Hilton Manila Pawesome Pet Expo 2024

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The <strong>Pet</strong>scapade Experience<br />

May 12, <strong>2024</strong> | 9:00 am | The Ballroom

The <strong>Pet</strong>scapade Experience<br />

The <strong>Pet</strong>scapade Experience<br />

Event Stage<br />

Event Program<br />

Hello Furry<br />

9:00 AM | Registration<br />

10:10 AM | Talk: 10:45 AM | Talk:<br />

Summer <strong>Pet</strong> Care Tips<br />

by Dr. Kim Solitario<br />

1:00 PM | Talk:<br />

Improving <strong>Pet</strong> Parent<br />

Tool Kit by Doc Gino Bailon<br />

1:30 PM | Talk:<br />

Photoman<br />

The <strong>Pet</strong>scapade Experience<br />

Photowall<br />

Registration<br />

Desk<br />

2:00 PM | Talk:<br />

3:00 PM<br />

<strong>Pet</strong> Walk &<br />

Awarding<br />

Event<br />

Map<br />

4:00 PM<br />

Tour around Kabang <strong>Pet</strong> Park<br />

and <strong>Hilton</strong> <strong>Manila</strong> <strong>Pet</strong><br />

Friendly Room


WITH<br />


Hello Furry

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