Chapter 1a - Defend the Family

Chapter 1a - Defend the Family

Chapter 1a - Defend the Family


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60 The Homosexual Roots of <strong>the</strong> Nazi Party<br />

<strong>the</strong> Judeo-Chris tian sex ual ethic, <strong>the</strong> Maccabees did not<br />

van quish Greek phi los o phy as a ri val so cial force. Of <strong>the</strong><br />

two ir rec on cil able be lief sys tems, <strong>the</strong> Judeo-Christian one<br />

would pre vail, al low ing <strong>the</strong> de vel op ment of what we know<br />

to day as West ern cul ture; yet Hel le nism sur vived.<br />

Adolf Brand and <strong>the</strong> “Com mu nity of <strong>the</strong> Elite”<br />

One of <strong>the</strong> ear li est lead ers of <strong>the</strong> mas cu line ho mo sex ual<br />

counter- movement in Ger many, him self a Hel le nist, was<br />

Adolf Brand. In 1896, one year bef ore Mag nus Hirsch feld<br />

formed <strong>the</strong> Scientific- Humanitarian Com mit tee, young<br />

Adolf Brand be gan pub lish ing <strong>the</strong> world’s first ho mo sex ual<br />

se rial pub li ca tion,<br />

Der Ei gene (“The<br />

Elite”). [The word<br />

Eigene, eye'- geneh,<br />

can be roughly<br />

trans lated “queer,”<br />

which may shed<br />

some light on <strong>the</strong><br />

deri va tion of this<br />

term in Eng lish, but<br />

we have cho sen <strong>the</strong><br />

trans la tion used<br />

most of ten by his to -<br />

ri ans be cause it em -<br />

pha sizes <strong>the</strong> elit ist<br />

phi loso phy of Der<br />

Eigene's au thors.]<br />

Be sides be ing<br />

mili tantly prohomosexual,<br />

Der<br />

Eigene was rac ist,<br />

Cover of Der Eigene mag a zine.<br />

na tion al is tic and

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