Growing In The Apostolic

A practical biblical guide to dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts

A practical biblical guide to dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts


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Growing in the Prophetic

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and

comfort to men. . . . For you can all prophesy one by one, that all

may learn and . . . be encouraged.

—1 Corinthians 14:3, 31

These are often simple impressions that God brings to mind. These include

words of knowledge (i.e., specific information regarding the physical, spiritual,

or emotional status of someone). Occasionally, this includes receiving

“visions” (mental pictures) or dreams. The person giving the prophecy speaks

(mostly using his or her own words) an idea that God had brought to mind.

These words are given in a small group setting or in the ministry line (not

publicly on the mic). Small groups can afford opportunity for more people

to experience and participate in this kind of prophesying. The inspirational

prophetic words are edifying when given by prophetic singers. It’s best to

limit the number of prophecies used in a public service so that its overuse

does not ruin its effectiveness.

2. Prophetic gifting

Believers who regularly receive impressions, dreams, visions, or other types

of revelation have prophetic gifting. These can often be symbolic, being in

the form of parables and riddles. This group receives more regular prophetic

information than the first group yet lacks clarity in understanding what they

receive. I have met many people at levels 1 and 2; these groups account for

the vast majority of those who prophesy in charismatic-type churches.

3. Prophetic ministry

Believers whose gifting has been recognized, nurtured, and commissioned

for regular ministry in the local church are in prophetic ministry. There is

still a symbolic element in what they receive, but through the process of

team ministry, it is possible to discern much of the interpretation and application

of their revelation. Those in prophetic ministry will receive words

and dreams on a regular basis and will have “open visions” on occasion

(i.e., angelic visitations, audible voice). They will sometimes receive detailed

information such as names, faces, dates, and future events. They occasionally

operate in other sign gifts (healing, miracles, deliverance). They may, in

private, expose unconfessed sin (2 Sam. 12:1–7). They give simple prophecies

yet also give direction and correction. These people are “gifted” in that


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