Opportunity.


LE job positions<br />

Houston Community College Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/08/2024<br />

West Lake Hills Police Department Get Inf0 Peace Officer 02/17/2024<br />

City of Crosbyton Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (Chief of Police) 02/10/2024<br />

City of Crosbyton Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/10/2024<br />

Marlin Police Department Get Info Police Patrol Officer / Police Recruit 02/17/2024<br />

Horseshoe Bay Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/17/2024<br />

Aransas Pass Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/17/2024<br />

Granbury Police Department Get Info Police Officer Position 01/31/2024<br />

Lewisville Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/02/2024<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Peace Officer (Deputy Cadet) 02/17/2024<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Peace Officer (Lateral Deputy) 02/17/2024<br />

Westworth Village Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/10/2024<br />

Anderson County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer (Deputy) 02/17/2024<br />

Anderson County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer (Mental Health Deputy) 02/17/2024<br />

Anderson County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer (Livestock Deputy) 02/17/2024<br />

Anderson County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer (Investigator) 02/17/2024<br />

Grimes County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer 02/18/2024<br />

Grimes County Sheriffs Office Get Info Peace Officer (Investigator) 02/18/2024<br />

Blanco County Precinct 1 Constable's Office Get Info Peace Officer 02/18/2024<br />

Concordia University Police Get Info Peace Officer (Patrol Lieutenant) 02/01/2024<br />

Buda Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (Patrol Officer - Lateral) 02/18/2024<br />

Kirby Police Department Get Info Peace Officer | Apply Here! 02/17/2024<br />

Briscoe County Sheriff Office Get Info Peace Officer (Patrol Deputy) 02/18/2024<br />

Ennis ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 01/31/2024<br />

Stanton Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/18/2024<br />

Bexar County Sheriff Office Get Info Peace Officer 02/18/2024<br />

Sour Lake Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (Patrol Officer) 02/18/2024<br />

Friendswood Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/17/2024<br />

Brownsboro Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/18/2024<br />

Rowlett Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (Certified) 02/10/2024<br />

Elm Ridge Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 01/31/2024<br />

Farwell Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 02/28/2024<br />

Venus ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 03/30/2024<br />

Venus ISD Police Department Get Info Police Sergeant 03/30/2024<br />

Kaufman Co. Sheriff's Office Get InfO Patrol Deputy 02/12/2024<br />

Sonora Police Department Get InfO Police Officer 02/16/2024<br />

Richardson Police Department Get InfO Peace Officer 06/01/2024<br />

Texas A&M University Police Department Get Info Police Officer (TCOLE licensed) 02/16/2024<br />

Woodsboro Police Department Get Info Peace Officer | School Resource Officer 02/26/2024<br />

Texas A&M University Police Department Get Info Police Cadet 01/22/2024<br />

Lake Jackson Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/26/2024<br />

Angelina College Police Department Get Info Police Officer 01/31/2024<br />

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 02/26/2024<br />

Harris Co. Fire Marshal's Office Get Info Sergeant (Fire Arson Investigator) 01/22/2024<br />

Fair Oaks Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer | Apply Here! 02/22/2024<br />

Caldwell Police Department Get Info Police Officer 02/23/2024<br />

City of University Park Police Department Get Info Police Officer 03/31/2024<br />

Texas State Board of Pharmacy Get Info Field Investigator 01/25/2024<br />

Duncanville Police Department Get Info Police Patrol Officer 02/09/2024<br />

Liberty Police Department Get Info Detective 02/28/2024<br />

Liberty Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 02/28/2024<br />

Harlingen Police Department Get Info Lateral Peace Officer 01/25/2024<br />

Caney City Police Department Get Info Police Officer 02/28/2024<br />

Caney City Police Department Get Info Police Officer (P/T) 02/28/2024<br />

Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department Get Info Police Officer 01/31/2024<br />

Sunset Valley Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 02/07/2024<br />

Kent County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 02/27/2024<br />

Pflugerville Police Department Get Info Police Officer (TCOLE Certified) 02/28/2024<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 147

ADCRR is Hiring<br />

Correctional Officers<br />

1-888-545-RUSH<br />

148 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

This Is How We Serve<br />

Serve With Us<br />

Idaho State Police<br />

Apply now through<br />

March 3rd<br />

To Serve and protect<br />

the citizens<br />

of Idaho<br />

K9 Teams<br />

Commerical Vehicle Safety<br />

Investigations<br />

www.isp.idaho.gov<br />

Capitol Protective Services SWAT Crash Reconstruction<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 149

150 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24





The Aransas Pass Police Department is a progressive agency, employing some of the sharpest<br />

minds and equipping them with some of the best technology available. We continue to seek<br />

applications from those desiring to become part of our law enforcement family.<br />

Making a positive dierence in our community is what APPD is all about! Are you in?<br />

Opportunities<br />

Bike Patrol<br />

Crisis Intervention Team<br />

DEA Task Force<br />

Field Training Officer<br />

Gang/Narcotics Investigations<br />

Criminal Investigations Div.<br />

Marine Patrol & Dive Team<br />

Mental Health Officers<br />

School Resource Officer<br />

TCOLE Training Instructor<br />

Salary<br />

Annual Salary:<br />

$44,200.00 Base<br />

$6,600 Retention Stipend<br />

Hourly Incentives:<br />

$1.50 Max for College Degree<br />

$0.50 Per TCOLE License Step<br />

$0.50 Bi-Lingual<br />

$0.50 Special Assignment<br />

Benefits<br />

Paid Bereavement Leave<br />

Cell Phone<br />

Holiday Pay/Leave<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Paid Personal Leave<br />

Sick Leave<br />

TMRS Retirement (2:1 at 6%)<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Vacation Leave<br />

Weapon Purchase Program<br />

Point of contact: Administrative Captain Troy Poe (361) 758-5224 ext. 2421 or tpoe@aptx.gov<br />

For an application or more information visit: police.aptx.gov/jobs<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 151<br />

The City of Aransas Pass is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability.





• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Vacation<br />

• Paid Holidays<br />

• Personal Days<br />

• Teacher Retirement System<br />


• Intermediate PO: $2,<strong>40</strong>0<br />

• Advanced PO: $4,800<br />

• Master PO: $7,200<br />


• Must be 21 Years Of Age<br />

• Must Hold an Active Tcole Peace Officer License<br />

• Must Complete the Following:<br />

• Pass Physical Agility Test<br />

• Background Investigation<br />

152 • Psychological The <strong>Blues</strong> Evaluation - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

• Drug Screening<br />






• Uniforms Provided, Including Duty Weapon<br />

• Department Provided Training<br />

• Starting Pay Depends on<br />

Qualifications / Experience<br />

• TCOLE Certification / Education Pay<br />

• Most Officers work Day Shift with Weekends Off<br />




SGT. HALL AT 281.442.4923<br />



• Criminal Investigations<br />

• Emergency Response Team<br />

• Honor Guard<br />

• Gang Task Force<br />

• Community Outreach Division<br />

• K-9 Division<br />

• Firearm Instructor<br />


The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 153

154 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 155

156 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 157

NOW<br />

HIRING<br />











158 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />











$2<strong>40</strong>0 RELOCATION PAY FOR CERTIFIED<br />







The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 159

160 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 161

October 15<br />


162 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 163

Cuero Police Department<br />

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring for Patrol Officer Position<br />

Email TCOLE Personal History Statement to sellis@cityofcuero.com<br />

164 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

Department Benefits<br />

14 Paid Holidays<br />

2 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />

Certification Pay<br />

100% Insurance Paid for Employees<br />

Retirement 2 to 1 match (20yr Retirement)<br />

FSA for Employees<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Equipment & Uniforms Provided Including Duty Weapon w/ Red Dot Sight<br />

Take Home Vehicle Within Surrounding Counties<br />

10 Hour Work Shifts<br />

Membership Paid to Local Gym<br />

Department Provided Training<br />

Off-duty Security Opportunities<br />

Cell Phone Stipend<br />

Starting Pay Depends on Qualifications<br />

Requirements: Must be TCOLE Certified or currently enrolled in an accredited Police<br />

Academy and pass a background investigation.

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 165

Paid academy up to<br />

$70,560<br />

Lateral pay up to<br />

$81,321.70<br />

Additional Pay<br />

Education Pay<br />

Bachelor's<br />

Intermediate Cert.<br />

Advanced Cert.<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

Shift Differential<br />

FTO Pay<br />

Language Pay<br />

WE'RE<br />

HIRING<br />

300+ NEW OFFICERS<br />

$2,880/yr<br />

$3,600/yr<br />

$600/yr<br />

$4,800/yr<br />

$7,200/yr<br />

3.5%-6.5%<br />

$1,200/yr<br />

$1,800/yr<br />

Benefits<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Pension plan<br />

Compensation plan<br />

15 paid vacation days<br />

12 paid holidays<br />

15 days military leave<br />

Additional 6 weeks paid<br />

parental leave<br />

Health/ Vision/Dental/ Life<br />

Insurance<br />

21-44 YEARS OLD<br />

45 COLLEGE<br />



19.5-21 YEARS<br />

OLD<br />

60 COLLEGE<br />







3 YEARS<br />




dallaspolice.net/join-dpd 214-671-4<strong>40</strong>9<br />

166 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

Civilian positions available: (Apply at www.Dallascityhall.com)

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 167

168 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 169

170 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 171


COUNTY<br />


Seeking Individuals Who Are Interested in a Rewarding Career in Corrections<br />

Begin Your Career Today!<br />


Position: Corrections Deputy I<br />

Bureau/Division: Corrections/Jail<br />

Title/Rank: Corrections Deputy/Deputy I<br />

Reports to: Sergeant - Corrections<br />

Starting Salary: $51,250.00<br />


Maintains the security of the facility by conducting security checks, settling disputes, and performing cell searches and<br />

inspections; conducts outside perimeter checks.<br />

Preparation and proper completion in the documentation of inmate records.<br />

Issues inmate meals, clothing, linens, and personal items.<br />

Supervise inmate programs (recreational, legal, health care, visitation and religious services)<br />

Prepares reports on jail and inmate activities, enforce inmate handbook rules.<br />

Supervises inmates performing such assignments as cleaning and maintaining the jail facility and continuously observe<br />

locations and activities of inmates.<br />


• High School / GED Certificate and must be at least 18 years of age.<br />

• Must be a U.S. Citizen and resident of the contiguous United States for a period of time sufficient to conduct a<br />

background investigation.<br />

• Must be able to work days, nights, weekends, holidays and mandatory shifts when needed.<br />

• Must be able to work during natural disasters and or under declarations.<br />

• Must possess a valid Texas driver's license and an acceptable driving record as determined by the Galveston County<br />

Sheriff's Office in effect at the time of application.<br />

• Must have favorable employment history. All information given regarding past employment will be thoroughly checked.<br />

• Must have a stable credit history.<br />

• Must possess good computer skills and demonstrate comprehensive reading and comprehension skills.<br />

• <strong>No</strong> conviction above a Class B Misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last 10 years nor have been on or<br />

currently on court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense and no Family Violence<br />

convictions of any level.<br />

• Applicant must pass all phases of the required testing.<br />

• Must be eligible for licensing by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for the position applied for, if not<br />

presently licensed.<br />

TO APPLY<br />

An applicant interested in any of GCSO position shall first download, complete and return<br />

the Application Packet, per the instructions on the downloadable form.<br />

The Application Packet can be found at SHERIFF.GALVESTONCOUNTYTX.GOV<br />

JOIN US<br />


172 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


<strong>40</strong>9.763.7585 : SO.EMPLOYMENT@GALVESTONCOUNTYTX.GOV

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 173

174 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24





Provides law enforcement services to the school district to prevent and protect all students, personnel,<br />

and visitors from physical harm and prevent property loss due to theft or vandalism. Enforce all<br />

laws including municipal ordinances, county ordinances, and state laws.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

2<strong>40</strong> or 202 Duty Day Schedule<br />

Competitive Salary - MTD9* Starting<br />

Stipends available for Intermediate, Advanced and Master TCOLE License<br />

Various opportunities including K9, Patrol, Investigations, FTO, Instructor and more<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Current TCOLE Peace Officer License<br />

Ability to pass comprehensive background<br />

Ability to pass medical, drug and psychological<br />

exams<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Online Application<br />

Complete preliminary interview<br />

Complete background investigation<br />

Complete Oral Board Interview<br />

Conditional Job Offer<br />

Complete Medical, Psychological and Drug Screen<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Intermediate TCOLE Peace Officer License<br />

Bilingual<br />

Previous ISD PD experience<br />

Background in law enforcement<br />

Contact us at 281-422-6461 to speak with a recruiter.<br />

Apply online @ https://www.gccisd.net/page/employment.home<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 175

ARE WE<br />

HIRING<br />

Criminal Background<br />

Pass<br />

proficiently<br />

Type<br />

Nights, Weekends & Holidays<br />

Work<br />

Speaking Preferred<br />

Spanish<br />

11th Street<br />

1015<br />

Texas<br />

Hempstead,<br />

Hour work schedule<br />

12-<br />

every other weekend<br />

off<br />




Dispatchers<br />


18 years of age<br />

Minimum<br />

Starting Salary: $41,600<br />

B E N E F I T S<br />

BlueCross Blue Shield<br />

Vision & Dental Insurance<br />

Longevity Pay > 1 year<br />

Certificate Pay<br />

Uniform Shirts Provided<br />

77445<br />

176 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

www.hempsteadcitytx.gov (job opportunities)


Place your department’s recruiting ad<br />

in The BLUES for only $250 for an<br />

BECOME entire A HEMPSTEAD year, only $20 a POLICE month. OFFICER<br />

Hempstead's Finest<br />

Starting Salary: $57,750<br />









- Training Provider<br />

- Canine Program<br />

- Narcotics Investigation<br />

- Crash Investigators<br />

- Telecommunications<br />

Division<br />

1015 11th St Hempstead, TX<br />

hpdrecruing@hempsteadcitytx.gov<br />

Or call us at: (979) 826-3332<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 177

178 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 179

180 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 181

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />



• Must be a licensed Peace Officer by the Texas Commission on<br />

Law Enforcement (TCOLE) in good standing<br />

• Must be currently employed as a Peace Officer (any break in<br />

service will be considered on a case-by-case basis)<br />

• Must have a minimum of 12 consecutive months experience as a<br />

Peace Office at any one agency<br />

• Must successfully pass the HCSO Physical Abilities Test (PAT)<br />

• Meet HCSO firearms qualification standard<br />

• Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.) as<br />

required by TCOLE<br />

• Must pass a physical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />

TCOLE<br />

• Valid driver’s license and liability insurance (Texas by start date)<br />

• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color, and<br />

peripheral vision<br />

• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

• A two (2) year minimum commitment to Patrol before being<br />

eligible to transfer to other Bureaus<br />

For additional information contact<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Recruitment Unit<br />

(713) 877-5250<br />

182 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

TO APPLY<br />

www.harriscountyso.org | www.hcsojobs.com<br />

SCAN<br />

THIS CODE Harris County<br />

@HCSOTexas<br />

Sheriff’s Office<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />



• High School Diploma or G.E.D.<br />

• A minimum of 6 months of work experience in emergency<br />

dispatch, call center, customer service, or a closely related field<br />

• Must successfully complete Telecommunicator training and pass<br />

all testing required to obtain TCOLE certification within a year<br />

of employment<br />

• At least 18 years of age (by start date)<br />

• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color, and<br />

peripheral vision<br />

• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

• Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.) as<br />

required by TCOLE<br />

• Must pass a medical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />

TCOLE<br />

• Demonstrated proficiency with computer and related software,<br />

i.e., Word/Excel, writing correspondence, reports, and<br />

processing documents. (In-person testing required)<br />

For additional information contact<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Recruitment Unit<br />

(713) 877-5250<br />

TO APPLY<br />

www.harriscountyso.org | www.hcsojobs.com<br />

SCAN<br />

THIS CODE Harris County<br />

@HCSOTexas<br />

Sheriff’s Office<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 183

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />



• At least 60 college credit hours and/or 2 years of military<br />

experience with an honorable discharge<br />

• At least 21 years of age (by start date)<br />

• Valid driver’s license and liability insurance (Texas by start date)<br />

• Must successfully pass the HCSO Physical Abilities Test (PAT)<br />

• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color, and<br />

peripheral vision<br />

• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

• Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.)<br />

• Must pass a medical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />

TCOLE<br />

• Must pass all required testing<br />



• Must pass all required testing upon completion of the Basic<br />

Peace Officer Course (BPOC), sworn Deputies must successfully<br />

complete the Field Training Program (FTP) before receiving a<br />

Patrol assignment<br />

• A two (2) year minimum commitment to Patrol before being<br />

eligible for other Bureaus<br />

For additional information contact<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Recruitment Unit<br />

(713) 877-5250<br />

184 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

TO APPLY<br />

www.harriscountyso.org | www.hcsojobs.com<br />

SCAN<br />

THIS CODE Harris County<br />

@HCSOTexas<br />

Sheriff’s Office<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />



Ask About Our Hiring Incentive<br />

• High School Diploma or G.E.D<br />

• U.S. Citizen<br />

• At least 18 years of age (by start date)<br />

• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color,<br />

and peripheral vision<br />

• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

• Must pass all pre-employment testing<br />

• Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.)<br />

as required by TCOLE<br />

• Must pass a medical and psychological evaluation as required<br />

by TCOLE<br />

Lateral Detention Officer:<br />

If you have verifiable experience as a correctional officer or a<br />

jailer from any correctional facility, we will pay you up to 14<br />

years for your experience.<br />

For additional information contact<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office<br />

Recruitment Unit<br />

(713) 877-5250<br />

TO APPLY<br />

www.harriscountyso.org | www.hcsojobs.com<br />

SCAN<br />

THIS CODE Harris County<br />

@HCSOTexas<br />

Sheriff’s Office<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 185

186 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 187

188 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 189


IS NOW<br />

Hiring<br />


Police Officer<br />

Online Applications<br />

will open:<br />

July 31, 2023<br />

Application Deadline:<br />

September 15, 2023<br />

Civil Service Exam will<br />

be:<br />

September 24, 2023<br />

To apply, go to:<br />

www.killeentexas.gov/16<br />

8/Job-Opportunities<br />

Wear The Badge,<br />

Make a Difference<br />

D<br />

b<br />

th<br />

a<br />

Officer De'Vonte Johnson<br />

Recruiter<br />

254-200-7987<br />

DJohnson@killeentexas.gov<br />

The Killeen Police Department is an<br />

190<br />

Equal<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong><br />

Opportunity<br />

- <strong>Feb</strong>ruary<br />

Employer<br />


Starting pay - $57,889<br />

Paid: Vacation, Holiday & Sick Leave<br />

$15K Sign-on incentive for TCOLE<br />

certified Peace Officers<br />

College Degree pay incentive<br />

7% retirement plan through TMRS<br />

with a 2:1 match ratio<br />

Comprehensive Benefits Package<br />

Opportunity to work in various<br />

specialized units<br />

The Killeen Police<br />

epartment is dedicated to<br />

uilding a partnership with<br />

e community to fight crime<br />

nd improve every citizen's<br />

quality of life.<br />

Follow us at:<br />

KilleenPD<br />

KilleenPolice<br />

JoinKilleenPD<br />

Visit www.KilleenPD.com for The further <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary details ‘24 191

192 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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L A P O R T E<br />

P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T<br />

Lateral Police Officer<br />

Starting Pay $ 62,416. to $73,775.<br />

Effective October 1, 2022<br />

<strong>No</strong> prior experience required. High School diploma or GED required.<br />

Possession of Class C Texas Driver License.<br />

Must possess a TCOLE License or be enrolled in accredited Basic Peace Officer Academy.<br />

Certification Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Intermediate Peace Officer<br />

$69.23 - Advanced Peace Officer<br />

$92.31 - Master Peace Officer<br />

Education Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Associates Degree<br />

$69.23 - Bachelors Degree<br />

$92.31 - Masters Degree<br />

Employee Benefits:<br />

Medical / Dental / Vision Insurance<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

TMRS Retirement (2 to 1 match)<br />

ICMA Deferred Compensation/Roth IRA<br />

$1,000 Physical Fitness Program<br />

Weapon Purchase Program<br />

Take-home Vehicles<br />

Specialized Divisions:<br />

SWAT / Bomb Squad<br />

Bike Patrol<br />

Criminal Investigative Division<br />

Crime Scene Unit<br />

Drone Pilots<br />

School Resource Officers<br />

Traffic/DOT Officers<br />

Police Area Representatives<br />

Apply online at<br />

www.laportetx.gov/jobs<br />

Paid Leave Benefits<br />

15 days vacation (Civil Service)<br />

15 days sick leave<br />

Military Leave<br />

9 observed holidays per year<br />

2 employee holidays per year<br />

Bereavement Leave<br />

Comp Time<br />

194 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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196 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


E<br />

Benefits and Additional Pay:<br />

• $2500 Sign - On Bonus<br />

• Lateral Entry Program<br />

• Take - Home Vehicle<br />

$77,314 - $97,679<br />

• Cross Fit G ym<br />

• 24 /7 Private Indoor/Outdoor Range<br />

• Load Bearing Vests<br />

• Tattoos and Beards<br />

• Tuition Reimbursement<br />

• 20 Year TMRS Retirement 7% , 2:1 match<br />

• 457 Deferred Compensation p lan with 3.76% city match<br />

• 3 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />

• 15 Days Paid Sick Leave<br />

• 9 Paid Holidays<br />

• Field Training Officer<br />

• Bilingual<br />

• Longevity<br />

• Education /Certification<br />


• 1 YEAR $83,566<br />

• 2 YEARS $86,877<br />

• 3 YEARS $90,373<br />

Specialized Units :<br />

• SWAT<br />

• Street Crimes<br />

• K - 9<br />

• Narcotics<br />

• UAS Drone<br />

• Bicycle Patrol<br />

• Criminal In vestigations<br />

• Traffic<br />

• DWI<br />

• Commercial Vehicle Enforcement<br />

• Training<br />

• School Resource Officer<br />

• Neighborhood Resource Officer<br />

• Co - Care Crisis Team<br />


• 4 YEARS $93,677<br />

• 5 YEARS $97,679<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 197

community theatre, museums, shopping and much more, Lockhart has a community feel that can’t be beat. We have several<br />

<br />

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• —<br />

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• <br />

$75, master’s $100 per<br />

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• <br />

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• <br />

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• <br />

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• <br />

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• <br />

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• <br />

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• ’<br />

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198<br />

<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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JOIN OUR<br />

TEAM<br />




$60,085<br />

$3,000<br />

Insurance<br />

120 Hours Vacation<br />

11 Paid Holidays<br />

80 Hours Sick Leave<br />

20-Year Retirement Plan<br />

2/1 City Match TMRS<br />

200 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />

Beards & Tattoos Allowed<br />

Academy Pay<br />

Equipment Provided<br />

Excellent Training Provided<br />

Speciality/Cerification Pay<br />

Community Support<br />

Plentiful Outdoor Activities

$65,709-$67,685<br />

Based on Population and Experience<br />


$60,085 - $84,308<br />



COMING 2023<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 201

Patrol Officer<br />

The City of Manvel Police Department is looking to find qualified candidates to fill the ranks of the patrol<br />

division.<br />

The City of Manvel is a rapidly growing and diverse community. The current population is estimated at a<br />

little over 16000 and is located in the northern part of Brazoria County along the State Highway 288<br />

corridor approximately 4 miles South of the City of Houston.<br />

The Manvel Police Department has a competitive pay structure for cities of the same size. Salary is based<br />

on experience and certification levels.<br />

Requirements:<br />

High school diploma or GED<br />

Valid Texas Driver’s License<br />

with good driving record<br />

TCOLE certified OR currently<br />

enrolled in Academy<br />

program<br />

Preference for LE experience<br />

Hiring Process Includes :<br />

Written test<br />

Oral board interview<br />

Physical agility test<br />

Thorough background<br />

investigation<br />

Accelerated Field Training<br />

Program for experienced officers<br />

One year probationary period<br />

Pay and Benefits:<br />

Competitive pay with an employment<br />

improvement step program<br />

TMRS retirement up to 7% with 2:1 match<br />

by city<br />

Retirement vested after 5 years of service<br />

Medical Insurance covered 100% for<br />

employees and 100% paid for employees<br />

and dependent by the city after 3 years<br />

12 hour shifts (DuPont Schedule)<br />

Personal time off - Vacation and Holiday<br />

accruals<br />

Paid sick time<br />

Lateral transfers<br />

For more information you can contact<br />

The City of Manvel Police Department at<br />

281-489-1212<br />

202 Rochelle The <strong>Blues</strong> Carr-Lacy - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />



Serving the Villages of Bunker Hill, Piney Point and Hunters Creek<br />


The Memorial Villages Police Department is currently looking for experienced officers who are<br />

self-motivated, innovative, enthusiastic and love working for a community that supports them.<br />

5+ Years Patrol Experience Required<br />

Hiring Bonus $1,500<br />

Night Shift Differential $3,600<br />

E.C.A $1300<br />

Bi-lingual Pay<br />

Education Pay<br />

Intermediate, Advanced, Master<br />

Peace Officer Certification Pay<br />

Healthcare, Dental and Vision Insurance<br />

100% paid for employee, 75% for<br />

spouse/dependents.<br />

Paid long-term disability and Life Insurance<br />

for employee, additional life insurance<br />

available for spouse/dependents.<br />

Health Savings Account with Department<br />

contributions up to $4,200 annually.<br />

TMRS Retirement 7% w/ 2:1 match (20 yr).<br />

457 Deferred Compensation Plan with<br />

employer contribution of 2.5% of annual<br />

salary.<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Longevity Pay up to a max of $2,<strong>40</strong>0<br />

annually at 10 years of service.<br />

12 Hour shifts with every other Friday,<br />

Starting at $83,459 up to $94,164<br />

Scan for more<br />

information<br />

W W W . M V P D T X . O R G<br />

11981 Memorial Drive – Houston, Tx 77024<br />

713.365.3700 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 203


Join our team and receive:<br />

• Medical, dental, vision and life insurance<br />

• Paid vacation, employee days, well days,<br />

sick days and holidays<br />

• Competitive pay (including bilingual pay incentive)<br />



Scan here or visit<br />

RideMETRO.org/Careers<br />

Call 713-739-4953 or email JoinMPD@RideMETRO.org<br />

for additional information.<br />

204 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />


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MAKE A<br />


IN YOUR<br />


We are looking for outstanding individuals to<br />

join our team! As a Pearland Police Officer your<br />

mission will be to prevent crime and disorder, build<br />

partnerships within the community, and positively<br />

impact the quality of life for all our residents.<br />


• Competitive Salary • Outstanding Training<br />

• Career Advancement • Exceptional Benefits<br />

The City of Pearland is one of the fastest growing<br />

communities within the region. Pearland is located<br />

approximately 20 minutes south of Downtown Houston<br />

and the current population is approximately 130,000<br />

residents.<br />



$5,000 Hiring Incentive for T.C.O.L.E Certified Police<br />

Officers who qualify with at least 2 years of experience.<br />

TEST DATE:<br />

SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30 A.M.<br />

Register by: April 12.<br />

Pearland Recreation Center & Natatorium<br />

4141 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX 77584.<br />

Doors Open: 7:15 a.m. <strong>No</strong> admittance after 7:45 a.m.<br />

Candidates must park in the north parking lot.<br />


• Attendance limited to first 150 arrivals<br />

• Mandatory temperature checks<br />

• Masks required, hand sanitizer available<br />

• Candidates seated 6 feet apart<br />

For additional information and to register for an upcoming Civil Service Exam, visit<br />

pearlandtx.gov/PDCareers<br />

208 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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WE ARE<br />

HIRING<br />


www.porthouston.com/careers-2<br />


$60,000 up to $71,000<br />

* Salary depends on experience<br />

Are you looking for a career with<br />

meaning? Do you want to make<br />

a difference in a highly supportive<br />

community? Join our team at<br />

Port Houston!<br />


• Must be 21 years old<br />

• Must have 2+ years of po<br />

experience<br />

• Must have valid Texas Dr<br />

• Must be a U.S. Citizen<br />

• Must have an honorable<br />

from the military (if applic<br />

• Must never have been co<br />

Class A Misdemeanor or<br />

• <strong>No</strong>t been convicted of a C<br />

misdemeanor within the l<br />

• Must have a GED or high<br />

210 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24


• Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance<br />

eligible first day of employment<br />

• Wellness Program<br />

(can earn up to $600 credit per year if requirements met)<br />

• Enrollment with Calm App for Wellbeing<br />

• Defined contribution plan (<strong>40</strong>1a)<br />

– Employer Sponsored<br />

• Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan)<br />

– Employee Contributions<br />

• Vacation<br />

• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Holiday 12 days/year<br />

• Life and Accidental Death and<br />

Dismemberment Insurance<br />

• Short Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits<br />

• Flexible spending account (FSA)<br />

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br />

• Pet Insurance<br />

• Legal and Identity Theft Protection<br />

• Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Up to the IRS annual limit and a maximum lifetime<br />

reimbursement of $25,000<br />

• Onsite Credit Union<br />

– Port of Houston Credit Union<br />

lice officer<br />

iver’s License<br />

discharge<br />

able)<br />

nvicted of a<br />

above<br />

lass B<br />

ast 10 years<br />

school diploma<br />



Employment is contingent on passing<br />

any post-offer pre-employment<br />

screening as listed below:<br />

• Criminal background check<br />

• Motor Vehicle Record check<br />

• Drug screening<br />

• Physical exam<br />

• Psychological exam<br />

• Additional as required<br />

SCAN<br />

QR CODE<br />

TO APPLY<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 211

212 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

Provide Exceptional<br />

Service to All!<br />


US NOW<br />

972-412-62<strong>40</strong><br />

Welcome Aboard<br />

Rowlett Police Department<br />


kharrelson@rowlett.com<br />

4<strong>40</strong>1 Rowlett Rd.,<br />

Rowlett, TX 75088<br />

Accepting Lateral<br />

Police Officers.<br />

Get paid for your<br />

experience!<br />


Starting salary is $65,554<br />

Top Out Police Officer salary is $90,861<br />

Lateral Transfer - May be eligible for a starting<br />

salary of up to $75,221<br />


Containment Team<br />

SWAT<br />

Bike Unit<br />

Community Services<br />

School Resource Officer<br />

Field Training Officer<br />

Criminal Investigations Division<br />

Traffic<br />

Crisis Assistance Team<br />

Crisis Negotiation Team<br />


TMRS Pension 7/14<br />

Medical Insurance<br />

Dental Insurance<br />

Vision Insurance<br />

10 paid vacation days during<br />

first year & 10 Paid Holidays<br />

Paid Sick<br />

Beards and tattoos are<br />

authorized<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Long Term Disability<br />

Life Insurance<br />

Dry cleaning<br />

Three department issued<br />

firearms<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> GROW - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary WITH US! ‘24 213

214 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24



The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 215

216 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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WE’RE<br />

HIRING<br />



55 officer department<br />

44 square mile district<br />

47 schools<br />

35,000 population<br />

24/7 Patrol<br />

We want you to preserve, protect, and defend our future.<br />

Starting Pay $63,000 (TCOLE Basic Peace Officer certification with no experience)<br />

Patrol & Onsite Officers (HS/MS)<br />

Gang Officer<br />

Mental Health Officers<br />

Community Relations Officer<br />

Emergency Management<br />

Criminal Investigations<br />

K-9 programs<br />

Language pay<br />

Shift differential pay<br />

Intermediate, Advanced and<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

certificate pay<br />

Paid time off<br />

Ample overtime opportunities<br />

*All equipment provided including duty weapon<br />

**Training opportunities available<br />

Apply online today. springbranchisd.com/join-our-team<br />

218 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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Van Alstyne Police is seeking motivated Certified Police Officers who are<br />

dedicated to making a difference in the community they serve! In exchange,<br />

VAPD offers a great opportunity for advancement in a fast-growing city! VAPD<br />

also offers the following incentives:<br />

▪ Excellent Salary $68,000 - $90,800 plus Certificate Pay<br />

▪ The City pays the employee’s Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance. The City also pays<br />

for 50% of dependent cost for medical insurance<br />

▪ TMRS 7% (City matches 2 to 1). Vested in five years<br />

▪ Twelve Paid Holidays<br />

▪ Generous Vacation, Sick, and Personal Leave<br />

▪ Twelve hours shifts<br />

▪ VAPD issues all uniforms, duty gear, body armor, duty weapon, patrol rifles, etc.<br />

▪ New state of the art Public Safety Complex currently in the design phase. Construction is slated<br />

to begin later Q4 2023<br />

For more information, contact Lt. Hayslip 903.482.5251 shayslip@vanalstynepolice.com<br />

Applications available at https://cityofvanalstyne.us/departments/human-resources/<br />

226 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24




$250<br />

The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24 227

We are hiring<br />

Police<br />

Officers<br />

now.<br />

Join the Waco ISD<br />

Police Department team!<br />

Pay Grade: 310<br />

Days: 207 and 226<br />

Salary: $42,228 to $55,542*<br />

*Depending on workday calendar<br />

and years of experience.<br />

Sign-on Bonus: $5,000<br />

Qualifications:<br />

Education/Certification:<br />

• High School Diploma or GED<br />

• Texas Peace Officer License issued by TCOLE<br />

• Current valid Texas class “C” drivers license<br />

To learn more or<br />

apply, please visit<br />

Wacoisd.org/apply<br />

Waco ISD Police Department<br />

228 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24

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230 The <strong>Blues</strong> - <strong>Feb</strong>ruary ‘24<br />