Growing In The Apostolic

A practical biblical guide to dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts

A practical biblical guide to dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts


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Growing in the Prophetic

Though I had a powerful encounter with God, I was immediately convinced

by my Presbyterian youth leaders that the experience was a demonic counterfeit.

I concluded that I had been deceived and thus considered my experience

of speaking in tongues as a counterfeit experience. Immediately, I renounced

it and committed to resist anything charismatic. I reasoned that anything

that seemed so real could deceive other unsuspecting people unless they

were warned. So, I set out to warn other “innocent” believers to beware of

“counterfeit” experiences such as speaking in tongues.

For the next five years it became my personal mission to debunk charismatic

theology and rescue from deception those who also had been led

astray by “counterfeit” experiences.

I didn’t like charismatic people any more than I liked charismatic

theology. The ones I had met seemed to boast of having it all. I felt they were

arrogant as well as spiritually shallow. In my estimation, they were lacking

in many things, especially in passion for the Scriptures and personal holiness.

As a young Christian, I was a committed student of evangelical greats,

absorbing myself in the writings of J. I. Packer, John Stott, Jonathan Edwards,

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, A. W. Tozer, and others like them. I took my zeal

for evangelical orthodoxy and my crusade against supernatural gifts of the

Spirit with me everywhere I ministered God’s Word when I spoke at various

college campus ministries throughout the Midwest. My goal was to get charismatics

to denounce their experiences as being unscriptural counterfeits.

Another Terrible Mistake

In April 1976, at the age of twenty, I was invited to a small rural town to give

a sermon for a little Lutheran home group of twenty-five people. The small

town was Rosebud, Missouri, and was a one-hour drive from St. Louis. The

home group attendees were searching for a pastor to start a new church for

them. I did not know that they were involved in the Charismatic Renewal

that was sweeping through the Lutheran church at that time. I accepted

their invitation and taught on the baptism of the Holy Spirit from an anticharismatic

position. This was a sermon that I had taught many times on

college campuses. I took it from John Stott’s little book on the baptism of the

Holy Spirit. I wanted to make it clear to this home group that I didn’t want

anything to do with charismatic heresies.

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