[2007] 1 SLR(R) 629 - Singapore Law

[2007] 1 SLR(R) 629 - Singapore Law

[2007] 1 SLR(R) 629 - Singapore Law


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646 SINGAPORE LAW REPORTS (REISSUE) [<strong>2007</strong>] 1 <strong>SLR</strong>(R)<br />

within its territorial scope of application or in the context of articles 8<br />

and 36.<br />

3. However, the second part of the provision is addressed only to<br />

the courts of State X and declares their measures to be compatible with<br />

an arbitration agreement irrespective of the place of arbitration.<br />

Assuming wide adherence to the model law, these two parts of the<br />

provision would supplement each other and go a long way towards<br />

global recognition of the principle of compatibility, which, in the<br />

context of the 1958 New York Convention, has not been uniformly<br />

accepted.<br />

33 The purpose of Art 9 is clear. It is to declare the compatibility between<br />

arbitrating the substantive dispute and seeking assistance from the courts<br />

for interim protective measures. For this reason, Art 9 can have no bearing<br />

on the meaning and effect of a domestic law providing for interim<br />

measures, such as s 12(7) of the IAA. It can neither subtract nor add to the<br />

meaning and effect of s 12(7) which has to be determined by reference to its<br />

own language and structure, as well as any other relevant extrinsic matters.<br />

We will now examine these matters.<br />

34 As we have stated earlier, the two judges disagree on the scope of<br />

s 12(7). Prakash J was not persuaded that it was intended to assist foreign<br />

arbitration. Ang J was convinced that it was so intended as there is nothing<br />

in s 5(2) of the IAA which limits the definition of “international<br />

arbitration” to arbitrations with their seat of arbitration in <strong>Singapore</strong>. We<br />

will now examine the respective merits of the two interpretations and set<br />

out our own judgment on these matters.<br />

The purpose of the IAA – why, when and how section 12(7) was enacted<br />

35 In our view, the key to unlocking the true meaning of s 12(7) is to<br />

examine the history of why, when and how s 12(7) came to be enacted.<br />

Prakash J has alluded to this point in her judgment, but she did not<br />

elaborate on or pursue it. Counsel for Magnifica has provided us a great<br />

deal of preparatory and legislative materials to guide us in this search. The<br />

first noteworthy point is that sub-s (7) (then sub-s (6)), when it was<br />

enacted, was inserted as the last subsection of s 12. Unlike the preceding<br />

sub-ss (1) to (5), sub-s (7) was not part of the original s 12. In our opinion,<br />

this is a significant factor in the search of its original intent. We have<br />

mentioned earlier that the original Bill was submitted to the LRC for its<br />

consideration, and later revised by the inclusion of, inter alia, s 12(7) (then<br />

s 12(6)). The Committee has provided an explanatory note on the revisions<br />

called “Supplementary Note on Bill” (“the Note”). The Note highlighted<br />

three main changes to the original Bill, one of which was the inclusion of<br />

sub-s (7). Paragraph 4(c) of the Note provides the explanation for the<br />

inclusion as follows:

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